    def executemany(self, operation, seq_params):
        """Execute the given operation multiple times
        The executemany() method will execute the operation iterating
        over the list of parameters in seq_params.
        Example: Inserting 3 new employees and their phone number
        data = [
            ('Joe', '555-001'),
            ('John', '555-003')
        stmt = "INSERT INTO employees (name, phone) VALUES ('%s','%s')"
        cursor.executemany(stmt, data)
        INSERT statements are optimized by batching the data, that is
        using the MySQL multiple rows syntax.
        Results are discarded. If they are needed, consider looping over
        data using the execute() method.
        if not operation:
        if self._have_unread_result():
            raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")
        elif len(RE_SQL_SPLIT_STMTS.split(operation)) > 1:
            raise errors.InternalError(
                "executemany() does not support multiple statements")

        # Optimize INSERTs by batching them
        if re.match(RE_SQL_INSERT_STMT, operation):
            tmp = re.sub(RE_SQL_ON_DUPLICATE, '',
                         re.sub(RE_SQL_COMMENT, '', operation))
            m = re.search(RE_SQL_INSERT_VALUES, tmp)
            if not m:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    "Failed rewriting statement for multi-row INSERT. "
                    "Check SQL syntax.")
            fmt = m.group(1)
            values = []
            for params in seq_params:
                values.append(fmt % self._process_params(params))
            operation = operation.replace(m.group(1), ','.join(values), 1)
            return self.execute(operation)

        rowcnt = 0
            for params in seq_params:
                self.execute(operation, params)
                if self.with_rows and self._have_unread_result():
                rowcnt += self._rowcount
        except (ValueError, TypeError), err:
            raise errors.InterfaceError("Failed executing the operation; %s" %
    def execute(self, operation, params=None, multi=False):
        """Executes the given operation
        Executes the given operation substituting any markers with
        the given parameters.
        For example, getting all rows where id is 5:
          cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE id = %s", (5,))
        The multi argument should be set to True when executing multiple
        statements in one operation. If not set and multiple results are
        found, an InterfaceError will be raised.
        If warnings where generated, and connection.get_warnings is True, then
        self._warnings will be a list containing these warnings.
        Returns an iterator when multi is True, otherwise None.
        if not operation:
        if self._have_unread_result():
            raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")

        stmt = ''

            if isinstance(operation, unicode):
                operation = operation.encode(self._connection.charset)
        except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError), e:
            raise errors.ProgrammingError(str(e))
    def _send_data(self, data_file, send_empty_packet=False):
        """Send data to the MySQL server

        This method accepts a file-like object and sends its data
        as is to the MySQL server. If the send_empty_packet is
        True, it will send an extra empty package (for example
        when using LOAD LOCAL DATA INFILE).

        Returns a MySQL packet.
        if self.unread_result:
            raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")

        if not hasattr(data_file, 'read'):
            raise ValueError("expecting a file-like object")

            buf = data_file.read(NET_BUFFER_LENGTH - 16)
            while buf:
                yield from self._socket.drain()
                buf = data_file.read(NET_BUFFER_LENGTH - 16)
        except AttributeError:
            raise errors.OperationalError("MySQL Connection not available.")

        if send_empty_packet:
                yield from self._socket.drain()
            except AttributeError:
                raise errors.OperationalError(
                    "MySQL Connection not available.")
        return (yield from self._socket.recv())
    def _send_cmd(self, command, argument=None, packet_number=0, packet=None,
        """Send a command to the MySQL server

        This method sends a command with an optional argument.
        If packet is not None, it will be sent and the argument will be

        The packet_number is optional and should usually not be used.

        Some commands might not result in the MySQL server returning
        a response. If a command does not return anything, you should
        set expect_response to False. The _send_cmd method will then
        return None instead of a MySQL packet.

