    def __init__(self, dim, NP=4):
Takes two initial inputs: 
    dim  -- dimensionality of the problem
    NP   -- size of the trial solution population. [requires: NP >= 4]

All important class members are inherited from AbstractSolver.
        NP = max(NP, dim, 4) #XXX: raise Error if npop <= 4?
        self.genealogy     = [ [] for j in range(NP)]
        self.scale         = 0.8
        self.probability   = 0.9
        ftol = 5e-3
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        self._termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)
#  - https://github.com/uqfoundation/mystic/blob/master/LICENSE

from mystic.models import rosen
from mystic.solvers import *
from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
from mystic.monitors import VerboseMonitor, Monitor
from mystic.tools import random_seed
lb, ub = [-100.] * 3, [100] * 3
interval = None

if interval:
    _stepmon = VerboseMonitor(interval)
    _stepmon = Monitor()
_term = VTRChangeOverGeneration(generations=200)
_solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(3, 20)  #40)
_solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(lb, ub)
_solver.SetStrictRanges(lb, ub)
_solver.SetEvaluationLimits(100, 1000)

_energy = _solver.bestEnergy
_solution = _solver.bestSolution
_population = _solver.population

_solver.SetEvaluationLimits(10000, 100000)
def buckshot(cost,ndim,npts=8,args=(),bounds=None,ftol=1e-4,maxiter=None, \
    """Minimize a function using the buckshot ensemble solver.
Uses a buckshot ensemble algorithm to find the minimum of a function of one or
more variables. Mimics the ``scipy.optimize.fmin`` interface. Starts *npts*
solver instances at random points in parameter space. 

    cost (func): the function or method to be minimized: ``y = cost(x)``.
    ndim (int): dimensionality of the problem.
    npts (int, default=8): number of solver instances.
    args (tuple, default=()): extra arguments for cost.
    bounds (list(tuple), default=None): list of pairs of bounds (min,max),
        one for each parameter.
    ftol (float, default=1e-4): acceptable relative error in ``cost(xopt)``
        for convergence.
    gtol (float, default=10): maximum iterations to run without improvement.
    maxiter (int, default=None): the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun (int, default=None): the maximum number of function evaluations.
    full_output (bool, default=False): True if fval and warnflag are desired.
    disp (bool, default=True): if True, print convergence messages.
    retall (bool, default=False): if True, return list of solutions at each
    callback (func, default=None): function to call after each iteration. The
        interface is ``callback(xk)``, with xk the current parameter vector.
    solver (solver, default=None): override the default nested Solver instance.
    handler (bool, default=False): if True, enable handling interrupt signals.
    itermon (monitor, default=None): override the default GenerationMonitor.
    evalmon (monitor, default=None): override the default EvaluationMonitor.
    constraints (func, default=None): a function ``xk' = constraints(xk)``,
        where xk is the current parameter vector, and xk' is a parameter
        vector that satisfies the encoded constraints.
    penalty (func, default=None): a function ``y = penalty(xk)``, where xk is
        the current parameter vector, and ``y' == 0`` when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied (and ``y' > 0`` otherwise).
    dist (mystic.math.Distribution, default=None): generate randomness in
        ensemble starting position using the given distribution.

    ``(xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag, allfuncalls}, {allvecs})``

    - xopt (*ndarray*): the minimizer of the cost function
    - fopt (*float*): value of cost function at minimum: ``fopt = cost(xopt)``
    - iter (*int*): number of iterations
    - funcalls (*int*): number of function calls
    - warnflag (*int*): warning flag:
        - ``1 : Maximum number of function evaluations``
        - ``2 : Maximum number of iterations``
    - allfuncalls (*int*): total function calls (for all solver instances)
    - allvecs (*list*): a list of solutions at each iteration
    handler = kwds['handler'] if 'handler' in kwds else False
    from mystic.solvers import NelderMeadSimplexSolver as _solver
    if 'solver' in kwds: _solver = kwds['solver']

