def make_simplified_union(items: Sequence[Type],
                          line: int = -1,
                          column: int = -1,
                          keep_erased: bool = False) -> ProperType:
    """Build union type with redundant union items removed.

    If only a single item remains, this may return a non-union type.


    * [int, str] -> Union[int, str]
    * [int, object] -> object
    * [int, int] -> int
    * [int, Any] -> Union[int, Any] (Any types are not simplified away!)
    * [Any, Any] -> Any

    Note: This must NOT be used during semantic analysis, since TypeInfos may not
          be fully initialized.
    The keep_erased flag is used for type inference against union types
    containing type variables. If set to True, keep all ErasedType items.
    items = get_proper_types(items)
    while any(isinstance(typ, UnionType) for typ in items):
        all_items = []  # type: List[ProperType]
        for typ in items:
            if isinstance(typ, UnionType):
        items = all_items

    from mypy.subtypes import is_proper_subtype

    removed = set()  # type: Set[int]
    for i, ti in enumerate(items):
        if i in removed: continue
        # Keep track of the truishness info for deleted subtypes which can be relevant
        cbt = cbf = False
        for j, tj in enumerate(items):
            if i != j and is_proper_subtype(
                    tj, ti, keep_erased_types=keep_erased):
                # We found a redundant item in the union.
                cbt = cbt or tj.can_be_true
                cbf = cbf or tj.can_be_false
        # if deleted subtypes had more general truthiness, use that
        if not ti.can_be_true and cbt:
            items[i] = true_or_false(ti)
        elif not ti.can_be_false and cbf:
            items[i] = true_or_false(ti)

    simplified_set = [items[i] for i in range(len(items)) if i not in removed]
    return UnionType.make_union(simplified_set, line, column)
def make_simplified_union(items: Sequence[Type],
                          line: int = -1,
                          column: int = -1,
                          keep_erased: bool = False,
                          contract_literals: bool = True) -> ProperType:
    """Build union type with redundant union items removed.

    If only a single item remains, this may return a non-union type.


    * [int, str] -> Union[int, str]
    * [int, object] -> object
    * [int, int] -> int
    * [int, Any] -> Union[int, Any] (Any types are not simplified away!)
    * [Any, Any] -> Any

    Note: This must NOT be used during semantic analysis, since TypeInfos may not
          be fully initialized.

    The keep_erased flag is used for type inference against union types
    containing type variables. If set to True, keep all ErasedType items.

    The contract_literals flag indicates whether we need to contract literal types
    back into a sum type. Set it to False when called by try_expanding_sum_type_
    items = get_proper_types(items)

    # Step 1: expand all nested unions
    while any(isinstance(typ, UnionType) for typ in items):
        all_items: List[ProperType] = []
        for typ in items:
            if isinstance(typ, UnionType):
        items = all_items

    # Step 2: remove redundant unions
    simplified_set = _remove_redundant_union_items(items, keep_erased)

    # Step 3: If more than one literal exists in the union, try to simplify
    if contract_literals and sum(
            isinstance(item, LiteralType) for item in simplified_set) > 1:
        simplified_set = try_contracting_literals_in_union(simplified_set)

    return UnionType.make_union(simplified_set, line, column)
def is_special_target(right: ProperType) -> bool:
    """Whitelist some special cases for use in isinstance() with improper types."""
    if isinstance(right, CallableType) and right.is_type_obj():
        if right.type_object().fullname() == 'builtins.tuple':
            # Used with Union[Type, Tuple[Type, ...]].
            return True
        if right.type_object().fullname() in ('mypy.types.Type',
            # Special case: things like assert isinstance(typ, ProperType) are always OK.
            return True
        if right.type_object().fullname() in ('mypy.types.UnboundType',
            # Special case: these are not valid targets for a type alias and thus safe.
            # TODO: introduce a SyntheticType base to simplify this?
            return True
    elif isinstance(right, TupleType):
        return all(is_special_target(t) for t in get_proper_types(right.items))
    return False
def try_getting_str_literals(expr: Expression,
                             typ: Type) -> Optional[List[str]]:
    """If the given expression or type corresponds to a string literal
    or a union of string literals, returns a list of the underlying strings.
    Otherwise, returns None.

    Specifically, this function is guaranteed to return a list with
    one or more strings if one one the following is true:

    1. 'expr' is a StrExpr
    2. 'typ' is a LiteralType containing a string
    3. 'typ' is a UnionType containing only LiteralType of strings
    typ = get_proper_type(typ)

    if isinstance(expr, StrExpr):
        return [expr.value]

    if isinstance(typ, Instance) and typ.last_known_value is not None:
        possible_literals = [typ.last_known_value]  # type: List[Type]
    elif isinstance(typ, UnionType):
        possible_literals = list(typ.items)
        possible_literals = [typ]

