def config16(mode):
    if mode == 'auto':
        ## read the configuration file
        myconfs = readconf()
        ## update the crontable
        addtocron(myconfs[ == '16'].irow(0),'/home/pi/Sites/WaterMaster0.3/cronlog.txt')
        ## update the states and the confs
        states.runmode[ == '16'] = 'auto'
        confs.mins[ == '16'] = myconfs.mins[ == '16'].irow(0)
        confs.hours[ == '16'] = myconfs.hours[ == '16'].irow(0)
        confs.on[ == '16'] = myconfs.on[ == '16'].irow(0)
        ##update the states and the confs
        states.runmode[ == '16'] = 'manual'
        confs.mins[ == '16'] = ''
        confs.hours[ == '16'] = ''
        confs.on[ == '16'] = ''
    templateData = {
    'conf16': confs[ == '16'].irow(0).to_dict(),
    'conf18': confs[ == '18'].irow(0).to_dict(),
    'state16': states[ == '16'].irow(0).to_dict(),
    'state18': states[ == '18'].irow(0).to_dict()
    return render_template('auto.html', **templateData)
## <--------------------------- The main application ---------------------- >
## If this script was run directly from the command line
## Have the server listen on port 80 and report any errors.
if __name__ == "__main__":
   ## Manage the inputoutput of the board
   # to use Raspberry Pi board pin numbers  
   GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.OUT)  ## set up GPIO output channel
   GPIO.output(16,GPIO.LOW)  ##  Put the ralay1 in off mode
   GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT)  ## set up GPIO output channel
   GPIO.output(18,GPIO.LOW)  ##  Put the ralay2 in off mode

   ## read the watering schedule
   cfg = readconf()
   R1prog = 'Start '+cfg['start'][0]+' - On(min): '+str(cfg['on'][0])+' - Cycle(hrs): '+str(cfg['delta'][0])
   R2prog = 'Start '+cfg['start'][1]+' - On(min): '+str(cfg['on'][1])+' - Cycle(hrs): '+str(cfg['delta'][1])
   ## here we start the multiprocessing engine
   ## the things we want in the "shared" data space are:
   ## - the state of the two relays
   ## - the next scheduled watering for both relays (this will be calculated by the 
   ##   watering daemon after each watering cycle)
   manager = Manager()
   nextwat1 = manager.Value(ctypes.c_char_p, ' ')
   nextwat2 = manager.Value(ctypes.c_char_p, ' ')
   runmode = manager.Array('i',[0,0])        ## runmode 0 will be only manual ...
   relaystate = manager.Array('i',[0,0])

   ## here we run the two watering daemons
   q = Process(target = autoWaterR1, args=(cfg,nextwat1,relaystate,runmode,))