def calculate_accuracy(x, y, w, b): """ Given x, y and parameters (w, b), calculate accuracy and cross entropy loss. """ pred_y = predict(x, w, b) pred_labels = nd.argmax(pred_y, axis=1) true_labels = nd.argmax(y, axis=1) return nd.mean(pred_labels == true_labels).asscalar(), cross_entropy_loss(pred_y, y).asscalar()
def plot_prediction(batch_x, batch_y, i, w, b): """ Given a batch (of x, y) and an index i, plot image and predictions. """ xi = batch_x[i:(i+1)] yi = batch_y[i:(i+1)] img = xi.asnumpy().reshape((28, 28)) plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray') pred_label = nd.argmax(predict(xi, w, b), axis=1).asscalar() true_label = nd.argmax(yi, axis=1).asscalar() plt.title("Prediction: {}, True: {}".format(pred_label, true_label)) pass
def test_model_save_load(gluon_model, model_data, model_path): _, _, test_data = model_data expected = nd.argmax(gluon_model(test_data), axis=1) mlflow.gluon.save_model(gluon_model, model_path) # Loading Gluon model model_loaded = mlflow.gluon.load_model(model_path, ctx.cpu()) actual = nd.argmax(model_loaded(test_data), axis=1) assert all(expected == actual) # Loading pyfunc model pyfunc_loaded = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_path) test_pyfunc_data = pd.DataFrame(test_data.asnumpy()) pyfunc_preds = pyfunc_loaded.predict(test_pyfunc_data) assert all(np.argmax(pyfunc_preds.values, axis=1) == expected.asnumpy())
def yolo2_decoder(x, num_class, anchor_scales): """ yolo2_decoder 会把卷积的通道分开,转换,最后转成我们需要的检测框 out: (index,score,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) """ stride = num_class + 5 x = x.transpose((0, 2, 3, 1)) # (Batch,H,W,Stride*Anchor) x = x.reshape((0, 0, 0, -1, stride)) # (Batch,H,W,Anchor,Stride) xy_pred = x.slice_axis(begin=0, end=2, axis=-1) wh = x.slice_axis(begin=2, end=4, axis=-1) score_pred = x.slice_axis(begin=4, end=5, axis=-1) cls_pred = x.slice_axis(begin=5, end=stride, axis=-1) xy = nd.sigmoid(xy_pred) x, y = transform_center(xy) w, h = transform_size(wh, anchor_scales) score = nd.sigmoid(score_pred) cid = nd.argmax(cls_pred, axis=-1, keepdims=True) left = nd.clip(x - w / 2, 0, 1) top = nd.clip(y - h / 2, 0, 1) right = nd.clip(x + w / 2, 0, 1) bottom = nd.clip(y + h / 2, 0, 1) output = nd.concat(*[cid, score, left, top, right, bottom], dim=4) return output, cls_pred, score, nd.concat(*[xy, wh], dim=4)
def yolo2_forward(x, num_class, anchor_scales): """Transpose/reshape/organize convolution outputs.""" stride = num_class + 5 # transpose and reshape, 4th dim is the number of anchors x = x.transpose((0, 2, 3, 1)) x = x.reshape((0, 0, 0, -1, stride)) # now x is (batch, m, n, stride), stride = num_class + 1(object score) + 4(coordinates) # class probs cls_pred = x.slice_axis(begin=0, end=num_class, axis=-1) # object score score_pred = x.slice_axis(begin=num_class, end=num_class + 1, axis=-1) score = nd.sigmoid(score_pred) # center prediction, in range(0, 1) for each grid xy_pred = x.slice_axis(begin=num_class + 1, end=num_class + 3, axis=-1) xy = nd.sigmoid(xy_pred) # width/height prediction wh = x.slice_axis(begin=num_class + 3, end=num_class + 5, axis=-1) # convert x, y to positions relative to image x, y = transform_center(xy) # convert w, h to width/height relative to image w, h = transform_size(wh, anchor_scales) # cid is the argmax channel cid = nd.argmax(cls_pred, axis=-1, keepdims=True) # convert to corner format boxes half_w = w / 2 half_h = h / 2 left = nd.clip(x - half_w, 0, 1) top = nd.clip(y - half_h, 0, 1) right = nd.clip(x + half_w, 0, 1) bottom = nd.clip(y + half_h, 0, 1) output = nd.concat(*[cid, score, left, top, right, bottom], dim=4) return output, cls_pred, score, nd.concat(*[xy, wh], dim=4)
