文件: munge.py 项目: agamdua/mystic
def write_monitor(steps, energy, id=[]):
  from mystic.monitors import Monitor
  mon = Monitor()
  mon._x = steps[:]
  mon._y = energy[:]
  mon._id = id[:]
  return mon
def write_monitor(steps, energy, id=[], k=None):
  from mystic.monitors import Monitor
  mon = Monitor()
  mon.k = k
  mon._y.extend(mon._k(energy, iter))
  return mon
 def __update_allSolvers(self, results):
     'replace allSolvers with solvers found in results'
     #NOTE: apparently, monitors internal to the solver don't work as well
     # reconnect monitors; save all solvers
     fcalls = [getattr(s, '_fcalls', [0])[0] for s in self._allSolvers]
     from mystic.monitors import Monitor
     while results: #XXX: option to not save allSolvers? skip this and _copy
         _solver, _stepmon, _evalmon = results.pop()
         lr = len(results)
         sm, em = Monitor(), Monitor()
         s = self._allSolvers[lr]
         ls, le = len(s._stepmon), len(s._evalmon)
         # gather old and new results in monitors
         _solver._stepmon[:] = s._stepmon
         sm._x,sm._y,sm._id,sm._info = _stepmon
         _solver._stepmon[ls:] = sm[ls:]
         del sm
         _solver._evalmon[:] = s._evalmon
         em._x,em._y,em._id,em._info = _evalmon
         _solver._evalmon[le:] = em[le:]
         del em
         if not _solver._fcalls[0]: _solver._fcalls[0] = fcalls[lr]
         self._allSolvers[lr] = _solver #XXX: update not replace?
 def SetGenerationMonitor(self, monitor, new=False):
     """select a callable to monitor (x, f(x)) after each solver iteration"""
     from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor#, CustomMonitor
     current = Null() if new else self._stepmon
     if isinstance(monitor, Monitor):  # is Monitor()
         self._stepmon = monitor
     elif isinstance(monitor, Null) or monitor == Null: # is Null() or Null
         self._stepmon = Monitor()  #XXX: don't allow Null
     elif hasattr(monitor, '__module__'):  # is CustomMonitor()
         if monitor.__module__ in ['mystic._genSow']:
             self._stepmon = monitor #FIXME: need .prepend(current)
         raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a monitor instance" % monitor
     self.energy_history   = self._stepmon.y
     self.solution_history = self._stepmon.x
class AbstractSolver(object):
    """AbstractSolver base class for mystic optimizers.

    def __init__(self, dim, **kwds):
Takes one initial input::

    dim      -- dimensionality of the problem.

Additional inputs::

    npop     -- size of the trial solution population.       [default = 1]

Important class members::

    nDim, nPop       = dim, npop
    generations      - an iteration counter.
    evaluations      - an evaluation counter.
    bestEnergy       - current best energy.
    bestSolution     - current best parameter set.           [size = dim]
    popEnergy        - set of all trial energy solutions.    [size = npop]
    population       - set of all trial parameter solutions. [size = dim*npop]
    solution_history - history of bestSolution status.       [StepMonitor.x]
    energy_history   - history of bestEnergy status.         [StepMonitor.y]
    signal_handler   - catches the interrupt signal.
        NP = kwds['npop'] if 'npop' in kwds else 1

        self.nDim             = dim
        self.nPop             = NP
        self._init_popEnergy  = inf
        self.popEnergy	      = [self._init_popEnergy] * NP
        self.population	      = [[0.0 for i in range(dim)] for j in range(NP)]
        self.trialSolution    = [0.0] * dim
        self._map_solver      = False
        self._bestEnergy      = None
        self._bestSolution    = None
        self._state           = None
        self._type            = self.__class__.__name__

        self.sigint_callback  = None
        self._handle_sigint   = False
        self._useStrictRange  = False
        self._defaultMin      = [-1e3] * dim
        self._defaultMax      = [ 1e3] * dim
        self._strictMin       = []
        self._strictMax       = []
        self._maxiter         = None
        self._maxfun          = None
        self._saveiter        = None
       #self._saveeval        = None

        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor
        self._evalmon         = Null()
        self._stepmon         = Monitor()
        self._fcalls          = [0]
        self._energy_history  = None
        self._solution_history= None
        self.id               = None     # identifier (use like "rank" for MPI)

        self._constraints     = lambda x: x
        self._penalty         = lambda x: 0.0
        self._reducer         = None
        self._cost            = (None, None, None)
        #                       (cost, raw_cost, args) #,callback)
        self._collapse        = False
        self._termination     = lambda x, *ar, **kw: False if len(ar) < 1 or ar[0] is False or (kw['info'] if 'info' in kw else True) == False else '' #XXX: better default ?
        # (get termination details with self._termination.__doc__)

        import mystic.termination as mt
        self._EARLYEXIT       = mt.EARLYEXIT
        self._live            = False 

    def Solution(self):
        """return the best solution"""
        return self.bestSolution

    def __evaluations(self):
        """get the number of function calls"""
        return self._fcalls[0]

    def __generations(self):
        """get the number of iterations"""
        return max(0,len(self._stepmon)-1)

    def __energy_history(self):
        """get the energy_history (default: energy_history = _stepmon._y)"""
        if self._energy_history is None: return self._stepmon._y
        return self._energy_history

    def __set_energy_history(self, energy):
        """set the energy_history (energy=None will sync with _stepmon._y)"""
        self._energy_history = energy

    def __solution_history(self):
        """get the solution_history (default: solution_history = _stepmon.x)"""
        if self._solution_history is None: return self._stepmon.x
        return self._solution_history

    def __set_solution_history(self, params):
        """set the solution_history (params=None will sync with _stepmon.x)"""
        self._solution_history = params

    def __bestSolution(self):
        """get the bestSolution (default: bestSolution = population[0])"""
        if self._bestSolution is None: return self.population[0]
        return self._bestSolution

    def __set_bestSolution(self, params):
        """set the bestSolution (params=None will sync with population[0])"""
        self._bestSolution = params

    def __bestEnergy(self):
        """get the bestEnergy (default: bestEnergy = popEnergy[0])"""
        if self._bestEnergy is None: return self.popEnergy[0]
        return self._bestEnergy

    def __set_bestEnergy(self, energy):
        """set the bestEnergy (energy=None will sync with popEnergy[0])"""
        self._bestEnergy = energy

    def SetReducer(self, reducer, arraylike=False):
        """apply a reducer function to the cost function

    - a reducer function of the form: y' = reducer(yk), where yk is a results
      vector and y' is a single value.  Ideally, this method is applied to
      a cost function with a multi-value return, to reduce the output to a
      single value.  If arraylike, the reducer provided should take a single
      array as input and produce a scalar; otherwise, the reducer provided
      should meet the requirements of the python's builtin 'reduce' method 
      (e.g. lambda x,y: x+y), taking two scalars and producing a scalar."""
        if not reducer:
            self._reducer = None
        elif not isinstance(reducer, collections.Callable):
            raise TypeError("'%s' is not a callable function" % reducer)
        elif not arraylike:
            self._reducer = wrap_reducer(reducer)   
        else: #XXX: check if is arraylike?
            self._reducer = reducer
        return self._update_objective()

    def SetPenalty(self, penalty):
        """apply a penalty function to the optimization

    - a penalty function of the form: y' = penalty(xk), with y = cost(xk) + y',
      where xk is the current parameter vector. Ideally, this function
      is constructed so a penalty is applied when the desired (i.e. encoded)
      constraints are violated. Equality constraints should be considered
      satisfied when the penalty condition evaluates to zero, while
      inequality constraints are satisfied when the penalty condition
      evaluates to a non-positive number."""
        if not penalty:
            self._penalty = lambda x: 0.0
        elif not isinstance(penalty, collections.Callable):
            raise TypeError("'%s' is not a callable function" % penalty)
        else: #XXX: check for format: y' = penalty(x) ?
            self._penalty = penalty
        return self._update_objective()

    def SetConstraints(self, constraints):
        """apply a constraints function to the optimization

    - a constraints function of the form: xk' = constraints(xk),
      where xk is the current parameter vector. Ideally, this function
      is constructed so the parameter vector it passes to the cost function
      will satisfy the desired (i.e. encoded) constraints."""
        if not constraints:
            self._constraints = lambda x: x
        elif not isinstance(constraints, collections.Callable):
            raise TypeError("'%s' is not a callable function" % constraints)
        else: #XXX: check for format: x' = constraints(x) ?
            self._constraints = constraints
        return self._update_objective()

    def SetGenerationMonitor(self, monitor, new=False):
        """select a callable to monitor (x, f(x)) after each solver iteration"""
        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor#, CustomMonitor
        current = Null() if new else self._stepmon
        if isinstance(monitor, Monitor):  # is Monitor()
            self._stepmon = monitor
        elif isinstance(monitor, Null) or monitor == Null: # is Null() or Null
            self._stepmon = Monitor()  #XXX: don't allow Null
        elif hasattr(monitor, '__module__'):  # is CustomMonitor()
            if monitor.__module__ in ['mystic._genSow']:
                self._stepmon = monitor #FIXME: need .prepend(current)
            raise TypeError("'%s' is not a monitor instance" % monitor)
        self.energy_history   = None # sync with self._stepmon
        self.solution_history = None # sync with self._stepmon

    def SetEvaluationMonitor(self, monitor, new=False):
        """select a callable to monitor (x, f(x)) after each cost function evaluation"""
        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor#, CustomMonitor
        current = Null() if new else self._evalmon
        if isinstance(monitor, (Null, Monitor) ):  # is Monitor() or Null()
            self._evalmon = monitor
        elif monitor == Null:  # is Null
            self._evalmon = monitor()
        elif hasattr(monitor, '__module__'):  # is CustomMonitor()
            if monitor.__module__ in ['mystic._genSow']:
                self._evalmon = monitor #FIXME: need .prepend(current)
            raise TypeError("'%s' is not a monitor instance" % monitor)

    def SetStrictRanges(self, min=None, max=None):
        """ensure solution is within bounds

    - min, max: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - each min[i] should be <= the corresponding max[i]

    SetStrictRanges(None) will remove strict range constraints"""
        if min is False or max is False:
            self._useStrictRange = False
            return self._update_objective()
        #XXX: better to use 'defaultMin,defaultMax' or '-inf,inf' ???
        if min is None: min = self._defaultMin
        if max is None: max = self._defaultMax
        # when 'some' of the bounds are given as 'None', replace with default
        for i in range(len(min)): 
            if min[i] is None: min[i] = self._defaultMin[0]
            if max[i] is None: max[i] = self._defaultMax[0]

        min = asarray(min); max = asarray(max)
        if numpy.any(( min > max ),0):
            raise ValueError("each min[i] must be <= the corresponding max[i]")
        if len(min) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError("bounds array must be length %s" % self.nDim)
        self._useStrictRange = True
        self._strictMin = min
        self._strictMax = max
        return self._update_objective()

    def _clipGuessWithinRangeBoundary(self, x0, at=True):
        """ensure that initial guess is set within bounds

    - x0: must be a sequence of length self.nDim"""
       #if len(x0) != self.nDim: #XXX: unnecessary w/ self.trialSolution
       #    raise ValueError, "initial guess must be length %s" % self.nDim
        x0 = asarray(x0)
        bounds = (self._strictMin,self._strictMax)
        if not len(self._strictMin): return x0
        # clip x0 at bounds
        settings = numpy.seterr(all='ignore')
        x_ = x0.clip(*bounds)
        if at: return x_
        # clip x0 within bounds
        x_ = x_ != x0
        x0[x_] = random.uniform(self._strictMin,self._strictMax)[x_]
        return x0

    def SetInitialPoints(self, x0, radius=0.05):
        """Set Initial Points with Guess (x0)

    - x0: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - radius: generate random points within [-radius*x0, radius*x0]
        for i!=0 when a simplex-type initial guess in required"""
        x0 = asfarray(x0)
        rank = len(x0.shape)
        if rank is 0:
            x0 = asfarray([x0])
            rank = 1
        if not -1 < rank < 2:
            raise ValueError("Initial guess must be a scalar or rank-1 sequence.")
        if len(x0) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError("Initial guess must be length %s" % self.nDim)

        #slightly alter initial values for solvers that depend on randomness
        min = x0*(1-radius)
        max = x0*(1+radius)
        numzeros = len(x0[x0==0])
        min[min==0] = asarray([-radius for i in range(numzeros)])
        max[max==0] = asarray([radius for i in range(numzeros)])
        #stick initial values in population[i], i=0
        self.population[0] = x0.tolist()
    def SetRandomInitialPoints(self, min=None, max=None):
        """Generate Random Initial Points within given Bounds

    - min, max: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - each min[i] should be <= the corresponding max[i]"""
        if min is None: min = self._defaultMin
        if max is None: max = self._defaultMax
       #if numpy.any(( asarray(min) > asarray(max) ),0):
       #    raise ValueError, "each min[i] must be <= the corresponding max[i]"
        if len(min) != self.nDim or len(max) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError("bounds array must be length %s" % self.nDim)
        # when 'some' of the bounds are given as 'None', replace with default
        for i in range(len(min)): 
            if min[i] is None: min[i] = self._defaultMin[0]
            if max[i] is None: max[i] = self._defaultMax[0]
        #generate random initial values
        for i in range(len(self.population)):
            for j in range(self.nDim):
                self.population[i][j] = random.uniform(min[j],max[j])

    def SetMultinormalInitialPoints(self, mean, var=None):
        """Generate Initial Points from Multivariate Normal.

    - mean must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - var can be...
        None: -> it becomes the identity
        scalar: -> var becomes scalar * I
        matrix: -> the variance matrix. must be the right size!
        from mystic.tools import random_state
        rng = random_state(module='numpy.random')
        assert(len(mean) == self.nDim)
        if var is None:
            var = numpy.eye(self.nDim)
            try: # scalar ?
            except: # nope. var better be matrix of the right size (no check)
                var = var * numpy.eye(self.nDim)
        for i in range(len(self.population)):
            self.population[i] = rng.multivariate_normal(mean, var).tolist()

    def SetSampledInitialPoints(self, dist=None):
        """Generate Random Initial Points from Distribution (dist)

    - dist: a mystic.math.Distribution instance
        from mystic.math import Distribution
        _dist = Distribution()
        if dist is None:
            dist = _dist
        elif type(_dist) not in dist.__class__.mro():
            dist = Distribution(dist) #XXX: or throw error?
        for i in range(self.nPop):
            self.population[i] = dist(self.nDim)

    def enable_signal_handler(self):#, callback='*'):
        """enable workflow interrupt handler while solver is running"""
        """ #XXX: disabled, as would add state to solver
    - if a callback function is provided, generate a new handler with
      the given callback.  If callback is None, do not use a callback.
      If callback is not provided, just turn on the existing handler.
       ## always _generate handler on first call
       #if (self.signal_handler is None) and callback == '*':
       #    callback = None
       ## when a new callback is given, generate a new handler
       #if callback != '*':
       #    self._generateHandler(callback)
        self._handle_sigint = True

    def disable_signal_handler(self):
        """disable workflow interrupt handler while solver is running"""
        self._handle_sigint = False

    def SetSaveFrequency(self, generations=None, filename=None, **kwds):
        """set frequency for saving solver restart file

    - generations = number of solver iterations before next save of state
    - filename = name of file in which to save solver state

    SetSaveFrequency(None) will disable saving solver restart file"""
        self._saveiter = generations
       #self._saveeval = evaluations
        self._state = filename

    def SetEvaluationLimits(self, generations=None, evaluations=None, \
                                                    new=False, **kwds):
        """set limits for generations and/or evaluations

    - generations = maximum number of solver iterations (i.e. steps)
    - evaluations = maximum number of function evaluations"""
        # backward compatibility
        self._maxiter = kwds['maxiter'] if 'maxiter' in kwds else generations
        self._maxfun = kwds['maxfun'] if 'maxfun' in kwds else evaluations
        # handle if new (reset counter, instead of extend counter)
        if new:
            if generations is not None:
                self._maxiter += self.generations
                self._maxiter = "*" #XXX: better as self._newmax = True ?
            if evaluations is not None:
                self._maxfun += self.evaluations
                self._maxfun = "*"

    def _SetEvaluationLimits(self, iterscale=None, evalscale=None):
        """set the evaluation limits"""
        if iterscale is None: iterscale = 10
        if evalscale is None: evalscale = 1000
        N = len(self.population[0]) # usually self.nDim
        # if SetEvaluationLimits not applied, use the solver default
        if self._maxiter is None:
            self._maxiter = N * self.nPop * iterscale
        elif self._maxiter == "*": # (i.e. None, but 'reset counter') 
            self._maxiter = (N * self.nPop * iterscale) + self.generations
        if self._maxfun is None:
            self._maxfun = N * self.nPop * evalscale
        elif self._maxfun == "*":
            self._maxfun = (N * self.nPop * evalscale) + self.evaluations

    def Terminated(self, disp=False, info=False, termination=None, **kwds):
        """check if the solver meets the given termination conditions

    - disp = if True, print termination statistics and/or warnings
    - info = if True, return termination message (instead of boolean)
    - termination = termination conditions to check against

    If no termination conditions are given, the solver's stored
    termination conditions will be used.
        if termination is None:
            termination = self._termination
        # ensure evaluation limits have been imposed
        # check for termination messages
        msg = termination(self, info=True)
        sig = "SolverInterrupt with %s" % {}
        lim = "EvaluationLimits with %s" % {'evaluations':self._maxfun,

        # push solver internals to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
        if self._fcalls[0] >= self._maxfun and self._maxfun is not None:
            msg = lim #XXX: prefer the default stop ?
            if disp:
                print("Warning: Maximum number of function evaluations has "\
                      "been exceeded.")
        elif self.generations >= self._maxiter and self._maxiter is not None:
            msg = lim #XXX: prefer the default stop ?
            if disp:
                print("Warning: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded")
        elif self._EARLYEXIT:
            msg = sig
            if disp:
                print("Warning: Optimization terminated with signal interrupt.")
        elif msg and disp:
            print("Optimization terminated successfully.")
            print("         Current function value: %f" % self.bestEnergy)
            print("         Iterations: %d" % self.generations)
            print("         Function evaluations: %d" % self._fcalls[0])

        if info:
            return msg
        return bool(msg)

    def SetTermination(self, termination): # disp ?
        """set the termination conditions"""
        #XXX: validate that termination is a 'condition' ?
        self._termination = termination
        self._collapse = False
        if termination is not None:
            from mystic.termination import state
            stop = state(termination)
            stop = getattr(stop, 'iterkeys', stop.keys)()
            self._collapse = any(key.startswith('Collapse') for key in stop)

    def SetObjective(self, cost, ExtraArgs=None):  # callback=None/False ?
        """decorate the cost function with bounds, penalties, monitors, etc"""
        _cost,_raw,_args = self._cost
        # check if need to 'wrap' or can return the stored cost
        if (cost is None or cost is _raw or cost is _cost) and \
           (ExtraArgs is None or ExtraArgs is _args):
        # get cost and args if None was given
        if cost is None: cost = _raw
        args = _args if ExtraArgs is None else ExtraArgs
        args = () if args is None else args
        # quick validation check (so doesn't screw up internals)
        if not isvalid(cost, [0]*self.nDim, *args):
            try: name = cost.__name__
            except AttributeError: # raise new error for non-callables
            validate(cost, None, *args)
           #val = len(args) + 1  #XXX: 'klepto.validate' for better error?
           #msg = '%s() invalid number of arguments (%d given)' % (name, val)
           #raise TypeError(msg)
        # hold on to the 'raw' cost function
        self._cost = (None, cost, ExtraArgs)
        self._live = False

    def Collapsed(self, disp=False, info=False):
        """check if the solver meets the given collapse conditions

    - disp = if True, print details about the solver state at collapse
    - info = if True, return collapsed state (instead of boolean)
        stop = getattr(self, '__stop__', self.Terminated(info=True))
        import mystic.collapse as ct
        collapses = ct.collapsed(stop) or dict()
        if collapses and disp:
            for (k,v) in getattr(collapses, 'iteritems', collapses.items)():
                print("         %s: %s" % (k.split()[0],v))
           #print("# Collapse at: Generation", self._stepmon._step-1, \
           #      "with", self.bestEnergy, "@\n#", list(self.bestSolution))
        return collapses if info else bool(collapses) 

    def Collapse(self, disp=False):
        """if solver has terminated by collapse, apply the collapse
        (unless both collapse and "stop" are simultaneously satisfied)
       #XXX: return True for "collapse and continue" and False otherwise?
        collapses = self.Collapsed(disp=disp, info=True)
        if collapses: # stop if any Termination is not from Collapse
            stop = getattr(self, '__stop__', self.Terminated(info=True))
            stop = not all(k.startswith("Collapse") for k in stop.split("; "))
            if stop: return {} #XXX: self._collapse = False ?
        else: stop = True
        if collapses: # then stomach a bunch of module imports (yuck)
            import mystic.tools as to
            import mystic.termination as mt
            import mystic.constraints as cn
            import mystic.mask as ma
            # get collapse conditions  #XXX: efficient? 4x loops over collapses
            state = mt.state(self._termination)
            npts = getattr(self._stepmon, '_npts', None)  #XXX: default?
           #conditions = [cn.impose_at(*to.select_params(self,collapses[k])) if state[k].get('target') is None else cn.impose_at(collapses[k],state[k].get('target')) for k in collapses if k.startswith('CollapseAt')]
           #conditions += [cn.impose_as(collapses[k],state[k].get('offset')) for k in collapses if k.startswith('CollapseAs')]
            #randomize = False
            conditions = []; _conditions = []; conditions_ = []
            for k in collapses:
                #FIXME: these should be encapsulted in termination instance
                if k.startswith('CollapseAt'):
                    t = state[k]
                    t = t['target'] if 'target' in t else None
                    if t is None:
                        t = cn.impose_at(*to.select_params(self,collapses[k]))
                        t = cn.impose_at(collapses[k],t)
                elif k.startswith('CollapseAs'):
                    t = state[k]
                    t = t['offset'] if 'offset' in t else None
                elif k.startswith(('CollapseCost','CollapseGrad')):
                    t = state[k]
                    t = t['clip'] if 'clip' in t else True
                    #randomize = True
            del _conditions; del conditions_
            # get measure collapse conditions
            if npts: #XXX: faster/better if comes first or last?
                conditions += [cn.impose_measure( npts, [collapses[k] for k in collapses if k.startswith('CollapsePosition')], [collapses[k] for k in collapses if k.startswith('CollapseWeight')] )]

            # update termination and constraints in solver
            constraints = to.chain(*conditions)(self._constraints)
            termination = ma.update_mask(self._termination, collapses)
            #if randomize: self.SetInitialPoints(self.population[0])
       #return bool(collapses) and not stop
        return collapses

    def _update_objective(self):
        """decorate the cost function with bounds, penalties, monitors, etc"""
        # rewrap the cost if the solver has been run
        if False: # trigger immediately
        else: # delay update until _bootstrap

    def _decorate_objective(self, cost, ExtraArgs=None):
        """decorate the cost function with bounds, penalties, monitors, etc"""
        #print("@%r %r %r" % (cost, ExtraArgs, max))
        raw = cost
        if ExtraArgs is None: ExtraArgs = ()
        self._fcalls, cost = wrap_function(cost, ExtraArgs, self._evalmon)
        if self._useStrictRange:
            indx = list(self.popEnergy).index(self.bestEnergy)
            ngen = self.generations #XXX: no random if generations=0 ?
            for i in range(self.nPop):
                self.population[i] = self._clipGuessWithinRangeBoundary(self.population[i], (not ngen) or (i is indx))
            cost = wrap_bounds(cost, self._strictMin, self._strictMax)
        cost = wrap_penalty(cost, self._penalty)
        cost = wrap_nested(cost, self._constraints)
        if self._reducer:
           #cost = reduced(*self._reducer)(cost) # was self._reducer = (f,bool)
            cost = reduced(self._reducer, arraylike=True)(cost)
        # hold on to the 'wrapped' and 'raw' cost function
        self._cost = (cost, raw, ExtraArgs)
        self._live = True
        return cost

    def _bootstrap_objective(self, cost=None, ExtraArgs=None):
        """HACK to enable not explicitly calling _decorate_objective"""
        _cost,_raw,_args = self._cost
        # check if need to 'wrap' or can return the stored cost
        if (cost is None or cost is _raw or cost is _cost) and \
           (ExtraArgs is None or ExtraArgs is _args) and self._live:
            return _cost
        # 'wrap' the 'new' cost function with _decorate
        self.SetObjective(cost, ExtraArgs)
        return self._decorate_objective(*self._cost[1:])
        #XXX: when _decorate called, solver._fcalls will be reset ?

    def _Step(self, cost=None, ExtraArgs=None, **kwds):
        """perform a single optimization iteration

*** this method must be overwritten ***"""
        raise NotImplementedError("an optimization algorithm was not provided")

    def SaveSolver(self, filename=None, **kwds):
        """save solver state to a restart file"""
        import dill
        fd = None
        if filename is None: # then check if already has registered file
            if self._state is None: # then create a new one
                import os, tempfile
                fd, self._state = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pkl')
            filename = self._state
        self._state = filename
        f = open(filename, 'wb')
            dill.dump(self, f, **kwds)
            self._stepmon.info('DUMPED("%s")' % filename) #XXX: before / after ?

    def __save_state(self, force=False):
        """save the solver state, if chosen save frequency is met"""
        # save the last iteration
        if force and bool(self._state):
        # save the zeroth iteration
        nonzero = True #XXX: or bool(self.generations) ?
        # after _saveiter generations, then save state
        iters = self._saveiter
        saveiter = bool(iters) and not bool(self.generations % iters)
        if nonzero and saveiter:
        #FIXME: if _saveeval (or more) since last check, then save state
       #save = self.evaluations % self._saveeval

    def __load_state(self, solver, **kwds):
        """load solver.__dict__ into self.__dict__; override with kwds"""
        #XXX: should do some filtering on kwds ?
        self.__dict__.update(solver.__dict__, **kwds)

    def Finalize(self, **kwds):
        """cleanup upon exiting the main optimization loop"""
        self._live = False

    def _process_inputs(self, kwds):
        """process and activate input settings"""
        #allow for inputs that don't conform to AbstractSolver interface
        #NOTE: not sticky: callback, disp
        #NOTE: sticky: EvaluationMonitor, StepMonitor, penalty, constraints
        settings = \
       {'callback':None,     #user-supplied function, called after each step
        'disp':0}            #non-zero to print convergence messages
        [settings.update({i:j}) for (i,j) in kwds.items() if i in settings]
        # backward compatibility
        if 'EvaluationMonitor' in kwds: \
        if 'StepMonitor' in kwds: \
        if 'penalty' in kwds: \
        if 'constraints' in kwds: \
        return settings

    def Step(self, cost=None, termination=None, ExtraArgs=None, **kwds):
        """Take a single optimization step using the given 'cost' function.

Uses an optimization algorithm to take one 'step' toward the minimum of a
function of one or more variables.

    cost (func, default=None): the function to be minimized: ``y = cost(x)``.
    termination (termination, default=None): termination conditions.
    ExtraArgs (tuple, default=None): extra arguments for cost.
    callback (func, default=None): function to call after each iteration. The
        interface is ``callback(xk)``, with xk the current parameter vector.
    disp (bool, default=False): if True, print convergence messages.


    To run the solver until termination, call ``Solve()``. Alternately, use
    ``Terminated()`` as the stop condition in a while loop over ``Step``.

