def delay_effect(Gfb,Gdp,Gff,delay_sec):
	BLOCKSIZE = 1024     # Number of frames per block

	# delay_sec = 0.5
	p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
	WIDTH = 2           # bytes per sample
	RATE = 44100    # Sampling rate (samples/second)

	parameters.d = int( math.floor( RATE * parameters.delay_sec ) ) 
	# Open an output audio stream
	p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
	stream = p.open(format      = p.get_format_from_width(WIDTH),
					channels    = 2,
					rate        = RATE,
					input       = True,
					output      = True )

	output_block = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]
	delay_buff = [0.0 for n in range(0, parameters.d)]
	num_blocks = int(RATE / BLOCKSIZE * RECORD_SECONDS)
	k = 0

	print ("**** Playing Delay effect****")

	for i in range(0, num_blocks):
		if app.MODE != "Delay":
		# Get sample from wave file
		input_string = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)

		# Convert string to number
		input_value = struct.unpack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE, input_string)

		for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):

			# Update buffer
			delay_buff[k] = input_value[2*n] + parameters.delay_Gfb * delay_buff[k]
			k = k + 1
			if k >= parameters.d:
				# We have reached the end of the buffer. Circle back to front.
				k = 0
			output_block[2*n] = parameters.delay_Gdp * input_value[2*n] + parameters.delay_Gff * delay_buff[k];
			output_block[2*n] = clip16(output_block[2*n])
			output_block[2*n+1] = clip16(output_block[2*n])

		# Clip output value to 16 bits and convert to binary string
		output_string = struct.pack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE , *output_block)

		# Write output value to audio stream

	print("**** Done ****")

def my_callback(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):
    input_frame = struct.unpack('hh', input_string)

    sample_left = clip16(gain_L * input_frame[0])
    sample_right = clip16(gain_R * input_frame[1])

    # output_data.append(sample_left)
    # output_data.append(sample_right)

    # OR use 'extend' method
    output_frame = [sample_left, sample_right]

    return (input_string, pyaudio.paContinue)
def my_callback(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):
    global kr, kw, n
    # Create output (initialize to zero)
    in_sample = struct.unpack('h' * block_size, input_string)
    for i in range(0,block_size):
        out_sample = buffer[int(kr)]
        buffer[kw] = in_sample[i]

        # Increment read index
        kr = kr + 1 + W * math.sin( 2 * math.pi * f0 * n / RATE)
            # Note: kr is not integer!

        # Ensure that 0 <= kr < buffer_MAX
        if kr >= buffer_MAX:
            # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
            kr = 0

        # Increment write index    
        kw = kw + 1
        if kw == buffer_MAX:
            # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
            kw = 0
        out_value[i] = clip16( GAIN * out_sample)
    # Convert output values to binary string
    output_string = struct.pack('h'*block_size, *out_value)
    return (output_string, pyaudio.paContinue)
def my_callback_fun(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):
    global counter
    N = block_size  # Number of frames
    if counter > 0:
        print 'block size is', block_size
        print block_size, time_info, status
        counter = counter - 1

    for n in range(N):
        # Do difference equation for block
        rand_val = random.random()
        if rand_val < THRESHOLD:
            x = 15000
            x = 0

        y[n] = b0 * x - a1 * y[n - 1] - a2 * y[n - 2]
        # What happens when n = 0?
        # In Python negative indices cycle to end, so it works..

        y[n] = clip16(y[n])

    # Convert output values to binary string
    output_string = struct.pack('h' * N, *y)

    return (output_string, pyaudio.paContinue)  # Return data and status
def my_callback(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):
    global n, kr, kw

    in_sample = struct.unpack('h', input_string)[0]

    out_sample = buffer[int(kr)]
    buffer[kw] = in_sample

    # Increment read index
    kr = kr + 1 + W * math.sin( 2 * math.pi * f0 * n / RATE )
        # Note: kr is not integer!

    # Ensure that 0 <= kr < buffer_MAX
    if kr >= buffer_MAX:
        # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
        kr = 0

    # Increment write index    
    kw = kw + 1
    if kw == buffer_MAX:
        # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
        kw = 0

    n += 1

    sample = clip16( GAIN * out_sample )
    # output_string = struct.pack('h' *block_size, sample)
    return (input_string, pyaudio.paContinue)
def my_callback(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):
    global n, kr, kw

    in_sample = struct.unpack('h', input_string)[0]

    out_sample = buffer[int(kr)]
    buffer[kw] = in_sample

    # Increment read index
    kr = kr + 1 + W * math.sin(2 * math.pi * f0 * n / RATE)
    # Note: kr is not integer!

    # Ensure that 0 <= kr < buffer_MAX
    if kr >= buffer_MAX:
        # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
        kr = 0

    # Increment write index
    kw = kw + 1
    if kw == buffer_MAX:
        # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
        kw = 0

    n += 1

    sample = clip16(GAIN * out_sample)
    # output_string = struct.pack('h' *block_size, sample)
    return (input_string, pyaudio.paContinue)
def delay(input_tuple, RATE):  #not yet

    fs_Hz = RATE
    Gfb = 0.5  # feed-back gain
    g0 = 0.6  # direct-path gain
    g1 = 0.4  # feed-forward gain
    delay_sec = 1

    buffer_length = len(input_tuple)  # minimal-length buffer
    delay = buffer_length - 500
    buffer = [0.0 for i in range(0, buffer_length)]
    output_value = [0.0 for n in range(0, buffer_length)]

    m1 = delay
    m2 = 0

    for i in range(0, buffer_length):
            i] = g0 * input_tuple[i] + g1 * buffer[m1]  # Compute output value
        buffer[i] = input_tuple[i]  # Update buffer

        # Increment buffer index
        m1 = m1 + 1

        if m1 >= buffer_length:
            m1 = 0

    for n in range(0, len(output_value)):
        output_value[n] = myfunctions.clip16(output_value[n])
    return output_value
def my_callback_fun(input_string, BLOCKSIZE, time_info, status):

    # Do difference equation for block
    for n in range(BLOCKSIZE):

        rand_val = random.random()
        if rand_val < THRESHOLD:
            x = 15000
            x = 0

        y[n] = b0 * x - a1 * y[n-1] - a2 * y[n-2]  
              # What happens when n = 0?
              # In Python negative indices cycle to end, so it works..

        y[n] = clip16(y[n])

    # If numpy is available, then clipping can be done using:
    # y = np.clip(y, -32000, 32000)

    # Convert numeric list to binary string
    data = struct.pack('h' * BLOCKSIZE, *y);

    # Write binary string to audio output stream
    # stream.write(data, BLOCKSIZE)
    return (data, pyaudio.paContinue)
文件: sound.py 项目: kwc305/DSP-Lab
def delay(input_tuple,RATE): #not yet

	fs_Hz = RATE
	Gfb = 0.5   # feed-back gain
	g0 = 0.6    # direct-path gain
	g1 = 0.4 	# feed-forward gain
	delay_sec = 1
	buffer_length = len(input_tuple)      # minimal-length buffer
	delay = buffer_length-500
	print "in delay"
	buffer = [ 0.0 for i in range(0,buffer_length) ] 
	output_value = [0.0 for n in range(0,buffer_length)]
	m1 = delay
	m2 = 0

	for i in range(0,buffer_length):
		output_value[i] = g0 * input_tuple[i] + g1 * buffer[m1] # Compute output value
		buffer[i] = input_tuple[i]  # Update buffer

    	# Increment buffer index
		m1 = m1 + 1

		if m1 >= buffer_length:
			m1 = 0

	for n in range(0,len(output_value)):
		output_value[n] = myfunctions.clip16(output_value[n])
	return output_value
def vibrato(input_tuple, RATE, BLOCK, n, kr):
    BLOCK = BLOCK * 2
    W = 0.6
    W1 = 0.0
    kw = BLOCK / 2
    f0 = 0.1
    frac = 0
    # print len(input_tuple)
    buffer1 = [0.0 for i in range(0, BLOCK)]
    output_value = [0.0 for i in range(0, BLOCK)]
    for i in range(0, BLOCK):
        output_sample = (
            (1 - frac) * buffer1[int(kr) - 1] + frac * buffer1[int(kr)]) / 2
        buffer1[kw] = input_tuple[i]
        kr = kr + 1
        # + W * math.sin( 2 * math.pi * f0 * n  /RATE)
        frac = W * math.sin(2 * math.pi * f0 * n / RATE)
        if kr >= BLOCK:
            kr = 0
        # print kr
        kw = kw + 1
        if kw == BLOCK:
            kw = 0
        output_value[i] = myfunctions.clip16(W1 * input_tuple[i] +
        # print output_value
    return output_value
def my_callback_fun(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):
    global counter
    N = block_size      # Number of frames
    if counter > 0:
        print 'block size is',block_size
        print block_size, time_info, status
        counter = counter -1
    for n in range(N):
        # Do difference equation for block
        rand_val = random.random()
        if rand_val < THRESHOLD:
            x = 15000
            x = 0

        y[n] = b0 * x - a1 * y[n-1] - a2 * y[n-2] 
              # What happens when n = 0?
              # In Python negative indices cycle to end, so it works..

