def main():

	for i in range(0,10):

		tmp_command = "echo \" \n ------ Start ------ \n \" " 
		subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
		for j in range(0,10):
			nameMock = str(i) + "_" + str(j)
			tmp_command = "echo \" \n ------ Mock: " + str(i) + "  " + str(j) + " ------\n \" " 
			subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)	

			tmp_command = "clubatch \"echo ; hostname ; " + commandProd + str(i) + " " + str(j) + "\""
			subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
			tmp_command = "echo " + tmp_command
			subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
			tmp_command = "echo " + time.ctime()
			subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
			myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(150, 430)
def main():

	### For mocks
	### mock catalogue
	for i in range(0,1):
		### mock catalogue
		for j in range(0,1):

			### for region
			#for k in range(0,80):

			### for metals 
			#for k in [21,24,25,26,27]:
			for k in range(21,29):
				tmp_command = "echo \" \n ------ Start ------ \n \" " 
				subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)

				tmp_command = "clubatch \"time ; hostname ; " + commandProd + ' 405 0 ' + str(k) + ' 0 ' + str(i) + " " + str(j) + "\""
				subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)

				tmp_command = "echo " + tmp_command
				subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
				tmp_command = "echo " + time.ctime()
				subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)

                	        myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(200, 1000,'time')
	for i in range(0,29):
		for j in range(0,29):
			tmp_command = "echo \" \n ------ Start ------ \n \" " 
			subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)

			tmp_command = "clubatch \"time ; hostname ; " + commandProd + " 20 " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j) + " 0 0 0 \""
			subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
			tmp_command = "echo " + tmp_command
			subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
			tmp_command = "echo " + time.ctime()
			subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)

			myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(200, 430,'time')
	### for metals templates
	for k in range(0,29):
		tmp_command = "echo \" \n ------ Start ------ \n \" " 
		subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)

		tmp_command = "clubatch \"time ; hostname ; " + commandProd + ' 15 0 ' + str(k) + " 0 0 0 \""
		subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)

		tmp_command = "echo " + tmp_command
		subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
		tmp_command = "echo " + time.ctime()
		subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)

		myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(100, 430,'time')

	for i in range(0,10):
		for j in range(0,10):
			### Get the data to 'good' files
			command = "clubatch \" time  ; hostname ; python /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/CrossCorrelation/Python/Correlation/main.py " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j) + "\""
			print command
			subprocess.call(command, shell=True)

def main():

	stepIdx = 1

	for i in range(0,1):

		tmp_command = "echo \" \n ------ Start ------ \n \" " 
		subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
		for j in range(0,1):
			nameMock = str(i) + "_" + str(j)
			tmp_command = "echo \" \n ------ Mock: " + str(i) + "  " + str(j) + " ------\n \" " 
			subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)	

			if (stepIdx==0):

				tmp_command = "clubatch \"echo ; hostname ; " + commandProd + str(i) + " " + str(j) + " 0 0 \""
				subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
				tmp_command = "echo " + tmp_command
				subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
				tmp_command = "echo " + time.ctime()
				subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
				myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(120, 430)

			if (stepIdx==1):

				### Do the fits
				step  = 2000
				first = 0
				last  = step
				while (first <= nbSpectra):

					tmp_command = "clubatch \"echo ; hostname ; " + commandProd + str(i) + " " + str(j) + " " + str(first) + " " + str(last) +"\""
					subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
					tmp_command = "echo " + tmp_command
					subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
					tmp_command = "echo " + time.ctime()
					subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
					first = first + step
					last  = last  + step

					myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(150, 430)

			if (stepIdx==2):
				### Put files of alpha and beta together
				folder = '/home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Results/Txt/chain_annalys_delta/'
				scheme = 'alphaAndBeta_'
				lenScheme = len(scheme)
				endScheme = '_'+str(i)+'_'+str(j)+'.txt'
				lenEndScheme = -len(endScheme)
				tmp_command = "rm " + folder + scheme + 'all.txt'
				subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
				### Get the list of files
				all_t = os.listdir(folder)	
				tmp_all_t = []
				for el in all_t:
					if (el[:lenScheme]==scheme and el[lenEndScheme:]==endScheme):
				all_t = tmp_all_t
				### Sort the list of files
				convert      = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text
				alphanum_key = lambda key: [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)]
				all_t = sorted(all_t, key = alphanum_key)
				for el in all_t:
					print el
				data  = numpy.loadtxt(folder+all_t[0])
				idx   = data[:,0].astype(int)
				alpha = data[:,1]
				beta  = data[:,2]
				chi   = data[:,3]
				for el in all_t[1:]:
					fo = open(folder+el, "r")
					print folder+el
					if os.fstat(fo.fileno()).st_size:
						data   = numpy.loadtxt(folder+el)
						idx    = numpy.append( idx,   data[:,0].astype(int) )
						alpha  = numpy.append( alpha, data[:,1]  )
						beta   = numpy.append( beta,  data[:,2]  )
						chi    = numpy.append( chi,   data[:,3]  )
				print idx
				print alpha
				print beta
				print idx.size
				numpy.savetxt(folder+scheme+'all.txt', zip(idx,alpha,beta,chi))
				plt.hist(chi[ (numpy.isfinite(chi)) ],bins=100,label='beta')
				### Put the new alpha and beta in fits file
				path     = '/home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/MockV4/M3_0_'+str(i)+'/00'+str(j)+'/mock.fits'
				print path
				file_cat = pyfits.open(path,mode='update')
				cat      = file_cat[1].data
				print cat['ALPHA_2']
				cat['ALPHA_2'] = alpha
				cat['BETA_2']  = beta
				print cat['ALPHA_2']

