def show_profile_package_to_textbox(): print("profile package option menu selected") profile_package_filename_selected = om_profile_package_var.get() print(profile_package_filename_selected) clear_textbox() print_to_textbox("Profile package selected: " + profile_package_filename_selected) #open profile to load content, load back data to variable global home_path with open( os.path.join(home_path, "profile", "profile_package", profile_package_filename_selected)) as json_file: data_dict = json.load(json_file) #print(data_dict) profile_package_name = data_dict['package_name'] profiles_filepath = data_dict['profiles_filepath'] #print(profile_package_name) #print(profiles_filepath) print_to_textbox("profile_package_name " + profile_package_name) print_to_textbox("-----------------------------------------") print_to_textbox("profile_filepaths: ") print("profile_filepaths: ") for profile_filepath in profiles_filepath: #print_to_textbox(profile_filepath) print_to_textbox(get_filename(profile_filepath)) print(get_filename(profile_filepath)) profile_package_select.configure(bg="green2") text_var_status.set("STATUS: PACKAGE SELECTED") loadprofile_package_button.configure(state='normal')
def ls_name(folder_path, e=""): ''' e = except_filter_folder get of file name of a folder sort file by decent modify time, newest file on the first ''' filenames = [] filepaths = [] if e == "": for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(folder_path): for name in files: if "~$" not in name: filepaths.append(os.path.join(path, name)) #filenames.append(name) #sorted(filenames) sorted_by_mtime_ascending = sorted(filepaths, key=lambda t: os.stat(t).st_mtime, reverse=True) for filepath in sorted_by_mtime_ascending: filenames.append(get_filename(filepath)) return filenames else: for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(folder_path): for name in files: if "~$" not in name and e not in path: filepaths.append(os.path.join(path, name)) #filenames.append(name) sorted_by_mtime_ascending = sorted(filepaths, key=lambda t: os.stat(t).st_mtime, reverse=True) for filepath in sorted_by_mtime_ascending: filenames.append(get_filename(filepath)) return filenames
def show_profile_to_textbox(): profile_filename_selected = om_profile_var.get() print(om_profile_var.get()) print_to_textbox(om_profile_var.get()) #open profile to load content, load back data to variable global home_path clear_textbox() with open(os.path.join(home_path, "profile", profile_filename_selected)) as json_file: data_dict = json.load(json_file) print(data_dict) template_filepath = data_dict["template_filepath"] input_file_path = data_dict["input_file_path"] selected_sheet = data_dict["selected_sheet"] folder_tag = data_dict["folder_tag"] foldersplit = data_dict['foldersplit'] filenametag = data_dict['filenametag'] mergefile = data_dict['mergefile'] print_to_textbox("Excel Input: " + get_filename(input_file_path)) print_to_textbox("Sheet Name: " + selected_sheet) print_to_textbox("Template Input: " + get_filename(template_filepath)) print_to_textbox("Folder_tag: " + folder_tag) print_to_textbox("foldersplit: " + str(foldersplit)) print_to_textbox("filenametag: " + str(filenametag)) print_to_textbox("mergefile: " + str(mergefile)) print_to_textbox("-------------------------") profile_select.configure(bg="green2") loadprofile_button.configure(state='normal')
def loadprofile_package(): #cho vang cai nut de biet la bat dau ==> de troubleshooting loadprofile_package_button.configure(bg='yellow') t.start() t1.start() print("loadprofile_package button press!!") profile_package_filename_selected = om_profile_package_var.get() print(profile_package_filename_selected) clear_textbox() print_to_textbox("Profile package selected: " + profile_package_filename_selected) #open profile to load content, load back data to variable global home_path with open( os.path.join(home_path, "profile", "profile_package", profile_package_filename_selected)) as json_file: data_dict = json.load(json_file) #print(data_dict) profile_package_name = data_dict['package_name'] profiles_filepath = data_dict['profiles_filepath'] no_of_profile = len(profiles_filepath) print(profile_package_name) print(profiles_filepath) #print_to_textbox("profile_package_name "+profile_package_name) #print_to_textbox("-----------------------------------------") count_profile = 0 for profile_filepath in profiles_filepath: count_profile += 1 #print_to_textbox(profile_filepath) print("Loading ", get_filename(profile_filepath), count_profile, "/", no_of_profile, "profiles") print_to_textbox("----------------------------------------") print_to_textbox("Loading " + get_filename(profile_filepath) + " " + str(count_profile) + "/" + str(no_of_profile) + " profiles") loadprofile_procedure(profile_filepath) #cho xanh cai nut , de biet la chay thanh cong loadprofile_package_button.configure(bg='green2') text_var_status.set("FINISHED:" + profile_package_filename_selected) print("FINISHED", profile_package_filename_selected, "!!!") t.stop() t1.stop()
