def render_ipynb(from_file: str, to_file: str):
    # print(f"{from_file} -> {to_file}")
    header = """
# This file is generated from a Mathy (https://mathy.ai) code example.
!pip install mathy --upgrade

    with open(from_file, "r") as fpin:
        lines = fpin.readlines()
    header_installs = True
    out_lines = []
    for line in lines:
        # NOTE: the weird use of f-string is to workaround vscode highlight
        #       getting really confused by the "!pip install" attached to a #
        if line.startswith(f"#{'!pip install'}"):
            if header_installs is False:
                raise ValueError(
                    "All !pip install comments must be the first lines in a snippet."
                    f" Found the following line after a non-install comment: {line}"
            # output without the comment so ipynb installs the requirement
        # The header installs must be the first (n) lines in a file. After the
        # first non-comment, nothing will be installed.
        header_installs = False
    text = "".join(out_lines)
    nbook = v4.upgrade(v3.reads_py(f"{header}{text}"))
    with open(to_file, "w") as fpout:
def py2ipynb(readIn):
    from nbformat import v3, v4

    readIn += "# <markdowncell>"  # preserve last cell

    nb = v4.upgrade(v3.reads_py(readIn))  # v3 => v4
    json = v4.writes(nb) + "\n"
    return json
def _main():
    args = _parse_command_line_args()
    data = _load(args.input)
    data = ('{}\n'
            '# <markdowncell>\n'
            '# If you can read this, reads_py() is no longer broken!\n'
    data = v4.writes(v4.upgrade(v3.reads_py(data)))
    _save(data, args.output or args.input.replace('.py', '.ipynb'))
def change_format(arg):
    from nbformat import v3, v4
    with open(arg) as fpin:
        text = fpin.read()

    nbook = v3.reads_py(text)
    nbook = v4.upgrade(nbook)
    jsonform = v4.writes(nbook) + "\n"
    new_file = arg + ".ipynb"
    with open(new_file, "w") as fpout:
def read_legacy_pyfile_as_notebook(pytext):
    from nbformat import v3, v4

    pytext += """
    # <markdowncell>

    # If you can read this, reads_py() is no longer broken!

    nbook = v3.reads_py(pytext)
    nbook = v4.upgrade(nbook)  # Upgrade v3 to v4

    return nbook
def py2ipynb_default(input, output):
    with open(input) as f:
        code = f.read()
    code += """
# <markdowncell>
# If you can read this, reads_py() is no longer broken!

    nbook = v3.reads_py(code)
    nbook = v4.upgrade(nbook)  # Upgrade v3 to v4
    jsonform = v4.writes(nbook) + "\n"

    with open(output, "w") as f:
def py2ipynb_default(input, output):
    with open(input) as f:
        code = f.read()
    code += """
# <markdowncell>

# If you can read this, reads_py() is no longer broken!

    nbook = v3.reads_py(code)
    nbook = v4.upgrade(nbook)  # Upgrade v3 to v4
    jsonform = v4.writes(nbook) + "\n"

    with open(output, "w") as f:
def py2ipynb(readIn):
    from nbformat import v3, v4

    readIn += "# <markdowncell>"  # preserve last cell

    nb = v4.upgrade(v3.reads_py(readIn))  # v3 => v4
    json = v4.writes(nb) + "\n"
    return json

    # extracts images as separate files
    config = Config()
    config.HTMLExporter.preprocessors = [

    # for path in nbPaths:
    #! outPath = 'markdowns/' + filename + '.md'

    # assign unique key to each image based on notebook name
    extractOutputConfig = {
        'unique_key': filename,
        'output_files_dir': '/' + IMAGE_DIR

    nb = reads(readIn, 4)  #! originally read `path`
    mdExporter = MarkdownExporter()  #! add `config = config`
    #! add resources variable, `resources = extractOutputConfig`
    md = mdExporter.from_notebook_node(nb)
    return md[0]  # recover text from first index