	print " ------ End ------"
def sendCalculDelta():

	stepIdx = 3

	tmp_command = "echo \" \n ------ Start ------ \n \" " 
	subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)

	for i in range(0,10):		

		path = pathToFolder + 'M3_0_' + str(i) + '/'

		for j in range(0,10):

			tmp_command = "echo " + str(i) + " " + str(j)
			subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)

			path = pathToFolder+ 'M3_0_' + str(i) + '/00'+str(j) + '/'

			if (stepIdx==0):
				### Get the data to 'good' files
				command = "clubatch \"echo ; hostname ; /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/chain_annalys_delta/Get_delta/bin/main.exe " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j) + "\""
				print command
				subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
				myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(10, 430)

			if (stepIdx==1):
				### Do the fits
				nbSpectra = 200000
				step  = 2000
				first = 0
				last  = step
				while (first <= nbSpectra):

					tmp_command = "clubatch \"echo ; hostname ; /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/chain_annalys_delta/Get_delta/bin/main.exe " + str(i) + " " + str(j) + " " + str(first) + " " + str(last) +"\""
					subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
					tmp_command = "echo " + tmp_command
					subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
					tmp_command = "echo " + time.ctime()
					subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
					first = first + step
					last  = last  + step

					myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(150, 430)

			if (stepIdx==2):
				### Put files of alpha and beta together
				folder = '/home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Results/Txt/chain_annalys_delta/'
				scheme = 'alphaAndBeta_'
				lenScheme = len(scheme)
				endScheme = '_'+str(i)+'_'+str(j)+'.txt'
				lenEndScheme = -len(endScheme)
				tmp_command = "rm " + folder + scheme + 'all.txt'
				subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
				### Get the list of files
				all_t = os.listdir(folder)	
				tmp_all_t = []
				for el in all_t:
					if (el[:lenScheme]==scheme and el[lenEndScheme:]==endScheme):
				all_t = tmp_all_t
				### Sort the list of files
				convert      = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text
				alphanum_key = lambda key: [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)]
				all_t = sorted(all_t, key = alphanum_key)
				for el in all_t:
					print el
				data  = numpy.loadtxt(folder+all_t[0])
				idx   = data[:,0].astype(int)
				alpha = data[:,1]
				beta  = data[:,2]
				chi   = data[:,3]
				for el in all_t[1:]:
					fo = open(folder+el, "r")
					print folder+el
					if os.fstat(fo.fileno()).st_size:
						data   = numpy.loadtxt(folder+el)
						if (data.size/4 != 1):
							idx    = numpy.append( idx,   data[:,0].astype(int) )
							alpha  = numpy.append( alpha, data[:,1]  )
							beta   = numpy.append( beta,  data[:,2]  )
							chi    = numpy.append( chi,   data[:,3]  )
							idx    = numpy.append( idx,   data[0].astype(int) )
							alpha  = numpy.append( alpha, data[1]  )
							beta   = numpy.append( beta,  data[2]  )
							chi    = numpy.append( chi,   data[3]  )
				print idx
				print alpha
				print beta
				print idx.size
				numpy.savetxt(folder+scheme+'all.txt', zip(idx,alpha,beta,chi))
				plt.hist(chi[ (numpy.isfinite(chi)) ],bins=100,label='beta')
				### Put the new alpha and beta in fits file
				path     = path + 'Data/delta.fits'
				print path
				file_cat = pyfits.open(path,mode='update')
				cat      = file_cat[1].data
				print cat['ALPHA_2']
				cat['ALPHA_2'] = alpha
				cat['BETA_2']  = beta
				print cat['ALPHA_2']
			if (stepIdx==3):
				### Get the data to 'good' files
				command = "clubatch \"time  ; hostname ; /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/chain_annalys_delta/Correlation/bin/main.exe 5 0 0 0 " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j) + "\""
				print command
				subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
			if (stepIdx==4):
				### Get the data to 'good' files
				command = "clubatch \"time  ; hostname ; python /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/Python/Correlation/xi_delta_QSO.py a a a a 0 " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j) + "\""
				print command
				subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
			if (stepIdx==5):
				### Get the data to 'good' files
				command = "clubatch \"time  ; hostname ; python /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/Python/Correlation/xi_Q_Q.py a a a a " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j) + "\""
				print command
				subprocess.call(command, shell=True)

