    def jbofh_pquota_history(self, operator, person_id, when=None):
        ret = []
        if when is None:
            when = cereconf.PQ_MAX_LIGHT_HISTORY_WHEN
        for r in self._pquota_history(
            operator, self.bu.find_person(person_id), when):
            tstamp = r['tstamp']
            trace = r.get('trace', '') or ""
            # Only consider the last hop of the trace.
            if trace.count(","):
                trace = trace.split(",")[-1]
            # Ignore trace values including space, they're on the
            # obsoleted human-readable format.
            if trace.count(":") and not trace.count(" "):
                from mx.DateTime import DateTime, DateTimeDeltaFromSeconds
                # TODO: what is this code supposed to do? last_event
                # is not defiend. Fix!
                time_t = int(last_event.split(":")[-1])
                tstamp = DateTime(1970) + DateTimeDeltaFromSeconds(time_t)
                tstamp += tstamp.gmtoffset()
            tmp = {
                'job_id': r['job_id'],
                'transaction_type': r['transaction_type'],
                'tstamp': tstamp,
                'pageunits_free': r['pageunits_free'],
                'pageunits_accum': r['pageunits_accum'],
                'pageunits_paid': r['pageunits_paid'],
                'kroner': float(r['kroner'])}
            if not r['update_by']:
                r['update_by'] = r['update_program']
            tmp['update_by'] = r['update_by'][:10]
            if r['transaction_type'] == six.text_type(self.const.pqtt_printout):
                tmp['data'] = (
                    "%s:%s" % (r['printer_queue'][:10], r['job_name']))[:20]
            elif r['transaction_type'] == six.text_type(self.const.pqtt_quota_fill_pay):
                tmp['data'] = "%s:%s kr" % (r['description'][:10], r['kroner'])
            elif r['transaction_type'] == six.text_type(self.const.pqtt_quota_fill_free):
                tmp['data'] = r['description']
            elif r['transaction_type'] == six.text_type(self.const.pqtt_undo):
                tmp['data'] = ("undo %s: %s" % (r['target_job_id'],
            elif r['transaction_type'] == six.text_type(self.const.pqtt_balance):
                tmp['data'] = "balance"

        # Transaction order may be different from the job completion order
        ret.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a['tstamp'], b['tstamp']))
        return ret