    ##! additional manual processing here!

def py2ipynb_default(input, output):
    with open(input) as f:
        code = f.read()
    code += """
# <markdowncell>

# If you can read this, reads_py() is no longer broken!

    nbook = v3.reads_py(code)
    nbook = v4.upgrade(nbook)  # Upgrade v3 to v4
    cells = nbook.cells
    newCells = []
    newCells.append(new_code_cell(source="!apt install maven"))
    newCells.append(new_code_cell(source="!pip install pybacting"))
    for cell in cells:
    nbook.cells = newCells

    jsonform = v4.writes(nbook) + "\n"

    with open(output, "w") as f:
  text = fpin.read()

# Compute output file path.
output_file = input_file
output_file = output_file.replace('.py', '.ipynb')
# For example/python/foo.py -> example/notebook/examples/foo.ipynb
output_file = output_file.replace('examples/python',
# For example/contrib/foo.py -> example/notebook/contrib/foo.ipynb
output_file = output_file.replace('examples/contrib',
# For ortools/*/samples/foo.py -> example/notebook/*/foo.ipynb
output_file = output_file.replace('ortools', 'examples/notebook')
output_file = output_file.replace('samples/', '')

nbook = v3.reads_py('')
nbook = v4.upgrade(nbook)  # Upgrade v3 to v4

print('Adding copyright cell...')
google = '##### Copyright 2021 Google LLC.'
nbook['cells'].append(v4.new_markdown_cell(source=google, id='google'))

print('Adding license cell...')
apache = '''Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
## Converts pyhton script into a notebook.

# See [this post](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23292242/converting-to-not-from-ipython-notebook-format) on StackOverflow.

import argparse

argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argParser.add_argument('-in', help='Path to input python file.', required=True)
                       help='Path to output jupyter notebook file.',

arguments = vars(argParser.parse_args())

inFile = arguments["in"]
outFile = arguments["out"]

from nbformat import v3, v4
with open(inFile) as fpin:
    text = fpin.read()
text += "# <markdowncell>\n # If you can read this, reads_py() is no longer broken!\n"

nbook = v3.reads_py(text)
nbook = v4.upgrade(nbook)  # Upgrade v3 to v4
jsonform = v4.writes(nbook) + "\n"
with open(outFile, "w") as fpout:
from nbformat import v3, v4
import sys

content = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
outname = sys.argv[1].split('.')[0] + '.ipynb'
nb = v3.reads_py(content)
nb = v4.upgrade(nb)
nb_json = v4.writes(nb) + '\n'

outfile = open(outname, 'w')
def mainfunction(text):
    Main function. Calls all other functions, depending on whether the macro input is in python or c++.
    It adds the header information. Also, it adds a cell that draws all canvases. The working text is
    then converted to a version 3 jupyter notebook, subsequently updated to a version 4. Then, metadata
    associated with the language the macro is written in is attatched to he notebook. Finally the
    notebook is executed and output as a Jupyter notebook.
    # Modify text from macros to suit a notebook
    if isCpp():
        main, helpers, rest = split(text)
        main, argumentsCell = processmain(main)
        main = cppComments(
        )  # Remove function, Unindent, and convert comments to Markdown cells

        if argumentsCell:
            main = argumentsCell + main

        rest = cppComments(
            rest)  # Convert top level code comments to Markdown cells

        # Construct text by starting with top level code, then the helper functions, and finally the main function.
        # Also add cells for headerfile, or keepfunction
        if needsHeaderFile:
            text = "# <markdowncell>\n# The header file must be copied to the current directory\n# <codecell>\n.!cp %s%s.h .\n# <codecell>\n" % (
                tutRelativePath, tutName)
            text += rest
            text = "# <codecell>\n" + rest

        for helper in helpers:
            text += helper

        text += ("\n# <codecell>\n" + main)

    if extension == "py":
        text = pythonMainFunction(text)
        text = pythonComments(text)  # Convert comments into Markdown cells

