def handle(self, *args, **options): try: semester_id = int(args[0]) dir = args[1] except (IndexError, ValueError): raise CommandError('Invalid syntax.') try: files = os.listdir(dir) except OSError: raise CommandError('Directory not exist.') files = [ f for f in files if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, f)) and os.path.splitext(f)[1] == ".yaml" ] files = [os.path.join(dir, f) for f in files] log_file = os.path.join(dir, 'import.log') semester = Semester.objects.get(pk=semester_id) total_import = 0 id = 1 for file_i in files: self.stdout.write('#{0} {1}\n'.format(id, file_i)) with open(file_i) as f: courses = yaml.load(f) count_import = 0 count_all = 0 for c in courses: if find_in_db(c): self.stdout.write('-') with open(log_file, 'a') as log: log.write('Duplicated Item:\n') log.write(pretty_format(c)) log.write('\n') else: self.stdout.write('+') count_import += 1 add_to_db(c, semester) self.stdout.flush() count_all += 1 if count_all % 100 == 0: self.stdout.write(' {0}\n'.format(count_all)) self.stdout.write(' {0}'.format(count_all)) total_import += count_import id += 1 self.stdout.write( '\n{filename}: {count} courses successfully imported.\n'. format(filename=file_i, count=count_import)) self.stdout.write( 'Total: {0} courses imported.\n'.format(total_import))
def handle(self, *args, **options): try: semester_id = int(args[0]) dir = args[1] except (IndexError, ValueError): raise CommandError('Invalid syntax.') try: files = os.listdir(dir) except OSError: raise CommandError('Directory not exist.') files = [f for f in files if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, f)) and os.path.splitext(f)[1] == ".yaml"] files = [os.path.join(dir, f) for f in files] log_file = os.path.join(dir, 'import.log') semester = Semester.objects.get(pk=semester_id) total_import = 0 id = 1 for file_i in files: self.stdout.write('#{0} {1}\n'.format(id, file_i)) with open(file_i) as f: courses = yaml.load(f) count_import = 0 count_all = 0 for c in courses: if find_in_db(c): self.stdout.write('-') with open(log_file, 'a') as log: log.write('Duplicated Item:\n') log.write(pretty_format(c)) log.write('\n') else: self.stdout.write('+') count_import += 1 add_to_db(c, semester) self.stdout.flush() count_all += 1 if count_all % 100 == 0: self.stdout.write(' {0}\n'.format(count_all)) self.stdout.write(' {0}'.format(count_all)) total_import += count_import id += 1 self.stdout.write('\n{filename}: {count} courses successfully imported.\n'.format(filename=file_i, count=count_import)) self.stdout.write('Total: {0} courses imported.\n'.format(total_import))
def course_grab_start(request): grabber = cache.get(request.session.session_key + '_grabber') if grabber: try: grabber.setUp(**request.POST.dict()) except LookupError: return {'error_code': 'SyntaxError'}, 400 try: user_profile = request.user.get_profile() CourseStatus.objects.filter( user_profile=user_profile, status=CourseStatus.SELECT).update(status=CourseStatus.CANCEL) semester = Semester.objects.get(pk=grabber.semester_id) course_added = False for c in course = find_in_db(c) if not course: course = add_to_db(c, semester) course_added = True try: course_status = CourseStatus.objects.get( user_profile=user_profile, course=course) except CourseStatus.DoesNotExist: CourseStatus.objects.create(user_profile=user_profile, course=course, status=CourseStatus.SELECT) else: course_status.status = CourseStatus.SELECT if course_added: cache_name = 'semester_{0}_courses'.format( cache.delete(cache_name) UserAction.objects.create(user=request.user, semester=semester, action_type=UserAction.COURSE_IMPORTED) return {'semester_id': grabber.semester_id} except LoginError as e: if e.error == 'auth': return {'error_code': 'AuthError'} elif e.error == 'captcha': return {'error_code': 'CaptchaError'} else: return {'error_code': 'UnknownLoginError'} except GrabError as e: return { 'error_code': 'GrabError', 'error': e.error, } else: return { 'error_code': 'GrabberExpired', }, 503
def course_grab_start(request): grabber = cache.get(request.session.session_key+'_grabber') if grabber: try: grabber.setUp(**request.POST.dict()) except LookupError: return {'error_code': 'SyntaxError'}, 400 try: user_profile = request.user.get_profile() CourseStatus.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile, status=CourseStatus.SELECT).update(status=CourseStatus.CANCEL) semester = Semester.objects.get(pk=grabber.semester_id) course_added = False for c in course = find_in_db(c) if not course: course = add_to_db(c, semester) course_added = True try: course_status = CourseStatus.objects.get(user_profile=user_profile, course=course) except CourseStatus.DoesNotExist: CourseStatus.objects.create(user_profile=user_profile, course=course, status=CourseStatus.SELECT) else: course_status.status=CourseStatus.SELECT if course_added: cache_name = 'semester_{0}_courses'.format( cache.delete(cache_name) UserAction.objects.create(user=request.user, semester=semester, action_type=UserAction.COURSE_IMPORTED) return {'semester_id': grabber.semester_id} except LoginError as e: if e.error == 'auth': return {'error_code': 'AuthError'} elif e.error == 'captcha': return {'error_code': 'CaptchaError'} else: return {'error_code': 'UnknownLoginError'} except GrabError as e: return { 'error_code': 'GrabError', 'error': e.error, } else: return { 'error_code': 'GrabberExpired', }, 503