    strings = []
    for lit in get_proper_types(possible_literals):
        if isinstance(lit, LiteralType) and lit.fallback.type.fullname(
        ) == 'builtins.str':
            val = lit.value
            assert isinstance(val, str)
            return None
    return strings
 def visit_callable_type(self, t: CallableType) -> ProperType:
     if isinstance(self.s, CallableType) and is_similar_callables(
             t, self.s):
         if is_equivalent(t, self.s):
             return combine_similar_callables(t, self.s)
         result = join_similar_callables(t, self.s)
         # We set the from_type_type flag to suppress error when a collection of
         # concrete class objects gets inferred as their common abstract superclass.
         if not (
             (t.is_type_obj() and t.type_object().is_abstract) or
             (self.s.is_type_obj() and self.s.type_object().is_abstract)):
             result.from_type_type = True
         if any(
                 isinstance(tp, (NoneType, UninhabitedType))
                 for tp in get_proper_types(result.arg_types)):
             # We don't want to return unusable Callable, attempt fallback instead.
             return join_types(t.fallback, self.s)
         return result
     elif isinstance(self.s, Overloaded):
         # Switch the order of arguments to that we'll get to visit_overloaded.
         return join_types(t, self.s)
     elif isinstance(self.s, Instance) and self.s.type.is_protocol:
         call = unpack_callback_protocol(self.s)
         if call:
             return join_types(t, call)
     return join_types(t.fallback, self.s)
 def visit_union_type(self, t: UnionType) -> Type:
     new = cast(UnionType, super().visit_union_type(t))
     # Erasure can result in many duplicate items; merge them.
     # Call make_simplified_union only on lists of instance types
     # that all have the same fullname, to avoid simplifying too
     # much.
     instances = [item for item in new.items
                  if isinstance(get_proper_type(item), Instance)]
     # Avoid merge in simple cases such as optional types.
     if len(instances) > 1:
         instances_by_name: Dict[str, List[Instance]] = {}
         new_items = get_proper_types(new.items)
         for item in new_items:
             if isinstance(item, Instance) and not item.args:
                 instances_by_name.setdefault(item.type.fullname, []).append(item)
         merged: List[Type] = []
         for item in new_items:
             if isinstance(item, Instance) and not item.args:
                 types = instances_by_name.get(item.type.fullname)
                 if types is not None:
                     if len(types) == 1:
                         from mypy.typeops import make_simplified_union
                         del instances_by_name[item.type.fullname]
         return UnionType.make_union(merged)
     return new
文件: meet.py 项目: dasarisasidhar/G
def narrow_declared_type(declared: Type, narrowed: Type) -> Type:
    """Return the declared type narrowed down to another type."""
    # TODO: check infinite recursion for aliases here.
    declared = get_proper_type(declared)
    narrowed = get_proper_type(narrowed)

    if declared == narrowed:
        return declared
    if isinstance(declared, UnionType):
        return make_simplified_union([narrow_declared_type(x, narrowed)
                                      for x in declared.relevant_items()])
    elif not is_overlapping_types(declared, narrowed,
        if state.strict_optional:
            return UninhabitedType()
            return NoneType()
    elif isinstance(narrowed, UnionType):
        return make_simplified_union([narrow_declared_type(declared, x)
                                      for x in narrowed.relevant_items()])
    elif isinstance(narrowed, AnyType):
        return narrowed
    elif isinstance(declared, TypeType) and isinstance(narrowed, TypeType):
        return TypeType.make_normalized(narrow_declared_type(declared.item, narrowed.item))
    elif isinstance(declared, (Instance, TupleType, TypeType, LiteralType)):
        return meet_types(declared, narrowed)
    elif isinstance(declared, TypedDictType) and isinstance(narrowed, Instance):
        # Special case useful for selecting TypedDicts from unions using isinstance(x, dict).
        if (narrowed.type.fullname == 'builtins.dict' and
                all(isinstance(t, AnyType) for t in get_proper_types(narrowed.args))):
            return declared
        return meet_types(declared, narrowed)
    return narrowed
文件: typeops.py 项目: sthagen/mypy
def try_getting_literals_from_type(typ: Type,
                                   target_literal_type: TypingType[T],
                                   target_fullname: str) -> Optional[List[T]]:
    """If the given expression or type corresponds to a Literal or
    union of Literals where the underlying values corresponds to the given
    target type, returns a list of those underlying values. Otherwise,
    returns None.
    typ = get_proper_type(typ)

    if isinstance(typ, Instance) and typ.last_known_value is not None:
        possible_literals: List[Type] = [typ.last_known_value]
    elif isinstance(typ, UnionType):
        possible_literals = list(typ.items)
        possible_literals = [typ]

    literals: List[T] = []
    for lit in get_proper_types(possible_literals):
        if isinstance(
                LiteralType) and lit.fallback.type.fullname == target_fullname:
            val = lit.value
            if isinstance(val, target_literal_type):
                return None
            return None
    return literals
    def check_specs_in_format_call(self, call: CallExpr,
                                   specs: List[ConversionSpecifier], format_value: str) -> None:
        """Perform pairwise checks for conversion specifiers vs their replacements.

        The core logic for format checking is implemented in this method.
        assert all(s.key for s in specs), "Keys must be auto-generated first!"
        replacements = self.find_replacements_in_call(call, [cast(str, s.key) for s in specs])
        assert len(replacements) == len(specs)
        for spec, repl in zip(specs, replacements):
            repl = self.apply_field_accessors(spec, repl, ctx=call)
            actual_type = repl.type if isinstance(repl, TempNode) else self.chk.type_map.get(repl)
            assert actual_type is not None

            # Special case custom formatting.
            if (spec.format_spec and spec.non_standard_format_spec and
                    # Exclude "dynamic" specifiers (i.e. containing nested formatting).
                    not ('{' in spec.format_spec or '}' in spec.format_spec)):
                if (not custom_special_method(actual_type, '__format__', check_all=True) or
                    # TODO: add support for some custom specs like datetime?
                    self.msg.fail('Unrecognized format'
                                  ' specification "{}"'.format(spec.format_spec[1:]),
                                  call, code=codes.STRING_FORMATTING)
            # Adjust expected and actual types.
            if not spec.type:
                expected_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)  # type: Optional[Type]
                assert isinstance(call.callee, MemberExpr)
                if isinstance(call.callee.expr, (StrExpr, UnicodeExpr)):
                    format_str = call.callee.expr
                    format_str = StrExpr(format_value)
                expected_type = self.conversion_type(spec.type, call, format_str,
            if spec.conversion is not None:
                # If the explicit conversion is given, then explicit conversion is called _first_.
                if spec.conversion[1] not in 'rsa':
                    self.msg.fail('Invalid conversion type "{}",'
                                  ' must be one of "r", "s" or "a"'.format(spec.conversion[1]),
                                  call, code=codes.STRING_FORMATTING)
                actual_type = self.named_type('builtins.str')

