文件: core.py 项目: stendec/NakedSun
def main():
    Initialize everything and launch NakedSun. This method is in charge of
    parsing command line arguments, locating the MUD library, loading all the
    available modules, loading the world, etc.

    ## Argument Parsing

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
                prog="python -m nakedsun",
                version="NakedSun %s" % nakedsun.version

    # Basic Options

    parser.add_argument("--path", dest="lib", default="lib", metavar="PATH",
                        help="Load the MUD library from PATH.")
    parser.add_argument("--copyover", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)

    # Network Options
    group = parser.add_argument_group(
                u"Network Options",
                u"These options allow you to override the default listening "
                u"addresses for the server."

    group.add_argument("-b", "--bind", dest="addr", default=None,
                    help=u"Bind the telnet server to the given ADDRESS:PORT.")
    group.add_argument("--http", dest="http_addr", default=None,
                    help=u"Bind the HTTP server to the given ADDRESS:PORT.")

    # Logging Options

    group = parser.add_argument_group(u"Logging Options")

    group.add_argument("-l", "--log", default="../log", metavar="PATH",
        help=u"Store log files at PATH, relative to the MUD library.")
    group.add_argument("--level", default="INFO",
        help=u"Only log messages of LEVEL or higher. (Default: INFO)")
    group.add_argument("--no-color", default=True, action="store_false",
        dest="color", help=u"Disable console output colorization.")

    # UID/GID Manipulation

    if do_uid:
        group = parser.add_argument_group(
            u"User/Group ID Manipulation",
            u"These options, if used, will be acted upon *immediately* before "
            u"entering the main event loop. This is slightly unsafe, since "
            u"any code in the MUD library will be executed before the new "
            u"user and/or group identity is assumed. However, this is "
            u"necessary to ensure the server is able to bind low ports on UNIX"
            u" systems as root. The provided values may be either names "
            u"or numbers. These values may also be set in the MUD's "
            u"configuration file.")

        group.add_argument("-u", "--uid", help=u"Run as the specified user.")
        group.add_argument("-g", "--gid",
            help=u"Run as the specified group.")
        group.add_argument("--umask", help=u"Use the provided umask.")
        group.add_argument("--early", default=False, action="store_true",
            help=u"Assume the new identity early, before executing any code "
                 u"from the MUD library.")

    # Finally, parse the arguments.
    args = parser.parse_args()

    ## Logging

    log.initialize(args.color, args.level, os.path.join(args.lib, args.log))
    log.naked(u"NakedSun v%s by Stendec <*****@*****.**>" % nakedsun.version)

    ## Enter the MUD Library

    path = os.path.realpath(args.lib)
    if not os.path.exists(path) or not (
            os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'muddata')) or
            os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'config'))):
        log.error(u"Cannot find the MUD library at: %s" % path)

    if path != os.getcwd():
        log.info(u"Changing working directory to: %s" % path)

    ## Load Configuration

    log.info(u"Loading MUD configuration from file.")

    ## Networking Initialization

    log.info(u"Initializing the network.")

    from . import network
    network.initialize(args.addr, args.http_addr)

    ## Early UID/GID Manipulation

    if do_uid and args.early:
        assume_uid(args.uid, args.gid, args.umask)

    ## NakedMud Compatibility

    if nakedsun.settings.get("nakedmud_compatible"):
        log.info("Loading NakedMud Compatibility Layer.")
        from . import nmcompat

    # Inject a series of modules into sys.modules for NakedMud compatibility.
    log.info(u"Injecting global modules for NakedMud compatibility.")
    for module in ("account", "auxiliary", "bitvectors", "char", "event",
                   "hooks", "mudsock", "mud", "mudsys", "obj", "room",
        inject(module, getattr(nakedsun, module))

    ## MUD Library Initialization

    log.info(u"Loading the MUD library.")

    # If it doesn't exist, die.
    if not os.path.exists("pymodules"):
        log.error(u"Cannot find pymodules in the MUD library.")

    # Either load pymodules as a module or load its contents.
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join("pymodules", "__init__.py")):
        log.debug("Importing module: pymodules")
        import pymodules

        log.debug("pymodules is not a package. Entering directory.")
        path = os.path.abspath("pymodules")
        sys.path.insert(0, path)

        # Scan through.
        for fn in sorted(os.listdir("pymodules")):
            full = os.path.join(path, fn)

            # Skip hidden entries, non-.py files, and folders that aren't
            # python packages.
            if fn.startswith(".") or (os.path.isfile(full) and not
                    fn.endswith(".py")) or (os.path.isdir(full) and not
                    os.path.exists(os.path.join(full, "__init__.py"))):

            # If it's a file, trim off the end.
            if fn.endswith(".py"):
                fn = fn[:-3]

            # Log a message, and then load the module.
            log.debug("Importing module: %s" % fn)

                nakedsun.mudsys.pymodules[fn] = __import__(fn)
            except Exception:
                log.exception("An error occurred when attempting to import "
                              "Python module: %s (%s)" % (fn, full))

    ## Copyover Recovery

    log.todo("Copyover Recovery.")

    ## Register Signals

    if hasattr(signal, 'SIGHUP'):
        signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal_HUP)

    ## Late UID/GID Manipulation

    if do_uid and not args.early:
        assume_uid(args.uid, args.gid, args.umask)

    ## The Event Loop

    log.info(u"Entering the game loop.")

    begin_copyover = False

    except nakedsun.mudsys.SystemCopyover:
        begin_copyover = True
    except SystemExit:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print ''


    if begin_copyover:

    ## Cleanup


    log.info(u"Exiting normally.")