    # Perform last minute fixes to the notebook, used for specific fixes needed by some tutorials
    text = fixes(text)

    # Change to standard Markdown
    newDescription = changeMarkdown(description)

    # Add the title and header of the notebook
    text = "# <markdowncell> \n# # %s\n%s# \n# \n# **Author:** %s  \n# <i><small>This notebook tutorial was automatically generated " \
        "with <a href= \"https://github.com/root-mirror/root/blob/master/documentation/doxygen/converttonotebook.py\">ROOTBOOK-izer (Beta)</a> " \
        "from the macro found in the ROOT repository  on %s.</small></i>\n# <codecell>\n%s" % (tutTitle, newDescription, author, date, text)

    # Add cell at the end of the notebook that draws all the canveses. Add a Markdown cell before explaining it.
    if isJsroot and not nodraw:
        if isCpp():
            text += "\n# <markdowncell> \n# Draw all canvases \n# <codecell>\n%jsroot on\ngROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->Draw()"
        if extension == "py":
            text += "\n# <markdowncell> \n# Draw all canvases \n# <codecell>\n%jsroot on\nfrom ROOT import gROOT \ngROOT.GetListOfCanvases().Draw()"

    elif not nodraw:
        if isCpp():
            text += "\n# <markdowncell> \n# Draw all canvases \n# <codecell>\ngROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->Draw()"
        if extension == "py":
            text += "\n# <markdowncell> \n# Draw all canvases \n# <codecell>\nfrom ROOT import gROOT \ngROOT.GetListOfCanvases().Draw()"

    # Create a notebook from the working text
    nbook = v3.reads_py(text)
    nbook = v4.upgrade(nbook)  # Upgrade v3 to v4

    # Load notebook string into json format, essentially creating a dictionary
    json_data = json.loads(v4.writes(nbook))

    # add the corresponding metadata
    if extension == "py":
        json_data[u'metadata'] = {
            "kernelspec": {
                "display_name": "Python 2",
                "language": "python",
                "name": "python2"
            "language_info": {
                "codemirror_mode": {
                    "name": "ipython",
                    "version": 2
                "file_extension": ".py",
                "mimetype": "text/x-python",
                "name": "python",
                "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
                "pygments_lexer": "ipython2",
                "version": "2.7.10"
    elif isCpp():
        json_data[u'metadata'] = {
            "kernelspec": {
                "display_name": "ROOT C++",
                "language": "c++",
                "name": "root"
            "language_info": {
                "codemirror_mode": "text/x-c++src",
                "file_extension": ".C",
                "mimetype": " text/x-c++src",
                "name": "c++"

    # write the json file with the metadata
    with open(outPathName, 'w') as fout:
        json.dump(json_data, fout, indent=1, sort_keys=True)

    print(time.time() - starttime)
    timeout = findTimeout()
    # Call commmand that executes the notebook and creates a new notebook with the output
    r = subprocess.call([
        "jupyter", "nbconvert",
        "--ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=%d" % timeout, "--to=notebook",
        "--execute", outPathName
    if r != 0:
            "NOTEBOOK_CONVERSION_WARNING: Nbconvert failed for notebook %s with return code %s\n"
            % (outname, r))
    if isJsroot:
            ["jupyter", "trust",
             os.path.join(outdir, outnameconverted)])
    if r == 0:  # Only remove notebook without output if nbconvert succeedes
from nbformat import v3, v4

with open("mnist-io.py") as fpin:
    text = fpin.read()

