    def backup_template(self, template: Template, page: Union[str, Page],
                        key: Union[str, List[str]]):
        Backs up a template in the `Backup` namespace. The template can later be restored with `get_restored_template`.
        :param template: Template object
        :param page: Page or title where the template is located on
        :param key: Identifying set of params that we can use to locate the template when we restore it
        :return: null
        if isinstance(page, str):
            page = self.client.pages[page]
        if isinstance(key, str):
            key = [key]
        key_template = Template('BackupKey')
        for key_param in key:
                             template.get(key_param, Parameter('', '')).value)

        # this method will be used in TemplateModifier so it is essential that
        # we do not modify the original
        copy_template = copy.deepcopy(template)
        copy_template.add('backup_key', str(key_template))
        self.client.pages['Backup:' + page.name].append('\n' +
    def get_restored_template(
            self, template: Template, page: Union[str, Page],
            key: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Optional[Template]:
        Looks for the backed-up version of the specified template on the backup page & returns it

        The template should have been backed up using the backup_template method earlier.

        :param template: Template object that we want to restore from backup page
        :param page: Page or title where the template is located on
        :param key: Identifying set of params to use to restore the template from
        :return: Template object, if found, else None
        if isinstance(page, str):
            page = self.client.pages[page]
        if isinstance(key, str):
            key = [key]
        backup_text = self.client.pages['Backup:' + page.name].text()
        for backup_template in mwparserfromhell.parse(
            if not backup_template.name.matches(template.name):

            # kinda need to do a hack to get this as a template
            backup_key_str = str(backup_template.get('backup_key').value)
            backup_key_wikitext = mwparserfromhell.parse(backup_key_str)
            backup_key = None
            for tl in backup_key_wikitext.filter_templates():
                if tl.name.matches('BackupKey'):
                    backup_key = tl
            # now backup_key is a template value of BackupKey

            is_match = True
            i = 0
            for param in backup_key.params:
                name = param.name.strip()
                if name in key:
                    if param.value.strip() == template.get(
                            name, Parameter('', '')).value.strip():
                        i += 1
                    is_match = False
            if i == len(key) and is_match:
                return backup_template
        return None