    BootstrapTest('BootstrapWithRegisterPressure', 'product', ['-esa', '-G:RegisterPressure=' + _registers, '-G:+ExitVMOnException', '-G:+LIRUnlockBackendRestart'], tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]),
    BootstrapTest('BootstrapTraceRAWithRegisterPressure', 'product', ['-esa', '-G:+TraceRA', '-G:RegisterPressure=' + _registers, '-G:+ExitVMOnException', '-G:+LIRUnlockBackendRestart'], tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]),
    BootstrapTest('BootstrapWithImmutableCode', 'product', ['-esa', '-G:+ImmutableCode', '-G:+VerifyPhases', '-G:+ExitVMOnException'], tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]),

def _graal_gate_runner(args, tasks):
    compiler_gate_runner(['graal-core', 'truffle'], graal_unit_test_runs, graal_bootstrap_tests, tasks, args.extra_vm_argument)

mx_gate.add_gate_runner(_suite, _graal_gate_runner)
mx_gate.add_gate_argument('--extra-vm-argument', action='append', help='add extra vm argument to gate tasks if applicable (multiple occurrences allowed)')

def _unittest_vm_launcher(vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs):
    run_vm(vmArgs + [mainClass] + mainClassArgs)

mx_unittest.set_vm_launcher('JDK9 VM launcher', _unittest_vm_launcher)

def _parseVmArgs(jdk, args, addDefaultArgs=True):
    args = mx.expand_project_in_args(args, insitu=False)
    jacocoArgs = mx_gate.get_jacoco_agent_args()
    if jacocoArgs:
        args = jacocoArgs + args

    # Support for -G: options
    def translateGOption(arg):
        if arg.startswith('-G:+'):
            if '=' in arg:
                mx.abort('Mixing + and = in -G: option specification: ' + arg)
            arg = '-Dgraal.' + arg[len('-G:+'):] + '=true'
        elif arg.startswith('-G:-'):
            if '=' in arg:
                 '" when running a command requiring a JVMCI VM')
    jdk = get_jvmci_jdk(
        debugLevel=debugLevel or _translateLegacyDebugLevel(vmbuild))
    return jdk.run_java(args,

def _unittest_vm_launcher(vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs):
    run_vm(vmArgs + [mainClass] + mainClassArgs)

mx_unittest.set_vm_launcher('JVMCI VM launcher', _unittest_vm_launcher)

def _jvmci_gate_runner(args, tasks):
    # Build release server VM now so we can run the unit tests
    with Task('BuildHotSpotJVMCIHosted: release', tasks) as t:
        if t:
                '--jdk-jvm-variants', 'server', '--jdk-debug-levels', 'release'

    # Run unit tests in hosted mode
    with VM(jvmVariant='server', debugLevel='release', jvmciMode='hosted'):
        with Task('JVMCI UnitTests: hosted-release', tasks) as t:
            if t:
                '--add-exports=' + jvmci.name + '/' + p +
                '=jdk.internal.vm.compiler,ALL-UNNAMED' for p in jvmci.packages

    if isJDK8:
        # Run the VM in a mode where application/test classes can
        # access JVMCI loaded classes.

    return (vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs)

mx_unittest.set_vm_launcher('JDK VM launcher', _unittest_vm_launcher, jdk)

def _uniqify(alist):
    Processes given list to remove all duplicate entries, preserving only the first unique instance for each entry.

    :param list alist: the list to process
    :return: `alist` with all duplicates removed
    seen = set()
    return [e for e in alist if e not in seen and seen.add(e) is None]

def _parseVmArgs(args, addDefaultArgs=True):
    args = mx.expand_project_in_args(args, insitu=False)

mx_gate.add_gate_runner(_suite, _graal_gate_runner)
    help="add extra vm argument to gate tasks if applicable (multiple occurrences allowed)",

def _unittest_vm_launcher(vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs):
    run_vm(vmArgs + [mainClass] + mainClassArgs)

mx_unittest.set_vm_launcher("JDK9 VM launcher", _unittest_vm_launcher)

def _parseVmArgs(jdk, args, addDefaultArgs=True):
    args = mx.expand_project_in_args(args, insitu=False)
    jacocoArgs = mx_gate.get_jacoco_agent_args()
    if jacocoArgs:
        args = jacocoArgs + args

    # Support for -G: options
    def translateGOption(arg):
        if arg.startswith("-G:+"):
            if "=" in arg:
                mx.abort("Mixing + and = in -G: option specification: " + arg)
            arg = "-Dgraal." + arg[len("-G:+") :] + "=true"
        elif arg.startswith("-G:-"):
                        if path:

            # Remove entries from the class path that are in the deployed modules
            cp = [classpathEntry for classpathEntry in cp if classpathEntry not in redundantClasspathEntries]
            vmArgs[cpIndex] = os.pathsep.join(cp)

    if isJDK8:
        # Run the VM in a mode where application/test classes can
        # access JVMCI loaded classes.

    return (vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs)

mx_unittest.set_vm_launcher('JDK VM launcher', _unittest_vm_launcher, jdk)

def _uniqify(alist):
    Processes given list to remove all duplicate entries, preserving only the first unique instance for each entry.

    :param list alist: the list to process
    :return: `alist` with all duplicates removed
    seen = set()
    return [e for e in alist if e not in seen and seen.add(e) is None]

def _extract_added_exports(args, addedExports):
    Extracts ``--add-exports`` entries from `args` and updates `addedExports` based on their values.
文件: mx_jvmci.py 项目: mearvk/JVM
# Backwards compatibility for mx_jvmci:8 API
def buildvms(args):

def run_vm(args, vm=None, nonZeroIsFatal=True, out=None, err=None, cwd=None, timeout=None, debugLevel=None, vmbuild=None):
    """run a Java program by executing the java executable in a JVMCI JDK"""
    jdkTag = mx.get_jdk_option().tag
    if jdkTag and jdkTag != _JVMCI_JDK_TAG:
        mx.abort('The "--jdk" option must have the tag "' + _JVMCI_JDK_TAG + '" when running a command requiring a JVMCI VM')
    jdk = get_jvmci_jdk(debugLevel=debugLevel or _translateLegacyDebugLevel(vmbuild))
    return jdk.run_java(args, nonZeroIsFatal=nonZeroIsFatal, out=out, err=err, cwd=cwd, timeout=timeout)

def _unittest_vm_launcher(vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs):
    run_vm(vmArgs + [mainClass] + mainClassArgs)

mx_unittest.set_vm_launcher('JVMCI VM launcher', _unittest_vm_launcher)

def _jvmci_gate_runner(args, tasks):
    # Build release server VM now so we can run the unit tests
    with Task('BuildHotSpotJVMCIHosted: release', tasks) as t:
        if t: _runmultimake(['--jdk-jvm-variants', 'server', '--jdk-debug-levels', 'release'])

    # Run unit tests in hosted mode
    with VM(jvmVariant='server', debugLevel='release', jvmciMode='hosted'):
        with Task('JVMCI UnitTests: hosted-release', tasks) as t:
            if t: unittest(['--suite', 'jvmci', '--enable-timing', '--verbose', '--fail-fast'])

    # Build the other VM flavors
    with Task('BuildHotSpotJVMCIOthers: fastdebug', tasks) as t:
        if t: _runmultimake(['--jdk-jvm-variants', 'server', '--jdk-debug-levels', 'fastdebug'])