    nbook = v3.reads_py(text)
    nbook = v4.upgrade(nbook)  # Upgrade v3 to v4

    jsonform = v4.writes(nbook) + "\n"
    with open("mnist.ipynb", "w") as fpout:
def mainfunction(text):
    Main function. Calls all other functions, depending on whether the macro input is in python or c++.
    It adds the header information. Also, it adds a cell that draws all canvases. The working text is
    then converted to a version 3 jupyter notebook, subsequently updated to a version 4. Then, metadata
    associated with the language the macro is written in is attatched to he notebook. Finally the
    notebook is executed and output as a Jupyter notebook.
    # Modify text from macros to suit a notebook
    if isCpp():
        main, helpers, rest = split(text)
        main,  argumentsCell = processmain(main)
        main = cppComments(unindenter(cppFunction(main)))  # Remove function, Unindent, and convert comments to Markdown cells
        if argumentsCell:
            main = argumentsCell + main

        rest = cppComments(rest)  # Convert top level code comments to Markdown cells

        # Construct text by starting with top level code, then the helper functions, and finally the main function.
        # Also add cells for headerfile, or keepfunction
        if needsHeaderFile:
            text = "# <markdowncell>\n# The header file must be copied to the current directory\n# <codecell>\n.!cp %s%s.h .\n# <codecell>\n" % (tutRelativePath, tutName)
            text += rest
            text = "# <codecell>\n" + rest

        for helper in helpers:
            text += helper

        text += ("\n# <codecell>\n" + main)

    if extension == "py":
        text = pythonMainFunction(text)
        text = pythonComments(text)  # Convert comments into Markdown cells

    # Perform last minute fixes to the notebook, used for specific fixes needed by some tutorials
    text = fixes(text)
    # Change to standard Markdown
    newDescription = changeMarkdown(description)

    # Add the title and header of the notebook
    text = "# <markdowncell> \n# # %s\n%s# \n# \n# **Author:** %s  \n# <i><small>This notebook tutorial was automatically generated " \
        "with <a href= \"https://github.com/root-mirror/root/blob/master/documentation/doxygen/converttonotebook.py\">ROOTBOOK-izer (Beta)</a> " \
        "from the macro found in the ROOT repository  on %s.</small></i>\n# <codecell>\n%s" % (tutTitle, newDescription, author, date, text)

    # Add cell at the end of the notebook that draws all the canveses. Add a Markdown cell before explaining it.
    if isJsroot and not nodraw:
        if isCpp():
            text += "\n# <markdowncell> \n# Draw all canvases \n# <codecell>\n%jsroot on\ngROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->Draw()"
        if extension == "py":
            text += "\n# <markdowncell> \n# Draw all canvases \n# <codecell>\n%jsroot on\nfrom ROOT import gROOT \ngROOT.GetListOfCanvases().Draw()"

    elif not nodraw:
        if isCpp():
            text += "\n# <markdowncell> \n# Draw all canvases \n# <codecell>\ngROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->Draw()"
        if extension == "py":
            text += "\n# <markdowncell> \n# Draw all canvases \n# <codecell>\nfrom ROOT import gROOT \ngROOT.GetListOfCanvases().Draw()"
    # Create a notebook from the working text
    nbook = v3.reads_py(text)
    nbook = v4.upgrade(nbook)  # Upgrade v3 to v4

    # Load notebook string into json format, essentially creating a dictionary
    json_data = json.loads(v4.writes(nbook))

    # add the corresponding metadata
    if extension == "py":
        json_data[u'metadata'] = {
            "kernelspec": {
                "display_name": "Python 2",
                "language": "python",
                "name": "python2"
            "language_info": {
                "codemirror_mode": {
                    "name": "ipython",
                    "version": 2
                "file_extension": ".py",
                "mimetype": "text/x-python",
                "name": "python",
                "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
                "pygments_lexer": "ipython2",
                "version": "2.7.10"
    elif isCpp():
        json_data[u'metadata'] = {
            "kernelspec": {
                "display_name": "ROOT C++",
                "language": "c++",
                "name": "root"
            "language_info": {
                "codemirror_mode": "text/x-c++src",
                "file_extension": ".C",
                "mimetype": " text/x-c++src",
                "name": "c++"

