def createDiff(blockA, blockB, nameA=None, nameB=None):
    if nameA == None:
        if 'instance_name' in blockA:
            nameA = mus.getName(blockA)
        nameA = str(nameA)
    if nameB == None:
        if  'instance_name' in blockB:
            nameB = mus.getName(blockB)
        nameB = str(nameB)
    stri = formatBlock(blockA)
    strj = formatBlock(blockB)
    if len(stri) != 0 and len(strj) != 0:
        ratio = float(len(stri)) / float(len(strj))
    if ratio > 0.9 and ratio < 1.1:
        global diffDirectory
        path = "diff"
        if diffDirectory == "":
            diffDirectory = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d::%H:%M:%S")
            path = os.path.join("diffs", diffDirectory)
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                os.makedirs(os.path.join("diffs", diffDirectory))
            with open(os.path.join(path,  nameA + "-" + nameB + ".html"), "w") as f:
                f.write(difflib.HtmlDiff().make_file(stri, strj, nameA, nameB))
  def furtherProcess(usersDir, userID, projName, jailHolder, jail):
    screens = jail["*Names of Screens"]
    if userID not in jailHolder:
      jailHolder[userID] = {}
    jailHolder[userID][projName] = {}
    jailHolder[userID][projName]["jail"] = jail
    screenJail = jail["screens"]
    blockLimit = 10
    for s in screens:
      jailHolder[userID][projName]["counts by screens"] = {}
      jailHolder[userID][projName]["num blocks by screens"] = {}
      jailHolder[userID][projName]["num greater than limit"] = {}
      jailHolder[userID][projName]["kinds greater than limit"] = {}
      jailHolder[userID][projName]["kinds ratio"] = {}
      if "bky" in screenJail[s]:
        if mus.isADictionary(screenJail[s]["bky"]):
          #jailHolder[userID][projName]["counts by screens"][s] = {}
          for block in screenJail[s]["bky"]["topBlocks"]:
            if not mus.isGlobalDeclaration(block):
              count = countKindsOfBlocks(block)
              if "note" not in count:
                greaterThanLimit = False
                # [2019/01/16] The version before adding depths
                #for key in count:
                #  greaterThanLimit = greaterThanLimit or count[key] >= 5

                #[2019/01/16] The version with depths in account
                numGreaterThanLimit = 0
                commonRepeatedBlocks = {}
                for depth in count:
                  if not depth.endswith(".5") and not depth.endswith(".0"): 
                    for key in count[depth]:
                      #print key, count[depth][key]
                      #bigEnough = count[depth][key] >= blockLimit
                      #oldGreaterThanLimit = greaterThanLimit
                      #greaterThanLimit = greaterThanLimit or (count[depth][key] >= blockLimit)
                      if (count[depth][key] >= blockLimit):
                        numGreaterThanLimit += 1
                        commonRepeatedBlocks[str(depth) + "." + key] = count[depth][key]
                      #if (not oldGreaterThanLimit) and greaterThanLimit:
                      #  mus.logwrite(mus.prettyPrint(count))
                if numGreaterThanLimit >= 2:
                  if s not in jailHolder[userID][projName]["counts by screens"]:
                    jailHolder[userID][projName]["counts by screens"][s] = {}
                    jailHolder[userID][projName]["num blocks by screens"][s] = {}
                    jailHolder[userID][projName]["num greater than limit"][s] = {}
                    jailHolder[userID][projName]["kinds greater than limit"][s] = {}
                    jailHolder[userID][projName]["kinds ratio"][s] = {}
                  jailHolder[userID][projName]["counts by screens"][s][mus.getName(block)] = count
                  jailHolder[userID][projName]["num blocks by screens"][s][mus.getName(block)] = mus.countBlocksInside(block)
                  jailHolder[userID][projName]["num greater than limit"][s][mus.getName(block)] = numGreaterThanLimit
                  jailHolder[userID][projName]["kinds greater than limit"][s][mus.getName(block)] = ";".join([(k + ":" + str(v)) for k,v in commonRepeatedBlocks.iteritems()])
                  jailHolder[userID][projName]["kinds ratio"][s][mus.getName(block)] = getAverageRatio(commonRepeatedBlocks)
    jailHolder["totalCount"] += 1
    if jailHolder["totalCount"] % 1000 == 0:
      print jailHolder["totalCount"], usersDir, userID, projName
def dupesByEquivsObject(project, projectSet, equivClass):
    return {
        "programmer": project.programmerName,
        "project": "\"" + project.projectName + "\"",
        "screen": projectSet.screenName,
        "name": "" if equivClass.size() == 0 else "\"" + mus.getName(equivClass.members[0]) + "\"",