        y[n] = clip16(y[n])

    # Convert output values to binary string
    output_string = struct.pack('h'*N, *y)

    return (output_string, pyaudio.paContinue)    # Return data and status
def my_callback_fun(input_string, BLOCKSIZE, time_info, status):

    # Do difference equation for block
    for n in range(BLOCKSIZE):

        rand_val = random.random()
        if rand_val < THRESHOLD:
            x = 15000
            x = 0

        y[n] = b0 * x - a1 * y[n - 1] - a2 * y[n - 2]
        # What happens when n = 0?
        # In Python negative indices cycle to end, so it works..

        y[n] = clip16(y[n])

    # If numpy is available, then clipping can be done using:
    # y = np.clip(y, -32000, 32000)

    # Convert numeric list to binary string
    data = struct.pack('h' * BLOCKSIZE, *y)

    # Write binary string to audio output stream
    # stream.write(data, BLOCKSIZE)
    return (data, pyaudio.paContinue)
文件: sound.py 项目: kwc305/DSP-Lab
def vibrato(input_tuple,RATE,BLOCK,n,kr):
	W = 0.6
	W1 = 0.0
	kw = BLOCK/2
	f0 = 0.1
	frac = 0
	# print len(input_tuple)
	buffer1 = [0.0 for i in range(0,BLOCK)]
	output_value = [0.0 for i in range(0,BLOCK)]
	for i in range(0,BLOCK):
		output_sample = ((1-frac) * buffer1[int(kr) - 1] + frac * buffer1[int(kr)]) / 2
		buffer1[kw] = input_tuple[i]
		kr = kr + 1 
		# + W * math.sin( 2 * math.pi * f0 * n  /RATE)
		frac =  W * math.sin( 2 * math.pi * f0 * n/RATE)
		if kr >= BLOCK:
			kr = 0
		# print kr
		kw = kw + 1
		if kw == BLOCK:
			kw = 0
		output_value[i] = myfunctions.clip16(W1*input_tuple[i] + output_sample)
		# print output_value
	return output_value
def lowpassfilter(input_tuple, RATE):
    # lowpass
    fs_Hz = RATE
    b1, a1 = signal.butter(4, 0.05, 'low')
    output_value = signal.filtfilt(b1, a1, input_tuple)
    for n in range(0, len(output_value)):
        output_value[n] = myfunctions.clip16(output_value[n])
    return output_value
def highbandpassfilter(input_tuple, RATE):
    fs_Hz = RATE
    h_bp_pass_Hz = np.array([1500.0, 2500.0])
    b1, a1 = signal.butter(4, h_bp_pass_Hz / (fs_Hz / 2.0), 'bandpass')
    output_value = signal.filtfilt(b1, a1, input_tuple)
    for n in range(0, len(output_value)):
        output_value[n] = myfunctions.clip16(output_value[n])
    return output_value
def lowbandpassfilter(input_tuple, RATE):
    fs_Hz = RATE
    l_bp_stop_Hz = np.array([200.0, 1000.0])
    b1, a1 = signal.butter(4, l_bp_stop_Hz / (fs_Hz / 2.0), 'bandpass')
    output_value = signal.filtfilt(b1, a1, input_tuple)
    for n in range(0, len(output_value)):
        output_value[n] = myfunctions.clip16(output_value[n])
    return output_value
文件: sound.py 项目: kwc305/DSP-Lab
def lowbandpassfilter(input_tuple,RATE): 
	fs_Hz = RATE
	l_bp_stop_Hz = np.array([200.0, 1000.0])
	b1, a1 = signal.butter(4,l_bp_stop_Hz/(fs_Hz / 2.0), 'bandpass')
	output_value = signal.filtfilt(b1,a1,input_tuple)
	for n in range(0,len(output_value)):
		output_value[n] = myfunctions.clip16(output_value[n])
	return output_value
文件: sound.py 项目: kwc305/DSP-Lab
def highbandpassfilter(input_tuple,RATE): 
	fs_Hz = RATE
	h_bp_pass_Hz = np.array([1500.0, 2500.0])
	b1, a1 = signal.butter(4,h_bp_pass_Hz/(fs_Hz / 2.0), 'bandpass')
	output_value = signal.filtfilt(b1,a1,input_tuple)
	for n in range(0,len(output_value)):
		output_value[n] = myfunctions.clip16(output_value[n])
	return output_value
文件: sound.py 项目: kwc305/DSP-Lab
def lowpassfilter(input_tuple,RATE):
	# lowpass
	fs_Hz = RATE
	b1, a1 = signal.butter(4,0.05, 'low')
	output_value = signal.filtfilt(b1,a1,input_tuple)
	for n in range(0,len(output_value)):
		output_value[n] = myfunctions.clip16(output_value[n])
	return output_value
def my_callback_fun(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):

    N = block_size      # Number of frames
    # Convert string to tuple of numbers
    input_block = struct.unpack('h'*2*N, input_string)  # 2*N for stereo

    # Create output (initialize to zero)
    output_block = [0.0 for n in range(2*N)]

    for n in range(N):
        output_block[2*n]   = clip16( gain_L * input_block[2*n] )
        output_block[2*n+1] = clip16( gain_R * input_block[2*n+1] )

    # Convert output values to binary string
    output_string = struct.pack('h'*2*N, *output_block)  # 2*N for stereo

    return (output_string, pyaudio.paContinue)    # Return data and status
def my_callback(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):
    global counter
    if counter > 0:
        print 'block size is',block_size
        print 'time info is',time_info
        print 'status is', status
        counter = counter -1
    input_frame = struct.unpack('hh', input_string)

    sample_left = clip16( gain_L * input_frame[0] )
    sample_right = clip16( gain_R * input_frame[1] )

    # output_data.append(sample_left)
    # output_data.append(sample_right)

    # OR use 'extend' method
    output_frame = [sample_left, sample_right]
    return (input_string, pyaudio.paContinue)
def funN5(input_tuple):
	from myfunctions import clip16
	f0 = 2
	W = 0.2   # W = 0 for no effect
	BUFFER_LEN =  64         # Set buffer length.
	buffer = np.zeros(BUFFER_LEN)   # list of zeros

	# Buffer (delay line) indices
	kr = 0  # read index
	kw = int(0.5 * BUFFER_LEN)  # write index (initialize to middle of buffer)
	# Get previous and next buffer values (since kr is fractional)
	for n in range(0, 64):

		kr_prev = int(math.floor(kr))
		frac = kr - kr_prev    # 0 <= frac < 1
		kr_next = kr_prev + 1
		if kr_next == BUFFER_LEN:
			kr_next = 0

		    # Compute output value using interpolation
		y0 = (1-frac) * buffer[kr_prev] + frac * buffer[kr_next]

		    # Update buffer
		buffer[kw] = input_tuple

		    # Increment read index
		kr = kr + 1 + W * math.sin( 2 * math.pi * f0 * n / RATE )
		        # Note: kr is fractional (not integer!)