def main():

	print '  index_pass = '******'mkdir ' +pathToFolder+'Results/', shell=True)
		subprocess.call('mkdir ' +pathToFolder+'Results_no_metals/', shell=True)
		subprocess.call('mkdir ' +pathToFolder+'Results_no_projection/', shell=True)
		subprocess.call('mkdir ' +pathToFolder+'Results_raw_from_JeanMarc/', shell=True)
		subprocess.call('mkdir ' +pathToFolder+'Results_delta_gaussian/', shell=True)
                subprocess.call('mkdir ' +pathToFolder+'Results_only_LR/', shell=True)
                subprocess.call('mkdir ' +pathToFolder+'Results_only_LR_noRand/', shell=True)
		subprocess.call('mkdir ' +pathToFolder+'Results_only_LR_noRand_noRSD/', shell=True)

	for i in range(0,10):

		path = pathToFolder + 'Box_00' + str(i) + '/'

		## Create the folders
		if (index_pass==0):
			subprocess.call('mkdir ' +path, shell=True)

		for j in range(0,10):

			#if (i==0 and j==0): continue

			print i, j
			path = pathToFolder+ 'Box_00' + str(i) + '/Simu_00'+str(j) + '/'

			if (index_pass==0):
				subprocess.call('mkdir ' + path, shell=True)
				subprocess.call('mkdir ' + path + 'Raw', shell=True)
				subprocess.call('mkdir ' + path + 'Data', shell=True)
				subprocess.call('mkdir ' + path + 'Data_no_metals', shell=True)
				subprocess.call('mkdir ' + path + 'Run', shell=True)
				subprocess.call('mkdir ' + path + 'Run_no_metals', shell=True)
				subprocess.call('mkdir ' + path + 'Results/', shell=True)
				subprocess.call('mkdir ' + path + 'Results_no_metals/', shell=True)
				subprocess.call('mkdir ' + path + 'Results_no_projection/', shell=True)
				subprocess.call('mkdir ' + path + 'Results_raw_from_JeanMarc/', shell=True)
				subprocess.call('mkdir ' + path + 'Results_delta_gaussian/', shell=True)
				subprocess.call('mkdir ' + path + 'Results_only_LR/', shell=True)
				subprocess.call('mkdir ' + path + 'Results_only_LR_noRand/', shell=True)
				subprocess.call('mkdir ' + path + 'Results_only_LR_noRand_noRSD/', shell=True)

			elif (index_pass==1):

				/home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Program/LyAMockExpander/Expand.sh -i /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/jmlg/QSOlyaMocks/v1575/fits/spectra-7850-0.fits -o /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Mock_JMLG/v1575_with_good_metals/Box_000/Simu_000/Raw/ -columns loglam,flux,ivar,and_mask,mock_contpca,mock_F,mock_Fmet -JM -vac /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Data/Catalogue/DR12Q_v2_10.fits -data /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/Spectra/SpectraV5_8_guy/spectra -seed 0 -metals 2

				command = '/home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Program/LyAMockExpander/Expand.sh -i /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/jmlg/QSOlyaMocks/v1575/fits/spectra-785'+str(i)+'-'+str(j)+'.fits -o ' +path+ 'Raw/ -columns loglam,flux,ivar,and_mask,mock_contpca,mock_F,mock_Fmet -JM -vac /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Data/Catalogue/DR12Q_v2_10.fits -data /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/Spectra/SpectraV5_8_guy/spectra -metals 2 -seed ' + str(j)+ ' -seed_first_index ' + str(i)
				command = "clubatch \"echo ; hostname ; "+ command + "\""
				print command
				subprocess.call("echo " + command, shell=True)
				subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
				myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(20, 1000,'echo')

			elif (index_pass==2):
				if (i==0 and j==0):
					tbhduQSO    = create_fits_qso(sizeMax)
					tbhduQSO.writeto(path + 'Data/QSO_noRSD.fits', clobber=True)
					#tbhduForest = create_fits_forest(sizeMaxForest)
					#tbhduForest.writeto(path + 'Data/delta.fits', clobber=True)
					#tbhduForest.writeto(path + 'Data_no_metals/delta.fits', clobber=True)
					#command = 'cp ' + pathToFolder + 'Box_000/Simu_000/Data/delta.fits ' + path + 'Data/delta.fits'
					#subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
					#command = 'cp ' + pathToFolder + 'Box_000/Simu_000/Data/delta.fits ' + path + 'Data_no_metals/delta.fits'
					#subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
					command = 'cp ' + pathToFolder + 'Box_000/Simu_000/Data/QSO_noRSD.fits ' + path + 'Data/QSO_noRSD.fits'
					subprocess.call(command, shell=True)