def browse_datainput_button(): status_label.configure(background=orig_color) global input_file_path #global root_path #root_path = filedialog.askdirectory() #filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Excel files", ".xlsx .xls")]) input_file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Excel files", ".xlsx .xls")]) print("button press!!") print(input_file_path) #update entry for input path text_var_inputpath.set(input_file_path) global sheet_options_list sheet_options_list = findallexcellsheet(input_file_path) #print(sheet_options_list) ######## global om_var choices = sheet_options_list om_var = tk.StringVar(root) #om_var.set("02.Select sheet") #sheet_select = tk.OptionMenu(root, om_var, *choices) global sheet_select sheet_select = tk.OptionMenu(root, om_var, *choices, command=lambda _: sheet_select_command()) sheet_select.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky="ew") ######## #update button label input_filename = get_filename(input_file_path)[:20] btn_browse_text.set(input_filename) browse_button.configure(bg='green2') text_var_status.set("SELECTED EXCEL FILE") foldersplit_checkbox.configure(state='normal')
def loadprofile_procedure(profile_filepath): print("---------------------creating script for profile", profile_filepath, "--------------------") #print_to_textbox("creating script for profile:" + get_filename(profile_filepath)) print_to_textbox("creating script for profile:" + profile_filepath) text_var_status.set("loading " + get_filename(profile_filepath)) with open(profile_filepath) as json_file: data_dict = json.load(json_file) print(data_dict) template_filepath = data_dict["template_filepath"] input_file_path = data_dict["input_file_path"] selected_sheet = data_dict["selected_sheet"] folder_tag = data_dict["folder_tag"] foldersplit = data_dict['foldersplit'] filenametag = data_dict['filenametag'] mergefile = data_dict['mergefile'] input_filename = get_filename(input_file_path)[:20] #print("#######################troubbleshooting#####################") #print(template_filepath) #print_to_textbox("template_filepath: "+template_filepath) #time.sleep(10) #print("#######################end troubbleshooting#####################") print("selected_sheet:", selected_sheet) try: df = pd.read_excel(input_file_path, header=0, sheet_name=selected_sheet) df = df.rename(columns=lambda x: x.strip()) #remove decription data in CIQ template if exit if "Parameter" in df.columns: i = df[((df.Parameter == 'Area'))].index df = df.drop(i) #thay doi ":" bang dau ":" #df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(r"[:]", "_") df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(r"[:=\-]", "_") print("SUMMARY DATA INPUT TABLE:") print(df) global column_header column_headers = list(df.columns.values) except: print(input_file_path + " does not exists") print_to_textbox(input_file_path + " does not exists") return #stop method try: f = open(template_filepath, "r") input_file_content = f.close() except FileNotFoundError: print(template_filepath, "does not exists") print_to_textbox(template_filepath + " does not exists") return #stop method folder, template_filename = os.path.split(template_filepath) #find all variable in template with open(template_filepath) as infile: lines = infile.readlines() #find all variable string var_set = set() for index, line in enumerate(lines): line = line.strip() regex = '\$' + "(\w+)" variables = re.findall(regex, line) for item in variables: var_set.add(item) ##### regex2 = '\$\{' + "(\w+)" + '\}' variables2 = re.findall(regex2, line) #print(variables2) for item in variables2: var_set.add(item) ##### ##### #cai tien co dau : ben trong variable regex3 = '%' + "([\w:=\-]+)" + '%' variables3 = re.findall(regex3, line) for item in variables3: var_set.add(item) ##### print("variables in ", template_filename) print(var_set) #update input_file_content (replace variable from %string% to ${string} regex = '%' + "([\w:=\-]+)" + '%' #update to support : inside variablename variables_percent = re.findall(regex, input_file_content) print("#######################################") print("variables_percent:", variables_percent) print("#######################################") for var in variables_percent: #print (var) new_var = var.replace( ":", "_") #phai thay ":" bang "_" vi substitudte ko duoc new_var = new_var.replace( "-", "_") #phai thay ":" bang "_" vi substitudte ko duoc new_var = new_var.replace( "=", "_") #phai thay ":" bang "_" vi substitudte ko duoc print("new variable:", new_var) #new_s = re.sub('%'+var+'%','${'+var+'}',input_file_content) new_s = re.sub('%' + var + '%', '${' + new_var + '}', input_file_content) input_file_content = new_s #substitute data from each row of excel into to template for index, row in df.iterrows(): data = {} for column_name in var_set: column_name = column_name.replace(":", "_") #remove ":" in column column_name = column_name.replace("=", "_") #remove ":" in column column_name = column_name.replace("-", "_") #remove ":" in column if column_name in column_headers: data[column_name] = row[column_name] rowname = filenametag src = Template(input_file_content) try: result = src.substitute(data) except: #stop timer, so that script can be run again t.stop() t1.stop() #split script follow folder templatename, ext = get_file_name_ext(template_filename) if not foldersplit: output_filepath = os.path.join( home_path, "output_script", templatename + "_" + str(row[rowname]) + "." + ext) else: #neu folder ko ton tai thi tao them folder if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(home_path, "output_script", str(row[folder_tag]))): os.mkdir( os.path.join(home_path, "output_script", str(row[folder_tag]))) #rule dat script name, co row, co template name output_filepath = os.path.join( home_path, "output_script", str(row[folder_tag]), templatename + "_" + row[rowname] + "." + ext) if mergefile: output_text_file = open(output_filepath, "a") else: output_text_file = open(output_filepath, "w") output_text_file.write(result) output_text_file.close() print("write successful", data, "to", output_filepath)
def save_profile_press(): global template_filepath, input_file_path, var_foldersplit, var_mergefile selected_sheet = om_var.get() folder_tag = om_folder_var.get() package_name = text_var_packagename.get() print("save_profile_press!!") #init a dict data = {} path, template_filename = os.path.split(template_filepath) profile_filename = template_filename + "_" + get_now_stamp( ) + ".json" ##'20200514_094015' data['template_filepath'] = template_filepath data['input_file_path'] = input_file_path data['selected_sheet'] = selected_sheet data['folder_tag'] = folder_tag data['foldersplit'] = var_foldersplit.get() data['filenametag'] = filenametag_var.get() data['mergefile'] = var_mergefile.get() print("data to be save as below") print(data) profile_filepath = os.path.join(home_path, 'profile', profile_filename) #with open(os.path.join(home_path,'profile',profile_filename), 'w') as outfile: with open(profile_filepath, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) text_var_status.set("Save profile to " + profile_filename) ##################### data2 = {} path, template_filename = os.path.split(template_filepath) #neu o packag_ename co fill text thi moi update vao package name, khong thi thoi if package_name != "": package_filename = package_name + ".json" package_filepath = os.path.join(home_path, 'profile', 'profile_package', package_filename) data2['package_name'] = package_name print("package data to be save as below") print(data2) #neu file ko ton tai thi tao moi if not os.path.exists(package_filepath): data2['profiles_filepath'] = [profile_filepath] with open(package_filepath, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data2, outfile) else: #neu file co ton tai with open(package_filepath) as json_file: data_dict = json.load(json_file) print(data_dict) #profile_package_name = data_dict['package_name'] profiles_filepath = data_dict['profiles_filepath'] if profile_filepath not in profiles_filepath: profiles_filepath.append(profile_filepath) data2['profiles_filepath'] = profiles_filepath #save new package profile or update it with new data with open(package_filepath, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data2, outfile) text_var_status.set(text_var_status.get() + " | Package to: " + get_filename(package_filename)) #text_var_status.set("Save profile to "+ profile_filename) ##################### #update option menu profile with new profile global om_profile_var om_profile_var.set('') profile_select['menu'].delete(0, 'end') #profile_files = ls_name(os.path.join(home_path,'profile')) profile_files = ls_name( os.path.join(home_path, 'profile'), e='profile_package') #filter child folder profile_package #ls_name(folder_path, except_filter_folder="") new_choices = profile_files for choice in new_choices: profile_select['menu'].add_command(label=choice, command=tk._setit( om_profile_var, choice)) ############## ######## #update new profile package global om_profile_package_var om_profile_package_var.set('') profile_package_select['menu'].delete(0, 'end') #profile_files = ls_name(os.path.join(home_path,'profile')) profile_package_files = ls_name( os.path.join(home_path, 'profile', 'profile_package')) #no filter folder new_choices = profile_package_files for choice in new_choices: profile_package_select['menu'].add_command(label=choice, command=tk._setit( om_profile_package_var, choice))
call_moshell(dcgm_path) else: print("okay, no moshell") print("extract path, nodename, date, sw") headers = ["path", "nodename", "date", "sw"] data = [] count = 0 for path in dcgm_paths: nodename = "#" date = "#" sw = "#" count += 1 filename = get_filename(path) #find node name regex = "(\S+)" m =, filename) if m: nodename = regex = "(\w+)_(\d{6}_\d{6})\S+(CXP\S+)" #"" m =, filename) if m: nodename = #date = sw = #tim ngay thang
def loadprofile_procedure(profile_filepath): print("---------------------creating script for profile", profile_filepath, "--------------------") print_to_textbox("---------------------------") print_to_textbox("creating script for profile:" + get_filename(profile_filepath)) text_var_status.set("loading " + get_filename(profile_filepath)) with open(profile_filepath) as json_file: data_dict = json.load(json_file) print(data_dict) template_filepath = data_dict["template_filepath"] input_file_path = data_dict["input_file_path"] selected_sheet = data_dict["selected_sheet"] folder_tag = data_dict["folder_tag"] foldersplit = data_dict['foldersplit'] filenametag = data_dict['filenametag'] mergefile = data_dict['mergefile'] input_filename = get_filename(input_file_path)[:20] print("selected_sheet:", selected_sheet) df = pd.read_excel(input_file_path, header=0, sheet_name=selected_sheet) print("SUMMARY DATA INPUT TABLE:") print(df) global column_header column_headers = list(df.columns.values) f = open(template_filepath, "r") input_file_content = f.close() folder, template_filename = os.path.split(template_filepath) #find all variable in template with open(template_filepath) as infile: lines = infile.readlines() #find all variable string var_set = set() for index, line in enumerate(lines): line = line.strip() regex = '\$' + "(\w+)" variables = re.findall(regex, line) for item in variables: var_set.add(item) ##### regex2 = '\$\{' + "(\w+)" + '\}' variables2 = re.findall(regex2, line) #print(variables2) for item in variables2: var_set.add(item) ##### print("variables in ", template_filename) print(var_set) #substitute data from each row of excel into to template for index, row in df.iterrows(): data = {} for column_name in var_set: if column_name in column_headers: #print(index,column_name,row[column_name]) data[column_name] = row[column_name] #print(data) rowname = filenametag src = Template(input_file_content) result = src.substitute(data) #split script follow folder templatename, ext = get_file_name_ext(template_filename) if not foldersplit: output_filepath = os.path.join( home_path, "output_script", templatename + "_" + str(row[rowname]) + "." + ext) else: #neu folder ko ton tai thi tao them folder if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(home_path, "output_script", str(row[folder_tag]))): os.mkdir( os.path.join(home_path, "output_script", row[folder_tag])) #rule dat script name, co row, co template name output_filepath = os.path.join( home_path, "output_script", row[folder_tag], templatename + "_" + row[rowname] + "." + ext) if mergefile: output_text_file = open(output_filepath, "a") else: output_text_file = open(output_filepath, "w") output_text_file.write(result) output_text_file.close() print("write successful", data, "to", output_filepath)
