def check_read_permissions(server, db_list, options):
    Check user permissions on server for specified databases.

    This method checks if the user used to establish the connection to the
    server has read permissions to access the specified lists of databases.

    server[in]      Server instance.
    db_list[in]     List of databases to check.
    options[in]     Dictionary with access options:
        skip_views     True = no views processed
        skip_proc      True = no procedures processed
        skip_func      True = no functions processed
        skip_grants    True = no grants processed
        skip_events    True = no events processed

    Returns an UtilDBError error if the server user does not have read
    permissions to access all specified databases or if any of them does not
    for db_name in db_list:
        source_db = Database(server, db_name, options)

        # Error if source database does not exist.
        if not source_db.exists():
            raise UtilDBError(
                "Source database does not exist - "
                "{0}".format(db_name), -1, db_name)

        # Check privileges to access database.
        source_db.check_read_access(server.user, server.host, options)
def get_create_object(server, object_name, options):
    """Get the object's create statement.
    This method retrieves the object create statement from the database.
    server[in]        server connection
    object_name[in]   name of object in the form db.objectname
    options[in]       options: verbosity, quiet
    Returns string : create statement or raise error if object or db not exist
    from mysql.utilities.common.database import Database

    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)

    db_name, sep, obj_name = object_name.partition(".")
    object = [db_name]

    db = Database(server, object[0], options)

    # Error if atabase does not exist
    if not db.exists():
        raise UtilDBError("The database does not exist: {0}".format(object[0]))

    if not obj_name:
        obj_type = "DATABASE"
        obj_type = db.get_object_type(object[1])
        if obj_type is None:
            raise UtilDBError(
                "The object {0} does not exist.".format(object_name))
    create_stmt = db.get_create_statement(object[0], object[1], obj_type)

    if verbosity > 0 and not quiet:
        print "\n# Definition for object {0}:".format(object_name)
        print create_stmt

    return create_stmt
    def copy_data(self, new_db, options, new_server=None, connections=1):
        """Copy the data for the tables.

        This method will copy the data for all of the tables to another, new
        database. The method will process an input file with INSERT statements
        if the option was selected by the caller.

        new_db[in]         Name of the new database
        options[in]        Options for copy e.g. force, etc.
        new_server[in]     Connection to another server for copying the db
                           Default is None (copy to same server - clone)
        connections[in]    Number of threads(connections) to use for insert

        from mysql.utilities.common.table import Table

        # Must call init() first!
        # Guard for init() prerequisite
        assert self.init_called, "You must call db.init() before "+ \

        if self.skip_data:
        self.destination = new_server

        # We know we're cloning if there is no new connection.
        self.cloning = (new_server == self.source)

        if self.cloning:
            self.destination = self.source

        quiet = options.get("quiet", False)
        tbl_options = {
            'verbose'  : self.verbose,
            'get_cols' : True,
            'quiet'    : quiet

        table_names = [obj[0] for obj in self.get_db_objects(_TABLE)]
        for tblname in table_names:
            if not quiet:
                print "# Copying data for TABLE %s.%s" % (self.db_name, 
            tbl = Table(self.source, "%s.%s" % (self.q_db_name,
            if tbl is None:
                raise UtilDBError("Cannot create table object before copy.",
                                  -1, self.db_name)
            tbl.copy_data(self.destination, self.cloning, new_db, connections)
    def exec_query(self, query_str, options={}):
        """Execute a query and return result set

        This is the singular method to execute queries. It should be the only
        method used as it contains critical error code to catch the issue
        with mysql.connector throwing an error on an empty result set.

        Note: will handle exception and print error if query fails

        Note: if fetchall is False, the method returns the cursor instance

        query_str[in]      The query to execute
        options[in]        Options to control behavior:
            params         Parameters for query
            columns        Add column headings as first row
                           (default is False)
            fetch          Execute the fetch as part of the operation and
                           use a buffered cursor
                           (default is True)
            raw            If True, use a buffered raw cursor
                           (default is True)

        Returns result set or cursor
        params = options.get('params', ())
        columns = options.get('columns', False)
        fetch = options.get('fetch', True)
        raw = options.get('raw', True)

        # Guard for connect() prerequisite
        assert self.db_conn, "You must call connect before executing a query."

        results = ()
        # If we are fetching all, we need to use a buffered
        if fetch:
            if raw:
                cur = self.db_conn.cursor(
                cur = self.db_conn.cursor(buffered=True)
            cur = self.db_conn.cursor(raw=True)

            if params == ():
                res = cur.execute(query_str)
                res = cur.execute(query_str, params)
        except mysql.connector.Error, e:
            raise UtilDBError("Query failed. " + e.__str__())
    def check_read_access(self, user, host, options):
        """Check access levels for reading database objects

        This method will check the user's permission levels for copying a
        database from this server.

