def get_customer():
    print('Hello from main.py')

    # Try creating a Test_Table in the mySQL DB from Models.py

    # Try retrieving a SmartSheet
    ss_test_list = tools.get_list_from_ss('Tetration SKUs')
    print('Rows in my SmartSheet', len(ss_test_list))

    # Try writing an xlsx file to local storage
    tools.push_list_to_xls(ss_test_list, 'my_test_sheet.xlsx')

    # Try opening an xlsx file from local storage
    xws, wb = tools.open_wb('my_test_sheet.xlsx')
    return ('Hello from Main.py: I read: ' + str(len(ss_test_list)) +
            ' rows from SmartSheets', ss_test_list)
    cx_comments = cx_tracking_rows[my_row][21]

    telemetry_data = []
    if cx_cust_name in adopt_dict:
        telemetry_data = adopt_dict[cx_cust_name]
        telemetry_data.append('No Telemetry Data Found')
        # If no telemetry then do a subscription look up
        if cx_cust_name in sub_by_name_dict:
            print(cx_cust_name, sub_by_name_dict[cx_cust_name])

            # sub_by_name_dict[sub_cust_name] = [sub_web_order, sub_term, sub_renewal_date, sub_status]

    # print(cx_cust_name,cx_cust_id, cx_pid, cx_qtr, cx_comments, telemetry_data)
    # print(cx_cust_name, cx_cust_id, cx_pid, cx_qtr, cx_comments)
    cx_tracking_list.append([cx_cust_name, cx_cust_id, cx_pid, cx_qtr, cx_comments,
                             telemetry_data[0], telemetry_data[1], telemetry_data[2],
                             telemetry_data[3], telemetry_data[4]])

tool.push_list_to_xls(cx_tracking_list, 'jim.xlsx')

def pre_run_file_checks(run_dir=app_cfg['UPDATES_SUB_DIR']):
    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4, depth=2)
    home = os.path.join(app_cfg['HOME'], app_cfg['MOUNT_POINT'],
    working_dir = app_cfg['WORKING_SUB_DIR']
    update_dir = app_cfg['UPDATES_SUB_DIR']
    archive_dir = app_cfg['ARCHIVES_SUB_DIR']

    # Check that all key directories exist
    path_to_main_dir = (os.path.join(home))
    if not os.path.exists(path_to_main_dir):
        print(path_to_main_dir, "MAIN_DIR does NOT Exist !")

    path_to_run_dir = (os.path.join(home, run_dir))
    if not os.path.exists(path_to_run_dir):
        print(path_to_run_dir, " WORKING_DIR does NOT Exist !")

    path_to_updates = (os.path.join(home, update_dir))
    if not os.path.exists(path_to_updates):
        print(path_to_updates, "UPDATES_SUB_DIR does NOT Exist !")

    path_to_archives = (os.path.join(home, archive_dir))
    if not os.path.exists(path_to_archives):
        print(path_to_archives, "ARCHIVE_SUB_DIR does NOT Exist !")

    # OK directories are there any files ?
    if not os.listdir(path_to_run_dir):
        print('Directory', path_to_run_dir, 'contains NO files')

    #  Get the required Files to begin processing from app_cfg (settings.py)
    files_needed = {}
    # Do we have RAW files to process ?
    for var in app_cfg:
        if var.find('RAW') != -1:
            # Look for any config var containing the word 'RAW' and assume they are "Missing'
            files_needed[app_cfg[var]] = 'Missing'

    # See if we have the files_needed are there and they have consistent dates (date_list)
    run_files = os.listdir(path_to_run_dir)
    date_list = []
    for file_needed, status in files_needed.items():
        for run_file in run_files:
            date_tag = run_file[-13:-13 + 8]  # Grab the date if any
            run_file = run_file[:len(run_file) -
                                14]  # Grab the name without the date
            if run_file == file_needed:
                date_list.append(date_tag)  # Grab the date
                files_needed[file_needed] = 'Found'

    # All time stamps the same ?
    base_date = date_list[0]
    for date_stamp in date_list:
        if date_stamp != base_date:
            print('ERROR: Inconsistent date stamp(s) found')

    # Do we have all the files we need ?
    for file_name, status in files_needed.items():
        if status != 'Found':
            print("ERROR: Filename ", "'" + file_name,
                  "MM-DD-YY'  is missing from directory", "'" + run_dir + "'")

    # Read the config_dict.json file
        with open(os.path.join(path_to_run_dir,
                               app_cfg['META_DATA_FILE'])) as json_input:
            config_dict = json.load(json_input)
        print('No config_dict file found.')

    # Since we have a consistent date then Create the json file for config_data.json.
    # Put the time_stamp in it
    config_dict = {
        'data_time_stamp': base_date,
        'last_run_dir': path_to_run_dir,
        'files_scrubbed': 'never'
    with open(os.path.join(path_to_run_dir, app_cfg['META_DATA_FILE']),
              'w') as json_output:
        json.dump(config_dict, json_output)

    # Delete all previous tmp_ files
    for file_name in run_files:
        if file_name[0:4] == 'tmp_':
            os.remove(os.path.join(path_to_run_dir, file_name))

    # Here is what we have - All things should be in place
    print('Our directories:')
    print('\tPath to Main Dir:', path_to_main_dir)
    print('\tPath to Updates Dir:', path_to_updates)
    print('\tPath to Archives Dir:', path_to_archives)
    print('\tPath to Run Dir:', path_to_run_dir)

    # Process the RAW data (Renewals and Bookings)
    # Clean up rows, combine multiple Bookings files, add custom table names
    processing_date = date_list[0]
    file_paths = []
    bookings = []
    bookings_header_flag = False
    subscriptions_header_flag = False
    subscriptions = []
    as_status = []
    telemetry_spock = []
    telemetry_strom = []
    saas_lookup = {}
    print('We are processing files:')

    # We need to make a sku_filter_dict here
    tmp_dict = tool.build_sku_dict()
    sku_filter_dict = {}
    for key, val in tmp_dict.items():
        if val[0] == 'Service':
            sku_filter_dict[key] = val

    # Main loop to process files
    for file_name in files_needed:
        file_path = file_name + ' ' + processing_date + '.xlsx'
        file_path = os.path.join(path_to_run_dir, file_path)


        my_wb, my_ws = tool.open_wb(
            file_name + ' ' + processing_date + '.xlsx', run_dir)
        print('\t\t', file_name + '', processing_date + '.xlsx', ' has ',
              my_ws.nrows, ' rows and ', my_ws.ncols, 'columns')

        if file_name.find('Bookings') != -1:
            # For the Bookings start_row is here
            # This header flag tells us we have been here once already
            # So we need to skip the header row
            if bookings_header_flag is False:
                start_row = 3
                bookings_header_flag = True
                start_row = 4
            start_col = 1
            for row in range(start_row, my_ws.nrows):
                bookings.append(my_ws.row_slice(row, start_col))

        elif file_name.find('Subscriptions') != -1:
            # # For the Subscriptions start_row is here
            # # We are merging the EA's and Regular Subscriptions
            # # This header flag tells us we have been here once already
            # # So we need to skip the header row
            if subscriptions_header_flag is False:
                start_row = 0
                subscriptions_header_flag = True
                start_row = 1
            start_col = 0
            for row in range(start_row, my_ws.nrows):
                subscriptions.append(my_ws.row_slice(row, start_col))

