
from mystic.monitors import VerboseMonitor
mon = VerboseMonitor(10)

# solve the dual for alpha
from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver as DESolver
from mystic.termination import Or, ChangeOverGeneration, CollapseAt
ndim = len(lb)
npop = nx * 3
stop = Or(ChangeOverGeneration(1e-8, 200), CollapseAt(0.0))
solver = DESolver(ndim, npop)
solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(min=lb, max=_b)
solver.SetStrictRanges(min=lb, max=ub)
solver.Solve(objective, ExtraArgs=(Q, b), disp=1)
alpha = solver.bestSolution

print 'solved x: ', alpha
print "constraint A*x == 0: ", inner(Aeq, alpha)
print "minimum 0.5*x'Qx + b'*x: ", solver.bestEnergy

# calculate weight vectors, support vectors, and bias
wv = WeightVector(alpha, X, y)
sv1, sv2 = SupportVectors(alpha, y, eps=1e-6)
bias = Bias(alpha, X, y)

ym = (y.flatten() < 0).nonzero()[0]
yp = (y.flatten() > 0).nonzero()[0]
from mystic import suppressed

def constrain(x):
    return x

from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver as TheSolver
#from mystic.solvers import PowellDirectionalSolver as TheSolver
from mystic.solvers import BuckshotSolver
#solver = BuckshotSolver(n, 10)
solver = TheSolver(n)
solver.SetStrictRanges(min=[0] * n, max=[5] * n)
solver.SetEvaluationLimits(evaluations=320000, generations=1000)

#from mystic.termination import state
#print state(solver._termination).keys()
solver.Solve(model, disp=verbose)

# while collapse and solver.Collapse(verbose):
#   solver.Solve(model)

# we are done; get result
print solver.Terminated(info=True)
print solver.bestEnergy, "@"
print solver.bestSolution
def solve(constraints, guess=None, nvars=None, solver=None, \
          lower_bounds=None, upper_bounds=None, termination=None):
    """Use optimization to find a solution to a set of constraints.

    constraints -- a constraints solver function or a penalty function

Additional Inputs:
    guess -- list of parameter values proposed to solve the constraints.
    lower_bounds -- list of lower bounds on solution values.
    upper_bounds -- list of upper bounds on solution values.
    nvars -- number of parameter values.
    solver -- the mystic solver to use in the optimization
    termination -- the mystic termination to use in the optimization

NOTE: The resulting constraints will likely be more expensive to evaluate
    and less accurate than writing the constraints solver from scratch.

NOTE: The ensemble solvers are available, using the default NestedSolver,
    where the keyword 'guess' can be used to set the number of solvers.

NOTE: The default solver is 'diffev', with npop=min(40, ndim*5). The default
    termination is ChangeOverGeneration(), and the default guess is randomly
    selected points between the upper and lower bounds.
    npts = 8
    if type(guess) is int: npts, guess = guess, None

    ndim = 1  #XXX: better, increase in while loop catching IndexError ?
    if nvars is not None: ndim = nvars
    elif guess is not None: ndim = len(guess)
    elif lower_bounds is not None: ndim = len(lower_bounds)
    elif upper_bounds is not None: ndim = len(upper_bounds)

    def cost(x):
        return 1.

    #XXX: don't allow solver string as a short-cut? #FIXME: add ensemble solvers
    ensemble = False
    if solver is None or solver == 'diffev':
        from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver as TheSolver
        solver = TheSolver(ndim, min(40, ndim * 5))
    elif solver == 'diffev2':
        from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver2 as TheSolver
        solver = TheSolver(ndim, min(40, ndim * 5))
    elif solver == 'fmin_powell':  #XXX: better as the default? (it's not random)
        from mystic.solvers import PowellDirectionalSolver as TheSolver
        solver = TheSolver(ndim)
    elif solver == 'fmin':
        from mystic.solvers import NelderMeadSimplexSolver as TheSolver
        solver = TheSolver(ndim)
    elif solver == 'buckshot':
        from mystic.solvers import BuckshotSolver as TheSolver
        solver = TheSolver(ndim, max(8, npts))  #XXX: needs better default?
        ensemble = True
    elif solver == 'lattice':
        from mystic.solvers import LatticeSolver as TheSolver
        solver = TheSolver(ndim, max(8, npts))  #XXX: needs better default?
        ensemble = True