        It will also skip specific checks if certain objects are not being
        copied (i.e., views, procs, funcs, grants).
        user[in]           user name to check
        host[in]           host name to check
        options[in]        dictionary of values to include:
            skip_views     True = no views processed
            skip_proc      True = no procedures processed
            skip_func      True = no functions processed
            skip_grants    True = no grants processed
            skip_events    True = no events processed

        Returns True if user has permissions and raises a UtilDBError if the
                     user does not have permission with a message that includes
                     the server context.

        # Build minimal list of privileges for source access
        source_privs = []
        priv_tuple = (self.db_name, "SELECT")
        # if views are included, we need SHOW VIEW
        if not options.get('skip_views', False):
            priv_tuple = (self.db_name, "SHOW VIEW")
        # if procs or funcs are included, we need read on mysql db
        if not options.get('skip_proc', False) or \
           not options.get('skip_func', False):
            priv_tuple = ("mysql", "SELECT")
        # if events, we need event
        if not options.get('skip_events', False):
            priv_tuple = (self.db_name, "EVENT")

        # Check permissions on source
        for priv in source_privs:
            if not self._check_user_permissions(user, host, priv):
                raise UtilDBError("User %s on the %s server does not have "
                                  "permissions to read all objects in %s. " %
                                   (user, self.source.role, self.db_name) +
                                   "User needs %s privilege on %s." %
                                   (priv[1], priv[0]), -1, priv[0])

        return True
    def __create_object(self, obj_type, obj, show_grant_msg,
                        quiet=False, new_engine=None, def_engine=None):
        """Create a database object.

        obj_type[in]       Object type (string) e.g. DATABASE
        obj[in]            A row from the get_db_object_names() method
                           that contains the elements of the object
        show_grant_msg[in] If true, display diagnostic information
        quiet[in]          do not print informational messages
        new_engine[in]     Use this engine if not None for object
        def_engine[in]     If target storage engine doesn't exist, use
                           this engine.

        Note: will handle exception and print error if query fails

        create_str = None
        if obj_type == _TABLE and self.cloning:
            create_str = "CREATE TABLE %s.%s LIKE %s.%s" % \
                         (self.q_new_db, obj[0], self.q_db_name, obj[0])
            create_str = self.__make_create_statement(obj_type, obj)
        if obj_type == _TABLE:
            tbl_name = "%s.%s" % (self.q_new_db, obj[0])
            create_str = self.destination.substitute_engine(tbl_name,
        str = "# Copying"
        if not quiet:
            if obj_type == _GRANT:
                if show_grant_msg:
                    print "%s GRANTS from %s" % (str, self.db_name)
                print "%s %s %s.%s" % \
                      (str, obj_type, self.db_name, obj[0])
            if self.verbose:
                print create_str
        res = None
            res = self.destination.exec_query("USE %s" % self.q_new_db,
            res = self.destination.exec_query(create_str, self.query_options)
        except Exception, e:
            raise UtilDBError("Cannot operate on %s object. Error: %s" %
                              (obj_type, e.errmsg), -1, self.db_name)
def _get_objects(server, database, options):
    """Get all objects from the database (except grants)

    server[in]        connected server object
    database[in]      database names
    options[in]       global options

    Returns list - objects in database
    options["skip_grants"] = True   # Tell db class to skip grants

    db_obj = Database(server, database, options)
    if not db_obj.exists():
        raise UtilDBError("The database does not exist: {0}".format(database))
    db_objects = db_obj.objects

    return db_objects
    def create(self, new_user=None, authentication=None):
        """Create the user

        Attempts to create the user. If the operation fails, an error is
        generated and printed.

        new_user[in]       MySQL user string (user@host:passwd)
                           (optional) If omitted, operation is performed
                           on the class instance user name.
        authentication[in] Special authentication clause for non-native
                           authentication plugins
                   "PLUGIN_NAME = '{0}' AND PLUGIN_STATUS = 'ACTIVE';"
        query_str = "CREATE USER "
        user, passwd, host = None, None, None
        if new_user:
            user, passwd, host = parse_user_host(new_user)
            user_host_str = "'{0}'@'{1}' ".format(user, host)
            user_host_str = "'{0}'@'{1}' ".format(self.user, self.host)
            passwd = self.passwd
        query_str += user_host_str

        if passwd and authentication:
                "WARNING: using a password and an authentication plugin is "
                "not permited. The password will be used instead of the "
                "authentication plugin.")
        if passwd:
            query_str += "IDENTIFIED BY '{0}'".format(passwd)
        elif authentication:
            # need to validate authentication plugin
            res = self.server1.exec_query(auth_str.format(authentication))
            if (res is None) or (res == []):
                raise UtilDBError("Plugin {0} not loaded or not active. "
                                  "Cannot create user.".format(authentication))
            query_str += "IDENTIFIED WITH '{0}'".format(authentication)
        if self.verbosity > 0:
            print query_str

        self.server1.exec_query(query_str, self.query_options)
    def check_write_access(self, user, host, options):
        """Check access levels for creating and writing database objects

        This method will check the user's permission levels for copying a
        database to this server.