        elif file_name.find('SPOCK_sensor_sum') != -1:
            # This raw sheet starts on row num 0
            for row in range(0, my_ws.nrows):
                # Look for these rows and strip out
                if (my_ws.cell_value(row, 0).find('spock') != -1)or \
                   (my_ws.cell_value(row, 0) == 'Default'):

        elif file_name.find('STROM_sensor_sum') != -1:
            # This raw sheet starts on row num 0
            for row in range(0, my_ws.nrows):
                # Look for these rows and strip out
                if (my_ws.cell_value(row, 0).find('strom') !=
                        -1) or (my_ws.cell_value(row, 0) == 'Default'):

        elif file_name.find('AS Delivery Status') != -1:
            # This AS-F raw sheet starts on row num 0
            # Grab the header row
            for row in range(1, my_ws.nrows):
                # Check to see if this is a TA SKU
                if my_ws.cell_value(row, 14) in sku_filter_dict:

        elif file_name.find('SaaS Customer Tracking') != -1:
            # Build this index for matching the SaaS Tracker with telemetry data
            for row in range(1, my_ws.nrows):
                tmp_cust_name = my_ws.cell_value(row, 2)
                tmp_cust_id = my_ws.cell_value(row, 3)
                tmp_saas_name = my_ws.cell_value(row, 4)
                tmp_saas_vrf = my_ws.cell_value(row, 5)
                tmp_saas_so = my_ws.cell_value(row, 6)
                tmp_saas_start_date = my_ws.cell_value(row, 8)
                if tmp_saas_name == '':
                    tmp_saas_name = 'Not Yet Provisioned'
                saas_lookup[tmp_saas_name] = [
                    tmp_cust_name, tmp_saas_vrf, tmp_cust_id, tmp_saas_so,

    # All raw data now read in

    # Start scrubbing the raw data
    # Scrub Subscriptions
    # For the Subscriptions sheet we need to convert
    # col 9 & 11 to DATE from STR
    # col 13 (monthly rev) to FLOAT from STR
    subscriptions_scrubbed = []
    for row_num, my_row in enumerate(subscriptions):
        my_new_row = []

        for col_num, my_cell in enumerate(my_row):
            if row_num == 0:
                # Is this the header row ?
            if col_num == 9 or col_num == 11:
                # print(row_num, col_num, my_cell, type(my_cell.value))
                # tmp_val = datetime.strptime(my_cell.value, '%d %b %Y')
                tmp_val = datetime.strptime(my_cell.value, '%m/%d/%Y')
            elif col_num == 13:
                tmp_val = my_cell.value
                    tmp_val = float(tmp_val)
                except ValueError:
                    tmp_val = 0
                tmp_val = my_cell.value


    # Now Scrub AS Delivery Info
    as_status_scrubbed = []
    for row_num, my_row in enumerate(as_status):
        my_new_row = []
        for col_num, my_cell in enumerate(my_row):
            if row_num == 0:
                # Is this the header row ?
            if col_num == 0:  # PID
                tmp_val = str(int(my_cell.value))
            elif col_num == 19:  # SO Number
                tmp_val = str(int(my_cell.value))
            elif col_num == 26 and my_cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE:  # Project Start Date
                tmp_val = datetime(
                    *xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(my_cell.value, my_wb.datemode))
            elif col_num == 27 and my_cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE:  # Scheduled End Date
                tmp_val = datetime(
                    *xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(my_cell.value, my_wb.datemode))
            elif col_num == 28 and my_cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE:  # Project Creation Date
                tmp_val = datetime(
                    *xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(my_cell.value, my_wb.datemode))
                tmp_val = my_cell.value


    # Now Scrub Bookings Data
    bookings_scrubbed = []
    for row_num, my_row in enumerate(bookings):
        my_new_row = []
        for col_num, my_cell in enumerate(my_row):
            if row_num == 0:
                # Is this the header row ?

            if col_num == 0 or col_num == 2 or \
                    col_num == 11:  # Fiscal Year / Fiscal Period / SO Num
                tmp_val = str(int(my_cell.value))
            elif col_num == 15:  # Customer ID
                    tmp_val = str(int(my_cell.value))
                except ValueError:
                    tmp_val = '-999'
            elif col_num == 12:  # Web Order Num
                    tmp_val = str(int(my_cell.value))
                except ValueError:
                    tmp_val = 'UNKNOWN'
                tmp_val = my_cell.value


    # Scrub the Telemetry sheets
    # Merge the telemetry sheets and ADD a column
    # First the DR SPOCK List
    telemetry_scrubbed = []
    time_stamp = datetime.strptime(processing_date, '%m-%d-%y')
    for row_num, my_row in enumerate(telemetry_spock):
        my_new_row = []
        tmp_cust_name = ''
        tmp_cust_id = ''
        tmp_saas_start_date = ''
        tmp_saas_so = ''
        tmp_sub_id = ''
        for col_num, my_cell in enumerate(my_row):
            if row_num == 0:
                tmp_val = my_cell.value
                if col_num >= 1:
                    tmp_val = int(my_cell.value)
                    # This is column 0 which has the SaaS platform customer short name
                    tmp_val = my_cell.value
                    if tmp_val in saas_lookup:
                        tmp_cust_name = saas_lookup[tmp_val][0]
                            tmp_saas_so = str(int(saas_lookup[tmp_val][3]))
                            tmp_saas_so = str(saas_lookup[tmp_val][3])

                        # Format the Customer ID and Start Date
                        if saas_lookup[tmp_val][2] != '':
                            tmp_cust_id = int(saas_lookup[tmp_val][2])
                            tmp_cust_id = saas_lookup[tmp_val][2]

                        if saas_lookup[tmp_val][4] != '':
                            tmp_saas_start_date = saas_lookup[tmp_val][4]
                            tmp_saas_start_date = datetime(
                            tmp_saas_start_date = saas_lookup[tmp_val][4]


        # saas_lookup[tmp_saas_name] = [tmp_cust_name, tmp_saas_vrf, tmp_cust_id,
        #                               tmp_saas_so, tmp_saas_start_date]

        # Put in a header row
        if row_num == 0:
            # my_new_row.insert(0, 'As_of')
            my_new_row.insert(0, 'Type')
            my_new_row.insert(1, 'Customer Name')
            my_new_row.insert(2, 'Customer ID')
            my_new_row.insert(3, 'Sales Order')
            my_new_row.insert(4, 'Subscription ID')
            my_new_row.insert(5, 'Start Date Requested')

            # my_new_row.insert(0, time_stamp)
            my_new_row.insert(0, 'DR')
            my_new_row.insert(1, tmp_cust_name)
            my_new_row.insert(2, tmp_cust_id)
            my_new_row.insert(3, tmp_saas_so)
            my_new_row.insert(4, tmp_sub_id)
            my_new_row.insert(5, tmp_saas_start_date)

    # Now do the Non-DR STROM list
    for row_num, my_row in enumerate(telemetry_strom):
        if row_num == 0:
        my_new_row = []
        tmp_cust_name = ''
        tmp_cust_id = ''
        tmp_saas_start_date = ''
        tmp_sub_id = ''
        tmp_saas_so = ''
        for col_num, my_cell in enumerate(my_row):
            if col_num >= 1:
                tmp_val = int(my_cell.value)
                # This is column 0 which has the SaaS platform customer short name
                tmp_val = my_cell.value
                if tmp_val in saas_lookup:
                    tmp_cust_name = saas_lookup[tmp_val][0]
                        tmp_saas_so = str(int(saas_lookup[tmp_val][3]))
                        tmp_saas_so = str(saas_lookup[tmp_val][3])

