def get_versioninfo(obj,outputdir): ''' Get version (svn) information of directories and return a list of strings. ''' try: my_sys.my_system(os.path.join("../../tools/sliksvn/bin","svn") + " info " + str(obj) + " 1> " +\ os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit1.txt") + " 2> " +\ os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.err"),fatal=1) my_sys.my_system(os.path.join("../../tools","grep") + " Rev " +\ os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit1.txt") + " 1> " +\ os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.txt") + " 2> " +\ os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.err"),fatal=1) list = my_sys.my_readfile(os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.txt")) my_sys.my_removefile(os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.txt")) my_sys.my_removefile(os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit1.txt")) my_sys.my_removefile(os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.err")) list.insert(0,"Directory " +str(obj)) except (MyError,OSError): try: #Try another time but with the assumption that the system has svn installed. my_sys.my_system("svn info " + str(obj) + " 1> " +\ os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit1.txt") + " 2> " +\ os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.err"),fatal=1) my_sys.my_system("grep Rev " +\ os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit1.txt") + " 1> " +\ os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.txt") + " 2> " +\ os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.err"),fatal=1) list = my_sys.my_readfile(os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.txt")) my_sys.my_removefile(os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.txt")) my_sys.my_removefile(os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit1.txt")) my_sys.my_removefile(os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.err")) list.insert(0,"Directory " +str(obj)) except (MyError,OSError): list = [] list.append("Directory "+str(obj) + " has no version info.") # Remove temporary files which are created here if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.txt"))): my_sys.my_removefile(os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.txt")) if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit1.txt"))): my_sys.my_removefile(os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit1.txt")) if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.err"))): my_sys.my_removefile(os.path.join(outputdir,"tempuit.err")) return list
import sys import os import ascraster import my_sys # Read input file grid = ascraster.Asciigrid(ascii_file=sys.argv[1]) grid.save_as_bitmap("qq.jpeg",minV=0,maxV=5,mode="RGB",color=(1,0,0)) my_sys.my_system("display qq.jpeg") my_sys.my_removefile("qq.jpeg")
def run_dgnm(args): ''' Run DGNM model main routine args: list of arguments passed trough command-line or other script ''' # Parse command-line arguments and set parameters for script # Startup logging and runtime start params, log, s = general_startup.general_startup(args) # Read mask of the input grids. # The mask takes care to do the calculations on an efficient way. # Only the grid cells which are in the mask are calculated and stored. if (params.lmask): # Global #mask = ascraster.create_mask(params.file_mask, 0,'GT',numtype=float) # General formulation in the ini file. mask = ascraster.create_mask(params.file_mask, params.maskid, params.mask_bool_operator, numtype=int) if (params.ldebug): print("MASK: ", params.file_mask + " has been read.") log.write_and_print(s.interval("Reading mask.")) else: mask = None log.write_and_print(s.interval("No mask is used for this simulation.")) # Read species file, conservative variables, sources and processes file species, sources, proc, params_local = read_parameter.readfile( params.species_ini) # Add all params_local to params. for iname in params_local.names: setattr(params, iname, params_local.get_val(iname)) del params_local # Make an indexnumber in the species list with the name of the species. # For example: params.io2 = general_func.find_spec(species,"O2") make_index_species.make_index_species(params, species, proc) # Make the photosythesis for each species which needs it. # Calculate this for each day and for just 1 year. # Calculation is only done if no photosynthesis input file is provided. make_photo.make_photosyn(params, species) # Define characteristics of low Strahler orders if constant. if (not params.lstrahlergrids): #LV 28-02-2018 