        It will also skip specific checks if certain objects are not being
        copied (i.e., views, procs, funcs, grants).

        user[in]           user name to check
        host[in]           host name to check
        options[in]        dictionary of values to include:
            skip_views     True = no views processed
            skip_proc      True = no procedures processed
            skip_func      True = no functions processed
            skip_grants    True = no grants processed
            skip_events    True = no events processed

        Returns True if user has permissions and raises a UtilDBError if the
                     user does not have permission with a message that includes
                     the server context.

        dest_privs = [(self.db_name, "CREATE"),
                      (self.db_name, "SUPER"),
                      ("*", "SUPER")]
        if not options.get('skip_grants', False):
            priv_tuple = (self.db_name, "WITH GRANT OPTION")

        # Check privileges on destination
        for priv in dest_privs:
            if not self._check_user_permissions(user, host, priv):
                raise UtilDBError("User %s on the %s server does not "
                                  "have permissions to create all objects "
                                  "in %s. User needs %s privilege on %s." %
                                  (user, self.source.role, priv[0], priv[1],
                                   priv[0]), -1, priv[0])

        return True
def get_create_object(server, object_name, options, object_type):
    """Get the object's create statement.

    This method retrieves the object create statement from the database.

    server[in]        server connection
    object_name[in]   name of object in the form db.objectname
    options[in]       options: verbosity, quiet
    object_type[in]   type of the specified object (e.g, TABLE, PROCEDURE,

    Returns string : create statement or raise error if object or db not exist

    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)

    m_obj = re.match(REGEXP_QUALIFIED_OBJ_NAME, object_name)
    db_name, obj_name = m_obj.groups()
    obj = [db_name]

    db = Database(server, obj[0], options)

    # Error if database does not exist
    if not db.exists():
        raise UtilDBError("The database does not exist: {0}".format(obj[0]))

    if not obj_name or object_type == 'DATABASE':

    create_stmt = db.get_create_statement(obj[0], obj[1], object_type)

    if verbosity > 0 and not quiet:
        print "\n# Definition for object {0}:".format(object_name)
        print create_stmt

    return create_stmt
def database_compare(server1_val, server2_val, db1, db2, options):
    """Perform a consistency check among two databases

    This method performs a database consistency check among two databases which
    ensures the databases exist, the objects match in number and type, the row
    counts match for all tables, and the data for each matching tables is

    If any errors or differences are found, the operation stops and the
    difference is printed.

    The following steps are therefore performed:

    1) check to make sure the databases exist and are the same definition
    2) check to make sure the same objects exist in each database
    3) for each object, ensure the object definitions match among the databases
    4) for each table, ensure the row counts are the same
    5) for each table, ensure the data is the same

    By default, the operation stops on any failure of any test. The caller can
    override this behavior by specifying run_all_tests = True in the options

    TODO:   allow the user to skip object types (e.g. --skip-triggers, et. al.)

    server1_val[in]    a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       first server including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    server2_val[in]    a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       second server including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    db1[in]            the first database in the compare
    db2[in]            the second database in the compare
    options[in]        a dictionary containing the options for the operation:
                       (quiet, verbosity, difftype, run_all_tests)

    Returns bool True if all object match, False if partial match


    # Connect to servers
    server1, server2 = server_connect(server1_val, server2_val, db1, db2,

    # Check to see if databases exist
    db1_conn = Database(server1, db1, options)
    if not db1_conn.exists():
        raise UtilDBError(_ERROR_DB_MISSING.format(db1))

    db2_conn = Database(server2, db2, options)
    if not db2_conn.exists():
        raise UtilDBError(_ERROR_DB_MISSING.format(db2))

    # Print a different message is server2 is not defined
    if not server2_val:
        message = "# Checking databases {0} and {1} on server1\n#"
        message = "# Checking databases {0} on server1 and {1} on server2\n#"
    print(message.format(db1_conn.db_name, db2_conn.db_name))

    # Check for database existence and CREATE differences
    _check_databases(server1, server2, db1_conn.q_db_name, db2_conn.q_db_name,

    # Get common objects and report discrepancies
    (in_both, differs) = _check_objects(server1, server2, db1, db2, db1_conn,
                                        db2_conn, options)
    success = not differs

    reporter = _CompareDBReport(options)

    # Remaining operations can occur in a loop one for each object.
    for item in in_both:
        error_list = []
        debug_msgs = []
        # Set the object type
        obj_type = item[0]

        q_obj1 = "{0}.{1}".format(quote_with_backticks(db1),
        q_obj2 = "{0}.{1}".format(quote_with_backticks(db2),

        reporter.report_object(obj_type, item[1][0])

