def nro_data_pump_update(nr, ora_cursor, expires_days=56):
    nr_service = NameRequestService()
    expiry_date = nr_service.create_expiry_date(start=nr.lastUpdate,

    current_app.logger.debug(f'Setting expiry date to: { expiry_date }')
    # init dict for examiner comment data, populated below in loop through names
    examiner_comment = {
        'choice': 0,
        'comment': None,

    # initialize array of derived values to use in the stored proc
    nro_names = [{
        'state': None,
        'decision': None,
        'conflict1': None,
        'conflict2': None,
        'conflict3': None
    }, {
        'state': None,
        'decision': None,
        'conflict1': None,
        'conflict2': None,
        'conflict3': None
    }, {
        'state': None,
        'decision': None,
        'conflict1': None,
        'conflict2': None,
        'conflict3': None
    current_app.logger.debug('processing names for :{}'.format(nr.nrNum))
    for name in nr.names.all():
        choice = name.choice - 1
        if name.state in [Name.APPROVED, Name.CONDITION]:
            nro_names[choice]['state'] = 'A'
        elif name.state == Name.REJECTED:
            nro_names[choice]['state'] = 'R'
            nro_names[choice]['state'] = 'NE'

        # some defensive coding here to handle approve/reject/condition where no decision text is available
        # TODO determine if there a business rule requiring APPROVE|REJECTED|CONDITION to have a decision?
        if name.state in [Name.APPROVED, Name.CONDITION, Name.REJECTED]:
            nro_names[choice]['decision'] = '{}****{}'.format(
                nro_names[choice]['state'], '  ' if
                 in [None, '']) else name.decision_text[:1000].encode(
                     "ascii", "ignore").decode('ascii'))

        if name.conflict1:
            nro_names[choice]['conflict1'] = '{}****{}'.format(
        if name.conflict2:
            nro_names[choice]['conflict2'] = '{}****{}'.format(
        if name.conflict3:
            nro_names[choice]['conflict3'] = '{}****{}'.format(

        if name.comment:
            # use the last name comment as the examiner comment, whether that was a rejection or approval
            if name.choice > examiner_comment['choice']:
                examiner_comment['choice'] = name.choice
                examiner_comment['comment'] = name.comment.comment.encode(
                    "ascii", "ignore").decode('ascii')

    status = 'A' if (nr.stateCd in [State.APPROVED, State.CONDITIONAL
                                    ]) else 'R'
    consent = 'Y' if (nr.consentFlag == 'Y'
                      or nr.stateCd == State.CONDITIONAL) else 'N'
    current_app.logger.debug('sending {} to NRO'.format(nr.nrNum))
        'nr:{}; stateCd:{}; status: {}; expiry_dt:{}; consent:{}; examiner:{}'.
        format(nr.nrNum, nr.stateCd, status, expiry_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'),
               consent, nro_examiner_name(nr.activeUser.username)))

    # Call the name_examination function to save complete decision data for a single NR
    ret = ora_cursor.callfunc(
            nr.nrNum,  # p_nr_number
            status,  # p_status
            expiry_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'),  # p_expiry_date
            consent,  # p_consent_flag
            nro_examiner_name(nr.activeUser.username),  # p_examiner_id
            nro_names[0]['decision'],  # p_choice1
            nro_names[1]['decision'],  # p_choice2
            nro_names[2]['decision'],  # p_choice3
            examiner_comment['comment'],  # p_exam_comment
            '',  # p_add_info - not used in func anymore
            nro_names[0]['conflict1'],  # p_confname1A
            nro_names[0]['conflict2'],  # p_confname1B
            nro_names[0]['conflict3'],  # p_confname1C
            nro_names[1]['conflict1'],  # p_confname2A
            nro_names[1]['conflict2'],  # p_confname2B
            nro_names[1]['conflict3'],  # p_confname2C
            nro_names[2]['conflict1'],  # p_confname3A
            nro_names[2]['conflict2'],  # p_confname3B
            nro_names[2]['conflict3'],  # p_confname3C
    if ret is not None:
            'name_examination_func failed, return message: {}'.format(ret))

    current_app.logger.debug('finished sending {} to NRO'.format(nr.nrNum))
    # mark that we've set the record in NRO - which assumes we have legally furnished this to the client.
    # and record the expiry date we sent to NRO
    nr.furnished = 'Y'
    nr.expirationDate = expiry_date
def test_create_expiry_date(test_name, start_date, days, tz, expected_date):
    nr_service = NameRequestService()
    ced = nr_service.create_expiry_date(start_date, expires_in_days=days)

    assert ced.replace(tzinfo=None) == expected_date
    assert ced.tzinfo.zone == tz