                    # Format the Customer ID and Start Date
                    if saas_lookup[tmp_val][2] != '':
                        tmp_cust_id = int(saas_lookup[tmp_val][2])
                        tmp_cust_id = saas_lookup[tmp_val][2]

                    if saas_lookup[tmp_val][4] != '':
                        tmp_saas_start_date = saas_lookup[tmp_val][4]
                        tmp_saas_start_date = datetime(*xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(
                            tmp_saas_start_date, my_wb.datemode))
                        tmp_saas_start_date = saas_lookup[tmp_val][4]

        # my_new_row.insert(0, time_stamp)
        my_new_row.insert(0, 'Non-DR')
        my_new_row.insert(1, tmp_cust_name)
        my_new_row.insert(2, tmp_cust_id)
        my_new_row.insert(3, tmp_saas_so)
        my_new_row.insert(4, tmp_sub_id)
        my_new_row.insert(5, tmp_saas_start_date)

    # Push the lists out to an Excel File
    tool.push_list_to_xls(telemetry_scrubbed, app_cfg['XLS_TELEMETRY'],
                          run_dir, 'ta_telemetry')
    tool.push_list_to_xls(bookings_scrubbed, app_cfg['XLS_BOOKINGS'], run_dir,
    tool.push_list_to_xls(subscriptions_scrubbed, app_cfg['XLS_SUBSCRIPTIONS'],
                          run_dir, 'ta_subscriptions')
                          app_cfg['XLS_AS_DELIVERY_STATUS'], run_dir,
    # push_xlrd_to_xls(as_status, app_cfg['XLS_AS_DELIVERY_STATUS'], run_dir, 'ta_delivery')

    print('We have ', len(bookings), 'bookings line items')
    print('We have ', len(telemetry_scrubbed), 'telemetry line items')
    print('We have ', len(as_status), 'AS-Fixed SKU Delivery line items')
    print('We have ', len(subscriptions), 'subscription line items')
    msg = 'We have ' + str(len(bookings)) + ' bookings line items'

    with open(os.path.join(path_to_run_dir,
                           app_cfg['META_DATA_FILE'])) as json_input:
        config_dict = json.load(json_input)
    config_dict['files_scrubbed'] = 'phase_1'
    with open(os.path.join(path_to_run_dir, app_cfg['META_DATA_FILE']),
              'w') as json_output:
        json.dump(config_dict, json_output)

    print('pre run file checks DONE!')
    return msg
def main():
    as_wb, as_ws = tool.open_wb(app_cfg['XLS_AS_DELIVERY_STATUS'])
    cust_wb, cust_ws = tool.open_wb(app_cfg['XLS_BOOKINGS'])
    sub_wb, sub_ws = tool.open_wb(app_cfg['XLS_SUBSCRIPTIONS'])

    print('RAW Input Data')
    print("\tAS Fixed SKUs Rows:", as_ws.nrows)
    print('\tBookings Rows:', cust_ws.nrows)
    print('\tSubscription Rows:', sub_ws.nrows)

    # Build a Team Dict
    team_dict = tool.build_coverage_dict()

    # Create a SKU Filter
    # Options Are: Product / Software / Service / SaaS / All SKUs
    sku_filter_val = 'All SKUs'
    tmp_dict = tool.build_sku_dict()
    sku_filter_dict = {}

    for key, val in tmp_dict.items():
        if val[0] == sku_filter_val:
            sku_filter_dict[key] = val
        elif sku_filter_val == 'All SKUs':
            # Selects ALL Interesting SKUs
            sku_filter_dict[key] = val

    print('SKU Filter set to:', sku_filter_val)

    # Build a xref dict of valid customer ids for lookup by SO and ERP Name
    xref_cust_name = {}
    xref_so = {}
    for row_num in range(1, cust_ws.nrows):
        cust_id = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 15)
        cust_erp_name = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 13)
        cust_so = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 11)

        # Only add valid ID/Name Pairs to the reference
        if cust_id == '-999' or cust_id == '':

        if cust_erp_name not in xref_cust_name:
            xref_cust_name[cust_erp_name] = cust_id
            if (cust_so, cust_erp_name) not in xref_so:
                xref_so[(cust_so, cust_erp_name)] = cust_id

    # Process Main Bookings File
    cntr = 0
    cust_db = {}
    cust_alias_db = {}
    so_dict = {}

    # Main loop over the bookings data starts here
    for row_num in range(1, cust_ws.nrows):
        # Gather the fields we want
        cust_id = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 15)
        cust_erp_name = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 13)
        cust_ultimate_name = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 14)
        cust_so = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 11)
        cust_sku = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 19)
        cust_sales_lev_1 = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 3)
        cust_sales_lev_2 = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 4)
        cust_sales_lev_3 = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 5)
        cust_sales_lev_4 = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 6)
        cust_sales_lev_5 = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 7)
        cust_sales_lev_6 = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 8)
        cust_acct_mgr = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 9)

        # Grab this SO number in a simple dict {so:(cust_id, cust_id)
        if cust_so not in so_dict:
            # so_dict[cust_so] = ((cust_id, cust_erp_name),)
            so_dict[cust_so] = ((cust_id, cust_erp_name, cust_sku),)
            # so_dict[cust_so] = so_dict[cust_so] + ((cust_id, cust_erp_name),)
            so_dict[cust_so] = so_dict[cust_so] + ((cust_id, cust_erp_name, cust_sku),)

        # Do we have a missing or bad cust_id try to look one up
        if cust_id == '' or cust_id == '-999':
            if cust_erp_name in xref_cust_name:
                cust_id = xref_cust_name[cust_erp_name]

            if (cust_so, cust_erp_name) in xref_so:
                cust_id = xref_so[(cust_so, cust_erp_name)]

            # If id is still bad flag cust_id as UNKNOWN
            if cust_id == '' or cust_id == '-999':
                cust_id = 'UNKNOWN'

        # Check cust_db
        # {cust_id: Customer_obj}
        # Is this a new cust_id ?
        if cust_id not in cust_db:
            # Create a new cust_id object and basic record
            cust_db[cust_id] = Customer(cust_id)
            cust_db[cust_id].sales_lev_1 = cust_sales_lev_1
            cust_db[cust_id].sales_lev_2 = cust_sales_lev_2
            cust_db[cust_id].sales_lev_3 = cust_sales_lev_3
            cust_db[cust_id].sales_lev_4 = cust_sales_lev_4
            cust_db[cust_id].sales_lev_5 = cust_sales_lev_5
            cust_db[cust_id].sales_lev_6 = cust_sales_lev_6
            sales_level = cust_sales_lev_1 + ',' + cust_sales_lev_2 + ',' + cust_sales_lev_3 + ',' + \
                cust_sales_lev_4 + ',' + cust_sales_lev_5 + ',' + cust_sales_lev_6
            sales_team = tool.find_team(team_dict, sales_level)
            pss = sales_team[0]
            tsa = sales_team[1]
            cust_db[cust_id].pss = pss
            cust_db[cust_id].tsa = tsa
            cust_db[cust_id].am = cust_acct_mgr

