def create_pred_movie_no_conf(conf, predList, moviename, outmovie, outtype): predLocs, predscores, predmaxscores = predList # assert false, 'stop here' tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cap = cv2.VideoCapture(moviename) nframes = int(cap.get(cvc.FRAME_COUNT)) cmap = cm.get_cmap('jet') rgba = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, conf.n_classes)) fig = mpl.figure.Figure(figsize=(9, 4)) canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) for curl in range(nframes): framein = myutils.readframe(cap, curl) framein = crop_images(framein, conf) fig.clf() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) ax1.imshow(framein[:, :, 0], cmap=cm.gray) ax1.scatter(predLocs[curl, :, 0, 0], predLocs[curl, :, 0, 1], # hold=True, c=cm.hsv(np.linspace(0, 1 - old_div(1., conf.n_classes), conf.n_classes)), s=20, linewidths=0, edgecolors='face') ax1.axis('off') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) if outtype == 1: curpreds = predscores[curl, :, :, :, 0] elif outtype == 2: curpreds = predscores[curl, :, :, :, 0] * 2 - 1 rgbim = create_pred_image(curpreds, conf.n_classes) ax2.imshow(rgbim) ax2.axis('off') fname = "test_{:06d}.png".format(curl) # to printout without X. # From: # The size * the dpi gives the final image size # a4"x4" image * 80 dpi ==> 320x320 pixel image canvas.print_figure(os.path.join(tdir, fname), dpi=80) # below is the easy way. # plt.savefig(os.path.join(tdir,fname)) tfilestr = os.path.join(tdir, 'test_*.png') mencoder_cmd = "mencoder mf://" + tfilestr + " -frames " + "{:d}".format( nframes) + " -mf type=png:fps=15 -o " + outmovie + " -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=2000000" os.system(mencoder_cmd) cap.release()
def getpatch(cap,fnum,curloc): # matlab sometimes can access an additional frame at the end # which others can't. curp = None psz = conf.sel_sz if fnum > cap.get( if fnum > cap.get( raise ValueError('Accessing frames beyond the length of the video') return curp framein = myutils.readframe(cap,fnum-1) framein = framein[:,0:(old_div(framein.shape[1],2)),:] testp = myutils.padgrab(framein,0,curloc[1]-old_div(psz,2),curloc[1]+old_div(psz,2), curloc[0]-old_div(psz,2),curloc[0]+old_div(psz,2),0,framein.shape[2]) curp = np.array(scalepatches(testp,conf.scale,conf.numscale,conf.rescale)) return curp
def getpatch(cap, fnum, curloc): # matlab sometimes can access an additional frame at the end # which others can't. curp = None psz = conf.sel_sz if fnum > cap.get( if fnum > cap.get( + 1: raise ValueError('Accessing frames beyond the length of the video') return curp framein = myutils.readframe(cap, fnum - 1) framein = framein[:, 0:(old_div(framein.shape[1], 2)), :] testp = myutils.padgrab(framein, 0, curloc[1] - old_div(psz, 2), curloc[1] + old_div(psz, 2), curloc[0] - old_div(psz, 2), curloc[0] + old_div(psz, 2), 0, framein.shape[2]) curp = np.array( scalepatches(testp, conf.scale, conf.numscale, conf.rescale)) return curp
def predictMovie(model_file, inmovie, outmovie): pred, saver, pholders = initPredSession() tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cap = cv2.VideoCapture(inmovie) nframes = int(cap.get(cvc.FRAME_COUNT)) plt.gray() # with writer.saving(fig,"test_results.mp4",4): fig = plt.figure() with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, model_file) count = 0 for fnum in range(nframes): plt.clf() plt.axis('off') framein = myutils.readframe(cap, fnum) framein = framein[:, 0:(old_div(framein.shape[1], 2)), 0:1] out = predict(copy.copy(framein), sess, pred, pholders) plt.imshow(framein[:, :, 0]) maxndx = np.argmax(out[0, :, :, 0]) loc = np.unravel_index(maxndx, out.shape[1:3]) scalefactor = conf.rescale * conf.pool_scale plt.scatter(loc[1] * scalefactor, loc[0] * scalefactor, hold=True) fname = "test_{:06d}.png".format(count) plt.savefig(os.path.join(tdir, fname)) count += 1 # ffmpeg_cmd = "ffmpeg -r 30 " + \ # "-f image2 -i '/path/to/your/picName%d.png' -qscale 0 '/path/to/your/new/video.avi' tfilestr = os.path.join(tdir, 'test_*.png') mencoder_cmd = "mencoder mf://" + tfilestr + " -frames " + "{:d}".format( count ) + " -mf type=png:fps=15 -o " + outmovie + " -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=2000000" # print(mencoder_cmd) os.system(mencoder_cmd) cap.release()
def predictMovie(model_file,inmovie,outmovie): pred,saver,pholders = initPredSession() tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cap = cv2.VideoCapture(inmovie) nframes = int(cap.get(cvc.FRAME_COUNT)) plt.gray() # with writer.saving(fig,"test_results.mp4",4): fig = plt.figure() with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, model_file) count = 0 for fnum in range(nframes): plt.clf() plt.axis('off') framein = myutils.readframe(cap,fnum) framein = framein[:,0:(old_div(framein.shape[1],2)),0:1] out = predict(copy.copy(framein),sess,pred,pholders) plt.imshow(framein[:,:,0]) maxndx = np.argmax(out[0,:,:,0]) loc = np.unravel_index(maxndx,out.shape[1:3]) scalefactor = conf.rescale*conf.pool_scale plt.scatter(loc[1]*scalefactor,loc[0]*scalefactor,hold=True) fname = "test_{:06d}.png".format(count) plt.savefig(os.path.join(tdir,fname)) count+=1 # ffmpeg_cmd = "ffmpeg -r 30 " + \ # "-f image2 -i '/path/to/your/picName%d.png' -qscale 0 '/path/to/your/new/video.avi' tfilestr = os.path.join(tdir,'test_*.png') mencoder_cmd = "mencoder mf://" + tfilestr + " -frames " + "{:d}".format(count) + " -mf type=png:fps=15 -o " + outmovie + " -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=2000000" # print(mencoder_cmd) os.system(mencoder_cmd) cap.release()
def createDB(): L = sio.loadmat(conf.labelfile) pts = L['pts'] ts = L['ts'] expid = L['expidx'] count = 0; valcount = 0 psz = conf.sel_sz map_size = 100000*conf.psz**2*3 createValdata(False) isval,localdirs,seldirs = loadValdata() lmdbfilename =os.path.join(conf.cachedir,conf.trainfilename) vallmdbfilename =os.path.join(conf.cachedir,conf.valfilename) if os.path.isdir(lmdbfilename): shutil.rmtree(lmdbfilename) if os.path.isdir(vallmdbfilename): shutil.rmtree(vallmdbfilename) env =, map_size=map_size) valenv =, map_size=map_size) with env.begin(write=True) as txn,valenv.begin(write=True) as valtxn: for ndx,dirname in enumerate(localdirs): if not seldirs[ndx]: continue expname = os.path.basename(dirname) frames = np.where(expid[0,:] == (ndx + 1))[0] curdir = localdirs[ndx] cap = cv2.VideoCapture(os.path.join(curdir,'movie_comb.avi')) curtxn = valtxn if isval.count(ndx) else txn for curl in frames: fnum = ts[0,curl] curloc = np.round(pts[0,:,curl]).astype('int') if fnum > cap.get( if fnum > cap.get( raise ValueError('Accessing frames beyond the length of the video') continue framein = myutils.readframe(cap,fnum-1) framein = framein[:,0:(old_div(framein.shape[1],2)),0:1] datum = createDatum(framein,1) str_id = createID(expname,curloc,fnum) curtxn.put(str_id.encode('ascii'), datum.SerializeToString()) if isval.count(ndx): valcount+=1 else: count+=1 cap.release() # close the movie handles print('Done %d of %d movies' % (ndx,len(localdirs))) env.close() # close the database valenv.close() print('%d,%d number of pos examples added to the db and valdb' %(count,valcount))