            # Perform the checks for given types.
            if expected_type is None:

            a_type = get_proper_type(actual_type)
            actual_items = (get_proper_types(a_type.items) if isinstance(a_type, UnionType)
                            else [a_type])
            for a_type in actual_items:
                if custom_special_method(a_type, '__format__'):
                self.check_placeholder_type(a_type, expected_type, call)
                self.perform_special_format_checks(spec, call, repl, a_type, expected_type)
    def type(self, t: Optional[Type]) -> None:
        t = get_proper_type(t)

        if not t:
            # If an expression does not have a type, it is often due to dead code.
            # Don't count these because there can be an unanalyzed value on a line with other
            # analyzed expressions, which overwrite the TYPE_UNANALYZED.
            self.record_line(self.line, TYPE_UNANALYZED)

        if isinstance(t, AnyType) and is_special_form_any(t):
            # TODO: What if there is an error in special form definition?
            self.record_line(self.line, TYPE_PRECISE)

        if isinstance(t, AnyType):
            self.log('  !! Any type around line %d' % self.line)
            self.num_any_exprs += 1
            self.record_line(self.line, TYPE_ANY)
        elif ((not self.all_nodes and is_imprecise(t))
              or (self.all_nodes and is_imprecise2(t))):
            self.log('  !! Imprecise type around line %d' % self.line)
            self.num_imprecise_exprs += 1
            self.record_line(self.line, TYPE_IMPRECISE)
            self.num_precise_exprs += 1
            self.record_line(self.line, TYPE_PRECISE)

        for typ in get_proper_types(collect_all_inner_types(t)) + [t]:
            if isinstance(typ, AnyType):
                typ = get_original_any(typ)
                if is_special_form_any(typ):
                self.type_of_any_counter[typ.type_of_any] += 1
                self.num_any_types += 1
                if self.line in self.any_line_map:
                    self.any_line_map[self.line] = [typ]
            elif isinstance(typ, Instance):
                if typ.args:
                    if any(is_complex(arg) for arg in typ.args):
                        self.num_complex_types += 1
                        self.num_generic_types += 1
                    self.num_simple_types += 1
            elif isinstance(typ, FunctionLike):
                self.num_function_types += 1
            elif isinstance(typ, TupleType):
                if any(is_complex(item) for item in typ.items):
                    self.num_complex_types += 1
                    self.num_tuple_types += 1
            elif isinstance(typ, TypeVarType):
                self.num_typevar_types += 1
def apply_generic_arguments(
        callable: CallableType, orig_types: Sequence[Optional[Type]],
        report_incompatible_typevar_value: Callable[[CallableType, Type, str, Context], None],
        context: Context,
        skip_unsatisfied: bool = False) -> CallableType:
    """Apply generic type arguments to a callable type.

    For example, applying [int] to 'def [T] (T) -> T' results in
    'def (int) -> int'.

    Note that each type can be None; in this case, it will not be applied.

    If `skip_unsatisfied` is True, then just skip the types that don't satisfy type variable
    bound or constraints, instead of giving an error.
    tvars = callable.variables
    assert len(tvars) == len(orig_types)
    # Check that inferred type variable values are compatible with allowed
    # values and bounds.  Also, promote subtype values to allowed values.
    types = get_proper_types(orig_types)

    # Create a map from type variable id to target type.
    id_to_type: Dict[TypeVarId, Type] = {}

    for tvar, type in zip(tvars, types):
        assert not isinstance(type, PartialType), "Internal error: must never apply partial type"
        if type is None:

        target_type = get_target_type(
            tvar, type, callable, report_incompatible_typevar_value, context, skip_unsatisfied
        if target_type is not None:
            id_to_type[tvar.id] = target_type

    param_spec = callable.param_spec()
    if param_spec is not None:
        nt = id_to_type.get(param_spec.id)
        if nt is not None:
            nt = get_proper_type(nt)
            if isinstance(nt, CallableType):
                callable = callable.expand_param_spec(nt)

    # Apply arguments to argument types.
    arg_types = [expand_type(at, id_to_type) for at in callable.arg_types]

    # The callable may retain some type vars if only some were applied.
    remaining_tvars = [tv for tv in tvars if tv.id not in id_to_type]

    return callable.copy_modified(
        ret_type=expand_type(callable.ret_type, id_to_type),
文件: meet.py 项目: pranavrajpal/mypy
def narrow_declared_type(declared: Type, narrowed: Type) -> Type:
    """Return the declared type narrowed down to another type."""
    # TODO: check infinite recursion for aliases here.
    if isinstance(narrowed, TypeGuardedType):  # type: ignore[misc]
        # A type guard forces the new type even if it doesn't overlap the old.
        return narrowed.type_guard

    declared = get_proper_type(declared)
    narrowed = get_proper_type(narrowed)

    if declared == narrowed:
        return declared
    if isinstance(declared, UnionType):
        return make_simplified_union([
            narrow_declared_type(x, narrowed)
            for x in declared.relevant_items()
    if is_enum_overlapping_union(declared, narrowed):
        return narrowed
    elif not is_overlapping_types(
            declared, narrowed, prohibit_none_typevar_overlap=True):
        if state.strict_optional:
            return UninhabitedType()
            return NoneType()
    elif isinstance(narrowed, UnionType):
        return make_simplified_union([
            narrow_declared_type(declared, x)
            for x in narrowed.relevant_items()
    elif isinstance(narrowed, AnyType):
        return narrowed
    elif isinstance(narrowed, TypeVarType) and is_subtype(
            narrowed.upper_bound, declared):
        return narrowed
    elif isinstance(declared, TypeType) and isinstance(narrowed, TypeType):
        return TypeType.make_normalized(
            narrow_declared_type(declared.item, narrowed.item))
    elif (isinstance(declared, TypeType) and isinstance(narrowed, Instance)
          and narrowed.type.is_metaclass()):
        # We'd need intersection types, so give up.
        return declared
    elif isinstance(declared, (Instance, TupleType, TypeType, LiteralType)):
        return meet_types(declared, narrowed)
    elif isinstance(declared, TypedDictType) and isinstance(
            narrowed, Instance):
        # Special case useful for selecting TypedDicts from unions using isinstance(x, dict).
        if (narrowed.type.fullname == 'builtins.dict' and all(
                isinstance(t, AnyType)
                for t in get_proper_types(narrowed.args))):
            return declared
        return meet_types(declared, narrowed)
    return narrowed
def are_tuples_overlapping(left: Type, right: Type, *,
                           ignore_promotions: bool = False,
                           prohibit_none_typevar_overlap: bool = False) -> bool:
    """Returns true if left and right are overlapping tuples."""
    left, right = get_proper_types((left, right))
    left = adjust_tuple(left, right) or left
    right = adjust_tuple(right, left) or right
    assert isinstance(left, TupleType), 'Type {} is not a tuple'.format(left)
    assert isinstance(right, TupleType), 'Type {} is not a tuple'.format(right)
    if len(left.items) != len(right.items):
        return False
    return all(is_overlapping_types(l, r,
               for l, r in zip(left.items, right.items))
 def visit_callable_type(self, t: CallableType) -> ProperType:
     if isinstance(self.s, CallableType) and is_similar_callables(t, self.s):
         if is_equivalent(t, self.s):
             return combine_similar_callables(t, self.s)
         result = join_similar_callables(t, self.s)
         if any(isinstance(tp, (NoneType, UninhabitedType))
                for tp in get_proper_types(result.arg_types)):
             # We don't want to return unusable Callable, attempt fallback instead.
             return join_types(t.fallback, self.s)
         return result
     elif isinstance(self.s, Overloaded):
         # Switch the order of arguments to that we'll get to visit_overloaded.
         return join_types(t, self.s)
     elif isinstance(self.s, Instance) and self.s.type.is_protocol:
         call = unpack_callback_protocol(self.s)
         if call:
             return join_types(t, call)
     return join_types(t.fallback, self.s)
def typed_dict_mapping_pair(left: Type, right: Type) -> bool:
    """Is this a pair where one type is a TypedDict and another one is an instance of Mapping?

