def Beta_graph(ticker, start_date, end_date): if start_date is not None and end_date is not None: stock = func.getPrices(collection_price, ticker, start_date, end_date, "close") stock = stock.drop_duplicates() stock = stock['close'].pct_change()[1:].values SPY = func.getPrices(collection_price, "SPY", start_date, end_date, "close") SPY = SPY.drop_duplicates() SPY = SPY['close'].pct_change()[1:].values try: p = func.linreg(stock, SPY) pts = go.Scatter(x=SPY, y=stock, mode='markers', showlegend=False) line = go.Scatter(x=SPY, y=p[0] + p[1] * SPY, showlegend=False, mode='lines') data = [pts, line] layout = dict(xaxis=dict(zeroline=False, linewidth=1, mirror=True), yaxis=dict(zeroline=False, linewidth=1, mirror=True), title='Beta to SPY') fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) except: fig = {} else: fig = {} return fig
def returnDist_graph(start_date, end_date, accountType): if start_date is not None and end_date is not None: if accountType == 'paperAccount': df = func.getAccoutValue(collection_account, "NetLiquidation") elif accountType == 'liveAccount': df = func.getAccoutValue(collection_account_real, "NetLiquidation") df = df[df['date'] >= start_date] spy = func.getPrices(collection_price, 'SPY', start_date, end_date, 'close') spy = spy.drop_duplicates() spy = spy['close'].pct_change()[1:] violin = dict(type='violin', y=pd.to_numeric(df['value']).pct_change()[1:], box=dict(visible=True), meanline=dict(visible=True), name='Portfolio') violin_spy = dict(type='violin', y=spy, box=dict(visible=True), meanline=dict(visible=True), name='SPY') data = [violin, violin_spy] layout = dict(xaxis=dict(zeroline=False, linewidth=1, mirror=True), yaxis=dict(zeroline=False, linewidth=1, mirror=True), title='Violin Plot of Return') fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) else: fig = {} return fig
def update_correlation_map(start_date, end_date): df = func.getPassedPortfolio(collection_portfolio) result = pd.DataFrame() for index, row in df.iterrows(): lst = {} symbol = row['Ticker'] price = func.getPrices(collection_price, symbol, start_date, end_date, 'close') price = price.drop_duplicates() try: lst[symbol] = price['close'].tolist() result = pd.concat([result, pd.DataFrame(lst)], axis=1) except: result = pd.DataFrame(lst) cor = result.corr() arr = cor.values trace = go.Heatmap(z=arr, x=cor.columns, y=cor.columns) layout = dict(height=800, title='Stock Correlation') data = [trace] fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) return fig
def QQ_graph(ticker, start_date, end_date): if start_date is not None and end_date is not None: X_lognorm = func.getPrices(collection_price, ticker, start_date, end_date, "close") X_lognorm = X_lognorm['close'].tolist() qq = stats.probplot(X_lognorm, dist='norm', sparams=(1)) x = np.array([qq[0][0][0], qq[0][0][-1]]) pts = go.Scatter(x=qq[0][0], y=qq[0][1], mode='markers', showlegend=False) line = go.Scatter(x=x, y=qq[1][1] + qq[1][0] * x, showlegend=False, mode='lines') data = [pts, line] layout = dict(xaxis=dict(zeroline=False, linewidth=1, mirror=True), yaxis=dict(zeroline=False, linewidth=1, mirror=True), title='QQ Plot') fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) else: fig = {} return fig
def equity_graph(start_date, end_date, accountType): if start_date is not None and end_date is not None: if accountType == 'paperAccount': df = func.getAccoutValue(collection_account, "NetLiquidation") elif accountType == 'liveAccount': df = func.getAccoutValue(collection_account_real, "NetLiquidation") df = df[df['date'] >= start_date] df_2 = func.getPrices(collection_price, 'SPY', start_date, end_date, 'close') amount = float(df.iloc[0]['value']) price = float(df_2.iloc[0]['close']) shares = amount / price #extract the date only, and row back one day becoz account value is today, price is yesterday line = go.Scatter(x=df['date'].apply( lambda x: - timedelta(days=1)).tolist(), y=df['value'], showlegend=True, mode='lines', name='Equity Curve') line_spy = go.Scatter(x=df_2['date'], y=df_2['close'] * shares, showlegend=True, mode='lines', name='SPY') data = [line, line_spy] layout = dict(xaxis=dict(zeroline=False, linewidth=1, mirror=True), yaxis=dict( zeroline=False, linewidth=1, mirror=True, type='log', ), title='Equity Curve') fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) else: fig = {} return fig
def returnVSSPY_graph(start_date, end_date, accountType): if start_date is not None and end_date is not None: if accountType == 'paperAccount': df = func.getAccoutValue(collection_account, "NetLiquidation") elif accountType == 'liveAccount': df = func.getAccoutValue(collection_account_real, "NetLiquidation") df = df[df['date'] >= start_date] """ start_date = df['date'].tolist() start_date.sort() start_date = start_date[-5].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') start_date = start_date.split(" ")[0] #print(start_date) """ spy = func.getPrices(collection_price, 'SPY', start_date, end_date, 'close') spy = spy.drop_duplicates() #extract the date only, and row back one day becoz account value is today, price is yesterday bar = go.Bar( x=df['date'].apply( lambda x: - timedelta(days=1)).tolist()[1:], y=pd.to_numeric(df['value']).pct_change()[1:], name='Equity', ) bar_spy = go.Bar(x=spy['date'].tolist()[1:], y=spy['close'].pct_change()[1:], name='SPY') data = [bar, bar_spy] layout = dict(title='Return V.S SPY') fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) else: fig = {} return fig