    if termination is None:
        from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration as COG
        termination = COG()
    if not ensemble:
        if guess is not None:
            solver.SetInitialPoints(guess)  #XXX: nice if 'diffev' had methods
            solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
    if lower_bounds or upper_bounds:
        solver.SetStrictRanges(lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
    if hasattr(constraints, 'iter') and hasattr(constraints, 'error'):
        solver.SetPenalty(constraints)  #i.e. is a penalty function
    else:  # is a constraints solver
    from numpy import seterr
    settings = seterr(all='ignore')
    solver.Solve(cost, termination)
    soln = solver.bestSolution

    from numpy import ndarray, array
    if isinstance(soln, ndarray) and not isinstance(guess, ndarray):
        soln = soln.tolist()
    elif isinstance(guess, ndarray) and not isinstance(soln, ndarray):
        soln = array(soln)  #XXX: or always return a list ?

    return soln  #XXX: check with 'issolution' ?
def solve(constraints, guess=None, nvars=None, solver=None, \
          lower_bounds=None, upper_bounds=None, termination=None):
    """Use optimization to find a solution to a set of constraints.

    constraints -- a constraints solver function or a penalty function

Additional Inputs:
    guess -- list of parameter values proposed to solve the constraints.
    lower_bounds -- list of lower bounds on solution values.
    upper_bounds -- list of upper bounds on solution values.
    nvars -- number of parameter values.
    solver -- the mystic solver to use in the optimization
    termination -- the mystic termination to use in the optimization

NOTE: The resulting constraints will likely be more expensive to evaluate
    and less accurate than writing the constraints solver from scratch.
    ndim = 1  #XXX: better, increase in while loop catching IndexError ?
    if nvars is not None: ndim = nvars
    elif guess is not None: ndim = len(guess)
    elif lower_bounds is not None: ndim = len(lower_bounds)
    elif upper_bounds is not None: ndim = len(upper_bounds)

    def cost(x):
        return 1.

    #XXX: don't allow solver string as a short-cut?
    if solver is None or solver == 'diffev':
        from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver as TheSolver
        solver = TheSolver(ndim, min(40, ndim * 5))
    elif solver == 'diffev2':
        from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver2 as TheSolver
        solver = TheSolver(ndim, min(40, ndim * 5))
    elif solver == 'fmin_powell':  #XXX: better as the default? (it's not random)
        from mystic.solvers import PowellDirectionalSolver as TheSolver
        solver = TheSolver(ndim)
    elif solver == 'fmin':
        from mystic.solvers import NelderMeadSimplexSolver as TheSolver
        solver = TheSolver(ndim)

    if termination is None:
        from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration as COG
        termination = COG()
    if guess != None:
        solver.SetInitialPoints(guess)  #XXX: nice if 'diffev' also had methods
        solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
    if lower_bounds or upper_bounds:
        solver.SetStrictRanges(lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
    if hasattr(constraints, 'iter') and hasattr(constraints, 'error'):
        solver.SetPenalty(constraints)  #i.e. is a penalty function
    else:  # is a constraints solver
    solver.Solve(cost, termination)
    soln = solver.bestSolution

    from numpy import ndarray, array
    if isinstance(soln, ndarray) and not isinstance(guess, ndarray):
        soln = soln.tolist()
    elif isinstance(guess, ndarray) and not isinstance(soln, ndarray):
        soln = array(soln)  #XXX: or always return a list ?

    return soln  #XXX: check with 'issolution' ?