    This case requires a precise/principled consideration because there are two use cases
    that push the boundary the opposite ways: we need to avoid spurious overlaps to avoid
    false positives for overloads, but we also need to avoid spuriously non-overlapping types
    to avoid false positives with --strict-equality.
    left, right = get_proper_types((left, right))
    assert not isinstance(left, TypedDictType) or not isinstance(right, TypedDictType)

    if isinstance(left, TypedDictType):
        _, other = left, right
    elif isinstance(right, TypedDictType):
        _, other = right, left
        return False
    return isinstance(other, Instance) and other.type.has_base('typing.Mapping')
def get_target_type(tvar: TypeVarLikeType, type: ProperType,
                    callable: CallableType,
                    report_incompatible_typevar_value: Callable[
                        [CallableType, Type, str, Context],
                        None], context: Context,
                    skip_unsatisfied: bool) -> Optional[Type]:
    if isinstance(tvar, ParamSpecType):
        return type
    if isinstance(tvar, TypeVarTupleType):
        return type
    assert isinstance(tvar, TypeVarType)
    values = get_proper_types(tvar.values)
    if values:
        if isinstance(type, AnyType):
            return type
        if isinstance(type, TypeVarType) and type.values:
            # Allow substituting T1 for T if every allowed value of T1
            # is also a legal value of T.
            if all(
                    any(mypy.sametypes.is_same_type(v, v1) for v in values)
                    for v1 in type.values):
                return type
        matching = []
        for value in values:
            if mypy.subtypes.is_subtype(type, value):
        if matching:
            best = matching[0]
            # If there are more than one matching value, we select the narrowest
            for match in matching[1:]:
                if mypy.subtypes.is_subtype(match, best):
                    best = match
            return best
        if skip_unsatisfied:
            return None
        report_incompatible_typevar_value(callable, type, tvar.name, context)
        upper_bound = tvar.upper_bound
        if not mypy.subtypes.is_subtype(type, upper_bound):
            if skip_unsatisfied:
                return None
            report_incompatible_typevar_value(callable, type, tvar.name,
    return type
 def _type_object_overlap(left: Type, right: Type) -> bool:
     """Special cases for type object types overlaps."""
     # TODO: these checks are a bit in gray area, adjust if they cause problems.
     left, right = get_proper_types((left, right))
     # 1. Type[C] vs Callable[..., C], where the latter is class object.
     if isinstance(left, TypeType) and isinstance(right, CallableType) and right.is_type_obj():
         return _is_overlapping_types(left.item, right.ret_type)
     # 2. Type[C] vs Meta, where Meta is a metaclass for C.
     if isinstance(left, TypeType) and isinstance(right, Instance):
         if isinstance(left.item, Instance):
             left_meta = left.item.type.metaclass_type
             if left_meta is not None:
                 return _is_overlapping_types(left_meta, right)
             # builtins.type (default metaclass) overlaps with all metaclasses
             return right.type.has_base('builtins.type')
         elif isinstance(left.item, AnyType):
             return right.type.has_base('builtins.type')
     # 3. Callable[..., C] vs Meta is considered below, when we switch to fallbacks.
     return False
 def check_type_var_values(self, type: TypeInfo, actuals: List[Type],
                           arg_name: str, valids: List[Type],
                           arg_number: int, context: Context) -> None:
     for actual in get_proper_types(actuals):
         if (not isinstance(actual, AnyType) and
                 not any(is_same_type(actual, value) for value in valids)):
             if len(actuals) > 1 or not isinstance(actual, Instance):
                 self.fail('Invalid type argument value for "{}"'.format(
                 class_name = '"{}"'.format(type.name)
                 actual_type_name = '"{}"'.format(actual.type.name)
                         arg_name, class_name, actual_type_name),
文件: typeops.py 项目: sthagen/mypy
def make_simplified_union(items: Sequence[Type],
                          line: int = -1,
                          column: int = -1,
                          keep_erased: bool = False,
                          contract_literals: bool = True) -> ProperType:
    """Build union type with redundant union items removed.

    If only a single item remains, this may return a non-union type.