    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = kwds['itermon'] if 'itermon' in kwds else Monitor()
    evalmon = kwds['evalmon'] if 'evalmon' in kwds else Monitor()

    gtol = 10  # termination generations (scipy: 2, default: 10)
    if 'gtol' in kwds: gtol = kwds['gtol']
    if gtol:  #if number of generations is provided, use NCOG
        from mystic.termination import NormalizedChangeOverGeneration
        termination = NormalizedChangeOverGeneration(ftol, gtol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)

    solver = BuckshotSolver(ndim, npts)
    solver.SetNestedSolver(_solver)  #XXX: skip settings for configured solver?
    solver.SetEvaluationLimits(maxiter, maxfun)
    if 'dist' in kwds:
    if 'penalty' in kwds:
    if 'constraints' in kwds:
    if bounds is not None:
        minb, maxb = unpair(bounds)
        solver.SetStrictRanges(minb, maxb)

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
    solver.Solve(cost,termination=termination,disp=disp, \
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
    msg = solver.Terminated(disp=False, info=True)

    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    all_fcalls = solver._total_evals
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = solver._stepmon.x

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:  #XXX: check against total or individual?
        warnflag = 1
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:  #XXX: check against total or individual?
        warnflag = 2

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag, all_fcalls
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs, )
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
def diffev(cost,
    """Minimize a function using differential evolution.

Uses a differential evolution algorithm to find the minimum of a function of
one or more variables. Mimics a ``scipy.optimize`` style interface.

    cost (func): the function or method to be minimized: ``y = cost(x)``.
    x0 (ndarray): the initial guess parameter vector ``x`` if desired start
        is a single point, otherwise takes a list of (min,max) bounds that
        define a region from which random initial points are drawn.
    npop (int, default=4): size of the trial solution population.
    args (tuple, default=()): extra arguments for cost.
    bounds (list(tuple), default=None): list of pairs of bounds (min,max),
        one for each parameter.
    ftol (float, default=5e-3): acceptable relative error in ``cost(xopt)``
        for convergence.
    gtol (float, default=None): maximum iterations to run without improvement.
    maxiter (int, default=None): the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun (int, default=None): the maximum number of function evaluations.
    cross (float, default=0.9): the probability of cross-parameter mutations.
    scale (float, default=0.8): multiplier for mutations on the trial solution.
    full_output (bool, default=False): True if fval and warnflag are desired.
    disp (bool, default=True): if True, print convergence messages.
    retall (bool, default=False): True if allvecs is desired.
    callback (func, default=None): function to call after each iteration. The
        interface is ``callback(xk)``, with xk the current parameter vector.
    handler (bool, default=False): if True, enable handling interrupt signals.
    strategy (strategy, default=None): override the default mutation strategy.
    itermon (monitor, default=None): override the default GenerationMonitor.
    evalmon (monitor, default=None): override the default EvaluationMonitor.
    constraints (func, default=None): a function ``xk' = constraints(xk)``,
        where xk is the current parameter vector, and xk' is a parameter
        vector that satisfies the encoded constraints.
    penalty (func, default=None): a function ``y = penalty(xk)``, where xk is
        the current parameter vector, and ``y' == 0`` when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied (and ``y' > 0`` otherwise).
    map (func, default=None): a (parallel) map function ``y = map(f, x)``.

    ``(xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag}, {allvecs})``

    - xopt (*ndarray*): the minimizer of the cost function
    - fopt (*float*): value of cost function at minimum: ``fopt = cost(xopt)``
    - iter (*int*): number of iterations
    - funcalls (*int*): number of function calls
    - warnflag (*int*): warning flag:
        - ``1 : Maximum number of function evaluations``
        - ``2 : Maximum number of iterations``
    - allvecs (*list*): a list of solutions at each iteration
    invariant_current = kwds[
        'invariant_current'] if 'invariant_current' in kwds else False
    handler = kwds['handler'] if 'handler' in kwds else False

    from mystic.strategy import Best1Bin
    strategy = kwds['strategy'] if 'strategy' in kwds else Best1Bin
    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = kwds['itermon'] if 'itermon' in kwds else Monitor()
    evalmon = kwds['evalmon'] if 'evalmon' in kwds else Monitor()

    if gtol:  #if number of generations provided, use ChangeOverGeneration
        from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration
        termination = ChangeOverGeneration(ftol, gtol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)