		    # Ensure that 0 <= kr < BUFFER_LEN
		if kr >= BUFFER_LEN:
		        # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
			kr = kr - BUFFER_LEN

		    # Increment write index    
		kw = kw + 1
		if kw == BUFFER_LEN:
		        # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
			kw = 0
		output_bytes = struct.pack('h', int(clip16(y0)))
def my_callback_fun(binary_input_data, block_size, time_info, status):

    N = block_size  # Number of frames

    # Convert binary data to tuple of numbers
    input_block = struct.unpack('h' * N, binary_input_data)

    # Create output (initialize to zero)
    output_block = [0.0 for n in range(N)]

    for n in range(N):
        output_block[n] = clip16(gain * input_block[n])

    # Convert output values to binary data
    binary_output_data = struct.pack('h' * N, *output_block)

    return (binary_output_data, pyaudio.paContinue)  # Return data and status
def my_callback_fun(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):
    global counter
    N = block_size      # Number of frames
    if counter > 0:
        print 'block size is',block_size
        counter = counter -1
    # Convert string to tuple of numbers
    input_block = struct.unpack('h'*N, input_string)

    # Create output (initialize to zero)
    output_block = [0.0 for n in range(N)]

    for n in range(N):
        output_block[n] = clip16(gain * input_block[n])

    # Convert output values to binary string
    output_string = struct.pack('h'*N, *output_block)

    return (output_string, pyaudio.paContinue)    # Return data and status
def my_callback_fun(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):
    global counter
    N = block_size  # Number of frames
    if counter > 0:
        print 'block size is', block_size
        counter = counter - 1
    # Convert string to tuple of numbers
    input_block = struct.unpack('h' * N, input_string)

    # Create output (initialize to zero)
    output_block = [0.0 for n in range(N)]

    for n in range(N):
        output_block[n] = clip16(gain * input_block[n])

    # Convert output values to binary string
    output_string = struct.pack('h' * N, *output_block)

    return (output_string, pyaudio.paContinue)  # Return data and status
def my_callback(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):
    global n, kr, kw
    # print kr
    print "******"
    output_string = ""
    in_sample = struct.unpack("h" * BLOCKSIZE, input_string)
    # print len(in_sample)
    sample = [0.0 for i in range(buffer_MAX)]
    buffer = [0.0 for i in range(buffer_MAX)]
    output_data = [0.0 for i in range(buffer_MAX)]
    for i in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):
        out_sample = buffer[int(kr)]
        buffer[kw] = in_sample[i]

        # Increment read index
        kr = kr + 1 + W * math.sin(2 * math.pi * f0 * n / RATE)
        # print kr
        # Note: kr is not integer!

        # Ensure that 0 <= kr < buffer_MAX
        if kr >= buffer_MAX:
            # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
            kr = 0

        # Increment write index
        kw = kw + 1
        if kw == buffer_MAX:
            # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
            kw = 0
        # time.sleep(0.01)
        # out_sample[i] = int(out_sample[i])
        # print out_sample
        sample[i] = clip16(GAIN * (out_sample))
        output_data[i] = sample[i]
        n += 1
    output_string += struct.pack("h" * len(output_data), *output_data)
    return (output_string, pyaudio.paContinue)
def my_callback(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):
    global n, kr, kw
    # print kr
    print "******"
    output_string = ""
    in_sample = struct.unpack('h' * BLOCKSIZE, input_string)
    # print len(in_sample)
    sample = [0.0 for i in range(buffer_MAX)]
    buffer = [0.0 for i in range(buffer_MAX)]
    output_data = [0.0 for i in range(buffer_MAX)]
    for i in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):
        out_sample = buffer[int(kr)]
        buffer[kw] = in_sample[i]

        # Increment read index
        kr = kr + 1 + W * math.sin(2 * math.pi * f0 * n / RATE)
        # print kr
        # Note: kr is not integer!

        # Ensure that 0 <= kr < buffer_MAX
        if kr >= buffer_MAX:
            # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
            kr = 0

        # Increment write index
        kw = kw + 1
        if kw == buffer_MAX:
            # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
            kw = 0
        # time.sleep(0.01)
        # out_sample[i] = int(out_sample[i])
        # print out_sample
        sample[i] = clip16(GAIN * (out_sample))
        output_data[i] = sample[i]
        n += 1
    output_string += (struct.pack('h' * len(output_data), *output_data))
    return (output_string, pyaudio.paContinue)
    # Convert string to number
    input_value = struct.unpack('h', input_string)[0]

    # Compute output value
    output_value = Gdp * input_value + Gff * buffer[k];

    # Update buffer
    buffer[k] = input_value + Gfb * buffer[k]

    # Increment buffer index
    k = k + 1
    if k == buffer_length:
        # We have reached the end of the buffer. Circle back to front.
        k = 0

    # Clip output value to 16 bits and convert to binary string
    output_string = struct.pack('h', clip16(output_value))

    # Write output value to audio stream

    # Get next frame (sample)
    input_string = wf.readframes(1)     

print("**** Done ****")

def my_callback_fun(binary_input_data, block_size, time_info, status):
    input_tuple = struct.unpack('h', binary_input_data)
    output_sample = clip16(GAIN * input_tuple[0])
    return(binary_input_data, pyaudio.paContinue)
# Initialize phase
om = 2 * math.pi * f0 / RATE
theta = 0

# Create block (initialize to zero)
output_block = BLOCKSIZE * [0]

for i in range(0, NumBlocks):
    input_bytes = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)  # Read audio input stream
    input_tuple = struct.unpack('h' * BLOCKSIZE, input_bytes)  # Convert
    X = np.fft.fft(input_tuple)
    # Go through block
    for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):
        # Amplitude modulation  (frequency f0)
        theta = theta + om
        output_block[n] = int(clip16(input_tuple[n] * math.cos(theta)))

        # keep theta betwen -pi and pi
        while theta > math.pi:
            theta = theta - 2 * math.pi

    Y = np.fft.fft(output_block)
    # Convert values to binary data
    output_bytes = struct.pack('h' * BLOCKSIZE, *output_block)

    # Write binary data to audio output stream

    # Update y-data of plot

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
def delay_effect():
    BLOCKSIZE = 1024     # Number of frames per block

    delay_sec = 0.5
    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    WIDTH = 2           # bytes per sample
    RATE = 44100    # Sampling rate (samples/second)

    d = int( math.floor( RATE * delay_sec ) ) 
    # Set parameters of delay system
    Gfb = .55       # feed-back gain
    Gdp = 1.0       # direct-path gain
    Gff = .500     # feed-forward gain
    # Gff = 0.0         # feed-forward gain (set to zero for no effect)

    # Open an output audio stream
    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    stream = p.open(format      = p.get_format_from_width(WIDTH),
                    channels    = 2,
                    rate        = RATE,
                    input       = True,
                    output      = True )

    output_block = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]
    delay_buff = [0.0 for n in range(0, d)]

    num_blocks = int(RATE / BLOCKSIZE * RECORD_SECONDS)


    k = 0

    print ("**** Playing ****")

    for i in range(0, num_blocks):
        # Get sample from wave file
        input_string = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)

        # Convert string to number
        input_value = struct.unpack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE, input_string)

        # t = t + 1
        # if t == 2:
        #     delay = input_value
        #     t = 0

        for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):

            # Update buffer
            delay_buff[k] = input_value[2*n] + Gfb * delay_buff[k]
            k = k + 1
            if k == d:
                # We have reached the end of the buffer. Circle back to front.
                k = 0
            output_block[2*n] = Gdp * input_value[2*n] + Gff * delay_buff[k];
            output_block[2*n] = clip16(output_block[2*n])
            output_block[2*n+1] = clip16(output_block[2*n])

            # # Compute output value
            # delay[n] = input_value[2*(n-d)] + Gfb * delay[(n-d)]
            # output_block[2*n] = Gdp * input_value[2*n] + Gff * delay[n]
            # output_block[2*n] = cli p16(output_block[2*n])
            # output_block[2*n+1] = clip16(output_block[2*n])
            # # if output_value <= 0.1:
            #    break
            # delay[n] = input_value[2*(n-d)]
            # output_block[2*n] = Gdp * input_value[2*n] + Gff * delay[n]

            # # output_block[2*n] = Gfb*output_block[2*(n-d)] + input_value[2*n] + (Gff-Gfb)*input_value[2*(n-d)]
            # output_block[2*n] = clip16(output_block[2*n])
            # output_block[2*n+1] = clip16(output_block[2*n])

        # for n in range(0,BLOCKSIZE):
        #     # output_block[2*n] = input_value[2*n]*Gdp + Gff * buffer[n];
        #     # output_block[2*n+1] = input_value[2*n]*Gdp + Gff * buffer[n];
        #     output_block[2*n] = input_value[2*n]*Gdp
        #     buffer[n] = input_value[2*n] + Gfb * buffer[n]

        # # output_bolck = clip16_arr(output_block)+ Gff*buffer

        # output_block = [x + y for x, y in zip(clip16_arr(output_block), Gff * clip16_arr(buffer))]

        # Clip output value to 16 bits and convert to binary string
        output_string = struct.pack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE , *output_block)

        # Write output value to audio stream

    print("**** Done ****")

        # shift_array(Y,1)
        # shift_array(X,1)
    # # print 'aaaa\n'
    # print output_block                             # Update y-data of plot

    output_block_fft = np.fft.fft(output_block,RATE*2)
    # output_block_fft = np.fft.fft(output_block,RATE*2)
    # print (output_block_fft),'aaa\n'
    print np.log10(output_block_fft[50:70])