					#myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(10, 430,'cp')
			elif (index_pass==3):

				command = "/home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/CrossCorrelation/Mock_JMLG/ReadFits/bin/main.exe " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j)
				command = "clubatch \"echo ; hostname ; "+ command + "\""
				print command
				subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
				myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(10, 1000,'echo')

			elif (index_pass==4):

				print path + 'Data/QSO_withRSD.fits'
				cat = pyfits.open(path + 'Data/QSO_withRSD.fits')[1].data
				nbQSO = cat.size
				print '  nb of QSOs = ', nbQSO
				cat = pyfits.open(path + 'Data/QSO_noRSD.fits', memmap=True)[1].data
				print '  nb of QSOs before = ', cat.size
				cat = cat[ (cat['Z'] != 0.) ]
				print '  nb of QSOs after  = ', cat.size
				nbQSO = cat.size

				pyfits.writeto(path + 'Data/QSO_noRSD.fits', cat, clobber=True)
				### Remove useless lines in Forest
				cat = pyfits.open(path + 'Data_no_metals/delta.fits', memmap=True)[1].data

				print '  nb of forests before = ', cat.size
				cat = cat[ (cat['Z'] != 0.) ]
				nbFor = cat.size
				print '  nb of forests after  = ', nbFor
				if ( nbFor>nbFor__ ):
					print nbFor-int(nbQSO*ratioForestToQSO__)
					rand = numpy.random.choice(nbFor, nbFor-int(nbQSO*ratioForestToQSO__), replace=False)
					cat['Z'][rand] = 0.
				print '  nb of forests before = ', cat.size
				cat = cat[ (cat['Z'] != 0.) ]
				print '  nb of forests after  = ', cat.size
				pyfits.writeto(path + 'Data_no_metals/delta.fits', cat, clobber=True)

			### Get the data to 'good' files
			#command = "clubatch \"echo ; hostname ; /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/Mock_JMLG/launchjob.sh " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j) + "\""
			command = "clubatch \"echo ; hostname ; /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/Mock_JMLG/ReadFits/bin/main.exe " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j) + "\""
			print command
			subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
			myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(10, 430)

	print " ------ End ------"
def sendCalculDelta():

	tmp_command = "echo \" \n ------ Start ------ \n \" " 
	subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)

	for i in range(0,10):

		path = pathToFolder + 'Box_00' + str(i) + '/'

		for j in range(0,10):
			tmp_command = "echo " + str(i) + " " + str(j)
			subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)

			path = pathToFolder + 'Box_00' + str(i) + '/Simu_00'+str(j) + '/'

			if (index_pass==0):
				### Get the data to 'good' files
				command = "/home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/CrossCorrelation/chain_annalys_delta/Get_delta/bin/main.exe " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j) + " 0 0 2 0"
				command = "clubatch \"echo ; hostname ; "+command + "\""
				print command
				subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
				myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(10, 1000,'echo')

			if (index_pass==1):
				### Do the fits
				nbSpectra = 200000
				step  = 2000
				first = 0
				last  = step
				while (first <= nbSpectra):

					tmp_command = "clubatch \"echo ; hostname ; /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/CrossCorrelation/chain_annalys_delta/Get_delta/bin/main.exe " + str(i) + " " + str(j) + " " + str(first) + " " + str(last) +" 2 1 \""
					subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
					tmp_command = "echo " + tmp_command
					subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
					tmp_command = "echo " + time.ctime()
					subprocess.call(tmp_command, shell=True)
					first = first + step
					last  = last  + step

					myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(100, 1000,'echo')

			if (index_pass==2):
				command = "/home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/CrossCorrelation/chain_annalys_delta/Get_delta/bin/main.exe " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j) + " 0 0 2 2"
				command = "clubatch \"echo ; hostname ; "+command + "\""
				print command
				subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
				myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(20, 1000,'echo')

			if (index_pass==3):
				command = "/home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/CrossCorrelation/chain_annalys_delta/Correlation/bin/main.exe 2 0 0 0 " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j)
				command = "clubatch \"echo ; hostname ; "+command + "\""
				print command
				subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
				myTools.isReadyForNewJobs(30, 1000,'echo')

			if (index_pass==4):
				### Get the data to 'good' files
				command = "clubatch \"time  ; hostname ; python /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/Python/Correlation/xi_delta_QSO.py a a a a 0 " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j) + "\""
				print command
				subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
			if (index_pass==5):
				### Get the data to 'good' files
				command = "clubatch \"time  ; hostname ; python /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/CrossCorrelation/Python/Correlation/main_Q.py " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j) + "\""
				print command
				subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