    ND = len(x0)
    if invariant_current:  #use Solver2, not Solver1
        solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver2(ND, npop)
        solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(ND, npop)
    solver.SetEvaluationLimits(maxiter, maxfun)
    if 'penalty' in kwds:
    if 'constraints' in kwds:
    if bounds is not None:
        minb, maxb = unpair(bounds)
        solver.SetStrictRanges(minb, maxb)

    try:  #x0 passed as 1D array of (min,max) pairs
        minb, maxb = unpair(x0)
        solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(minb, maxb)
    except:  #x0 passed as 1D array of initial parameter values

    _map = kwds['map'] if 'map' in kwds else None
    if _map: solver.SetMapper(_map)

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
    #TODO: allow sigint_callbacks for all minimal interfaces ?
    solver.Solve(cost, termination=termination, strategy=strategy, \
                 CrossProbability=cross, ScalingFactor=scale, \
                 ExtraArgs=args, callback=callback)
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
    #x = list(solver.bestSolution)
    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = stepmon.x

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:
        warnflag = 1
        if disp:
            print("Warning: Maximum number of function evaluations has "\
                  "been exceeded.")
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:
        warnflag = 2
        if disp:
            print("Warning: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded")
        if disp:
            print("Optimization terminated successfully.")
            print("         Current function value: %f" % fval)
            print("         Iterations: %d" % iterations)
            print("         Function evaluations: %d" % fcalls)

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs, )
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
def buckshot(cost,ndim,npts=8,args=(),bounds=None,ftol=1e-4,maxiter=None, \
    """Minimize a function using the buckshot ensemble solver.

    Uses a buckshot ensemble algorithm to find the minimum of
    a function of one or more variables. Mimics the scipy.optimize.fmin
    interface. Starts 'npts' solver instances at random points in parameter


    cost -- the Python function or method to be minimized.
    ndim -- dimensionality of the problem.
    npts -- number of solver instances.

Additional Inputs:

    args -- extra arguments for cost.
    bounds -- list - n pairs of bounds (min,max), one pair for each parameter.
    ftol -- number - acceptable relative error in cost(xopt) for convergence.
    gtol -- number - maximum number of iterations to run without improvement.
    maxiter -- number - the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun -- number - the maximum number of function evaluations.
    full_output -- number - non-zero if fval and warnflag outputs are desired.
    disp -- number - non-zero to print convergence messages.
    retall -- number - non-zero to return list of solutions at each iteration.
    callback -- an optional user-supplied function to call after each
        iteration.  It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the
        current parameter vector.
    solver -- solver - override the default nested Solver instance.
    handler -- boolean - enable/disable handling of interrupt signal.
    itermon -- monitor - override the default GenerationMonitor.
    evalmon -- monitor - override the default EvaluationMonitor.
    constraints -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        constraints(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function must return xk', a parameter vector that satisfies
        the encoded constraints.
    penalty -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        penalty(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function should return y', with y' == 0 when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied, and y' > 0 otherwise.
    dist -- an optional mystic.math.Distribution instance.  If provided,
        this distribution generates randomness in ensemble starting position.