        # Is this a SKU we want if so add_order
        if cust_sku in sku_filter_dict:
            cust_db[cust_id].add_order(cust_so, cust_sku)

        # Add this customer_erp_name as an alias to the customer object

        # Add this name to an easy alias lookup dict
        if cust_erp_name not in cust_alias_db:
            cust_alias_db[cust_erp_name] = cust_id

    tmp_list = [['erp customer name','customer id']]
    for key, val in cust_alias_db.items():
        tmp_list.append([key, val])
    tool.push_list_to_xls(tmp_list, 'tmp_unique_customer_names.xlsx')

    print('Unique Customer IDs with filter of', " '" + sku_filter_val+"' :", len(cust_db))
    print("Customer Unique Customer Names: ", len(cust_alias_db))
    print("Unique Sales Order Numbers: ", len(so_dict))

    # A quick check on customer ids -
    id_list = [['Customer ID', 'Customer Aliases']]
    for cust_id, cust_obj in cust_db.items():
        alias_list = []
        alias_str = ''
        cust_aliases = cust_obj.aliases
        for cust_alias in cust_aliases:
            alias_str = alias_str + cust_alias + ' : '
        alias_str = alias_str[:-3]
        id_list.append([cust_id, alias_str])

    tool.push_list_to_xls(id_list, 'log_Unique_Cust_IDs.xlsx')

    # Get SAAS Data from the BU Sheet
    # saas_rows = get_list_from_ss(app_cfg['SS_SAAS'])
    # test_list = []
    # for x in saas_rows:
    #     for y in x:
    #         print(type(y), y)
    #     time.sleep(.4)
    # exit()
    # for row_num in range(1, len(saas_rows)):
    #     try:
    #         tmp_val = [saas_rows[row_num][1], str(int(saas_rows[row_num][2]))]
    #     except ValueError:
    #         tmp_val = ['Bad Data in row ' + str(row_num), saas_rows[row_num][1]]
    #     test_list.append(tmp_val)
    # push_list_to_xls(test_list, 'saas_status.xlsx')
    # saas_status_list = [['status', 'cust name', 'saas so', 'cust id']]
    # for row in test_list:
    #     saas_name = row[0]
    #     saas_so = row[1]
    #     saas_status = ''
    #     saas_cust_id = ''
    #     if saas_name.find('Bad Data') != -1:
    #         saas_status = 'Bad Data in SaaS Sheet', saas_name, saas_so, saas_cust_id
    #     else:
    #         if saas_name in cust_alias_db:
    #             saas_cust_id = cust_alias_db[saas_name]
    #             saas_status = 'Matched Data with SaaS Sheet', saas_name, saas_so, saas_cust_id
    #         else:
    #             saas_status = 'No Matching Data from SaaS Sheet', saas_name, saas_so, saas_cust_id
    #     saas_status_list.append(saas_status)
    # push_list_to_xls(saas_status_list, 'log_saas_data_matches.xlsx')

    # # Display Customer IDs and Aliases
    # for cust_id, cust_obj in cust_db.items():
    #     if len(cust_obj.aliases) > 1:
    #         print()
    #         print('Customer ID', cust_id, ' has the following aliases')
    #         for name in cust_obj.aliases:
    #             print('\t\t', name)
    #             time.sleep(1)

    # # Display Sales Order info
    # for cust_id, cust_obj in cust_db.items():
    #     if len(cust_obj.orders) > 1:
    #         print()
    #         print('Customer ID', cust_id, cust_obj.aliases, ' has the following orders')
    #         for my_order, my_skus in cust_obj.orders.items():
    #             print('\t', 'SO Num:', my_order, 'SKUs', my_skus)
    #             time.sleep(1)

    # Process AS AS-F SKU File - match bookings SO and (AS SO / PID) numbers
    # and make a list of tuples for each cust_id
    as_db = {}
    so_status_list = [['AS SO Number', 'AS Customer Name', "AS PID", 'Duplicate ?', 'Match in Booking ?']]
    as_zombie_so = []
    as_so_found_cntr = 0
    as_so_not_found_cntr = 0
    as_so_duplicate_cntr = 0
    as_so_unique_cntr = 0
    for row_num in range(1, as_ws.nrows):
        my_as_info_list = []
        # Gather the fields we want
        as_pid = as_ws.cell_value(row_num, 0)
        as_cust_name = as_ws.cell_value(row_num, 2)
        as_sku = as_ws.cell_value(row_num, 14)
        as_so = as_ws.cell_value(row_num, 19)

        # Just a check
        if as_so in as_db:
            dupe = 'Duplicate SO'
            as_so_duplicate_cntr += 1
            dupe = 'Unique SO'
            as_so_unique_cntr += 1

        if as_so not in as_db:
            my_as_info_list.append((as_pid, as_cust_name, as_sku))
            as_db[as_so] = my_as_info_list
            my_as_info_list = as_db[as_so]
            add_it = True
            for info in my_as_info_list:
                if info == (as_pid, as_cust_name):
                    add_it = False
            if add_it:
                my_as_info_list.append((as_pid, as_cust_name, as_sku))
                as_db[as_so] = my_as_info_list

        # Checks
        if as_so not in so_dict:
            so_status_list.append([as_so, as_cust_name, as_pid, dupe, 'NOT in Bookings'])
            as_zombie_so.append([as_so, as_cust_name, as_pid])
            as_so_not_found_cntr += 1
            so_status_list.append([as_so, as_cust_name, as_pid, dupe, 'FOUND in Bookings'])
            as_so_found_cntr += 1

    tool.push_list_to_xls(so_status_list, 'log_AS SO_Status_List.xlsx')
    print('AS SO NOT Found (Zombies):', as_so_not_found_cntr)
    print('AS SO Found:', as_so_found_cntr)
    print('\t AS SO Totals:', as_so_found_cntr + as_so_not_found_cntr)
    print('AS SO Duplicate:', as_so_duplicate_cntr)
    print('AS SO Unique:', as_so_unique_cntr)
    print('len of as_db',len(as_db))

    # Update the cust_db objects with the AS data from as_db
    found_list = 0
    as_zombies = [['AS SO', 'AS PID', 'AS Customer Name', 'Possible Match', 'Ratio']]
    for as_so, as_info in as_db.items():
        # as_info is [so #:[(as_pid, as_cust_name),()]]
        as_cust_name = as_info[0][1]

        if as_so in so_dict:
            cust_id = so_dict[as_so][0][0]
            cust_obj = cust_db[cust_id]
            found_list = found_list + len(as_info)
            cust_obj.add_as_pid(as_so, as_info)
            # OK this AS_SO is NOT in the Main so_dict
            # We need to attempt to match on as_cust_name in the customer alias dict
            # We need to find the customer_id
            if as_cust_name in cust_alias_db:
                cust_id = cust_alias_db[as_cust_name]
                cust_obj = cust_db[cust_id]
                found_list = found_list + len(as_info)
                cust_obj.add_as_pid(as_so, as_info)
                # do a fuzzy match search against all customer aliases
                best_match = 0
                for k, v in cust_alias_db.items():
                    match_ratio = fuzz.ratio(as_cust_name, k)
                    if match_ratio > best_match:
                        possible_cust = k
                        best_match = match_ratio

                cust_id = cust_alias_db[possible_cust]
                cust_obj = cust_db[cust_id]
                found_list = found_list + len(as_info)
                cust_obj.add_as_pid(as_so, as_info)

