 def visit_type_var(self, t: TypeVarType) -> Type:
     if self.check_recursion(t):
         return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
     if t.upper_bound:
         t.upper_bound = t.upper_bound.accept(self)
     if t.values:
         t.values = [v.accept(self) for v in t.values]
     return t
    def build_namedtuple_typeinfo(self, name: str, items: List[str], types: List[Type],
                                  default_items: Mapping[str, Expression]) -> TypeInfo:
        strtype = self.api.named_type('__builtins__.str')
        implicit_any = AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
        basetuple_type = self.api.named_type('__builtins__.tuple', [implicit_any])
        dictype = (self.api.named_type_or_none('builtins.dict', [strtype, implicit_any])
                   or self.api.named_type('__builtins__.object'))
        # Actual signature should return OrderedDict[str, Union[types]]
        ordereddictype = (self.api.named_type_or_none('builtins.dict', [strtype, implicit_any])
                          or self.api.named_type('__builtins__.object'))
        fallback = self.api.named_type('__builtins__.tuple', [implicit_any])
        # Note: actual signature should accept an invariant version of Iterable[UnionType[types]].
        # but it can't be expressed. 'new' and 'len' should be callable types.
        iterable_type = self.api.named_type_or_none('typing.Iterable', [implicit_any])
        function_type = self.api.named_type('__builtins__.function')

        info = self.api.basic_new_typeinfo(name, fallback)
        info.is_named_tuple = True
        info.tuple_type = TupleType(types, fallback)

        def patch() -> None:
            # Calculate the correct value type for the fallback tuple.
            assert info.tuple_type, "TupleType type deleted before calling the patch"
            fallback.args[0] = join.join_type_list(list(info.tuple_type.items))

        # We can't calculate the complete fallback type until after semantic
        # analysis, since otherwise MROs might be incomplete. Postpone a callback
        # function that patches the fallback.
        self.api.schedule_patch(PRIORITY_FALLBACKS, patch)

        def add_field(var: Var, is_initialized_in_class: bool = False,
                      is_property: bool = False) -> None:
            var.info = info
            var.is_initialized_in_class = is_initialized_in_class
            var.is_property = is_property
            var._fullname = '%s.%s' % (info.fullname(), var.name())
            info.names[var.name()] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, var)

        vars = [Var(item, typ) for item, typ in zip(items, types)]
        for var in vars:
            add_field(var, is_property=True)

        tuple_of_strings = TupleType([strtype for _ in items], basetuple_type)
        add_field(Var('_fields', tuple_of_strings), is_initialized_in_class=True)
        add_field(Var('_field_types', dictype), is_initialized_in_class=True)
        add_field(Var('_field_defaults', dictype), is_initialized_in_class=True)
        add_field(Var('_source', strtype), is_initialized_in_class=True)
        add_field(Var('__annotations__', ordereddictype), is_initialized_in_class=True)
        add_field(Var('__doc__', strtype), is_initialized_in_class=True)

        tvd = TypeVarDef('NT', 'NT', -1, [], info.tuple_type)
        selftype = TypeVarType(tvd)

        def add_method(funcname: str,
                       ret: Type,
                       args: List[Argument],
                       name: Optional[str] = None,
                       is_classmethod: bool = False,
                       is_new: bool = False,
                       ) -> None:
            if is_classmethod or is_new:
                first = [Argument(Var('cls'), TypeType.make_normalized(selftype), None, ARG_POS)]
                first = [Argument(Var('self'), selftype, None, ARG_POS)]
            args = first + args

            types = [arg.type_annotation for arg in args]
            items = [arg.variable.name() for arg in args]
            arg_kinds = [arg.kind for arg in args]
            assert None not in types
            signature = CallableType(cast(List[Type], types), arg_kinds, items, ret,
            signature.variables = [tvd]
            func = FuncDef(funcname, args, Block([]))
            func.info = info
            func.is_class = is_classmethod
            func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
            func._fullname = info.fullname() + '.' + funcname
            if is_classmethod:
                v = Var(funcname, func.type)
                v.is_classmethod = True
                v.info = info
                v._fullname = func._fullname
                dec = Decorator(func, [NameExpr('classmethod')], v)
                info.names[funcname] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, dec)
                info.names[funcname] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func)

        add_method('_replace', ret=selftype,
                   args=[Argument(var, var.type, EllipsisExpr(), ARG_NAMED_OPT) for var in vars])

        def make_init_arg(var: Var) -> Argument:
            default = default_items.get(var.name(), None)
            kind = ARG_POS if default is None else ARG_OPT
            return Argument(var, var.type, default, kind)

        add_method('__new__', ret=selftype, name=info.name(),
                   args=[make_init_arg(var) for var in vars],
        add_method('_asdict', args=[], ret=ordereddictype)
        special_form_any = AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
        add_method('_make', ret=selftype, is_classmethod=True,
                   args=[Argument(Var('iterable', iterable_type), iterable_type, None, ARG_POS),
                         Argument(Var('new'), special_form_any, EllipsisExpr(), ARG_NAMED_OPT),
                         Argument(Var('len'), special_form_any, EllipsisExpr(), ARG_NAMED_OPT)])
        return info
 def make_type_var(name: str, id: int, values: List[Type], upper_bound: Type,
                   variance: int) -> TypeVarType:
     return TypeVarType(name, name, id, values, upper_bound, variance)
文件: dataclasses.py 项目: sg495/mypy
    def transform(self) -> None:
        """Apply all the necessary transformations to the underlying
        dataclass so as to ensure it is fully type checked according
        to the rules in PEP 557.
        ctx = self._ctx
        info = self._ctx.cls.info
        attributes = self.collect_attributes()
        if attributes is None:
            # Some definitions are not ready, defer() should be already called.
        for attr in attributes:
            if info[attr.name].type is None:
        decorator_arguments = {
            'init': _get_decorator_bool_argument(self._ctx, 'init', True),
            'eq': _get_decorator_bool_argument(self._ctx, 'eq', True),
            'order': _get_decorator_bool_argument(self._ctx, 'order', False),
            'frozen': _get_decorator_bool_argument(self._ctx, 'frozen', False),