Returns: (xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag, allfuncalls}, {allvecs})

    xopt -- ndarray - minimizer of function
    fopt -- number - value of function at minimum: fopt = cost(xopt)
    iter -- number - number of iterations
    funcalls -- number - number of function calls
    warnflag -- number - Integer warning flag:
        1 : 'Maximum number of function evaluations.'
        2 : 'Maximum number of iterations.'
    allfuncalls -- number - total function calls (for all solver instances)
    allvecs -- list - a list of solutions at each iteration

    handler = kwds['handler'] if 'handler' in kwds else False
    from mystic.solvers import NelderMeadSimplexSolver as _solver
    if 'solver' in kwds: _solver = kwds['solver']

    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = kwds['itermon'] if 'itermon' in kwds else Monitor()
    evalmon = kwds['evalmon'] if 'evalmon' in kwds else Monitor()

    gtol = 10 # termination generations (scipy: 2, default: 10)
    if 'gtol' in kwds: gtol = kwds['gtol']
    if gtol: #if number of generations is provided, use NCOG
        from mystic.termination import NormalizedChangeOverGeneration
        termination = NormalizedChangeOverGeneration(ftol,gtol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)

    solver = BuckshotSolver(ndim,npts)
    solver.SetNestedSolver(_solver) #XXX: skip settings for configured solver?
    if 'dist' in kwds:
    if 'penalty' in kwds:
    if 'constraints' in kwds:
    if bounds is not None:
        minb,maxb = unpair(bounds)

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
    solver.Solve(cost,termination=termination,disp=disp, \
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
    msg = solver.Terminated(disp=False, info=True)

    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    all_fcalls = solver._total_evals
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = solver._stepmon.x

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun: #XXX: check against total or individual?
        warnflag = 1
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter: #XXX: check against total or individual?
        warnflag = 2
    else: pass

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag, all_fcalls
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs,)
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
def fmin_powell(cost,
    """Minimize a function using modified Powell's method.
Uses a modified Powell Directional Search algorithm to find the minimum of a
function of one or more variables. This method only uses function values,
not derivatives. Mimics the ``scipy.optimize.fmin_powell`` interface.

Powell's method is a conjugate direction method that has two loops. The outer
loop simply iterates over the inner loop, while the inner loop minimizes over
each current direction in the direction set. At the end of the inner loop,
if certain conditions are met, the direction that gave the largest decrease
is dropped and replaced with the difference between the current estimated x
and the estimated x from the beginning of the inner-loop. The conditions for
replacing the direction of largest increase is that: (a) no further gain can
be made along the direction of greatest increase in the iteration, and (b) the
direction of greatest increase accounted for a large sufficient fraction of
the decrease in the function value from the current iteration of the inner loop.

    cost (func): the function or method to be minimized: ``y = cost(x)``.
    x0 (ndarray): the initial guess parameter vector ``x``.
    args (tuple, default=()): extra arguments for cost.
    bounds (list(tuple), default=None): list of pairs of bounds (min,max),
        one for each parameter.
    xtol (float, default=1e-4): acceptable relative error in ``xopt`` for
    ftol (float, default=1e-4): acceptable relative error in ``cost(xopt)``
        for convergence.
    gtol (float, default=2): maximum iterations to run without improvement.
    maxiter (int, default=None): the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun (int, default=None): the maximum number of function evaluations.
    full_output (bool, default=False): True if fval and warnflag are desired.
    disp (bool, default=True): if True, print convergence messages.
    retall (bool, default=False): True if allvecs is desired.
    callback (func, default=None): function to call after each iteration. The
        interface is ``callback(xk)``, with xk the current parameter vector.
    direc (tuple, default=None): the initial direction set.
    handler (bool, default=False): if True, enable handling interrupt signals.
    itermon (monitor, default=None): override the default GenerationMonitor.
    evalmon (monitor, default=None): override the default EvaluationMonitor.
    constraints (func, default=None): a function ``xk' = constraints(xk)``,
        where xk is the current parameter vector, and xk' is a parameter
        vector that satisfies the encoded constraints.
    penalty (func, default=None): a function ``y = penalty(xk)``, where xk is
        the current parameter vector, and ``y' == 0`` when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied (and ``y' > 0`` otherwise).