                # cust_obj.add_as_pid(as_so, as_info)

                as_zombies.append([as_so, as_info[0][0], as_info[0][1], possible_cust, best_match])
                print('\tNOT FOUND Customer ID for: ', as_cust_name)

    tool.push_list_to_xls(as_zombies, 'tmp_zombies.xlsx')
    print('Updated cust_db with: ', found_list, ' AS SOs')

    # Process Subscriptions and add to Customer Objects
    for row_num in range(1, sub_ws.nrows):
        # Gather the fields we want
        sub_cust_name = sub_ws.cell_value(row_num, 2)
        sub_id = sub_ws.cell_value(row_num, 4)
        sub_start_date = sub_ws.cell_value(row_num, 9)
        sub_renew_date = sub_ws.cell_value(row_num, 11)
        sub_renew_status = sub_ws.cell_value(row_num, 8)
        sub_monthly_rev = sub_ws.cell_value(row_num, 13)

        year, month, day, hour, minute, second = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(sub_start_date, sub_wb.datemode)
        sub_start_date = datetime(year, month, day)

        year, month, day, hour, minute, second = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(sub_renew_date, sub_wb.datemode)
        sub_renew_date = datetime(year, month, day)

        if sub_cust_name in cust_alias_db:
            cust_id = cust_alias_db[sub_cust_name]
            cust_obj = cust_db[cust_id]
            sub_info = [sub_id, sub_cust_name, sub_start_date, sub_renew_date, sub_renew_status, sub_monthly_rev]

    # Make the Magic List
    magic_list = []
    header_row = ['Customer ID', 'AS SO', 'AS PID', 'AS Customer Name', 'Sales Level 1', 'Sales Level 2', 'PSS', 'TSA',
                  'AM', 'Subscription History' + ' \n' +
                  'Sub ID - Start Date - Renewal Date - Days to Renew - Annual Rev',
                  'Sub 1st Billing Date', 'Next Renewal Date',
                  'Days to Renew', 'Next Renewal Monthly Rev', 'Sub Current Status', 'AS Delivery Mgr', 'AS Tracking Status',
                  'AS Tracking Sub Status', 'AS Tracking Comments', 'AS SKU',
                  'AS Project Creation Date', 'AS Project Start Date', 'AS Scheduled End Date',
                  'Days from 1st Sub Billing to AS Project Start']
    print (magic_list)
    x = 0
    today = datetime.today()

    for cust_id, cust_obj in cust_db.items():
        cust_aliases = cust_obj.aliases
        as_pids = cust_obj.as_pids
        sub_ids = cust_obj.subs
        pss = cust_obj.pss
        tsa = cust_obj.tsa
        am = cust_obj.am
        sales_lev1 = cust_obj.sales_lev_1
        sales_lev2 = cust_obj.sales_lev_2

        if len(as_pids) == 0:
            # No AS PID info available
            sub_summary, billing_start_date, next_renewal_date, days_to_renew, renewal_rev, sub_renew_status = process_sub_info(cust_obj.subs)
            magic_row = [cust_id, '', 'AS Info Unavailable', cust_aliases[0], sales_lev1, sales_lev2, pss, tsa, am,
                         sub_summary, billing_start_date, next_renewal_date,
                         days_to_renew, renewal_rev, sub_renew_status, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
            # Let's look at the AS PIDs in cust_obj
            for so, as_pid_info in as_pids.items():
                # We will make a row for each AS SO
                for as_detail in as_pid_info:
                    magic_row = []
                    as_so = so
                    as_pid = as_detail[0]
                    as_cust_name = as_detail[1]

                    sub_summary, billing_start_date, next_renewal_date, days_to_renew, renewal_rev, sub_renew_status = process_sub_info(cust_obj.subs)

                    # Go get additional AS Info
                    as_tracking_status = ''
                    as_tracking_sub_status = ''
                    as_tracking_comments = ''
                    as_dm = ''
                    as_project_start = ''
                    as_scheduled_end = ''
                    as_project_created = ''
                    as_sku = ''

                    for row_num in range(1, as_ws.nrows):
                        if as_pid == as_ws.cell_value(row_num, 0):
                            as_dm = as_ws.cell_value(row_num, 1)
                            as_tracking_status = as_ws.cell_value(row_num, 7)
                            as_tracking_sub_status = as_ws.cell_value(row_num, 8)
                            as_tracking_comments = as_ws.cell_value(row_num, 9)
                            as_sku = as_ws.cell_value(row_num, 14)
                            as_project_start = as_ws.cell_value(row_num, 26)
                            as_scheduled_end = as_ws.cell_value(row_num, 27)
                            as_project_created = as_ws.cell_value(row_num, 28)

                            if isinstance(as_project_start,float):
                                year, month, day, hour, minute, second = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(as_project_start, as_wb.datemode)
                                as_project_start = datetime(year, month, day)

                            if isinstance(as_scheduled_end, float):
                                year, month, day, hour, minute, second = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(as_scheduled_end, as_wb.datemode)
                                as_scheduled_end = datetime(year, month, day)

                            if isinstance(as_project_created, float):
                                year, month, day, hour, minute, second = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(as_project_created, as_wb.datemode)
                                as_project_created = datetime(year, month, day)

                    if isinstance(billing_start_date, datetime) and isinstance(as_project_start, datetime):
                        time_to_service = (billing_start_date - as_project_start).days
                        time_to_service = ''

                    magic_row = [cust_id, so, as_pid, as_cust_name, sales_lev1, sales_lev2, pss, tsa, am,
                                 sub_summary, billing_start_date, next_renewal_date,
                                 days_to_renew, renewal_rev, sub_renew_status, as_dm, as_tracking_status,
                                 as_tracking_sub_status, as_tracking_comments, as_sku,
                                 as_project_created, as_project_start, as_scheduled_end, time_to_service]


    # print(len(magic_list))
    # print(x)
    # for my_row in magic_list:
    #     for my_col in my_row:
    #         print (my_col, type(my_col))
    #     time.sleep(.1)
    # exit()
    tool.push_list_to_xls(magic_list, app_cfg['XLS_DASHBOARD'])

    # Create a simple contact list for CX usage
    # Create a dict of Service SKUs
    tmp_svc_dict = {}
    for k, v in sku_filter_dict.items():
        if v[0] == 'Service':
            tmp_svc_dict[k] = v

    new_cust_list = [['Fiscal Year', 'Booking Qtr', 'Booking Period', 'Customer ID', 'Customer Name',
                      'CX PID', 'CX SKU', 'SO Num', 'PSS', 'PSS email', 'TSA', 'TSA email', 'AM']]
    alias_str = ''

    for cust_id, cust_obj in cust_db.items():