    # np.array(output_block).tolist()
    for n in range(0,BLOCKSIZE):
        # output_block[n] = int(output_block[n])
        output_block[n] = myfunctions.clip16(np.real(output_block[n]))
    # Convert values to binary string
    output_string = struct.pack('h' * BLOCKSIZE, *output_block)
    # output_string = struct.pack('h' * BLOCKSIZE, *input_tuple)



print '* Done'
print('* Start')

while len(input_bytes) > 0:

    # Convert binary data to number
    x0, = struct.unpack('h', input_bytes)

    # Compute output value
    # y(n) = b0 x(n) + G x(n-N)
    y0 = b0 * x0 + G * buffer[0]

    # Update buffer
    del buffer[0]       # remove first value

    # Convert output value to binary data
    output_bytes = struct.pack('h', int(clip16(y0)))

    # Write output value to audio stream

    # Get next frame (sample)
    input_bytes = wf.readframes(1)

print('* Finished')

    # w4 = w3
    # w3 = w2
    # w2 = w1
    # w1 = w0

    x4 = x3
    x3 = x2
    x2 = x1
    x1 = x0
    y4 = y3
    y3 = y2
    y2 = y1
    y1 = y0

    # Compute output value
    output_value = int(clip16(y0))  # Integer in allowed range

    # Convert output value to binary string
    output_string = struct.pack('h', output_value)
    # Write binary string to audio stream

    # Get next frame from wave file
    input_string = wf.readframes(1)

print('* Finished')

def flanger_effect():

	BLOCKSIZE = 1024      # Number of frames per block

	p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
	WIDTH = 2           # bytes per sample
	RATE = 44100    # Sampling rate (samples/second)

	stream = p.open(format = 	p.get_format_from_width(WIDTH),
					channels = 	2,
					rate = 		RATE,
					input = 	True,
					output = 	True)

	# Create a buffer (delay line) for past values
	# Create block (initialize to zero)
	output_block = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]

	# Number of blocks in wave file
	num_blocks = int(RATE / BLOCKSIZE * RECORD_SECONDS)
	# Create a buffer (delay line) for past values
	# buffer_MAX =  1024                          # Buffer length
	buffer = [0.0 for i in range(BLOCKSIZE)]   # Initialize to zero

	# Buffer (delay line) indices
	kr = 0  # read index
	kw = int(0.5 * BLOCKSIZE)  # write index (initialize to middle of buffer)

	output_all = ''            # output signal in all (string)

	# Initialize angle
	theta = 0.0


	print ('**** Playing Flanger effect****')

	# Loop through wave file 
	for i in range(0, num_blocks):
		# Block-to-block angle increment
		theta_del = (float(BLOCKSIZE*parameters.flanger_f)/RATE - math.floor(BLOCKSIZE*parameters.flanger_f/RATE)) * 2.0 * math.pi
		if app.MODE != "Flanger":
		# Get sample from wave file
		input_string = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)

		# Convert string to number
		input_value = struct.unpack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE, input_string)

		# Go through block
		for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):
			# Amplitude modulation  (f0 Hz cosine)
			# Get previous and next buffer values (since kr is fractional)
			kr_prev = int(math.floor(kr))               
			kr_next = kr_prev + 1
			frac = kr - kr_prev    # 0 <= frac < 1
			#print frac
			if kr_next >= BLOCKSIZE:
				kr_next = kr_next - BLOCKSIZE

			# Compute output value using interpolation
			k = buffer[kr_prev] * (1-frac)
			r = buffer[kr_next] * frac

			output_block[2*n] = k + r + input_value[2*n] * parameters.flanger_gain

			output_block[2*n] = clip16(output_block[2*n])
			output_block[2*n+1] = output_block[2*n]

			# buffer
			# print '--------------'
			buffer[kw] = input_value[2*n]

			# Increment read index
			kr = kr + 1 + parameters.flanger_w * math.sin( 2 * math.pi * parameters.flanger_f * n  / RATE + theta)
			# Note: kr is fractional (not integer!)

			# Ensure that 0 <= kr < buffer_MAX
			if kr >= BLOCKSIZE:
			# End of buffer. Circle back to front.
				kr = 0
			# Increment write index    
			kw = kw + 1
			if kw == BLOCKSIZE:
			 # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
				kw = 0

		theta1 = theta + theta_del
		# print output_block

		output_string = struct.pack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE , *output_block)

		# Write output to audio stream

		output_all = output_all + output_string

	print('* Done')

    input_tuple = struct.unpack("h" * BLOCKSIZE, input_string)  # Convert

    # Go through block
    for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):
        # Amplitude modulation  (f0 Hz cosine)
        # output_block[n] = input_tuple[n] * math.cos(2*math.pi*n*f0/RATE + theta)
        # output_block[n] = input_tuple[n] * 1.0  # for no processing

        # Difference equation
        X[6] = input_tuple[n]
        Yvalue = a[1] * Y[5] + a[2] * Y[4] + a[3] * Y[3] + a[4] * Y[2] + a[5] * Y[1] + a[6] * Y[0]
        Y[6] = b[0] * X[6] + b[1] * X[5] + b[2] * X[4] + b[3] * X[3] + b[4] * X[2] + b[5] * X[1] + b[6] * X[0] - Yvalue

        # unclipped_value = np.real(Y[7] * cmath.exp(I * 2 *math.pi*n*f0/RATE))
        # output_block[n] = clip16(unclipped_value)
        output_block[n] = clip16(Y[6])
        Y = shift(Y, 1)
        X = shift(X, 1)
    # Set angle for next block
    # theta = theta + theta_del

    # line.set_ydata(output_block)                               # Update y-data of plot
    # plt.draw()

    # Convert values to binary string
    output_string = struct.pack("h" * BLOCKSIZE, *output_block)

    # Write binary string to audio output stream

    # append new to total
def callback_record(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):
    data = struct.unpack('h', input_string)
    sample = clip16(GAIN * data[0])
    return (None, pyaudio.paContinue)
    input_string = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)       # BLOCKSIZE = number of frames read
    input_tuple = struct.unpack('hh'*BLOCKSIZE, input_string)    # Convert

    # Go through block
    for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):
        # Amplitude modulation  (f0 Hz cosine)
        # output_block[n] = input_tuple[n] * math.cos(2*math.pi*n*f0/RATE + theta)
        # output_block[n] = input_tuple[n] * 1.0  # for no processing
        # Difference equation
        X[7] = input_tuple[2*n]
        Yvalue = a[1] * Y[6] + a[2] * Y[5] + a[3] * Y[4] + a[4] * Y[3] + a[5] * Y[2] + a[6] * Y[1] + a[7] * Y[0]
        Y[7] = b[0] * X[7] + b[1] * X[6] + b[2] * X[5] + b[3] * X[4] + b[4] * X[3] + b[5] * X[2] + b[6] * X[1] + b[7] * X[0]- Yvalue

        unclipped_value = np.real(Y[7] * cmath.exp(I * 2 *math.pi*n*f0/RATE))
        output_block[2*n] = clip16(unclipped_value)
        output_block[2*n+1] = output_block[2*n]
        Y = shift(Y,1)
        X = shift(X,1)
    # Set angle for next block
    # theta = theta + theta_del

    # line.set_ydata(output_block)                               # Update y-data of plot
    # plt.draw()

    # Convert values to binary string
    output_string = struct.pack('hh' * BLOCKSIZE, *output_block)

    # Write binary string to audio output stream
line, = plt.plot([], [], color = 'blue')  # Create empty line
line.set_xdata(t)                         # x-data of plot (time)
output_data = []
# Open audio device:
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
stream = p.open(format = p.get_format_from_width(WIDTH),
                channels = CHANNELS,
                rate = RATE,
                input = True,
                output = False)

for i in range(1, NumBlocks):
    input_string = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)# Read audio input stream
    input_tuple = struct.unpack('h'*BLOCKSIZE, input_string)  # Convert
    sample = clip16( GAIN * input_tuple[0])
    line.set_ydata(input_tuple)                               # Update y-data of plot
    # # Print block number:
    # if i % 20 == 0:
    #     print i,

# Convert output signal to binary string
output_string = struct.pack('h'*len(output_data), *output_data)

# write data to wave file
wf = wave.open(filename, 'w')
    # Difference equation
    y0 = b0 * x0 + b2 * x2 + b4 * x4 - a1 * y1 - a2 * y2 - a3 * y3 - a4 * y4

    # Delays
    x4 = x3
    x3 = x2
    x2 = x1
    x1 = x0
    y4 = y3
    y3 = y2
    y2 = y1
    y1 = y0

    # Compute output value
    output_value = int(clip16(10 * y0))  # Number

    # output_value = int(clip16(x0)   # Bypass filter (listen to input directly)

    # Convert output value to binary string
    output_bytes = struct.pack('h', output_value)

    # Write binary string to audio stream

print('* Finished')

        # Get previous and next buffer values (since kr is fractional)
        kr_prev = int(math.floor(kr))
        kr_next = (kr_prev + 1) % BLOCKSIZE
        frac = kr - kr_prev  # 0 <= frac < 1
        # if kr_next >= BLOCKSIZE:
        #     kr_next = kr_next - BLOCKSIZE

        # Compute output value using interpolation
        prev = (1 - frac) * buffer[kr_prev]
        nextt = frac * buffer[kr_next]
        # output_block[n] = prev + nextt
        output_block[2 * n] = (prev + nextt) * gain + input_value[n]
        output_block[2 * n + 1] = (prev + nextt) * gain + input_value[n]

        output_block[2 * n] = clip16(output_block[2 * n])
        output_block[2 * n + 1] = clip16(output_block[2 * n + 1])

        # Update buffer (pure delay)
        buffer[kw] = input_value[n]

        # Increment read index
        kr = kr + 1 + W * math.sin(2 * math.pi * f0 * n / RATE + theta)
        # Note: kr is fractional (not integer!)