        # If there are no attributes, it may be that the new semantic analyzer has not
        # processed them yet. In order to work around this, we can simply skip generating
        # __init__ if there are no attributes, because if the user truly did not define any,
        # then the object default __init__ with an empty signature will be present anyway.
        if (decorator_arguments['init']
                and ('__init__' not in info.names
                     or info.names['__init__'].plugin_generated)
                and attributes):
                    attr.to_argument(info) for attr in attributes
                    if attr.is_in_init

        if (decorator_arguments['eq'] and info.get('__eq__') is None
                or decorator_arguments['order']):
            # Type variable for self types in generated methods.
            obj_type = ctx.api.named_type('__builtins__.object')
            self_tvar_expr = TypeVarExpr(
                info.fullname() + '.' + SELF_TVAR_NAME, [], obj_type)
            info.names[SELF_TVAR_NAME] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, self_tvar_expr)

        # Add an eq method, but only if the class doesn't already have one.
        if decorator_arguments['eq'] and info.get('__eq__') is None:
            for method_name in ['__eq__', '__ne__']:
                # The TVar is used to enforce that "other" must have
                # the same type as self (covariant).  Note the
                # "self_type" parameter to add_method.
                obj_type = ctx.api.named_type('__builtins__.object')
                cmp_tvar_def = TypeVarDef(
                    info.fullname() + '.' + SELF_TVAR_NAME, -1, [], obj_type)
                cmp_other_type = TypeVarType(cmp_tvar_def)
                cmp_return_type = ctx.api.named_type('__builtins__.bool')

                        Argument(Var('other', cmp_other_type), cmp_other_type,
                                 None, ARG_POS)

        # Add <, >, <=, >=, but only if the class has an eq method.
        if decorator_arguments['order']:
            if not decorator_arguments['eq']:
                ctx.api.fail('eq must be True if order is True', ctx.cls)

            for method_name in ['__lt__', '__gt__', '__le__', '__ge__']:
                # Like for __eq__ and __ne__, we want "other" to match
                # the self type.
                obj_type = ctx.api.named_type('__builtins__.object')
                order_tvar_def = TypeVarDef(
                    info.fullname() + '.' + SELF_TVAR_NAME, -1, [], obj_type)
                order_other_type = TypeVarType(order_tvar_def)
                order_return_type = ctx.api.named_type('__builtins__.bool')
                order_args = [
                    Argument(Var('other', order_other_type), order_other_type,
                             None, ARG_POS)

                existing_method = info.get(method_name)
                if existing_method is not None and not existing_method.plugin_generated:
                    assert existing_method.node
                        'You may not have a custom %s method when order=True' %


        if decorator_arguments['frozen']:

        self.reset_init_only_vars(info, attributes)