        # for cust_alias in cust_obj.aliases:
        #     cust_name = cust_alias
        #     pss = cust_obj.pss
        #     tsa = cust_obj.tsa
        #     am = cust_obj.am

        alias_str = ''
        for x in cust_obj.aliases:
            alias_str = x + " : " + alias_str

        cust_name = alias_str
        pss = cust_obj.pss
        tsa = cust_obj.tsa
        am = cust_obj.am

        add_it = True
        for so_num, order_list in cust_obj.orders.items():
            for sku in order_list:
                if sku in tmp_svc_dict:
                    add_it = False
                    new_cust_list.append(['', '', '', cust_id, cust_name, 'No PID Found', sku, so_num, pss, '', tsa, '', am])

        if add_it:
            new_cust_list.append(['', '', '', cust_id, cust_name, 'No PID Found', '', so_num, pss, '', tsa, '', am])

            # # See if we can find any CX PID Data
            # if len(cust_obj.as_pids) != 0:
            #     for as_so, as_pid_list in cust_obj.as_pids.items():
            #         for as_pid in as_pid_list:
            #             new_cust_list.append(['', '', '', cust_id, cust_name, as_pid[0], as_pid[2], pss, '', tsa, '', am])
            # else:
            #     new_cust_list.append(['', '', '', cust_id, cust_name, 'No PID Found', '', pss, '', tsa, '', am])

    tool.push_list_to_xls(new_cust_list, 'tmp_CX Contact_list.xlsx')

    # Make a NEW customer list
    cust_as_of = 2020
    new_cust_dict = {}
    new_cust_list = [['Booking Period', 'Customer ID', 'Customer Name', 'PSS', 'PSS email', 'TSA', 'TSA email', 'AM']]
    for row_num in range(1, cust_ws.nrows):
        cust_id = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 15)
        if cust_id in cust_db:
            booking_period = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 2)
            cust_name = cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 13)
            pss = cust_db[cust_id].pss
            tsa = cust_db[cust_id].tsa
            am = cust_db[cust_id].am
            if int(cust_ws.cell_value(row_num, 2)) >= cust_as_of:
                new_cust_list.append([booking_period, cust_id, cust_name, pss, tsa, am])

    push_list_to_xls(new_cust_list, 'tmp_New_Customer_list.xlsx')
    # push_list_to_xls(cust_db, 'tmp_All_Customers_list.xlsx')

def build_rosetta_stone():
    # Build a Team Dict to figure out PSS/TSA
    team_dict = tool.build_coverage_dict()

    # Define Header Row
    rosetta_list = []
    rosetta_list.append(['Customer Name', 'Num Of Licenses ', '% of Sensors Installed', '% of Active Sensors',
                        'Adoption Factor' + '\n' + '(% Active Sensors : % of Subscription Consumed)'
                         + '\n' + ' as of ',
                         'Subscription Term', 'Subscription Status', 'Days to Renew',
                         'PSS', 'TSA', 'AM', 'Sales Lv 1', 'Sales Lv 2',
                         'Telemetry Name', 'Telemetry VRF', 'Sensors Installed', 'Active Agents',
                         'Sub Type', 'Sub Order Num','Sub ID', 'Req Start Date', 'Renewal Date',
                         'CX PID', 'CX Delivery Manager', 'Customer ID'])

    # Main Loop over all Customer IDs
    customer_ids = Customer_Ids.query.all()
    print('There are', len(customer_ids), 'unique Customer IDs')

    for my_id_info in customer_ids:
        customer_id = my_id_info.customer_id
        if customer_id == 'INVALID':

        # Loop over each Alias we found
        for alias_num, my_alias in enumerate(my_id_info.customer_aliases):
            customer_name = my_alias.customer_alias
            rosetta_row = []

            # Perform All Queries for this Customer Alias
            my_services = Services.query.filter_by(end_customer=customer_name).all()
            my_telemetry = Telemetry.query.filter_by(erp_cust_name=customer_name).all()
            my_bookings = Bookings.query.filter_by(erp_end_customer_name=customer_name).all()
            my_subs = sub_analysis(customer_name)

            if len(my_telemetry) > 1:
                print("\tsvc count", len(my_services))
                print("\ttelemetry count", len(my_telemetry))
                print("\tbookings count", len(my_bookings))
                print("\tsubs count", len(my_subs))

            # Get where this was sold and by who
            cust_sales_lev_1 = my_bookings[0].sales_level_1
            cust_sales_lev_2 = my_bookings[0].sales_level_2
            cust_sales_lev_3 = my_bookings[0].sales_level_3
            cust_sales_lev_4 = my_bookings[0].sales_level_4
            cust_sales_lev_5 = my_bookings[0].sales_level_5
            cust_sales_lev_6 = my_bookings[0].sales_level_6
            sales_level = cust_sales_lev_1 + ',' + cust_sales_lev_2 + ',' + cust_sales_lev_3 + ',' + \
                cust_sales_lev_4 + ',' + cust_sales_lev_5 + ',' + cust_sales_lev_6
            sales_team = tool.find_team(team_dict, sales_level)
            pss = sales_team[0]
            tsa = sales_team[1]
            cust_acct_mgr = my_bookings[0].sales_agent_name

            # Subscription Analysis
            # Loop over each Subscription for this Customer_Name / Customer_ID
            sub_id = my_subs[0]
            sub_offer_name = my_subs[1]
            sub_start_date = my_subs[2]
            sub_term = my_subs[3]
            sub_status = my_subs[4]
            sub_so_num = my_subs[5]
            sub_renewal_date = my_subs[6]

            # Check Telemetry Table and SaaS data
            telemetry_name = ''
            telemetry_vrf_number = ''
            telemetry_num_of_licenses = 0
            telemetry_actual_sensors_installed = 0
            telemetry_inactive_agents = 0
            telemetry_so = ''
            telemetry_start_date = ''

            # Calculated Fields for Telemetry
            saas_flag = False
            telemetry_active_agents = 0
            pct_installed = 0
            pct_active = 0

            if len(my_telemetry) == 1:
                # print("\tNumber of Telemetry sessions", len(my_telemetry), my_telemetry[0].name)
                saas_flag = True
                # Telemetry Data
                telemetry_name = my_telemetry[0].name
                telemetry_vrf_number = my_telemetry[0].vrf
                telemetry_num_of_licenses = my_telemetry[0].licensed
                telemetry_actual_sensors_installed = my_telemetry[0].installed
                telemetry_inactive_agents = my_telemetry[0].inactive
                telemetry_so = my_telemetry[0].so_number
                telemetry_start_date = my_telemetry[0].start_date
            elif len(my_telemetry) > 1:
                print("\tERROR: More than one Telemetry session found !", len(my_telemetry))

            # Make the Calculations for Telemetry
            if int(telemetry_num_of_licenses) != 0:
                telemetry_active_agents = telemetry_actual_sensors_installed - telemetry_inactive_agents
                pct_installed = telemetry_actual_sensors_installed / telemetry_num_of_licenses
                pct_active = telemetry_active_agents / telemetry_num_of_licenses

            # Fields to grab from other places
            as_pid = '1234'
            as_dm = 'jim'

            # Calc Adoption Factor and Days to Renewal
            days_to_renew = ''
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            adoption_factor = 0
            if isinstance(telemetry_start_date, datetime.datetime) and \
               isinstance(sub_renewal_date, datetime.datetime):
                days_to_renew = (sub_renewal_date - now).days

                sub_days_total = int(sub_term) * 30
                sub_days_active = sub_days_total - days_to_renew

                pct_sub_expired = sub_days_active / sub_days_total
                adoption_factor = (pct_active / pct_sub_expired)
                adoption_factor = str(round(adoption_factor, 2)) + '_non$_'

