def tracks(coursedir): """ coursedir is a CourseDir object that points at the root directory of the filesystem tree that holds notebooks """ return [ track_by_directory( coursedir, name="mooc", description='Compléments du MOOC Python 3', notebooks=( notebooks_by_pattern(coursedir, f"w?/w*-s*-[cx]*.ipynb") + notebooks_by_pattern(coursedir, f"w?/w*-s*-[cx]*.py")), directory_labels=WEEK_NAMES), track_by_directory( coursedir, name="exos", description='Exercices extraits du MOOC Python 3', notebooks=(notebooks_by_pattern(coursedir, f"w?/w*-s*-x*.ipynb") + notebooks_by_pattern(coursedir, f"w?/w*-s*-x*.py")), directory_labels=WEEK_NAMES) ]
def _exo_track(coursedir): return track_by_directory( coursedir, name="exos", description='Exercices extraits du MOOC Python 3', notebooks=notebooks_by_pattern(coursedir, "w?/w*-s*-x*.md"), directory_labels=WEEK_NAMES)
def tracks(coursedir): """ coursedir is a CourseDir object that points at the root directory of the filesystem tree that holds notebooks track is a name that is set by the nbhosting admin, by default it is "course" which would mean the full course, but you can define alternate tracks among the course material result should be a dictionary of trackname -> Track instance """ french_week_names = { 'w1': "ADN et séquences génomiques", 'w2': "gènes et protéines", 'w3': "prédiction des gènes", 'w4': "comparaison de séquences", 'w5': "arbres phylogénétiques", } english_week_names = { 'w1': "genomic texts", 'w2': "genes & proteins", 'w3': "gene prediction", 'w4': "sequence comparison", 'w5': "phylogenetic trees", } # the naming scheme is based on the language return [ track_by_directory( coursedir, name="français", description='Compléments du MOOC "Bioinformatique : Algorithmes et Génomes"', notebooks=notebooks_by_pattern(coursedir, f"w?/fr-w?-s*.ipynb"), directory_labels=french_week_names), track_by_directory( coursedir, name="english", description='Complements for MOOC "Bioinformatics: Genomes and Algorithms"', notebooks=notebooks_by_pattern(coursedir, f"w?/en-w?-s*.ipynb"), directory_labels=english_week_names), ]
def _course_track(coursedir): # a more elaborate sectioning, still based # on the filesystem structure but with better names return track_by_directory(coursedir, name="mooc", description='Compléments du MOOC Python 3', notebooks=notebooks_by_pattern( coursedir, f"w?/w*-s*-[cx]*.md"), directory_labels=WEEK_NAMES)