        Returns a MySQL packet or None.
        if self.unread_result:
            raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")

            yield from self._socket.drain()
                self._protocol.make_command(command, packet or argument),
        except AttributeError:
            raise errors.OperationalError("MySQL Connection not available.")

        if not expect_response:
            return None

        return (yield from self._socket.recv())
    def execute(self, operation, params=None, multi=False):
        """Executes the given operation

        Executes the given operation substituting any markers with
        the given parameters.

        For example, getting all rows where id is 5:
          cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE id = %s", (5,))

        The multi argument should be set to True when executing multiple
        statements in one operation. If not set and multiple results are
        found, an InterfaceError will be raised.

        If warnings where generated, and connection.get_warnings is True, then
        self._warnings will be a list containing these warnings.

        Returns an iterator when multi is True, otherwise None.
        if not operation:
        if self._connection.unread_result is True:
            raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")

        stmt = ''

            if not isinstance(operation, bytes):
                stmt = operation.encode(self._connection.python_charset)
                stmt = operation
        except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError) as err:
            raise errors.ProgrammingError(str(err))

        if params is not None:
            if isinstance(params, dict):
                for key, value in self._process_params_dict(params).items():
                    stmt = stmt.replace(key, value)
            elif isinstance(params, (list, tuple)):
                psub = _ParamSubstitutor(self._process_params(params))
                stmt = RE_PY_PARAM.sub(psub, stmt)
                if psub.remaining != 0:
                    raise errors.ProgrammingError(
                        "Not all parameters were used in the SQL statement")

        if multi:
            self._executed = stmt
            self._executed_list = []
            return self._execute_iter(self._connection.cmd_query_iter(stmt))
            self._executed = stmt
            except errors.InterfaceError:
                if self._connection._have_next_result:  # pylint: disable=W0212
                    raise errors.InterfaceError(
                        "Use multi=True when executing multiple statements")
            return None
    def execute(self, operation, params=None, multi=False):
        """Executes the given operation

        Executes the given operation substituting any markers with
        the given parameters.

        For example, getting all rows where id is 5:
          cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE id = %s", (5,))

        The multi argument should be set to True when executing multiple
        statements in one operation. If not set and multiple results are
        found, an InterfaceError will be raised.

        If warnings where generated, and connection.get_warnings is True, then
        self._warnings will be a list containing these warnings.

        Returns an iterator when multi is True, otherwise None.
        if not operation:

        if not self._connection:
            raise errors.ProgrammingError("Cursor is not connected.")
        if self._have_unread_result():
            raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")

        stmt = ''

            if isinstance(operation, unicode):
                operation = operation.encode(self._connection.python_charset)
        except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError) as err:
            raise errors.ProgrammingError(str(err))

        if params is not None:
                stmt = operation % self._process_params(params)
            except TypeError:
                raise errors.ProgrammingError(
                    "Wrong number of arguments during string formatting")
            stmt = operation

        if multi:
            self._executed = stmt
            self._executed_list = []
            return self._execute_iter(self._connection.cmd_query_iter(stmt))
            self._executed = stmt
            except errors.InterfaceError:
                if self._connection._have_next_result:  # pylint: disable=W0212
                    raise errors.InterfaceError(
                        "Use multi=True when executing multiple statements")
            return None
    def executemany(self, operation, seq_params):
        """Execute the given operation multiple times

        The executemany() method will execute the operation iterating
        over the list of parameters in seq_params.

        Example: Inserting 3 new employees and their phone number

        data = [
            ('Joe', '555-001'),
            ('John', '555-003')
        stmt = "INSERT INTO employees (name, phone) VALUES ('%s','%s)"
        cursor.executemany(stmt, data)

        INSERT statements are optimized by batching the data, that is
        using the MySQL multiple rows syntax.

        Results are discarded. If they are needed, consider looping over
        data using the execute() method.
        if not operation:
        if self._connection.unread_result is True:
            raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")
        if isinstance(operation, bytes):
            return self.execute(operation)
        if not isinstance(seq_params, (list, tuple)):
            raise errors.ProgrammingError(
                "Parameters for query must be list or tuple.")