        # Ensure that 0 <= kr < BLOCKSIZE
        if kr >= BLOCKSIZE:
            # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
            kr = 0

        # Increment write index
        if rand_val_r < THRESHOLD:
            x_r = 15000
            x_r = 0

        rand_val_l = random.random()
        if rand_val_l < THRESHOLD:
            x_l = 15000
            x_l = 0

        y[2*n] = b0r * x_r - a1r * y[2*(n-1)] - a2 * y[2*(n-2)]  
              # What happens when n = 0?
              # In Python negative indices cycle to end, so it works..

        y[2*n] = clip16(y[2*n])

        y[2*n-1] = b0l * x_l - a1l * y[2*(n-1)-1] - a2 * y[2*(n-2)-1]  
              # What happens when n = 0?
              # In Python negative indices cycle to end, so it works..

        y[2*n-1] = clip16(y[2*n-1])

        y_plot_r[n] = y[2*n] + 10000
        y_plot_l[n] = y[2*n+1] - 10000

    plt.title('Block {0:d}'.format(i))
def flanger_effect(f, w, gain):

    BLOCKSIZE = 1024  # Number of frames per block


    # f0 = f
    # W1 = w
    # f1 = f0
    # W2 = W1

    gain = gain

    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    WIDTH = 2  # bytes per sample
    RATE = 44100  # Sampling rate (samples/second)

    number_of_devices = p.get_device_count()
    print('There are {0:d} devices'.format(number_of_devices))
    property_list = [
        'defaultSampleRate', 'maxInputChannels', 'maxOutputChannels'
    for i in range(0, number_of_devices):
        print('Device {0:d} has:'.format(i))
        for s in property_list:
            print ' ', s, '=', p.get_device_info_by_index(i)[s]

    stream = p.open(format=p.get_format_from_width(WIDTH),

    # Create a buffer (delay line) for past values
    # Create block (initialize to zero)
    output_block = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2 * BLOCKSIZE)]

    # Number of blocks in wave file
    num_blocks = int(RATE / BLOCKSIZE * RECORD_SECONDS)
    # Create a buffer (delay line) for past values
    # buffer_MAX =  1024                          # Buffer length
    buffer = [0.0 for i in range(BLOCKSIZE)]  # Initialize to zero
    # buffer2 = [0.0 for i in range(BLOCKSIZE)]   # Initialize to zero

    # Buffer (delay line) indices
    kr = 0  # read index
    kw = int(0.5 * BLOCKSIZE)  # write index (initialize to middle of buffer)
    kw = BLOCKSIZE / 2

    # Buffer (delay line) indices
    # kr2 = 0  # read index
    # kw2 = int(0.5 * BLOCKSIZE)  # write index (initialize to middle of buffer)
    # kw2 = BLOCKSIZE/2

    output_all = ''  # output signal in all (string)

    # Initialize angle
    theta = 0.0
    # theta2 = 0.0

    # Block-to-block angle increment
    theta_del = (float(BLOCKSIZE * f) / RATE -
                 math.floor(BLOCKSIZE * f / RATE)) * 2.0 * math.pi
    # theta_del2 = (float(BLOCKSIZE*f1)/RATE - math.floor(BLOCKSIZE*f1/RATE)) * 2.0 * math.pi

    print('* Playing...')

    # Loop through wave file
    for i in range(0, num_blocks):
        # Get sample from wave file
        input_string = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)

        # Convert string to number
        input_value = struct.unpack('hh' * BLOCKSIZE, input_string)

        # Get previous and next buffer values (since kr is fractional)

        # Go through block
        for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):
            # Amplitude modulation  (f0 Hz cosine)
            # Get previous and next buffer values (since kr is fractional)
            kr_prev = int(math.floor(kr))
            kr_next = kr_prev + 1
            frac = kr - kr_prev  # 0 <= frac < 1
            #print frac
            if kr_next >= BLOCKSIZE:
                kr_next = kr_next - BLOCKSIZE

            # Compute output value using interpolation
            k = buffer[kr_prev] * (1 - frac)
            r = buffer[kr_next] * frac

            output_block[2 * n] = k + r + input_value[2 * n] * gain

            output_block[2 * n] = clip16(output_block[2 * n])
            output_block[2 * n + 1] = output_block[2 * n]

            # buffer
            # print '--------------'
            buffer[kw] = input_value[2 * n]

            # Increment read index
            kr = kr + 1 + w * math.sin(2 * math.pi * f * n / RATE + theta)
            # Note: kr is fractional (not integer!)

            # Ensure that 0 <= kr < buffer_MAX
            if kr >= BLOCKSIZE:
                # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
                kr = 0
            # Increment write index
            kw = kw + 1
            if kw == BLOCKSIZE:
                # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
                kw = 0

        theta1 = theta + theta_del
        # print output_block

        output_string = struct.pack('hh' * BLOCKSIZE, *output_block)

        # Write output to audio stream

        output_all = output_all + output_string

    print('* Done')

def wah_effect(fw,damp):

    BLOCKSIZE = 1024     # Number of frames per block
    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    WIDTH = 2           # bytes per sample
    RATE = 44100    # Sampling rate (samples/second)

    # damp = 0.015
    gain = 1
    # w = 1
    # f = 1
    fw_min = 300
    fw_max = 9000
    # fw = 2000
    delta = fw / RATE


    number_of_devices = p.get_device_count()
    print('There are {0:d} devices'.format(number_of_devices))
    property_list = ['defaultSampleRate', 'maxInputChannels', 'maxOutputChannels']
    for i in range(0, number_of_devices):
        print('Device {0:d} has:'.format(i))
        for s in property_list:
            print ' ', s, '=', p.get_device_info_by_index(i)[s]

    stream = p.open(format = p.get_format_from_width(WIDTH),
                    channels = 2,
                    rate = RATE,
                    input = True,
                    output = True)

    # Create a buffer (delay line) for past values
    # Create block (initialize to zero)
    yh = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]
    yb = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]
    yl = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]

    output_block = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]

    output_all = ''            # output signal in all (string)

    num_blocks = int(RATE / BLOCKSIZE * RECORD_SECONDS)
    print ('* Playing...')

    # Loop through wave file 
    for i in range(0, num_blocks):
        # Get sample from wave file
        input_string = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)

        # Convert string to number
        input_value = struct.unpack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE, input_string)
        fc = fw_min
        f1 = 2 * math.sin(math.pi*fc/RATE)

        # yh = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]
        # yb = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]
        # yl = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]

        # yh[0] = input_value[0]
       	# yb[0] = f1 * yh[0]
       	# yl[0] = f1 * yb[0]
        # Get previous and next buffer values (since kr is fractional)
        # fc = fw_min
        # if fc >= fw_max:
        #     delta = -delta
        # if fc <= fw_min:
        #     delta = -delta
        # Go through block
        for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):

        	if fc >= fw_max:
        		delta = -delta
        	if fc <= fw_min:
        		delta = -delta

        	f1 = 2 * math.sin(math.pi*fc/RATE)
        	Q1 = 2 * damp

        	yh[2*n] = input_value[2*n] - yl[2*(n-1)] - Q1 * yb[2*(n-1)]
        	yb[2*n] = f1 * yh[2*n] + yb[2*(n-1)]
        	yl[2*n] = f1 * yb[2*n] + yl[2*(n-1)]

        	fc = fc + delta
        	yb[2*n] = clip16(yb[2*n])
        	yb[2*n+1] = clip16(yb[2*n])

        output_string = struct.pack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE , *yb)