    If the algorithm does not meet the given termination conditions after
    the call to ``Step``, the solver may be left in an "out-of-sync" state.
    When abandoning an non-terminated solver, one should call ``Finalize()``
    to make sure the solver is fully returned to a "synchronized" state.
        if 'disp' in kwds:
            disp = bool(kwds['disp'])#; del kwds['disp']
        else: disp = False

        # register: cost, termination, ExtraArgs
        cost = self._bootstrap_objective(cost, ExtraArgs)
        if termination is not None: self.SetTermination(termination)

        # check termination before 'stepping'
        if len(self._stepmon):
            msg = self.Terminated(disp=disp, info=True) or None
        else: msg = None

        # if not terminated, then take a step
        if msg is None:
            self._Step(**kwds) #FIXME: not all kwds are given in __doc__
            if self.Terminated(): # then cleanup/finalize

            # get termination message and log state
            msg = self.Terminated(disp=disp, info=True) or None
            if msg:
                self._stepmon.info('STOP("%s")' % msg)
        return msg

    def _Solve(self, cost, ExtraArgs, **settings):
        """Run the optimizer to termination, using the given settings.

    cost (func): the function to be minimized: ``y = cost(x)``.
    ExtraArgs (tuple): tuple of extra arguments for ``cost``.
    settings (dict): optimizer settings (produced by _process_inputs)

        disp = settings['disp'] if 'disp' in settings else False

        # the main optimization loop
        stop = False
        while not stop: 
            stop = self.Step(**settings) #XXX: remove need to pass settings?

        # if collapse, then activate any relevant collapses and continue
        self.__stop__ = stop  #HACK: avoid re-evaluation of Termination
        while self._collapse and self.Collapse(disp=disp):
            del self.__stop__ #HACK
            stop = False
            while not stop:
                stop = self.Step(**settings) #XXX: move Collapse inside of Step?
            self.__stop__ = stop  #HACK
        del self.__stop__ #HACK

    def Solve(self, cost=None, termination=None, ExtraArgs=None, **kwds):
        """Minimize a 'cost' function with given termination conditions.

Uses an optimization algorithm to find the minimum of a function of one or
more variables.

    cost (func, default=None): the function to be minimized: ``y = cost(x)``.
    termination (termination, default=None): termination conditions.
    ExtraArgs (tuple, default=None): extra arguments for cost.
    sigint_callback (func, default=None): callback function for signal handler.
    callback (func, default=None): function to call after each iteration. The
        interface is ``callback(xk)``, with xk the current parameter vector.
    disp (bool, default=False): if True, print convergence messages.

        # process and activate input settings
        if 'sigint_callback' in kwds:
            self.sigint_callback = kwds['sigint_callback']
            del kwds['sigint_callback']
        else: self.sigint_callback = None
        settings = self._process_inputs(kwds)

        # set up signal handler #FIXME: sigint doesn't behave well in parallel
        self._EARLYEXIT = False  #XXX: why not use EARLYEXIT singleton?

        # activate signal handler
       #import threading as thread
       #mainthread = isinstance(thread.current_thread(), thread._MainThread)
       #if mainthread: #XXX: if not mainthread, signal will raise ValueError
        import mystic._signal as signal
        if self._handle_sigint:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.Handler(self))

        # register: cost, termination, ExtraArgs
        cost = self._bootstrap_objective(cost, ExtraArgs)
        if termination is not None: self.SetTermination(termination)
        #XXX: self.Step(cost, termination, ExtraArgs, **settings) ?

        # run the optimizer to termination
        self._Solve(cost, ExtraArgs, **settings)

        # restore default handler for signal interrupts
        if self._handle_sigint:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler)

    def __copy__(self):
        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls.__new__(cls)
        return result

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        import copy
        import dill
        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls.__new__(cls)
        memo[id(self)] = result
        for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
            if v is self._cost:
                setattr(result, k, tuple(dill.copy(i) for i in v))
                try: #XXX: work-around instancemethods in python2.6
                    setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))
                except TypeError:
                    setattr(result, k, dill.copy(v))
        return result

    # extensions to the solver interface
    evaluations = property(__evaluations )
    generations = property(__generations )
    energy_history = property(__energy_history,__set_energy_history )
    solution_history = property(__solution_history,__set_solution_history )
    bestEnergy = property(__bestEnergy,__set_bestEnergy )
    bestSolution = property(__bestSolution,__set_bestSolution )
    except ImportError:
        from mystic._scipyoptimize import fmin_cg
        leastsq = None
    desol, dstepmon = de_solve()
    print("desol: %s" % desol)
    print("dstepmon 50: %s" % dstepmon.x[50])
    print("dstepmon 100: %s" % dstepmon.x[100])
    # this will try to use nelder_mean from a relatively "near by" point (very sensitive)
    point = [1234., -500., 10., 0.001]  # both cg and nm does fine
    point = [1000, -100, 0, 1]  # cg will do badly on this one
    # this will try nelder-mead from an unconverged DE solution
    #point = dstepmon.x[-150]
    simplex, esow = Monitor(), Monitor()
    solver = fmin(len(point))
    solver.Solve(cost_function, CRT())
    sol = solver.Solution()

    print("\nsimplex solution: %s" % sol)
    solcg = fmin_cg(cost_function, point)
    print("\nConjugate-Gradient (Polak Rubiere) : %s" % solcg)
    if leastsq:
        sollsq = leastsq(vec_cost_function, point)
        sollsq = sollsq[0]
    def Solve(self, cost, termination=None, ExtraArgs=(), **kwds):
        """Minimize a 'cost' function with given termination conditions.


    Uses an ensemble of optimizers to find the minimum of
    a function of one or more variables.


    cost -- the Python function or method to be minimized.

Additional Inputs:

    termination -- callable object providing termination conditions.
    ExtraArgs -- extra arguments for cost.

Further Inputs:

    sigint_callback -- callback function for signal handler.
    callback -- an optional user-supplied function to call after each
        iteration.  It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the
        current parameter vector.                           [default = None]
    disp -- non-zero to print convergence messages.         [default = 0]
        # process and activate input settings
        if 'sigint_callback' in kwds:
            self.sigint_callback = kwds['sigint_callback']
            del kwds['sigint_callback']
        else: self.sigint_callback = None
        settings = self._process_inputs(kwds)
        disp = settings['disp'] if 'disp' in settings else False
        echo = settings['callback'] if 'callback' in settings else None
#       for key in settings:
#           exec "%s = settings['%s']" % (key,key)
        if disp in ['verbose', 'all']: verbose = True
        else: verbose = False

        from mystic.python_map import python_map
        if self._map != python_map:
            #FIXME: EvaluationMonitor fails for MPI, throws error for 'pp'
            from mystic.monitors import Null
            evalmon = Null()
        else: evalmon = self._evalmon
        fcalls, cost = wrap_function(cost, ExtraArgs, evalmon)

        # set up signal handler
       #self._EARLYEXIT = False

        # activate signal_handler
       #import threading as thread
       #mainthread = isinstance(thread.current_thread(), thread._MainThread)
       #if mainthread: #XXX: if not mainthread, signal will raise ValueError
        import mystic._signal as signal
        if self._handle_sigint:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.Handler(self))

        # register termination function
        if termination is not None: self.SetTermination(termination)

        # get the nested solver instance
        solver = self._AbstractEnsembleSolver__get_solver_instance()

        # generate starting points
        initial_values = self._InitialPoints()

        # run optimizer for each grid point
        from copy import deepcopy as _copy
        op = [_copy(solver) for i in range(len(initial_values))]
       #cf = [cost for i in range(len(initial_values))]
        vb = [verbose for i in range(len(initial_values))]
        cb = [echo for i in range(len(initial_values))] #XXX: remove?
        at = self.id if self.id else 0  # start at self.id
        id = range(at,at+len(initial_values))

        # generate the local_optimize function
        def local_optimize(solver, x0, rank=None, disp=False, callback=None):
            from copy import deepcopy as _copy
            from mystic.tools import isNull
            solver.id = rank
            if solver._useStrictRange: #XXX: always, settable, or sync'd ?
                solver.SetStrictRanges(min=solver._strictMin, \
                                       max=solver._strictMax) # or lower,upper ?
            solver.Solve(cost, disp=disp, callback=callback)
            sm = solver._stepmon
            em = solver._evalmon
            if isNull(sm): sm = ([],[],[],[])
            else: sm = (_copy(sm._x),_copy(sm._y),_copy(sm._id),_copy(sm._info))
            if isNull(em): em = ([],[],[],[])
            else: em = (_copy(em._x),_copy(em._y),_copy(em._id),_copy(em._info))
            return solver, sm, em

        # map:: solver = local_optimize(solver, x0, id, verbose)
        results = list(self._map(local_optimize, op, initial_values, id, \
                                                 vb, cb, **self._mapconfig))

        # save initial state
        # reconnect monitors; save all solvers
        from mystic.monitors import Monitor
        while results: #XXX: option to not save allSolvers? skip this and _copy
            _solver, _stepmon, _evalmon = results.pop()
            sm = Monitor()
            sm._x,sm._y,sm._id,sm._info = _stepmon
            del sm
            em = Monitor()
            em._x,em._y,em._id,em._info = _evalmon
            del em
            self._allSolvers[len(results)] = _solver
        del results, _solver, _stepmon, _evalmon
        #XXX: END HACK

        # get the results with the lowest energy
        self._bestSolver = self._allSolvers[0]
        bestpath = self._bestSolver._stepmon
        besteval = self._bestSolver._evalmon
        self._total_evals = self._bestSolver.evaluations
        for solver in self._allSolvers[1:]:
            self._total_evals += solver.evaluations # add func evals
            if solver.bestEnergy < self._bestSolver.bestEnergy:
                self._bestSolver = solver
                bestpath = solver._stepmon
                besteval = solver._evalmon

        # return results to internals
        self.population = self._bestSolver.population #XXX: pointer? copy?
        self.popEnergy = self._bestSolver.popEnergy #XXX: pointer? copy?
        self.bestSolution = self._bestSolver.bestSolution #XXX: pointer? copy?
        self.bestEnergy = self._bestSolver.bestEnergy
        self.trialSolution = self._bestSolver.trialSolution #XXX: pointer? copy?
        self._fcalls = self._bestSolver._fcalls #XXX: pointer? copy?
        self._maxiter = self._bestSolver._maxiter
        self._maxfun = self._bestSolver._maxfun

        # write 'bests' to monitors  #XXX: non-best monitors may be useful too
        self._stepmon = bestpath #XXX: pointer? copy?
        self._evalmon = besteval #XXX: pointer? copy?
        self.energy_history = None
        self.solution_history = None
       #from mystic.tools import isNull
       #if isNull(bestpath):
       #    self._stepmon = bestpath
       #    for i in range(len(bestpath.y)):
       #        self._stepmon(bestpath.x[i], bestpath.y[i], self.id)
       #        #XXX: could apply callback here, or in exec'd code
       #if isNull(besteval):
       #    self._evalmon = besteval
       #    for i in range(len(besteval.y)):
       #        self._evalmon(besteval.x[i], besteval.y[i])

        # restore default handler for signal interrupts
        if self._handle_sigint:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler)

        # log any termination messages
        msg = self.Terminated(disp=disp, info=True)
        if msg: self._stepmon.info('STOP("%s")' % msg)
        # save final state
def impose_expectation(param, f, npts, bounds=None, weights=None, **kwds):
    """impose a given expextation value (m +/- D) on a given function f.
Optimiziation on f over the given bounds seeks a mean 'm' with deviation 'D'.
  (this function is not 'mean-, range-, or variance-preserving')

    param -- a tuple of target parameters: param = (mean, deviation)
    f -- a function that takes a list and returns a number
    npts -- a tuple of dimensions of the target product measure
    bounds -- a tuple of sample bounds:   bounds = (lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
    weights -- a list of sample weights

Additional Inputs:
    constraints -- a function that takes a nested list of N x 1D discrete
        measure positions and weights   x' = constraints(x, w)

    samples -- a list of sample positions

For example:
    >>> # provide the dimensions and bounds
    >>> nx = 3;  ny = 2;  nz = 1
    >>> x_lb = [10.0];  y_lb = [0.0];  z_lb = [10.0]
    >>> x_ub = [50.0];  y_ub = [9.0];  z_ub = [90.0]
    >>> # prepare the bounds
    >>> lb = (nx * x_lb) + (ny * y_lb) + (nz * z_lb)
    >>> ub = (nx * x_ub) + (ny * y_ub) + (nz * z_ub)
    >>> # generate a list of samples with mean +/- dev imposed
    >>> mean = 2.0;  dev = 0.01
    >>> samples = impose_expectation((mean,dev), f, (nx,ny,nz), (lb,ub))
    >>> # test the results by calculating the expectation value for the samples
    >>> expectation(f, samples)
    >>> 2.00001001012246015
    # param[0] is the target mean
    # param[1] is the acceptable deviation from the target mean

    # FIXME: the following is a HACK to recover from lost 'weights' information
    #        we 'mimic' discrete measures using the product measure weights
    # plug in the 'constraints' function:  samples' = constrain(samples, weights)
    constrain = None  # default is no constraints
    if 'constraints' in kwds: constrain = kwds['constraints']
    if not constrain:  # if None (default), there are no constraints
        constraints = lambda x: x
    else:  #XXX: better to use a standard "xk' = constrain(xk)" interface ?

        def constraints(rv):
            coords = _pack(_nested(rv, npts))
            coords = zip(*coords)  # 'mimic' a nested list
            coords = constrain(coords, [weights for i in range(len(coords))])
            coords = zip(*coords)  # revert back to a packed list
            return _flat(_unpack(coords, npts))

    # construct cost function to reduce deviation from expectation value
    def cost(rv):
        """compute cost from a 1-d array of model parameters,
    where:  cost = | E[model] - m |**2 """
        # from mystic.math.measures import _pack, _nested, expectation
        samples = _pack(_nested(rv, npts))
        Ex = expectation(f, samples, weights)
        return (Ex - param[0])**2

    # if bounds are not set, use the default optimizer bounds
    if not bounds:
        lower_bounds = []
        upper_bounds = []
        for n in npts:
            lower_bounds += [None] * n
            upper_bounds += [None] * n
        lower_bounds, upper_bounds = bounds

    # construct and configure optimizer
    debug = kwds['debug'] if 'debug' in kwds else False
    npop = 200
    maxiter = 1000
    maxfun = 1e+6
    crossover = 0.9
    percent_change = 0.9

    def optimize(cost, (lb, ub), tolerance, _constraints):
        from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver2
        from mystic.termination import VTR
        from mystic.strategy import Best1Exp
        from mystic.monitors import VerboseMonitor, Monitor
        from mystic.tools import random_seed
        if debug: random_seed(123)
        evalmon = Monitor()
        stepmon = Monitor()
        if debug: stepmon = VerboseMonitor(10)

        ndim = len(lb)
        solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver2(ndim, npop)
        solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(min=lb, max=ub)
        solver.SetStrictRanges(min=lb, max=ub)
        solver.SetEvaluationLimits(maxiter, maxfun)
        solver.Solve(cost,termination=VTR(tolerance),strategy=Best1Exp, \
                     CrossProbability=crossover,ScalingFactor=percent_change, \
                     constraints = _constraints)

        solved = solver.Solution()
        diameter_squared = solver.bestEnergy
        func_evals = len(evalmon)
        return solved, diameter_squared, func_evals
class AbstractSolver(object):
AbstractSolver base class for mystic optimizers.

    def __init__(self, dim, **kwds):
Takes one initial input:
    dim      -- dimensionality of the problem.

Additional inputs:
    npop     -- size of the trial solution population.       [default = 1]

Important class members:
    nDim, nPop       = dim, npop
    generations      - an iteration counter.
    evaluations      - an evaluation counter.
    bestEnergy       - current best energy.
    bestSolution     - current best parameter set.           [size = dim]
    popEnergy        - set of all trial energy solutions.    [size = npop]
    population       - set of all trial parameter solutions. [size = dim*npop]
    solution_history - history of bestSolution status.       [StepMonitor.x]
    energy_history   - history of bestEnergy status.         [StepMonitor.y]
    signal_handler   - catches the interrupt signal.
        NP = kwds['npop'] if 'npop' in kwds else 1

        self.nDim             = dim
        self.nPop             = NP
        self._init_popEnergy  = inf
        self.popEnergy	      = [self._init_popEnergy] * NP
        self.population	      = [[0.0 for i in range(dim)] for j in range(NP)]
        self.trialSolution    = [0.0] * dim
        self._map_solver      = False
        self._bestEnergy      = None
        self._bestSolution    = None
        self._state           = None
        self._type            = self.__class__.__name__

        self.signal_handler   = None
        self._handle_sigint   = False
        self._useStrictRange  = False
        self._defaultMin      = [-1e3] * dim
        self._defaultMax      = [ 1e3] * dim
        self._strictMin       = []
        self._strictMax       = []
        self._maxiter         = None
        self._maxfun          = None
        self._saveiter        = None
       #self._saveeval        = None

        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor
        self._evalmon         = Null()
        self._stepmon         = Monitor()
        self._fcalls          = [0]
        self._energy_history  = None
        self._solution_history= None
        self.id               = None     # identifier (use like "rank" for MPI)

        self._constraints     = lambda x: x
        self._penalty         = lambda x: 0.0
        self._reducer         = None
        self._cost            = (None, None, None)
        #                       (cost, raw_cost, args) #,callback)
        self._collapse        = False
        self._termination     = lambda x, *ar, **kw: False if len(ar) < 1 or ar[0] is False or (kw['info'] if 'info' in kw else True) == False else '' #XXX: better default ?
        # (get termination details with self._termination.__doc__)

        import mystic.termination as mt
        self._EARLYEXIT       = mt.EARLYEXIT
        self._live            = False 

    def Solution(self):
        """return the best solution"""
        return self.bestSolution

    def __evaluations(self):
        """get the number of function calls"""
        return self._fcalls[0]

    def __generations(self):
        """get the number of iterations"""
        return max(0,len(self._stepmon)-1)

    def __energy_history(self):
        """get the energy_history (default: energy_history = _stepmon._y)"""
        if self._energy_history is None: return self._stepmon._y
        return self._energy_history

    def __set_energy_history(self, energy):
        """set the energy_history (energy=None will sync with _stepmon._y)"""
        self._energy_history = energy

    def __solution_history(self):
        """get the solution_history (default: solution_history = _stepmon.x)"""
        if self._solution_history is None: return self._stepmon.x
        return self._solution_history

    def __set_solution_history(self, params):
        """set the solution_history (params=None will sync with _stepmon.x)"""
        self._solution_history = params

    def __bestSolution(self):
        """get the bestSolution (default: bestSolution = population[0])"""
        if self._bestSolution is None: return self.population[0]
        return self._bestSolution

    def __set_bestSolution(self, params):
        """set the bestSolution (params=None will sync with population[0])"""
        self._bestSolution = params

    def __bestEnergy(self):
        """get the bestEnergy (default: bestEnergy = popEnergy[0])"""
        if self._bestEnergy is None: return self.popEnergy[0]
        return self._bestEnergy

    def __set_bestEnergy(self, energy):
        """set the bestEnergy (energy=None will sync with popEnergy[0])"""
        self._bestEnergy = energy

    def SetReducer(self, reducer, arraylike=False):
        """apply a reducer function to the cost function

    - a reducer function of the form: y' = reducer(yk), where yk is a results
      vector and y' is a single value.  Ideally, this method is applied to
      a cost function with a multi-value return, to reduce the output to a
      single value.  If arraylike, the reducer provided should take a single
      array as input and produce a scalar; otherwise, the reducer provided
      should meet the requirements of the python's builtin 'reduce' method 
      (e.g. lambda x,y: x+y), taking two scalars and producing a scalar."""
        if not reducer:
            self._reducer = None
        elif not callable(reducer):
            raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a callable function" % reducer
        elif not arraylike:
            self._reducer = wrap_reducer(reducer)   
        else: #XXX: check if is arraylike?
            self._reducer = reducer
        return self._update_objective()

    def SetPenalty(self, penalty):
        """apply a penalty function to the optimization

    - a penalty function of the form: y' = penalty(xk), with y = cost(xk) + y',
      where xk is the current parameter vector. Ideally, this function
      is constructed so a penalty is applied when the desired (i.e. encoded)
      constraints are violated. Equality constraints should be considered
      satisfied when the penalty condition evaluates to zero, while
      inequality constraints are satisfied when the penalty condition
      evaluates to a non-positive number."""
        if not penalty:
            self._penalty = lambda x: 0.0
        elif not callable(penalty):
            raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a callable function" % penalty
        else: #XXX: check for format: y' = penalty(x) ?
            self._penalty = penalty
        return self._update_objective()

    def SetConstraints(self, constraints):
        """apply a constraints function to the optimization

    - a constraints function of the form: xk' = constraints(xk),
      where xk is the current parameter vector. Ideally, this function
      is constructed so the parameter vector it passes to the cost function
      will satisfy the desired (i.e. encoded) constraints."""
        if not constraints:
            self._constraints = lambda x: x
        elif not callable(constraints):
            raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a callable function" % constraints
        else: #XXX: check for format: x' = constraints(x) ?
            self._constraints = constraints
        return self._update_objective()

    def SetGenerationMonitor(self, monitor, new=False):
        """select a callable to monitor (x, f(x)) after each solver iteration"""
        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor#, CustomMonitor
        current = Null() if new else self._stepmon
        if isinstance(monitor, Monitor):  # is Monitor()
            self._stepmon = monitor
        elif isinstance(monitor, Null) or monitor == Null: # is Null() or Null
            self._stepmon = Monitor()  #XXX: don't allow Null
        elif hasattr(monitor, '__module__'):  # is CustomMonitor()
            if monitor.__module__ in ['mystic._genSow']:
                self._stepmon = monitor #FIXME: need .prepend(current)
            raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a monitor instance" % monitor
        self.energy_history   = None # sync with self._stepmon
        self.solution_history = None # sync with self._stepmon

    def SetEvaluationMonitor(self, monitor, new=False):
        """select a callable to monitor (x, f(x)) after each cost function evaluation"""
        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor#, CustomMonitor
        current = Null() if new else self._evalmon
        if isinstance(monitor, (Null, Monitor) ):  # is Monitor() or Null()
            self._evalmon = monitor
        elif monitor == Null:  # is Null
            self._evalmon = monitor()
        elif hasattr(monitor, '__module__'):  # is CustomMonitor()
            if monitor.__module__ in ['mystic._genSow']:
                self._evalmon = monitor #FIXME: need .prepend(current)
            raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a monitor instance" % monitor

    def SetStrictRanges(self, min=None, max=None):
        """ensure solution is within bounds

    - min, max: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - each min[i] should be <= the corresponding max[i]

    SetStrictRanges(None) will remove strict range constraints"""
        if min is False or max is False:
            self._useStrictRange = False
            return self._update_objective()
        #XXX: better to use 'defaultMin,defaultMax' or '-inf,inf' ???
        if min is None: min = self._defaultMin
        if max is None: max = self._defaultMax
        # when 'some' of the bounds are given as 'None', replace with default
        for i in range(len(min)): 
            if min[i] is None: min[i] = self._defaultMin[0]
            if max[i] is None: max[i] = self._defaultMax[0]

        min = asarray(min); max = asarray(max)
        if numpy.any(( min > max ),0):
            raise ValueError, "each min[i] must be <= the corresponding max[i]"
        if len(min) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError, "bounds array must be length %s" % self.nDim
        self._useStrictRange = True
        self._strictMin = min
        self._strictMax = max
        return self._update_objective()

    def _clipGuessWithinRangeBoundary(self, x0, at=True):
        """ensure that initial guess is set within bounds

    - x0: must be a sequence of length self.nDim"""
       #if len(x0) != self.nDim: #XXX: unnecessary w/ self.trialSolution
       #    raise ValueError, "initial guess must be length %s" % self.nDim
        x0 = asarray(x0)
        bounds = (self._strictMin,self._strictMax)
        if not len(self._strictMin): return x0
        # clip x0 at bounds
        settings = numpy.seterr(all='ignore')
        x_ = x0.clip(*bounds)
        if at: return x_
        # clip x0 within bounds
        x_ = x_ != x0
        x0[x_] = random.uniform(self._strictMin,self._strictMax)[x_]
        return x0

    def SetInitialPoints(self, x0, radius=0.05):
        """Set Initial Points with Guess (x0)

    - x0: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - radius: generate random points within [-radius*x0, radius*x0]
        for i!=0 when a simplex-type initial guess in required"""
        x0 = asfarray(x0)
        rank = len(x0.shape)
        if rank is 0:
            x0 = asfarray([x0])
            rank = 1
        if not -1 < rank < 2:
            raise ValueError, "Initial guess must be a scalar or rank-1 sequence."
        if len(x0) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError, "Initial guess must be length %s" % self.nDim

        #slightly alter initial values for solvers that depend on randomness
        min = x0*(1-radius)
        max = x0*(1+radius)
        numzeros = len(x0[x0==0])
        min[min==0] = asarray([-radius for i in range(numzeros)])
        max[max==0] = asarray([radius for i in range(numzeros)])
        #stick initial values in population[i], i=0
        self.population[0] = x0.tolist()
    def SetRandomInitialPoints(self, min=None, max=None):
        """Generate Random Initial Points within given Bounds

    - min, max: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - each min[i] should be <= the corresponding max[i]"""
        if min is None: min = self._defaultMin
        if max is None: max = self._defaultMax
       #if numpy.any(( asarray(min) > asarray(max) ),0):
       #    raise ValueError, "each min[i] must be <= the corresponding max[i]"
        if len(min) != self.nDim or len(max) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError, "bounds array must be length %s" % self.nDim
        # when 'some' of the bounds are given as 'None', replace with default
        for i in range(len(min)): 
            if min[i] is None: min[i] = self._defaultMin[0]
            if max[i] is None: max[i] = self._defaultMax[0]
        #generate random initial values
        for i in range(len(self.population)):
            for j in range(self.nDim):
                self.population[i][j] = random.uniform(min[j],max[j])

    def SetMultinormalInitialPoints(self, mean, var=None):
        """Generate Initial Points from Multivariate Normal.

    - mean must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - var can be...
        None: -> it becomes the identity
        scalar: -> var becomes scalar * I
        matrix: -> the variance matrix. must be the right size!
        from mystic.tools import random_state
        rng = random_state(module='numpy.random')
        assert(len(mean) == self.nDim)
        if var is None:
            var = numpy.eye(self.nDim)
            try: # scalar ?
            except: # nope. var better be matrix of the right size (no check)
                var = var * numpy.eye(self.nDim)
        for i in range(len(self.population)):
            self.population[i] = rng.multivariate_normal(mean, var).tolist()

    def SetSampledInitialPoints(self, dist=None):
        """Generate Random Initial Points from Distribution (dist)

    - dist: a mystic.math.Distribution instance
        from mystic.math import Distribution
        if dist is None:
            dist = Distribution()
        elif type(Distribution) not in dist.__class__.mro():
            dist = Distribution(dist) #XXX: or throw error?
        for i in range(self.nPop):
            self.population[i] = dist(self.nDim)

    def enable_signal_handler(self):#, callback='*'):
        """enable workflow interrupt handler while solver is running"""
        """ #XXX: disabled, as would add state to solver
    - if a callback function is provided, generate a new handler with
      the given callback.  If callback is None, do not use a callback.
      If callback is not provided, just turn on the existing handler.
       ## always _generate handler on first call
       #if (self.signal_handler is None) and callback == '*':
       #    callback = None
       ## when a new callback is given, generate a new handler
       #if callback != '*':
       #    self._generateHandler(callback)
        self._handle_sigint = True

    def disable_signal_handler(self):
        """disable workflow interrupt handler while solver is running"""
        self._handle_sigint = False

    def _generateHandler(self,sigint_callback):
        """factory to generate signal handler

Available switches::
    - sol  --> Print current best solution.
    - cont --> Continue calculation.
    - call --> Executes sigint_callback, if provided.
    - exit --> Exits with current best solution.
        def handler(signum, frame):
            import inspect
            print inspect.getframeinfo(frame)
            print inspect.trace()
            while 1:
                s = raw_input(\
 Enter sense switch.

    sol:  Print current best solution.
    cont: Continue calculation.
    call: Executes sigint_callback [%s].
    exit: Exits with current best solution.