        # Optimize INSERTs by batching them
        if re.match(RE_SQL_INSERT_STMT, operation):
            if not seq_params:
                self._rowcount = 0
            stmt = self._batch_insert(operation, seq_params)
            if stmt is not None:
                return self.execute(stmt)

        rowcnt = 0
            for params in seq_params:
                self.execute(operation, params)
                if self.with_rows and self._have_unread_result():
                rowcnt += self._rowcount
        except (ValueError, TypeError) as err:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                "Failed executing the operation; {}".format(err))
            # Raise whatever execute() raises
        self._rowcount = rowcnt
    def _execute_query(self, query):
        """Execute a query

        This method simply calls cmd_query() after checking for unread
        result. If there are still unread result, an errors.InterfaceError
        is raised. Otherwise whatever cmd_query() returns is returned.

        Returns a dict()
        if self._unread_result is True:
            raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")

        yield from self.cmd_query(query)
    def close(self):
        """Close the cursor

        Returns True when successful, otherwise False.
        if self._connection is None:
            return False
        if self._have_unread_result():
            raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")

        self._connection = None

        return True
    def cmd_statistics(self):
        """Send the statistics command to the MySQL Server

        This method sends the STATISTICS command to the MySQL server. The
        result is a dictionary with various statistical information.

        Returns a dict()
        if self.unread_result:
            raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")

        packet = self._protocol.make_command(ServerCmd.STATISTICS)
        yield from self._socket.drain()
        self._socket.send(packet, 0)
        return self._protocol.parse_statistics((yield from self._socket.recv()))
    def cmd_quit(self):
        """Close the current connection with the server

        This method sends the QUIT command to the MySQL server, closing the
        current connection. Since the no response can be returned to the
        client, cmd_quit() will return the packet it send.

        Returns a str()
        if self.unread_result:
            raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")
        packet = self._protocol.make_command(ServerCmd.QUIT)
        yield from self._socket.drain()
        self._socket.send(packet, 0)
        return packet
    def get_rows(self, count=None, binary=False, columns=None):
        """Get all rows returned by the MySQL server

        This method gets all rows returned by the MySQL server after sending,
        for example, the query command. The result is a tuple consisting of
        a list of rows and the EOF packet.

        Returns a tuple()
        if not self.unread_result:
            raise errors.InternalError("No result set available.")

        if binary:
            rows = yield from self._protocol.read_binary_result(
                self._socket, columns, count)
            rows = yield from self._protocol.read_text_result(self._socket, count)
        if rows[-1] is not None:
            self.unread_result = False

        return rows
    def cmd_change_user(self, username='', password='', database='',
        """Change the current logged in user

        This method allows to change the current logged in user information.
        The result is a dictionary with OK packet information.

        Returns a dict()
        if self.unread_result:
            raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")

        if self._compress:
            raise errors.NotSupportedError("Change user is not supported with "

        packet = yield from self._protocol.make_change_user(
            username=username, password=password, database=database,
            charset=charset, client_flags=self._client_flags,
        yield from self._socket.drain()
        self._socket.send(packet, 0)

        ok_packet = yield from self._auth_switch_request(username, password)

            if not (self._client_flags & ClientFlag.CONNECT_WITH_DB) \
                    and database:
                yield from self.cmd_init_db(database)

        self._charset_id = charset

        return ok_packet
    def executemany(self, operation, seq_params):
        """Execute the given operation multiple times

        The executemany() method will execute the operation iterating
        over the list of parameters in seq_params.

        Example: Inserting 3 new employees and their phone number

        data = [
            ('Joe', '555-001'),
            ('John', '555-003')
        stmt = "INSERT INTO employees (name, phone) VALUES ('%s','%s')"
        cursor.executemany(stmt, data)

        INSERT statements are optimized by batching the data, that is
        using the MySQL multiple rows syntax.

        Results are discarded. If they are needed, consider looping over
        data using the execute() method.
        def remove_comments(match):
            """Remove comments from INSERT statements.

