    def visit_func_def(self, node: FuncDef) -> FuncDef:
        # Note that a FuncDef must be transformed to a FuncDef.
        new = FuncDef(node.name(), [self.visit_var(var) for var in node.args],
                      node.arg_kinds[:], [None] * len(node.init),
                      self.block(node.body), self.optional_type(node.type))

        self.copy_function_attributes(new, node)

        new._fullname = node._fullname
        new.is_decorated = node.is_decorated
        new.is_conditional = node.is_conditional
        new.is_abstract = node.is_abstract
        new.is_static = node.is_static
        new.is_property = node.is_property
        new.original_def = node.original_def
        return new
    def visit_func_def(self, node: FuncDef) -> FuncDef:
        # Note that a FuncDef must be transformed to a FuncDef.
        new = FuncDef(node.name(),
                      [self.copy_argument(arg) for arg in node.arguments],
                      cast(FunctionLike, self.optional_type(node.type)))

        self.copy_function_attributes(new, node)

        new._fullname = node._fullname
        new.is_decorated = node.is_decorated
        new.is_conditional = node.is_conditional
        new.is_abstract = node.is_abstract
        new.is_static = node.is_static
        new.is_class = node.is_class
        new.is_property = node.is_property
        new.original_def = node.original_def
        return new
    def visit_func_def(self, node: FuncDef) -> FuncDef:
        # Note that a FuncDef must be transformed to a FuncDef.
        new = FuncDef(node.name(),
                      [self.copy_argument(arg) for arg in node.arguments],
                      cast(FunctionLike, self.optional_type(node.type)))

        self.copy_function_attributes(new, node)

        new._fullname = node._fullname
        new.is_decorated = node.is_decorated
        new.is_conditional = node.is_conditional
        new.is_abstract = node.is_abstract
        new.is_static = node.is_static
        new.is_class = node.is_class
        new.is_property = node.is_property
        new.original_def = node.original_def
        return new
    def visit_func_def(self, node: FuncDef) -> FuncDef:
        # Note that a FuncDef must be transformed to a FuncDef.
        new = FuncDef(node.name(),
                      [self.visit_var(var) for var in node.args],
                      [None] * len(node.init),

        self.copy_function_attributes(new, node)
        new._fullname = node._fullname
        new.is_decorated = node.is_decorated
        new.is_conditional = node.is_conditional
        new.is_abstract = node.is_abstract
        new.is_static = node.is_static
        new.is_property = node.is_property
        new.original_def = node.original_def
        return new
    def visit_func_def(self, node: FuncDef) -> FuncDef:
        # Note that a FuncDef must be transformed to a FuncDef.

        # These contortions are needed to handle the case of recursive
        # references inside the function being transformed.
        # Set up placeholder nodes for references within this function
        # to other functions defined inside it.
        # Don't create an entry for this function itself though,
        # since we want self-references to point to the original
        # function if this is the top-level node we are transforming.
        init = FuncMapInitializer(self)
        for stmt in node.body.body:

        new = FuncDef(node.name,
                      [self.copy_argument(arg) for arg in node.arguments],
                      cast(Optional[FunctionLike], self.optional_type(node.type)))

        self.copy_function_attributes(new, node)

        new._fullname = node._fullname
        new.is_decorated = node.is_decorated
        new.is_conditional = node.is_conditional
        new.is_abstract = node.is_abstract
        new.is_static = node.is_static
        new.is_class = node.is_class
        new.is_property = node.is_property
        new.is_final = node.is_final
        new.original_def = node.original_def

        if node in self.func_placeholder_map:
            # There is a placeholder definition for this function. Replace
            # the attributes of the placeholder with those form the transformed
            # function. We know that the classes will be identical (otherwise
            # this wouldn't work).
            result = self.func_placeholder_map[node]
            replace_object_state(result, new)
            return result
            return new
    def visit_func_def(self, node: FuncDef) -> FuncDef:
        # Note that a FuncDef must be transformed to a FuncDef.

        # These contortions are needed to handle the case of recursive
        # references inside the function being transformed.
        # Set up placeholder nodes for references within this function
        # to other functions defined inside it.
        # Don't create an entry for this function itself though,
        # since we want self-references to point to the original
        # function if this is the top-level node we are transforming.
        init = FuncMapInitializer(self)
        for stmt in node.body.body:

        new = FuncDef(node.name(),
                      [self.copy_argument(arg) for arg in node.arguments],
                      cast(Optional[FunctionLike], self.optional_type(node.type)))

        self.copy_function_attributes(new, node)

        new._fullname = node._fullname
        new.is_decorated = node.is_decorated
        new.is_conditional = node.is_conditional
        new.is_abstract = node.is_abstract
        new.is_static = node.is_static
        new.is_class = node.is_class
        new.is_property = node.is_property
        new.is_final = node.is_final
        new.original_def = node.original_def

        if node in self.func_placeholder_map:
            # There is a placeholder definition for this function. Replace
            # the attributes of the placeholder with those form the transformed
            # function. We know that the classes will be identical (otherwise
            # this wouldn't work).
            result = self.func_placeholder_map[node]
            replace_object_state(result, new)
            return result
            return new
    def _adjust_interface_function(
        api: SemanticAnalyzerPluginInterface,
        class_info: TypeInfo,
        func_def: FuncDef,
    ) -> Statement:

        if func_def.arg_names and func_def.arg_names[0] == "self":
            # reveal the common mistake of leaving "self" arguments in the
            # interface
            api.fail("Interface methods should not have 'self' argument",
            selftype = Instance(class_info, [],
            selfarg = Argument(Var("self", None), selftype, None, ARG_POS)

            if isinstance(func_def.type, CallableType):
                func_def.type.arg_names.insert(0, "self")
                func_def.type.arg_kinds.insert(0, ARG_POS)
                func_def.type.arg_types.insert(0, selftype)
            func_def.arg_names.insert(0, "self")
            func_def.arg_kinds.insert(0, ARG_POS)
            func_def.arguments.insert(0, selfarg)

        func_def.is_abstract = True
        if func_def.name() in ("__getattr__", "__getattribute__"):
            # These special methods cannot be decorated. Likely a mypy bug.
            return func_def
        func_def.is_decorated = True
        var = Var(func_def.name(), func_def.type)
        var.is_initialized_in_class = True
        var.info = func_def.info
        decor = Decorator(func_def, [], var)
        return decor