        info.metadata['dataclass'] = {
            OrderedDict((attr.name, attr.serialize()) for attr in attributes),
 def visit_unbound_type(self, t: UnboundType) -> Type:
     if t.optional:
         t.optional = False
         # We don't need to worry about double-wrapping Optionals or
         # wrapping Anys: Union simplification will take care of that.
         return UnionType.make_simplified_union(
     sym = self.lookup(t.name, t)
     if sym is not None:
         if sym.node is None:
             # UNBOUND_IMPORTED can happen if an unknown name was imported.
             if sym.kind != UNBOUND_IMPORTED:
                     'Internal error (node is None, kind={})'.format(
                         sym.kind), t)
             return AnyType()
         fullname = sym.node.fullname()
         if sym.kind == BOUND_TVAR:
             if len(t.args) > 0:
                     'Type variable "{}" used with arguments'.format(
                         t.name), t)
             assert sym.tvar_def is not None
             return TypeVarType(sym.tvar_def, t.line)
         elif fullname == 'builtins.None':
             if experiments.STRICT_OPTIONAL:
                 if t.is_ret_type:
                     return Void()
                     return NoneTyp()
                 return Void()
         elif fullname == 'typing.Any':
             return AnyType()
         elif fullname == 'typing.Tuple':
             if len(t.args) == 2 and isinstance(t.args[1], EllipsisType):
                 # Tuple[T, ...] (uniform, variable-length tuple)
                 node = self.lookup_fqn_func('builtins.tuple')
                 tuple_info = cast(TypeInfo, node.node)
                 return Instance(tuple_info, [t.args[0].accept(self)],
             return self.tuple_type(self.anal_array(t.args))
         elif fullname == 'typing.Union':
             items = self.anal_array(t.args)
             items = [item for item in items if not isinstance(item, Void)]
             return UnionType.make_union(items)
         elif fullname == 'typing.Optional':
             if len(t.args) != 1:
                     'Optional[...] must have exactly one type argument', t)
                 return AnyType()
             items = self.anal_array(t.args)
             if experiments.STRICT_OPTIONAL:
                 return UnionType.make_simplified_union(
                     [items[0], NoneTyp()])
                 # Without strict Optional checking Optional[t] is just an alias for t.
                 return items[0]
         elif fullname == 'typing.Callable':
             return self.analyze_callable_type(t)
         elif fullname == 'typing.Type':
             if len(t.args) == 0:
                 return TypeType(AnyType(), line=t.line)
             if len(t.args) != 1:
                 self.fail('Type[...] must have exactly one type argument',
             items = self.anal_array(t.args)
             item = items[0]
             return TypeType(item, line=t.line)
         elif sym.kind == TYPE_ALIAS:
             # TODO: Generic type aliases.
             return sym.type_override
         elif not isinstance(sym.node, TypeInfo):
             name = sym.fullname
             if name is None:
                 name = sym.node.name()
             if isinstance(sym.node, Var) and isinstance(
                     sym.node.type, AnyType):
                 # Something with an Any type -- make it an alias for Any in a type
                 # context. This is slightly problematic as it allows using the type 'Any'
                 # as a base class -- however, this will fail soon at runtime so the problem
                 # is pretty minor.
                 return AnyType()
             self.fail('Invalid type "{}"'.format(name), t)
             return t
         info = sym.node  # type: TypeInfo
         if len(t.args) > 0 and info.fullname() == 'builtins.tuple':
             return TupleType(self.anal_array(t.args),
                              Instance(info, [AnyType()], t.line), t.line)
             # Analyze arguments and construct Instance type. The
             # number of type arguments and their values are
             # checked only later, since we do not always know the
             # valid count at this point. Thus we may construct an
             # Instance with an invalid number of type arguments.
             instance = Instance(info, self.anal_array(t.args), t.line)
             if info.tuple_type is None:
                 return instance
                 # The class has a Tuple[...] base class so it will be
                 # represented as a tuple type.
                 if t.args:
                     self.fail('Generic tuple types not supported', t)
                     return AnyType()
                 return TupleType(self.anal_array(info.tuple_type.items),
         return AnyType()
 def visit_unbound_type(self, t: UnboundType) -> Type:
     if t.optional:
         t.optional = False
         # We don't need to worry about double-wrapping Optionals or
         # wrapping Anys: Union simplification will take care of that.
         return make_optional_type(self.visit_unbound_type(t))
     sym = self.lookup(t.name, t, suppress_errors=self.third_pass)
     if '.' in t.name:
         # Handle indirect references to imported names.
         # TODO: Do this for module-local references as well and remove ImportedName
         #    type check below.
         sym = self.api.dereference_module_cross_ref(sym)
     if sym is not None:
         if isinstance(sym.node, ImportedName):
             # Forward reference to an imported name that hasn't been processed yet.
             # To maintain backward compatibility, these get translated to Any.
             # TODO: Remove this special case.
             return AnyType(TypeOfAny.implementation_artifact)
         if sym.fullname in type_aliases:
             # Resolve forward reference to type alias like 'typing.List'.
             # TODO: Unify how type aliases are handled; currently we resolve them in two
             #     places (the other is in the semantic analyzer pass 2).
             resolved = type_aliases[sym.fullname]
             new = self.api.lookup_qualified(resolved, t)
             if new:
                 sym = new.copy()
                 sym.normalized = True
         if sym.node is None:
             # UNBOUND_IMPORTED can happen if an unknown name was imported.
             if sym.kind != UNBOUND_IMPORTED:
                     'Internal error (node is None, kind={})'.format(
                         sym.kind), t)
             return AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
         fullname = sym.node.fullname()
         hook = self.plugin.get_type_analyze_hook(fullname)
         if hook:
             return hook(AnalyzeTypeContext(t, t, self))
         if (fullname in nongen_builtins and t.args and not sym.normalized
                 and not self.allow_unnormalized):
             self.fail(no_subscript_builtin_alias(fullname), t)
         if self.tvar_scope:
             tvar_def = self.tvar_scope.get_binding(sym)
             tvar_def = None
         if self.warn_bound_tvar and sym.kind == TVAR and tvar_def is not None:
                 'Can\'t use bound type variable "{}"'
                 ' to define generic alias'.format(t.name), t)
             return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
         elif sym.kind == TVAR and tvar_def is not None:
             if len(t.args) > 0:
                     'Type variable "{}" used with arguments'.format(
                         t.name), t)
             return TypeVarType(tvar_def, t.line)
         elif fullname == 'builtins.None':
             return NoneTyp()
         elif fullname == 'typing.Any' or fullname == 'builtins.Any':
             return AnyType(TypeOfAny.explicit)
         elif fullname == 'typing.Tuple':
             if len(t.args) == 0 and not t.empty_tuple_index:
                 # Bare 'Tuple' is same as 'tuple'
                 if self.options.disallow_any_generics and not self.is_typeshed_stub:
                     self.fail(messages.BARE_GENERIC, t)
                 typ = self.named_type('builtins.tuple',
                 typ.from_generic_builtin = True
                 return typ
             if len(t.args) == 2 and isinstance(t.args[1], EllipsisType):
                 # Tuple[T, ...] (uniform, variable-length tuple)
                 instance = self.named_type('builtins.tuple',
                 instance.line = t.line
                 return instance
             return self.tuple_type(self.anal_array(t.args))
         elif fullname == 'typing.Union':
             items = self.anal_array(t.args)
             return UnionType.make_union(items)
         elif fullname == 'typing.Optional':
             if len(t.args) != 1:
                     'Optional[...] must have exactly one type argument', t)
                 return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
             item = self.anal_type(t.args[0])
             return make_optional_type(item)
         elif fullname == 'typing.Callable':
             return self.analyze_callable_type(t)
         elif fullname == 'typing.Type':
             if len(t.args) == 0:
                 any_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_omitted_generics,
                 return TypeType(any_type, line=t.line, column=t.column)
             if len(t.args) != 1:
                 self.fail('Type[...] must have exactly one type argument',
             item = self.anal_type(t.args[0])
             return TypeType.make_normalized(item, line=t.line)
         elif fullname == 'typing.ClassVar':
             if self.nesting_level > 0:
                     'Invalid type: ClassVar nested inside other type', t)
             if len(t.args) == 0:
                 return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_omitted_generics,
             if len(t.args) != 1:
                     'ClassVar[...] must have at most one type argument', t)
                 return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
             item = self.anal_type(t.args[0])
             if isinstance(item, TypeVarType) or get_type_vars(item):
                 self.fail('Invalid type: ClassVar cannot be generic', t)
                 return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
             return item
         elif fullname in ('mypy_extensions.NoReturn', 'typing.NoReturn'):
             return UninhabitedType(is_noreturn=True)
         elif sym.kind == TYPE_ALIAS:
             if sym.alias_name is not None:
             override = sym.type_override
             all_vars = sym.alias_tvars
             assert override is not None
             an_args = self.anal_array(t.args)
             if all_vars is not None:
                 exp_len = len(all_vars)
                 exp_len = 0
             act_len = len(an_args)
             if exp_len > 0 and act_len == 0:
                 # Interpret bare Alias same as normal generic, i.e., Alias[Any, Any, ...]
                 assert all_vars is not None
                 return set_any_tvars(override, all_vars, t.line, t.column)
             if exp_len == 0 and act_len == 0:
                 return override
             if act_len != exp_len:
                     'Bad number of arguments for type alias, expected: %s, given: %s'
                     % (exp_len, act_len), t)
                 return set_any_tvars(override,
                                      all_vars or [],
             assert all_vars is not None
             return replace_alias_tvars(override, all_vars, an_args, t.line,
         elif not isinstance(sym.node, TypeInfo):
             name = sym.fullname
             if name is None:
                 name = sym.node.name()
             if isinstance(sym.node, Var) and isinstance(
                     sym.node.type, AnyType):
                 # Something with an Any type -- make it an alias for Any in a type
                 # context. This is slightly problematic as it allows using the type 'Any'
                 # as a base class -- however, this will fail soon at runtime so the problem
                 # is pretty minor.
                 return AnyType(
             # Allow unbound type variables when defining an alias
             if not (self.aliasing and sym.kind == TVAR and
                     (not self.tvar_scope
                      or self.tvar_scope.get_binding(sym) is None)):
                 if (not self.third_pass and not self.in_dynamic_func
                         and not (isinstance(sym.node, (FuncDef, Decorator))
                                  or isinstance(sym.node, Var)
                                  and sym.node.is_ready)
                         and not (sym.kind == TVAR and tvar_def is None)):
                     if t.args and not self.global_scope:
                             'Unsupported forward reference to "{}"'.format(
                                 t.name), t)
                         return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
                     return ForwardRef(t)
                 self.fail('Invalid type "{}"'.format(name), t)
                 if self.third_pass and sym.kind == TVAR:
                         "Forward references to type variables are prohibited",
             return t
         info = sym.node  # type: TypeInfo
         if sym.is_aliasing:
             if sym.alias_name is not None:
         if len(t.args) > 0 and info.fullname() == 'builtins.tuple':
             fallback = Instance(info, [AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)],
             return TupleType(self.anal_array(t.args), fallback, t.line)
             # Analyze arguments and construct Instance type. The
             # number of type arguments and their values are
             # checked only later, since we do not always know the
             # valid count at this point. Thus we may construct an
             # Instance with an invalid number of type arguments.
             instance = Instance(info, self.anal_array(t.args), t.line,
             instance.from_generic_builtin = sym.normalized
             tup = info.tuple_type
             if tup is not None:
                 # The class has a Tuple[...] base class so it will be
                 # represented as a tuple type.
                 if t.args:
                     self.fail('Generic tuple types not supported', t)
                     return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
                 return tup.copy_modified(items=self.anal_array(tup.items),
             td = info.typeddict_type
             if td is not None:
                 # The class has a TypedDict[...] base class so it will be
                 # represented as a typeddict type.
                 if t.args:
                     self.fail('Generic TypedDict types not supported', t)
                     return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
                 # Create a named TypedDictType
                 return td.copy_modified(item_types=self.anal_array(
             return instance
         if self.third_pass:
             self.fail('Invalid type "{}"'.format(t.name), t)
             return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
         return AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
    def build_namedtuple_typeinfo(self, name: str, items: List[str],
                                  types: List[Type],
                                  default_items: Mapping[str, Expression],
                                  line: int) -> TypeInfo:
        strtype = self.api.named_type('builtins.str')
        implicit_any = AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
        basetuple_type = self.api.named_type('builtins.tuple', [implicit_any])
        dictype = (self.api.named_type_or_none('builtins.dict',
                                               [strtype, implicit_any])
                   or self.api.named_type('builtins.object'))
        # Actual signature should return OrderedDict[str, Union[types]]
        ordereddictype = (self.api.named_type_or_none('builtins.dict',
                                                      [strtype, implicit_any])
                          or self.api.named_type('builtins.object'))
        fallback = self.api.named_type('builtins.tuple', [implicit_any])
        # Note: actual signature should accept an invariant version of Iterable[UnionType[types]].
        # but it can't be expressed. 'new' and 'len' should be callable types.
        iterable_type = self.api.named_type_or_none('typing.Iterable',
        function_type = self.api.named_type('builtins.function')