    ``(xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag, direc}, {allvecs})``

    - xopt (*ndarray*): the minimizer of the cost function
    - fopt (*float*): value of cost function at minimum: ``fopt = cost(xopt)``
    - iter (*int*): number of iterations
    - funcalls (*int*): number of function calls
    - warnflag (*int*): warning flag:
        - ``1 : Maximum number of function evaluations``
        - ``2 : Maximum number of iterations``
    - direc (*tuple*): the current direction set
    - allvecs (*list*): a list of solutions at each iteration
    #FIXME: need to resolve "direc"
    #        - should just pass 'direc', and then hands-off ?  How return it ?
    #XXX: enable use of imax?

    handler = kwds['handler'] if 'handler' in kwds else False

    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = kwds['itermon'] if 'itermon' in kwds else Monitor()
    evalmon = kwds['evalmon'] if 'evalmon' in kwds else Monitor()

    gtol = 2  # termination generations (scipy: 2, default: 10)
    if 'gtol' in kwds: gtol = kwds['gtol']
    if gtol:  #if number of generations is provided, use NCOG
        from mystic.termination import NormalizedChangeOverGeneration as NCOG
        termination = NCOG(ftol, gtol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)

    solver = PowellDirectionalSolver(len(x0))
    solver.SetEvaluationLimits(maxiter, maxfun)
    if 'penalty' in kwds:
    if 'constraints' in kwds:
    if bounds is not None:
        minb, maxb = unpair(bounds)
        solver.SetStrictRanges(minb, maxb)

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
    solver.Solve(cost, termination=termination, \
                 xtol=xtol, ExtraArgs=args, callback=callback, \
                 disp=disp, direc=direc)   #XXX: last two lines use **kwds
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin_powell interface
    #x = list(solver.bestSolution)
    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = stepmon.x
    direc = solver._direc

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:
        warnflag = 1
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:
        warnflag = 2

    x = squeeze(x)  #FIXME: write squeezed x to stepmon instead?

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag, direc
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs, )
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
def fmin(cost,
    """Minimize a function using the downhill simplex algorithm.
Uses a Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm to find the minimum of a function of one
or more variables. This algorithm only uses function values, not derivatives or second derivatives. Mimics the ``scipy.optimize.fmin`` interface.

This algorithm has a long history of successful use in applications. It will
usually be slower than an algorithm that uses first or second derivative
information. In practice it can have poor performance in high-dimensional
problems and is not robust to minimizing complicated functions. Additionally,
there currently is no complete theory describing when the algorithm will
successfully converge to the minimum, or how fast it will if it does. Both the
ftol and xtol criteria must be met for convergence.

    cost (func): the function or method to be minimized: ``y = cost(x)``.
    x0 (ndarray): the initial guess parameter vector ``x``.
    args (tuple, default=()): extra arguments for cost.
    bounds (list(tuple), default=None): list of pairs of bounds (min,max),
        one for each parameter.
    xtol (float, default=1e-4): acceptable absolute error in ``xopt`` for
    ftol (float, default=1e-4): acceptable absolute error in ``cost(xopt)``
        for convergence.
    maxiter (int, default=None): the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun (int, default=None): the maximum number of function evaluations.
    full_output (bool, default=False): True if fval and warnflag are desired.
    disp (bool, default=True): if True, print convergence messages.
    retall (bool, default=False): True if allvecs is desired.
    callback (func, default=None): function to call after each iteration. The
        interface is ``callback(xk)``, with xk the current parameter vector.
    handler (bool, default=False): if True, enable handling interrupt signals.
    itermon (monitor, default=None): override the default GenerationMonitor.
    evalmon (monitor, default=None): override the default EvaluationMonitor.
    constraints (func, default=None): a function ``xk' = constraints(xk)``,
        where xk is the current parameter vector, and xk' is a parameter
        vector that satisfies the encoded constraints.
    penalty (func, default=None): a function ``y = penalty(xk)``, where xk is
        the current parameter vector, and ``y' == 0`` when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied (and ``y' > 0`` otherwise).