        # [2019/08/01, lyn] All types are component_event, so punt
        # "type": "" if equivClass.size() == 0 else equivClass.members[0]["*type"],

        # [2019/08/01, lyn] All kinds are declaration, so punt
        # "kind": "" if equivClass.size() == 0 else equivClass.members[0]["kind"],

        # [2019/08/01, lyn] Add this field from ec_sizes (so don't need ec_sizes anymore)
        "numberDuplicatedHandlers": str(equivClass.size()),

        # [2019/08/01, lyn] Change size to numBlocks, and use equiv class numBlocks method
        # "size": "0" if equivClass.size() == 0 else str(mus.countAllBlocks(equivClass.members[0])),
        "numBlocks": "0" if equivClass.size() == 0 else str(equivClass.numBlocks()), 

        "requiresGenerics": str(equivClass.needsGenerics()), 

        # [2019/08/01, lyn] Added this
        "isSingleProcedureCall": str(equivClass.isSingleProcedureCall())
def fuzzify(blk, depth=0):
    childBlockKey = '~bodyStm'
    argsKey = '~args'
    branchesKey = "~branches"
    elseKey = '~branchofelse'

    tagsToRemove = ['id', 'instance_name', 'COMPONENT_SELECTOR', 'x', 'y']
    tagsToCheck = ['test', '~bodyExp']
    genericTags = {'text': ('TEXT', '*generic_text*'),
                   'logic_boolean': ('BOOL', '*generic_boolean*')}#,
    #               'math_number': ('NUM', '*generic_number*')}
    blockListKeys = ['~bodyStm', '~args', '~branches', '~branchofelse', 'then']

    # [2018/07/18] standardize ordering of arguments
    if mus.isCommutative(blk):
        if argsKey in blk:
            arg1 = copy.deepcopy(blk[argsKey][0])
            arg2 = copy.deepcopy(blk[argsKey][1])
            name1 = getName(arg1)
            name2 = mus.getName(arg2)
            if len(name1) > len(name2):
                blk[argsKey][0] = arg2
                blk[argsKey][1] = arg1
    for tag in tagsToCheck:
        if tag in blk:
            fuzzify(blk[tag], depth + 1)
    for tag in tagsToRemove:
        if tag in blk:
            blk.pop(tag, 0)
    for key in blockListKeys:
        if key in blk:
            for child in blk[key]:
                fuzzify(child, depth + 1)
    for k,v in genericTags.iteritems():
        if "*type" in blk:
            if blk['*type'] == k:
                a = v[0]
                b = v[1]
                blk[a] = b
文件: sales.py 项目: lezzgiles/esp
# Get list of items for add sale form

cursor.execute("SELECT itemId,manufacturer,brand,name FROM item INNER JOIN binItems USING (itemId) WHERE quantity > 0 GROUP BY manufacturer,brand,name ORDER BY manufacturer,brand,name")
itemOptions = []
for (itemId,manufacturer,brand,name) in cursor:
    itemOptions.append('<OPTION VALUE=Item%s>%s</OPTION>'%(itemId,getItemName(manufacturer,brand,name)))
# Get list of kits for add sale form

cursor.execute("SELECT kitId,name FROM Kit ORDER BY name")
for (kitId,name) in cursor:
    itemOptions.append('<OPTION VALUE=Kit%s>Kit: %s</OPTION>'%(kitId,getName(name)))