        info = self.api.basic_new_typeinfo(name, fallback, line)
        info.is_named_tuple = True
        tuple_base = TupleType(types, fallback)
        info.tuple_type = tuple_base
        info.line = line
        # For use by mypyc.
        info.metadata['namedtuple'] = {'fields': items.copy()}

        # We can't calculate the complete fallback type until after semantic
        # analysis, since otherwise base classes might be incomplete. Postpone a
        # callback function that patches the fallback.
                                lambda: calculate_tuple_fallback(tuple_base))

        def add_field(var: Var,
                      is_initialized_in_class: bool = False,
                      is_property: bool = False) -> None:
            var.info = info
            var.is_initialized_in_class = is_initialized_in_class
            var.is_property = is_property
            var._fullname = '%s.%s' % (info.fullname, var.name)
            info.names[var.name] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, var)

        fields = [Var(item, typ) for item, typ in zip(items, types)]
        for var in fields:
            add_field(var, is_property=True)
        # We can't share Vars between fields and method arguments, since they
        # have different full names (the latter are normally used as local variables
        # in functions, so their full names are set to short names when generated methods
        # are analyzed).
        vars = [Var(item, typ) for item, typ in zip(items, types)]

        tuple_of_strings = TupleType([strtype for _ in items], basetuple_type)
        add_field(Var('_fields', tuple_of_strings),
        add_field(Var('_field_types', dictype), is_initialized_in_class=True)
        add_field(Var('_field_defaults', dictype),
        add_field(Var('_source', strtype), is_initialized_in_class=True)
        add_field(Var('__annotations__', ordereddictype),
        add_field(Var('__doc__', strtype), is_initialized_in_class=True)

        tvd = TypeVarType(SELF_TVAR_NAME, info.fullname + '.' + SELF_TVAR_NAME,
                          -1, [], info.tuple_type)
        selftype = tvd