    ``(xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag}, {allvecs})``

    - xopt (*ndarray*): the minimizer of the cost function
    - fopt (*float*): value of cost function at minimum: ``fopt = cost(xopt)``
    - iter (*int*): number of iterations
    - funcalls (*int*): number of function calls
    - warnflag (*int*): warning flag:
        - ``1 : Maximum number of function evaluations``
        - ``2 : Maximum number of iterations``
    - allvecs (*list*): a list of solutions at each iteration
    handler = kwds['handler'] if 'handler' in kwds else False

    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = kwds['itermon'] if 'itermon' in kwds else Monitor()
    evalmon = kwds['evalmon'] if 'evalmon' in kwds else Monitor()

    if xtol:  #if tolerance in x is provided, use CandidateRelativeTolerance
        from mystic.termination import CandidateRelativeTolerance as CRT
        termination = CRT(xtol, ftol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)
    solver = NelderMeadSimplexSolver(len(x0))
    solver.SetEvaluationLimits(maxiter, maxfun)
    if 'penalty' in kwds:
    if 'constraints' in kwds:
    if bounds is not None:
        minb, maxb = unpair(bounds)
        solver.SetStrictRanges(minb, maxb)

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
    solver.Solve(cost, termination=termination, \
                 disp=disp, ExtraArgs=args, callback=callback)
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
    #x = list(solver.bestSolution)
    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = stepmon.x

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:
        warnflag = 1
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:
        warnflag = 2

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs, )
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
def fmin_powell(cost, x0, args=(), bounds=None, xtol=1e-4, ftol=1e-4,
                maxiter=None, maxfun=None, full_output=0, disp=1, retall=0,
                callback=None, direc=None, **kwds):
    """Minimize a function using modified Powell's method.

    Uses a modified Powell Directional Search algorithm to find
    the minimum of function of one or more variables.  Mimics the
    scipy.optimize.fmin_powell interface.


    cost -- the Python function or method to be minimized.
    x0 -- ndarray - the initial guess.

Additional Inputs:

    args -- extra arguments for cost.
    bounds -- list - n pairs of bounds (min,max), one pair for each parameter.
    xtol -- number - acceptable relative error in xopt for
    ftol -- number - acceptable relative error in cost(xopt) for
    gtol -- number - maximum number of iterations to run without improvement.
    maxiter -- number - the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun -- number - the maximum number of function evaluations.
    full_output -- number - non-zero if fval and warnflag outputs
        are desired.
    disp -- number - non-zero to print convergence messages.
    retall -- number - non-zero to return list of solutions at each
    callback -- an optional user-supplied function to call after each
        iteration.  It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the
        current parameter vector.
    direc -- initial direction set.
    handler -- boolean - enable/disable handling of interrupt signal.
    itermon -- monitor - override the default GenerationMonitor.
    evalmon -- monitor - override the default EvaluationMonitor.
    constraints -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        constraints(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function must return xk', a parameter vector that satisfies
        the encoded constraints.
    penalty -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        penalty(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function should return y', with y' == 0 when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied, and y' > 0 otherwise.

Returns: (xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag, direc}, {allvecs})

    xopt -- ndarray - minimizer of function
    fopt -- number - value of function at minimum: fopt = cost(xopt)
    iter -- number - number of iterations
    funcalls -- number - number of function calls
    warnflag -- number - Integer warning flag:
        1 : 'Maximum number of function evaluations.'
        2 : 'Maximum number of iterations.'
    direc -- current direction set
    allvecs -- list - a list of solutions at each iteration

    #FIXME: need to resolve "direc"
    #        - should just pass 'direc', and then hands-off ?  How return it ?

    handler = kwds['handler'] if 'handler' in kwds else False

    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = kwds['itermon'] if 'itermon' in kwds else Monitor()
    evalmon = kwds['evalmon'] if 'evalmon' in kwds else Monitor()

    gtol = 2 # termination generations (scipy: 2, default: 10)
    if 'gtol' in kwds: gtol = kwds['gtol']
    if gtol: #if number of generations is provided, use NCOG
        from mystic.termination import NormalizedChangeOverGeneration as NCOG
        termination = NCOG(ftol,gtol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)

    solver = PowellDirectionalSolver(len(x0))
    if 'penalty' in kwds:
    if 'constraints' in kwds:
    if bounds is not None:
        minb,maxb = unpair(bounds)