def update(self, labels, preds): """Updates the internal evaluation result. Parameters ---------- labels : list of `NDArray` The labels of the data with class indices as values, one per sample. preds : list of `NDArray` Prediction values for samples. Each prediction value can either be the class index, or a vector of likelihoods for all classes. """ labels, preds = check_label_shapes(labels, preds, True) for label, pred_label in zip(labels, preds): if pred_label.shape != label.shape: pred_label = ndarray.argmax(pred_label, axis=self.axis) pred_label = pred_label.asnumpy().astype('int32') label = label.asnumpy().astype('int32') # flatten before checking shapes to avoid shape miss match label = label.flat pred_label = pred_label.flat check_label_shapes(label, pred_label) num_correct = (pred_label == label).sum() self.sum_metric += num_correct self.global_sum_metric += num_correct self.num_inst += len(pred_label) self.global_num_inst += len(pred_label)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "dir", help= "Directory containing the image files (.png) we'll run inference on. \ Relative to the root of the project (tulip-fields/)") args = parser.parse_args() ctx = mx.gpu(0) batch_size = 8 img_size = 256 root = os.path.dirname(__file__) imgdir = os.path.join(root, os.pardir, args.dir) checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(root, 'checkpoints', 'unet') # Instantiate a U-Net and train it net = unet.Unet() net.load_params(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, 'best_unet.params'), ctx) print("Scanning dir {}".format(imgdir)) files = glob.glob(os.path.join(imgdir, '*wms*.png')) print("Found {} images".format(len(files))) nbatches = int(math.ceil(len(files) / batch_size)) reader = ImageReader(img_size, ctx) for n in range(nbatches): files_batch = files[n * batch_size:(n + 1) * batch_size] batch = reader.load_batch(files_batch) batch = batch.as_in_context(ctx) preds = nd.argmax(net(batch), axis=1) save_batch(files_batch, preds)
def viterbi_decode(self, feats): backpointers = [] init_vvars = nd.full((1, self.tagset_size), -10000.) init_vvars[0][self.tag_dictionary.get_idx_for_item(START_TAG)] = 0 forward_var = init_vvars for feat in feats: next_tag_var = forward_var.reshape((1, -1)).tile((self.tagset_size, 1)) + bptrs_t = nd.argmax(next_tag_var, axis=1) viterbivars_t = next_tag_var[list(range(len(bptrs_t))), bptrs_t] forward_var = viterbivars_t + feat backpointers.append(bptrs_t) terminal_var = forward_var +[self.tag_dictionary.get_idx_for_item(STOP_TAG)] terminal_var[self.tag_dictionary.get_idx_for_item(STOP_TAG)] = -10000. terminal_var[self.tag_dictionary.get_idx_for_item(START_TAG)] = -10000. best_tag_id = int(terminal_var.argmax(axis=0).asscalar()) path_score = terminal_var[best_tag_id] best_path = [best_tag_id] for bptrs_t in reversed(backpointers): best_tag_id = bptrs_t[best_tag_id] best_path.append(int(best_tag_id.asscalar())) start = best_path.pop() assert start == self.tag_dictionary.get_idx_for_item(START_TAG) best_path.reverse() return path_score, best_path
def update(self, labels, preds): """Updates the internal evaluation result. Parameters ---------- labels : list of `NDArray` The labels of the data with class indices as values, one per sample. preds : list of `NDArray` Prediction values for samples. Each prediction value can either be the class index, or a vector of likelihoods for all classes. """ labels, preds = check_label_shapes(labels, preds, True) for label, pred_label in zip(labels, preds): if pred_label.shape != label.shape: pred_label = ndarray.argmax(pred_label, axis=self.axis) pred_label = pred_label.asnumpy().astype('int32') label = label.asnumpy().astype('int32') labels, preds = check_label_shapes(label, pred_label) valid = (labels.reshape(-1, 1) != self.ignore_labels).all(axis=-1) self.sum_metric += np.logical_and(pred_label.flat == label.flat, valid).sum() self.num_inst += np.sum(valid)
