 def __distance_point_polygon(self, point, polygon):
         Find the distance to the plane containing polygon.
         If it equals zero then desired distance equals to the smallest of
         the distances to the polygon's edges.
         Otherwise, firstly, check whether the desired distance equals to the
         distance to the plane containing poly. It happens if the prism
         with top and bot equal to the poly translated to the vector vec,
         which is perpendicular to poly and has length equal to the distance to
         the plane, contains point.
         Otherwise the distance to the polygon is found by Pythagoras theorem:
         a = the smallest of the diatances to the segments forming prisms's
             top and bottom
         b = distance to the plane containing polygon
         c = (a**2 + b**2)**0.5 - distance of interest
     ac = AffinityChecker()
     distance_to_plane = self.__distance_point_plane(point,
     if distance_to_plane < self.epsilon:
         return self.__distance_point_polygon_edge(point, polygon)
     vec_to_plane = Vector(polygon.containing_plane.a,
     if not ac.check(point, PrismRegular(polygon.translated(vec_to_plane),
         return self.__distance_point_polygon_edge(point, polygon)
     return distance_to_plane
 def __distance_point_line(self, point, line):
         pt0, pt1, pt2 form a triangle where
             pt0 = point,
             pt1 = line origin,
             pt2 = line origin + parallel_vector
         Firstly calculate triangle's square as 1/2 * v01 * v02 * sin(a102),
             where a102 is angle between v01 and v02,
                   v01 is vector from pt0 to pt1,
                   v02 is vector from pt0 to pt2.
         Then as 1/2 * h * v12.length()
             where h is height from pt0 to the segment connecting pt1 and pt2
             (the same as line.parallel_vector).
         Equating them one can find h.
     pt0 = point
     pt1 = line.point1
     pt2 = line.point2
     line_parallel_vector_length = self.__distance_point_point(pt1, pt2)
     v01 = Vector(pt0, pt1)
     v02 = Vector(pt0, pt2)
     cos_angle_v01_v02 = v01.product_with(v02) / v01.length() / v02.length()
     sin_angle_v01_v02 = (1 - cos_angle_v01_v02**2)**0.5
     double_area = v01.length() * v02.length() * sin_angle_v01_v02
     if double_area == 0:
         return 0
     triangle_height = double_area / line_parallel_vector_length
     return triangle_height
def test_inits():
    # vec inits: from 3 floats/ints +
    vec = Vector(1, 1.0, 1)
    # point inits: from pt +
    #              from vec +
    #              from 3 floats/ints +
    pt1 = Point(0, 0, 0)
    pt2 = Point(1, 0, 0)
    pt3 = Point(0, 1, 0)
    pt4 = Point(1, 1, 0)
    pt5 = Point(0, 0, 1)
    pt6 = Point(1, 0, 1)
    pt7 = Point(0, 1, 1)
    pt8 = Point(1, 1, 1)
    pt9 = Point(vec)
    pt10 = Point(1, 1.0, 1.0)
    # line inits: from 2 pts +
    #             from seg +
    #             from pt, vec +
    line = Line(pt1, pt2)
    segment1 = Segment(pt1, pt2)
    line3 = Line(segment1)
    line1 = Line(pt1, vec)
    # segment inits: from 2 pts +
    #                from vec +
    #                from 3 floats/ints +
    segment = Segment(pt1, pt2)
    segment3 = Segment(vec)
    segment4 = Segment(1.0, 1, 1.0)
    # plane inits: from 3 pts +
    #              from pt, vec +
    #              from 4 floats/ints +
    #              from 2 vecs +
    #              from 2 segs +
    #              from 2 lines -
    #              from vec / seg / line and vec / seg / line seem to be +
    plane = Plane(pt1, pt2, pt3)
    plane1 = Plane(1, 1.0, 1, 1)
    plane2 = Plane(pt1, vec)
    vec1 = Vector(2, 2, 0)
    plane3 = Plane(vec, vec1)
    plane4 = Plane(segment, segment4)
    plane5 = Plane(line1, line3)
    plane6 = Plane(vec1, line1)
    plane7 = Plane(vec1, segment3)
    # PolygonRegular inits: from vertices +
    polygon = PolygonRegular([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4])
    polygon1 = PolygonRegular([pt5, pt6, pt7, pt8])
    # PrismRegular intis
    prism = PrismRegular(polygon, polygon1)
 def __distance_line_plane(self, line, plane):
     normal_to_plane = Vector(plane.a, plane.b, plane.c)