    # write the json file with the metadata
    with open(outPathName, 'w') as fout:
        json.dump(json_data, fout, indent=1, sort_keys=True)

    print(time.time() - starttime)
    timeout = findTimeout()
    # Call commmand that executes the notebook and creates a new notebook with the output
    r = subprocess.call(["jupyter", "nbconvert", "--ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=%d" % timeout,  "--to=notebook", "--execute",  outPathName])
    if r != 0:
        sys.stderr.write("NOTEBOOK_CONVERSION_WARNING: Nbconvert failed for notebook %s with return code %s\n" %(outname,r))
    if isJsroot:
        subprocess.call(["jupyter", "trust",  os.path.join(outdir, outnameconverted)])
    if r == 0:  # Only remove notebook without output if nbconvert succeedes 
def mainfunction(text, visualize):
	Main function. Calls all other functions. Also, it adds a cell that draws the result. The working text is
	then converted to a version 3 jupyter notebook, subsequently updated to a version 4. Then, metadata
	associated with the language the macro is written in is attatched to he notebook. Finally the
	notebook is executed and output as a Jupyter notebook.
    # Modify text from macros to suit a notebook
    main, helpers, headers, rest = split(text)
    main_macro = CreateMainFunction(Indent(ExtractMainFunction(main)))
    main, argumentsCell = processmain(main)
    # Remove function, Unindent, and convert comments to Markdown cells
    main = Comments(Unindent(ExtractMainFunction(main)))
    rest = RemoveIncludeGuardsAndNamespace(rest)

    # Command for loading biodynamo library
    libloading = 'gSystem->Load("libbiodynamo");\n\n'

    libloading_macro = '%jsroot on\nR__LOAD_LIBRARY(libbiodynamo)\n\n'

    # Append "using namespace bdm;" to headers
    headers += '\nusing namespace bdm;\n'

    c_macro = headers + libloading_macro + rest + main_macro
    with open(outPathNameMacro, 'w') as fout:

    if argumentsCell:
        main = argumentsCell + main

    if visualize:
        visComment = "# <markdowncell>\n Let's visualize the output!"
        main += '\n%s\n# <codecell>\nVisualizeInNotebook();\n' % visComment

    # Convert top level code comments to Markdown cells
    rest = Comments(rest)

    # Construct text by starting with top level code, then the helper functions, and finally the main function.
    # Also add cells for headerfile, or keepfunction
    text = "# <codecell>\n" + rest

    for helper in helpers:
        text += helper

    text += ("\n# <codecell>\n" + main)

    # Change to standard Markdown
    newDescription = changeMarkdown(description)

    # Horizontal title line
    hline = '<hr style="border-top-width: 4px; border-top-color: #34609b;">'

    # Add the title and header of the notebook
    text = "# <markdowncell> \n# # %s\n%s\n%s# \n# \n# <codecell>\n%s\n# <codecell>\n%s\n# <codecell>\n%s" % (
        tutTitle, hline, newDescription, libloading_macro, headers, text)

    # Create a notebook from the working text
    nbook = v3.reads_py(text)
    nbook = v4.upgrade(nbook)  # Upgrade v3 to v4

    # Load notebook string into json format, essentially creating a dictionary
    json_data = json.loads(v4.writes(nbook))

    # add the corresponding metadata
    json_data['metadata'] = {
        "kernelspec": {
            "display_name": "ROOT C++",
            "language": "c++",
            "name": "root"
        "language_info": {
            "codemirror_mode": "text/x-c++src",
            "file_extension": ".C",
            "mimetype": " text/x-c++src",
            "name": "c++"

    # write the json file with the metadata
    with open(outPathName, 'w') as fout:
        json.dump(json_data, fout, indent=1, sort_keys=True)

    timeout = 60

    execute = "--execute"
    if args.skip:
        execute = ""