        # Check for differences in CREATE
        errors = _compare_objects(server1, server2, q_obj1, q_obj2, reporter,
                                  options, obj_type)

        # Check row counts
        if obj_type == 'TABLE':
            errors = _check_row_counts(server1, server2, q_obj1, q_obj2,
                                       reporter, options)
            if len(errors) != 0:

        # Check data consistency for tables
        if obj_type == 'TABLE':
            errors, debug_msgs = _check_data_consistency(
                server1, server2, q_obj1, q_obj2, reporter, options)
            if len(errors) != 0:

        if options['verbosity'] > 0:
            get_create_object(server1, q_obj1, options, obj_type)
            get_create_object(server2, q_obj2, options, obj_type)

        if debug_msgs and options['verbosity'] > 2:


        # Fail if errors are found
        if error_list:
            success = False

    return success
def object_diff(server1_val,
    """diff the definition of two objects

    Find the difference among two object definitions.

    server1_val[in]    a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       first server including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    server2_val[in]    a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       second server including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    object1[in]        the first object in the compare in the form: (db.name)
    object2[in]        the second object in the compare in the form: (db.name)
    options[in]        a dictionary containing the options for the operation:
                       (quiet, verbosity, difftype)
    object_type[in]    type of the objects to be compared (e.g., TABLE,
                       PROCEDURE, etc.). By default None (not defined).

    Returns None = objects are the same, diff[] = tables differ
    objectype = options.get("objectype", 'ALL').upper()
    if not object_type and objectype != 'ALL':
        object_type = objectype
    if object_type and objectype != 'ALL' and object_type != objectype:
        print('The object type {} is skip'.format(object_type))
        return None
    server1, server2 = server_connect(server1_val, server2_val, object1,
                                      object2, options)

    force = options.get("force", None)
    # Get the object type if unknown considering that objects of different
    # types can be found with the same name.
    result = []
    if not object_type:
        # Get object types of object1
        sql_mode = server1.select_variable("SQL_MODE")
        db_name, obj_name = parse_object_name(object1, sql_mode)
        db = Database(server1, db_name, options)
        obj1_types = db.get_object_type(obj_name)
        if not obj1_types:
            msg = "The object {0} does not exist.".format(object1)
            if not force:
                raise UtilDBError(msg)
            print("ERROR: {0}".format(msg))
            return []

        # Get object types of object2
        sql_mode = server2.select_variable("SQL_MODE")
        db_name, obj_name = parse_object_name(object2, sql_mode)
        db = Database(server2, db_name, options)
        obj2_types = db.get_object_type(obj_name)
        if not obj2_types:
            msg = "The object {0} does not exist.".format(object2)
            if not force:
                raise UtilDBError(msg)
            print("ERROR: {0}".format(msg))
            return []

        # Merge types found for both objects
        obj_types = set(obj1_types + obj2_types)

        # Diff objects considering all types found
        for obj_type in obj_types:
            res = diff_objects(server1, server2, object1, object2, options,
            if res:
        # Diff objects of known type
        res = diff_objects(server1, server2, object1, object2, options,
        if res:
    if len(result) > 0 and options.get(
            "difftype", None) == 'sql' and options.get(
                "output", None) and options.get("output", '').endswith('.sql'):
        with open(options.get("output"), 'a', encoding='utf8') as fp:
            for res in result:
                if isinstance(res, list):
                    for r in res:
                        if r and r.strip().startswith('#'):
    return result if len(result) > 0 else None
def object_diff(server1_val, server2_val, object1, object2, options,
    """diff the definition of two objects

    Find the difference among two object definitions.

    server1_val[in]    a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       first server including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    server2_val[in]    a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       second server including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    object1[in]        the first object in the compare in the form: (db.name)
    object2[in]        the second object in the compare in the form: (db.name)
    options[in]        a dictionary containing the options for the operation:
                       (quiet, verbosity, difftype)
    object_type[in]    type of the objects to be compared (e.g., TABLE,
                       PROCEDURE, etc.). By default None (not defined).

    Returns None = objects are the same, diff[] = tables differ
    server1, server2 = server_connect(server1_val, server2_val,
                                      object1, object2, options)

    force = options.get("force", None)
    # Get the object type if unknown considering that objects of different
    # types can be found with the same name.
    if not object_type:
        # Get object types of object1
        sql_mode = server1.select_variable("SQL_MODE")
        db_name, obj_name = parse_object_name(object1, sql_mode)
        db = Database(server1, db_name, options)
        obj1_types = db.get_object_type(obj_name)
        if not obj1_types:
            msg = "The object {0} does not exist.".format(object1)
            if not force:
                raise UtilDBError(msg)
            print("ERROR: {0}".format(msg))
            return []