        # Write output to audio stream

        output_all = output_all + output_string

    print('* Done')

def flanger_effect(f,w,gain):

    BLOCKSIZE = 1024      # Number of frames per block


    # f0 = f
    # W1 = w  
    # f1 = f0
    # W2 = W1
    gain = gain

    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    WIDTH = 2           # bytes per sample
    RATE = 44100    # Sampling rate (samples/second)

    number_of_devices = p.get_device_count()
    print('There are {0:d} devices'.format(number_of_devices))
    property_list = ['defaultSampleRate', 'maxInputChannels', 'maxOutputChannels']
    for i in range(0, number_of_devices):
        print('Device {0:d} has:'.format(i))
        for s in property_list:
            print ' ', s, '=', p.get_device_info_by_index(i)[s]

    stream = p.open(format = p.get_format_from_width(WIDTH),
                    channels = 2,
                    rate = RATE,
                    input = True,
                    output = True)

    # Create a buffer (delay line) for past values
    # Create block (initialize to zero)
    output_block = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]

    # Number of blocks in wave file
    num_blocks = int(RATE / BLOCKSIZE * RECORD_SECONDS)
    # Create a buffer (delay line) for past values
    # buffer_MAX =  1024                          # Buffer length
    buffer = [0.0 for i in range(BLOCKSIZE)]   # Initialize to zero
    # buffer2 = [0.0 for i in range(BLOCKSIZE)]   # Initialize to zero

    # Buffer (delay line) indices
    kr = 0  # read index
    kw = int(0.5 * BLOCKSIZE)  # write index (initialize to middle of buffer)
    kw = BLOCKSIZE/2

    # Buffer (delay line) indices
    # kr2 = 0  # read index
    # kw2 = int(0.5 * BLOCKSIZE)  # write index (initialize to middle of buffer)
    # kw2 = BLOCKSIZE/2

    output_all = ''            # output signal in all (string)

    # Initialize angle
    theta = 0.0
    # theta2 = 0.0

    # Block-to-block angle increment
    theta_del = (float(BLOCKSIZE*f)/RATE - math.floor(BLOCKSIZE*f/RATE)) * 2.0 * math.pi
    # theta_del2 = (float(BLOCKSIZE*f1)/RATE - math.floor(BLOCKSIZE*f1/RATE)) * 2.0 * math.pi

    print ('* Playing...')

    # Loop through wave file 
    for i in range(0, num_blocks):
        # Get sample from wave file
        input_string = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)

        # Convert string to number
        input_value = struct.unpack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE, input_string)

        # Get previous and next buffer values (since kr is fractional)

        # Go through block
        for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):
            # Amplitude modulation  (f0 Hz cosine)
            # Get previous and next buffer values (since kr is fractional)
            kr_prev = int(math.floor(kr))               
            kr_next = kr_prev + 1
            frac = kr - kr_prev    # 0 <= frac < 1
            #print frac
            if kr_next >= BLOCKSIZE:
                kr_next = kr_next - BLOCKSIZE

            # Compute output value using interpolation
            k = buffer[kr_prev] * (1-frac)
            r = buffer[kr_next] * frac

            output_block[2*n] = k + r + input_value[2*n] * gain

            output_block[2*n] = clip16(output_block[2*n])
            output_block[2*n+1] = output_block[2*n]

            # buffer
            # print '--------------'
            buffer[kw] = input_value[2*n]

            # Increment read index
            kr = kr + 1 + w * math.sin( 2 * math.pi * f * n  / RATE + theta)     
            # Note: kr is fractional (not integer!)

            # Ensure that 0 <= kr < buffer_MAX
            if kr >= BLOCKSIZE:
            # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
                kr = 0
            # Increment write index    
            kw = kw + 1
            if kw == BLOCKSIZE:
             # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
                kw = 0

        theta1 = theta + theta_del
        # print output_block

        output_string = struct.pack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE , *output_block)

        # Write output to audio stream

        output_all = output_all + output_string

    print('* Done')

def wah_effect(f_lfo, fc_min, w):

    BLOCKSIZE = 1024  # Number of frames per block

    gain = 1
    # w = 1

    # f_lfo = 0.2
    fc_min = 250
    fc_max = 1200  # initial
    # fc = fc_min

    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    WIDTH = 2  # bytes per sample
    RATE = 44100  # Sampling rate (samples/second)

    number_of_devices = p.get_device_count()
    print ("There are {0:d} devices".format(number_of_devices))
    property_list = ["defaultSampleRate", "maxInputChannels", "maxOutputChannels"]
    for i in range(0, number_of_devices):
        print ("Device {0:d} has:".format(i))
        for s in property_list:
            print " ", s, "=", p.get_device_info_by_index(i)[s]

    stream = p.open(format=p.get_format_from_width(WIDTH), channels=2, rate=RATE, input=True, output=True)

    # Create a buffer (delay line) for past values
    # Create block (initialize to zero)
    output_block = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2 * BLOCKSIZE)]
    output_block_filt = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2 * BLOCKSIZE)]
    bandpass = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2 * BLOCKSIZE)]
    mix = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2 * BLOCKSIZE)]

    # Create a buffer (delay line) for past values
    # buffer_MAX =  1024                          # Buffer length
    buffer = [0.0 for i in range(BLOCKSIZE)]  # Initialize to zero
    buffer2 = [0.0 for i in range(BLOCKSIZE)]  # Initialize to zero

    # Buffer (delay line) indices
    kr = 0  # read index
    kw = int(0.5 * BLOCKSIZE)  # write index (initialize to middle of buffer)
    kw = BLOCKSIZE / 2

    # Buffer (delay line) indices
    # kr2 = 0  # read index
    # kw2 = int(0.5 * BLOCKSIZE)  # write index (initialize to middle of buffer)
    # kw2 = BLOCKSIZE/2

    output_all = ""  # output signal in all (string)
    fc_bandpass = 0.0

    # Initialize angle
    theta = 0.0
    # theta2 = 0.0

    # Block-to-block angle increment
    theta_del = (float(BLOCKSIZE * f_lfo) / RATE - math.floor(BLOCKSIZE * f_lfo / RATE)) * 2.0 * math.pi
    # theta_del2 = (float(BLOCKSIZE*f1)/RATE - math.floor(BLOCKSIZE*f1/RATE)) * 2.0 * math.pi
    num_blocks = int(RATE / BLOCKSIZE * RECORD_SECONDS)

    print ("* Playing...")

    # Loop through wave file
    for i in range(0, num_blocks):
        # Get sample from wave file
        input_string = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)

        # Convert string to number
        input_value = struct.unpack("hh" * BLOCKSIZE, input_string)

        # X = np.fft.fft(input_value)
        # dB = 20 * np.log10(abs(X))

        # if np.max(dB) > 80:
        #     fc = 800
        # else:
        #     fc = 400
        # 100 ,900

        # 400 , 2000

        # 400 , 1200
        # fc = (f_max - f_min) / 2
        # f_max = 2 * fc + f_min

        bandpass = butter_bandpass_filter(input_value, fc_min, fc_max, RATE, order=1)
        # # Get previous and next buffer values (since kr is fractional)
        # fc_bandpass = fc_bandpass + delta

        # if fc_bandpass >= fc_max:
        #     delta = -delta
        # if fc_bandpass <= fc_min:
        #     delta = -delta

        # Go through block
        for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):

            # Amplitude modulation  (f0 Hz cosine)
            # Get previous and next buffer values (since kr is fractional)
            kr_prev = int(math.floor(kr))
            kr_next = kr_prev + 1
            frac = kr - kr_prev  # 0 <= frac < 1
            # print frac
            if kr_next >= BLOCKSIZE:
                kr_next = kr_next - BLOCKSIZE

            # Compute output value using interpolation
            k = buffer[kr_prev] * (1 - frac)
            r = buffer[kr_next] * frac
            k2 = buffer2[kr_prev] * (1 - frac)
            r2 = buffer2[kr_next] * frac
            # butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):

            # output_block[2*n] = butter_bandpass_filter(mix[2*n],500.0,3000.0,2000,order = 5) + mix[2*n]
            output_block[2 * n] = k + r + k2 + r2
            output_block[2 * n] = clip16(output_block[2 * n])
            output_block[2 * n + 1] = output_block[2 * n]

            # buffer
            # print '--------------'
            buffer[kw] = input_value[2 * n]
            buffer2[kw] = bandpass[2 * n]
            # Increment read index
            kr = kr + 1 + w * math.sin(2 * math.pi * f_lfo * n / RATE + theta)
            # Note: kr is fractional (not integer!)
            # f = fl_min + delta_lfo