def loadprofile(): print("loadprofile press!!!") log_textbox.delete("1.0", "end") #print profile name to text box print_to_textbox("profile selected:") profile_filename_selected = om_profile_var.get() print_to_textbox(profile_filename_selected) #open profile to load content, load back data to variable global home_path with open(os.path.join(home_path, "profile", profile_filename_selected)) as json_file: data_dict = json.load(json_file) print(data_dict) #print_to_textbox(str(data_dict)) template_filepath = data_dict["template_filepath"] input_file_path = data_dict["input_file_path"] selected_sheet = data_dict["selected_sheet"] folder_tag = data_dict["folder_tag"] foldersplit = data_dict['foldersplit'] filenametag = data_dict['filenametag'] mergefile = data_dict['mergefile'] print_to_textbox("Excel Input: " + get_filename(input_file_path)) print_to_textbox("Sheet Name: " + selected_sheet) print_to_textbox("Template Input: " + get_filename(template_filepath)) print_to_textbox("Folder_tag: " + folder_tag) print_to_textbox("foldersplit: " + str(foldersplit)) print_to_textbox("filenametag: " + str(filenametag)) print_to_textbox("mergefile: " + str(mergefile)) print_to_textbox("-------------------------") input_filename = get_filename(input_file_path)[:20] btn_browse_text.set(input_filename) browse_button.configure(bg='green2') ################ #selected_sheet = om_var.get() print("selected_sheet:", selected_sheet) df = pd.read_excel(input_file_path, header=0, sheet_name=selected_sheet) print("SUMMARY DATA INPUT TABLE:") print(df) global column_header column_headers = list(df.columns.values) f = open(template_filepath, "r") input_file_content = f.close() folder, template_filename = os.path.split(template_filepath) ##### #find all variable in template with open(template_filepath) as infile: lines = infile.readlines() #find all variable string var_set = set() for index, line in enumerate(lines): line = line.strip() regex = '\$' + "(\w+)" variables = re.findall(regex, line) for item in variables: var_set.add(item) ##### regex2 = '\$\{' + "(\w+)" + '\}' variables2 = re.findall(regex2, line) print(variables2) for item in variables2: var_set.add(item) ##### print( "----------------all variable string_from load profile--------------" ) print( var_set ) #{'smtcOffset', 'smtcPeriodicity', 'smtcDuration', 'smtcScs', 'arfcnValueNRDl', 'nRFrequencyId'} ##### for index, row in df.iterrows(): data = {} for column_name in var_set: if column_name in column_headers: #print(index,column_name,row[column_name]) data[column_name] = row[column_name] print(data) #will turning later #rowname = "row"+str(index) rowname = filenametag src = Template(input_file_content) result = src.substitute(data) #home_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) #output_filepath=os.path.join(home_path, "output_script", str(rowname)) #split script follow folder templatename, ext = get_file_name_ext(template_filename) if not foldersplit: #output_filepath = os.path.join(home_path, "output_script",template_filename + "_" + rowname) output_filepath = os.path.join( home_path, "output_script", templatename + "_" + str(row[rowname]) + "." + ext) else: #neu folder ko ton tai thi tao them folder if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(home_path, "output_script", str(row[folder_tag]))): os.mkdir( os.path.join(home_path, "output_script", row[folder_tag])) #rule dat script name, co row, co template name #output_filepath = os.path.join(home_path, "output_script",row[folder_tag], template_filename + "_" + rowname) output_filepath = os.path.join( home_path, "output_script", row[folder_tag], templatename + "_" + row[rowname] + "." + ext) #if var_mergefile.get(): if mergefile: output_text_file = open(output_filepath, "a") else: output_text_file = open(output_filepath, "w") output_text_file.write(result) output_text_file.close() print("write successful", data, "to", output_filepath) print_to_textbox("write successful script " + output_filepath) text_var_status.set("FINISHED!!!") #create_button.configure(bg="green2") loadprofile_button.configure(bg="green2") status_label.configure(bg="green2")