        # Get object types of object2
        sql_mode = server2.select_variable("SQL_MODE")
        db_name, obj_name = parse_object_name(object2, sql_mode)
        db = Database(server2, db_name, options)
        obj2_types = db.get_object_type(obj_name)
        if not obj2_types:
            msg = "The object {0} does not exist.".format(object2)
            if not force:
                raise UtilDBError(msg)
            print("ERROR: {0}".format(msg))
            return []

        # Merge types found for both objects
        obj_types = set(obj1_types + obj2_types)

        # Diff objects considering all types found
        result = []
        for obj_type in obj_types:
            res = diff_objects(server1, server2, object1, object2, options,
            if res:
        return result if len(result) > 0 else None
        # Diff objects of known type
        return diff_objects(server1, server2, object1, object2, options,
    def copy_objects(self, new_db, options, new_server=None,
                     connections=1, check_exists=True):
        """Copy the database objects.

        This method will copy a database and all of its objects and data
        to another, new database. Options set at instantiation will determine
        if there are objects that are excluded from the copy. Likewise,
        the method will also skip data if that option was set and process
        an input file with INSERT statements if that option was set.

        The method can also be used to copy a database to another server
        by providing the new server object (new_server). Copy to the same
        name by setting new_db = old_db or as a new database.
        new_db[in]         Name of the new database
        options[in]        Options for copy e.g. force, etc.
        new_server[in]     Connection to another server for copying the db
                           Default is None (copy to same server - clone)
        connections[in]    Number of threads(connections) to use for insert
        check_exists[in]   If True, check for database existance before copy
                           Default is True

        from mysql.utilities.common.table import Table

        # Must call init() first!
        # Guard for init() prerequisite
        assert self.init_called, "You must call db.init() before " + \

        grant_msg_displayed = False

        if new_db:
            # Assign new database identifier considering backtick quotes.
            if is_quoted_with_backticks(new_db):
                self.q_new_db = new_db
                self.new_db = remove_backtick_quoting(new_db)
                self.new_db = new_db
                self.q_new_db = quote_with_backticks(new_db)
            # If new_db is not defined use the same as source database.
            self.new_db = self.db_name
            self.q_new_db = self.q_db_name

        self.destination = new_server

        # We know we're cloning if there is no new connection.
        self.cloning = (new_server == self.source)

        if self.cloning:
            self.destination = self.source

        # Check to see if database exists
        if check_exists:
            exists = False
            drop_server = None
            if self.cloning:
                exists = self.exists(self.source, new_db)
                drop_server = self.source
                exists = self.exists(self.destination, new_db)
                drop_server = self.destination
            if exists:
                if options.get("force", False):
                    self.drop(drop_server, True, new_db)
                elif not self.skip_create:
                    raise UtilDBError("destination database exists. Use "
                                      "--force to overwrite existing "
                                      "database.", -1, new_db)

        # Create new database first
        if not self.skip_create:
            if self.cloning:
                self.create(self.source, new_db)
                self.create(self.destination, new_db)

        # Create the objects in the new database
        for obj in self.objects:

            # Drop object if --force specified and database not dropped
            # Grants do not need to be dropped for overwriting
            if options.get("force", False) and obj[0] != _GRANT:
                self.__drop_object(obj[0], obj[1][0])

            # Create the object
            self.__create_object(obj[0], obj[1], not grant_msg_displayed,
                                 options.get("quiet", False),
                                 options.get("new_engine", None),
                                 options.get("def_engine", None))

            if obj[0] == _GRANT and not grant_msg_displayed:
                grant_msg_displayed = True
def export_metadata(source, src_val, db_list, options):
    """Produce rows to be used to recreate objects in a database.

    This method retrieves the objects for each database listed in the form
    of CREATE (SQL) statements or in a tabular form to the file specified.
    The valid values for the format parameter are SQL, CSV, TSV, VERTICAL,
    or GRID.

    source[in]         Server instance
    src_val[in]        a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       source including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    options[in]        a dictionary containing the options for the copy:
                       (skip_tables, skip_views, skip_triggers, skip_procs,
                       skip_funcs, skip_events, skip_grants, skip_create,
                       skip_data, no_header, display, format,
                       debug, exclude_names, exclude_patterns)

    Returns bool True = success, False = error

    from mysql.utilities.common.database import Database
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import format_tabular_list
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import format_vertical_list

    format = options.get("format", "sql")
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    column_type = options.get("display", "brief")
    skip_create = options.get("skip_create", False)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)
    skip_tables = options.get("skip_tables", False)
    skip_views = options.get("skip_views", False)
    skip_triggers = options.get("skip_triggers", False)
    skip_procs = options.get("skip_procs", False)
    skip_funcs = options.get("skip_funcs", False)
    skip_events = options.get("skip_events", False)
    skip_grants = options.get("skip_grants", False)

    if options.get("all", False):
        rows = source.get_all_databases()
        for row in rows:

    # Check user permissions on source for all databases
    for db_name in db_list:
        source_db = Database(source, db_name)
        # Make a dictionary of the options
        access_options = {
            'skip_views': skip_views,
            'skip_procs': skip_procs,
            'skip_funcs': skip_funcs,
            'skip_grants': skip_grants,
            'skip_events': skip_events,

        source_db.check_read_access(src_val["user"], src_val["host"],

    for db_name in db_list:

        # Get a Database class instance
        db = Database(source, db_name, options)

        # Error is source database does not exist
        if not db.exists():
            raise UtilDBError("Source database does not exist - %s" % db_name,
                              -1, db_name)

        if not quiet:
            print "# Exporting metadata from %s" % db_name

        # Perform the extraction
        if format == "sql":
            # quote database name with backticks
            q_db_name = quote_with_backticks(db_name)
            if not skip_create:
                print "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s;" % q_db_name
                print "CREATE DATABASE %s;" % q_db_name
            print "USE %s;" % q_db_name
            for dbobj in db.get_next_object():
                if dbobj[0] == "GRANT" and not skip_grants:
                    if not quiet:
                        print "# Grant:"
                    if dbobj[1][3]:
                        create_str = "GRANT %s ON %s.%s TO %s;" % \
                                     (dbobj[1][1], q_db_name,
                        create_str = "GRANT %s ON %s.* TO %s;" % \
                                     (dbobj[1][1], q_db_name, dbobj[1][0])
                    if create_str.find("%"):
                        create_str = re.sub("%", "%%", create_str)
                    print create_str
                    if not quiet:
                        print "# %s: %s.%s" % (dbobj[0], db_name, dbobj[1][0])
                    if (dbobj[0] == "PROCEDURE" and not skip_procs) or \
                       (dbobj[0] == "FUNCTION" and not skip_funcs) or \
                       (dbobj[0] == "EVENT" and not skip_events) or \
                       (dbobj[0] == "TRIGGER" and not skip_triggers):
                        print "DELIMITER ||"
                    print "%s;" % db.get_create_statement(
                        db_name, dbobj[1][0], dbobj[0])
                    if (dbobj[0] == "PROCEDURE" and not skip_procs) or \
                       (dbobj[0] == "FUNCTION" and not skip_funcs) or \
                       (dbobj[0] == "EVENT" and not skip_events) or \
                       (dbobj[0] == "TRIGGER" and not skip_triggers):
                        print "||"
                        print "DELIMITER ;"
            objects = []
            if not skip_tables:
            if not skip_views:
            if not skip_triggers:
            if not skip_procs:
            if not skip_funcs:
            if not skip_events:
            if not skip_grants:
            for obj_type in objects:
                sys.stdout.write("# %sS in %s:" % (obj_type, db_name))
                if format in ('grid', 'vertical'):
                    rows = db.get_db_objects(obj_type, column_type, True)
                    rows = db.get_db_objects(obj_type, column_type, True, True)
                if len(rows[1]) < 1:
                    print " (none found)"
                    # Cannot use print_list here becasue we must manipulate
                    # the behavior of format_tabular_list
                    list_options = {}
                    if format == "vertical":
                        format_vertical_list(sys.stdout, rows[0], rows[1])
                    elif format == "tab":
                        list_options['print_header'] = not no_headers
                        list_options['separator'] = '\t'
                        format_tabular_list(sys.stdout, rows[0], rows[1],
                    elif format == "csv":
                        list_options['print_header'] = not no_headers
                        list_options['separator'] = ','
                        format_tabular_list(sys.stdout, rows[0], rows[1],
                    else:  # default to table format
                        format_tabular_list(sys.stdout, rows[0], rows[1])

    if not quiet:
        print "#...done."

    return True
def export_data(source, src_val, db_list, options):
    """Produce data for the tables in a database.

    This method retrieves the data for each table in the databases listed in
    the form of BULK INSERT (SQL) statements or in a tabular form to the file
    specified. The valid values for the format parameter are SQL, CSV, TSV,

    source[in]         Server instance
    src_val[in]        a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       source including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    options[in]        a dictionary containing the options for the copy:
                       (skip_tables, skip_views, skip_triggers, skip_procs,
                       skip_funcs, skip_events, skip_grants, skip_create,
                       skip_data, no_header, display, format, file_per_tbl,
                       and debug)

    Returns bool True = success, False = error

    from mysql.utilities.common.database import Database
    from mysql.utilities.common.table import Table

    format = options.get("format", "sql")
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", True)
    column_type = options.get("display", "brief")
    single = options.get("single", False)
    skip_blobs = options.get("skip_blobs", False)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)
    file_per_table = options.get("file_per_tbl", False)
    skip_views = options.get("skip_views", False)
    skip_procs = options.get("skip_procs", False)
    skip_funcs = options.get("skip_funcs", False)
    skip_events = options.get("skip_events", False)
    skip_grants = options.get("skip_grants", False)

    if options.get("all", False):
        rows = source.get_all_databases()
        for row in rows:
            if row[0] not in db_list:

    # Check if database exists and user permissions on source for all databases
    table_lock_list = []
    table_list = []
    for db_name in db_list:
        source_db = Database(source, db_name)

        # Make a dictionary of the options
        access_options = {
            'skip_views': skip_views,
            'skip_procs': skip_procs,
            'skip_funcs': skip_funcs,
            'skip_grants': skip_grants,
            'skip_events': skip_events,

        # Error is source database does not exist
        if not source_db.exists():
            raise UtilDBError("Source database does not exist - %s" % db_name,
                              -1, db_name)

        source_db.check_read_access(src_val["user"], src_val["host"],

        # Build table list
        tables = source_db.get_db_objects("TABLE")
        for table in tables:
            table_list.append((db_name, table[0]))

    old_db = ""
    for table in table_list:
        db_name = table[0]
        tbl_name = "%s.%s" % (db_name, table[1])
        # quote database and table name with backticks
        q_db_name = quote_with_backticks(db_name)
        q_tbl_name = "%s.%s" % (q_db_name, quote_with_backticks(table[1]))
        if not quiet and old_db != db_name:
            old_db = db_name
            if format == "sql":
                print "USE %s;" % q_db_name
            print "# Exporting data from %s" % db_name
            if file_per_table:
                print "# Writing table data to files."

        tbl_options = {'verbose': False, 'get_cols': True, 'quiet': quiet}
        cur_table = Table(source, q_tbl_name, tbl_options)
        if single and format not in ("sql", "grid", "vertical"):
            retrieval_mode = -1
            first = True
            retrieval_mode = 1
            first = False

        message = "# Data for table %s: " % q_tbl_name

        # switch for writing to files
        if file_per_table:
            if format == 'sql':
                file_name = tbl_name + ".sql"
                file_name = tbl_name + ".%s" % format.lower()
            outfile = open(file_name, "w")
            outfile.write(message + "\n")
            outfile = None
            print message

        for data_rows in cur_table.retrieve_rows(retrieval_mode):
            _export_row(data_rows, cur_table, format, single, skip_blobs,
                        first, no_headers, outfile)
            if first:
                first = False

        if file_per_table:

    if not quiet:
        print "#...done."

    return True
def object_diff(server1_val,
    """diff the definition of two objects

    Find the difference among two object definitions.

    server1_val[in]    a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       first server including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    server2_val[in]    a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       second server including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    object1[in]        the first object in the compare in the form: (db.name)
    object2[in]        the second object in the compare in the form: (db.name)
    options[in]        a dictionary containing the options for the operation:
                       (quiet, verbosity, difftype)
    object_type[in]    type of the objects to be compared (e.g., TABLE,
                       PROCEDURE, etc.). By default None (not defined).

    Returns None = objects are the same, diff[] = tables differ
    server1, server2 = server_connect(server1_val, server2_val, object1,
                                      object2, options)

    # Get the object type if unknown considering that objects of different
    # types can be found with the same name.
    if not object_type:
        #Get object types of object1
        regexp_obj = re.compile(REGEXP_QUALIFIED_OBJ_NAME)
        m_obj = regexp_obj.match(object1)
        db_name, obj_name = m_obj.groups()
        db = Database(server1, db_name, options)
        obj1_types = db.get_object_type(obj_name)
        if not obj1_types:
            raise UtilDBError("The object {0} does not exist.".format(object1))

        # Get object types of object2
        m_obj = regexp_obj.match(object2)
        db_name, obj_name = m_obj.groups()
        db = Database(server2, db_name, options)
        obj2_types = db.get_object_type(obj_name)
        if not obj2_types:
            raise UtilDBError("The object {0} does not exist.".format(object2))

        # Merge types found for both objects
        obj_types = set(obj1_types + obj2_types)

        # Diff objects considering all types found
        result = []
        for obj_type in obj_types:
            res = diff_objects(server1, server2, object1, object2, options,
            if res:
        return result if len(result) > 0 else None
        # Diff objects of known type
        return diff_objects(server1, server2, object1, object2, options,
    def __init__(self, server, table_list, options={}):
        Lock a list of tables based on locking type. Locking types and their
        behavior is as follows:
           - (default) use consistent read with a single transaction
           - lock all tables without consistent read and no transaction
           - no locks, no transaction, no consistent read
           - flush (replication only) - issue a FTWRL command

        server[in]         Server instance of server to run locks
        table_list[in]     list of tuples (table_name, lock_type)
        options[in]        dictionary of options
                           locking = [snapshot|lock-all|no-locks|flush],
                           verbosity int
                           silent bool
                           rpl_mode string
        self.locked = False
        self.silent = options.get('silent', False)
        # Determine locking type
        self.locking = options.get('locking', 'snapshot')
        self.verbosity = options.get('verbosity', 0)
        if self.verbosity is None:
            self.verbosity = 0
            self.verbosity = int(self.verbosity)