     # Check if they are parallel;
     # otherwise they surely cross.
     if line.parallel_vector.product_with(normal_to_plane) > self.epsilon:
         return 0
     # Distances from all line points to plane are equal.
     return self.__distance_point_plane(line.point1, plane)
 def triangle_area(self, point1, point2, point3):
     vec12 = Vector(point1, point2)
     vec13 = Vector(point1, point3)
     length12 = vec12.length()
     length13 = vec13.length()
     if 0 in (length12, length13):
         return 0
     cos_angle213 = vec12.product_with(vec13) / length12 / length13
     sin_angle213 = (1 - cos_angle213**2)**0.5
     area = 0.5 * sin_angle213 * length12 * length13
     return area
 def __distance_point_segment(self, point, segment):
         Consider here triangle made by point and segment.
         If there is any angle >= 90 degrees the distance is equal to the length
         of the edge lying near this angle. Otherwise the distance is equal to
         the height of the triangle.
     pt0 = point
     pt1 = segment.begin
     pt2 = segment.end
     v01 = Vector(pt0, pt1)
     v02 = Vector(pt0, pt2)
     v12 = Vector(pt1, pt2)
     if v01.product_with(v12) >= 0:
         return v01.length()
     elif v02.product_with(v12) <= 0:
         return v02.length()
     height = self.__distance_point_line(point, Line(pt1, pt2))
     return height
 def plane_from_brackets(self, brackets):
     Makes a plane from a line called 'brackets':
     brackets == (pt.x, pt.y, pt.z; normal.x, normal.y, normal.z)
     Returns a Plane that may be used in mypymath.
     pt_coords = brackets.split('(')[1].split(';')[0].split(', ')
     ptx = float(pt_coords[0])
     pty = float(pt_coords[1])
     ptz = float(pt_coords[2])
     pt = Point(ptx, pty, ptz)
     normal_coords = brackets.split('(')[1].split(';')[1].split(')')[0]
     normal_coords = normal_coords.split(', ')
     nx = float(normal_coords[0])
     ny = float(normal_coords[1])
     nz = float(normal_coords[2])
     normal = Vector(nx, ny, nz)
     return Plane(pt, normal)
 def __distance_segment_polygon(self, segment, polygon):
     distance = self.__distance_segment_segment
     edge = Segment(polygon.vertices[0], polygon.vertices[-1])
     min_edge_distance = distance(segment, edge)
     for i in range(1, len(polygon.vertices)):
         edge = Segment(polygon.vertices[i], polygon.vertices[i - 1])
         min_edge_distance = min(min_edge_distance,
                                 distance(segment, edge))
     pl = polygon.containing_plane
     if self.__distance_segment_plane(segment, pl) != 0:
         return min_edge_distance
     #ptCross = begin + alpha*Vector(segment)
     pt = segment.begin
     vec = Vector(segment)
     alpha = ((-pl.a*pt.x - pl.b*pt.y - pl.c*pt.z - pl.d) /
              (vec.x + vec.y + vec.z))
     ptCross = Point(pt.x + alpha*vec.x,
                     pt.y + alpha*vec.y,
                     pt.z + alpha*vec.z)
     if self.__distance_point_polygon(ptCross, polygon) == 0:
         return 0
     return min_edge_distance
 def __distance_segment_segment(self, segment1, segment2):
     ptA = segment1.begin
     ptB = segment1.end
     ptC = segment2.begin
     ptD = segment2.end
     vecAB = Vector(ptA, ptB)
     vecCD = Vector(ptC, ptD)
     vecAC = Vector(ptA, ptC)
     vecBD = Vector(ptB, ptD)
     vecBC = Vector(ptB, ptC)
     vecAD = Vector(ptA, ptD)
     if (vecAC.length() == 0 or
         vecAD.length() == 0 or
         vecBD.length() == 0 or
         vecBD.length() == 0):
             return 0
     cos_AB_CD = vecAB.product_with(vecCD) / vecAB.length() / vecCD.length()
     if abs(abs(cos_AB_CD) - 1) < self.epsilon:
         # parallel or at one line
         cos_BAC = vecAB.product_with(vecAC) / vecAB.length() / vecAC.length()