    * [int, str] -> Union[int, str]
    * [int, object] -> object
    * [int, int] -> int
    * [int, Any] -> Union[int, Any] (Any types are not simplified away!)
    * [Any, Any] -> Any

    Note: This must NOT be used during semantic analysis, since TypeInfos may not
          be fully initialized.
    The keep_erased flag is used for type inference against union types
    containing type variables. If set to True, keep all ErasedType items.
    items = get_proper_types(items)
    while any(isinstance(typ, UnionType) for typ in items):
        all_items: List[ProperType] = []
        for typ in items:
            if isinstance(typ, UnionType):
        items = all_items

    from mypy.subtypes import is_proper_subtype

    removed: Set[int] = set()
    seen: Set[Tuple[str, str]] = set()

    # NB: having a separate fast path for Union of Literal and slow path for other things
    # would arguably be cleaner, however it breaks down when simplifying the Union of two
    # different enum types as try_expanding_enum_to_union works recursively and will
    # trigger intermediate simplifications that would render the fast path useless
    for i, item in enumerate(items):
        if i in removed:
        # Avoid slow nested for loop for Union of Literal of strings/enums (issue #9169)
        if is_simple_literal(item):
            assert isinstance(item, LiteralType)
            assert isinstance(item.value, str)
            k = (item.value, item.fallback.type.fullname)
            if k in seen:

            # NB: one would naively expect that it would be safe to skip the slow path
            # always for literals. One would be sorely mistaken. Indeed, some simplifications
            # such as that of None/Optional when strict optional is false, do require that we
            # proceed with the slow path. Thankfully, all literals will have the same subtype
            # relationship to non-literal types, so we only need to do that walk for the first
            # literal, which keeps the fast path fast even in the presence of a mixture of
            # literals and other types.
            safe_skip = len(seen) > 0
            if safe_skip:
        # Keep track of the truishness info for deleted subtypes which can be relevant
        cbt = cbf = False
        for j, tj in enumerate(items):
            # NB: we don't need to check literals as the fast path above takes care of that
            if (i != j and not is_simple_literal(tj) and is_proper_subtype(
                    tj, item, keep_erased_types=keep_erased)
                    and is_redundant_literal_instance(item, tj)  # XXX?
                # We found a redundant item in the union.
                cbt = cbt or tj.can_be_true
                cbf = cbf or tj.can_be_false
        # if deleted subtypes had more general truthiness, use that
        if not item.can_be_true and cbt:
            items[i] = true_or_false(item)
        elif not item.can_be_false and cbf:
            items[i] = true_or_false(item)

    simplified_set = [items[i] for i in range(len(items)) if i not in removed]

    # If more than one literal exists in the union, try to simplify
    if (contract_literals
            and sum(isinstance(item, LiteralType)
                    for item in simplified_set) > 1):
        simplified_set = try_contracting_literals_in_union(simplified_set)

    return UnionType.make_union(simplified_set, line, column)
def typed_dict_mapping_overlap(
        left: ProperType, right: ProperType,
        overlapping: Callable[[Type, Type], bool]) -> bool:
    """Check if a TypedDict type is overlapping with a Mapping.

    The basic logic here consists of two rules:

    * A TypedDict with some required keys is overlapping with Mapping[str, <some type>]
      if and only if every key type is overlapping with <some type>. For example:

      - TypedDict(x=int, y=str) overlaps with Dict[str, Union[str, int]]
      - TypedDict(x=int, y=str) doesn't overlap with Dict[str, int]

      Note that any additional non-required keys can't change the above result.

    * A TypedDict with no required keys overlaps with Mapping[str, <some type>] if and
      only if at least one of key types overlaps with <some type>. For example:

      - TypedDict(x=str, y=str, total=False) overlaps with Dict[str, str]
      - TypedDict(x=str, y=str, total=False) doesn't overlap with Dict[str, int]
      - TypedDict(x=int, y=str, total=False) overlaps with Dict[str, str]

    As usual empty, dictionaries lie in a gray area. In general, List[str] and List[str]
    are considered non-overlapping despite empty list belongs to both. However, List[int]
    and List[<nothing>] are considered overlapping.

    So here we follow the same logic: a TypedDict with no required keys is considered
    non-overlapping with Mapping[str, <some type>], but is considered overlapping with
    Mapping[<nothing>, <nothing>]. This way we avoid false positives for overloads, and also
    avoid false positives for comparisons like SomeTypedDict == {} under --strict-equality.
    assert not isinstance(left, TypedDictType) or not isinstance(
        right, TypedDictType)

    if isinstance(left, TypedDictType):
        assert isinstance(right, Instance)
        typed, other = left, right
        assert isinstance(left, Instance)
        assert isinstance(right, TypedDictType)
        typed, other = right, left

    mapping = next(base for base in other.type.mro
                   if base.fullname() == 'typing.Mapping')
    other = map_instance_to_supertype(other, mapping)
    key_type, value_type = get_proper_types(other.args)

    # TODO: is there a cleaner way to get str_type here?
    fallback = typed.as_anonymous().fallback
    str_type = fallback.type.bases[0].args[
        0]  # typing._TypedDict inherits Mapping[str, object]

    # Special case: a TypedDict with no required keys overlaps with an empty dict.
    if isinstance(key_type, UninhabitedType) and isinstance(
            value_type, UninhabitedType):
        return not typed.required_keys

    if typed.required_keys:
        if not overlapping(key_type, str_type):
            return False
        return all(
            overlapping(typed.items[k], value_type)
            for k in typed.required_keys)
        if not overlapping(key_type, str_type):
            return False
        non_required = set(typed.items.keys()) - typed.required_keys
        return any(
            overlapping(typed.items[k], value_type) for k in non_required)
 def is_none_typevar_overlap(t1: Type, t2: Type) -> bool:
     t1, t2 = get_proper_types((t1, t2))
     return isinstance(t1, NoneType) and isinstance(t2, TypeVarType)
def is_overlapping_types(left: Type,
                         right: Type,
                         ignore_promotions: bool = False,
                         prohibit_none_typevar_overlap: bool = False) -> bool:
    """Can a value of type 'left' also be of type 'right' or vice-versa?

    If 'ignore_promotions' is True, we ignore promotions while checking for overlaps.
    If 'prohibit_none_typevar_overlap' is True, we disallow None from overlapping with
    TypeVars (in both strict-optional and non-strict-optional mode).
    left, right = get_proper_types((left, right))

    def _is_overlapping_types(left: Type, right: Type) -> bool:
        '''Encode the kind of overlapping check to perform.