 >>> """ % sigint_callback)
                if s.lower() == 'sol': 
                    print self.bestSolution
                elif s.lower() == 'cont': 
                elif s.lower() == 'call': 
                    # sigint call_back
                    if sigint_callback is not None:
                elif s.lower() == 'exit': 
                    self._EARLYEXIT = True
                    print "unknown option : %s" % s
        self.signal_handler = handler

    def SetSaveFrequency(self, generations=None, filename=None, **kwds):
        """set frequency for saving solver restart file

    - generations = number of solver iterations before next save of state
    - filename = name of file in which to save solver state

    SetSaveFrequency(None) will disable saving solver restart file"""
        self._saveiter = generations
       #self._saveeval = evaluations
        self._state = filename

    def SetEvaluationLimits(self, generations=None, evaluations=None, \
                                                    new=False, **kwds):
        """set limits for generations and/or evaluations

    - generations = maximum number of solver iterations (i.e. steps)
    - evaluations = maximum number of function evaluations"""
        # backward compatibility
        self._maxiter = kwds['maxiter'] if 'maxiter' in kwds else generations
        self._maxfun = kwds['maxfun'] if 'maxfun' in kwds else evaluations
        # handle if new (reset counter, instead of extend counter)
        if new:
            if generations is not None:
                self._maxiter += self.generations
                self._maxiter = "*" #XXX: better as self._newmax = True ?
            if evaluations is not None:
                self._maxfun += self.evaluations
                self._maxfun = "*"

    def _SetEvaluationLimits(self, iterscale=None, evalscale=None):
        """set the evaluation limits"""
        if iterscale is None: iterscale = 10
        if evalscale is None: evalscale = 1000
        N = len(self.population[0]) # usually self.nDim
        # if SetEvaluationLimits not applied, use the solver default
        if self._maxiter is None:
            self._maxiter = N * self.nPop * iterscale
        elif self._maxiter == "*": # (i.e. None, but 'reset counter') 
            self._maxiter = (N * self.nPop * iterscale) + self.generations
        if self._maxfun is None:
            self._maxfun = N * self.nPop * evalscale
        elif self._maxiter == "*":
            self._maxfun = (N * self.nPop * evalscale) + self.evaluations

    def Terminated(self, disp=False, info=False, termination=None):
        """check if the solver meets the given termination conditions

    - disp = if True, print termination statistics and/or warnings
    - info = if True, return termination message (instead of boolean)
    - termination = termination conditions to check against

    If no termination conditions are given, the solver's stored
    termination conditions will be used.
        if termination is None:
            termination = self._termination
        # ensure evaluation limits have been imposed
        # check for termination messages
        msg = termination(self, info=True)
        sig = "SolverInterrupt with %s" % {}
        lim = "EvaluationLimits with %s" % {'evaluations':self._maxfun,

        # push solver internals to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
        if self._fcalls[0] >= self._maxfun and self._maxfun is not None:
            msg = lim #XXX: prefer the default stop ?
            if disp:
                print "Warning: Maximum number of function evaluations has "\
                      "been exceeded."
        elif self.generations >= self._maxiter and self._maxiter is not None:
            msg = lim #XXX: prefer the default stop ?
            if disp:
                print "Warning: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded"
        elif self._EARLYEXIT:
            msg = sig
            if disp:
                print "Warning: Optimization terminated with signal interrupt."
        elif msg and disp:
            print "Optimization terminated successfully."
            print "         Current function value: %f" % self.bestEnergy
            print "         Iterations: %d" % self.generations
            print "         Function evaluations: %d" % self._fcalls[0]

        if info:
            return msg
        return bool(msg)

    def SetTermination(self, termination): # disp ?
        """set the termination conditions"""
        #XXX: validate that termination is a 'condition' ?
        self._termination = termination
        self._collapse = False
        if termination is not None:
            from mystic.termination import state
            self._collapse = any(key.startswith('Collapse') for key in state(termination).iterkeys())

    def SetObjective(self, cost, ExtraArgs=None):  # callback=None/False ?
        """decorate the cost function with bounds, penalties, monitors, etc"""
        _cost,_raw,_args = self._cost
        # check if need to 'wrap' or can return the stored cost
        if (cost is None or cost is _raw or cost is _cost) and \
           (ExtraArgs is None or ExtraArgs is _args):
        # get cost and args if None was given
        if cost is None: cost = _raw
        args = _args if ExtraArgs is None else ExtraArgs
        args = () if args is None else args
        # quick validation check (so doesn't screw up internals)
        if not isvalid(cost, [0]*self.nDim, *args):
            try: name = cost.__name__
            except AttributeError: # raise new error for non-callables
            validate(cost, None, *args)
           #val = len(args) + 1  #XXX: 'klepto.validate' for better error?
           #msg = '%s() invalid number of arguments (%d given)' % (name, val)
           #raise TypeError(msg)
        # hold on to the 'raw' cost function
        self._cost = (None, cost, ExtraArgs)
        self._live = False

    def Collapsed(self, disp=False, info=False):
        """check if the solver meets the given collapse conditions

    - disp = if True, print details about the solver state at collapse
    - info = if True, return collapsed state (instead of boolean)
        stop = getattr(self, '__stop__', self.Terminated(info=True))
        import mystic.collapse as ct
        collapses = ct.collapsed(stop) or dict()
        if collapses and disp:
            for (k,v) in collapses.iteritems():
                print "         %s: %s" % (k.split()[0],v)
           #print "# Collapse at: Generation", self._stepmon._step-1, \
           #      "with", self.bestEnergy, "@\n#", list(self.bestSolution)
        return collapses if info else bool(collapses) 

    def Collapse(self, disp=False):
        """if solver has terminated by collapse, apply the collapse"""
        collapses = self.Collapsed(disp=disp, info=True)
        if collapses: # then stomach a bunch of module imports (yuck)
            import mystic.tools as to
            import mystic.termination as mt
            import mystic.constraints as cn
            import mystic.mask as ma
            # get collapse conditions  #XXX: efficient? 4x loops over collapses
            state = mt.state(self._termination)
            npts = getattr(self._stepmon, '_npts', None)  #XXX: default?
            conditions = [cn.impose_at(*to.select_params(self,collapses[k])) if state[k].get('target') is None else cn.impose_at(collapses[k],state[k].get('target')) for k in collapses if k.startswith('CollapseAt')]
            conditions += [cn.impose_as(collapses[k],state[k].get('offset')) for k in collapses if k.startswith('CollapseAs')]
            # get measure collapse conditions
            if npts: #XXX: faster/better if comes first or last?
                conditions += [cn.impose_measure( npts, [collapses[k] for k in collapses if k.startswith('CollapsePosition')], [collapses[k] for k in collapses if k.startswith('CollapseWeight')] )]

            # update termination and constraints in solver
            constraints = to.chain(*conditions)(self._constraints)
            termination = ma.update_mask(self._termination, collapses)
            #print mt.state(self._termination).keys()
        return collapses

    def _update_objective(self):
        """decorate the cost function with bounds, penalties, monitors, etc"""
        # rewrap the cost if the solver has been run
        if False: # trigger immediately
        else: # delay update until _bootstrap

    def _decorate_objective(self, cost, ExtraArgs=None):
        """decorate the cost function with bounds, penalties, monitors, etc"""
        #print ("@", cost, ExtraArgs, max)
        raw = cost
        if ExtraArgs is None: ExtraArgs = ()
        self._fcalls, cost = wrap_function(cost, ExtraArgs, self._evalmon)
        if self._useStrictRange:
            indx = list(self.popEnergy).index(self.bestEnergy)
            ngen = self.generations #XXX: no random if generations=0 ?
            for i in range(self.nPop):
                self.population[i] = self._clipGuessWithinRangeBoundary(self.population[i], (not ngen) or (i is indx))
            cost = wrap_bounds(cost, self._strictMin, self._strictMax)
        cost = wrap_penalty(cost, self._penalty)
        cost = wrap_nested(cost, self._constraints)
        if self._reducer:
           #cost = reduced(*self._reducer)(cost) # was self._reducer = (f,bool)
            cost = reduced(self._reducer, arraylike=True)(cost)
        # hold on to the 'wrapped' and 'raw' cost function
        self._cost = (cost, raw, ExtraArgs)
        self._live = True
        return cost

    def _bootstrap_objective(self, cost=None, ExtraArgs=None):
        """HACK to enable not explicitly calling _decorate_objective"""
        _cost,_raw,_args = self._cost
        # check if need to 'wrap' or can return the stored cost
        if (cost is None or cost is _raw or cost is _cost) and \
           (ExtraArgs is None or ExtraArgs is _args) and self._live:
            return _cost
        # 'wrap' the 'new' cost function with _decorate
        self.SetObjective(cost, ExtraArgs)
        return self._decorate_objective(*self._cost[1:])
        #XXX: when _decorate called, solver._fcalls will be reset ?

    def _Step(self, cost=None, ExtraArgs=None, **kwds):
        """perform a single optimization iteration

*** this method must be overwritten ***"""
        raise NotImplementedError, "an optimization algorithm was not provided"

    def SaveSolver(self, filename=None, **kwds):
        """save solver state to a restart file"""
        import dill
        fd = None
        if filename is None: # then check if already has registered file
            if self._state is None: # then create a new one
                import os, tempfile
                fd, self._state = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pkl')
            filename = self._state
        self._state = filename
        f = file(filename, 'wb')
            dill.dump(self, f, **kwds)
            self._stepmon.info('DUMPED("%s")' % filename) #XXX: before / after ?

    def __save_state(self, force=False):
        """save the solver state, if chosen save frequency is met"""
        # save the last iteration
        if force and bool(self._state):
        # save the zeroth iteration
        nonzero = True #XXX: or bool(self.generations) ?
        # after _saveiter generations, then save state
        iters = self._saveiter
        saveiter = bool(iters) and not bool(self.generations % iters)
        if nonzero and saveiter:
        #FIXME: if _saveeval (or more) since last check, then save state
       #save = self.evaluations % self._saveeval

    def __load_state(self, solver, **kwds):
        """load solver.__dict__ into self.__dict__; override with kwds"""
        #XXX: should do some filtering on kwds ?
        self.__dict__.update(solver.__dict__, **kwds)

    def Finalize(self, **kwds):
        """cleanup upon exiting the main optimization loop"""
        self._live = False

    def _process_inputs(self, kwds):
        """process and activate input settings"""
        #allow for inputs that don't conform to AbstractSolver interface
        #NOTE: not sticky: callback, disp
        #NOTE: sticky: EvaluationMonitor, StepMonitor, penalty, constraints
        settings = \
       {'callback':None,     #user-supplied function, called after each step
        'disp':0}            #non-zero to print convergence messages
        [settings.update({i:j}) for (i,j) in kwds.items() if i in settings]
        # backward compatibility
        if 'EvaluationMonitor' in kwds: \
        if 'StepMonitor' in kwds: \
        if 'penalty' in kwds: \
        if 'constraints' in kwds: \
        return settings

    def Step(self, cost=None, termination=None, ExtraArgs=None, **kwds):
        """Take a single optimiztion step using the given 'cost' function.


    Uses an optimization algorithm to take one 'step' toward
    the minimum of a function of one or more variables.


    cost -- the Python function or method to be minimized.

Additional Inputs:

    termination -- callable object providing termination conditions.
    ExtraArgs -- extra arguments for cost.

Further Inputs:

    callback -- an optional user-supplied function to call after each
        iteration.  It is called as callback(xk), where xk is
        the current parameter vector.  [default = None]
    disp -- non-zero to print convergence messages.

    If the algorithm does not meet the given termination conditions after
    the call to "Step", the solver may be left in an "out-of-sync" state.
    When abandoning an non-terminated solver, one should call "Finalize"
    to make sure the solver is fully returned to a "synchronized" state.

    To run the solver until termination, call "Solve()".  Alternately, use
    Terminated()" as the condition in a while loop over "Step".
        disp = kwds.pop('disp', False)

        # register: cost, termination, ExtraArgs
        cost = self._bootstrap_objective(cost, ExtraArgs)
        if termination is not None: self.SetTermination(termination)

        # check termination before 'stepping'
        if len(self._stepmon):
            msg = self.Terminated(disp=disp, info=True) or None
        else: msg = None

        # if not terminated, then take a step
        if msg is None:
            self._Step(**kwds) #FIXME: not all kwds are given in __doc__
            if self.Terminated(): # then cleanup/finalize

            # get termination message and log state
            msg = self.Terminated(disp=disp, info=True) or None
            if msg:
                self._stepmon.info('STOP("%s")' % msg)
        return msg

    def Solve(self, cost=None, termination=None, ExtraArgs=None, **kwds):
        """Minimize a 'cost' function with given termination conditions.


    Uses an optimization algorithm to find the minimum of
    a function of one or more variables.


    cost -- the Python function or method to be minimized.

Additional Inputs:

    termination -- callable object providing termination conditions.
    ExtraArgs -- extra arguments for cost.

Further Inputs:

    sigint_callback -- callback function for signal handler.
    callback -- an optional user-supplied function to call after each
        iteration.  It is called as callback(xk), where xk is
        the current parameter vector.  [default = None]
    disp -- non-zero to print convergence messages.
        # process and activate input settings
        sigint_callback = kwds.pop('sigint_callback', None)
        settings = self._process_inputs(kwds)
        disp = settings.get('disp', False)

        # set up signal handler
        self._EARLYEXIT = False  #XXX: why not use EARLYEXIT singleton?

        # activate signal handler
       #import threading as thread
       #mainthread = isinstance(thread.current_thread(), thread._MainThread)
       #if mainthread: #XXX: if not mainthread, signal will raise ValueError
        import signal
        if self._handle_sigint:

        # register: cost, termination, ExtraArgs
        cost = self._bootstrap_objective(cost, ExtraArgs)
        if termination is not None: self.SetTermination(termination)
        #XXX: self.Step(cost, termination, ExtraArgs, **settings) ?

        # the main optimization loop
        stop = False
        while not stop: 
            stop = self.Step(**settings) #XXX: remove need to pass settings?

        # if collapse, then activate any relevant collapses and continue
        self.__stop__ = stop  #HACK: avoid re-evaluation of Termination
        while self._collapse and self.Collapse(disp=disp):
            del self.__stop__ #HACK
            stop = False
            while not stop:
                stop = self.Step(**settings) #XXX: move Collapse inside of Step?
            self.__stop__ = stop  #HACK
        del self.__stop__ #HACK

        # restore default handler for signal interrupts
        if self._handle_sigint:

    def __copy__(self):
        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls.__new__(cls)
        return result

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        import copy
        import dill
        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls.__new__(cls)
        memo[id(self)] = result
        for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
            if v is self._cost:
                setattr(result, k, tuple(dill.copy(i) for i in v))
                try: #XXX: work-around instancemethods in python2.6
                    setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))
                except TypeError:
                    setattr(result, k, dill.copy(v))
        return result

    # extensions to the solver interface
    evaluations = property(__evaluations )
    generations = property(__generations )
    energy_history = property(__energy_history,__set_energy_history )
    solution_history = property(__solution_history,__set_solution_history )
    bestEnergy = property(__bestEnergy,__set_bestEnergy )
    bestSolution = property(__bestSolution,__set_bestSolution )
    algor = []
    x0 = [0.8, 1.2, 0.7]
    #x0 = [0.8,1.2,1.7]                  #... better when using "bad" range
    min = [-0.999, -0.999, 0.999]  #XXX: behaves badly when large range
    max = [200.001, 100.001,
           numpy.inf]  #... for >=1 x0 out of bounds; (up xtol)
    # min = [-0.999, -0.999, -0.999]
    # max = [200.001, 100.001, numpy.inf]
    #  min = [-0.999, -0.999, 0.999]
    #  max = [2.001, 1.001, 1.001]
    print "Nelder-Mead Simplex"
    print "==================="
    start = time.time()
    from mystic.monitors import Monitor, VerboseMonitor
    #stepmon = VerboseMonitor(1)
    stepmon = Monitor()  #VerboseMonitor(10)
    from mystic.termination import CandidateRelativeTolerance as CRT

    #from mystic._scipyoptimize import fmin
    from mystic.solvers import fmin, NelderMeadSimplexSolver
    #print fmin(rosen,x0,retall=0,full_output=0,maxiter=121)
    solver = NelderMeadSimplexSolver(len(x0))
    solver.SetStrictRanges(min, max)
    solver.Solve(rosen, CRT(xtol=4e-5), disp=1)
    print solver.bestSolution
    #print "Current function value: %s" % solver.bestEnergy
    #print "Iterations: %s" % solver.generations
def diffev(cost,x0,npop=4,args=(),bounds=None,ftol=5e-3,gtol=None,
    """Minimize a function using differential evolution.


    Uses a differential evolution algorith to find the minimum of
    a function of one or more variables. Mimics a scipy.optimize style


    cost -- the Python function or method to be minimized.
    x0 -- the initial guess (ndarray), if desired to start from a
        set point; otherwise takes an array of (min,max) bounds,
        for when random initial points are desired
    npop -- size of the trial solution population.

Additional Inputs:

    args -- extra arguments for cost.
    bounds -- list - n pairs of bounds (min,max), one pair for each parameter.
    ftol -- number - acceptable relative error in cost(xopt) for convergence.
    gtol -- number - maximum number of iterations to run without improvement.
    maxiter -- number - the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun -- number - the maximum number of function evaluations.
    cross -- number - the probability of cross-parameter mutations
    scale -- number - multiplier for impact of mutations on trial solution.
    full_output -- number - non-zero if fval and warnflag outputs are desired.
    disp -- number - non-zero to print convergence messages.
    retall -- number - non-zero to return list of solutions at each iteration.
    callback -- an optional user-supplied function to call after each
        iteration.  It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the
        current parameter vector.
    handler -- boolean - enable/disable handling of interrupt signal
    strategy -- strategy - override the default mutation strategy
    itermon -- monitor - override the default GenerationMonitor
    evalmon -- monitor - override the default EvaluationMonitor
    constraints -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        constraints(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function must return xk', a parameter vector that satisfies
        the encoded constraints.
    penalty -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        penalty(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function should return y', with y' == 0 when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied, and y' > 0 otherwise.

Returns: (xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag}, {allvecs})

    xopt -- ndarray - minimizer of function
    fopt -- number - value of function at minimum: fopt = cost(xopt)
    iter -- number - number of iterations
    funcalls -- number - number of function calls
    warnflag -- number - Integer warning flag:
        1 : 'Maximum number of function evaluations.'
        2 : 'Maximum number of iterations.'
    allvecs -- list - a list of solutions at each iteration

    invariant_current = False
    if kwds.has_key('invariant_current'):
        invariant_current = kwds['invariant_current']
    handler = False
    if kwds.has_key('handler'):
        handler = kwds['handler']

    from mystic.strategy import Best1Bin
    strategy = Best1Bin
    if kwds.has_key('strategy'):
        strategy = kwds['strategy']
    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = Monitor()
    evalmon = Monitor()
    if kwds.has_key('itermon'):
        stepmon = kwds['itermon']
    if kwds.has_key('evalmon'):
        evalmon = kwds['evalmon']
    if gtol: #if number of generations provided, use ChangeOverGeneration 
        from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration
        termination = ChangeOverGeneration(ftol,gtol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)

    ND = len(x0)
    if invariant_current: #use Solver2, not Solver1
        solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver2(ND,npop)
        solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(ND,npop)
    if kwds.has_key('penalty'):
        penalty = kwds['penalty']
    if kwds.has_key('constraints'):
        constraints = kwds['constraints']
    if bounds is not None:
        minb,maxb = unpair(bounds)

    try: #x0 passed as 1D array of (min,max) pairs
        minb,maxb = unpair(x0)
    except: #x0 passed as 1D array of initial parameter values

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
    #TODO: allow sigint_callbacks for all minimal interfaces ?
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
   #x = list(solver.bestSolution)
    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = stepmon.x

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:
        warnflag = 1
        if disp:
            print "Warning: Maximum number of function evaluations has "\
                  "been exceeded."
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:
        warnflag = 2
        if disp:
            print "Warning: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded"
        if disp:
            print "Optimization terminated successfully."
            print "         Current function value: %f" % fval
            print "         Iterations: %d" % iterations
            print "         Function evaluations: %d" % fcalls

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs,)
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
def fmin(cost,
    """Minimize a function using the downhill simplex algorithm.

    Uses a Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm to find the minimum of
    a function of one or more variables. Mimics the scipy.optimize.fmin


    cost -- the Python function or method to be minimized.
    x0 -- ndarray - the initial guess.

Additional Inputs:

    args -- extra arguments for cost.
    bounds -- list - n pairs of bounds (min,max), one pair for each parameter.
    xtol -- number - acceptable relative error in xopt for convergence.
    ftol -- number - acceptable relative error in cost(xopt) for
    maxiter -- number - the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun -- number - the maximum number of function evaluations.
    full_output -- number - non-zero if fval and warnflag outputs are
    disp -- number - non-zero to print convergence messages.
    retall -- number - non-zero to return list of solutions at each
    callback -- an optional user-supplied function to call after each
        iteration.  It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the
        current parameter vector.
    handler -- boolean - enable/disable handling of interrupt signal
    itermon -- monitor - override the default GenerationMonitor
    evalmon -- monitor - override the default EvaluationMonitor
    constraints -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        constraints(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function must return xk', a parameter vector that satisfies
        the encoded constraints.
    penalty -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        penalty(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function should return y', with y' == 0 when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied, and y' > 0 otherwise.

Returns: (xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag}, {allvecs})

    xopt -- ndarray - minimizer of function
    fopt -- number - value of function at minimum: fopt = cost(xopt)
    iter -- number - number of iterations
    funcalls -- number - number of function calls
    warnflag -- number - Integer warning flag:
        1 : 'Maximum number of function evaluations.'
        2 : 'Maximum number of iterations.'
    allvecs -- list - a list of solutions at each iteration

    handler = False
    if kwds.has_key('handler'):
        handler = kwds['handler']

    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = Monitor()
    evalmon = Monitor()
    if kwds.has_key('itermon'):
        stepmon = kwds['itermon']
    if kwds.has_key('evalmon'):
        evalmon = kwds['evalmon']

    if xtol:  #if tolerance in x is provided, use CandidateRelativeTolerance
        from mystic.termination import CandidateRelativeTolerance as CRT
        termination = CRT(xtol, ftol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)
    solver = NelderMeadSimplexSolver(len(x0))
    solver.SetEvaluationLimits(maxiter, maxfun)
    if kwds.has_key('penalty'):
        penalty = kwds['penalty']
    if kwds.has_key('constraints'):
        constraints = kwds['constraints']
    if bounds is not None:
        minb, maxb = unpair(bounds)
        solver.SetStrictRanges(minb, maxb)

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
                 disp=disp, ExtraArgs=args, callback=callback)
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
    #x = list(solver.bestSolution)
    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = stepmon.x

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:
        warnflag = 1
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:
        warnflag = 2

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs, )
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
def fmin_powell(cost,
    """Minimize a function using modified Powell's method.

    Uses a modified Powell Directional Search algorithm to find
    the minimum of function of one or more variables.  Mimics the
    scipy.optimize.fmin_powell interface.


    cost -- the Python function or method to be minimized.
    x0 -- ndarray - the initial guess.

Additional Inputs:

    args -- extra arguments for cost.
    bounds -- list - n pairs of bounds (min,max), one pair for each parameter.
    xtol -- number - acceptable relative error in xopt for
    ftol -- number - acceptable relative error in cost(xopt) for
    gtol -- number - maximum number of iterations to run without improvement.
    maxiter -- number - the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun -- number - the maximum number of function evaluations.
    full_output -- number - non-zero if fval and warnflag outputs
        are desired.
    disp -- number - non-zero to print convergence messages.
    retall -- number - non-zero to return list of solutions at each
    callback -- an optional user-supplied function to call after each
        iteration.  It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the
        current parameter vector.
    direc -- initial direction set
    handler -- boolean - enable/disable handling of interrupt signal
    itermon -- monitor - override the default GenerationMonitor
    evalmon -- monitor - override the default EvaluationMonitor
    constraints -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        constraints(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function must return xk', a parameter vector that satisfies
        the encoded constraints.
    penalty -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        penalty(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function should return y', with y' == 0 when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied, and y' > 0 otherwise.

Returns: (xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag, direc}, {allvecs})

    xopt -- ndarray - minimizer of function
    fopt -- number - value of function at minimum: fopt = cost(xopt)
    iter -- number - number of iterations
    funcalls -- number - number of function calls
    warnflag -- number - Integer warning flag:
        1 : 'Maximum number of function evaluations.'
        2 : 'Maximum number of iterations.'
    direc -- current direction set
    allvecs -- list - a list of solutions at each iteration

    #FIXME: need to resolve "direc"
    #        - should just pass 'direc', and then hands-off ?  How return it ?

    handler = False
    if kwds.has_key('handler'):
        handler = kwds['handler']

    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = Monitor()
    evalmon = Monitor()
    if kwds.has_key('itermon'):
        stepmon = kwds['itermon']
    if kwds.has_key('evalmon'):
        evalmon = kwds['evalmon']

    gtol = 2  # termination generations (scipy: 2, default: 10)
    if kwds.has_key('gtol'):
        gtol = kwds['gtol']
    if gtol:  #if number of generations is provided, use NCOG
        from mystic.termination import NormalizedChangeOverGeneration as NCOG
        termination = NCOG(ftol, gtol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)

    solver = PowellDirectionalSolver(len(x0))
    solver.SetEvaluationLimits(maxiter, maxfun)
    if kwds.has_key('penalty'):
        penalty = kwds['penalty']
    if kwds.has_key('constraints'):
        constraints = kwds['constraints']
    if bounds is not None:
        minb, maxb = unpair(bounds)
        solver.SetStrictRanges(minb, maxb)

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
                 xtol=xtol, ExtraArgs=args, callback=callback, \
                 disp=disp, direc=direc)   #XXX: last two lines use **kwds
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin_powell interface
    #x = list(solver.bestSolution)
    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = stepmon.x
    direc = solver._direc

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:
        warnflag = 1
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:
        warnflag = 2

    x = squeeze(x)  #FIXME: write squeezed x to stepmon instead?

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag, direc
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs, )
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
class AbstractSolver(object):
AbstractSolver base class for mystic optimizers.
    def __init__(self, dim, **kwds):
Takes one initial input:
    dim      -- dimensionality of the problem.