            This function is used while removing comments from INSERT
            statements. If the matched string is a comment not enclosed
            by quotes, it returns an empty string, else the string itself.
            if match.group(1):
                return ""
                return match.group(2)

        if not operation:
        if self._have_unread_result():
            raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")
        elif len(RE_SQL_SPLIT_STMTS.split(operation)) > 1:
            raise errors.InternalError(
                "executemany() does not support multiple statements")
            if isinstance(operation, unicode):
                operation = operation.encode(self._connection.python_charset)
        except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError) as err:
            raise errors.ProgrammingError(str(err))

        # Optimize INSERTs by batching them
        if re.match(RE_SQL_INSERT_STMT, operation):
            if not seq_params:
                self._rowcount = 0
            tmp = re.sub(RE_SQL_ON_DUPLICATE, '',
                         re.sub(RE_SQL_COMMENT, remove_comments, operation))
            matches = re.search(RE_SQL_INSERT_VALUES, tmp)
            if not matches:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    "Failed rewriting statement for multi-row INSERT. "
                    "Check SQL syntax.")
            fmt = matches.group(1)
            values = []
            for params in seq_params:
                values.append(fmt % self._process_params(params))

            if matches.group(1) in operation:
                operation = operation.replace(matches.group(1),
                                              ','.join(values), 1)
                return self.execute(operation)

        rowcnt = 0
            for params in seq_params:
                self.execute(operation, params)
                if self.with_rows and self._have_unread_result():
                rowcnt += self._rowcount
        except (ValueError, TypeError) as err:
            raise errors.InterfaceError("Failed executing the operation; %s" %
            # Raise whatever execute() raises
        self._rowcount = rowcnt
    def cursor(self, buffered=None, raw=None, prepared=None, cursor_class=None,
               dictionary=None, named_tuple=None):
        """Instantiates and returns a cursor

        By default, MySQLCursor is returned. Depending on the options
        while connecting, a buffered and/or raw cursor is instantiated
        instead. Also depending upon the cursor options, rows can be
        returned as dictionary or named tuple.

        Dictionary and namedtuple based cursors are available with buffered
        output but not raw.

        It is possible to also give a custom cursor through the
        cursor_class parameter, but it needs to be a subclass of

        Raises ProgrammingError when cursor_class is not a subclass of
        CursorBase. Raises ValueError when cursor is not available.

        Returns a cursor-object
        if self._unread_result is True:
            raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")
        connected = yield from self.is_connected()
        if not connected:
            raise errors.OperationalError("MySQL Connection not available.")
        if cursor_class is not None:
            if not issubclass(cursor_class, CursorBase):
                raise errors.ProgrammingError(
                    "Cursor class needs be to subclass of cursor.CursorBase")
            return (cursor_class)(self)

        buffered = buffered or self._buffered
        raw = raw or self._raw

        cursor_type = 0
        if buffered is True:
            cursor_type |= 1
        if raw is True:
            cursor_type |= 2
        if dictionary is True:
            cursor_type |= 4
        if named_tuple is True:
            cursor_type |= 8
        if prepared is True:
            cursor_type |= 16

        types = {
            0: AioMySQLCursor,  # 0
            1: AioMySQLCursorBuffered,
            2: AioMySQLCursorRaw,
            3: AioMySQLCursorBufferedRaw,
            4: AioMySQLCursorDict,
            5: AioMySQLCursorBufferedDict,
            8: AioMySQLCursorNamedTuple,
            9: AioMySQLCursorBufferedNamedTuple,
            16: AioMySQLCursorPrepared
            return (types[cursor_type])(self)
        except KeyError:
            args = ('buffered', 'raw', 'dictionary', 'named_tuple', 'prepared')
            raise ValueError('Cursor not available with given criteria: ' +
                             ', '.join([args[i] for i in range(5)
                                        if cursor_type & (1 << i) != 0]))
 def next_result(self):
     if not self._have_next_result:
         return None
     if self.unread_result:
             raise errors.InternalError("Unread result found.")
     return (yield from self._handle_result((yield from self._socket.recv())))