            # All the math is done so now
            # Format these all to push_list_to_xls.py
            telemetry_num_of_licenses = int(telemetry_num_of_licenses)
            telemetry_actual_sensors_installed = int(telemetry_actual_sensors_installed)
            telemetry_active_agents = int(telemetry_active_agents)
            pct_installed = str(round(pct_installed, 1)) + '_%_'
            pct_active = str(round(pct_active, 1)) + '_%_'

            # Push out a row
            rosetta_row = [customer_name, telemetry_num_of_licenses, pct_installed, pct_active,
                            sub_term, sub_status, days_to_renew,
                            pss, tsa, cust_acct_mgr, cust_sales_lev_1, cust_sales_lev_2,
                            telemetry_name, telemetry_vrf_number,
                            telemetry_actual_sensors_installed, telemetry_active_agents,
                            sub_offer_name, sub_so_num, sub_id,telemetry_start_date, sub_renewal_date,
                            as_pid, as_dm, customer_id]


    tool.push_list_to_xls(rosetta_list, 'stan.xlsx')

    my_telemetry = Telemetry.query.all()
    a_list = [['cust','vrf','order']]
    for r in my_telemetry:
        telemetry_cust = r.erp_cust_name
        vrf = r.vrf
        order = r.so_number
        found_it = False
        for my_row in rosetta_list:
            if my_row[0] == telemetry_cust:
                found_it = True
                # print('found',telemetry_cust)
        if found_it == False:
            a_list.append([telemetry_cust, vrf, order])
            print('MISSING', telemetry_cust, vrf, order)
    tool.push_list_to_xls(a_list, 'blanche.xlsx')

                cust_id, aliases, cust_key, fiscal_year, fiscal_qtr, sls_lv1,
                sls_lv2, sls_lv3, 'product', '', prod_sku, prod_rev, 0

        total_svc = 0

        for booking in cust_obj.svc_booking:
            fiscal_year = booking[0]
            fiscal_qtr = booking[1]
            svc_sku = booking[2]
            svc_rev = booking[3]
            svc_type = booking[4]
            total_svc = total_svc + svc_rev
                cust_id, aliases, cust_key, fiscal_year, fiscal_qtr, sls_lv1,
                sls_lv2, sls_lv3, 'service', svc_type, svc_sku, 0, svc_rev

        my_summary = create_summary(total_prod, total_svc)
            cust_key, fiscal_year, fiscal_qtr, sls_lv1, sls_lv2, sls_lv3,
            my_summary[0], my_summary[1], total_prod, total_svc

        # print(summary_list)
        # time.sleep(.4)

    push_list_to_xls(output_list, 'detail.xlsx')
    push_list_to_xls(summary_list, 'summary.xlsx')
    # We found a new AS Booking Lets capture it
    if r.hash_value not in base_dict:
        # Go get a PSS/TSA and Sales Levels
        sales_levels = r.sales_level_1 + ',' + r.sales_level_2 + ',' + r.sales_level_3 + ',' + r.sales_level_4 + ',' + \
            r.sales_level_5 + ',' + r.sales_level_6
        sales_team = tool.find_team(team_dict, sales_levels)
        pss = sales_team[0]
        tsa = sales_team[1]

        print('Found New', r.erp_end_customer_name, r.product_id, pss, tsa, r.sales_agent_name, r.erp_sales_order_number, r.web_order_id)
        new_as_list.append([r.erp_end_customer_name, r.product_id, pss, tsa, r.sales_agent_name,
                            r.erp_sales_order_number, r.web_order_id, r.date_added])

# Push the list to excel
tool.push_list_to_xls(new_as_list, 'new_AS.xlsx',)

# Go to the Repo and get all Customer Aliases/Customer Global IDs

# Find the most recent snapshot in the repo
most_recent_update = table_stats({'bookings': 'archive_bookings_repo'})
date_added = most_recent_update[0][0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
print("Reporting on most recent snapshot", most_recent_update[0][0])

sql = "SELECT distinct erp_end_customer_name, end_customer_global_ultimate_id " + \
        "FROM archive_bookings_repo " +\
        "WHERE date_added = '" + date_added + "';"
customer_aliases = db.engine.execute(sql)
def report_new_as_bookings():
    # Build a Team Dict of PSS/TSA
    team_dict = tool.build_coverage_dict()

    # Create the Start and End Dates / Tables
    start_date = "2020-03-30"
    start_tbl = "tmp_booking_" + start_date.replace('-', '_')
    end_date = "2020-05-27"
    end_tbl = "tmp_booking_" + end_date.replace('-', '_')

    # Re-Hash the Bookings Repo
    # print("Hashing Bookings Repo")
    # tool.create_row_hash('Archive_Bookings_Repo')

    # Start Table
    # sql = "DROP TABLE " + start_tbl + ";"
    # db.engine.execute(sql)
    sql = "CREATE TABLE " + start_tbl + " LIKE archive_bookings_repo;"
    sql = "INSERT INTO " + start_tbl + " SELECT * " +\
        "FROM archive_bookings_repo " +\
        "WHERE date_added = '" + start_date + "' ;"
    sql = "DELETE FROM " + start_tbl + " WHERE product_id NOT LIKE 'AS%';"

    # End Table
    # sql = "DROP TABLE " + end_tbl + ";"
    # db.engine.execute(sql)
    sql = "CREATE TABLE " + end_tbl + " LIKE archive_bookings_repo;"
    sql = "INSERT INTO " + end_tbl + " SELECT * " +\
        "FROM archive_bookings_repo " +\
        "WHERE date_added = '" + end_date + "' ;"
    sql = "DELETE FROM " + end_tbl + " WHERE product_id NOT LIKE 'AS%';"

    # Compare the two
    sql = "SELECT * FROM " + start_tbl + ";"
    starting_rows = db.engine.execute(sql)
    base_dict = {}
    for r in starting_rows:
        base_dict[r.hash_value] = r.id

    sql = "SELECT * FROM " + end_tbl + ";"
    ending_rows = db.engine.execute(sql)

    # Define Header Row
    new_as_list = [['Customer Name', 'Product ID', 'PSS', 'TSA', 'Account Mgr',
                    'SO Number', 'Web Order ID', 'Date Added', 'Svc Revenue', 'Prod Revenue']]

    # Loop over the most recent Bookings records with AS orders
    for r in ending_rows:

        # We found a new AS Booking Lets capture it
        if r.hash_value not in base_dict:
            # Go get a PSS/TSA and Sales Levels
            sales_levels = r.sales_level_1 + ',' + r.sales_level_2 + ',' + r.sales_level_3 + ',' + \
                           r.sales_level_4 + ',' + r.sales_level_5 + ',' + r.sales_level_6
            sales_team = tool.find_team(team_dict, sales_levels)
            pss = sales_team[0]
            tsa = sales_team[1]

            print('Found New', r.erp_end_customer_name, r.product_id, pss, tsa, r.sales_agent_name,
                  r.erp_sales_order_number, r.web_order_id)

            new_as_list.append([r.erp_end_customer_name, r.product_id, pss, tsa, r.sales_agent_name,
                                r.erp_sales_order_number, r.web_order_id, r.date_added,