Additional inputs:
    npop     -- size of the trial solution population.       [default = 1]

Important class members:
    nDim, nPop       = dim, npop
    generations      - an iteration counter.
    evaluations      - an evaluation counter.
    bestEnergy       - current best energy.
    bestSolution     - current best parameter set.           [size = dim]
    popEnergy        - set of all trial energy solutions.    [size = npop]
    population       - set of all trial parameter solutions. [size = dim*npop]
    solution_history - history of bestSolution status.       [StepMonitor.x]
    energy_history   - history of bestEnergy status.         [StepMonitor.y]
    signal_handler   - catches the interrupt signal.
        NP = 1
        if kwds.has_key('npop'): NP = kwds['npop']

        self.nDim = dim
        self.nPop = NP
        self._init_popEnergy = inf
        self.popEnergy = [self._init_popEnergy] * NP
        self.population = [[0.0 for i in range(dim)] for j in range(NP)]
        self.trialSolution = [0.0] * dim
        self._map_solver = False
        self._bestEnergy = None
        self._bestSolution = None
        self._state = None
        self._type = self.__class__.__name__

        self.signal_handler = None
        self._handle_sigint = False
        self._useStrictRange = False
        self._defaultMin = [-1e3] * dim
        self._defaultMax = [1e3] * dim
        self._strictMin = []
        self._strictMax = []
        self._maxiter = None
        self._maxfun = None
        self._saveiter = None
        #self._saveeval        = None

        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor
        self._evalmon = Null()
        self._stepmon = Monitor()
        self._fcalls = [0]
        self._energy_history = None
        self._solution_history = None
        self.id = None  # identifier (use like "rank" for MPI)

        self._constraints = lambda x: x
        self._penalty = lambda x: 0.0
        self._cost = (None, None)
        self._termination = lambda x, *ar, **kw: False if len(ar) < 1 or ar[
            0] is False or kw.get('info', True
                                  ) == False else ''  #XXX: better default ?
        # (get termination details with self._termination.__doc__)

        import mystic.termination
        self._EARLYEXIT = mystic.termination.EARLYEXIT

    def Solution(self):
        """return the best solution"""
        return self.bestSolution

    def __evaluations(self):
        """get the number of function calls"""
        return self._fcalls[0]

    def __generations(self):
        """get the number of iterations"""
        return max(0, len(self.energy_history) - 1)

    #return max(0,len(self._stepmon)-1)

    def __energy_history(self):
        """get the energy_history (default: energy_history = _stepmon.y)"""
        if self._energy_history is None: return self._stepmon.y
        return self._energy_history

    def __set_energy_history(self, energy):
        """set the energy_history (energy=None will sync with _stepmon.y)"""
        self._energy_history = energy

    def __solution_history(self):
        """get the solution_history (default: solution_history = _stepmon.x)"""
        if self._solution_history is None: return self._stepmon.x
        return self._solution_history

    def __set_solution_history(self, params):
        """set the solution_history (params=None will sync with _stepmon.x)"""
        self._solution_history = params

    def __bestSolution(self):
        """get the bestSolution (default: bestSolution = population[0])"""
        if self._bestSolution is None: return self.population[0]
        return self._bestSolution

    def __set_bestSolution(self, params):
        """set the bestSolution (params=None will sync with population[0])"""
        self._bestSolution = params

    def __bestEnergy(self):
        """get the bestEnergy (default: bestEnergy = popEnergy[0])"""
        if self._bestEnergy is None: return self.popEnergy[0]
        return self._bestEnergy

    def __set_bestEnergy(self, energy):
        """set the bestEnergy (energy=None will sync with popEnergy[0])"""
        self._bestEnergy = energy

    def SetPenalty(self, penalty):
        """apply a penalty function to the optimization

    - a penalty function of the form: y' = penalty(xk), with y = cost(xk) + y',
      where xk is the current parameter vector. Ideally, this function
      is constructed so a penalty is applied when the desired (i.e. encoded)
      constraints are violated. Equality constraints should be considered
      satisfied when the penalty condition evaluates to zero, while
      inequality constraints are satisfied when the penalty condition
      evaluates to a non-positive number."""
        if not penalty:
            self._penalty = lambda x: 0.0
        elif not callable(penalty):
            raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a callable function" % penalty
        else:  #XXX: check for format: y' = penalty(x) ?
            self._penalty = penalty

    def SetConstraints(self, constraints):
        """apply a constraints function to the optimization

    - a constraints function of the form: xk' = constraints(xk),
      where xk is the current parameter vector. Ideally, this function
      is constructed so the parameter vector it passes to the cost function
      will satisfy the desired (i.e. encoded) constraints."""
        if not constraints:
            self._constraints = lambda x: x
        elif not callable(constraints):
            raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a callable function" % constraints
        else:  #XXX: check for format: x' = constraints(x) ?
            self._constraints = constraints

    def SetGenerationMonitor(self, monitor, new=False):
        """select a callable to monitor (x, f(x)) after each solver iteration"""
        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor  #, CustomMonitor
        current = Null() if new else self._stepmon
        if isinstance(monitor, Monitor):  # is Monitor()
            self._stepmon = monitor
        elif isinstance(monitor, Null) or monitor == Null:  # is Null() or Null
            self._stepmon = Monitor()  #XXX: don't allow Null
        elif hasattr(monitor, '__module__'):  # is CustomMonitor()
            if monitor.__module__ in ['mystic._genSow']:
                self._stepmon = monitor  #FIXME: need .prepend(current)
            raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a monitor instance" % monitor
        self.energy_history = self._stepmon.y
        self.solution_history = self._stepmon.x

    def SetEvaluationMonitor(self, monitor, new=False):
        """select a callable to monitor (x, f(x)) after each cost function evaluation"""
        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor  #, CustomMonitor
        current = Null() if new else self._evalmon
        if isinstance(monitor, (Null, Monitor)):  # is Monitor() or Null()
            self._evalmon = monitor
        elif monitor == Null:  # is Null
            self._evalmon = monitor()
        elif hasattr(monitor, '__module__'):  # is CustomMonitor()
            if monitor.__module__ in ['mystic._genSow']:
                self._evalmon = monitor  #FIXME: need .prepend(current)
            raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a monitor instance" % monitor

    def SetStrictRanges(self, min=None, max=None):
        """ensure solution is within bounds

    - min, max: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - each min[i] should be <= the corresponding max[i]

    SetStrictRanges(None) will remove strict range constraints"""
        if min is False or max is False:
            self._useStrictRange = False
        #XXX: better to use 'defaultMin,defaultMax' or '-inf,inf' ???
        if min == None: min = self._defaultMin
        if max == None: max = self._defaultMax
        # when 'some' of the bounds are given as 'None', replace with default
        for i in range(len(min)):
            if min[i] == None: min[i] = self._defaultMin[0]
            if max[i] == None: max[i] = self._defaultMax[0]

        min = asarray(min)
        max = asarray(max)
        if numpy.any((min > max), 0):
            raise ValueError, "each min[i] must be <= the corresponding max[i]"
        if len(min) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError, "bounds array must be length %s" % self.nDim
        self._useStrictRange = True
        self._strictMin = min
        self._strictMax = max

    def _clipGuessWithinRangeBoundary(self,
                                      x0):  #FIXME: use self.trialSolution?
        """ensure that initial guess is set within bounds

    - x0: must be a sequence of length self.nDim"""
        #if len(x0) != self.nDim: #XXX: unnecessary w/ self.trialSolution
        #    raise ValueError, "initial guess must be length %s" % self.nDim
        x0 = asarray(x0)
        lo = self._strictMin
        hi = self._strictMax
        # crop x0 at bounds
        x0[x0 < lo] = lo[x0 < lo]
        x0[x0 > hi] = hi[x0 > hi]
        return x0

    def SetInitialPoints(self, x0, radius=0.05):
        """Set Initial Points with Guess (x0)

    - x0: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - radius: generate random points within [-radius*x0, radius*x0]
        for i!=0 when a simplex-type initial guess in required"""
        x0 = asfarray(x0)
        rank = len(x0.shape)
        if rank is 0:
            x0 = asfarray([x0])
            rank = 1
        if not -1 < rank < 2:
            raise ValueError, "Initial guess must be a scalar or rank-1 sequence."
        if len(x0) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError, "Initial guess must be length %s" % self.nDim

        #slightly alter initial values for solvers that depend on randomness
        min = x0 * (1 - radius)
        max = x0 * (1 + radius)
        numzeros = len(x0[x0 == 0])
        min[min == 0] = asarray([-radius for i in range(numzeros)])
        max[max == 0] = asarray([radius for i in range(numzeros)])
        self.SetRandomInitialPoints(min, max)
        #stick initial values in population[i], i=0
        self.population[0] = x0.tolist()

    def SetRandomInitialPoints(self, min=None, max=None):
        """Generate Random Initial Points within given Bounds

    - min, max: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - each min[i] should be <= the corresponding max[i]"""
        if min == None: min = self._defaultMin
        if max == None: max = self._defaultMax
        #if numpy.any(( asarray(min) > asarray(max) ),0):
        #    raise ValueError, "each min[i] must be <= the corresponding max[i]"
        if len(min) != self.nDim or len(max) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError, "bounds array must be length %s" % self.nDim
        # when 'some' of the bounds are given as 'None', replace with default
        for i in range(len(min)):
            if min[i] == None: min[i] = self._defaultMin[0]
            if max[i] == None: max[i] = self._defaultMax[0]
        import random
        #generate random initial values
        for i in range(len(self.population)):
            for j in range(self.nDim):
                self.population[i][j] = random.uniform(min[j], max[j])

    def SetMultinormalInitialPoints(self, mean, var=None):
        """Generate Initial Points from Multivariate Normal.

    - mean must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - var can be...
        None: -> it becomes the identity
        scalar: -> var becomes scalar * I
        matrix: -> the variance matrix. must be the right size!
        from numpy.random import multivariate_normal
        assert (len(mean) == self.nDim)
        if var == None:
            var = numpy.eye(self.nDim)
            try:  # scalar ?
            except:  # nope. var better be matrix of the right size (no check)
                var = var * numpy.eye(self.nDim)
        for i in range(len(self.population)):
            self.population[i] = multivariate_normal(mean, var).tolist()

    def enable_signal_handler(self):
        """enable workflow interrupt handler while solver is running"""
        self._handle_sigint = True

    def disable_signal_handler(self):
        """disable workflow interrupt handler while solver is running"""
        self._handle_sigint = False

    def _generateHandler(self, sigint_callback):
        """factory to generate signal handler

Available switches::
    - sol  --> Print current best solution.
    - cont --> Continue calculation.
    - call --> Executes sigint_callback, if provided.
    - exit --> Exits with current best solution.
        def handler(signum, frame):
            import inspect
            print inspect.getframeinfo(frame)
            print inspect.trace()
            while 1:
                s = raw_input(\
 Enter sense switch.

    sol:  Print current best solution.
    cont: Continue calculation.
    call: Executes sigint_callback [%s].
    exit: Exits with current best solution.

 >>> """ % sigint_callback)
                if s.lower() == 'sol':
                    print self.bestSolution
                elif s.lower() == 'cont':
                elif s.lower() == 'call':
                    # sigint call_back
                    if sigint_callback is not None:
                elif s.lower() == 'exit':
                    self._EARLYEXIT = True
                    print "unknown option : %s" % s

        self.signal_handler = handler

    def SetSaveFrequency(self, generations=None, filename=None, **kwds):
        """set frequency for saving solver restart file

    - generations = number of solver iterations before next save of state
    - filename = name of file in which to save solver state

    SetSaveFrequency(None) will disable saving solver restart file"""
        self._saveiter = generations
        #self._saveeval = evaluations
        self._state = filename

    def SetEvaluationLimits(self, generations=None, evaluations=None, \
                                                    new=False, **kwds):
        """set limits for generations and/or evaluations

    - generations = maximum number of solver iterations (i.e. steps)
    - evaluations = maximum number of function evaluations"""
        self._maxiter = generations
        self._maxfun = evaluations
        # backward compatibility
        if kwds.has_key('maxiter'):
            self._maxiter = kwds['maxiter']
        if kwds.has_key('maxfun'):
            self._maxfun = kwds['maxfun']
        # handle if new (reset counter, instead of extend counter)
        if new:
            if generations is not None:
                self._maxiter += self.generations
                self._maxiter = "*"  #XXX: better as self._newmax = True ?
            if evaluations is not None:
                self._maxfun += self.evaluations
                self._maxfun = "*"

    def _SetEvaluationLimits(self, iterscale=None, evalscale=None):
        """set the evaluation limits"""
        if iterscale is None: iterscale = 10
        if evalscale is None: evalscale = 1000
        N = len(self.population[0])  # usually self.nDim
        # if SetEvaluationLimits not applied, use the solver default
        if self._maxiter is None:
            self._maxiter = N * self.nPop * iterscale
        elif self._maxiter == "*":  # (i.e. None, but 'reset counter')
            self._maxiter = (N * self.nPop * iterscale) + self.generations
        if self._maxfun is None:
            self._maxfun = N * self.nPop * evalscale
        elif self._maxiter == "*":
            self._maxfun = (N * self.nPop * evalscale) + self.evaluations

    def CheckTermination(self, disp=False, info=False, termination=None):
        """check if the solver meets the given termination conditions

    - disp = if True, print termination statistics and/or warnings
    - info = if True, return termination message (instead of boolean)
    - termination = termination conditions to check against

    If no termination conditions are given, the solver's stored
    termination conditions will be used.
        if termination == None:
            termination = self._termination
        # check for termination messages
        msg = termination(self, info=True)
        lim = "EvaluationLimits with %s" % {
            'evaluations': self._maxfun,
            'generations': self._maxiter

        # push solver internals to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
        if self._fcalls[0] >= self._maxfun and self._maxfun is not None:
            msg = lim  #XXX: prefer the default stop ?
            if disp:
                print "Warning: Maximum number of function evaluations has "\
                      "been exceeded."
        elif self.generations >= self._maxiter and self._maxiter is not None:
            msg = lim  #XXX: prefer the default stop ?
            if disp:
                print "Warning: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded"
        elif msg and disp:
            print "Optimization terminated successfully."
            print "         Current function value: %f" % self.bestEnergy
            print "         Iterations: %d" % self.generations
            print "         Function evaluations: %d" % self._fcalls[0]

        if info:
            return msg
        return bool(msg)

    def SetTermination(self, termination):
        """set the termination conditions"""
        #XXX: validate that termination is a 'condition' ?
        self._termination = termination

    def _RegisterObjective(self, cost, ExtraArgs=None):
        """decorate cost function with bounds, penalties, monitors, etc"""
        if ExtraArgs == None: ExtraArgs = ()
        self._fcalls, cost = wrap_function(cost, ExtraArgs, self._evalmon)
        if self._useStrictRange:
            for i in range(self.nPop):
                self.population[i] = self._clipGuessWithinRangeBoundary(
            cost = wrap_bounds(cost, self._strictMin, self._strictMax)
        cost = wrap_penalty(cost, self._penalty)
        cost = wrap_nested(cost, self._constraints)
        # hold on to the 'wrapped' cost function
        self._cost = (cost, ExtraArgs)
        return cost

    def _bootstrap_decorate(self, cost=None, ExtraArgs=None):
        """HACK to enable not explicitly calling _RegisterObjective"""
        args = None
        if cost == None:  # 'use existing cost'
            cost, args = self._cost  # use args, unless override with ExtraArgs
        if ExtraArgs != None: args = ExtraArgs
        if self._cost[0] == None:  # '_RegisterObjective not yet called'
            if args is None: args = ()
            cost = self._RegisterObjective(cost, args)
        return cost

    def Step(self, cost=None, ExtraArgs=None, **kwds):
        """perform a single optimization iteration

*** this method must be overwritten ***"""
        raise NotImplementedError, "an optimization algorithm was not provided"

    def SaveSolver(self, filename=None, **kwds):
        """save solver state to a restart file"""
        import dill
        if filename == None:  # then check if already has registered file
            if self._state == None:  # then create a new one
                import tempfile
                self._state = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pkl')[-1]
            filename = self._state
        self._state = filename
        f = file(filename, 'wb')
            dill.dump(self, f, **kwds)
            self._stepmon.info('DUMPED("%s")' %
                               filename)  #XXX: before / after ?

    def __save_state(self, force=False):
        """save the solver state, if chosen save frequency is met"""
        # save the last iteration
        if force and bool(self._state):
        # save the zeroth iteration
        nonzero = True  #XXX: or bool(self.generations) ?
        # after _saveiter generations, then save state
        iters = self._saveiter
        saveiter = bool(iters) and not bool(self.generations % iters)
        if nonzero and saveiter:
        #FIXME: if _saveeval (or more) since last check, then save state

    #save = self.evaluations % self._saveeval

    def __load_state(self, solver, **kwds):
        """load solver.__dict__ into self.__dict__; override with kwds"""
        #XXX: should do some filtering on kwds ?
        self.__dict__.update(solver.__dict__, **kwds)

    def _exitMain(self, **kwds):
        """cleanup upon exiting the main optimization loop"""

    def _process_inputs(self, kwds):
        """process and activate input settings"""
        #allow for inputs that don't conform to AbstractSolver interface
        settings = \
       {'callback':None,     #user-supplied function, called after each step
        'disp':0}            #non-zero to print convergence messages
        [settings.update({i: j}) for (i, j) in kwds.items() if i in settings]
        # backward compatibility
        if kwds.has_key('EvaluationMonitor'):             \
        if kwds.has_key('StepMonitor'):             \
        if kwds.has_key('penalty'): \
        if kwds.has_key('constraints'):             \
        return settings

    def Solve(self,
        """Minimize a 'cost' function with given termination conditions.


    Uses an optimization algorith to find the minimum of
    a function of one or more variables.


    cost -- the Python function or method to be minimized.

Additional Inputs:

    termination -- callable object providing termination conditions.
    sigint_callback -- callback function for signal handler.
    ExtraArgs -- extra arguments for cost.

Further Inputs:

    callback -- an optional user-supplied function to call after each
        iteration.  It is called as callback(xk), where xk is
        the current parameter vector.  [default = None]
    disp -- non-zero to print convergence messages.
        # HACK to enable not explicitly calling _RegisterObjective
        cost = self._bootstrap_decorate(cost, ExtraArgs)
        # process and activate input settings
        settings = self._process_inputs(kwds)
        for key in settings:
            exec "%s = settings['%s']" % (key, key)

        # set up signal handler
        import signal
        self._EARLYEXIT = False
        if self._handle_sigint:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler)

        ## decorate cost function with bounds, penalties, monitors, etc
        #self._RegisterObjective(cost, ExtraArgs)    #XXX: SetObjective ?
        # register termination function
        if termination is not None:

        # the initital optimization iteration
        if not len(self._stepmon):  # do generation = 0
            if callback is not None:

            # initialize termination conditions, if needed
            self._termination(self)  #XXX: call at generation 0 or always?
        # impose the evaluation limits

        # the main optimization loop
        while not self.CheckTermination() and not self._EARLYEXIT:
            if callback is not None:

        # handle signal interrupts
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler)

        # log any termination messages
        msg = self.CheckTermination(disp=disp, info=True)
        if msg: self._stepmon.info('STOP("%s")' % msg)
        # save final state

    # extensions to the solver interface
    evaluations = property(__evaluations)
    generations = property(__generations)
    energy_history = property(__energy_history, __set_energy_history)
    solution_history = property(__solution_history, __set_solution_history)
    bestEnergy = property(__bestEnergy, __set_bestEnergy)
    bestSolution = property(__bestSolution, __set_bestSolution)
def sparsity(cost,ndim,npts=8,args=(),bounds=None,ftol=1e-4,maxiter=None, \
    """Minimize a function using the sparsity ensemble solver.
Uses a sparsity ensemble algorithm to find the minimum of a function of one or
more variables. Mimics the ``scipy.optimize.fmin`` interface. Starts *npts*
solver instances at points in parameter space where existing points are sparse. 

    cost (func): the function or method to be minimized: ``y = cost(x)``.
    ndim (int): dimensionality of the problem.
    npts (int, default=8): number of solver instances.
    args (tuple, default=()): extra arguments for cost.
    bounds (list(tuple), default=None): list of pairs of bounds (min,max),
        one for each parameter.
    ftol (float, default=1e-4): acceptable relative error in ``cost(xopt)``
        for convergence.
    gtol (float, default=10): maximum iterations to run without improvement.
    rtol (float, default=None): minimum acceptable distance from other points.
    maxiter (int, default=None): the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun (int, default=None): the maximum number of function evaluations.
    full_output (bool, default=False): True if fval and warnflag are desired.
    disp (bool, default=True): if True, print convergence messages.
    retall (bool, default=False): True if allvecs is desired.
    callback (func, default=None): function to call after each iteration. The
        interface is ``callback(xk)``, with xk the current parameter vector.
    solver (solver, default=None): override the default nested Solver instance.
    handler (bool, default=False): if True, enable handling interrupt signals.
    itermon (monitor, default=None): override the default GenerationMonitor.
    evalmon (monitor, default=None): override the default EvaluationMonitor.
    constraints (func, default=None): a function ``xk' = constraints(xk)``,
        where xk is the current parameter vector, and xk' is a parameter
        vector that satisfies the encoded constraints.
    penalty (func, default=None): a function ``y = penalty(xk)``, where xk is
        the current parameter vector, and ``y' == 0`` when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied (and ``y' > 0`` otherwise).
    tight (bool, default=False): enforce bounds and constraints concurrently.
    map (func, default=None): a (parallel) map function ``y = map(f, x)``.
    dist (mystic.math.Distribution, default=None): generate randomness in
        ensemble starting position using the given distribution.
    step (bool, default=False): if True, enable Step within the ensemble.

    ``(xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag, allfuncalls}, {allvecs})``

    - xopt (*ndarray*): the minimizer of the cost function
    - fopt (*float*): value of cost function at minimum: ``fopt = cost(xopt)``
    - iter (*int*): number of iterations
    - funcalls (*int*): number of function calls
    - warnflag (*int*): warning flag:
        - ``1 : Maximum number of function evaluations``
        - ``2 : Maximum number of iterations``
    - allfuncalls (*int*): total function calls (for all solver instances)
    - allvecs (*list*): a list of solutions at each iteration
    handler = kwds['handler'] if 'handler' in kwds else False
    from mystic.solvers import NelderMeadSimplexSolver as _solver
    if 'solver' in kwds: _solver = kwds['solver']

    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = kwds['itermon'] if 'itermon' in kwds else Monitor()
    evalmon = kwds['evalmon'] if 'evalmon' in kwds else Monitor()

    gtol = 10  # termination generations (scipy: 2, default: 10)
    if 'gtol' in kwds: gtol = kwds['gtol']
    if gtol:  #if number of generations is provided, use NCOG
        from mystic.termination import NormalizedChangeOverGeneration
        termination = NormalizedChangeOverGeneration(ftol, gtol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)
    rtol = kwds[
        'rtol'] if 'rtol' in kwds else None  #NOTE: 'data' set w/monitors

    solver = SparsitySolver(ndim, npts, rtol)
    solver.SetNestedSolver(_solver)  #XXX: skip settings for configured solver?
    solver.SetEvaluationLimits(maxiter, maxfun)
    if 'dist' in kwds:
    if 'penalty' in kwds:
    if 'constraints' in kwds:
    if bounds is not None:
        minb, maxb = unpair(bounds)
        tight = kwds['tight'] if 'tight' in kwds else False
        solver.SetStrictRanges(minb, maxb, tight=tight)  # clip?

    _map = kwds['map'] if 'map' in kwds else None
    if _map: solver.SetMapper(_map)

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
    solver.Solve(cost,termination=termination,disp=disp, \
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
    msg = solver.Terminated(disp=False, info=True)

    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    all_fcalls = solver._total_evals
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = solver._stepmon.x

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:  #XXX: check against total or individual?
        warnflag = 1
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:  #XXX: check against total or individual?
        warnflag = 2

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag, all_fcalls
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs, )
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
    def solve(self, objective, **kwds):  #NOTE: single axis only
        """solve (in measure space) for bound on given objective

        objective: cost function of the form y = objective(x)

    Additional Input:
        solver: mystic.solver instance [default: DifferentialEvolutionSolver2]
        npop: population size [default: None]
        id: a unique identifier for the solver [default: None]
        nested: mystic.solver instance [default: None], for ensemble solvers
        x0: initial parameter guess [default: use RandomInitialPoints]
        pool: pathos.pool instance [default: None]
        maxiter: max number of iterations [default: defined in solver]
        maxfun: max number of objective evaluations [default: defined in solver]
        evalmon: mystic.monitor instance [default: Monitor], for evaluations
        stepmon: mystic.monitor instance [default: Monitor], for iterations
        save: iteration frequency to save solver [default: None]
        opts: dict of configuration options for solver.Solve [default: {}]

        solver instance, after Solve has been called
        kwds.update(self.kwds)  #FIXME: good idea??? [bad in parallel???]
        lb, ub = self.lb, self.ub
        solver = kwds.get('solver', DifferentialEvolutionSolver2)
        npop = kwds.get('npop', None)
        if npop is not None:
            solver = solver(len(lb), npop)
            solver = solver(len(lb))
        solver.id = kwds.pop('id', None)
        nested = kwds.get('nested', None)
        x0 = kwds.get('x0', None)
        if nested is not None:  # Buckshot/Sparsity
        else:  # DiffEv/Nelder/Powell
            if x0 is None: solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(min=lb, max=ub)
            else: solver.SetInitialPoints(x0)
        save = kwds.get('save', None)
        if save is not None:
            solver.SetSaveFrequency(save, 'Solver.pkl')  #XXX: set name?
        mapper = kwds.get('pool', None)
        if mapper is not None:
            pool = mapper()  #XXX: ThreadPool, ProcessPool, etc
            solver.SetMapper(pool.map)  #NOTE: not Nelder/Powell
        maxiter = kwds.get('maxiter', None)
        maxfun = kwds.get('maxfun', None)
        solver.SetEvaluationLimits(maxiter, maxfun)
        evalmon = kwds.get('evalmon', None)
        evalmon = Monitor() if evalmon is None else evalmon
        stepmon = kwds.get('stepmon', None)
        stepmon = Monitor() if stepmon is None else stepmon
        solver.SetStrictRanges(min=lb, max=ub)
        opts = kwds.get('opts', {})
        # solve
        solver.Solve(objective, **opts)
        if mapper is not None:
            pool.clear()  #NOTE: if used, then shut down pool
        #NOTE: debugging code
        #print("solved: %s" % solver.Solution())
        #func_bound = solver.bestEnergy
        #func_evals = solver.evaluations
        #from mystic.munge import write_support_file
        #print("func_bound: %s" % func_bound) #NOTE: may be inverted
        #print("func_evals: %s" % func_evals)
        return solver
    # build train/test data
    xx = np.array(x)
    yy = np.array(y)
    if test_size is None:
        return xx, xx, yy, yy
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split as split
    return split(xx, yy, test_size=test_size, random_state=random_state)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # get access to data in archive
    import dataset as ds
    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    m = Monitor()
    m._x, m._y = ds.read_archive('demo')
    if not len(m._x):
        msg = "the 'demo' archive is empty."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    xtrain, xtest, ytrain, ytest = traintest(m._x,

    import sklearn.preprocessing as pre
    import sklearn.neural_network as nn

    # build dicts of hyperparameters for ANN instance
    args = dict(hidden_layer_sizes=(100, 75, 50, 25),
def impose_valid(cutoff, model, guess=None, **kwds):
  """impose model validity on a given list of parameters w,x,y

Optimization on w,x,y over the given bounds seeks sum(infeasibility) = 0.
  (this function is not ???-preserving)

    cutoff -- maximum acceptable model invalidity |y - F(x')|; a single value
    model -- the model function, y' = F(x'), that approximates reality, y = G(x)
    guess -- the scenario providing an initial guess at validity,
        or a tuple of dimensions of the target scenario

Additional Inputs:
    hausdorff -- norm; where if given, ytol = |y - F(x')| + |x - x'|/norm
    xtol -- acceptable pointwise graphical distance of model from reality
    tol -- acceptable optimizer termination before sum(infeasibility) = 0.
    bounds -- a tuple of sample bounds:   bounds = (lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
    constraints -- a function that takes a flat list parameters
        x' = constraints(x)

    pm -- a scenario with desired model validity

    xtol defines the n-dimensional base of a pilar of height cutoff, centered at
    each point. The region inside the pilar defines the space where a "valid"
    model must intersect. If xtol is not specified, then the base of the pilar
    will be a dirac at x' = x. This function performs an optimization to find
    a set of points where the model is valid. Here, tol is used to set the
    optimization termination for the sum(graphical_distances), while cutoff is
    used in defining the graphical_distance between x,y and x',F(x').
  from numpy import sum as _sum, asarray
  from mystic.math.distance import graphical_distance, infeasibility, _npts
  if guess is None:
    message = "Requires a guess scenario, or a tuple of scenario dimensions."
    raise TypeError, message
  # get initial guess
  if hasattr(guess, 'pts'): # guess is a scenario
    pts = guess.pts    # number of x
    guess = guess.flatten(all=True)
    pts = guess        # guess is given as a tuple of 'pts'
    guess = None
  npts = _npts(pts)    # number of Y

  # prepare bounds for solver
  bounds = kwds.pop('bounds', None)
  # if bounds are not set, use the default optimizer bounds
  if bounds is None:
    lower_bounds = []; upper_bounds = []
    for n in pts:  # bounds for n*x in each dimension  (x2 due to weights)
      lower_bounds += [None]*n * 2
      upper_bounds += [None]*n * 2
    # also need bounds for npts*y values
    lower_bounds += [None]*npts
    upper_bounds += [None]*npts
    bounds = lower_bounds, upper_bounds
  bounds = asarray(bounds).T

  # plug in the 'constraints' function:  param' = constraints(param)
  constraints = kwds.pop('constraints', None) # default is no constraints
  if not constraints:  # if None (default), there are no constraints
    constraints = lambda x: x

  # 'wiggle room' tolerances
  ipop = kwds.pop('ipop', 10) #XXX: tune ipop (inner optimization)?
  imax = kwds.pop('imax', 10) #XXX: tune imax (inner optimization)?
  # tolerance for optimization on sum(y)
  tol = kwds.pop('tol', 0.0) # default
  npop = kwds.pop('npop', 20) #XXX: tune npop (outer optimization)?
  maxiter = kwds.pop('maxiter', 1000) #XXX: tune maxiter (outer optimization)?