        This function mostly exists so we don't have to repeat keyword arguments everywhere.'''
        return is_overlapping_types(

    # We should never encounter this type.
    if isinstance(left, PartialType) or isinstance(right, PartialType):
        assert False, "Unexpectedly encountered partial type"

    # We should also never encounter these types, but it's possible a few
    # have snuck through due to unrelated bugs. For now, we handle these
    # in the same way we handle 'Any'.
    # TODO: Replace these with an 'assert False' once we are more confident.
    illegal_types = (UnboundType, ErasedType, DeletedType)
    if isinstance(left, illegal_types) or isinstance(right, illegal_types):
        return True

    # When running under non-strict optional mode, simplify away types of
    # the form 'Union[A, B, C, None]' into just 'Union[A, B, C]'.

    if not state.strict_optional:
        if isinstance(left, UnionType):
            left = UnionType.make_union(left.relevant_items())
        if isinstance(right, UnionType):
            right = UnionType.make_union(right.relevant_items())
        left, right = get_proper_types((left, right))

    # 'Any' may or may not be overlapping with the other type
    if isinstance(left, AnyType) or isinstance(right, AnyType):
        return True

    # We check for complete overlaps next as a general-purpose failsafe.
    # If this check fails, we start checking to see if there exists a
    # *partial* overlap between types.
    # These checks will also handle the NoneType and UninhabitedType cases for us.

    if (is_proper_subtype(left, right, ignore_promotions=ignore_promotions)
            or is_proper_subtype(
                right, left, ignore_promotions=ignore_promotions)):
        return True

    # See the docstring for 'get_possible_variants' for more info on what the
    # following lines are doing.

    left_possible = get_possible_variants(left)
    right_possible = get_possible_variants(right)

    # We start by checking multi-variant types like Unions first. We also perform
    # the same logic if either type happens to be a TypeVar.
    # Handling the TypeVars now lets us simulate having them bind to the corresponding
    # type -- if we deferred these checks, the "return-early" logic of the other
    # checks will prevent us from detecting certain overlaps.
    # If both types are singleton variants (and are not TypeVars), we've hit the base case:
    # we skip these checks to avoid infinitely recursing.

    def is_none_typevar_overlap(t1: Type, t2: Type) -> bool:
        t1, t2 = get_proper_types((t1, t2))
        return isinstance(t1, NoneType) and isinstance(t2, TypeVarType)

    if prohibit_none_typevar_overlap:
        if is_none_typevar_overlap(left, right) or is_none_typevar_overlap(
                right, left):
            return False

    if (len(left_possible) > 1 or len(right_possible) > 1
            or isinstance(left, TypeVarType)
            or isinstance(right, TypeVarType)):
        for l in left_possible:
            for r in right_possible:
                if _is_overlapping_types(l, r):
                    return True
        return False

    # Now that we've finished handling TypeVars, we're free to end early
    # if one one of the types is None and we're running in strict-optional mode.
    # (None only overlaps with None in strict-optional mode).
    # We must perform this check after the TypeVar checks because
    # a TypeVar could be bound to None, for example.

    if state.strict_optional and isinstance(left, NoneType) != isinstance(
            right, NoneType):
        return False

    # Next, we handle single-variant types that may be inherently partially overlapping:
    # - TypedDicts
    # - Tuples
    # If we cannot identify a partial overlap and end early, we degrade these two types
    # into their 'Instance' fallbacks.

    if isinstance(left, TypedDictType) and isinstance(right, TypedDictType):
        return are_typed_dicts_overlapping(left,
    elif typed_dict_mapping_pair(left, right):
        # Overlaps between TypedDicts and Mappings require dedicated logic.
        return typed_dict_mapping_overlap(left,
    elif isinstance(left, TypedDictType):
        left = left.fallback
    elif isinstance(right, TypedDictType):
        right = right.fallback

    if is_tuple(left) and is_tuple(right):
        return are_tuples_overlapping(left,
    elif isinstance(left, TupleType):
        left = tuple_fallback(left)
    elif isinstance(right, TupleType):
        right = tuple_fallback(right)

    # Next, we handle single-variant types that cannot be inherently partially overlapping,
    # but do require custom logic to inspect.
    # As before, we degrade into 'Instance' whenever possible.

    if isinstance(left, TypeType) and isinstance(right, TypeType):
        return _is_overlapping_types(left.item, right.item)

    def _type_object_overlap(left: Type, right: Type) -> bool:
        """Special cases for type object types overlaps."""
        # TODO: these checks are a bit in gray area, adjust if they cause problems.
        left, right = get_proper_types((left, right))
        # 1. Type[C] vs Callable[..., C], where the latter is class object.
        if isinstance(left, TypeType) and isinstance(
                right, CallableType) and right.is_type_obj():
            return _is_overlapping_types(left.item, right.ret_type)
        # 2. Type[C] vs Meta, where Meta is a metaclass for C.
        if isinstance(left, TypeType) and isinstance(right, Instance):
            if isinstance(left.item, Instance):
                left_meta = left.item.type.metaclass_type
                if left_meta is not None:
                    return _is_overlapping_types(left_meta, right)
                # builtins.type (default metaclass) overlaps with all metaclasses
                return right.type.has_base('builtins.type')
            elif isinstance(left.item, AnyType):
                return right.type.has_base('builtins.type')
        # 3. Callable[..., C] vs Meta is considered below, when we switch to fallbacks.
        return False

    if isinstance(left, TypeType) or isinstance(right, TypeType):
        return _type_object_overlap(left, right) or _type_object_overlap(
            right, left)

    if isinstance(left, CallableType) and isinstance(right, CallableType):
        return is_callable_compatible(left,
    elif isinstance(left, CallableType):
        left = left.fallback
    elif isinstance(right, CallableType):
        right = right.fallback

    if isinstance(left, LiteralType) and isinstance(right, LiteralType):
        if left.value == right.value:
            # If values are the same, we still need to check if fallbacks are overlapping,
            # this is done below.
            left = left.fallback
            right = right.fallback
            return False
    elif isinstance(left, LiteralType):
        left = left.fallback
    elif isinstance(right, LiteralType):
        right = right.fallback

