Make sure reference solution is set to 1 level. dt = 0.01 """ #------------------------------ # Import #------------------------------ import subprocess import data_circle import data_sq import my_utils #------------------------------ # parse command line #------------------------------ nsources, ntargets, nthreads, distribution, accuracy, nsteps, indir, outdir, solver, niters, nlevs, fnodes = my_utils.parse_cmd_line() #------------------------------ # Set the Initial Condition #------------------------------ # set the 4 particle square initial condition, indir) # set the 2D ring initial condition, ntargets, nsteps, distribution, indir) #------------------------------ # Create Initial condition #------------------------------ # numper of MPI processors
import my_utils as mu import solver_utils as su #--------------------------- #======================================== # Run #======================================== show_time = True #------------------------------------------ # Set up parameters #------------------------------------------ # read the command line. The only thing of relevance is nthreads and data_path. # Everything else is overwritten nsources, ntargets, nthreads, distribution, accuracy, nsteps, indir, outdir, solver, niters = mu.parse_cmd_line() #nsources = 4 #ntargets = 3 #nthreads = 1 #distribution = -1 #accuracy = 3 #nsteps = 1 #indir = "/home/namdi/Documents/School/UNC/Parallel_Time/Data/test.d" #outdir = None #solver = 2 #niters = 1 # the exact path to the initial data input_dir = indir + "/t_0"