  # if no guess was made, then use bounds constraints
  if guess is None:
    if npop:
      guess = bounds
    else:  # fmin_powell needs a list params (not bounds)
      guess = [(a + b)/2. for (a,b) in bounds]

  # construct cost function to reduce sum(infeasibility)
  def cost(rv):
    """compute cost from a 1-d array of model parameters,
    where: cost = | sum( infeasibility ) | """
    # converting rv to scenario
    points = scenario()
    points.load(rv, pts)
    # calculate infeasibility
    Rv = graphical_distance(model, points, ytol=cutoff, ipop=ipop, \
                                                        imax=imax, **kwds)
    v = infeasibility(Rv, cutoff)
    # converting v to E
    return _sum(v) #XXX: abs ?

  # construct and configure optimizer
  debug = False  #!!!
  maxfun = 1e+6
  crossover = 0.9; percent_change = 0.8
  ftol = abs(tol); gtol = None #XXX: optimally, should be VTRCOG...

  if debug:
    print "lower bounds: %s" % bounds.T[0]
    print "upper bounds: %s" % bounds.T[1]
  # print "initial value: %s" % guess
  # use optimization to get model-valid points
  from mystic.solvers import diffev2, fmin_powell
  from mystic.monitors import Monitor, VerboseMonitor
  from mystic.strategy import Best1Bin, Best1Exp
  evalmon = Monitor();  stepmon = Monitor(); strategy = Best1Exp
  if debug: stepmon = VerboseMonitor(2)  #!!!
  if npop: # use VTR
    results = diffev2(cost, guess, npop, ftol=ftol, gtol=gtol, bounds=bounds,\
                      maxiter=maxiter, maxfun=maxfun, constraints=constraints,\
                      cross=crossover, scale=percent_change, strategy=strategy,\
                      evalmon=evalmon, itermon=stepmon,\
                      full_output=1, disp=0, handler=False)
  else: # use VTR
    results = fmin_powell(cost, guess, ftol=ftol, gtol=gtol, bounds=bounds,\
                      maxiter=maxiter, maxfun=maxfun, constraints=constraints,\
                      evalmon=evalmon, itermon=stepmon,\
                      full_output=1, disp=0, handler=False)
  # repack the results
  pm = scenario()
  pm.load(results[0], pts)            # params: w,x,y
 #if debug: print "final cost: %s" % results[1]
  if debug and results[2] >= maxiter: # iterations
    print "Warning: constraints solver terminated at maximum iterations"
 #func_evals = results[3]           # evaluation
  return pm
def impose_feasible(cutoff, data, guess=None, **kwds):
  """impose shortness on a given list of parameters w,x,y.

Optimization on w,x,y over the given bounds seeks sum(infeasibility) = 0.
  (this function is not ???-preserving)

    cutoff -- maximum acceptable deviation from shortness
    data -- a dataset of observed points (these points are 'static')
    guess -- the scenario providing an initial guess at feasibility,
        or a tuple of dimensions of the target scenario

Additional Inputs:
    tol -- acceptable optimizer termination before sum(infeasibility) = 0.
    bounds -- a tuple of sample bounds:   bounds = (lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
    constraints -- a function that takes a flat list parameters
        x' = constraints(x)

    pm -- a scenario with desired shortness
  from numpy import sum, asarray
  from mystic.math.legacydata import dataset
  from mystic.math.distance import lipschitz_distance, infeasibility, _npts
  if guess is None:
    message = "Requires a guess scenario, or a tuple of scenario dimensions."
    raise TypeError, message
  # get initial guess
  if hasattr(guess, 'pts'): # guess is a scenario
    pts = guess.pts    # number of x
    guess = guess.flatten(all=True)
    pts = guess        # guess is given as a tuple of 'pts'
    guess = None
  npts = _npts(pts)    # number of Y
  long_form = len(pts) - list(pts).count(2) # can use '2^K compressed format'

  # prepare bounds for solver
  bounds = kwds.pop('bounds', None)
  # if bounds are not set, use the default optimizer bounds
  if bounds is None:
    lower_bounds = []; upper_bounds = []
    for n in pts:  # bounds for n*x in each dimension  (x2 due to weights)
      lower_bounds += [None]*n * 2
      upper_bounds += [None]*n * 2
    # also need bounds for npts*y values
    lower_bounds += [None]*npts
    upper_bounds += [None]*npts
    bounds = lower_bounds, upper_bounds
  bounds = asarray(bounds).T

  # plug in the 'constraints' function:  param' = constraints(param)
  # constraints should impose_mean(y,w), and possibly sum(weights)
  constraints = kwds.pop('constraints', None) # default is no constraints
  if not constraints:  # if None (default), there are no constraints
    constraints = lambda x: x

  _self = kwds.pop('with_self', True) # default includes self in shortness
  if _self is not False: _self = True
  # tolerance for optimization on sum(y)
  tol = kwds.pop('tol', 0.0) # default
  npop = kwds.pop('npop', 20) #XXX: tune npop?
  maxiter = kwds.pop('maxiter', 1000) #XXX: tune maxiter?

  # if no guess was made, then use bounds constraints
  if guess is None:
    if npop:
      guess = bounds
    else:  # fmin_powell needs a list params (not bounds)
      guess = [(a + b)/2. for (a,b) in bounds]

  # construct cost function to reduce sum(lipschitz_distance)
  def cost(rv):
    """compute cost from a 1-d array of model parameters,
    where:  cost = | sum(lipschitz_distance) | """
    _data = dataset()
    _pm = scenario()
    _pm.load(rv, pts)      # here rv is param: w,x,y
    if not long_form:
      positions = _pm.select(*range(npts))
    else: positions = _pm.positions
    _data.load( data.coords, data.values )                   # LOAD static
    if _self:
      _data.load( positions, _pm.values )                    # LOAD dynamic
    _data.lipschitz = data.lipschitz                         # LOAD L
    Rv = lipschitz_distance(_data.lipschitz, _pm, _data, tol=cutoff, **kwds)
    v = infeasibility(Rv, cutoff)
    return abs(sum(v))

  # construct and configure optimizer
  debug = False  #!!!
  maxfun = 1e+6
  crossover = 0.9; percent_change = 0.9
  ftol = abs(tol); gtol = None

  if debug:
    print "lower bounds: %s" % bounds.T[0]
    print "upper bounds: %s" % bounds.T[1]
  # print "initial value: %s" % guess
  # use optimization to get feasible points
  from mystic.solvers import diffev2, fmin_powell
  from mystic.monitors import Monitor, VerboseMonitor
  from mystic.strategy import Best1Bin, Best1Exp
  evalmon = Monitor();  stepmon = Monitor(); strategy = Best1Exp
  if debug: stepmon = VerboseMonitor(10)  #!!!
  if npop: # use VTR
    results = diffev2(cost, guess, npop, ftol=ftol, gtol=gtol, bounds=bounds,\
                      maxiter=maxiter, maxfun=maxfun, constraints=constraints,\
                      cross=crossover, scale=percent_change, strategy=strategy,\
                      evalmon=evalmon, itermon=stepmon,\
                      full_output=1, disp=0, handler=False)
  else: # use VTR
    results = fmin_powell(cost, guess, ftol=ftol, gtol=gtol, bounds=bounds,\
                      maxiter=maxiter, maxfun=maxfun, constraints=constraints,\
                      evalmon=evalmon, itermon=stepmon,\
                      full_output=1, disp=0, handler=False)
  # repack the results
  pm = scenario()
  pm.load(results[0], pts)            # params: w,x,y
 #if debug: print "final cost: %s" % results[1]
  if debug and results[2] >= maxiter: # iterations
    print "Warning: constraints solver terminated at maximum iterations"
 #func_evals = results[3]           # evaluation
  return pm
    def _run_solver(self, early_terminate=False, **kwds):
        from mystic.monitors import Monitor
        import numpy
        from mystic.tools import random_seed
        seed = 111 if self.maxiter is None else 321 #XXX: good numbers...
        esow = Monitor()
        ssow = Monitor() 

        solver = self.solver
        solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(min = self.min, max = self.max)
        if self.usebounds: solver.SetStrictRanges(self.min, self.max)
        if self.uselimits: solver.SetEvaluationLimits(self.maxiter, self.maxfun)
        if self.useevalmon: solver.SetEvaluationMonitor(esow)
        if self.usestepmon: solver.SetGenerationMonitor(ssow)
        #### run solver, but trap output
        _stdout = trap_stdout()
        solver.Solve(self.costfunction, self.term, **kwds)
        out = release_stdout(_stdout)
        sol = solver.Solution()

       #if self.uselimits and self.maxiter == 0: iter=0
        # sanity check solver internals
        self.assertTrue(solver.generations == len(solver._stepmon._y)-iter)
        self.assertTrue(list(solver.bestSolution) == solver._stepmon.x[-1]) #XXX
        self.assertTrue(solver.bestEnergy == solver._stepmon.y[-1])
        self.assertTrue(solver.solution_history == solver._stepmon.x)
        self.assertTrue(solver.energy_history == solver._stepmon.y)
        if self.usestepmon:
            self.assertTrue(ssow.x == solver._stepmon.x)
            self.assertTrue(ssow.y == solver._stepmon.y)
            self.assertTrue(ssow._y == solver._stepmon._y)
        if self.useevalmon:
            self.assertTrue(solver.evaluations == len(solver._evalmon._y))
            self.assertTrue(esow.x == solver._evalmon.x)
            self.assertTrue(esow.y == solver._evalmon.y)
            self.assertTrue(esow._y == solver._evalmon._y)

        # Fail appropriately for solver/termination mismatch
        if early_terminate:
            self.assertTrue(solver.generations < 2)
            warn = "Warning: Invalid termination condition (nPop < 2)"
            self.assertTrue(warn in out)

        g = solver.generations
        calls = [(g+1)*self.NP, (2*g)+1]
        iters = [g]
        # Test early terminations
        if self.uselimits and self.maxfun == 0:
            calls += [1, 20] #XXX: scipy*
            iters += [1]     #XXX: scipy*
            self.assertTrue(solver.evaluations in calls) 
            self.assertTrue(solver.generations in iters)
        if self.uselimits and self.maxfun == 1:
            calls += [1, 20] #XXX: scipy*
            iters += [1]     #XXX: scipy*
            self.assertTrue(solver.evaluations in calls) 
            self.assertTrue(solver.generations in iters)
        if self.uselimits and self.maxiter == 0:
            calls += [1, 20] #XXX: scipy*
            iters += [1]     #XXX: scipy*
            self.assertTrue(solver.evaluations in calls) 
            self.assertTrue(solver.generations in iters)
        if self.uselimits and self.maxiter == 1:
            calls += [20] #Powell's
            self.assertTrue(solver.evaluations in calls) 
            self.assertTrue(solver.generations in iters)
        if self.uselimits and self.maxiter and 2 <= self.maxiter <= 5:
            calls += [52, 79, 107, 141] #Powell's
            self.assertTrue(solver.evaluations in calls) 
            self.assertTrue(solver.generations in iters)

        # Verify solution is close to exact
        for i in range(len(sol)):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(sol[i], self.exact[i], self.precision)
def test_rosenbrock(verbose=False):
    """Test the 2-dimensional Rosenbrock function.

Testing 2-D Rosenbrock:
Expected: x=[1., 1.] and f=0

Using DifferentialEvolutionSolver:
Solution:  [ 1.00000037  1.0000007 ]
f value:  2.29478683682e-13
Iterations:  99
Function evaluations:  3996
Time elapsed:  0.582273006439  seconds

Using DifferentialEvolutionSolver2:
Solution:  [ 0.99999999  0.99999999]
f value:  3.84824937598e-15
Iterations:  100
Function evaluations:  4040
Time elapsed:  0.577210903168  seconds

Using NelderMeadSimplexSolver:
Solution:  [ 0.99999921  1.00000171]
f value:  1.08732211477e-09
Iterations:  70
Function evaluations:  130
Time elapsed:  0.0190329551697  seconds

Using PowellDirectionalSolver:
Solution:  [ 1.  1.]
f value:  0.0
Iterations:  28
Function evaluations:  859
Time elapsed:  0.113857030869  seconds

    if verbose:
        print("Testing 2-D Rosenbrock:")
        print("Expected: x=[1., 1.] and f=0")
    from mystic.models import rosen as costfunc
    ndim = 2
    lb = [-5.]*ndim
    ub = [5.]*ndim
    x0 = [2., 3.]
    maxiter = 10000
    # DifferentialEvolutionSolver
    if verbose: print("\nUsing DifferentialEvolutionSolver:")
    npop = 40
    from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver
    from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration as COG
    from mystic.strategy import Rand1Bin
    esow = Monitor()
    ssow = Monitor() 
    solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(ndim, npop)
    solver.SetStrictRanges(lb, ub)
    term = COG(1e-10)
    time1 = time.time() # Is this an ok way of timing?
    solver.Solve(costfunc, term, strategy=Rand1Bin)
    sol = solver.Solution()
    time_elapsed = time.time() - time1
    fx = solver.bestEnergy
    if verbose:
        print("Solution: %s" % sol)
        print("f value: %s" % fx)
        print("Iterations: %s" % solver.generations)
        print("Function evaluations: %s" % len(esow.x))
        print("Time elapsed: %s seconds" % time_elapsed)
    assert almostEqual(fx, 2.29478683682e-13, tol=3e-3)

    # DifferentialEvolutionSolver2
    if verbose: print("\nUsing DifferentialEvolutionSolver2:")
    npop = 40
    from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver2
    from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration as COG
    from mystic.strategy import Rand1Bin
    esow = Monitor()
    ssow = Monitor() 
    solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver2(ndim, npop)
    solver.SetStrictRanges(lb, ub)
    term = COG(1e-10)
    time1 = time.time() # Is this an ok way of timing?
    solver.Solve(costfunc, term, strategy=Rand1Bin)
    sol = solver.Solution()
    time_elapsed = time.time() - time1
    fx = solver.bestEnergy
    if verbose:
        print("Solution: %s" % sol)
        print("f value: %s" % fx)
        print("Iterations: %s" % solver.generations)
        print("Function evaluations: %s" % len(esow.x))
        print("Time elapsed: %s seconds" % time_elapsed)
    assert almostEqual(fx, 3.84824937598e-15, tol=3e-3)

    # NelderMeadSimplexSolver
    if verbose: print("\nUsing NelderMeadSimplexSolver:")
    from mystic.solvers import NelderMeadSimplexSolver
    from mystic.termination import CandidateRelativeTolerance as CRT
    esow = Monitor()
    ssow = Monitor() 
    solver = NelderMeadSimplexSolver(ndim)
    solver.SetStrictRanges(lb, ub)
    term = CRT()
    time1 = time.time() # Is this an ok way of timing?
    solver.Solve(costfunc, term)
    sol = solver.Solution()
    time_elapsed = time.time() - time1
    fx = solver.bestEnergy
    if verbose:
        print("Solution: %s" % sol)
        print("f value: %s" % fx)
        print("Iterations: %s" % solver.generations)
        print("Function evaluations: %s" % len(esow.x))
        print("Time elapsed: %s seconds" % time_elapsed)
    assert almostEqual(fx, 1.08732211477e-09, tol=3e-3)

    # PowellDirectionalSolver
    if verbose: print("\nUsing PowellDirectionalSolver:")
    from mystic.solvers import PowellDirectionalSolver
    from mystic.termination import NormalizedChangeOverGeneration as NCOG
    esow = Monitor()
    ssow = Monitor() 
    solver = PowellDirectionalSolver(ndim)
    solver.SetStrictRanges(lb, ub)
    term = NCOG(1e-10)
    time1 = time.time() # Is this an ok way of timing?
    solver.Solve(costfunc, term)
    sol = solver.Solution()
    time_elapsed = time.time() - time1
    fx = solver.bestEnergy
    if verbose:
        print("Solution: %s" % sol)
        print("f value: %s" % fx)
        print("Iterations: %s" % solver.generations)
        print("Function evaluations: %s" % len(esow.x))
        print("Time elapsed: %s seconds" % time_elapsed)
    assert almostEqual(fx, 0.0, tol=3e-3)
class AbstractSolver(object):
    """AbstractSolver base class for mystic optimizers.
    def __init__(self, dim, **kwds):
Takes one initial input::

    dim      -- dimensionality of the problem.

Additional inputs::

    npop     -- size of the trial solution population.       [default = 1]

Important class members::

    nDim, nPop       = dim, npop
    generations      - an iteration counter.
    evaluations      - an evaluation counter.
    bestEnergy       - current best energy.
    bestSolution     - current best parameter set.           [size = dim]
    popEnergy        - set of all trial energy solutions.    [size = npop]
    population       - set of all trial parameter solutions. [size = dim*npop]
    solution_history - history of bestSolution status.       [StepMonitor.x]
    energy_history   - history of bestEnergy status.         [StepMonitor.y]
    signal_handler   - catches the interrupt signal.
        NP = kwds['npop'] if 'npop' in kwds else 1

        self.nDim = dim
        self.nPop = NP
        self._init_popEnergy = inf
        self.popEnergy = [self._init_popEnergy] * NP
        self.population = [[0.0 for i in range(dim)] for j in range(NP)]
        self.trialSolution = [0.0] * dim
        self._map_solver = False
        self._bestEnergy = None
        self._bestSolution = None
        self._state = None
        self._type = self.__class__.__name__

        self.sigint_callback = None
        self._handle_sigint = False
        self._useStrictRange = False
        self._useTightRange = False
        self._defaultMin = [-1e3] * dim
        self._defaultMax = [1e3] * dim
        self._strictMin = []
        self._strictMax = []
        self._maxiter = None
        self._maxfun = None
        self._saveiter = None
        #self._saveeval        = None

        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor
        self._evalmon = Null()
        self._stepmon = Monitor()
        self._fcalls = [0]
        self._energy_history = None
        self._solution_history = None
        self.id = None  # identifier (use like "rank" for MPI)

        self._strictbounds = lambda x: x
        self._constraints = lambda x: x
        self._penalty = lambda x: 0.0
        self._reducer = None
        self._cost = (None, None, None)
        #                       (cost, raw_cost, args) #,callback)
        self._collapse = False
        self._termination = lambda x, *ar, **kw: False if len(ar) < 1 or ar[
            0] is False or (kw['info'] if 'info' in kw else True
                            ) == False else ''  #XXX: better default ?
        # (get termination details with self._termination.__doc__)

        import mystic.termination as mt
        self._EARLYEXIT = mt.EARLYEXIT
        self._live = False

    def Solution(self):
        """return the best solution"""
        return self.bestSolution

    def __evaluations(self):
        """get the number of function calls"""
        return self._fcalls[0]

    def __generations(self):
        """get the number of iterations"""
        return max(0, len(self._stepmon) - 1)

    def __energy_history(self):
        """get the energy_history (default: energy_history = _stepmon._y)"""
        if self._energy_history is None: return self._stepmon._y
        return self._energy_history

    def __set_energy_history(self, energy):
        """set the energy_history (energy=None will sync with _stepmon._y)"""
        self._energy_history = energy

    def __solution_history(self):
        """get the solution_history (default: solution_history = _stepmon.x)"""
        if self._solution_history is None: return self._stepmon.x
        return self._solution_history

    def __set_solution_history(self, params):
        """set the solution_history (params=None will sync with _stepmon.x)"""
        self._solution_history = params

    def __bestSolution(self):
        """get the bestSolution (default: bestSolution = population[0])"""
        if self._bestSolution is None: return self.population[0]
        #   bs = self.population[0]
        #   return bs.copy() if hasattr(bs, 'copy') else bs[:]
        return self._bestSolution

    def __set_bestSolution(self, params):
        """set the bestSolution (params=None will sync with population[0])"""
        self._bestSolution = params
        #bs = params
        #if bs is None: self._bestSolution = None
        #else: self._bestSolution = bs.copy() if hasattr(bs, 'copy') else bs[:]

    def __bestEnergy(self):
        """get the bestEnergy (default: bestEnergy = popEnergy[0])"""
        if self._bestEnergy is None: return self.popEnergy[0]
        return self._bestEnergy

    def __set_bestEnergy(self, energy):
        """set the bestEnergy (energy=None will sync with popEnergy[0])"""
        self._bestEnergy = energy

    def SetReducer(self, reducer, arraylike=False):
        """apply a reducer function to the cost function

    - a reducer function of the form: y' = reducer(yk), where yk is a results
      vector and y' is a single value.  Ideally, this method is applied to
      a cost function with a multi-value return, to reduce the output to a
      single value.  If arraylike, the reducer provided should take a single
      array as input and produce a scalar; otherwise, the reducer provided
      should meet the requirements of the python's builtin 'reduce' method 
      (e.g. lambda x,y: x+y), taking two scalars and producing a scalar."""
        if not reducer:
            self._reducer = None
        elif not isinstance(reducer, _Callable):
            raise TypeError("'%s' is not a callable function" % reducer)
        elif not arraylike:
            self._reducer = wrap_reducer(reducer)
        else:  #XXX: check if is arraylike?
            self._reducer = reducer
        return self._update_objective()

    def SetPenalty(self, penalty):
        """apply a penalty function to the optimization

    - a penalty function of the form: y' = penalty(xk), with y = cost(xk) + y',
      where xk is the current parameter vector. Ideally, this function
      is constructed so a penalty is applied when the desired (i.e. encoded)
      constraints are violated. Equality constraints should be considered
      satisfied when the penalty condition evaluates to zero, while
      inequality constraints are satisfied when the penalty condition
      evaluates to a non-positive number."""
        if not penalty:
            self._penalty = lambda x: 0.0
        elif not isinstance(penalty, _Callable):
            raise TypeError("'%s' is not a callable function" % penalty)
        else:  #XXX: check for format: y' = penalty(x) ?
            self._penalty = penalty
        return self._update_objective()

    def SetConstraints(self, constraints):
        """apply a constraints function to the optimization

    - a constraints function of the form: xk' = constraints(xk),
      where xk is the current parameter vector. Ideally, this function
      is constructed so the parameter vector it passes to the cost function
      will satisfy the desired (i.e. encoded) constraints."""
        if not constraints:
            self._constraints = lambda x: x
        elif not isinstance(constraints, _Callable):
            raise TypeError("'%s' is not a callable function" % constraints)
        else:  #XXX: check for format: x' = constraints(x) ?
            self._constraints = constraints
        return self._update_objective()

    def SetGenerationMonitor(self, monitor, new=False):
        """select a callable to monitor (x, f(x)) after each solver iteration

    - a monitor instance or monitor type used to track (x, f(x)). Any data
      collected in an existing generation monitor will be prepended, unless
      new is True."""
        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor  #, CustomMonitor
        if monitor is None: monitor = Null()
        current = Null() if new else self._stepmon
        if current is monitor: current = Null()
        if isinstance(monitor, Monitor):  # is Monitor()
            self._stepmon = monitor
        elif isinstance(monitor, Null) or monitor == Null:  # is Null() or Null
            self._stepmon = Monitor()  #XXX: don't allow Null
        elif hasattr(monitor, '__module__'):  # is CustomMonitor()
            if monitor.__module__ in ['mystic._genSow']:
                self._stepmon = monitor  #FIXME: need .prepend(current)
            raise TypeError("'%s' is not a monitor instance" % monitor)
        self.energy_history = None  # sync with self._stepmon
        self.solution_history = None  # sync with self._stepmon

    def SetEvaluationMonitor(self, monitor, new=False):
        """select a callable to monitor (x, f(x)) after each cost function evaluation

    - a monitor instance or monitor type used to track (x, f(x)). Any data
      collected in an existing evaluation monitor will be prepended, unless
      new is True."""
        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor  #, CustomMonitor
        if monitor is None: monitor = Null()
        current = Null() if new else self._evalmon
        if current is monitor: current = Null()
        if isinstance(monitor, (Null, Monitor)):  # is Monitor() or Null()
            self._evalmon = monitor
        elif monitor == Null:  # is Null
            self._evalmon = monitor()
        elif hasattr(monitor, '__module__'):  # is CustomMonitor()
            if monitor.__module__ in ['mystic._genSow']:
                self._evalmon = monitor  #FIXME: need .prepend(current)
            raise TypeError("'%s' is not a monitor instance" % monitor)

    def SetStrictRanges(self, min=None, max=None, **kwds):
        """ensure solution is within bounds

    - min, max: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - each min[i] should be <= the corresponding max[i]

additional input::
    - tight (bool): if True, apply bounds concurrent with other constraints
    - clip (bool): if True, bounding constraints will clip exterior values

    SetStrictRanges(None) will remove strict range constraints

    By default, the bounds are coupled to the other constraints with a coupler
    (e.g. ``mystic.coupler.outer``), and not applied concurrently (i.e. with
    ``mystic.constraints.and_``). Using a coupler favors speed over robustness,
    and relies on the user to formulate the constraints so they do not conflict
    with imposing the bounds.

    The keyword ``clip`` controls the clipping behavior for the bounding
    constraints. The default is to rely on ``_clipGuessWithinRangeBoundary``
    when ensuring the bounds are respected, and to not take action when the
    other constraints are being imposed. However when ``tight=True``, the
    default is that the bounds constraints clip at the bounds. By default,
    bounds constraints are applied with a symbolic solver, as the symbolic
    solver is generally faster than ``mystic.constraints.impose_bounds``.
    All of the above default behaviors are active when ``clip=None``.

    If ``clip=False``, ``impose_bounds`` will be used to map the candidate
    solution inside the bounds, while ``clip=True`` will use ``impose_bounds``
    to clip the candidate solution at the bounds. Note that ``clip=True`` is
    *not* the same as the default (``clip=None``, which uses a symbolic solver).
    If ``clip`` is specified while ``tight`` is not, then ``tight`` will be
    set to ``True``."""
        tight = kwds['tight'] if 'tight' in kwds else None
        clip = kwds['clip'] if 'clip' in kwds else None
        if clip is None:  # tight in (True, False, None)
            args = dict(symbolic=True) if tight else dict()
        elif tight is False:  # clip in (True, False)
            raise ValueError('can not specify clip when tight is False')
        else:  # tight in (True, None)
            args = dict(symbolic=False, clip=clip)
        #XXX: we are ignoring bad kwds entries, should we?

        if min is False or max is False:
            self._useStrictRange = False
            self._strictbounds = self._boundsconstraints(**args)
            return self._update_objective()
        #XXX: better to use 'defaultMin,defaultMax' or '-inf,inf' ???
        if min is None: min = self._defaultMin
        if max is None: max = self._defaultMax
        # when 'some' of the bounds are given as 'None', replace with default
        for i in range(len(min)):
            if min[i] is None: min[i] = self._defaultMin[0]
            if max[i] is None: max[i] = self._defaultMax[0]

        min = asarray(min)
        max = asarray(max)
        if numpy.any((min > max), 0):
            raise ValueError("each min[i] must be <= the corresponding max[i]")
        if len(min) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError("bounds array must be length %s" % self.nDim)
        self._useStrictRange = True
        self._strictMin = min
        self._strictMax = max
        self._strictbounds = self._boundsconstraints(**args)
        return self._update_objective()

    def _boundsconstraints(self, **kwds):
        """if _useStrictRange, build a constraint from (_strictMin,strictMax)

        symbolic: bool, if True, use symbolic constraints [default: None]
        clip: bool, if True, clip exterior values to the bounds [default: None]

        NOTE: By default, the bounds and constraints are imposed sequentially
        with a coupler. Using a coupler chooses speed over robustness, and
        relies on the user to formulate the constraints so that they do not
        conflict with imposing the bounds. Hence, if no keywords are provided,
        the bounds and constraints are applied sequentially.