    # Finally, we handle the case where left and right are instances.

    if isinstance(left, Instance) and isinstance(right, Instance):
        # First we need to handle promotions and structural compatibility for instances
        # that came as fallbacks, so simply call is_subtype() to avoid code duplication.
        if (is_subtype(left, right, ignore_promotions=ignore_promotions) or
                is_subtype(right, left, ignore_promotions=ignore_promotions)):
            return True

        # Two unrelated types cannot be partially overlapping: they're disjoint.
        if left.type.has_base(right.type.fullname):
            left = map_instance_to_supertype(left, right.type)
        elif right.type.has_base(left.type.fullname):
            right = map_instance_to_supertype(right, left.type)
            return False

        if len(left.args) == len(right.args):
            # Note: we don't really care about variance here, since the overlapping check
            # is symmetric and since we want to return 'True' even for partial overlaps.
            # For example, suppose we have two types Wrapper[Parent] and Wrapper[Child].
            # It doesn't matter whether Wrapper is covariant or contravariant since
            # either way, one of the two types will overlap with the other.
            # Similarly, if Wrapper was invariant, the two types could still be partially
            # overlapping -- what if Wrapper[Parent] happened to contain only instances of
            # specifically Child?
            # Or, to use a more concrete example, List[Union[A, B]] and List[Union[B, C]]
            # would be considered partially overlapping since it's possible for both lists
            # to contain only instances of B at runtime.
            if all(
                    _is_overlapping_types(left_arg, right_arg)
                    for left_arg, right_arg in zip(left.args, right.args)):
                return True

        return False

    # We ought to have handled every case by now: we conclude the
    # two types are not overlapping, either completely or partially.
    # Note: it's unclear however, whether returning False is the right thing
    # to do when inferring reachability -- see  https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/5529

    assert type(left) != type(right)
    return False
def callable_has_any(t: CallableType) -> int:
    # We count a bare None in argument position as Any, since
    # pyannotate turns it into Optional[Any]
    return (any(
        isinstance(at, NoneType) for at in get_proper_types(t.arg_types))
            or has_any_type(t))
def make_simplified_union(items: Sequence[Type],
                          line: int = -1,
                          column: int = -1,
                          keep_erased: bool = False,
                          contract_literals: bool = True) -> ProperType:
    """Build union type with redundant union items removed.

    If only a single item remains, this may return a non-union type.


    * [int, str] -> Union[int, str]
    * [int, object] -> object
    * [int, int] -> int
    * [int, Any] -> Union[int, Any] (Any types are not simplified away!)
    * [Any, Any] -> Any

    Note: This must NOT be used during semantic analysis, since TypeInfos may not
          be fully initialized.
    The keep_erased flag is used for type inference against union types
    containing type variables. If set to True, keep all ErasedType items.
    items = get_proper_types(items)
    while any(isinstance(typ, UnionType) for typ in items):
        all_items = []  # type: List[ProperType]
        for typ in items:
            if isinstance(typ, UnionType):
        items = all_items

    from mypy.subtypes import is_proper_subtype

    removed = set()  # type: Set[int]

    # Avoid slow nested for loop for Union of Literal of strings (issue #9169)
    if all((isinstance(item, LiteralType)
            and item.fallback.type.fullname == 'builtins.str')
           for item in items):
        seen = set()  # type: Set[str]
        for index, item in enumerate(items):
            assert isinstance(item, LiteralType)
            assert isinstance(item.value, str)
            if item.value in seen:

        for i, ti in enumerate(items):
            if i in removed: continue
            # Keep track of the truishness info for deleted subtypes which can be relevant
            cbt = cbf = False
            for j, tj in enumerate(items):
                if i != j and is_proper_subtype(tj, ti, keep_erased_types=keep_erased) and \
                        is_redundant_literal_instance(ti, tj):
                    # We found a redundant item in the union.
                    cbt = cbt or tj.can_be_true
                    cbf = cbf or tj.can_be_false
            # if deleted subtypes had more general truthiness, use that
            if not ti.can_be_true and cbt:
                items[i] = true_or_false(ti)
            elif not ti.can_be_false and cbf:
                items[i] = true_or_false(ti)

    simplified_set = [items[i] for i in range(len(items)) if i not in removed]

    # If more than one literal exists in the union, try to simplify
    if (contract_literals
            and sum(isinstance(item, LiteralType)
                    for item in simplified_set) > 1):
        simplified_set = try_contracting_literals_in_union(simplified_set)

    return UnionType.make_union(simplified_set, line, column)
def apply_generic_arguments(callable: CallableType,
                            orig_types: Sequence[Optional[Type]],
                            report_incompatible_typevar_value: Callable[
                                [CallableType, Type, str, Context], None],
                            context: Context,
                            skip_unsatisfied: bool = False) -> CallableType:
    """Apply generic type arguments to a callable type.

    For example, applying [int] to 'def [T] (T) -> T' results in
    'def (int) -> int'.

    Note that each type can be None; in this case, it will not be applied.