         cos_ABD = vecAB.product_with(vecBD) / vecAB.length() / vecBD.length()
         if (abs(abs(cos_BAC) - 1) < self.epsilon and
             abs(abs(cos_ABD) - 1) < self.epsilon):
             # lie on one line
             ac = AffinityChecker()
             if (ac.check(ptA, segment2) or ac.check(ptB, segment2) or
                 ac.check(ptC, segment1) or ac.check(ptD, segment1)):
                 # vectors cross
                 return 0
             return min(vecAD.length(),
         if abs(abs(cos_BAC) - 1) < self.epsilon:
             # ptC belongs to line AB, ptD does not
             return min(vecBC.length(), vecAC.length())
         if abs(abs(cos_ABD) - 1) < self.epsilon:
             # ptD belongs to line AB, ptC does not
             return min(vecAD.length(), vecBD.length())
         distance = self.__distance_point_segment
         return min(distance(ptA, segment2),
                    distance(ptB, segment2),
                    distance(ptC, segment1),
                    distance(ptD, segment1))
     # lines are not parallel
     c11 = -vecAB.length()**2
     c12 = vecAB.product_with(vecCD)
     c22 = vecCD.length()**2
     # tmp vector for easy calculation procedure
     b1 = -vecAC.product_with(vecAB)
     b2 = -vecAC.product_with(vecCD)
         System to solve is:
         |c11  c12 | b1 |
         |-c12 c22 | b2 |
     det = c11*c22 + c12**2
     if det == 0:
         # Line AB and line CD cross (?)
         # ptCross = ptA + fi * vecAB == ptC + xi * vecCD
         d = Matrix2([-vecAD.x, vecCD.x,
                      -vecAB.y, vecCD.y]).det()
         dfi = Matrix2([ptC.x - ptA.x, vecCD.x,
                        ptC.y - ptA.y, vecCD.y]).det()
         dxi = Matrix2([-vecAB.x, ptC.x - ptA.x,
                        -vecAB.y, ptC.y - ptA.y]).det()
         if d == 0:
             # cross of segments (?)
             return 0
             fi = dfi / d
             xi = dxi / d
             if fi < 0 : 
                 ptE = ptA
             elif fi > 1:
                 ptE = ptB
                 ptE = ptA.translated(vecAB)
             if xi < 0:
                 ptF = ptC
             elif xi > 1:
                 ptF = ptD
                 ptF = ptC.translated(vecCD)
         return Vector(ptE, ptF).length()
         det_alpha = b1*c22 - b2*c12
         det_gamma = c11*b2 + c12*b1
         alpha = det_alpha / det
         gamma = det_gamma / det
         if 0 <= alpha <= 1:
             ptE = ptA.translated(vecAB)
         elif alpha < 0:
             ptE = ptA
             ptE = ptB
         if 0 <= gamma <= 1:
             ptF = ptC.translated(vecCD)
         elif gamma < 0:
             ptF = ptC
             ptF = ptD
         return Vector(ptE, ptF).length()
 def __distance_line_segment(self, line, segment):
     ptA = line.point1
     ptB = line.point2
     ptC = segment.begin
     ptD = segment.end
     vecAB = Vector(ptA, ptB)
     vecCD = Vector(ptC, ptD)
     # check if these lines are parallel
     param = abs(vecAB.product_with(vecCD) / vecAB.length() / vecCD.length())
     if param - 1 < self.epsilon:
         vecAD = Vector(ptA, ptD)
         if vecAD.length() == 0:
             return 0
         cos_angle_A = (vecAD.product_with(vecAB) /
                        vecAB.length() /
         sin_angle_A = (1 - cos_angle_A**2)**0.5
         return vecAD.length() * sin_angle_A
     # lines are not parallel
     c11 = -vecAB.length()**2
     c12 = vecAB.product_with(vecCD)
     c22 = vecCD.length()**2
     # tmp vector for easy calculation procedure
     vecBETA = Vector(ptC.x - ptA.x, ptC.y - ptA.y, ptC.z - ptA.z)
     b1 = -vecBETA.product_with(vecAB)
     b2 = -vecBETA.product_with(vecCD)
         System to solve is:
         |c11  c12 | b1 |
         |-c12 c22 | b2 |
     det = c11*c22 + c12**2
     if det == 0:
         # Line AB and line CD cross.
         return 0
     det_alpha = b1*c22 - b2*c12
     det_gamma = c11*b2 + c12*b1
     alpha = det_alpha / det
     gamma = det_gamma / det
     ptE = ptA.translated(vecAB)
     if 0 <= gamma <= 1:
         ptF = ptC.translated(vecCD)
     elif gamma < 0:
         ptF = ptC
         ptF = ptD
     return Vector(ptE, ptF).length()
 def __checker_point_2prism(self, point, prism):
     Check whether volume of prism equlas to the sum of volumes
     of pyramides composed by point and prism's facets.
     prism_volume = prism.height * prism.top_facet.area
     pyramides_volume = 0
     # top and bottom facets
     vec1 = Vector(point, prism.top_facet.vertices[0])
     vec2 = Vector(point, prism.top_facet.vertices[1])
     vec3 = Vector(point, prism.top_facet.vertices[2])
     vec4 = Vector(point, prism.top_facet.vertices[3])
     elements = [
         vec1.x, vec1.y, vec1.z, vec2.x, vec2.y, vec2.z, vec3.x, vec3.y,
     pyramides_volume += abs(1 / 6 * Matrix3(elements).det())
     elements = [
         vec1.x, vec1.y, vec1.z, vec3.x, vec3.y, vec3.z, vec4.x, vec4.y,
     pyramides_volume += abs(1 / 6 * Matrix3(elements).det())
     vec1 = Vector(point, prism.bottom_facet.vertices[0])
     vec2 = Vector(point, prism.bottom_facet.vertices[1])
     vec3 = Vector(point, prism.bottom_facet.vertices[2])
     vec4 = Vector(point, prism.bottom_facet.vertices[3])
     elements = [
         vec1.x, vec1.y, vec1.z, vec2.x, vec2.y, vec2.z, vec3.x, vec3.y,
     pyramides_volume += abs(1 / 6 * Matrix3(elements).det())
     elements = [
         vec1.x, vec1.y, vec1.z, vec3.x, vec3.y, vec3.z, vec4.x, vec4.y,
     pyramides_volume += abs(1 / 6 * Matrix3(elements).det())
     # side facets
     for i in range(len(prism.top_facet.vertices)):
         vec1 = Vector(point, prism.top_facet.vertices[i])
         vec2 = Vector(point, prism.top_facet.vertices[i - 1])
         vec3 = Vector(point, prism.bottom_facet.vertices[i - 1])
         vec4 = Vector(point, prism.bottom_facet.vertices[i])
         elements = [
             vec1.x, vec1.y, vec1.z, vec2.x, vec2.y, vec2.z, vec3.x, vec3.y,
         pyramides_volume += abs(1 / 6 * Matrix3(elements).det())
         elements = [
             vec1.x, vec1.y, vec1.z, vec3.x, vec3.y, vec3.z, vec4.x, vec4.y,
         pyramides_volume += abs(1 / 6 * Matrix3(elements).det())
     if abs(prism_volume - pyramides_volume) < self.epsilon:
         return True
     return False
def test_distances(debug_flag=True):
    dc = DistanceCalculator()
    pt = Point(0, 0, 0)
    pt1 = Point(1, 1, 1)
    pt2 = Point(1, 2, 1)
    pt3 = Point(2, 2, 1)
    pt4 = Point(2, 1, 1)
    pt5 = Point(1, 1, 2)
    pt6 = Point(1, 2, 2)
    pt7 = Point(2, 2, 2)
    pt8 = Point(2, 1, 2)
    segment = Segment(pt1, pt2)
    line = Line(pt1, pt2)
    line1 = Line(pt5, pt6)
    line2 = Line(Point(0, 0, -1), Point(1, 1, -1))
    plane = Plane(pt1, pt2, pt3)
    plane1 = Plane(pt5, pt6, pt7)
    plane2 = Plane(Point(0, 0, -1), Point(0, 1, -1), Point(1, 0, -1))
    polygon = PolygonRegular([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4])
    polygon1 = PolygonRegular(
        [Point(1, 1, -1),
         Point(1, 2, -1),
         Point(2, 2, -1),
         Point(2, 1, -1)])
    bottom_facet = PolygonRegular([pt5, pt6, pt7, pt8])