        NOTE: If any of the keyword arguments are used, then the bounds and
        constraints are imposed concurrently. This is slower but more robust
        than applying the bounds and constraints sequentially (the default).
        When the bounds and constraints are applied concurrently, the defaults
        for the keywords (symbolic and clip) are set to True, unless otherwise

        NOTE: If `symbolic=True`, use symbolic constraints to impose the
        bounds; otherwise use `mystic.constraints.impose_bounds`. Using
        `clip=False` will set `symbolic=False` unless symbolic is specified
        symbolic = kwds['symbolic'] if 'symbolic' in kwds else None
        clip = kwds['clip'] if 'clip' in kwds else None
        # set the (complicated) defaults
        if symbolic is None and clip is not None:  # clip in [False, True]
            symbolic = bool(clip)
        elif clip is None:
            clip = True
        ignore = symbolic is None
        if not self._useStrictRange or ignore:
            self._useTightRange = False
            return lambda x: x
        self._useTightRange = True
        if symbolic and not clip:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "symbolic must clip to the nearest bound")
        # build the constraint
        min = self._strictMin
        max = self._strictMax
        from mystic.constraints import boundsconstrain as bcon
        cons = bcon(min, max, symbolic=symbolic, clip=clip)
        return cons

    def _clipGuessWithinRangeBoundary(self, x0, at=True):
        """ensure that initial guess is set within bounds

    - x0: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - at: bool, if True, then clip at the bounds"""
        #if len(x0) != self.nDim: #XXX: unnecessary w/ self.trialSolution
        #    raise ValueError, "initial guess must be length %s" % self.nDim
        x0 = asarray(x0)
        bounds = (self._strictMin, self._strictMax)
        if not len(self._strictMin): return x0
        # clip x0 at bounds
        settings = numpy.seterr(all='ignore')
        x_ = x0.clip(*bounds)
        if at: return x_
        # clip x0 within bounds
        x_ = x_ != x0
        x0[x_] = random.uniform(self._strictMin, self._strictMax)[x_]
        return x0

    def SetInitialPoints(self, x0, radius=0.05):
        """Set Initial Points with Guess (x0)

    - x0: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - radius: generate random points within [-radius*x0, radius*x0]
        for i!=0 when a simplex-type initial guess in required"""
        x0 = asfarray(x0)
        rank = len(x0.shape)
        if rank == 0:
            x0 = asfarray([x0])
            rank = 1
        if not -1 < rank < 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "Initial guess must be a scalar or rank-1 sequence.")
        if len(x0) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError("Initial guess must be length %s" % self.nDim)

        #slightly alter initial values for solvers that depend on randomness
        min = x0 * (1 - radius)
        max = x0 * (1 + radius)
        numzeros = len(x0[x0 == 0])
        min[min == 0] = asarray([-radius for i in range(numzeros)])
        max[max == 0] = asarray([radius for i in range(numzeros)])
        self.SetRandomInitialPoints(min, max)
        #stick initial values in population[i], i=0
        self.population[0] = x0.tolist()

    def SetRandomInitialPoints(self, min=None, max=None):
        """Generate Random Initial Points within given Bounds

    - min, max: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - each min[i] should be <= the corresponding max[i]"""
        if min is None: min = self._defaultMin
        if max is None: max = self._defaultMax
        #if numpy.any(( asarray(min) > asarray(max) ),0):
        #    raise ValueError, "each min[i] must be <= the corresponding max[i]"
        if len(min) != self.nDim or len(max) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError("bounds array must be length %s" % self.nDim)
        # when 'some' of the bounds are given as 'None', replace with default
        for i in range(len(min)):
            if min[i] is None: min[i] = self._defaultMin[0]
            if max[i] is None: max[i] = self._defaultMax[0]
        #generate random initial values
        for i in range(len(self.population)):
            for j in range(self.nDim):
                self.population[i][j] = random.uniform(min[j], max[j])

    def SetMultinormalInitialPoints(self, mean, var=None):
        """Generate Initial Points from Multivariate Normal.

    - mean must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - var can be...
        None: -> it becomes the identity
        scalar: -> var becomes scalar * I
        matrix: -> the variance matrix. must be the right size!
        from mystic.tools import random_state
        rng = random_state(module='numpy.random')
        assert (len(mean) == self.nDim)
        if var is None:
            var = numpy.eye(self.nDim)
            try:  # scalar ?
            except:  # nope. var better be matrix of the right size (no check)
                var = var * numpy.eye(self.nDim)
        for i in range(len(self.population)):
            self.population[i] = rng.multivariate_normal(mean, var).tolist()

    def SetSampledInitialPoints(self, dist=None):
        """Generate Random Initial Points from Distribution (dist)

    - dist: a mystic.math.Distribution instance
        from mystic.math import Distribution
        _dist = Distribution()
        if dist is None:
            dist = _dist
        elif type(_dist) not in dist.__class__.mro():
            dist = Distribution(dist)  #XXX: or throw error?
        for i in range(self.nPop):  #FIXME: accept a list of Distributions
            self.population[i] = dist(self.nDim)

    def enable_signal_handler(self):  #, callback='*'):
        """enable workflow interrupt handler while solver is running"""
        """ #XXX: disabled, as would add state to solver
    - if a callback function is provided, generate a new handler with
      the given callback.  If callback is None, do not use a callback.
      If callback is not provided, just turn on the existing handler.
        ## always _generate handler on first call
        #if (self.signal_handler is None) and callback == '*':
        #    callback = None
        ## when a new callback is given, generate a new handler
        #if callback != '*':
        #    self._generateHandler(callback)
        self._handle_sigint = True

    def disable_signal_handler(self):
        """disable workflow interrupt handler while solver is running"""
        self._handle_sigint = False

    def SetSaveFrequency(self, generations=None, filename=None):
        """set frequency for saving solver restart file

    - generations = number of solver iterations before next save of state
    - filename = name of file in which to save solver state

    SetSaveFrequency(None) will disable saving solver restart file"""
        self._saveiter = generations
        #self._saveeval = evaluations
        self._state = filename

    def SetEvaluationLimits(self, generations=None, evaluations=None, \
                                                    new=False, **kwds):
        """set limits for generations and/or evaluations

    - generations: maximum number of solver iterations (i.e. steps)
    - evaluations: maximum number of function evaluations
    - new: bool, if True, the above limit the new evaluations and iterations;
      otherwise, the limits refer to total evaluations and iterations."""
        # backward compatibility
        self._maxiter = kwds['maxiter'] if 'maxiter' in kwds else generations
        self._maxfun = kwds['maxfun'] if 'maxfun' in kwds else evaluations
        # handle if new (reset counter, instead of extend counter)
        if new:
            if generations is not None:
                self._maxiter += self.generations
                self._maxiter = "*"  #XXX: better as self._newmax = True ?
            if evaluations is not None:
                self._maxfun += self.evaluations
                self._maxfun = "*"

    def _SetEvaluationLimits(self, iterscale=None, evalscale=None):
        """set the evaluation limits

    - iterscale and evalscale are integers used to set the maximum iteration
      and evaluation limits, respectively. The new limit is defined as
      limit = (nDim * nPop * scale) + count, where count is the number
      of existing iterations or evaluations, respectively. The default for
      iterscale is 10, while the default for evalscale is 1000.
        if iterscale is None: iterscale = 10
        if evalscale is None: evalscale = 1000
        N = len(self.population[0])  # usually self.nDim
        # if SetEvaluationLimits not applied, use the solver default
        if self._maxiter is None:
            self._maxiter = N * self.nPop * iterscale
        elif self._maxiter == "*":  # (i.e. None, but 'reset counter')
            self._maxiter = (N * self.nPop * iterscale) + self.generations
        if self._maxfun is None:
            self._maxfun = N * self.nPop * evalscale
        elif self._maxfun == "*":
            self._maxfun = (N * self.nPop * evalscale) + self.evaluations

    def Terminated(self, disp=False, info=False, termination=None, **kwds):
        """check if the solver meets the given termination conditions

    - disp = if True, print termination statistics and/or warnings
    - info = if True, return termination message (instead of boolean)
    - termination = termination conditions to check against

    If no termination conditions are given, the solver's stored
    termination conditions will be used.
        if termination is None:
            termination = self._termination
        # ensure evaluation limits have been imposed
        # check for termination messages
        msg = termination(self, info=True)
        sig = "SolverInterrupt with %s" % {}
        lim = "EvaluationLimits with %s" % {
            'evaluations': self._maxfun,
            'generations': self._maxiter

        # push solver internals to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
        if self._fcalls[0] >= self._maxfun and self._maxfun is not None:
            msg = lim  #XXX: prefer the default stop ?
            if disp:
                print("Warning: Maximum number of function evaluations has "\
                      "been exceeded.")
        elif self.generations >= self._maxiter and self._maxiter is not None:
            msg = lim  #XXX: prefer the default stop ?
            if disp:
                    "Warning: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded")
        elif self._EARLYEXIT:
            msg = sig
            if disp:
                    "Warning: Optimization terminated with signal interrupt.")
        elif msg and disp:
            print("Optimization terminated successfully.")
            print("         Current function value: %f" % self.bestEnergy)
            print("         Iterations: %d" % self.generations)
            print("         Function evaluations: %d" % self._fcalls[0])

        if info:
            return msg
        return bool(msg)

    def SetTermination(self, termination):  # disp ?
        """set the termination conditions

    - termination = termination conditions to check against"""
        #XXX: validate that termination is a 'condition' ?
        self._termination = termination
        self._collapse = False
        if termination is not None:
            from mystic.termination import state
            stop = state(termination)
            stop = getattr(stop, 'iterkeys', stop.keys)()
            self._collapse = any(key.startswith('Collapse') for key in stop)

    def SetObjective(self, cost, ExtraArgs=None):  # callback=None/False ?
        """set the cost function for the optimization

    - cost is the objective function, of the form y = cost(x, *ExtraArgs),
      where x is a candidate solution, and ExtraArgs is the tuple of positional
      arguments required to evaluate the objective.

    this method decorates the objective with bounds, penalties, monitors, etc"""
        _cost, _raw, _args = self._cost
        # check if need to 'wrap' or can return the stored cost
        if (cost is None or cost is _raw or cost is _cost) and \
           (ExtraArgs is None or ExtraArgs is _args):
        # get cost and args if None was given
        if cost is None: cost = _raw
        args = _args if ExtraArgs is None else ExtraArgs
        args = () if args is None else args
        # quick validation check (so doesn't screw up internals)
        if not isvalid(cost, [0] * self.nDim, *args):
                name = cost.__name__
            except AttributeError:  # raise new error for non-callables
            validate(cost, None, *args)
        #val = len(args) + 1  #XXX: 'klepto.validate' for better error?
        #msg = '%s() invalid number of arguments (%d given)' % (name, val)
        #raise TypeError(msg)
        # hold on to the 'raw' cost function
        self._cost = (None, cost, ExtraArgs)
        self._live = False

    def Collapsed(self, disp=False, info=False):
        """check if the solver meets the given collapse conditions

    - disp: if True, print details about the solver state at collapse
    - info: if True, return collapsed state (instead of boolean)"""
        stop = getattr(self, '__stop__', self.Terminated(info=True))
        import mystic.collapse as ct
        collapses = ct.collapsed(stop) or dict()
        if collapses and disp:
            for (k, v) in getattr(collapses, 'iteritems', collapses.items)():
                print("         %s: %s" % (k.split()[0], v))
        #print("# Collapse at: Generation", self._stepmon._step-1, \
        #      "with", self.bestEnergy, "@\n#", list(self.bestSolution))
        return collapses if info else bool(collapses)

    def __get_collapses(self, disp=False):
        """get dict of {collapse termination info: collapse}

    - disp: if True, print details about the solver state at collapse"""
        collapses = self.Collapsed(disp=disp, info=True)
        if collapses:  # stop if any Termination is not from Collapse
            stop = getattr(self, '__stop__', self.Terminated(info=True))
            stop = not all(k.startswith("Collapse") for k in stop.split("; "))
            if stop: return {}  #XXX: self._collapse = False ?
        return collapses

    def __collapse_termination(self, collapses):
        """get (initial state, resulting termination) for the give collapses"""
        import mystic.termination as mt
        import mystic.mask as ma
        state = mt.state(self._termination)
        termination = ma.update_mask(self._termination, collapses)
        return state, termination

    def __collapse_constraints(self, state, collapses):
        """get updated constraints for the given state and collapses"""
        import mystic.tools as to
        import mystic.constraints as cn
        # get collapse conditions  #XXX: efficient? 4x loops over collapses
        npts = getattr(self._stepmon, '_npts', None)  #XXX: default?
        #conditions = [cn.impose_at(*to.select_params(self,collapses[k])) if state[k].get('target') is None else cn.impose_at(collapses[k],state[k].get('target')) for k in collapses if k.startswith('CollapseAt')]
        #conditions += [cn.impose_as(collapses[k],state[k].get('offset')) for k in collapses if k.startswith('CollapseAs')]
        #randomize = False
        conditions = []
        _conditions = []
        conditions_ = []
        for k in collapses:
            #FIXME: these should be encapsulted in termination instance
            if k.startswith('CollapseAt'):
                t = state[k]
                t = t['target'] if 'target' in t else None
                if t is None:
                    t = cn.impose_at(*to.select_params(self, collapses[k]))
                    t = cn.impose_at(collapses[k], t)
            elif k.startswith('CollapseAs'):
                t = state[k]
                t = t['offset'] if 'offset' in t else None
                _conditions.append(cn.impose_as(collapses[k], t))
            elif k.startswith(('CollapseCost', 'CollapseGrad')):
                t = state[k]
                t = t['clip'] if 'clip' in t else True
                conditions_.append(cn.impose_bounds(collapses[k], clip=t))
                #randomize = True
        del _conditions
        del conditions_
        # get measure collapse conditions
        if npts:  #XXX: faster/better if comes first or last?
            conditions += [
                cn.impose_measure(npts, [
                    for k in collapses if k.startswith('CollapsePosition')
                ], [
                    for k in collapses if k.startswith('CollapseWeight')
        # get updated constraints
        return to.chain(*conditions)(self._constraints)

    def Collapse(self, disp=False):
        """if solver has terminated by collapse, apply the collapse
        (unless both collapse and "stop" are simultaneously satisfied)

    - disp: if True, print details about the solver state at collapse

    updates the solver's termination conditions and constraints
        #XXX: return True for "collapse and continue" and False otherwise?
        collapses = self.__get_collapses(disp)
        if collapses:  # then stomach a bunch of module imports (yuck)
            state, termination = self.__collapse_termination(collapses)
            constraints = self.__collapse_constraints(state, collapses)
            # update termination and constraints in solver
            #if randomize: self.SetInitialPoints(self.population[0])
            #import mystic.termination as mt

    #return bool(collapses) and not stop
        return collapses

    def _update_objective(self):
        """decorate the cost function with bounds, penalties, monitors, etc"""
        # rewrap the cost if the solver has been run
        if False:  # trigger immediately
        else:  # delay update until _bootstrap

    def _decorate_objective(self, cost, ExtraArgs=None):
        """decorate the cost function with bounds, penalties, monitors, etc

    - cost is the objective function, of the form y = cost(x, *ExtraArgs),
      where x is a candidate solution, and ExtraArgs is the tuple of positional
      arguments required to evaluate the objective."""
        #print("@%r %r %r" % (cost, ExtraArgs, max))
        evalmon = self._evalmon
        raw = cost
        if ExtraArgs is None: ExtraArgs = ()
        self._fcalls, cost = wrap_function(cost, ExtraArgs, evalmon)
        if self._useStrictRange:
            indx = list(self.popEnergy).index(self.bestEnergy)
            ngen = self.generations  #XXX: no random if generations=0 ?
            for i in range(self.nPop):
                self.population[i] = self._clipGuessWithinRangeBoundary(
                    self.population[i], (not ngen) or (i == indx))
            cost = wrap_bounds(cost, self._strictMin,
                               self._strictMax)  #XXX: remove?
            from mystic.constraints import and_
            constraints = and_(self._constraints,
            constraints = self._constraints
        cost = wrap_penalty(cost, self._penalty)
        cost = wrap_nested(cost, constraints)
        if self._reducer:
            #cost = reduced(*self._reducer)(cost) # was self._reducer = (f,bool)
            cost = reduced(self._reducer, arraylike=True)(cost)
        # hold on to the 'wrapped' and 'raw' cost function
        self._cost = (cost, raw, ExtraArgs)
        self._live = True
        return cost

    def _bootstrap_objective(self, cost=None, ExtraArgs=None):
        """HACK to enable not explicitly calling _decorate_objective

    - cost is the objective function, of the form y = cost(x, *ExtraArgs),
      where x is a candidate solution, and ExtraArgs is the tuple of positional
      arguments required to evaluate the objective."""
        _cost, _raw, _args = self._cost
        # check if need to 'wrap' or can return the stored cost
        if (cost is None or cost is _raw or cost is _cost) and \
           (ExtraArgs is None or ExtraArgs is _args) and self._live:
            return _cost
        # 'wrap' the 'new' cost function with _decorate
        self.SetObjective(cost, ExtraArgs)
        return self._decorate_objective(*self._cost[1:])

    def _Step(self, cost=None, ExtraArgs=None, **kwds):
        """perform a single optimization iteration

    - cost is the objective function, of the form y = cost(x, *ExtraArgs),
      where x is a candidate solution, and ExtraArgs is the tuple of positional
      arguments required to evaluate the objective.

*** this method must be overwritten ***"""
        raise NotImplementedError("an optimization algorithm was not provided")

    def SaveSolver(self, filename=None, **kwds):
        """save solver state to a restart file

    - filename: string of full filepath for the restart file

    any additional keyword arguments are passed to dill.dump"""
        import dill
        fd = None
        if filename is None:  # then check if already has registered file
            if self._state is None:  # then create a new one
                import os, tempfile
                fd, self._state = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pkl')
            filename = self._state
        self._state = filename
        f = open(filename, 'wb')
            dill.dump(self, f, **kwds)
            self._stepmon.info('DUMPED("%s")' %
                               filename)  #XXX: before / after ?

    def __save_state(self, force=False):
        """save the solver state, if chosen save frequency is met

    - if force is True, save the solver state regardless of save frequency"""
        # save the last iteration
        if force and bool(self._state):
        # save the zeroth iteration
        nonzero = True  #XXX: or bool(self.generations) ?
        # after _saveiter generations, then save state
        iters = self._saveiter
        saveiter = bool(iters) and not bool(self.generations % iters)
        if nonzero and saveiter:
        #FIXME: if _saveeval (or more) since last check, then save state

    #save = self.evaluations % self._saveeval

    def __load_state(self, solver, **kwds):
        """load solver.__dict__ into self.__dict__; override with kwds

    - solver is a solver instance, while kwds are a dict of solver state"""
        #XXX: should do some filtering on kwds ?
        self.__dict__.update(solver.__dict__, **kwds)

    def Finalize(self):
        """cleanup upon exiting the main optimization loop"""
        self._live = False

    def _process_inputs(self, kwds):
        """process and activate input settings

    callback (func, default=None): function to call after each iteration. The
        interface is ``callback(xk)``, with xk the current parameter vector.
    disp (bool, default=False): if True, print convergence messages.

Additional Args:
    EvaluationMonitor: a monitor instance to capture each evaluation of cost.
    StepMonitor: a monitor instance to capture each iteration's best results.
    penalty: a function of the form: y' = penalty(xk), with y = cost(xk) + y',
        where xk is the current parameter vector.
    constraints: a function of the form: xk' = constraints(xk), where xk is
        the current parameter vector.

   The additional args are 'sticky', in that once they are given, they remain
   set until they are explicitly changed. Conversely, the args are not sticky,
   and are thus set for a one-time use.
        #allow for inputs that don't conform to AbstractSolver interface
        #NOTE: not sticky: callback, disp
        #NOTE: sticky: EvaluationMonitor, StepMonitor, penalty, constraints
        settings = \
       {'callback':None,     #user-supplied function, called after each step
        'disp':0}            #non-zero to print convergence messages
        [settings.update({i: j}) for (i, j) in kwds.items() if i in settings]
        # backward compatibility
        if 'EvaluationMonitor' in kwds:             \
        if 'StepMonitor' in kwds:             \
        if 'penalty' in kwds: \
        if 'constraints' in kwds: \
        return settings

    def Step(self, cost=None, termination=None, ExtraArgs=None, **kwds):
        """Take a single optimization step using the given 'cost' function.

Uses an optimization algorithm to take one 'step' toward the minimum of a
function of one or more variables.

    cost (func, default=None): the function to be minimized: ``y = cost(x)``.
    termination (termination, default=None): termination conditions.
    ExtraArgs (tuple, default=None): extra arguments for cost.
    callback (func, default=None): function to call after each iteration. The
        interface is ``callback(xk)``, with xk the current parameter vector.
    disp (bool, default=False): if True, print convergence messages.


    To run the solver until termination, call ``Solve()``. Alternately, use
    ``Terminated()`` as the stop condition in a while loop over ``Step``.

    If the algorithm does not meet the given termination conditions after
    the call to ``Step``, the solver may be left in an "out-of-sync" state.
    When abandoning an non-terminated solver, one should call ``Finalize()``
    to make sure the solver is fully returned to a "synchronized" state.

    This method accepts additional args that are specific for the current
    solver, as detailed in the `_process_inputs` method.
        if 'disp' in kwds:
            disp = bool(kwds['disp'])  #; del kwds['disp']
            disp = False

        # register: cost, termination, ExtraArgs
        cost = self._bootstrap_objective(cost, ExtraArgs)
        if termination is not None: self.SetTermination(termination)

        # check termination before 'stepping'
        if len(self._stepmon):
            msg = self.Terminated(disp=disp, info=True) or None
            msg = None

        # if not terminated, then take a step
        if msg is None:
            self._Step(**kwds)  #FIXME: not all kwds are given in __doc__
            if self.Terminated():  # then cleanup/finalize

            # get termination message and log state
            msg = self.Terminated(disp=disp, info=True) or None
            if msg:
                self._stepmon.info('STOP("%s")' % msg)
        return msg

    def _Solve(self, cost, ExtraArgs, **settings):
        """Run the optimizer to termination, using the given settings.

    cost (func): the function to be minimized: ``y = cost(x)``.
    ExtraArgs (tuple): tuple of extra arguments for ``cost``.
    settings (dict): optimizer settings (produced by _process_inputs)

        disp = settings['disp'] if 'disp' in settings else False

        # the main optimization loop
        stop = False
        while not stop:
            stop = self.Step(**settings)  #XXX: remove need to pass settings?

        # if collapse, then activate any relevant collapses and continue
        self.__stop__ = stop  #HACK: avoid re-evaluation of Termination
        while self._collapse and self.Collapse(disp=disp):
            del self.__stop__  #HACK
            stop = False
            while not stop:
                stop = self.Step(**
                                 settings)  #XXX: move Collapse inside of Step?
            self.__stop__ = stop  #HACK
        del self.__stop__  #HACK

    def Solve(self, cost=None, termination=None, ExtraArgs=None, **kwds):
        """Minimize a 'cost' function with given termination conditions.

Uses an optimization algorithm to find the minimum of a function of one or
more variables.

    cost (func, default=None): the function to be minimized: ``y = cost(x)``.
    termination (termination, default=None): termination conditions.
    ExtraArgs (tuple, default=None): extra arguments for cost.
    sigint_callback (func, default=None): callback function for signal handler.
    callback (func, default=None): function to call after each iteration. The
        interface is ``callback(xk)``, with xk the current parameter vector.
    disp (bool, default=False): if True, print convergence messages.

        # process and activate input settings
        if 'sigint_callback' in kwds:
            self.sigint_callback = kwds['sigint_callback']
            del kwds['sigint_callback']
            self.sigint_callback = None
        settings = self._process_inputs(kwds)

        # set up signal handler #FIXME: sigint doesn't behave well in parallel
        self._EARLYEXIT = False  #XXX: why not use EARLYEXIT singleton?

        # activate signal handler
        #import threading as thread
        #mainthread = isinstance(thread.current_thread(), thread._MainThread)
        #if mainthread: #XXX: if not mainthread, signal will raise ValueError
        import mystic._signal as signal
        if self._handle_sigint:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.Handler(self))

        # register: cost, termination, ExtraArgs
        cost = self._bootstrap_objective(cost, ExtraArgs)
        if termination is not None: self.SetTermination(termination)
        #XXX: self.Step(cost, termination, ExtraArgs, **settings) ?

        # run the optimizer to termination
        self._Solve(cost, ExtraArgs, **settings)

        # restore default handler for signal interrupts
        if self._handle_sigint:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler)

    def __copy__(self):
        """return a shallow copy of the solver"""
        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls.__new__(cls)
        return result

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        """return a deep copy of the solver"""
        import copy
        import dill
        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls.__new__(cls)
        memo[id(self)] = result
        for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
            if v is self._cost:
                setattr(result, k, tuple(dill.copy(i) for i in v))
                try:  #XXX: work-around instancemethods in python2.6
                    setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))
                except TypeError:
                    setattr(result, k, dill.copy(v))
        return result

    def _is_new(self):
        'determine if solver has been run or not'
        return bool(self.evaluations) or bool(self.generations)

    # extensions to the solver interface
    evaluations = property(__evaluations)
    generations = property(__generations)
    energy_history = property(__energy_history, __set_energy_history)
    solution_history = property(__solution_history, __set_solution_history)
    bestEnergy = property(__bestEnergy, __set_bestEnergy)
    bestSolution = property(__bestSolution, __set_bestSolution)
    from timeit import Timer
    print("Differential Evolution")
    t = Timer("main()", "from __main__ import main")
    timetaken = t.timeit(number=1)
    print("CPU Time: %s\n" % timetaken)

    print("with bounds...")
    import time
    times = []
    algor = []

    print("Differential Evolution")
    start = time.time()
    esow = Monitor()
    ssow = Monitor()
    #ssow= VerboseMonitor(1)

    # import random
    #  xinit = [random.random() for j in range(ND)]
    xinit = [0.8, 1.2, 0.7]
    # xinit = [0.8,1.2,1.7]             #... better when using "bad" range
    min = [-0.999, -0.999, 0.999]  #XXX: behaves badly when large range
    max = [200.001, 100.001, inf]  #... for >=1 x0 out of bounds; (up xtol)
    # min = [-0.999, -0.999, -0.999]
    # max = [200.001, 100.001, inf]
    #  min = [-0.999, -0.999, 0.999]     #XXX: tight range and non-randomness
    #  max = [2.001, 1.001, 1.001]       #...: is _bad_ for DE solvers

def diffev(cost,
    """Minimize a function using differential evolution.

Uses a differential evolution algorithm to find the minimum of a function of
one or more variables. Mimics a ``scipy.optimize`` style interface.

    cost (func): the function or method to be minimized: ``y = cost(x)``.
    x0 (ndarray): the initial guess parameter vector ``x`` if desired start
        is a single point, otherwise takes a list of (min,max) bounds that
        define a region from which random initial points are drawn.
    npop (int, default=4): size of the trial solution population.
    args (tuple, default=()): extra arguments for cost.
    bounds (list(tuple), default=None): list of pairs of bounds (min,max),
        one for each parameter.
    ftol (float, default=5e-3): acceptable relative error in ``cost(xopt)``
        for convergence.
    gtol (float, default=None): maximum iterations to run without improvement.
    maxiter (int, default=None): the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun (int, default=None): the maximum number of function evaluations.
    cross (float, default=0.9): the probability of cross-parameter mutations.
    scale (float, default=0.8): multiplier for mutations on the trial solution.
    full_output (bool, default=False): True if fval and warnflag are desired.
    disp (bool, default=True): if True, print convergence messages.
    retall (bool, default=False): if True, return list of solutions at each
    callback (func, default=None): function to call after each iteration. The
        interface is ``callback(xk)``, with xk the current parameter vector.
    handler (bool, default=False): if True, enable handling interrupt signals.
    strategy (strategy, default=None): override the default mutation strategy.
    itermon (monitor, default=None): override the default GenerationMonitor.
    evalmon (monitor, default=None): override the default EvaluationMonitor.
    constraints (func, default=None): a function ``xk' = constraints(xk)``,
        where xk is the current parameter vector, and xk' is a parameter
        vector that satisfies the encoded constraints.
    penalty (func, default=None): a function ``y = penalty(xk)``, where xk is
        the current parameter vector, and ``y' == 0`` when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied (and ``y' > 0`` otherwise).