            # Ensure that 0 <= kr < buffer_MAX
            if kr >= BLOCKSIZE:
                # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
                kr = 0
            # Increment write index
            kw = kw + 1
            if kw == BLOCKSIZE:
                # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
                kw = 0

            fc_bandpass = fc_min + 0.5 * w * (1 + math.sin(2 * math.pi * f_lfo * n / RATE))
            f_max = 2 * fc_bandpass + fc_min

        theta = theta + theta_del

        # print output_block
        # output_block[2*n] = butter_bandpass_filter(mix[2*n],500.0,3000.0,2000,order = 5) + mix[2*n]

        # if fc >=fc_max:
        # 	fc =  fc_min
        # output_block_filt = butter_bandpass_filter(output_block,fc,3000.0,2000,order = 5)
        # # output_block = clip16_arr(output_block) + clip16_arr(output_block_filt)
        # fc = fc_min + 200
        # output_block = [x + y for x, y in zip(clip16_arr(output_block_filt), output_block)]

        # output_block = clip16_arr(output_block)

        output_string = struct.pack("hh" * BLOCKSIZE, *output_block)

        # output_block = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]

        # Write output to audio stream

        output_all = output_all + output_string

    print ("* Done")

def wah_effect(f_lfo,fc_min,w):

    BLOCKSIZE = 1024     # Number of frames per block
    gain = 1
    # w = 1

    # f_lfo = 0.2
    fc_min = 250
    fc_max = 1200 # initial
    # fc = fc_min

    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    WIDTH = 2           # bytes per sample
    RATE = 44100    # Sampling rate (samples/second)

    number_of_devices = p.get_device_count()
    print('There are {0:d} devices'.format(number_of_devices))
    property_list = ['defaultSampleRate', 'maxInputChannels', 'maxOutputChannels']
    for i in range(0, number_of_devices):
        print('Device {0:d} has:'.format(i))
        for s in property_list:
            print ' ', s, '=', p.get_device_info_by_index(i)[s]

    stream = p.open(format = p.get_format_from_width(WIDTH),
                    channels = 2,
                    rate = RATE,
                    input = True,
                    output = True)

    # Create a buffer (delay line) for past values
    # Create block (initialize to zero)
    output_block = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]
    output_block_filt = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]
    bandpass = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]
    mix = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]

    # Create a buffer (delay line) for past values
    # buffer_MAX =  1024                          # Buffer length
    buffer = [0.0 for i in range(BLOCKSIZE)]   # Initialize to zero
    buffer2 = [0.0 for i in range(BLOCKSIZE)]   # Initialize to zero

    # Buffer (delay line) indices
    kr = 0  # read index
    kw = int(0.5 * BLOCKSIZE)  # write index (initialize to middle of buffer)
    kw = BLOCKSIZE/2

    # Buffer (delay line) indices
    # kr2 = 0  # read index
    # kw2 = int(0.5 * BLOCKSIZE)  # write index (initialize to middle of buffer)
    # kw2 = BLOCKSIZE/2

    output_all = ''            # output signal in all (string)
    fc_bandpass = 0.0

    # Initialize angle
    theta = 0.0
    # theta2 = 0.0

    # Block-to-block angle increment
    theta_del = (float(BLOCKSIZE*f_lfo)/RATE - math.floor(BLOCKSIZE*f_lfo/RATE)) * 2.0 * math.pi
    # theta_del2 = (float(BLOCKSIZE*f1)/RATE - math.floor(BLOCKSIZE*f1/RATE)) * 2.0 * math.pi
    num_blocks = int(RATE / BLOCKSIZE * RECORD_SECONDS)

    print ('* Playing...')

    # Loop through wave file 
    for i in range(0, num_blocks):
        # Get sample from wave file
        input_string = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)

        # Convert string to number
        input_value = struct.unpack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE, input_string)

        # X = np.fft.fft(input_value)
        # dB = 20 * np.log10(abs(X))

        # if np.max(dB) > 80:
        #     fc = 800
        # else:
        #     fc = 400
        # 100 ,900

        # 400 , 2000

        # 400 , 1200
        # fc = (f_max - f_min) / 2
        # f_max = 2 * fc + f_min

        bandpass = butter_bandpass_filter(input_value,fc_min,fc_max,RATE,order = 1)
        # # Get previous and next buffer values (since kr is fractional)
        # fc_bandpass = fc_bandpass + delta

        # if fc_bandpass >= fc_max:
        #     delta = -delta
        # if fc_bandpass <= fc_min:
        #     delta = -delta

        # Go through block
        for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):

        	# Amplitude modulation  (f0 Hz cosine)
            # Get previous and next buffer values (since kr is fractional)
            kr_prev = int(math.floor(kr))               
            kr_next = kr_prev + 1
            frac = kr - kr_prev    # 0 <= frac < 1
            #print frac
            if kr_next >= BLOCKSIZE:
                kr_next = kr_next - BLOCKSIZE

            # Compute output value using interpolation
            k = buffer[kr_prev] * (1-frac)
            r = buffer[kr_next] * frac
            k2 = buffer2[kr_prev] * (1-frac)
            r2 = buffer2[kr_next] * frac
        	# butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):

            # output_block[2*n] = butter_bandpass_filter(mix[2*n],500.0,3000.0,2000,order = 5) + mix[2*n]
            output_block[2*n] = k + r + k2 +r2
            output_block[2*n] = clip16(output_block[2*n])
            output_block[2*n+1] = output_block[2*n]

            # buffer
            # print '--------------'
            buffer[kw] = input_value[2*n]
            buffer2[kw] = bandpass[2*n]
            # Increment read index
            kr = kr + 1 + w * math.sin( 2 * math.pi * f_lfo * n  / RATE + theta)     
            # Note: kr is fractional (not integer!)
            # f = fl_min + delta_lfo

            # Ensure that 0 <= kr < buffer_MAX
            if kr >= BLOCKSIZE:
            # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
                kr = 0
            # Increment write index    
            kw = kw + 1
            if kw == BLOCKSIZE:
             # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
                kw = 0

            fc_bandpass = fc_min + 0.5 * w * (1 + math.sin(2 * math.pi * f_lfo * n /RATE ))
            f_max = 2 * fc_bandpass + fc_min

        theta = theta + theta_del

        # print output_block
        # output_block[2*n] = butter_bandpass_filter(mix[2*n],500.0,3000.0,2000,order = 5) + mix[2*n]

        # if fc >=fc_max:
        # 	fc =  fc_min
        # output_block_filt = butter_bandpass_filter(output_block,fc,3000.0,2000,order = 5)
        # # output_block = clip16_arr(output_block) + clip16_arr(output_block_filt)
        # fc = fc_min + 200
        # output_block = [x + y for x, y in zip(clip16_arr(output_block_filt), output_block)]

        # output_block = clip16_arr(output_block)

        output_string = struct.pack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE , *output_block)

        # output_block = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]

        # Write output to audio stream

        output_all = output_all + output_string

    print('* Done')

def my_callback_fun(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):
    input_tuple = struct.unpack('h', input_string)
    output_sample = clip16(GAIN * input_tuple[0])
    return (input_string, pyaudio.paContinue)
# Loop through blocks
for i in range(NumBlocks):

    # Do difference equation for block
    for n in range(BLOCKLEN):

        rand_val = random.random()
        if rand_val < THRESHOLD:
            x = 15000
            x = 0

        y[n] = b0 * x - a1 * y[n - 1] - a2 * y[n - 2]
        # What happens when n = 0?
        # In Python negative indices cycle to end, so this works!

        y[n] = int(clip16(y[n]))

    # Convert numeric list to binary data
    output_bytes = struct.pack('h' * BLOCKLEN, *y)

    # Write binary data to audio output stream
    stream.write(output_bytes, BLOCKLEN)

print('* Finished')

    # Convert string to number
    input_value = struct.unpack('h', input_string)[0]

    # Compute output value
    output_value = Gdp * input_value + Gff * buffer[k]

    # Update buffer
    buffer[k] = input_value

    # Increment buffer index
    k = k + 1
    if k >= BUFFER_LEN:
        # The index has reached the end of the buffer. Circle the index back to the front.
        k = 0

    # Convert output value to binary string
    output_string = struct.pack('h', int(clip16(output_value)))

    # Write output value to audio stream

    # Get next frame (sample)
    input_string = wf.readframes(1)

print("* Finished *")

        # Get previous and next buffer values (since kr is fractional)
        kr_prev = int(math.floor(kr))               
        kr_next = (kr_prev + 1) % BLOCKSIZE
        frac = kr - kr_prev    # 0 <= frac < 1
        # if kr_next >= BLOCKSIZE:
        #     kr_next = kr_next - BLOCKSIZE

        # Compute output value using interpolation
        prev = (1-frac) * buffer[kr_prev]
        nextt = frac * buffer[kr_next]
        # output_block[n] = prev + nextt
        output_block[2*n] = (prev + nextt) * gain + input_value[n]
        output_block[2*n+1] = (prev + nextt) * gain + input_value[n]

        output_block[2*n] = clip16(output_block[2*n])
        output_block[2*n+1] = clip16(output_block[2*n+1])

        # Update buffer (pure delay)
        buffer[kw] = input_value[n]

        # Increment read index
        kr = kr + 1 + W * math.sin( 2 * math.pi * f0 * n / RATE + theta)
            # Note: kr is fractional (not integer!)

