def test_delegate_call(sym_mock, concrete_mock, curr_instruction):
    # arrange
    # sym_mock = mocker.patch.object(delegatecall, "_symbolic_call")
    # concrete_mock = mocker.patch.object(delegatecall, "_concrete_call")
    sym_mock.return_value = []
    concrete_mock.return_value = []
    curr_instruction.return_value = {"address": "0x10"}

    active_account = Account("0x10")
    active_account.code = Disassembly("00")

    environment = Environment(active_account, None, None, None, None, None)
    state = GlobalState(None, environment, Node)
    state.mstate.memory = ["placeholder", "calldata_bling_0"]
    state.mstate.stack = [1, 2, 3]
    assert state.get_current_instruction() == {"address": "0x10"}

    node = Node("example")
    node.contract_name = "the contract name"
    node.function_name = "fallback"

    to = Variable("storage_1", VarType.SYMBOLIC)
    call = Call(node, state, None, "DELEGATECALL", to, None)

    statespace = MagicMock()
    statespace.calls = [call]

    # act

    # assert
    assert concrete_mock.call_count == 1
    assert sym_mock.call_count == 1
def test_delegate_call_not_fallback(sym_mock, concrete_mock):
    # arrange
    # sym_mock = mocker.patch.object(delegatecall, "_symbolic_call")
    # concrete_mock = mocker.patch.object(delegatecall, "_concrete_call")
    sym_mock.return_value = []
    concrete_mock.return_value = []

    node = Node("example")
    node.function_name = "not_fallback"

    to = Variable("storage_1", VarType.SYMBOLIC)
    call = Call(node, None, None, "DELEGATECALL", to, None)

    statespace = MagicMock()
    statespace.calls = [call]

    # act
    issues = execute(statespace)

    # assert
    assert issues == []
    assert concrete_mock.call_count == 0
    assert sym_mock.call_count == 0