# Add form

print '''
<div class=addthing>
<H2>Add new sale</H2>
<FORM name=addTran ACTION=newSaleDetails.py>
Buyer: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=buyer ID=buyer SIZE=40 />
<br />
Reconcile entry: <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=reconcile />
<br />
<TABLE BORDER=1 ID=addTranItemTable>
<TR><TD COLSPAN=3>Shipping costs:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT CLASS=money NAME=shipping ID=shipping VALUE=0.00 SIZE=5 onBlur='moneyFormat(event.target);calcTotals()'/></TD></TR>
    def furtherProcess(usersDir, userID, projName, jailDict, jail):
        screens = jail["*Names of Screens"]
        screenJail = jail["screens"]
        userIDKey = "userID"
        projNameKey = "projectName"
        blockNameKey = "blockName"
        #mus.logwrite("furtherProcess::{}, {}, {}".format(usersDir, userID, projName))
        furtherProcess.numForLoops = 0
        furtherProcess.numWhileLoops = 0

        # Hopefully by short-circuiting, the second part won't actually throw any errors
        if (len(jailDict["loopsByProgrammer"])
                == 0) or (jailDict["loopsByProgrammer"][
                    jailDict["numLoopsByProgrammer"]][userIDKey] != userID):
                userIDKey: userID,
                "numForLoops": 0,
                "numWhileLoops": 0
            jailDict["numLoopsByProgrammer"] += 1

            userIDKey: userID,
            projNameKey: projName,
            "numForLoops": 0,
            "numWhileLoops": 0
        jailDict["numLoopsByProj"] += 1

        def enumerateLoop(blk):
            t = mus.getType(blk)
            if t != None:
                if t == "controls_forRange":
                    furtherProcess.numForLoops += 1
                elif t == "controls_while":
                    furtherProcess.numWhileLoops += 1

        for s in screens:
            if "bky" in screenJail[s]:
                    "screen": s,
                    userIDKey: userID,
                    projNameKey: projName,
                    "numForLoops": 0,
                    "numWhileLoops": 0
                num = len(jailDict["forLoopsByScreen"]) - 1
                if mus.isADictionary(screenJail[s]["bky"]):
                    for block in screenJail[s]["bky"]["topBlocks"]:
                        if not mus.isGlobalDeclaration(block):
                            furtherProcess.numForLoops = 0
                            furtherProcess.numWhileLoops = 0
                            mus.countSomething(block, enumerateLoop)
                            minidict = {
                                userIDKey: userID,
                                projNameKey: projName,
                                "screen": s,
                                "numForLoops": furtherProcess.numForLoops,
                                "numWhileLoops": furtherProcess.numWhileLoops

                            #minidict[userIDKey] = userID
                            #minidict[projNameKey] = projName
                            #minidict[blockNameKey] = "\"{}\"".format(mus.getName(block))
                            #minidict["screen"] = s

                            #minidict["numForLoops"] = furtherProcess.numForLoops
                                "numForLoops"] += furtherProcess.numForLoops
                                "numWhileLoops"] += furtherProcess.numWhileLoops
                            #minidict["numWhileLoops"] = furtherProcess.numWhileLoops
                            jailDict["totalCount"] += 1

                            if jailDict["totalCount"] % printEvery == 0:
                                    jailDict["totalCount"], usersDir, userID,
                    jailDict["numLoopsByProj"]]["numForLoops"] += jailDict[
                    jailDict["numLoopsByProj"]]["numWhileLoops"] += jailDict[
            "numForLoops"] += jailDict["loopsByProject"][
            "numWhileLoops"] += jailDict["loopsByProject"][