文件: term.py 项目: fanglinfang/myuw
 def test_eof_term(self):
     with self.settings(RESTCLIENTS_SWS_DAO_CLASS=FDAO_SWS):
         now_request = RequestFactory().get("/")
         now_request.session = {}
         now_request.session["myuw_override_date"] = "2013-03-10"
         self.assertEqual(get_eof_term(now_request), datetime(2013, 3, 27, 0, 0, 0))
         now_request.session = {}
         now_request.session["myuw_override_date"] = "2013-07-10"
         self.assertEqual(get_eof_term(now_request, True), datetime(2013, 7, 25, 0, 0, 0))
         now_request.session = {}
         now_request.session["myuw_override_date"] = "2013-08-10"
         self.assertEqual(get_eof_term(now_request), datetime(2013, 8, 28, 0, 0, 0))
def json_for_evaluation(request, evaluations, section_summer_term):
    if evaluations is None:
        return None
    local_tz = timezone.get_current_timezone()
    today = get_comparison_date(request)
    now = local_tz.localize(
        datetime(today.year, today.month, today.day, 0, 0, 1))

    # the start date of the default show window
    show_date = get_bof_7d_before_last_instruction(request)
    on_dt = local_tz.localize(
        datetime(show_date.year, show_date.month, show_date.day, 0, 0, 0))

    # the end date of the default show window
    hide_date = get_eof_term(request, True)
    off_dt = local_tz.localize(
        datetime(hide_date.year, hide_date.month, hide_date.day, 0, 0, 0))

    if now < on_dt or now > off_dt:
        return None

    pws = PWS()
    json_data = []
    for evaluation in evaluations:
        if term_matched(request, section_summer_term):
            if now < evaluation.eval_open_date or\
                    now >= evaluation.eval_close_date:

            if evaluation.eval_close_date < off_dt:
                off_dt = evaluation.eval_close_date

            json_item = {'instructors': [],
                         'url': evaluation.eval_url,
                         'is_multi_instr': len(evaluation.instructor_ids) > 1}

            for eid in evaluation.instructor_ids:
                instructor_json = {}
                instructor = pws.get_person_by_employee_id(eid)
                instructor_json['instructor_name'] = instructor.display_name
                instructor_json['instructor_title'] = instructor.title1

    # althrough each item has its own close date, we
    # only take one - the earliest.
    if len(json_data) > 0:
        return {'evals': json_data,
                'close_date': off_dt.isoformat()}

    return None