def evaluate_accuracy(data_iterator, num_examples, batch_size, params, net, pool_type, pool_size, pool_stride, act_type, dilate_size, nf): numerator = 0. denominator = 0. for batch_i, (data, label) in enumerate(data_iterator): data = data.as_in_context(ctx).reshape((batch_size, 1, 1, -1)) label = label.as_in_context(ctx) label_one_hot = nd.one_hot(label, 10) output, _ = net(data, params, pool_type=pool_type, pool_size=pool_size, pool_stride=pool_stride, act_type=act_type, dilate_size=dilate_size, nf=nf) predictions = nd.argmax(output, axis=1) numerator += nd.sum(predictions == label) denominator += data.shape[0] print('Evaluating accuracy. (complete percent: %.2f/100' % (1.0 * batch_i / (num_examples // batch_size) * 100) + ')', end='') sys.stdout.write("\r") return (numerator / denominator).asscalar()
def update(self, labels, preds): """Updates the internal evaluation result. Parameters ---------- labels : list of `NDArray` The labels of the data. preds : list of `NDArray` Predicted values. """ check_label_shapes(labels, preds) for label, pred_label in zip(labels, preds): if pred_label.shape != label.shape: pred_label = ndarray.argmax(pred_label, axis=self.axis) pred_label = pred_label.asnumpy().astype('int32') label = label.asnumpy().astype('int32') check_label_shapes(label, pred_label) pred_label_ = pred_label.flat label_ = label.flat for i in range(len(pred_label_)): if label_[i] == self.c: if pred_label_[i] == self.c: self.TP += 1 else: self.FN += 1 elif pred_label_[i] == self.c: self.FP += 1
def select_action(self, state, exploration_rate): if np.random.rand() < exploration_rate: return self.environment.action_space.sample() else: return int( nd.argmax(self.model(nd.expand_dims(state, axis=0)), 0).asnumpy()[0])
def test(model, test_loader, ctx): """ Test the model on test dataset. """ print("Testing...") start_time = time.time() model.load_params(model_file, ctx=ctx) # restore the best parameters y_pred, y_true = [], [] for data, label in test_loader: data, label = data.as_in_context(ctx), label.as_in_context(ctx) with autograd.record( train_mode=False): # set the training_mode to False output = model(data) pred = nd.argmax(output, axis=1).asnumpy().tolist() y_pred.extend(pred) y_true.extend(label.asnumpy().tolist()) test_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) test_f1 = metrics.f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro') print("Test accuracy: {0:>7.2%}, F1-Score: {1:>7.2%}".format( test_acc, test_f1)) print("Precision, Recall and F1-Score...") print( metrics.classification_report(y_true, y_pred, target_names=['POS', 'NEG'])) print('Confusion Matrix...') cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) print(cm) print("Time usage:", get_time_dif(start_time))
def update(self, labels, preds): """Updates the internal evaluation result. Parameters ---------- labels : list of `NDArray` The labels of the data. preds : list of `NDArray` Predicted values. """ check_label_shapes(labels, preds) for label, pred_label in zip(labels, preds): if pred_label.shape != label.shape: pred_label = ndarray.argmax(pred_label, axis=self.axis) pred_label = pred_label.asnumpy().astype('int32') label = label.asnumpy().astype('int32') print 'pred: ',pred_label print 'gt: ',label check_label_shapes(label, pred_label) keep_inds = np.where(label != 0) pred_label = pred_label[keep_inds] label = label[keep_inds] self.sum_metric += (pred_label.flat == label.flat).sum() self.num_inst += len(pred_label.flat)