        def add_method(
            funcname: str,
            ret: Type,
            args: List[Argument],
            is_classmethod: bool = False,
            is_new: bool = False,
        ) -> None:
            if is_classmethod or is_new:
                first = [
                    Argument(Var('_cls'), TypeType.make_normalized(selftype),
                             None, ARG_POS)
                first = [Argument(Var('_self'), selftype, None, ARG_POS)]
            args = first + args

            types = [arg.type_annotation for arg in args]
            items = [arg.variable.name for arg in args]
            arg_kinds = [arg.kind for arg in args]
            assert None not in types
            signature = CallableType(cast(List[Type], types), arg_kinds, items,
                                     ret, function_type)
            signature.variables = [tvd]
            func = FuncDef(funcname, args, Block([]))
            func.info = info
            func.is_class = is_classmethod
            func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
            func._fullname = info.fullname + '.' + funcname
            func.line = line
            if is_classmethod:
                v = Var(funcname, func.type)
                v.is_classmethod = True
                v.info = info
                v._fullname = func._fullname
                func.is_decorated = True
                dec = Decorator(func, [NameExpr('classmethod')], v)
                dec.line = line
                sym = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, dec)
                sym = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func)
            sym.plugin_generated = True
            info.names[funcname] = sym

                       Argument(var, var.type, EllipsisExpr(), ARG_NAMED_OPT)
                       for var in vars

        def make_init_arg(var: Var) -> Argument:
            default = default_items.get(var.name, None)
            kind = ARG_POS if default is None else ARG_OPT
            return Argument(var, var.type, default, kind)

                   args=[make_init_arg(var) for var in vars],
        add_method('_asdict', args=[], ret=ordereddictype)
        special_form_any = AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
                       Argument(Var('iterable', iterable_type), iterable_type,
                                None, ARG_POS),
                       Argument(Var('new'), special_form_any, EllipsisExpr(),
                       Argument(Var('len'), special_form_any, EllipsisExpr(),

        self_tvar_expr = TypeVarExpr(SELF_TVAR_NAME,
                                     info.fullname + '.' + SELF_TVAR_NAME, [],
        info.names[SELF_TVAR_NAME] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, self_tvar_expr)
        return info
 def visit_unbound_type(self, t: UnboundType) -> Type:
     if t.optional:
         t.optional = False
         # We don't need to worry about double-wrapping Optionals or
         # wrapping Anys: Union simplification will take care of that.
         return make_optional_type(self.visit_unbound_type(t))
     sym = self.lookup(t.name, t)
     if sym is not None:
         if sym.node is None:
             # UNBOUND_IMPORTED can happen if an unknown name was imported.
             if sym.kind != UNBOUND_IMPORTED:
                 self.fail('Internal error (node is None, kind={})'.format(sym.kind), t)
             return AnyType()
         fullname = sym.node.fullname()
         if (fullname in nongen_builtins and t.args and
                 not sym.normalized and not self.allow_unnormalized):
             self.fail(no_subscript_builtin_alias(fullname), t)
         tvar_def = self.tvar_scope.get_binding(sym)
         if sym.kind == TVAR and tvar_def is not None:
             if len(t.args) > 0:
                 self.fail('Type variable "{}" used with arguments'.format(
                     t.name), t)
             return TypeVarType(tvar_def, t.line)
         elif fullname == 'builtins.None':
             return NoneTyp()
         elif fullname == 'typing.Any' or fullname == 'builtins.Any':
             return AnyType()
         elif fullname == 'typing.Tuple':
             if len(t.args) == 0 and not t.empty_tuple_index:
                 # Bare 'Tuple' is same as 'tuple'
                 return self.builtin_type('builtins.tuple')
             if len(t.args) == 2 and isinstance(t.args[1], EllipsisType):
                 # Tuple[T, ...] (uniform, variable-length tuple)
                 instance = self.builtin_type('builtins.tuple', [self.anal_type(t.args[0])])
                 instance.line = t.line
                 return instance
             return self.tuple_type(self.anal_array(t.args))
         elif fullname == 'typing.Union':
             items = self.anal_array(t.args)
             if not experiments.STRICT_OPTIONAL:
                 items = [item for item in items if not isinstance(item, NoneTyp)]
             return UnionType.make_union(items)
         elif fullname == 'typing.Optional':
             if len(t.args) != 1:
                 self.fail('Optional[...] must have exactly one type argument', t)
                 return AnyType()
             item = self.anal_type(t.args[0])
             return make_optional_type(item)
         elif fullname == 'typing.Callable':
             return self.analyze_callable_type(t)
         elif fullname == 'typing.Type':
             if len(t.args) == 0:
                 return TypeType(AnyType(), line=t.line)
             if len(t.args) != 1:
                 self.fail('Type[...] must have exactly one type argument', t)
             item = self.anal_type(t.args[0])
             return TypeType(item, line=t.line)
         elif fullname == 'typing.ClassVar':
             if self.nesting_level > 0:
                 self.fail('Invalid type: ClassVar nested inside other type', t)
             if len(t.args) == 0:
                 return AnyType(line=t.line)
             if len(t.args) != 1:
                 self.fail('ClassVar[...] must have at most one type argument', t)
                 return AnyType()
             item = self.anal_type(t.args[0])
             if isinstance(item, TypeVarType) or get_type_vars(item):
                 self.fail('Invalid type: ClassVar cannot be generic', t)
                 return AnyType()
             return item
         elif fullname in ('mypy_extensions.NoReturn', 'typing.NoReturn'):
             return UninhabitedType(is_noreturn=True)
         elif sym.kind == TYPE_ALIAS:
             override = sym.type_override
             assert override is not None
             an_args = self.anal_array(t.args)
             all_vars = self.get_type_var_names(override)
             exp_len = len(all_vars)
             act_len = len(an_args)
             if exp_len > 0 and act_len == 0:
                 # Interpret bare Alias same as normal generic, i.e., Alias[Any, Any, ...]
                 return self.replace_alias_tvars(override, all_vars, [AnyType()] * exp_len,
                                                 t.line, t.column)
             if exp_len == 0 and act_len == 0:
                 return override
             if act_len != exp_len:
                 self.fail('Bad number of arguments for type alias, expected: %s, given: %s'
                           % (exp_len, act_len), t)
                 return t
             return self.replace_alias_tvars(override, all_vars, an_args, t.line, t.column)
         elif not isinstance(sym.node, TypeInfo):
             name = sym.fullname
             if name is None:
                 name = sym.node.name()
             if isinstance(sym.node, Var) and isinstance(sym.node.type, AnyType):
                 # Something with an Any type -- make it an alias for Any in a type
                 # context. This is slightly problematic as it allows using the type 'Any'
                 # as a base class -- however, this will fail soon at runtime so the problem
                 # is pretty minor.
                 return AnyType(from_unimported_type=True)
             # Allow unbound type variables when defining an alias
             if not (self.aliasing and sym.kind == TVAR and
                     self.tvar_scope.get_binding(sym) is None):
                 self.fail('Invalid type "{}"'.format(name), t)
             return t
         info = sym.node  # type: TypeInfo
         if len(t.args) > 0 and info.fullname() == 'builtins.tuple':
             return TupleType(self.anal_array(t.args),
                              Instance(info, [AnyType()], t.line),
             # Analyze arguments and construct Instance type. The
             # number of type arguments and their values are
             # checked only later, since we do not always know the
             # valid count at this point. Thus we may construct an
             # Instance with an invalid number of type arguments.
             instance = Instance(info, self.anal_array(t.args), t.line, t.column)
             tup = info.tuple_type
             if tup is not None:
                 # The class has a Tuple[...] base class so it will be
                 # represented as a tuple type.
                 if t.args:
                     self.fail('Generic tuple types not supported', t)
                     return AnyType()
                 return tup.copy_modified(items=self.anal_array(tup.items),
             td = info.typeddict_type
             if td is not None:
                 # The class has a TypedDict[...] base class so it will be
                 # represented as a typeddict type.
                 if t.args:
                     self.fail('Generic TypedDict types not supported', t)
                     return AnyType()
                 # Create a named TypedDictType
                 return td.copy_modified(item_types=self.anal_array(list(td.items.values())),
             return instance
         return AnyType()
    def transform(self) -> None:
        """Apply all the necessary transformations to the underlying
        dataclass so as to ensure it is fully type checked according
        to the rules in PEP 557.
        ctx = self._ctx
        info = self._ctx.cls.info
        attributes = self.collect_attributes()
        decorator_arguments = {
            'init': _get_decorator_bool_argument(self._ctx, 'init', True),
            'eq': _get_decorator_bool_argument(self._ctx, 'eq', True),
            'order': _get_decorator_bool_argument(self._ctx, 'order', False),
            'frozen': _get_decorator_bool_argument(self._ctx, 'frozen', False),