    # Call commmand that executes the notebook and creates a new notebook with the output
    nbconvert_cmd = "jupyter nbconvert --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=%d %s %s" % (
        timeout, execute, outPathName)
    r = subprocess.call([
        "jupyter", "nbconvert",
        "--ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=%d" % timeout, execute, outPathName

    if r != 0:
            "NOTEBOOK_CONVERSION_ERROR: nbconvert failed for notebook %s with return code %s\n"
            % (outname, r))
        sys.stderr.write("FAILED COMMAND: %s\n" % nbconvert_cmd)
def mainfunction(text):
    Main function. Calls all other functions, depending on whether the macro input is in python or c++.
    It adds the header information. Also, it adds a cell that draws all canvases. The working text is
    then converted to a version 3 jupytr notebook, subsequently updated to a version 4. Then, metadata
    associated with the language the macro is written in is attatched to he notebook. Finally the
    notebook is exectue and output in both HTML and Jupyter notebook formats.
    ## Modify text from macros to suit a notebook
    if extension in ("C", "c", "cpp", "C++", "cxx") :
        main, helpers, rest = split(text)
        main, addition, keepfunction = processmain(main)
        if not keepfunction:
            main = cppcomments(unindenter(cppfunction(main))) # Remove function, Unindent, and convert comments to Markdown cells
        rest = cppcomments(rest) # Convert top level code comments to Markdown cells

        ## Construct text by starting wwith top level code, then the helper functions, and finally the main function.
        text= rest
        for helper in helpers:
            text+= "\n# <markdowncell>\n A helper function is created: \n# <codecell>\n%%cpp -d\n"
        text+="\n# <codecell>\n"
        if keepfunction:
            text+="%%cpp -d\n"
        if addition:
    if extension == "py":
        text = pythoncomments(text) # Convert comments into Markdown cells

    ## Add the title and header of the notebook    
    text= "# <markdowncell> \n# # %s\n# %s# \n# This notebook tutorial was automatically generated from the macro found\
     in the ROOT repository on %s.\n# **Author:** %s \n# <codecell>\n%s" % (name.title(), description, date, author, text)

    ## Add cell at the end of the notebook that draws all the canveses. Add a Markdown cell before explaining it.
    if extension == ("C" or "c" or "cpp" or "c++"):
        text +="\n# <markdowncell> \n# Draw all canvases \n# <codecell>\ngROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->Draw()"
    if extension == "py":
        text +="\n# <markdowncell> \n# Draw all canvases \n# <codecell>\nimport ROOT \ngROOT.GetListOfCanvases().Draw()"

    ## Create a notebook from the working text
    nbook = v3.reads_py(text)  
    nbook = v4.upgrade(nbook)  # Upgrade v3 to v4

    ## Load notebook string into json format, essentially creating a dictionary
    json_data = json.loads(v4.writes(nbook))

    # add the corresponding metadata
    if extension == "py": 
       "kernelspec": {
       "display_name": "Python 2",
       "language": "python",
       "name": "python2"
      "language_info": {
       "codemirror_mode": {
       "name": "ipython",
       "version": 2
       "file_extension": ".py",
       "mimetype": "text/x-python",
       "name": "python",
       "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
       "pygments_lexer": "ipython2",
       "version": "2.7.10"
      "kernelspec": {
       "display_name": "ROOT C++",
       "language": "c++",
       "name": "root"
      "language_info": {
       "codemirror_mode": "text/x-c++src",
       "file_extension": ".C",
       "mimetype": " text/x-c++src",
       "name": "c++"

    ## write the json file with the metadata
    with open(outdir+outname, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(json_data, f, indent=1, sort_keys=True)

    ## The two commands to create an html version of the notebook and a notebook with the output
    print time.time() - starttime
    #subprocess.call(["jupyter", "nbconvert","--ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=60", "--to=html", "--execute",  outdir+outname])
    subprocess.call(["jupyter", "nbconvert","--ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=60",  "--to=notebook", "--execute",  outdir+outname])