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
    solver.Solve(cost, termination=termination, \
                 xtol=xtol, ExtraArgs=args, callback=callback, \
                 disp=disp, direc=direc)   #XXX: last two lines use **kwds
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin_powell interface
   #x = list(solver.bestSolution)
    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = stepmon.x
    direc = solver._direc

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:
        warnflag = 1
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:
        warnflag = 2

    x = squeeze(x) #FIXME: write squeezed x to stepmon instead?

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag, direc
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs,)
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
def fmin(cost, x0, args=(), bounds=None, xtol=1e-4, ftol=1e-4,
         maxiter=None, maxfun=None, full_output=0, disp=1, retall=0,
         callback=None, **kwds):
    """Minimize a function using the downhill simplex algorithm.

    Uses a Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm to find the minimum of
    a function of one or more variables. Mimics the scipy.optimize.fmin


    cost -- the Python function or method to be minimized.
    x0 -- ndarray - the initial guess.

Additional Inputs:

    args -- extra arguments for cost.
    bounds -- list - n pairs of bounds (min,max), one pair for each parameter.
    xtol -- number - acceptable relative error in xopt for convergence.
    ftol -- number - acceptable relative error in cost(xopt) for
    maxiter -- number - the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun -- number - the maximum number of function evaluations.
    full_output -- number - non-zero if fval and warnflag outputs are
    disp -- number - non-zero to print convergence messages.
    retall -- number - non-zero to return list of solutions at each
    callback -- an optional user-supplied function to call after each
        iteration.  It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the
        current parameter vector.
    handler -- boolean - enable/disable handling of interrupt signal.
    itermon -- monitor - override the default GenerationMonitor.
    evalmon -- monitor - override the default EvaluationMonitor.
    constraints -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        constraints(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function must return xk', a parameter vector that satisfies
        the encoded constraints.
    penalty -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        penalty(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function should return y', with y' == 0 when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied, and y' > 0 otherwise.

Returns: (xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag}, {allvecs})

    xopt -- ndarray - minimizer of function
    fopt -- number - value of function at minimum: fopt = cost(xopt)
    iter -- number - number of iterations
    funcalls -- number - number of function calls
    warnflag -- number - Integer warning flag:
        1 : 'Maximum number of function evaluations.'
        2 : 'Maximum number of iterations.'
    allvecs -- list - a list of solutions at each iteration

    handler = kwds['handler'] if 'handler' in kwds else False

    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = kwds['itermon'] if 'itermon' in kwds else Monitor()
    evalmon = kwds['evalmon'] if 'evalmon' in kwds else Monitor()

    if xtol: #if tolerance in x is provided, use CandidateRelativeTolerance
        from mystic.termination import CandidateRelativeTolerance as CRT
        termination = CRT(xtol,ftol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)
    solver = NelderMeadSimplexSolver(len(x0))
    if 'penalty' in kwds:
    if 'constraints' in kwds:
    if bounds is not None:
        minb,maxb = unpair(bounds)

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
    solver.Solve(cost, termination=termination, \
                 disp=disp, ExtraArgs=args, callback=callback)
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
   #x = list(solver.bestSolution)
    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = stepmon.x

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:
        warnflag = 1
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:
        warnflag = 2

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs,)
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist
def diffev(cost,x0,npop=4,args=(),bounds=None,ftol=5e-3,gtol=None,
    """Minimize a function using differential evolution.


    Uses a differential evolution algorith to find the minimum of
    a function of one or more variables. Mimics a scipy.optimize style


    cost -- the Python function or method to be minimized.
    x0 -- the initial guess (ndarray), if desired to start from a
        set point; otherwise takes an array of (min,max) bounds,
        for when random initial points are desired
    npop -- size of the trial solution population.