    ``(xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag}, {allvecs})``

    - xopt (*ndarray*): the minimizer of the cost function
    - fopt (*float*): value of cost function at minimum: ``fopt = cost(xopt)``
    - iter (*int*): number of iterations
    - funcalls (*int*): number of function calls
    - warnflag (*int*): warning flag:
        - ``1 : Maximum number of function evaluations``
        - ``2 : Maximum number of iterations``
    - allvecs (*list*): a list of solutions at each iteration
    invariant_current = kwds[
        'invariant_current'] if 'invariant_current' in kwds else False
    handler = kwds['handler'] if 'handler' in kwds else False

    from mystic.strategy import Best1Bin
    strategy = kwds['strategy'] if 'strategy' in kwds else Best1Bin
    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = kwds['itermon'] if 'itermon' in kwds else Monitor()
    evalmon = kwds['evalmon'] if 'evalmon' in kwds else Monitor()

    if gtol:  #if number of generations provided, use ChangeOverGeneration
        from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration
        termination = ChangeOverGeneration(ftol, gtol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)

    ND = len(x0)
    if invariant_current:  #use Solver2, not Solver1
        solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver2(ND, npop)
        solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(ND, npop)
    solver.SetEvaluationLimits(maxiter, maxfun)
    if 'penalty' in kwds:
    if 'constraints' in kwds:
    if bounds is not None:
        minb, maxb = unpair(bounds)
        solver.SetStrictRanges(minb, maxb)

    try:  #x0 passed as 1D array of (min,max) pairs
        minb, maxb = unpair(x0)
        solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(minb, maxb)
    except:  #x0 passed as 1D array of initial parameter values

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
    #TODO: allow sigint_callbacks for all minimal interfaces ?
    solver.Solve(cost, termination=termination, strategy=strategy, \
                 CrossProbability=cross, ScalingFactor=scale, \
                 ExtraArgs=args, callback=callback)
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
    #x = list(solver.bestSolution)
    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = stepmon.x

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:
        warnflag = 1
        if disp:
            print("Warning: Maximum number of function evaluations has "\
                  "been exceeded.")
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:
        warnflag = 2
        if disp:
            print("Warning: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded")
        if disp:
            print("Optimization terminated successfully.")
            print("         Current function value: %f" % fval)
            print("         Iterations: %d" % iterations)
            print("         Function evaluations: %d" % fcalls)

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs, )
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
def buckshot(cost,ndim,npts=8,args=(),bounds=None,ftol=1e-4,maxiter=None, \
    """Minimize a function using the buckshot ensemble solver.

    Uses a buckshot ensemble algorithm to find the minimum of
    a function of one or more variables. Mimics the scipy.optimize.fmin
    interface. Starts 'npts' solver instances at random points in parameter


    cost -- the Python function or method to be minimized.
    ndim -- dimensionality of the problem.
    npts -- number of solver instances.

Additional Inputs:

    args -- extra arguments for cost.
    bounds -- list - n pairs of bounds (min,max), one pair for each parameter.
    ftol -- number - acceptable relative error in cost(xopt) for convergence.
    gtol -- number - maximum number of iterations to run without improvement.
    maxiter -- number - the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun -- number - the maximum number of function evaluations.
    full_output -- number - non-zero if fval and warnflag outputs are desired.
    disp -- number - non-zero to print convergence messages.
    retall -- number - non-zero to return list of solutions at each iteration.
    callback -- an optional user-supplied function to call after each
        iteration.  It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the
        current parameter vector.
    solver -- solver - override the default nested Solver instance.
    handler -- boolean - enable/disable handling of interrupt signal.
    itermon -- monitor - override the default GenerationMonitor.
    evalmon -- monitor - override the default EvaluationMonitor.
    constraints -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        constraints(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function must return xk', a parameter vector that satisfies
        the encoded constraints.
    penalty -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        penalty(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function should return y', with y' == 0 when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied, and y' > 0 otherwise.
    dist -- an optional mystic.math.Distribution instance.  If provided,
        this distribution generates randomness in ensemble starting position.

Returns: (xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag, allfuncalls}, {allvecs})

    xopt -- ndarray - minimizer of function
    fopt -- number - value of function at minimum: fopt = cost(xopt)
    iter -- number - number of iterations
    funcalls -- number - number of function calls
    warnflag -- number - Integer warning flag:
        1 : 'Maximum number of function evaluations.'
        2 : 'Maximum number of iterations.'
    allfuncalls -- number - total function calls (for all solver instances)
    allvecs -- list - a list of solutions at each iteration

    handler = kwds['handler'] if 'handler' in kwds else False
    from mystic.solvers import NelderMeadSimplexSolver as _solver
    if 'solver' in kwds: _solver = kwds['solver']

    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = kwds['itermon'] if 'itermon' in kwds else Monitor()
    evalmon = kwds['evalmon'] if 'evalmon' in kwds else Monitor()

    gtol = 10  # termination generations (scipy: 2, default: 10)
    if 'gtol' in kwds: gtol = kwds['gtol']
    if gtol:  #if number of generations is provided, use NCOG
        from mystic.termination import NormalizedChangeOverGeneration
        termination = NormalizedChangeOverGeneration(ftol, gtol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)

    solver = BuckshotSolver(ndim, npts)
    solver.SetNestedSolver(_solver)  #XXX: skip settings for configured solver?
    solver.SetEvaluationLimits(maxiter, maxfun)
    if 'dist' in kwds:
    if 'penalty' in kwds:
    if 'constraints' in kwds:
    if bounds is not None:
        minb, maxb = unpair(bounds)
        solver.SetStrictRanges(minb, maxb)

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
    solver.Solve(cost,termination=termination,disp=disp, \
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
    msg = solver.Terminated(disp=False, info=True)

    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    all_fcalls = solver._total_evals
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = solver._stepmon.x

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:  #XXX: check against total or individual?
        warnflag = 1
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:  #XXX: check against total or individual?
        warnflag = 2

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag, all_fcalls
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs, )
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
# License: 3-clause BSD.  The full license text is available at:
#  - http://trac.mystic.cacr.caltech.edu/project/mystic/browser/mystic/LICENSE

from mystic.models import rosen
from mystic.solvers import *
from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
from mystic.monitors import VerboseMonitor, Monitor
from mystic.tools import random_seed
lb, ub = [-100.]*3, [100]*3
interval = None

if interval:
  _stepmon = VerboseMonitor(interval)
  _stepmon = Monitor()
_term = VTRChangeOverGeneration(generations=200)
_solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(3, 20)#40)
_solver.SetEvaluationLimits(100, 1000)

_energy = _solver.bestEnergy
_solution =  _solver.bestSolution
_population = _solver.population

_solver.SetEvaluationLimits(10000, 100000)
from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver2
from mystic.monitors import VerboseMonitor, Monitor
from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration as COG

# kwds for solver
opts = dict(termination=COG(1e-10, 100))
param = dict(
    x0=None,  # use RandomInitialPoints
    nested=None,  # don't use SetNested
    pool=None,  # don't use SetMapper
    stepmon=VerboseMonitor(1, label='output'),  # monitor config
    evalmon=Monitor(),  # monitor config (re-initialized in solve)
    # kwds to pass directly to Solve(objective, **opt)

from mystic.math.discrete import product_measure
from mystic.math import almostEqual as almost
from mystic.constraints import and_, integers
from mystic.coupler import outer

# lower and upper bound for parameters and weights
xlb = (0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
xub = (1, 10, 10, 10, 10)
wlb = (0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
wub = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
# number of Dirac masses to use for each parameter

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print("Differential Evolution")

    # set range for random initial guess
    ndim = 9
    x0 = [(-100, 100)] * ndim

    # configure monitors
    stepmon = VerboseMonitor(50)
    evalmon = Monitor()

    # use DE to solve 8th-order Chebyshev coefficients
    npop = 10 * ndim
    solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver2(ndim, npop)
    solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(min=[-100] * ndim, max=[100] * ndim)
    solver.Solve(chebyshev8cost, termination=VTR(0.01), strategy=Best1Exp, \
                 CrossProbability=1.0, ScalingFactor=0.9)
    solution = solver.bestSolution

    # get solved coefficients and Chi-Squared (from solver members)
    iterations = solver.generations
    def __init__(self, dim, **kwds):
Takes one initial input:
    dim      -- dimensionality of the problem.

Additional inputs:
    npop     -- size of the trial solution population.       [default = 1]

Important class members:
    nDim, nPop       = dim, npop
    generations      - an iteration counter.
    evaluations      - an evaluation counter.
    bestEnergy       - current best energy.
    bestSolution     - current best parameter set.           [size = dim]
    popEnergy        - set of all trial energy solutions.    [size = npop]
    population       - set of all trial parameter solutions. [size = dim*npop]
    solution_history - history of bestSolution status.       [StepMonitor.x]
    energy_history   - history of bestEnergy status.         [StepMonitor.y]
    signal_handler   - catches the interrupt signal.
        NP = kwds['npop'] if 'npop' in kwds else 1

        self.nDim             = dim
        self.nPop             = NP
        self._init_popEnergy  = inf
        self.popEnergy	      = [self._init_popEnergy] * NP
        self.population	      = [[0.0 for i in range(dim)] for j in range(NP)]
        self.trialSolution    = [0.0] * dim
        self._map_solver      = False
        self._bestEnergy      = None
        self._bestSolution    = None
        self._state           = None
        self._type            = self.__class__.__name__

        self.signal_handler   = None
        self._handle_sigint   = False
        self._useStrictRange  = False
        self._defaultMin      = [-1e3] * dim
        self._defaultMax      = [ 1e3] * dim
        self._strictMin       = []
        self._strictMax       = []
        self._maxiter         = None
        self._maxfun          = None
        self._saveiter        = None
       #self._saveeval        = None

        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor
        self._evalmon         = Null()
        self._stepmon         = Monitor()
        self._fcalls          = [0]
        self._energy_history  = None
        self._solution_history= None
        self.id               = None     # identifier (use like "rank" for MPI)

        self._constraints     = lambda x: x
        self._penalty         = lambda x: 0.0
        self._reducer         = None
        self._cost            = (None, None, None)
        #                       (cost, raw_cost, args) #,callback)
        self._collapse        = False
        self._termination     = lambda x, *ar, **kw: False if len(ar) < 1 or ar[0] is False or (kw['info'] if 'info' in kw else True) == False else '' #XXX: better default ?
        # (get termination details with self._termination.__doc__)

        import mystic.termination as mt
        self._EARLYEXIT       = mt.EARLYEXIT
        self._live            = False 
class AbstractSolver(object):
AbstractSolver base class for mystic optimizers.

    def __init__(self, dim, **kwds):
Takes one initial input:
    dim      -- dimensionality of the problem.

Additional inputs:
    npop     -- size of the trial solution population.       [default = 1]

Important class members:
    nDim, nPop       = dim, npop
    generations      - an iteration counter.
    evaluations      - an evaluation counter.
    bestEnergy       - current best energy.
    bestSolution     - current best parameter set.           [size = dim]
    popEnergy        - set of all trial energy solutions.    [size = npop]
    population       - set of all trial parameter solutions. [size = dim*npop]
    solution_history - history of bestSolution status.       [StepMonitor.x]
    energy_history   - history of bestEnergy status.         [StepMonitor.y]
    signal_handler   - catches the interrupt signal.
        NP = 1
        if kwds.has_key('npop'): NP = kwds['npop']

        self.nDim             = dim
        self.nPop             = NP
        self._init_popEnergy  = inf
        self.popEnergy	      = [self._init_popEnergy] * NP
        self.population	      = [[0.0 for i in range(dim)] for j in range(NP)]
        self.trialSolution    = [0.0] * dim
        self._map_solver      = False
        self._bestEnergy      = None
        self._bestSolution    = None
        self._state           = None
        self._type            = self.__class__.__name__

        self.signal_handler   = None
        self._handle_sigint   = False
        self._useStrictRange  = False
        self._defaultMin      = [-1e3] * dim
        self._defaultMax      = [ 1e3] * dim
        self._strictMin       = []
        self._strictMax       = []
        self._maxiter         = None
        self._maxfun          = None
        self._saveiter        = None
       #self._saveeval        = None

        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor
        self._evalmon         = Null()
        self._stepmon         = Monitor()
        self._fcalls          = [0]
        self._energy_history  = None
        self._solution_history= None
        self.id               = None     # identifier (use like "rank" for MPI)

        self._constraints     = lambda x: x
        self._penalty         = lambda x: 0.0
        self._reducer         = None
        self._cost            = (None, None)
        self._termination     = lambda x, *ar, **kw: False if len(ar) < 1 or ar[0] is False or kw.get('info',True) == False else '' #XXX: better default ?
        # (get termination details with self._termination.__doc__)

        import mystic.termination
        self._EARLYEXIT       = mystic.termination.EARLYEXIT

    def Solution(self):
        """return the best solution"""
        return self.bestSolution

    def __evaluations(self):
        """get the number of function calls"""
        return self._fcalls[0]

    def __generations(self):
        """get the number of iterations"""
        return max(0,len(self.energy_history)-1)
       #return max(0,len(self._stepmon)-1)

    def __energy_history(self):
        """get the energy_history (default: energy_history = _stepmon.y)"""
        if self._energy_history is None: return self._stepmon.y
        return self._energy_history

    def __set_energy_history(self, energy):
        """set the energy_history (energy=None will sync with _stepmon.y)"""
        self._energy_history = energy

    def __solution_history(self):
        """get the solution_history (default: solution_history = _stepmon.x)"""
        if self._solution_history is None: return self._stepmon.x
        return self._solution_history

    def __set_solution_history(self, params):
        """set the solution_history (params=None will sync with _stepmon.x)"""
        self._solution_history = params

    def __bestSolution(self):
        """get the bestSolution (default: bestSolution = population[0])"""
        if self._bestSolution is None: return self.population[0]
        return self._bestSolution

    def __set_bestSolution(self, params):
        """set the bestSolution (params=None will sync with population[0])"""
        self._bestSolution = params

    def __bestEnergy(self):
        """get the bestEnergy (default: bestEnergy = popEnergy[0])"""
        if self._bestEnergy is None: return self.popEnergy[0]
        return self._bestEnergy

    def __set_bestEnergy(self, energy):
        """set the bestEnergy (energy=None will sync with popEnergy[0])"""
        self._bestEnergy = energy

    def SetReducer(self, reducer, arraylike=False):
        """apply a reducer function to the cost function

    - a reducer function of the form: y' = reducer(yk), where yk is a results
      vector and y' is a single value.  Ideally, this method is applied to
      a cost function with a multi-value return, to reduce the output to a
      single value.  If arraylike, the reducer provided should take a single
      array as input and produce a scalar; otherwise, the reducer provided
      should meet the requirements of the python's builtin 'reduce' method 
      (e.g. lambda x,y: x+y), taking two scalars and producing a scalar."""
        if not reducer:
            self._reducer = None
        elif not callable(reducer):
            raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a callable function" % reducer
        elif not arraylike:
            self._reducer = wrap_reducer(reducer)   
        else: #XXX: check if is arraylike?
            self._reducer = reducer

    def SetPenalty(self, penalty):
        """apply a penalty function to the optimization

    - a penalty function of the form: y' = penalty(xk), with y = cost(xk) + y',
      where xk is the current parameter vector. Ideally, this function
      is constructed so a penalty is applied when the desired (i.e. encoded)
      constraints are violated. Equality constraints should be considered
      satisfied when the penalty condition evaluates to zero, while
      inequality constraints are satisfied when the penalty condition
      evaluates to a non-positive number."""
        if not penalty:
            self._penalty = lambda x: 0.0
        elif not callable(penalty):
            raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a callable function" % penalty
        else: #XXX: check for format: y' = penalty(x) ?
            self._penalty = penalty

    def SetConstraints(self, constraints):
        """apply a constraints function to the optimization

    - a constraints function of the form: xk' = constraints(xk),
      where xk is the current parameter vector. Ideally, this function
      is constructed so the parameter vector it passes to the cost function
      will satisfy the desired (i.e. encoded) constraints."""
        if not constraints:
            self._constraints = lambda x: x
        elif not callable(constraints):
            raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a callable function" % constraints
        else: #XXX: check for format: x' = constraints(x) ?
            self._constraints = constraints

    def SetGenerationMonitor(self, monitor, new=False):
        """select a callable to monitor (x, f(x)) after each solver iteration"""
        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor#, CustomMonitor
        current = Null() if new else self._stepmon
        if isinstance(monitor, Monitor):  # is Monitor()
            self._stepmon = monitor
        elif isinstance(monitor, Null) or monitor == Null: # is Null() or Null
            self._stepmon = Monitor()  #XXX: don't allow Null
        elif hasattr(monitor, '__module__'):  # is CustomMonitor()
            if monitor.__module__ in ['mystic._genSow']:
                self._stepmon = monitor #FIXME: need .prepend(current)
            raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a monitor instance" % monitor
        self.energy_history   = self._stepmon.y
        self.solution_history = self._stepmon.x

    def SetEvaluationMonitor(self, monitor, new=False):
        """select a callable to monitor (x, f(x)) after each cost function evaluation"""
        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor#, CustomMonitor
        current = Null() if new else self._evalmon
        if isinstance(monitor, (Null, Monitor) ):  # is Monitor() or Null()
            self._evalmon = monitor
        elif monitor == Null:  # is Null
            self._evalmon = monitor()
        elif hasattr(monitor, '__module__'):  # is CustomMonitor()
            if monitor.__module__ in ['mystic._genSow']:
                self._evalmon = monitor #FIXME: need .prepend(current)
            raise TypeError, "'%s' is not a monitor instance" % monitor

    def SetStrictRanges(self, min=None, max=None):
        """ensure solution is within bounds

    - min, max: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - each min[i] should be <= the corresponding max[i]

    SetStrictRanges(None) will remove strict range constraints"""
        if min is False or max is False:
            self._useStrictRange = False
        #XXX: better to use 'defaultMin,defaultMax' or '-inf,inf' ???
        if min == None: min = self._defaultMin
        if max == None: max = self._defaultMax
        # when 'some' of the bounds are given as 'None', replace with default
        for i in range(len(min)): 
            if min[i] == None: min[i] = self._defaultMin[0]
            if max[i] == None: max[i] = self._defaultMax[0]

        min = asarray(min); max = asarray(max)
        if numpy.any(( min > max ),0):
            raise ValueError, "each min[i] must be <= the corresponding max[i]"
        if len(min) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError, "bounds array must be length %s" % self.nDim
        self._useStrictRange = True
        self._strictMin = min
        self._strictMax = max

    def _clipGuessWithinRangeBoundary(self, x0): #FIXME: use self.trialSolution?
        """ensure that initial guess is set within bounds

    - x0: must be a sequence of length self.nDim"""
       #if len(x0) != self.nDim: #XXX: unnecessary w/ self.trialSolution
       #    raise ValueError, "initial guess must be length %s" % self.nDim
        x0 = asarray(x0)
        lo = self._strictMin
        hi = self._strictMax
        # crop x0 at bounds
        x0[x0<lo] = lo[x0<lo]
        x0[x0>hi] = hi[x0>hi]
        return x0

    def SetInitialPoints(self, x0, radius=0.05):
        """Set Initial Points with Guess (x0)

    - x0: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - radius: generate random points within [-radius*x0, radius*x0]
        for i!=0 when a simplex-type initial guess in required"""
        x0 = asfarray(x0)
        rank = len(x0.shape)
        if rank is 0:
            x0 = asfarray([x0])
            rank = 1
        if not -1 < rank < 2:
            raise ValueError, "Initial guess must be a scalar or rank-1 sequence."
        if len(x0) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError, "Initial guess must be length %s" % self.nDim

        #slightly alter initial values for solvers that depend on randomness
        min = x0*(1-radius)
        max = x0*(1+radius)
        numzeros = len(x0[x0==0])
        min[min==0] = asarray([-radius for i in range(numzeros)])
        max[max==0] = asarray([radius for i in range(numzeros)])
        #stick initial values in population[i], i=0
        self.population[0] = x0.tolist()
    def SetRandomInitialPoints(self, min=None, max=None):
        """Generate Random Initial Points within given Bounds

    - min, max: must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - each min[i] should be <= the corresponding max[i]"""
        if min == None: min = self._defaultMin
        if max == None: max = self._defaultMax
       #if numpy.any(( asarray(min) > asarray(max) ),0):
       #    raise ValueError, "each min[i] must be <= the corresponding max[i]"
        if len(min) != self.nDim or len(max) != self.nDim:
            raise ValueError, "bounds array must be length %s" % self.nDim
        # when 'some' of the bounds are given as 'None', replace with default
        for i in range(len(min)): 
            if min[i] == None: min[i] = self._defaultMin[0]
            if max[i] == None: max[i] = self._defaultMax[0]
        import random
        #generate random initial values
        for i in range(len(self.population)):
            for j in range(self.nDim):
                self.population[i][j] = random.uniform(min[j],max[j])

    def SetMultinormalInitialPoints(self, mean, var = None):
        """Generate Initial Points from Multivariate Normal.

    - mean must be a sequence of length self.nDim
    - var can be...
        None: -> it becomes the identity
        scalar: -> var becomes scalar * I
        matrix: -> the variance matrix. must be the right size!
        from numpy.random import multivariate_normal
        assert(len(mean) == self.nDim)
        if var == None:
            var = numpy.eye(self.nDim)
            try: # scalar ?
            except: # nope. var better be matrix of the right size (no check)
                var = var * numpy.eye(self.nDim)
        for i in range(len(self.population)):
            self.population[i] = multivariate_normal(mean, var).tolist()

    def enable_signal_handler(self):
        """enable workflow interrupt handler while solver is running"""
        self._handle_sigint = True

    def disable_signal_handler(self):
        """disable workflow interrupt handler while solver is running"""
        self._handle_sigint = False

    def _generateHandler(self,sigint_callback):
        """factory to generate signal handler

Available switches::
    - sol  --> Print current best solution.
    - cont --> Continue calculation.
    - call --> Executes sigint_callback, if provided.
    - exit --> Exits with current best solution.
        def handler(signum, frame):
            import inspect
            print inspect.getframeinfo(frame)
            print inspect.trace()
            while 1:
                s = raw_input(\
 Enter sense switch.

    sol:  Print current best solution.
    cont: Continue calculation.
    call: Executes sigint_callback [%s].
    exit: Exits with current best solution.

 >>> """ % sigint_callback)
                if s.lower() == 'sol': 
                    print self.bestSolution
                elif s.lower() == 'cont': 
                elif s.lower() == 'call': 
                    # sigint call_back
                    if sigint_callback is not None:
                elif s.lower() == 'exit': 
                    self._EARLYEXIT = True
                    print "unknown option : %s" % s
        self.signal_handler = handler

    def SetSaveFrequency(self, generations=None, filename=None, **kwds):
        """set frequency for saving solver restart file

    - generations = number of solver iterations before next save of state
    - filename = name of file in which to save solver state

    SetSaveFrequency(None) will disable saving solver restart file"""
        self._saveiter = generations
       #self._saveeval = evaluations
        self._state = filename

    def SetEvaluationLimits(self, generations=None, evaluations=None, \
                                                    new=False, **kwds):
        """set limits for generations and/or evaluations

    - generations = maximum number of solver iterations (i.e. steps)
    - evaluations = maximum number of function evaluations"""
        self._maxiter = generations
        self._maxfun = evaluations
        # backward compatibility
        if kwds.has_key('maxiter'):
            self._maxiter = kwds['maxiter']
        if kwds.has_key('maxfun'):
            self._maxfun = kwds['maxfun']
        # handle if new (reset counter, instead of extend counter)
        if new:
            if generations is not None:
                self._maxiter += self.generations
                self._maxiter = "*" #XXX: better as self._newmax = True ?
            if evaluations is not None:
                self._maxfun += self.evaluations
                self._maxfun = "*"

    def _SetEvaluationLimits(self, iterscale=None, evalscale=None):
        """set the evaluation limits"""
        if iterscale is None: iterscale = 10
        if evalscale is None: evalscale = 1000
        N = len(self.population[0]) # usually self.nDim
        # if SetEvaluationLimits not applied, use the solver default
        if self._maxiter is None:
            self._maxiter = N * self.nPop * iterscale
        elif self._maxiter == "*": # (i.e. None, but 'reset counter') 
            self._maxiter = (N * self.nPop * iterscale) + self.generations
        if self._maxfun is None:
            self._maxfun = N * self.nPop * evalscale
        elif self._maxiter == "*":
            self._maxfun = (N * self.nPop * evalscale) + self.evaluations

    def CheckTermination(self, disp=False, info=False, termination=None):
        """check if the solver meets the given termination conditions

    - disp = if True, print termination statistics and/or warnings
    - info = if True, return termination message (instead of boolean)
    - termination = termination conditions to check against

    If no termination conditions are given, the solver's stored
    termination conditions will be used.
        if termination == None:
            termination = self._termination
        # check for termination messages
        msg = termination(self, info=True)
        lim = "EvaluationLimits with %s" % {'evaluations':self._maxfun,

        # push solver internals to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
        if self._fcalls[0] >= self._maxfun and self._maxfun is not None:
            msg = lim #XXX: prefer the default stop ?
            if disp:
                print "Warning: Maximum number of function evaluations has "\
                      "been exceeded."
        elif self.generations >= self._maxiter and self._maxiter is not None:
            msg = lim #XXX: prefer the default stop ?
            if disp:
                print "Warning: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded"
        elif msg and disp:
            print "Optimization terminated successfully."
            print "         Current function value: %f" % self.bestEnergy
            print "         Iterations: %d" % self.generations
            print "         Function evaluations: %d" % self._fcalls[0]

        if info:
            return msg
        return bool(msg)

    def SetTermination(self, termination):
        """set the termination conditions"""
        #XXX: validate that termination is a 'condition' ?
        self._termination = termination

    def _RegisterObjective(self, cost, ExtraArgs=None):
        """decorate cost function with bounds, penalties, monitors, etc"""
        if ExtraArgs == None: ExtraArgs = ()
        self._fcalls, cost = wrap_function(cost, ExtraArgs, self._evalmon)
        if self._useStrictRange:
            for i in range(self.nPop):
                self.population[i] = self._clipGuessWithinRangeBoundary(self.population[i])
            cost = wrap_bounds(cost, self._strictMin, self._strictMax)
        cost = wrap_penalty(cost, self._penalty)
        cost = wrap_nested(cost, self._constraints)
        if self._reducer:
           #cost = reduced(*self._reducer)(cost) # was self._reducer = (f,bool)
            cost = reduced(self._reducer, arraylike=True)(cost)
        # hold on to the 'wrapped' cost function
        self._cost = (cost, ExtraArgs)
        return cost

    def _bootstrap_decorate(self, cost=None, ExtraArgs=None):
        """HACK to enable not explicitly calling _RegisterObjective"""
        args = None
        if cost == None: # 'use existing cost'
            cost,args = self._cost # use args, unless override with ExtraArgs
        if ExtraArgs != None: args = ExtraArgs
        if self._cost[0] == None: # '_RegisterObjective not yet called'
            if args is None: args = ()
            cost = self._RegisterObjective(cost, args)
        return cost

    def Step(self, cost=None, ExtraArgs=None, **kwds):
        """perform a single optimization iteration

*** this method must be overwritten ***"""
        raise NotImplementedError, "an optimization algorithm was not provided"

    def SaveSolver(self, filename=None, **kwds):
        """save solver state to a restart file"""
        import dill
        if filename == None: # then check if already has registered file
            if self._state == None: # then create a new one
                import tempfile
                self._state = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pkl')[-1]
            filename = self._state
        self._state = filename
        f = file(filename, 'wb')
            dill.dump(self, f, **kwds)
            self._stepmon.info('DUMPED("%s")' % filename) #XXX: before / after ?

    def __save_state(self, force=False):
        """save the solver state, if chosen save frequency is met"""
        # save the last iteration
        if force and bool(self._state):
        # save the zeroth iteration
        nonzero = True #XXX: or bool(self.generations) ?
        # after _saveiter generations, then save state
        iters = self._saveiter
        saveiter = bool(iters) and not bool(self.generations % iters)
        if nonzero and saveiter:
        #FIXME: if _saveeval (or more) since last check, then save state
       #save = self.evaluations % self._saveeval

    def __load_state(self, solver, **kwds):
        """load solver.__dict__ into self.__dict__; override with kwds"""
        #XXX: should do some filtering on kwds ?
        self.__dict__.update(solver.__dict__, **kwds)

    def _exitMain(self, **kwds):
        """cleanup upon exiting the main optimization loop"""

    def _process_inputs(self, kwds):
        """process and activate input settings"""
        #allow for inputs that don't conform to AbstractSolver interface
        settings = \
       {'callback':None,     #user-supplied function, called after each step
        'disp':0}            #non-zero to print convergence messages
        [settings.update({i:j}) for (i,j) in kwds.items() if i in settings]
        # backward compatibility
        if kwds.has_key('EvaluationMonitor'): \
        if kwds.has_key('StepMonitor'): \
        if kwds.has_key('penalty'): \
        if kwds.has_key('constraints'): \
        return settings

    def Solve(self, cost=None, termination=None, sigint_callback=None,
                                                 ExtraArgs=None, **kwds):
        """Minimize a 'cost' function with given termination conditions.