plt.rcParams['animation.ffmpeg_path'] = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg' curdir = '/home/mayank/Dropbox/AdamVideos/multiPoint/M122_20140828/M122_20140828_v002' # FFMpegWriter = manimation.writers['ffmpeg_file'] FFMpegWriter = manimation.writers['ffmpeg'] writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=15, bitrate=-1) fig = plt.figure() cap = cv2.VideoCapture(os.path.join(curdir, 'movie_comb.avi')) plt.gray() with writer.saving(fig, "test_results_mencoder.mp4", 4): for fnum in range(0, 50): # print(fnum) plt.clf() framein = myutils.readframe(cap, fnum) plt.imshow(framein) writer.grab_frame() cap.release() # In[13]: get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline') plt.rcParams['animation.ffmpeg_path'] = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg' curdir = '/home/mayank/Dropbox/AdamVideos/multiPoint/M122_20140828/M122_20140828_v002' fig = plt.figure() cap = cv2.VideoCapture(os.path.join(curdir, 'movie_comb.avi')) plt.gray() for fnum in range(0, 2):
def createDB(): L = sio.loadmat(conf.labelfile) pts = L['pts'] ts = L['ts'] expid = L['expidx'] count = 0 valcount = 0 psz = conf.sel_sz map_size = 100000 * conf.psz**2 * 3 createValdata(False) isval, localdirs, seldirs = loadValdata() lmdbfilename = os.path.join(conf.cachedir, conf.trainfilename) vallmdbfilename = os.path.join(conf.cachedir, conf.valfilename) if os.path.isdir(lmdbfilename): shutil.rmtree(lmdbfilename) if os.path.isdir(vallmdbfilename): shutil.rmtree(vallmdbfilename) env =, map_size=map_size) valenv =, map_size=map_size) with env.begin(write=True) as txn, valenv.begin(write=True) as valtxn: for ndx, dirname in enumerate(localdirs): if not seldirs[ndx]: continue expname = os.path.basename(dirname) frames = np.where(expid[0, :] == (ndx + 1))[0] curdir = localdirs[ndx] cap = cv2.VideoCapture(os.path.join(curdir, 'movie_comb.avi')) curtxn = valtxn if isval.count(ndx) else txn for curl in frames: fnum = ts[0, curl] curloc = np.round(pts[0, :, curl]).astype('int') if fnum > cap.get( if fnum > cap.get( + 1: raise ValueError( 'Accessing frames beyond the length of the video') continue framein = myutils.readframe(cap, fnum - 1) framein = framein[:, 0:(old_div(framein.shape[1], 2)), 0:1] datum = createDatum(framein, 1) str_id = createID(expname, curloc, fnum) curtxn.put(str_id.encode('ascii'), datum.SerializeToString()) if isval.count(ndx): valcount += 1 else: count += 1 cap.release() # close the movie handles print('Done %d of %d movies' % (ndx, len(localdirs))) env.close() # close the database valenv.close() print('%d,%d number of pos examples added to the db and valdb' % (count, valcount))
def create_full_tf_record(conf): lbl = h5py.File(conf.labelfile, 'r') pts = np.array(lbl['pts']) ts = np.array(lbl['ts']).squeeze().astype('int') exp_id = np.array(lbl['expidx']).squeeze().astype('int') view = conf.view count = 0 val_count = 0 create_val_data(conf) is_val, local_dirs, sel_dirs = load_val_data(conf) train_filename = os.path.join(conf.cachedir, conf.fulltrainfilename) env = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(train_filename + '.tfrecords') for ndx, dirname in enumerate(local_dirs): if not sel_dirs[ndx]: continue exp_name = conf.getexpname(dirname) frames = np.where(exp_id == (ndx + 1))[0] cap = cv2.VideoCapture(local_dirs[ndx]) cur_env = env for curl in frames: fnum = ts[curl] if fnum > cap.get(cvc.FRAME_COUNT): if fnum > cap.get(cvc.FRAME_COUNT) + 1: raise ValueError('Accessing frames beyond ' + 'the length of the video for' + ' {} expid {:d} '.format(exp_name, ndx) + ' at t {:d}'.format(fnum) ) continue frame_in = myutils.readframe(cap, fnum - 1) c_loc = conf.cropLoc[tuple(frame_in.shape[0:2])] frame_in = PoseTools.crop_images(frame_in, conf) frame_in = frame_in[:, :, 0:1] cur_loc = np.round(pts[curl, :, view, :]).astype('int') cur_loc[:, 0] = cur_loc[:, 