    If `skip_unsatisfied` is True, then just skip the types that don't satisfy type variable
    bound or constraints, instead of giving an error.
    tvars = callable.variables
    assert len(tvars) == len(orig_types)
    # Check that inferred type variable values are compatible with allowed
    # values and bounds.  Also, promote subtype values to allowed values.
    types = get_proper_types(orig_types)
    for i, type in enumerate(types):
        assert not isinstance(
            type, PartialType), "Internal error: must never apply partial type"
        values = get_proper_types(callable.variables[i].values)
        if type is None:
        if values:
            if isinstance(type, AnyType):
            if isinstance(type, TypeVarType) and type.values:
                # Allow substituting T1 for T if every allowed value of T1
                # is also a legal value of T.
                if all(
                            mypy.sametypes.is_same_type(v, v1) for v in values)
                        for v1 in type.values):
            matching = []
            for value in values:
                if mypy.subtypes.is_subtype(type, value):
            if matching:
                best = matching[0]
                # If there are more than one matching value, we select the narrowest
                for match in matching[1:]:
                    if mypy.subtypes.is_subtype(match, best):
                        best = match
                types[i] = best
                if skip_unsatisfied:
                    types[i] = None
                        callable, type, callable.variables[i].name, context)
            upper_bound = callable.variables[i].upper_bound
            if not mypy.subtypes.is_subtype(type, upper_bound):
                if skip_unsatisfied:
                    types[i] = None
                        callable, type, callable.variables[i].name, context)

    # Create a map from type variable id to target type.
    id_to_type = {}  # type: Dict[TypeVarId, Type]
    for i, tv in enumerate(tvars):
        typ = types[i]
        if typ:
            id_to_type[tv.id] = typ

    # Apply arguments to argument types.
    arg_types = [expand_type(at, id_to_type) for at in callable.arg_types]

    # The callable may retain some type vars if only some were applied.
    remaining_tvars = [tv for tv in tvars if tv.id not in id_to_type]

    return callable.copy_modified(
        ret_type=expand_type(callable.ret_type, id_to_type),
def takes_callable_and_args_callback(ctx: FunctionContext) -> Type:
    """Automate the boilerplate for writing functions that accept
    arbitrary positional arguments of the same type accepted by
    a callable.

    For example, this supports writing::

        def start_soon(
            async_fn: Callable[[VarArg()], Any],
            *args: Any,
        ) -> None: ...

    instead of::

        T1 = TypeVar("T1")
        T2 = TypeVar("T2")
        T3 = TypeVar("T3")
        T4 = TypeVar("T4")

        def start_soon(
            async_fn: Callable[[], Any],
        ) -> None: ...

        def start_soon(
            async_fn: Callable[[T1], Any],
            __arg1: T1,
        ) -> None: ...

        def start_soon(
            async_fn: Callable[[T1, T2], Any],
            __arg1: T1,
            __arg2: T2
        ) -> None: ...

        # etc

        if not ctx.arg_types or len(ctx.arg_types[0]) != 1:
            raise ValueError("must be used as a decorator")

        fn_type = get_proper_type(ctx.arg_types[0][0])
        if not isinstance(fn_type, CallableType) or not isinstance(
                get_proper_type(ctx.default_return_type), CallableType):
            raise ValueError("must be used as a decorator")

        callable_idx = -1  # index in function arguments of the callable
        callable_args_idx = -1  # index in callable arguments of the StarArgs
        callable_ty = None  # type: Optional[CallableType]
        args_idx = -1  # index in function arguments of the StarArgs

        for idx, (kind,
                  ty) in enumerate(zip(fn_type.arg_kinds, fn_type.arg_types)):
            ty = get_proper_type(ty)
            if isinstance(ty, AnyType) and kind == ARG_STAR:
                assert args_idx == -1
                args_idx = idx
            elif isinstance(ty, (UnionType, CallableType)) and kind == ARG_POS:
                # turn Union[Callable[..., T], Callable[[VarArg()], T]]
                # into Callable[[VarArg()], T]
                # (the union makes it not fail when the plugin is not being used)
                if isinstance(ty, UnionType):
                    for arm in get_proper_types(ty.items):
                        if (isinstance(arm, CallableType)
                                and not arm.is_ellipsis_args
                                and any(kind_ == ARG_STAR
                                        for kind_ in arm.arg_kinds)):
                            ty = arm

                for idx_, (kind_,
                           ty_) in enumerate(zip(ty.arg_kinds, ty.arg_types)):
                    ty_ = get_proper_type(ty_)
                    if isinstance(ty_, AnyType) and kind_ == ARG_STAR:
                        if callable_idx != -1:
                            raise ValueError(
                                "decorated function may only take one callable "
                                "that has an argument of type VarArg()")
                        callable_idx = idx
                        callable_args_idx = idx_
                        callable_ty = ty

        if args_idx == -1:
            raise ValueError("decorated function must take *args: Any")
        if callable_idx == -1 or callable_ty is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "decorated function must take a callable that has a "
                "argument of type mypy_extensions.VarArg()")

        expanded_fns = []  # type: List[CallableType]
        type_var_defs = []  # type: List[TypeVarDef]
        type_var_types = []  # type: List[Type]
        for arg_idx in range(
                1, 7):  # provides overloads for 0 through 5 arguments
            arg_types = list(fn_type.arg_types)
            arg_types[callable_idx] = callable_ty.copy_modified(
                arg_types=(callable_ty.arg_types[:callable_args_idx] +
                           type_var_types +
                           callable_ty.arg_types[callable_args_idx + 1:]),
                arg_kinds=(callable_ty.arg_kinds[:callable_args_idx] +
                           ([ARG_POS] * len(type_var_types)) +
                           callable_ty.arg_kinds[callable_args_idx + 1:]),
                arg_names=(callable_ty.arg_names[:callable_args_idx] +
                           ([None] * len(type_var_types)) +
                           callable_ty.arg_names[callable_args_idx + 1:]),
                variables=(callable_ty.variables + type_var_defs),
                    arg_types=(arg_types[:args_idx] + type_var_types +
                               arg_types[args_idx + 1:]),
                    arg_kinds=(fn_type.arg_kinds[:args_idx] +
                               ([ARG_POS] * len(type_var_types)) +
                               fn_type.arg_kinds[args_idx + 1:]),
                    arg_names=(fn_type.arg_names[:args_idx] +
                               ([None] * len(type_var_types)) +
                               fn_type.arg_names[args_idx + 1:]),
                    variables=(fn_type.variables + type_var_defs),
                    -len(fn_type.variables) - arg_idx - 1,
                    ctx.api.named_generic_type("builtins.object", []),
                TypeVarType(type_var_defs[-1], ctx.context.line,
        return Overloaded(expanded_fns)

    except ValueError as ex:
        ctx.api.fail("invalid use of @takes_callable_and_args: {}".format(ex),
        return ctx.default_return_type