    # Push the list to excel
    tool.push_list_to_xls(new_as_list, 'tmp_new_AS_Bookings as of ' + end_date.replace('-', '_') + '.xlsx')
def report_customer_contacts():
    # Build a Team Dict of PSS/TSA
    team_dict = tool.build_coverage_dict()

    # customer_aliases = Customer_Aliases.query.all()
    # print(customer_aliases)
    # customer_names = Bookings.query.all()

    # Go to the Repo and get all Customer Aliases/Customer Global IDs

    # Find the most recent snapshot in the repo
    most_recent_update = table_stats({'bookings': 'archive_bookings_repo'})
    date_added = most_recent_update[0][0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    print("Reporting on most recent snapshot", most_recent_update[0][0])

    sql = "SELECT distinct erp_end_customer_name, end_customer_global_ultimate_name, end_customer_global_ultimate_id " + \
        "FROM archive_bookings_repo " +\
        "WHERE date_added = '" + date_added + "';"
    customer_aliases = db.engine.execute(sql)
    print("Processing ", customer_aliases.rowcount, " customers")

    # Define Header Row
    customer_contact_list = [[
        'Customer Name', 'Ultimate Customer Name', 'Customer ID', 'PSS', 'TSA',
        'Account Mgr', 'Sales_Lev_1', 'Sales_Lev_2', 'Sales_Lev_3',
        'Sales_Lev_4', 'Sales_Lev_5', 'Sales_Lev_6'

    sales_levels = ''
    for r in customer_aliases:
        # Go get all sales levels and agents
        this_cust_info = Bookings.query.filter_by(
        x = ''

        # Search for a valid set of sales levels
        for x in this_cust_info:
            sales_levels = x.sales_level_1 + ',' + x.sales_level_2 + ',' + x.sales_level_3 + ',' + \
                           x.sales_level_4 + ',' + x.sales_level_5 + ',' + x.sales_level_6

            # Skip any levels that has MISC in it
            if sales_levels.find('MISC') != -1:

        # Go get a PSS/TSA
        sales_team = tool.find_team(team_dict, sales_levels)
        pss = sales_team[0]
        tsa = sales_team[1]

        print('got this', sales_team)
        print('got team', pss, tsa)
        # exit()
            r.erp_end_customer_name, r.end_customer_global_ultimate_name,
            r.end_customer_global_ultimate_id, pss, tsa, x.sales_agent_name,
            x.sales_level_1, x.sales_level_2, x.sales_level_3, x.sales_level_4,
            x.sales_level_5, x.sales_level_6

        'tmp_simple_customer_' + date_added.replace('-', '_') + '.xlsx')

    my_list = [[
        'emp id', 'username', 'email', 'full name', 'manager', 'dept', 'role',
        'job title', 'fname', 'nickname', 'lname'

    for k, v in ta_mailer.items():
        # print(k, v['username'], v['dept'], v['job_title'])
            k, v['username'], v['email'], v['lname'] + ', ' + v['nickname'],
            v['manager_id'], v['dept'], v['job_title_short'], v['job_title'],
            v['fname'], v['nickname'], v['lname']

    # tool.push_list_to_xls(my_list, 'tmp_global_ta_team.xlsx',)


# mai = ws.cell_value(0, 0)
# raw_len = len(raw)
# names = []
# name = ''
# for c in raw:
#     if c != ';':
#         name = name + c
#     else:
#         if name[0] == ' ':
#             name = name[1:]
def scrub_fy20_coverage():
    # Get the Tetration Specialists
    wb, ws = tool.open_wb('ldap_users.xlsx')
    tet_tsa_list = []
    for x in range(1, ws.nrows):
        ws.cell_value(x, 10)
        if ws.cell_value(x, 10) == 'Tetration':
            tet_tsa_list.append([ws.cell_value(x, 4), ws.cell_value(x, 3)])

    # file_name = "TA Services Bookings with SO as of 11-23-20"

    file_name = 'global_coverage'
    home = (app_cfg['UPDATES_SUB_DIR'])
    my_dir = "FY20_Coverage"
    my_path = os.path.join(home, my_dir)
    print('my path >>> ', os.path.join(home, my_dir))

    my_wb, my_ws = tool.open_wb(file_name + '.xlsx', my_path)

    ws_americas = my_wb.sheet_by_name('Americas')
    ws_emear = my_wb.sheet_by_name('EMEAR')


    coverage_dict = {}

    # Process Americas Coverage
    for row in range(1, ws_americas.nrows):
        if ws_americas.cell_value(row, 27) != '':

            node_id = str(int(ws_americas.cell_value(row, 0)))
            sls_lev_1 = ws_americas.cell_value(row, 9)
            sls_lev_2 = ws_americas.cell_value(row, 10)
            sls_lev_3 = ws_americas.cell_value(row, 11)
            sls_lev_4 = ws_americas.cell_value(row, 12)
            sls_lev_5 = ws_americas.cell_value(row, 13)
            sls_lev_6 = ws_americas.cell_value(row, 14)

            css = ws_americas.cell_value(row, 20)
            tsa = ws_americas.cell_value(row, 21)
            swan_css = ws_americas.cell_value(row, 27)
            swan_tsa = ws_americas.cell_value(row, 28)

            tet_tsa = ''
            for tet_tsa in tet_tsa_list:
                if swan_tsa.find(tet_tsa[0]) != -1:
                    tet_tsa = tet_tsa[0] + ', ' + tet_tsa[1]
                    tet_tsa = ''

            coverage_dict[node_id] = [
                sls_lev_1, sls_lev_2, sls_lev_3, sls_lev_4, sls_lev_5,
                sls_lev_6, css, tsa, swan_css, swan_tsa, tet_tsa

    # Process EMEAR Coverage
    for row in range(1, ws_emear.nrows):
        if ws_emear.cell_value(row, 26) != '':

            node_id = str(int(ws_emear.cell_value(row, 1)))
            sls_lev_1 = ws_emear.cell_value(row, 4)
            sls_lev_2 = ws_emear.cell_value(row, 5)
            sls_lev_3 = ws_emear.cell_value(row, 6)
            sls_lev_4 = ws_emear.cell_value(row, 7)
            sls_lev_5 = ws_emear.cell_value(row, 8)
            sls_lev_6 = ws_emear.cell_value(row, 9)

            css = ws_emear.cell_value(row, 19)
            tsa = ws_emear.cell_value(row, 20)
            swan_css = ws_emear.cell_value(row, 26)
            swan_tsa = ws_emear.cell_value(row, 27)

            tet_tsa = ''
            for tet_tsa in tet_tsa_list:
                if swan_tsa.find(tet_tsa[0]) != -1:
                    tet_tsa = tet_tsa[0] + ', ' + tet_tsa[1]
                    tet_tsa = ''

            coverage_dict[node_id] = [
                sls_lev_1, sls_lev_2, sls_lev_3, sls_lev_4, sls_lev_5,
                sls_lev_6, css, tsa, swan_css, swan_tsa, tet_tsa

    coverage_list = [[
        'node_id', 'sales_level_1', 'sales_level_2', 'sales_level_3',
        'sales_level_4', 'sales_level_5', 'sales_level_6', 'css', 'tsa',
        'swan_css', 'swan_tsa', 'tetration_tsa'

    for k, v in coverage_dict.items():
        tmp_list = v
        tmp_list.insert(0, k)

    tool.push_list_to_xls(coverage_list, 'swan_coverage.xlsx')