    prism = PrismRegular(polygon, bottom_facet)
    prism1 = PrismRegular(polygon.translated(Vector(0, 0, 10)),
                          polygon.translated(Vector(0, 0, 11)))
    segment1 = Segment(pt1, pt3)
    segment2 = Segment(pt2, pt4)
    segment3 = Segment(pt5, pt7)
    segment4 = Segment(Point(1, 1, -1), Point(1, 2, -1))
    if debug_flag:
        # pt-ANY
        print('pt-pt: ', dc.distance(pt, pt1))  # 1.0
        print('pt-line: ', dc.distance(pt, line))  # sqrt(2)
        print('pt-seg: ', dc.distance(pt, segment))  # sqrt(3)
        print('pt-plane: ', dc.distance(pt, plane))  # 1.0
        print('pt-poly: ', dc.distance(pt, polygon))  # sqrt(3)
        print('pt-prism: ', dc.distance(pt, prism))  # sqrt(3)
        # line-ANY
        print('line-pt: ', dc.distance(line, pt))  # 1.0
        print('line-line, 0: ', dc.distance(line, line))  # 0.0
        print('line-line, 1: ', dc.distance(line, line1))  # 1.0
        print('line-seg: ', dc.distance(line1, segment))  # 1.0
        print('line-plane: ', dc.distance(line1, plane))  # 1.0
        print('line-poly: ', dc.distance(line1, polygon))  # 1.0
        print('line-prism, 0: ', dc.distance(line, prism))  # 0.0
        print('line-prism, 0: ', dc.distance(line2, prism))  # 2.0
        # segment-ANY
        print('segment-pt: ', dc.distance(segment, pt))  # sqrt(3)
        print('segment-line: ', dc.distance(segment, line))  # 0.0
        print('segment-line: ', dc.distance(segment, line1))  # 1.0
        print('segment-seg: ', dc.distance(segment1, segment2))  # 0.0
        print('segment-seg: ', dc.distance(segment, segment3))  # 1.0
        print('segment-plane: ', dc.distance(segment3, plane))  # 1.0
        print('segment-poly: ', dc.distance(segment3, polygon))  # 1.0
        print('segment-prism: ', dc.distance(segment4, prism))  # 2.0
        # plane-ANY
        print('plane-pt: ', dc.distance(plane, pt))  # 1.0
        print('plane-line ', dc.distance(plane, line1))  # 1.0
        print('plane-seg ', dc.distance(plane, segment4))  # 2.0
        print('plane-plane ', dc.distance(plane, plane))  # 0.0
        print('plane-plane ', dc.distance(plane, plane1))  # 1.0
        print('plane-poly ', dc.distance(plane1, polygon))  # 1.0
        print('plane-prism ', dc.distance(plane2, prism))  # 2.0
        # polygon-ANY
        print('polygon-pt: ', dc.distance(polygon, pt))  # sqrt(3)
        print('polygon-line: ', dc.distance(polygon, line1))  # 1.0
        print('polygon-seg: ', dc.distance(polygon, segment4))  # 2.0
        print('polygon-plane: ', dc.distance(polygon, plane2))  # 2.0
        print('polygon-polygon: ', dc.distance(polygon, polygon))  # 0.0
        print('polygon-polygon: ', dc.distance(polygon, bottom_facet))  # 1.0
        print('polygon-prism: ', dc.distance(polygon1, prism))  # 2.0
        # prism-ANY
        print('prism-pt ', dc.distance(prism, pt))  # sqrt(3)
        print('prism-line ', dc.distance(prism, line2))  # 2.0
        print('prism-seg ', dc.distance(prism, segment4))  # 2.0
        print('prism-plane ', dc.distance(prism, plane2))  # 2.0
        print('prism-polygon ', dc.distance(prism, polygon1))  # 2.0
        print('prism-prism, 0: ', dc.distance(prism, prism))  # 0.0
        print('prism-prism, 1: ', dc.distance(prism, prism1))  # 9.0