    def select_join(self, table1, table2, cols, table1_col, table2_col=None, join_type=None):
        Left join all rows and columns from two tables where a common value is shared.

        :param table1: Name of table #1
        :param table2: Name of table #2
        :param cols: List of columns or column tuples
            String or flat list: Assumes column(s) are from table #1 if not specified
            List of tuples: Each tuple in list of columns represents (table_name, column_name)
        :param table1_col: Column from table #1 to use as key
        :param table2_col: Column from table #2 to use as key
        :param join_type: Type of join query
        :return: Queried rows
        # Check if cols is a list of tuples
        if isinstance(cols[0], tuple):
            cols = join_cols(['{0}.{1}'.format(tbl, col) for tbl, col in cols])
            cols = join_cols(['{0}.{1}'.format(table1, col) for col in cols])

        # Validate join_type and table2_col
        join_type = join_type.lower().split(' ', 1)[0].upper() + ' JOIN' if join_type else 'LEFT JOIN'
        assert join_type in JOIN_QUERY_TYPES
        table2_col = table2_col if table2_col else table1_col

        # Concatenate and return statement
        statement = '''
        SELECT {columns}
        FROM {table1}
        {join_type} {table2} ON {table1}.{table1_col} = {table2}.{table2_col}
        '''.format(table1=wrap(table1), table2=wrap(table2), columns=cols, table1_col=table1_col, table2_col=table2_col,
        return self.fetch(statement)
    def select_where(self, table, cols, where, return_type=list):
        Query certain rows from a table where a particular value is found.

        cols parameter can be passed as a iterable (list, set, tuple) or a string if
        only querying a single column.  where parameter can be passed as a two or three
        part tuple.  If only two parts are passed the assumed operator is equals(=).

        :param table: Name of table
        :param cols: List, tuple or set of columns or string with single column name
        :param where: WHERE clause, accepts either a two or three part tuple
            two-part: (where_column, where_value)
            three-part: (where_column, comparison_operator, where_value)
        :param return_type: Type, type to return values in
        :return: Queried rows
        # Unpack WHERE clause dictionary into tuple
        if isinstance(where, (list, set)):
            # Multiple WHERE clause's (separate with AND)
            clauses = [self._where_clause(clause) for clause in where]
            where_statement = ' AND '.join(clauses)
            where_statement = self._where_clause(where)

        # Concatenate full statement and execute
        statement = "SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE {2}".format(join_cols(cols), wrap(table), where_statement)
        values = self.fetch(statement)
        return self._return_rows(table, cols, values, return_type)
    def select_where_like(self, table, cols, where_col, start=None, end=None, anywhere=None,
                          index=(None, None), length=None):
        Query rows from a table where a specific pattern is found in a column.

        MySQL syntax assumptions:
            (%) The percent sign represents zero, one, or multiple characters.
            (_) The underscore represents a single character.

        :param table: Name of the table
        :param cols: List, tuple or set of columns or string with single column name
        :param where_col: Column to check pattern against
        :param start: Value to be found at the start
        :param end: Value to be found at the end
        :param anywhere: Value to be found anywhere
        :param index: Value to be found at a certain index
        :param length: Minimum character length
        :return: Queried rows
        # Retrieve search pattern
        pattern = self._like_pattern(start, end, anywhere, index, length)

        # Concatenate full statement and execute
        statement = "SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE {2} LIKE '{3}'".format(join_cols(cols), wrap(table), where_col, pattern)
        return self.fetch(statement)
    def select(self, table, cols, execute=True, select_type='SELECT', return_type=list):
        """Query every row and only certain columns from a table."""
        # Validate query type
        select_type = select_type.upper()
        assert select_type in SELECT_QUERY_TYPES

        # Concatenate statement
        statement = '{0} {1} FROM {2}'.format(select_type, join_cols(cols), wrap(table))
        if not execute:
            # Return command
            return statement

        # Retrieve values
        values = self.fetch(statement)
        return self._return_rows(table, cols, values, return_type)
    def select_where_between(self, table, cols, where_col, between):
        Query rows from a table where a columns value is found between two values.

        :param table: Name of the table
        :param cols: List, tuple or set of columns or string with single column name
        :param where_col: Column to check values against
        :param between: Tuple with min and max values for comparison
        :return: Queried rows
        # Unpack WHERE clause dictionary into tuple
        min_val, max_val = between

        # Concatenate full statement and execute
        statement = "SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE {2} BETWEEN {3} AND {4}".format(join_cols(cols), wrap(table), where_col,
                                                                               min_val, max_val)
        return self.fetch(statement)
 def _select_limit_statement(table, cols='*', offset=0, limit=MAX_ROWS_PER_QUERY):
     """Concatenate a select with offset and limit statement."""
     return 'SELECT {0} FROM {1} LIMIT {2}, {3}'.format(join_cols(cols), wrap(table), offset, limit)
 def get_duplicate_vals(self, table, column):
     """Retrieve duplicate values in a column of a table."""
     query = 'SELECT {0} FROM {1} GROUP BY {0} HAVING COUNT(*) > 1'.format(
         join_cols(column), wrap(table))
     return self.fetch(query)
 def count_rows_distinct(self, table, cols='*'):
     """Get the number distinct of rows in a particular table."""
     return self.fetch('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT {0}) FROM {1}'.format(
         join_cols(cols), wrap(table)))
 def count_rows(self, table, cols='*'):
     """Get the number of rows in a particular table."""
     query = 'SELECT COUNT({0}) FROM {1}'.format(join_cols(cols),
     result = self.fetch(query)
     return result if result is not None else 0