        if decorator_arguments['init']:
                args=[attr.to_argument(info) for attr in attributes if attr.is_in_init],

        # Add an eq method, but only if the class doesn't already have one.
        if decorator_arguments['eq'] and info.get('__eq__') is None:
            for method_name in ['__eq__', '__ne__']:
                # The TVar is used to enforce that "other" must have
                # the same type as self (covariant).  Note the
                # "self_type" parameter to _add_method.
                obj_type = ctx.api.named_type('__builtins__.object')
                cmp_tvar_def = TypeVarDef('T', 'T', -1, [], obj_type)
                cmp_other_type = TypeVarType(cmp_tvar_def)
                cmp_return_type = ctx.api.named_type('__builtins__.bool')

                    args=[Argument(Var('other', cmp_other_type), cmp_other_type, None, ARG_POS)],

        # Add <, >, <=, >=, but only if the class has an eq method.
        if decorator_arguments['order']:
            if not decorator_arguments['eq']:
                ctx.api.fail('eq must be True if order is True', ctx.cls)

            for method_name in ['__lt__', '__gt__', '__le__', '__ge__']:
                # Like for __eq__ and __ne__, we want "other" to match
                # the self type.
                obj_type = ctx.api.named_type('__builtins__.object')
                order_tvar_def = TypeVarDef('T', 'T', -1, [], obj_type)
                order_other_type = TypeVarType(order_tvar_def)
                order_return_type = ctx.api.named_type('__builtins__.bool')
                order_args = [
                    Argument(Var('other', order_other_type), order_other_type, None, ARG_POS)

                existing_method = info.get(method_name)
                if existing_method is not None:
                    assert existing_method.node
                        'You may not have a custom %s method when order=True' % method_name,


        if decorator_arguments['frozen']:

        # Remove init-only vars from the class.
        for attr in attributes:
            if attr.is_init_var:
                del info.names[attr.name]