0] - c_loc[1] # ugh, the nasty x-y business. cur_loc[:, 1] = cur_loc[:, 1] - c_loc[0] cur_loc = cur_loc.clip(min=0.1) rows = frame_in.shape[0] cols = frame_in.shape[1] if np.ndim(frame_in) > 2: depth = frame_in.shape[2] else: depth = 1 image_raw = frame_in.tostring() example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={ 'height': int64_feature(rows), 'width': int64_feature(cols), 'depth': int64_feature(depth), 'locs': float_feature(cur_loc.flatten()), 'expndx': float_feature(ndx), 'ts': float_feature(curl), 'image_raw': bytes_feature(image_raw)})) cur_env.write(example.SerializeToString()) count += 1 cap.release() # close the movie handles print('Done %d of %d movies, count:%d val:%d' % (ndx, len(local_dirs), count, val_count)) env.close() # close the database print('%d,%d number of pos examples added to the db and val-db' % (count, val_count))
def create_full_tf_record(conf): lbl = h5py.File(conf.labelfile, 'r') pts = np.array(lbl['pts']) ts = np.array(lbl['ts']).squeeze().astype('int') exp_id = np.array(lbl['expidx']).squeeze().astype('int') view = conf.view count = 0 val_count = 0 create_val_data(conf) is_val, local_dirs, sel_dirs = load_val_data(conf) train_filename = os.path.join(conf.cachedir, conf.fulltrainfilename) env = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(train_filename + '.tfrecords') for ndx, dirname in enumerate(local_dirs): if not sel_dirs[ndx]: continue exp_name = conf.getexpname(dirname) frames = np.where(exp_id == (ndx + 1))[0] cap = cv2.VideoCapture(local_dirs[ndx]) cur_env = env for curl in frames: fnum = ts[curl] if fnum > cap.get(cvc.FRAME_COUNT): if fnum > cap.get(cvc.FRAME_COUNT) + 1: raise ValueError('Accessing frames beyond ' + 'the length of the video for' + ' {} expid {:d} '.format(exp_name, ndx) + ' at t {:d}'.format(fnum)) continue frame_in = myutils.readframe(cap, fnum - 1) c_loc = conf.cropLoc[tuple(frame_in.shape[0:2])] frame_in = PoseTools.crop_images(frame_in, conf) frame_in = frame_in[:, :, 0:1] cur_loc = np.round(pts[curl, :, view, :]).astype('int') cur_loc[:, 0] = cur_loc[:, 0] - c_loc[1] # ugh, the nasty x-y business. cur_loc[:, 1] = cur_loc[:, 1] - c_loc[0] cur_loc = cur_loc.clip(min=0.1) rows = frame_in.shape[0] cols = frame_in.shape[1] if np.ndim(frame_in) > 2: depth = frame_in.shape[2] else: depth = 1 image_raw = frame_in.tostring() example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features( feature={ 'height': int64_feature(rows), 'width': int64_feature(cols), 'depth': int64_feature(depth), 'locs': float_feature(cur_loc.flatten()), 'expndx': float_feature(ndx), 'ts': float_feature(curl), 'image_raw': bytes_feature(image_raw) })) cur_env.write(example.SerializeToString()) count += 1 cap.release() # close the movie handles print('Done %d of %d movies, count:%d val:%d' % (ndx, len(local_dirs), count, val_count)) env.close() # close the database print('%d,%d number of pos examples added to the db and val-db' % (count, val_count))
ddff = np.abs(ddff).astype('uint8') print(stat) if stat: plt.imshow(ddff) print(ddff.max()) cap.release() # In[ ]: import myutils reload(myutils) import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture('/home/mayank/Dropbox/AdamVideos/multiPoint/M118_20140730/M118_20140730_v002/movie_comb.avi') ff = myutils.readframe(cap,1998) print(cap.get( )) cap.set(, 1998) print(cap.get( stat,ff = print(cap.get( print(stat) # In[ ]: import as freader reader = freader.FFMPEG_VideoReader('/home/mayank/Dropbox/AdamVideos/multiPoint/M118_20140730/M118_20140730_v002/movie_comb.avi') f1 = reader.get_frame((-2.-0.1)/reader.fps) f2 = reader.get_frame((1.-0.1)/reader.fps) fe = reader.get_frame((1998.-0.1)/reader.fps)