        self.server = server
        self.table_list = table_list

        # If no locking, we're done
        if self.locking == 'no-locks':

        elif self.locking == 'lock-all':
            # Check lock requests for validity
            table_locks = []
            for tablename, locktype in table_list:
                if locktype.upper() not in LOCK_TYPES:
                    raise UtilDBError(
                        "Invalid lock type '%s' for table '%s'." %
                        (locktype, tablename))
                # Build LOCK TABLE command
                table_locks.append("%s %s" % (tablename, locktype))
            lock_str = "LOCK TABLE "
            lock_str += ', '.join(table_locks)

            if self.verbosity >= 3 and not self.silent:
                print '# LOCK STRING:', lock_str

            # Execute the lock

            self.locked = True

        elif self.locking == 'snapshot':

        # Execute a FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK for replication uses only
        elif self.locking == 'flush' and options.get("rpl_mode", None):
            if self.verbosity >= 3 and not self.silent:
                print "# LOCK STRING: %s" % _FLUSH_TABLES_READ_LOCK
            self.locked = True
            raise UtilError("Invalid locking type: '%s'." % self.locking)
def object_diff(server1_val,
    """diff the definition of two objects

    Find the difference among two object definitions.

    server1_val[in]    a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       first server including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    server2_val[in]    a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       second server including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    object1[in]        the first object in the compare in the form: (db.name)
    object2[in]        the second object in the compare in the form: (db.name)
    options[in]        a dictionary containing the options for the operation:
                       (quiet, verbosity, difftype)
    object_type[in]    type of the objects to be compared (e.g., TABLE,
                       PROCEDURE, etc.). By default None (not defined).

    Returns None = objects are the same, diff[] = tables differ
    if isinstance(server1_val, dict):  # dict or common.server.Server object
        server1, server2 = server_connect(server1_val, server2_val, object1,
                                          object2, options)
        # to save connection
        server1, server2 = server1_val, server2_val

    force = options.get("force", None)

    # compare db's all objects
    include_create = options.get("include_create", False)
    # db1.*:db2.*
    if include_create and object1.endswith('.*') and object2.endswith('.*'):
        direction = options.get("changes-for", None)
        reverse = options.get("reverse", False)

        db_name1, _ = parse_object_name(object1,
        db_name2, _ = parse_object_name(object2,
        in_both, in_db1, in_db2 = get_common_objects(server1, server2,
                                                     db_name1, db_name2, True,
        # create/alter/drop need all objects compare
        all_object = set(in_both + in_db1 + in_db2)

        # call myself recusively to compare all objects
        for this_obj in all_object:
            object1 = db_name1 + "." + this_obj[1][0]
            object2 = db_name2 + "." + this_obj[1][0]
            # share the same connection in this loop. object_type=None
        return []

    # Get the object type if unknown considering that objects of different
    # types can be found with the same name.
    if not object_type:
        # Get object types of object1
        sql_mode = server1.select_variable("SQL_MODE")
        db_name, obj_name = parse_object_name(object1, sql_mode)
        db = Database(server1, db_name, options)
        obj1_types = db.get_object_type(obj_name)
        if not obj1_types:
            if include_create:
                # if allow generating create object ddl, give 'NULL' object here to tell common.dbcompare.py to handle
                obj1_types = ['NULL']
                msg = "The object {0} does not exist.".format(object1)
                if not force:
                    raise UtilDBError(msg)
                print("ERROR: {0}".format(msg))
                return []

        # Get object types of object2
        sql_mode = server2.select_variable("SQL_MODE")
        db_name, obj_name = parse_object_name(object2, sql_mode)
        db = Database(server2, db_name, options)
        obj2_types = db.get_object_type(obj_name)
        if not obj2_types:
            if include_create:
                obj2_types = ['NULL']
                msg = "The object {0} does not exist.".format(object2)
                if not force:
                    raise UtilDBError(msg)
                print("ERROR: {0}".format(msg))
                return []

        # Merge types found for both objects
        obj_types = set(obj1_types + obj2_types)
        if obj_types == set(['NULL']):
            msg = "The object {0} or {1} does not exist in the source side.".format(
                object1, object2)
            if not force:
                raise UtilDBError(msg)
            print("ERROR: {0}".format(msg))
            return []
        elif 'NULL' in obj_types:
            # at least one object exist in db1 and db2
            # new db object like  TABLE-NULL or NULL-TABLE , 'TABLE' is needed for after use in diff_objects()
            obj_types = set(['-'.join(obj1_types + obj2_types)])

        # Diff objects considering all types found
        result = []
        for obj_type in obj_types:
            res = diff_objects(server1, server2, object1, object2, options,
            if res:
        return result if len(result) > 0 else None
        # Diff objects of known type
        return diff_objects(server1, server2, object1, object2, options,