Additional Inputs:

    args -- extra arguments for cost.
    bounds -- list - n pairs of bounds (min,max), one pair for each parameter.
    ftol -- number - acceptable relative error in cost(xopt) for convergence.
    gtol -- number - maximum number of iterations to run without improvement.
    maxiter -- number - the maximum number of iterations to perform.
    maxfun -- number - the maximum number of function evaluations.
    cross -- number - the probability of cross-parameter mutations
    scale -- number - multiplier for impact of mutations on trial solution.
    full_output -- number - non-zero if fval and warnflag outputs are desired.
    disp -- number - non-zero to print convergence messages.
    retall -- number - non-zero to return list of solutions at each iteration.
    callback -- an optional user-supplied function to call after each
        iteration.  It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the
        current parameter vector.
    handler -- boolean - enable/disable handling of interrupt signal
    strategy -- strategy - override the default mutation strategy
    itermon -- monitor - override the default GenerationMonitor
    evalmon -- monitor - override the default EvaluationMonitor
    constraints -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        constraints(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function must return xk', a parameter vector that satisfies
        the encoded constraints.
    penalty -- an optional user-supplied function.  It is called as
        penalty(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.
        This function should return y', with y' == 0 when the encoded
        constraints are satisfied, and y' > 0 otherwise.

Returns: (xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag}, {allvecs})

    xopt -- ndarray - minimizer of function
    fopt -- number - value of function at minimum: fopt = cost(xopt)
    iter -- number - number of iterations
    funcalls -- number - number of function calls
    warnflag -- number - Integer warning flag:
        1 : 'Maximum number of function evaluations.'
        2 : 'Maximum number of iterations.'
    allvecs -- list - a list of solutions at each iteration

    invariant_current = False
    if kwds.has_key('invariant_current'):
        invariant_current = kwds['invariant_current']
    handler = False
    if kwds.has_key('handler'):
        handler = kwds['handler']

    from mystic.strategy import Best1Bin
    strategy = Best1Bin
    if kwds.has_key('strategy'):
        strategy = kwds['strategy']
    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    stepmon = Monitor()
    evalmon = Monitor()
    if kwds.has_key('itermon'):
        stepmon = kwds['itermon']
    if kwds.has_key('evalmon'):
        evalmon = kwds['evalmon']
    if gtol: #if number of generations provided, use ChangeOverGeneration 
        from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration
        termination = ChangeOverGeneration(ftol,gtol)
        from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration
        termination = VTRChangeOverGeneration(ftol)

    ND = len(x0)
    if invariant_current: #use Solver2, not Solver1
        solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver2(ND,npop)
        solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(ND,npop)
    if kwds.has_key('penalty'):
        penalty = kwds['penalty']
    if kwds.has_key('constraints'):
        constraints = kwds['constraints']
    if bounds is not None:
        minb,maxb = unpair(bounds)

    try: #x0 passed as 1D array of (min,max) pairs
        minb,maxb = unpair(x0)
    except: #x0 passed as 1D array of initial parameter values

    if handler: solver.enable_signal_handler()
    #TODO: allow sigint_callbacks for all minimal interfaces ?
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # code below here pushes output to scipy.optimize.fmin interface
   #x = list(solver.bestSolution)
    x = solver.bestSolution
    fval = solver.bestEnergy
    warnflag = 0
    fcalls = solver.evaluations
    iterations = solver.generations
    allvecs = stepmon.x

    if fcalls >= solver._maxfun:
        warnflag = 1
        if disp:
            print "Warning: Maximum number of function evaluations has "\
                  "been exceeded."
    elif iterations >= solver._maxiter:
        warnflag = 2
        if disp:
            print "Warning: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded"
        if disp:
            print "Optimization terminated successfully."
            print "         Current function value: %f" % fval
            print "         Iterations: %d" % iterations
            print "         Function evaluations: %d" % fcalls

    if full_output:
        retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls, warnflag
        if retall:
            retlist += (allvecs,)
        retlist = x
        if retall:
            retlist = (x, allvecs)

    return retlist