def verify_loaded_model(net): """Run inference using ten random images. Print both input and output of the model""" def transform(data, label): return data.astype(np.float32)/255, label.astype(np.float32) # Load ten random images from the test dataset sample_data =, transform=transform), 10, shuffle=True) for data, label in sample_data: # Display the images img = nd.transpose(data, (1,0,2,3)) img = nd.reshape(img, (28,10*28,1)) imtiles = nd.tile(img, (1,1,3)) plt.imshow(imtiles.asnumpy()) # Display the predictions data = nd.transpose(data, (0, 3, 1, 2)) out = net(data.as_in_context(ctx)) predictions = nd.argmax(out, axis=1) print('Model predictions: ', predictions.asnumpy()) break
def evaluate(self, eval_data): acc = mx.metric.Accuracy() for eval_x, eval_y in eval_data: output = prediction = ndarray.argmax(output, axis=1) acc.update(labels=eval_y, preds=prediction) return acc.get()[1]
def train_block(net, train_data, eval_data=None): net.initialize() accuracy = mx.metric.Accuracy() loss = gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss() trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'sgd', optimizer_params={'learning_rate':0.1}) epoch = 10 for e in range(epoch): for i, (train_x, train_y) in enumerate(train_data): train_x = train_x.as_in_context(mx.cpu())#.reshape((-1, 784)) train_y = train_y.as_in_context(mx.cpu()) with autograd.record(): output = net(train_x) one_loss = loss(output, train_y) one_loss.backward() prediction = ndarray.argmax(output, axis=1) accuracy.update(labels=train_y, preds=prediction) trainer.step(train_x.shape[0]) curr_loss = ndarray.mean(one_loss).asscalar() if i%200 == 0: print('epoch:{}, step:{}, loss:{:.4f}, accuracy:{:.4f}'.format(e, i, curr_loss, accuracy.get()[1])) eval_accu = evaluate(net, eval_data) print("epoch:{}, evaluate accuracy:{:.2f}".format(e, eval_accu))
def batch_intersection_union(output, target, nclass, ignore_bg=False): """mIoU""" # inputs are NDarray, output 4D, target 3D # ignore_bg=True, ignoring class 0; ignore_bg = False, use class 0 predict = F.argmax(output, 1) target = target.astype(predict.dtype) mini = 0 maxi = nclass - 1 nbins = nclass predict = predict.asnumpy() target = target.asnumpy() if ignore_bg: mini = 1 nbins -= 1 predict = predict * (target > 0).astype(predict.dtype) else: predict = predict * (target >= 0).astype(predict.dtype) #intersection = predict * (F.equal(predict, target)).astype(predict.dtype) intersection = predict * (predict == target) # areas of intersection and union area_inter, _ = np.histogram(intersection, bins=nbins, range=(mini, maxi)) area_pred, _ = np.histogram(predict, bins=nbins, range=(mini, maxi)) area_lab, _ = np.histogram(target, bins=nbins, range=(mini, maxi)) area_union = area_pred + area_lab - area_inter return area_inter, area_union
def accuracy(output, label): """ output : [1,2,3,4,5], label : 2 """ labelHat = nd.argmax(output, axis=1) return nd.sum(labelHat == label).asscalar()
def batch_pix_accuracy(output, target): """PixAcc""" # inputs are NDarray, output 4D, target 3D predict = F.argmax(output, 1) + 1 target = target.astype(predict.dtype) + 1 pixel_labeled = (target > 0).sum().asscalar() pixel_correct = (F.equal(predict, target)*(target > 0)).sum().asscalar() return pixel_correct, pixel_labeled
def predict_one_image(self,X): prdY = prdCls, prdObj, prdXYXY = self.cvt_output_for_predict(prdY) cid = nd.argmax(prdCls, axis=-1, keepdims=True) output = nd.concat(cid, prdObj, prdXYXY,dim=-1) output = output.reshape((0,-1,6)) #cid, objectness x0,y0,x1,y1 output = nd.contrib.box_nms(output) #cid may be changed return output
def predict2ndimg(predict): result = ndarray.argmax(predict, axis=1) colormap = ndarray.array(MICCAI_colormap, ctx=mx.gpu(), dtype='uint8') # voc_colormap ndimg = colormap[result[:, :, :]] ndimg = ndarray.transpose(ndimg, (0, 3, 1, 2)) ndimg = ndimg.astype(('float32')) return ndimg