    Uses an optimization algorith to find the minimum of
    a function of one or more variables.


    cost -- the Python function or method to be minimized.

Additional Inputs:

    termination -- callable object providing termination conditions.
    sigint_callback -- callback function for signal handler.
    ExtraArgs -- extra arguments for cost.

Further Inputs:

    callback -- an optional user-supplied function to call after each
        iteration.  It is called as callback(xk), where xk is
        the current parameter vector.  [default = None]
    disp -- non-zero to print convergence messages.
        # HACK to enable not explicitly calling _RegisterObjective
        cost = self._bootstrap_decorate(cost, ExtraArgs)
        # process and activate input settings
        settings = self._process_inputs(kwds)
        for key in settings:
            exec "%s = settings['%s']" % (key,key)

        # set up signal handler
        import signal
        self._EARLYEXIT = False
        if self._handle_sigint: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler)

       ## decorate cost function with bounds, penalties, monitors, etc
       #self._RegisterObjective(cost, ExtraArgs)    #XXX: SetObjective ?
        # register termination function
        if termination is not None:

        # the initital optimization iteration
        if not len(self._stepmon): # do generation = 0
            if callback is not None:
            # initialize termination conditions, if needed
            self._termination(self) #XXX: call at generation 0 or always?
        # impose the evaluation limits

        # the main optimization loop
        while not self.CheckTermination() and not self._EARLYEXIT:
            if callback is not None:
        else: self._exitMain()

        # handle signal interrupts

        # log any termination messages
        msg = self.CheckTermination(disp=disp, info=True)
        if msg: self._stepmon.info('STOP("%s")' % msg)
        # save final state

    # extensions to the solver interface
    evaluations = property(__evaluations )
    generations = property(__generations )
    energy_history = property(__energy_history,__set_energy_history )
    solution_history = property(__solution_history,__set_solution_history )
    bestEnergy = property(__bestEnergy,__set_bestEnergy )
    bestSolution = property(__bestSolution,__set_bestSolution )
  def radius(model, point, ytol=0.0, xtol=0.0, ipop=None, imax=None):
    """graphical distance between a single point x,y and a model F(x')"""
    # given a single point x,y: find the radius = |y - F(x')| + delta
    # radius is just a minimization over x' of |y - F(x')| + delta
    # where we apply a constraints function (of box constraints) of
    # |x - x'| <= xtol  (for each i in x)
    # if hausdorff = some iterable, delta = |x - x'|/hausdorff
    # if hausdorff = True, delta = |x - x'|/spread(x); using the dataset range
    # if hausdorff = False, delta = 0.0
    # if ipop, then DE else Powell; ytol is used in VTR(ytol)
    # and will terminate when cost <= ytol
    x,y = _get_xy(point)
    y = asarray(y)
    # catch cases where yptp or y will cause issues in normalization
   #if not isfinite(yptp): return 0.0 #FIXME: correct?  shouldn't happen
   #if yptp == 0: from numpy import inf; return inf #FIXME: this is bad

    # build the cost function
    if hausdorff: # distance in all directions
      def cost(rv):
        '''cost = |y - F(x')| + |x - x'| for each x,y (point in dataset)'''
        _y = model(rv)
        if not isfinite(_y): return abs(_y)
        errs = seterr(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore') # turn off warning 
        z = abs((asarray(x) - rv)/ptp)  # normalize by range
        m = abs(y - _y)/yptp            # normalize by range
        seterr(invalid=errs['invalid'], divide=errs['divide']) # turn on warning
        return m + sum(z[isfinite(z)])
    else:  # vertical distance only
      def cost(rv):
        '''cost = |y - F(x')| for each x,y (point in dataset)'''
        return abs(y - model(rv))

    if debug:
      print("rv: %s" % str(x))
      print("cost: %s" % cost(x))

    # if xtol=0, radius is difference in x,y and x,F(x); skip the optimization
      if not imax or not max(xtol): #iterables
        return cost(x)
    except TypeError:
      if not xtol: #non-iterables
        return cost(x)

    # set the range constraints
    xtol = asarray(xtol)
    bounds = list(zip( x - xtol, x + xtol ))

    if debug:
      print("lower: %s" % str(zip(*bounds)[0]))
      print("upper: %s" % str(zip(*bounds)[1]))

    # optimize where initially x' = x
    stepmon = Monitor()
    if debug: stepmon = VerboseMonitor(1)
    #XXX: edit settings?
    MINMAX = 1 #XXX: confirm MINMAX=1 is minimization
    ftol = ytol
    gtol = None  # use VTRCOG
    if ipop:
      results = diffev2(cost, bounds, ipop, ftol=ftol, gtol=gtol, \
                        itermon = stepmon, maxiter=imax, bounds=bounds, \
                        full_output=1, disp=0, handler=False)
      results = fmin_powell(cost, x, ftol=ftol, gtol=gtol, \
                            itermon = stepmon, maxiter=imax, bounds=bounds, \
                            full_output=1, disp=0, handler=False)
   #solved = results[0]            # x'
    func_opt = MINMAX * results[1] # cost(x')
    if debug:
      print("solved: %s" % results[0])
      print("cost: %s" % func_opt)

    # get the minimum distance |y - F(x')|
    return func_opt
def fmin(cost,
    """Minimize a function using the downhill simplex algorithm.
Uses a Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm to find the minimum of a function of one
or more variables. This algorithm only uses function values, not derivatives or second derivatives. Mimics the ``scipy.optimize.fmin`` interface.

This algorithm has a long history of successful use in applications. It will
usually be slower than an algorithm that uses first or second derivative
information. In practice it can have poor performance in high-dimensional
problems and is not robust to minimizing complicated functions. Additionally,
there currently is no complete theory describing when the algorithm will
successfully converge to the minimum, or how fast it will if it does. Both the
ftol and xtol criteria must be met for convergence.

    cost (func): the function or method to be minimized: ``y = cost(x)``.
    x0 (ndarray): the initial guess parameter vector ``x``.
    args (tuple, default=()): extra arguments for cost.
    bounds (list(tuple), default=None): list of pairs of bounds (min,max),
        one for each parameter.
    xtol (float, default=1e-4): acceptable absolute error in ``xopt`` for
    ftol (float, default=1e-4): acceptable absolute error in ``cost(xopt)``
        for convergence.
    maxiter (int, default=None): the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun (int, default=None): the maximum number of function evaluations.
    full_output (bool, default=False): True if fval and warnflag are desired.
    disp (bool, default=True): if True, print convergence messages.
    retall (bool, default=False): if True, return list of solutions at each
    callback (func, default=None): function to call after each iteration. The
        interface is ``callback(xk)``, with xk the current parameter vector.
    handler (bool, default=False): if True, enable handling interrupt signals.
    itermon (monitor, default=None): override the default GenerationMonitor.
    evalmon (monitor, default=None): override the default EvaluationMonitor.
    constraints (func, default=None): a function ``xk' = constraints(xk)``,
        where xk is the current parameter vector, and xk' is a parameter
        vector that satisfies the encoded constraints.
    penalty (func, default=None): a function ``y = penalty(xk)``, where xk is
        the current parameter vector, and ``y' == 0`` when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied (and ``y' > 0`` otherwise).

    ``(xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag}, {allvecs})``

    - xopt (*ndarray*): the minimizer of the cost function
    - fopt (*float*): value of cost function at minimum: ``fopt = cost(xopt)``
    - iter (*int*): number of iterations
    - funcalls (*int*): number of function calls
    - warnflag (*int*): warning flag:
        - ``1 : Maximum number of function evaluations``
        - ``2 : Maximum number of iterations``
    - allvecs (*list*): a list of solutions at each iteration
    handler = kwds['handler'] if 'handler' in kwds else False

    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = kwds['itermon'] if 'itermon' in kwds else Monitor()
    evalmon = kwds['evalmon'] if 'evalmon' in kwds else Monitor()

    if xtol:  #if tolerance in x is provided, use CandidateRelativeTolerance
        from mystic.termination import CandidateRelativeTolerance as CRT
        termination = CRT(xtol, ftol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)
    solver = NelderMeadSimplexSolver(len(x0))
    solver.SetEvaluationLimits(maxiter, maxfun)
    if 'penalty' in kwds:
    if 'constraints' in kwds:
    if bounds is not None:
        minb, maxb = unpair(bounds)
        solver.SetStrictRanges(minb, maxb)

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
    solver.Solve(cost, termination=termination, \
                 disp=disp, ExtraArgs=args, callback=callback)
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
    #x = list(solver.bestSolution)
    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = stepmon.x

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:
        warnflag = 1
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:
        warnflag = 2

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs, )
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
def fmin_powell(cost,
    """Minimize a function using modified Powell's method.
Uses a modified Powell Directional Search algorithm to find the minimum of a
function of one or more variables. This method only uses function values,
not derivatives. Mimics the ``scipy.optimize.fmin_powell`` interface.

Powell's method is a conjugate direction method that has two loops. The outer
loop simply iterates over the inner loop, while the inner loop minimizes over
each current direction in the direction set. At the end of the inner loop,
if certain conditions are met, the direction that gave the largest decrease
is dropped and replaced with the difference between the current estimated x
and the estimated x from the beginning of the inner-loop. The conditions for
replacing the direction of largest increase is that: (a) no further gain can
be made along the direction of greatest increase in the iteration, and (b) the
direction of greatest increase accounted for a large sufficient fraction of
the decrease in the function value from the current iteration of the inner loop.

    cost (func): the function or method to be minimized: ``y = cost(x)``.
    x0 (ndarray): the initial guess parameter vector ``x``.
    args (tuple, default=()): extra arguments for cost.
    bounds (list(tuple), default=None): list of pairs of bounds (min,max),
        one for each parameter.
    xtol (float, default=1e-4): acceptable relative error in ``xopt`` for
    ftol (float, default=1e-4): acceptable relative error in ``cost(xopt)``
        for convergence.
    gtol (float, default=2): maximum iterations to run without improvement.
    maxiter (int, default=None): the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun (int, default=None): the maximum number of function evaluations.
    full_output (bool, default=False): True if fval and warnflag are desired.
    disp (bool, default=True): if True, print convergence messages.
    retall (bool, default=False): if True, return list of solutions at each
    callback (func, default=None): function to call after each iteration. The
        interface is ``callback(xk)``, with xk the current parameter vector.
    direc (tuple, default=None): the initial direction set.
    handler (bool, default=False): if True, enable handling interrupt signals.
    itermon (monitor, default=None): override the default GenerationMonitor.
    evalmon (monitor, default=None): override the default EvaluationMonitor.
    constraints (func, default=None): a function ``xk' = constraints(xk)``,
        where xk is the current parameter vector, and xk' is a parameter
        vector that satisfies the encoded constraints.
    penalty (func, default=None): a function ``y = penalty(xk)``, where xk is
        the current parameter vector, and ``y' == 0`` when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied (and ``y' > 0`` otherwise).

    ``(xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag, direc}, {allvecs})``

    - xopt (*ndarray*): the minimizer of the cost function
    - fopt (*float*): value of cost function at minimum: ``fopt = cost(xopt)``
    - iter (*int*): number of iterations
    - funcalls (*int*): number of function calls
    - warnflag (*int*): warning flag:
        - ``1 : Maximum number of function evaluations``
        - ``2 : Maximum number of iterations``
    - direc (*tuple*): the current direction set
    - allvecs (*list*): a list of solutions at each iteration
    #FIXME: need to resolve "direc"
    #        - should just pass 'direc', and then hands-off ?  How return it ?
    #XXX: enable use of imax?

    handler = kwds['handler'] if 'handler' in kwds else False

    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = kwds['itermon'] if 'itermon' in kwds else Monitor()
    evalmon = kwds['evalmon'] if 'evalmon' in kwds else Monitor()

    gtol = 2  # termination generations (scipy: 2, default: 10)
    if 'gtol' in kwds: gtol = kwds['gtol']
    if gtol:  #if number of generations is provided, use NCOG
        from mystic.termination import NormalizedChangeOverGeneration as NCOG
        termination = NCOG(ftol, gtol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)

    solver = PowellDirectionalSolver(len(x0))
    solver.SetEvaluationLimits(maxiter, maxfun)
    if 'penalty' in kwds:
    if 'constraints' in kwds:
    if bounds is not None:
        minb, maxb = unpair(bounds)
        solver.SetStrictRanges(minb, maxb)

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
    solver.Solve(cost, termination=termination, \
                 xtol=xtol, ExtraArgs=args, callback=callback, \
                 disp=disp, direc=direc)   #XXX: last two lines use **kwds
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin_powell interface
    #x = list(solver.bestSolution)
    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = stepmon.x
    direc = solver._direc

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:
        warnflag = 1
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:
        warnflag = 2

    x = squeeze(x)  #FIXME: write squeezed x to stepmon instead?

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag, direc
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs, )
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
def test_griewangk(verbose=False):
    """Test Griewangk's function, which has many local minima.

Testing Griewangk:
Expected: x=[0.]*10 and f=0

Using DifferentialEvolutionSolver:
Solution:  [  8.87516194e-09   7.26058147e-09   1.02076001e-08   1.54219038e-08
  -1.54328461e-08   2.34589663e-08   2.02809360e-08  -1.36385836e-08
   1.38670373e-08   1.59668900e-08]
f value:  0.0
Iterations:  4120
Function evaluations:  205669
Time elapsed:  34.4936850071  seconds

Using DifferentialEvolutionSolver2:
Solution:  [ -2.02709316e-09   3.22017968e-09   1.55275472e-08   5.26739541e-09
  -2.18490470e-08   3.73725584e-09  -1.02315312e-09   1.24680355e-08
  -9.47898116e-09   2.22243557e-08]
f value:  0.0
Iterations:  4011
Function evaluations:  200215
Time elapsed:  32.8412370682  seconds

    if verbose:
        print("Testing Griewangk:")
        print("Expected: x=[0.]*10 and f=0")
    from mystic.models import griewangk as costfunc
    ndim = 10
    lb = [-400.]*ndim
    ub = [400.]*ndim
    maxiter = 10000
    seed = 123 # Re-seed for each solver to have them all start at same x0
    # DifferentialEvolutionSolver
    if verbose: print("\nUsing DifferentialEvolutionSolver:")
    npop = 50
    from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver
    from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration as COG
    from mystic.termination import CandidateRelativeTolerance as CRT
    from mystic.termination import VTR
    from mystic.strategy import Rand1Bin, Best1Bin, Rand1Exp
    esow = Monitor()
    ssow = Monitor() 
    solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(ndim, npop)
    solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(lb, ub)
    solver.SetStrictRanges(lb, ub)
    #term = COG(1e-10)
    #term = CRT()
    term = VTR(0.)
    time1 = time.time() # Is this an ok way of timing?
    solver.Solve(costfunc, term, strategy=Rand1Exp, \
                 CrossProbability=0.3, ScalingFactor=1.0)
    sol = solver.Solution()
    time_elapsed = time.time() - time1
    fx = solver.bestEnergy
    if verbose:
        print("Solution: %s" % sol)
        print("f value: %s" % fx)
        print("Iterations: %s" % solver.generations)
        print("Function evaluations: %s" % len(esow.x))
        print("Time elapsed: %s seconds" % time_elapsed)
    assert almostEqual(fx, 0.0, tol=3e-3)

    # DifferentialEvolutionSolver2
    if verbose: print("\nUsing DifferentialEvolutionSolver2:")
    npop = 50
    from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver2
    from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration as COG
    from mystic.termination import CandidateRelativeTolerance as CRT
    from mystic.termination import VTR
    from mystic.strategy import Rand1Bin, Best1Bin, Rand1Exp
    esow = Monitor()
    ssow = Monitor() 
    solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver2(ndim, npop)
    solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(lb, ub)
    solver.SetStrictRanges(lb, ub)
    #term = COG(1e-10)
    #term = CRT()
    term = VTR(0.)
    time1 = time.time() # Is this an ok way of timing?
    solver.Solve(costfunc, term, strategy=Rand1Exp, \
                 CrossProbability=0.3, ScalingFactor=1.0)
    sol = solver.Solution()
    time_elapsed = time.time() - time1
    fx = solver.bestEnergy
    if verbose:
        print("Solution: %s" % sol)
        print("f value: %s" % fx)
        print("Iterations: %s" % solver.generations)
        print("Function evaluations: %s" % len(esow.x))
        print("Time elapsed: %s seconds" % time_elapsed)
    assert almostEqual(fx, 0.0, tol=3e-3)
    solution = solver.Solution()


if __name__ == '__main__':
    from timeit import Timer
    t = Timer("main()", "from __main__ import main")
    timetaken = t.timeit(number=1)
    print("CPU Time: %s" % timetaken)

    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    from mystic.solvers import NelderMeadSimplexSolver as fmin
    from mystic.termination import CandidateRelativeTolerance as CRT

    import random
    simplex = Monitor()
    esow = Monitor()
    xinit = [random.uniform(0, 5) for j in range(ND)]

    solver = fmin(len(xinit))
    solver.Solve(CostFunction, CRT())
    sol = solver.Solution()
    print("fmin solution: %s" % sol)

# end of file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Mike McKerns (mmckerns @caltech and @uqfoundation)
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Uncertainty Quantification Foundation.
# License: 3-clause BSD.  The full license text is available at:
#  - https://github.com/uqfoundation/mystic/blob/master/LICENSE

from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver
from mystic.models import rosen
from mystic.tools import solver_bounds
from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration as COG, Or, CollapseCost
from mystic.monitors import VerboseLoggingMonitor as Monitor

solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(3, 40)
solver.SetRandomInitialPoints([-100] * 3, [100] * 3)

mon = Monitor(1)
options = dict(limit=1.95, samples=50, clip=False)
mask = {}  #solver_bounds(solver)
stop = Or(CollapseCost(mask=mask, **options), COG(generations=50))


print('%s @' % solver.bestEnergy)
    def __init__(self, dim, **kwds):
Takes one initial input:
    dim      -- dimensionality of the problem.

Additional inputs:
    npop     -- size of the trial solution population.       [default = 1]

Important class members:
    nDim, nPop       = dim, npop
    generations      - an iteration counter.
    evaluations      - an evaluation counter.
    bestEnergy       - current best energy.
    bestSolution     - current best parameter set.           [size = dim]
    popEnergy        - set of all trial energy solutions.    [size = npop]
    population       - set of all trial parameter solutions. [size = dim*npop]
    solution_history - history of bestSolution status.       [StepMonitor.x]
    energy_history   - history of bestEnergy status.         [StepMonitor.y]
    signal_handler   - catches the interrupt signal.
        NP = 1
        if kwds.has_key('npop'): NP = kwds['npop']

        self.nDim             = dim
        self.nPop             = NP
        self._init_popEnergy  = inf
        self.popEnergy	      = [self._init_popEnergy] * NP
        self.population	      = [[0.0 for i in range(dim)] for j in range(NP)]
        self.trialSolution    = [0.0] * dim
        self._map_solver      = False
        self._bestEnergy      = None
        self._bestSolution    = None
        self._state           = None
        self._type            = self.__class__.__name__

        self.signal_handler   = None
        self._handle_sigint   = False
        self._useStrictRange  = False
        self._defaultMin      = [-1e3] * dim
        self._defaultMax      = [ 1e3] * dim
        self._strictMin       = []
        self._strictMax       = []
        self._maxiter         = None
        self._maxfun          = None
        self._saveiter        = None
       #self._saveeval        = None

        from mystic.monitors import Null, Monitor
        self._evalmon         = Null()
        self._stepmon         = Monitor()
        self._fcalls          = [0]
        self._energy_history  = None
        self._solution_history= None
        self.id               = None     # identifier (use like "rank" for MPI)

        self._constraints     = lambda x: x
        self._penalty         = lambda x: 0.0
        self._reducer         = None
        self._cost            = (None, None)
        self._termination     = lambda x, *ar, **kw: False if len(ar) < 1 or ar[0] is False or kw.get('info',True) == False else '' #XXX: better default ?
        # (get termination details with self._termination.__doc__)

        import mystic.termination
        self._EARLYEXIT       = mystic.termination.EARLYEXIT
    def Solve(self, cost, termination=None, ExtraArgs=(), **kwds):
        """Minimize a 'cost' function with given termination conditions.


    Uses an ensemble of optimizers to find the minimum of
    a function of one or more variables.


    cost -- the Python function or method to be minimized.

Additional Inputs:

    termination -- callable object providing termination conditions.
    ExtraArgs -- extra arguments for cost.

Further Inputs:

    sigint_callback -- callback function for signal handler.
    callback -- an optional user-supplied function to call after each
        iteration.  It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the
        current parameter vector.                           [default = None]
    disp -- non-zero to print convergence messages.         [default = 0]
        # process and activate input settings
        if 'sigint_callback' in kwds:
            self.sigint_callback = kwds['sigint_callback']
            del kwds['sigint_callback']
            self.sigint_callback = None
        settings = self._process_inputs(kwds)
        disp = settings['disp'] if 'disp' in settings else False
        echo = settings['callback'] if 'callback' in settings else None
        #       for key in settings:
        #           exec "%s = settings['%s']" % (key,key)
        if disp in ['verbose', 'all']: verbose = True
        else: verbose = False

        from mystic.python_map import python_map
        if self._map != python_map:
            #FIXME: EvaluationMonitor fails for MPI, throws error for 'pp'
            from mystic.monitors import Null
            evalmon = Null()
            evalmon = self._evalmon
        fcalls, cost = wrap_function(cost, ExtraArgs, evalmon)

        # set up signal handler
        #self._EARLYEXIT = False

        # activate signal_handler
        #import threading as thread
        #mainthread = isinstance(thread.current_thread(), thread._MainThread)
        #if mainthread: #XXX: if not mainthread, signal will raise ValueError
        import mystic._signal as signal
        if self._handle_sigint:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.Handler(self))

        # register termination function
        if termination is not None: self.SetTermination(termination)

        # get the nested solver instance
        solver = self._AbstractEnsembleSolver__get_solver_instance()

        # generate starting points
        initial_values = self._InitialPoints()

        # run optimizer for each grid point
        from copy import deepcopy as _copy
        op = [_copy(solver) for i in range(len(initial_values))]
        #cf = [cost for i in range(len(initial_values))]
        vb = [verbose for i in range(len(initial_values))]
        cb = [echo for i in range(len(initial_values))]  #XXX: remove?
        at = self.id if self.id else 0  # start at self.id
        id = range(at, at + len(initial_values))

        # generate the local_optimize function
        def local_optimize(solver, x0, rank=None, disp=False, callback=None):
            from copy import deepcopy as _copy
            from mystic.tools import isNull
            solver.id = rank
            if solver._useStrictRange:  #XXX: always, settable, or sync'd ?
                solver.SetStrictRanges(min=solver._strictMin, \
                                       max=solver._strictMax) # or lower,upper ?
            solver.Solve(cost, disp=disp, callback=callback)
            sm = solver._stepmon
            em = solver._evalmon
            if isNull(sm): sm = ([], [], [], [])
                sm = (_copy(sm._x), _copy(sm._y), _copy(sm._id),
            if isNull(em): em = ([], [], [], [])
                em = (_copy(em._x), _copy(em._y), _copy(em._id),
            return solver, sm, em

        # map:: solver = local_optimize(solver, x0, id, verbose)
        results = list(self._map(local_optimize, op, initial_values, id, \
                                                 vb, cb, **self._mapconfig))

        # save initial state
        # reconnect monitors; save all solvers
        from mystic.monitors import Monitor
        while results:  #XXX: option to not save allSolvers? skip this and _copy
            _solver, _stepmon, _evalmon = results.pop()
            sm = Monitor()
            sm._x, sm._y, sm._id, sm._info = _stepmon
            del sm
            em = Monitor()
            em._x, em._y, em._id, em._info = _evalmon
            del em
            self._allSolvers[len(results)] = _solver
        del results, _solver, _stepmon, _evalmon
        #XXX: END HACK

        # get the results with the lowest energy
        self._bestSolver = self._allSolvers[0]
        bestpath = self._bestSolver._stepmon
        besteval = self._bestSolver._evalmon
        self._total_evals = self._bestSolver.evaluations
        for solver in self._allSolvers[1:]:
            self._total_evals += solver.evaluations  # add func evals
            if solver.bestEnergy < self._bestSolver.bestEnergy:
                self._bestSolver = solver
                bestpath = solver._stepmon
                besteval = solver._evalmon

        # return results to internals
        self.population = self._bestSolver.population  #XXX: pointer? copy?
        self.popEnergy = self._bestSolver.popEnergy  #XXX: pointer? copy?
        self.bestSolution = self._bestSolver.bestSolution  #XXX: pointer? copy?
        self.bestEnergy = self._bestSolver.bestEnergy
        self.trialSolution = self._bestSolver.trialSolution  #XXX: pointer? copy?
        self._fcalls = self._bestSolver._fcalls  #XXX: pointer? copy?
        self._maxiter = self._bestSolver._maxiter
        self._maxfun = self._bestSolver._maxfun

        # write 'bests' to monitors  #XXX: non-best monitors may be useful too
        self._stepmon = bestpath  #XXX: pointer? copy?
        self._evalmon = besteval  #XXX: pointer? copy?
        self.energy_history = None
        self.solution_history = None
        #from mystic.tools import isNull
        #if isNull(bestpath):
        #    self._stepmon = bestpath
        #    for i in range(len(bestpath.y)):
        #        self._stepmon(bestpath.x[i], bestpath.y[i], self.id)
        #        #XXX: could apply callback here, or in exec'd code
        #if isNull(besteval):
        #    self._evalmon = besteval
        #    for i in range(len(besteval.y)):
        #        self._evalmon(besteval.x[i], besteval.y[i])

        # restore default handler for signal interrupts
        if self._handle_sigint:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler)

        # log any termination messages
        msg = self.Terminated(disp=disp, info=True)
        if msg: self._stepmon.info('STOP("%s")' % msg)
        # save final state