        info.metadata['dataclass'] = {
            'attributes': OrderedDict((attr.name, attr.serialize()) for attr in attributes),
            'frozen': decorator_arguments['frozen'],
    def visit_unbound_type_nonoptional(self, t: UnboundType) -> Type:
        sym = self.lookup(t.name, t, suppress_errors=self.third_pass)
        if '.' in t.name:
            # Handle indirect references to imported names.
            # TODO: Do this for module-local references as well and remove ImportedName
            #    type check below.
            sym = self.api.dereference_module_cross_ref(sym)
        if sym is not None:
            if isinstance(sym.node, ImportedName):
                # Forward reference to an imported name that hasn't been processed yet.
                # To maintain backward compatibility, these get translated to Any.
                # TODO: Remove this special case.
                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.implementation_artifact)
            if sym.node is None:
                # UNBOUND_IMPORTED can happen if an unknown name was imported.
                if sym.kind != UNBOUND_IMPORTED:
                        'Internal error (node is None, kind={})'.format(
                            sym.kind), t)
                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
            fullname = sym.node.fullname()
            hook = self.plugin.get_type_analyze_hook(fullname)
            if hook:
                return hook(AnalyzeTypeContext(t, t, self))
            if (fullname in nongen_builtins and t.args
                    and not self.allow_unnormalized):
                        fullname, propose_alt=not self.defining_alias), t)
            if self.tvar_scope:
                tvar_def = self.tvar_scope.get_binding(sym)
                tvar_def = None
            if sym.kind == TVAR and tvar_def is not None and self.defining_alias:
                    'Can\'t use bound type variable "{}"'
                    ' to define generic alias'.format(t.name), t)
                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
            elif sym.kind == TVAR and tvar_def is not None:
                if len(t.args) > 0:
                        'Type variable "{}" used with arguments'.format(
                            t.name), t)
                return TypeVarType(tvar_def, t.line)
            elif fullname == 'builtins.None':
                return NoneTyp()
            elif fullname == 'typing.Any' or fullname == 'builtins.Any':
                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.explicit)
            elif fullname == 'typing.Tuple':
                if len(t.args) == 0 and not t.empty_tuple_index:
                    # Bare 'Tuple' is same as 'tuple'
                    if self.options.disallow_any_generics and not self.is_typeshed_stub:
                        self.fail(messages.BARE_GENERIC, t)
                    return self.named_type('builtins.tuple',
                if len(t.args) == 2 and isinstance(t.args[1], EllipsisType):
                    # Tuple[T, ...] (uniform, variable-length tuple)
                    instance = self.named_type('builtins.tuple',
                    instance.line = t.line
                    return instance
                return self.tuple_type(self.anal_array(t.args))
            elif fullname == 'typing.Union':
                items = self.anal_array(t.args)
                return UnionType.make_union(items)
            elif fullname == 'typing.Optional':
                if len(t.args) != 1:
                        'Optional[...] must have exactly one type argument', t)
                    return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
                item = self.anal_type(t.args[0])
                return make_optional_type(item)
            elif fullname == 'typing.Callable':
                return self.analyze_callable_type(t)
            elif fullname == 'typing.Type':
                if len(t.args) == 0:
                    any_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_omitted_generics,
                    return TypeType(any_type, line=t.line, column=t.column)
                if len(t.args) != 1:
                    self.fail('Type[...] must have exactly one type argument',
                item = self.anal_type(t.args[0])
                return TypeType.make_normalized(item, line=t.line)
            elif fullname == 'typing.ClassVar':
                if self.nesting_level > 0:
                        'Invalid type: ClassVar nested inside other type', t)
                if len(t.args) == 0:
                    return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_omitted_generics,
                if len(t.args) != 1:
                        'ClassVar[...] must have at most one type argument', t)
                    return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
                item = self.anal_type(t.args[0])
                if isinstance(item, TypeVarType) or get_type_vars(item):
                    self.fail('Invalid type: ClassVar cannot be generic', t)
                    return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
                return item
            elif fullname in ('mypy_extensions.NoReturn', 'typing.NoReturn'):
                return UninhabitedType(is_noreturn=True)
            elif isinstance(sym.node, TypeAlias):
                all_vars = sym.node.alias_tvars
                target = sym.node.target
                an_args = self.anal_array(t.args)
                return expand_type_alias(target, all_vars, an_args, self.fail,
                                         sym.node.no_args, t)
            elif not isinstance(sym.node, TypeInfo):
                # Something unusual. We try our best to find out what it is.
                name = sym.fullname
                if name is None:
                    name = sym.node.name()
                # Option 1:
                # Something with an Any type -- make it an alias for Any in a type
                # context. This is slightly problematic as it allows using the type 'Any'
                # as a base class -- however, this will fail soon at runtime so the problem
                # is pretty minor.
                if isinstance(sym.node, Var) and isinstance(
                        sym.node.type, AnyType):
                    return AnyType(
                # Option 2:
                # Unbound type variable. Currently these may be still valid,
                # for example when defining a generic type alias.
                unbound_tvar = ((sym.kind == TVAR) and
                                (not self.tvar_scope
                                 or self.tvar_scope.get_binding(sym) is None))
                if self.allow_unbound_tvars and unbound_tvar and not self.third_pass:
                    return t
                # Option 3:
                # If it is not something clearly bad (like a known function, variable,
                # type variable, or module), and it is still not too late, we try deferring
                # this type using a forward reference wrapper. It will be revisited in
                # the third pass.
                allow_forward_ref = not (
                    self.third_pass or isinstance(sym.node,
                                                  (FuncDef, Decorator))
                    or isinstance(sym.node, Var) and sym.node.is_ready
                    or sym.kind in (MODULE_REF, TVAR))
                if allow_forward_ref:
                    # We currently can't support subscripted forward refs in functions;
                    # see https://github.com/python/mypy/pull/3952#discussion_r139950690
                    # for discussion.
                    if t.args and not self.global_scope:
                        if not self.in_dynamic_func:
                                'Unsupported forward reference to "{}"'.format(
                                    t.name), t)
                        return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
                    return ForwardRef(t)
                # None of the above options worked, we give up.
                self.fail('Invalid type "{}"'.format(name), t)
                if self.third_pass and sym.kind == TVAR:
                        "Forward references to type variables are prohibited",
                    return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
                # TODO: Would it be better to always return Any instead of UnboundType
                # in case of an error? On one hand, UnboundType has a name so error messages
                # are more detailed, on the other hand, some of them may be bogus.
                return t
            info = sym.node  # type: TypeInfo
            if len(t.args) > 0 and info.fullname() == 'builtins.tuple':
                fallback = Instance(info, [AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)],
                return TupleType(self.anal_array(t.args), fallback, t.line)
                # Analyze arguments and construct Instance type. The
                # number of type arguments and their values are
                # checked only later, since we do not always know the
                # valid count at this point. Thus we may construct an
                # Instance with an invalid number of type arguments.
                instance = Instance(info, self.anal_array(t.args), t.line,
                if not t.args and self.options.disallow_any_generics and not self.defining_alias:
                    # We report/patch invalid built-in instances already during second pass.
                    # This is done to avoid storing additional state on instances.
                    # All other (including user defined) generics will be patched/reported
                    # in the third pass.
                    if not self.is_typeshed_stub and info.fullname(
                    ) in nongen_builtins:
                        alternative = nongen_builtins[info.fullname()]
                                alternative), t)
                        any_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error, line=t.line)
                        any_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_omitted_generics,
                    instance.args = [any_type] * len(info.type_vars)