def batch_pix_accuracy(output, target): """PixAcc""" # inputs are NDarray, output 4D, target 3D predict = F.argmax(output, 1) predict = predict.asnumpy() + 1 target = target.asnumpy().astype(predict.dtype) + 1 pixel_labeled = np.sum(target > 0) pixel_correct = np.sum((predict == target) * (target > 0)) assert pixel_correct <= pixel_labeled, "Correct area should be smaller than Labeled" return pixel_correct, pixel_labeled
def process(self, element): """ Returns clear images after filtering the cloudy ones :param element: :return: """ batch = self.reader.load_batch(element) batch = batch.as_in_context(self.ctx) preds = nd.argmax(, axis=1) self.save_batch(element, preds)
def test_model_log_load(gluon_model, model_data, model_path): _, _, test_data = model_data expected = nd.argmax(gluon_model(test_data), axis=1) artifact_path = "model" with kiwi.start_run(): kiwi.gluon.log_model(gluon_model, artifact_path=artifact_path) model_uri = "runs:/{run_id}/{artifact_path}".format( run_id=kiwi.active_run().info.run_id, artifact_path=artifact_path) # Loading Gluon model model_loaded = kiwi.gluon.load_model(model_uri, ctx.cpu()) actual = nd.argmax(model_loaded(test_data), axis=1) assert all(expected == actual) # Loading pyfunc model pyfunc_loaded = kiwi.pyfunc.load_model(model_uri) test_pyfunc_data = pd.DataFrame(test_data.asnumpy()) pyfunc_preds = pyfunc_loaded.predict(test_pyfunc_data) assert all(np.argmax(pyfunc_preds.values, axis=1) == expected.asnumpy())
def character_recognize(pic, text_area): img = cv2.imread(pic) mser = cv2.MSER_create() import mxnet.ndarray as nd import mxnet as mx with open('chinese.txt') as to_read: chinese = [m_line.strip() for m_line in to_read] net = get_net(len(chinese)) ctx = mx.gpu() net.load_params( './single_character_recognition/train_model/chinese_2.para', ctx) for m_text_area in text_area: point1_x, point1_y, point2_x, point2_y = m_text_area[0], m_text_area[ 1], m_text_area[2], m_text_area[3] # roi of text area pic_text_area = img[int(point1_y):int(point2_y), int(point1_x):int(point2_x), :] gray = cv2.cvtColor(pic_text_area, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) binaray = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(gray, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, 5, 5) regions, boxes = mser.detectRegions(gray) to_predict_pics = [] boxes = sorted(boxes, key=lambda x: x[0]) if len(boxes) == 0: continue # remove the similar boxes from redundant boxes refined_boxes = [boxes[0]] superposition_ratio = .5 for i in range(1, len(boxes)): last_x, last_width = boxes[i - 1][0], boxes[i - 1][2] cur_x, cur_width = boxes[i][0], boxes[i][2] total_len = cur_x + cur_width - last_x share_len = last_width - cur_x + last_x if share_len / total_len < superposition_ratio: refined_boxes.append(boxes[i]) for box in refined_boxes: x, y, w, h = box if w / pic_text_area.shape[1] <= 0.9 and w / h < 1.5: char_pic = cv2.resize(binaray[y:y + h, x:x + w], (28, 28)) to_predict_pics.append(char_pic / 255) if len(to_predict_pics) == 0: continue output = net( nd.array(to_predict_pics).reshape( (-1, 1, 28, 28)).as_in_context(ctx)) predictions = nd.argmax(output, axis=1).asnumpy() predictions_char = [ chinese[int(m_prediction)] for m_prediction in predictions ] print(' '.join(predictions_char)) cv2.imshow('to_recognize', pic_text_area) cv2.waitKey(0)
def verifyLoadedModel(net, data): data = nd.transpose(nd.array(data), (0, 3, 1, 2)) out = net(data) predictions = nd.argmax(out, axis=1) text_labels = [ 't-shirt', 'trouser', 'pullover', 'dress', 'coat', 'sandal', 'shirt', 'sneaker', 'bag', 'ankle boot' ] return [(int(p), text_labels[int(p)]) for p in predictions.asnumpy()]