define_subgrid_streamorder.define_subgrid_streamorder_constant(params) # Delete all the locking files on the output directory file_locking.clean_locks(params) # Read river basin map basin = ascraster.Asciigrid(ascii_file=params.basin, mask=mask, numtype=int) if (params.ldebug): print(params.basin + " has been read.") # Create the information of the mask to an output file to be able to read the output files. fp_out = open(os.path.join(params.outputdir, "mask.pkl"), "wb") pickle.dump(basin, fp_out, -1) pickle.dump(params, fp_out, -1) fp_out.close() # Make a list of all the riverbasins that have to be calculated. list_riverid = list(set(basin.values)) list_riverid.sort() # Creation of pickle file with fixed initial concentrations (read in ini file). if (params.lspinup == -1): general_func.make_header( os.path.join(params.pkl_outputdir, "start_fixed_conc.pkl"), species, params.starttime) elif (params.lspinup == 0): # Check the startup file general_func.check_header(params.startup_file, species, params.starttime) elif (params.lspinup == 1): # Make empty output files where all the processes can add their information. create_outfiles.create_outfiles(params, species, proc, params.starttime) # Make all output files. year = params.starttime + params.outputtime timeperiod = -1 while (year < params.endtime): timeperiod += 1 # Make all restart files. lrestart = ((timeperiod + 1) % iround(params.restartnumber) == 0) create_outfiles.create_outfiles(params, species, proc, year, lrestart=lrestart) year += params.outputtime # Make output files for last time year = params.endtime create_outfiles.create_outfiles(params, species, proc, year) # Determine the number of cells per riverbasin, to avoid too small portions. riverid_num = {} for icell in range(basin.length): id = basin.get_data(icell) if (id != None): try: riverid_num[id] += 1 except KeyError: riverid_num[id] = 1 # Store the objects that are needed in the dgnm_river. # Write these objects to file, so dgnm_river can read this file. # Here the general data is accessible for all subprocesses. fp_out = open(os.path.join(params.outputdir, "general_objects.pkl"), "wb") pickle.dump(params, fp_out, -1) pickle.dump(species, fp_out, -1) pickle.dump(proc, fp_out, -1) pickle.dump(sources, fp_out, -1) fp_out.close() # Prepare for multitasking. if (params.llocal): # Use the local processing power and use the multiprocessing module of python. import multiprocessing as mp # Define a lock to regulate the access of shared objects over all the processes. lock = mp.Lock() # Set the number of cpu that will be used. number_of_cpu = min(mp.cpu_count(), params.ncpu) # Create list with jobs. jobs = [] # Start with submitting the jobs item = 0 jobnum = 1 while (item < len(list_riverid)): try: total_cells = riverid_num[list_riverid[item]] except KeyError: item += 1 continue numbers = [list_riverid[item]] while (total_cells < params.minimal_number_of_cells): item += 1 if (item > len(list_riverid) - 1): # Last riverbasin, so no more cells. break else: total_cells += riverid_num[list_riverid[item]] numbers.append(list_riverid[item]) if (params.llocal): # Define the process with riverid "num", return value p is process "handler" p = mp.Process(target=dgnm_river.calculate, args=(numbers, lock, params, species, proc, sources)) # Add the process handler to the jobs list. jobs.append(p) # Start the process general_func.start_process(p, jobs, number_of_cpu) else: # Distribute the work over the nodes of the EEJIT cluster with sbatch # Make command string to execute on the cluster cmd = make_cluster_cmd.make_cluster_cmd(params, jobnum, numbers, total_cells) # Submit the job. my_sys.my_system(cmd) time.sleep(2) item += 1 jobnum += 1 # Wait until all jobs are finished. if (params.llocal): for p in jobs: p.join() print("All processes are ready.") log.write_and_print("Total run")) del log
# ****************************************************** ## Revision "$LastChangedDate: 2018-06-01 15:05:44 +0200 (Fri, 01 Jun 2018) $" ## Date "$LastChangedRevision: 1 $" ## Author "$LastChangedBy: arthurbeusen $" ## URL "$HeadURL: $" ## Copyright 2017, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and Utrecht University. ## Reuse permitted under Gnu Public License, GPL v3. # ****************************************************** import sys import os import ascraster import my_sys # Read input file grid = ascraster.Asciigrid(ascii_file=sys.argv[1]) grid.save_as_bitmap("qq.jpeg", minV=0, maxV=5, mode="RGB", color=(1, 0, 0)) my_sys.my_system("display qq.jpeg") my_sys.my_removefile("qq.jpeg")