def main(): gl = libcutsim.GLData( ) # this class holds lines, triangles, or quads for OpenGL drawing iso = libcutsim.MarchingCubes( ) # this is the algorithm that produces GLData from the stock-model cs = libcutsim.Cutsim(20.0, 9, gl, iso) # this is the cutting simulation print(cs) cs.init(3) # initialize by subdividing octree n-times print(cs) vol = libcutsim.CubeVolume() # a volume with which we operate on the stock vol.setSide(10) vol.setCenter(0, 0, -5) cs.sum_volume(vol) # sum the volume to the stock, creating new material # the volume with which we cut cutter = libcutsim.SphereVolume() cutter.setRadius(float(0.7)) # move around the cutter and subtract at each point t_before = time.time() Nmax = 100 for n in range(Nmax): x = 3 * math.cos(0.1 * n) y = -3 + 0.08 * n #print x,y cutter.setCenter(x, y, 0.1) cs.diff_volume(cutter) # subtract the volume from the stock #cs.updateGL() t_after = time.time() print(Nmax, " diff() calls took ", t_after - t_before, " seconds") cs.updateGL() # this updates the GLData so we can draw the stock print(cs) print(gl) # create a VTK view for drawing w = 1024 h = 1024 myscreen = myvtk.VTKScreen(width=w, height=h) myvtk.drawTriangles(myscreen, gl.get_triangles()) myscreen.render() myscreen.iren.Start()
def main(): gl = libcutsim.GLData( ) # this class holds lines, triangles, or quads for OpenGL drawing iso = libcutsim.MarchingCubes( ) # this is the algorithm that produces GLData from the stock-model octree_size = 10.0 # size of 'world' octree_max_depth = 8 cs = libcutsim.Cutsim(octree_size, octree_max_depth, gl, iso) # this is the cutting simulation print cs cs.init(3) # initialize by subdividing octree n-times print cs # create stock material vol = libcutsim.SphereVolume( ) # a volume with which we operate on the stock vol.setRadius(4) vol.setCenter(0, 0, 0) cs.sum_volume( vol) # sum the volume to the stock, creating new stock material # resize/position the same sphere for a cut vol.setRadius(1) vol.setCenter(0, 4, 0) cs.diff_volume(vol) # subtract the volume from the stock cs.updateGL() # this updates the GLData so we can draw the stock print cs print gl # create a VTK view for drawing w = 1024 h = 1024 myscreen = myvtk.VTKScreen(width=w, height=h) myvtk.drawTriangles(myscreen, gl.get_triangles()) myscreen.render() myscreen.iren.Start()