def batch_pix_accuracy(output, target): """PixAcc""" # inputs are NDarray, output 4D, target 3D # the category -1 is ignored class, typically for background / boundary predict = F.argmax(output, 1) predict = predict.asnumpy() + 1 target = target.asnumpy().astype(predict.dtype) + 1 pixel_labeled = np.sum(target > 0) pixel_correct = np.sum((predict == target)*(target > 0)) assert pixel_correct <= pixel_labeled, "Correct area should be smaller than Labeled" return pixel_correct, pixel_labeled
def accuracy(data): good = 0 total = 0 for (X, Y) in data: features = X.as_in_context(model_ctx) label = Y.as_in_context(model_ctx).reshape(Y.size, -1) prediction = nd.argmax(net(features), axis=1).reshape(Y.size, -1) good += nd.sum(prediction == label).asscalar() total += len(X) return good / total
def check_rgKL(self, v): ndx = nd.argmax(v.reshape([-1, self.n_val]), axis=1) pv = np.ones(shape=self.prob_RGs.shape) for intcoor in ndx.asnumpy().reshape([-1, self.n_vis]): rg2 = cal_rg2(int2xy(intcoor)) i = int(rg2 * 2) if i >= len(pv): i = len(pv) - 1 pv[i] += 1 pv /= np.sum(pv) prg = self.prob_RGs.asnumpy() KL = np.sum(prg * np.log(prg / pv)) return KL
for i in range(total_batch): num_valid = batch_size if (i + 1) * batch_size <= X_test.shape[0]\ else X_test.shape[0] - i * batch_size data_npy = np.take(X_test, indices=np.arange(i * batch_size, (i + 1) * batch_size), axis=0, mode="clip") label_npy = np.take(y_test, indices=np.arange(i * batch_size, (i + 1) * batch_size), axis=0, mode="clip") test_net.forward([nd.array(data_npy)], label=None), is_train=False) logits_nd = test_net.get_outputs()[0] pred_cls = nd.argmax(logits_nd, axis=-1).asnumpy() correct_count += (pred_cls[:num_valid] == label_npy[:num_valid]).sum() acc = correct_count / float(X_test.shape[0]) print('Accuracy:', acc) # 6. Get one and predict test_net.reshape(data_shapes=['data', shape=(1, 1, 28, 28), layout='NCHW')], label_shapes=None) r = np.random.randint(0, X_test.shape[0]) test_net.forward([nd.array(X_test[r:r + 1])], label=None)) logits_nd = test_net.get_outputs()[0] print("Label: ", int(y_test[r])) print("Prediction: ", int(nd.argmax(logits_nd, axis=1).asnumpy()[0])) ''' Epoch: 0001 cost = 0.222577997
def argmax(vec): # return the argmax as a python int idx = nd.argmax(vec, axis=1) return to_scalar(idx)
correct_counts = [0 for i in range(num_models)] ensemble_correct_count = 0 total_num = 0 for i in range(total_batch): num_valid = batch_size if (i + 1) * batch_size <= X_test.shape[0]\ else X_test.shape[0] - i * batch_size data_npy, label_npy, num_valid = get_batch(i, batch_size, X_test, y_test) prob_ensemble = nd.zeros(shape=(label_npy.shape[0], 10), ctx=mx.gpu()) for i, test_net in enumerate(test_nets): test_net.forward([nd.array(data_npy)], label=None), is_train=False) logits_nd = test_net.get_outputs()[0] prob_nd = nd.softmax(logits_nd) prob_ensemble += prob_nd pred_cls = nd.argmax(prob_nd, axis=-1).asnumpy() correct_counts[i] += (pred_cls[:num_valid] == label_npy[:num_valid]).sum() prob_ensemble /= num_models ensemble_pred_cls = nd.argmax(prob_ensemble, axis=-1).asnumpy() ensemble_correct_count += (ensemble_pred_cls[:num_valid] == label_npy[:num_valid]).sum() for i in range(num_models): print(i, 'Accuracy:', correct_counts[i] / float(X_test.shape[0])) print('Ensemble accuracy:', ensemble_correct_count / float(X_test.shape[0])) ''' Learning Started! Epoch: 0001 cost = [ 0.23813407 0.23717315] Epoch: 0002 cost = [ 0.07455271 0.07434764] Epoch: 0003 cost = [ 0.05925059 0.06024327] Epoch: 0004 cost = [ 0.05032205 0.04895757] Epoch: 0005 cost = [ 0.04573197 0.0439943 ] Epoch: 0006 cost = [ 0.04143022 0.0416003 ]