                tup = info.tuple_type
                if tup is not None:
                    # The class has a Tuple[...] base class so it will be
                    # represented as a tuple type.
                    if t.args:
                        self.fail('Generic tuple types not supported', t)
                        return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
                    return tup.copy_modified(items=self.anal_array(tup.items),
                td = info.typeddict_type
                if td is not None:
                    # The class has a TypedDict[...] base class so it will be
                    # represented as a typeddict type.
                    if t.args:
                        self.fail('Generic TypedDict types not supported', t)
                        return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
                    # Create a named TypedDictType
                    return td.copy_modified(item_types=self.anal_array(
                return instance
            if self.third_pass:
                self.fail('Invalid type "{}"'.format(t.name), t)
                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
            return AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
文件: checkmember.py 项目: Yipit/mypy
 def visit_type_var(self, t: TypeVarType) -> Type:
     if t.id < 0:
         return t
         return TypeVarType(t.name, -t.id - self.num_func_tvars, t.values,
                            t.upper_bound, t.variance)
 def visit_unbound_type(self, t: UnboundType) -> Type:
     sym = self.lookup(t.name, t)
     if sym is not None:
         fullname = sym.node.fullname()
         if sym.kind == BOUND_TVAR:
             if len(t.args) > 0:
                     'Type variable "{}" used with arguments'.format(
                         t.name), t)
             tvar_expr = cast(TypeVarExpr, sym.node)
             return TypeVarType(t.name, sym.tvar_id, tvar_expr.values,
                                tvar_expr.variance, t.line)
         elif fullname == 'builtins.None':
             return Void()
         elif fullname == 'typing.Any':
             return AnyType()
         elif fullname == 'typing.Tuple':
             if len(t.args) == 2 and isinstance(t.args[1], EllipsisType):
                 # Tuple[T, ...] (uniform, variable-length tuple)
                 node = self.lookup_fqn_func('builtins.tuple')
                 info = cast(TypeInfo, node.node)
                 return Instance(info, [t.args[0].accept(self)], t.line)
             return TupleType(self.anal_array(t.args),
         elif fullname == 'typing.Union':
             items = self.anal_array(t.args)
             items = [item for item in items if not isinstance(item, Void)]
             return UnionType.make_union(items)
         elif fullname == 'typing.Optional':
             if len(t.args) != 1:
                     'Optional[...] must have exactly one type argument', t)
             items = self.anal_array(t.args)
             # Currently Optional[t] is just an alias for t.
             return items[0]
         elif fullname == 'typing.Callable':
             return self.analyze_callable_type(t)
         elif sym.kind == TYPE_ALIAS:
             # TODO: Generic type aliases.
             return sym.type_override
         elif not isinstance(sym.node, TypeInfo):
             name = sym.fullname
             if name is None:
                 name = sym.node.name()
             if isinstance(sym.node, Var) and isinstance(
                     sym.node.type, AnyType):
                 # Something with an Any type -- make it an alias for Any in a type
                 # context. This is slightly problematic as it allows using the type 'Any'
                 # as a base class -- however, this will fail soon at runtime so the problem
                 # is pretty minor.
                 return AnyType()
             self.fail('Invalid type "{}"'.format(name), t)
             return t
         info = cast(TypeInfo, sym.node)
         if len(t.args) > 0 and info.fullname() == 'builtins.tuple':
             return TupleType(self.anal_array(t.args),
                              Instance(info, [AnyType()], t.line), t.line)
             # Analyze arguments and construct Instance type. The
             # number of type arguments and their values are
             # checked only later, since we do not always know the
             # valid count at this point. Thus we may construct an
             # Instance with an invalid number of type arguments.
             instance = Instance(info, self.anal_array(t.args), t.line)
             if info.tuple_type is None:
                 return instance
                 # The class has a Tuple[...] base class so it will be
                 # represented as a tuple type.
                 if t.args:
                     self.fail('Generic tuple types not supported', t)
                     return AnyType()
                 return TupleType(self.anal_array(info.tuple_type.items),
         return t
def snapshot_definition(node: Optional[SymbolNode],
                        common: Tuple[object, ...]) -> Tuple[object, ...]:
    """Create a snapshot description of a symbol table node.

    The representation is nested tuples and dicts. Only externally
    visible attributes are included.
    if isinstance(node, FuncBase):
        # TODO: info
        if node.type:
            signature = snapshot_type(node.type)
            signature = snapshot_untyped_signature(node)
        return ('Func', common, node.is_property, node.is_final, node.is_class,
                node.is_static, signature)
    elif isinstance(node, Var):
        return ('Var', common, snapshot_optional_type(node.type),
    elif isinstance(node, Decorator):
        # Note that decorated methods are represented by Decorator instances in
        # a symbol table since we need to preserve information about the
        # decorated function (whether it's a class function, for
        # example). Top-level decorated functions, however, are represented by
        # the corresponding Var node, since that happens to provide enough
        # context.
        return ('Decorator', node.is_overload,
                snapshot_definition(node.func, common))
    elif isinstance(node, TypeInfo):
        attrs = (
            # We need this to e.g. trigger metaclass calculation in subclasses.
            [base.fullname() for base in node.mro],
            # Note that the structure of type variables is a part of the external interface,
            # since creating instances might fail, for example:
            #     T = TypeVar('T', bound=int)
            #     class C(Generic[T]):
            #         ...
            #     x: C[str] <- this is invalid, and needs to be re-checked if `T` changes.
            # An alternative would be to create both deps: <...> -> C, and <...> -> <C>,
            # but this currently seems a bit ad hoc.
                for tdef in node.defn.type_vars),
            [snapshot_type(base) for base in node.bases],
        prefix = node.fullname()
        symbol_table = snapshot_symbol_table(prefix, node.names)
        # Special dependency for abstract attribute handling.
        symbol_table['(abstract)'] = ('Abstract',
        return ('TypeInfo', common, attrs, symbol_table)
        # Other node types are handled elsewhere.
        assert False, type(node)