        # Ensure that 0 <= kr < BLOCKSIZE
        if kr >= BLOCKSIZE:
            # End of buffer. Circle back to front.
            kr = 0

        # Increment write index    
for i in range(0, NumBlocks):

    # Do difference equation for block
    for n in range(BLOCKSIZE):

        rand_val = random.random()
        if rand_val < THRESHOLD:
            x = 15000
            x = 0

        y[n] = b0 * x - a1 * y[n-1] - a2 * y[n-2] 
              # What happens when n = 0?
              # In Python negative indices cycle to end, so it works..

        y[n] = clip16(y[n])

    # If numpy is available, then clipping can be done using:
    # y = np.clip(y, -32000, 32000)

    # Convert numeric list to binary string
    data = struct.pack('h' * BLOCKSIZE, *y);

    # Write binary string to audio output stream
    stream.write(data, BLOCKSIZE)

print 'Done.'

        if rand_val_r < THRESHOLD:
            x_r = 15000
            x_r = 0

        rand_val_l = random.random()
        if rand_val_l < THRESHOLD:
            x_l = 15000
            x_l = 0

        y[2*n] = b0 * x_r - a1 * y[2*(n-1)] - a2 * y[2*(n-2)]  
              # What happens when n = 0?
              # In Python negative indices cycle to end, so it works..

        y[2*n] = clip16(y[2*n])

        y[2*n+1] = b0 * x_l - a1 * y[2*(n-1)+1] - a2 * y[2*(n-2)+1]  
              # What happens when n = 0?
              # In Python negative indices cycle to end, so it works..

        y[2*n+1] = clip16(y[2*n+1])

    # If numpy is available, then clipping can be done using:
    # y = np.clip(y, -32000, 32000)

    # Convert numeric list to binary string
    data = struct.pack('hh' * BLOCKSIZE, *y);

    # Write binary string to audio output stream
    stream.write(data, BLOCKSIZE)
    # Do difference equation for block
    for n in range(BLOCKSIZE):

        rand_val = random.random()
        if rand_val < 0.0005:
            x = 5000 * (random.random() - 0.5)
            x = 0

        # Easy way: define two vectors y1 and y2
        y1[n] = b10 * x - a11 * y1[n-1] - a12 * y1[n-2]
        y2[n] = b20 * y1[n] - a21 * y2[n-1] - a22 * y2[n-2]

    for n in range(BLOCKSIZE):
        output[n] = int( clip16( y2[n] ))

    # Convert numeric list to binary string
    data = struct.pack('h' * BLOCKSIZE, *output);


    # Convert numeric list to binary string
    data = struct.pack('h' * BLOCKSIZE, *output);

    # Write binary string to audio output stream
    stream.write(data, BLOCKSIZE)

print('* Finished.')
def callback_record(input_string, block_size, time_info, status):
    data = struct.unpack("h", input_string)
    sample = clip16(GAIN * data[0])
    return (None, pyaudio.paContinue)
    # Go through block
    for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):
        # Amplitude modulation  (f0 Hz cosine)
        # output_block[n] = input_tuple[n] * math.cos(2*math.pi*n*f0/RATE + theta)
        # output_block[n] = input_tuple[n] * 1.0  # for no processing

        # Difference equation
        X[6] = input_tuple[n]
        Yvalue = a[1] * Y[5] + a[2] * Y[4] + a[3] * Y[3] + a[4] * Y[2] + a[
            5] * Y[1] + a[6] * Y[0]
        Y[6] = b[0] * X[6] + b[1] * X[5] + b[2] * X[4] + b[3] * X[3] + b[
            4] * X[2] + b[5] * X[1] + b[6] * X[0] - Yvalue

        # unclipped_value = np.real(Y[7] * cmath.exp(I * 2 *math.pi*n*f0/RATE))
        # output_block[n] = clip16(unclipped_value)
        output_block[n] = clip16(Y[6])
        Y = shift(Y, 1)
        X = shift(X, 1)
    # Set angle for next block
    # theta = theta + theta_del

    # line.set_ydata(output_block)                               # Update y-data of plot
    # plt.draw()

    # Convert values to binary string
    output_string = struct.pack('h' * BLOCKSIZE, *output_block)

    # Write binary string to audio output stream

    # append new to total
def wah_effect():
	BLOCKSIZE = 1024     # Number of frames per block

	gain = 1
	fc_max = 1200 # initial

	p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
	WIDTH = 2           # bytes per sample
	RATE = 44100    # Sampling rate (samples/second)

	stream = p.open(format = p.get_format_from_width(WIDTH),
					channels = 2,
					rate = RATE,
					input = True,
					output = True)

	# Create a buffer (delay line) for past values
	# Create block (initialize to zero)
	output_block = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]
	output_block_filt = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]
	bandpass = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]
	mix = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]

	# Create a buffer (delay line) for past values
	buffer = [0.0 for i in range(BLOCKSIZE)]   # Initialize to zero
	buffer2 = [0.0 for i in range(BLOCKSIZE)]   # Initialize to zero

	# Buffer (delay line) indices
	kr = 0  # read index
	kw = int(0.5 * BLOCKSIZE)  # write index (initialize to middle of buffer)

	output_all = ''            # output signal in all (string)
	fc_bandpass = 0.0

	# Initialize angle
	theta = 0.0

	num_blocks = int(RATE / BLOCKSIZE * RECORD_SECONDS)

	print ('**** Playing Auto-Wah ****')

    # Loop through wave file 
	for i in range(0, num_blocks):
		if app.MODE != "WahWah":
		# Block-to-block angle increment <----reduce calculation
		theta_del = (float(BLOCKSIZE*parameters.wahwah_f_lfo)/RATE - math.floor(BLOCKSIZE*parameters.wahwah_f_lfo/RATE)) * 2.0 * math.pi

		# Get sample from wave file
		input_string = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)

		# Convert string to number
		input_value = struct.unpack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE, input_string)
		bandpass = butter_bandpass_filter(input_value,parameters.wahwah_fc_min,fc_max,RATE,order = 1)

		# Go through block
		for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):

			# Amplitude modulation  (f0 Hz cosine)
			# Get previous and next buffer values (since kr is fractional)
			kr_prev = int(math.floor(kr))               
			kr_next = kr_prev + 1
			frac = kr - kr_prev    # 0 <= frac < 1
			#print frac
			if kr_next >= BLOCKSIZE:
			    kr_next = kr_next - BLOCKSIZE

			# Compute output value using interpolation
			k = buffer[kr_prev] * (1-frac)
			r = buffer[kr_next] * frac
			k2 = buffer2[kr_prev] * (1-frac)
			r2 = buffer2[kr_next] * frac

			output_block[2*n] = k + r + k2 +r2
			output_block[2*n] = clip16(output_block[2*n])
			output_block[2*n+1] = output_block[2*n]

			# buffer

			buffer[kw] = input_value[2*n]
			buffer2[kw] = bandpass[2*n]
			# Increment read index
			kr = kr + 1 + parameters.wahwah_w * math.sin( 2 * math.pi * parameters.wahwah_f_lfo * n  / RATE + theta)     
			# Note: kr is fractional (not integer!)

			# Ensure that 0 <= kr < buffer_MAX
			if kr >= BLOCKSIZE:
			# End of buffer. Circle back to front.
				kr = 0
            # Increment write index    
			kw = kw + 1
			if kw == BLOCKSIZE:
			# End of buffer. Circle back to front.
				kw = 0

			fc_bandpass = parameters.wahwah_fc_min + 0.5 * parameters.wahwah_w * (1 + math.sin(2 * math.pi * parameters.wahwah_f_lfo * n /RATE ))
			f_max = 2 * fc_bandpass + parameters.wahwah_fc_min

		theta = theta + theta_del

		output_string = struct.pack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE , *output_block)

		# Write output to audio stream

		output_all = output_all + output_string

	print('* Done')
