def main(ns, ns1, ns2): if ns.verbose: setup_logging('info') print('\n Catalogs are - \n%s\n%s\n' % (ns1, ns2)) cat1 = read_cat(ns1) mesh1 = cat1.to_mesh(interlaced=True, compensated=True, window='tsc', Nmesh=ns.nmesh).paint(mode='complex') cat2 = read_cat(ns2) if ns.unique_k: dk = 0 else: dk = None rm = FFTPower(mesh1, second=mesh1, mode='1d', dk=dk) nmin = numpy.unique( numpy.int32( numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(ns.nmin), numpy.log10(ns.nmax), ns.nn, endpoint=True))) nmin0 = cat1.comm.allreduce(cat2['Length'].min().compute(), MPI.MIN) nmax0 = cat1.comm.allreduce(cat2['Length'].max().compute(), MPI.MAX) nmin = nmin[nmin >= nmin0] nmin = nmin[nmin < nmax0] save_bs(ns.output, 'a-matter', rm) r = [] b = [] a = [] for nmin1 in nmin: cat2 = read_cat(ns2, nmin1) mesh2 = cat2.to_mesh(interlaced=True, compensated=True, window='tsc', Nmesh=ns.nmesh) r.append(FFTPower(mesh1, second=mesh2, mode='1d', dk=dk)) save_bs(ns.output, 'x-nmin-%05d' % nmin1, r[-1]) bias = fit_bias(r[-1], rm) abundance = r[-1].attrs['N2'] / cat2.attrs['BoxSize'][0]**3 b.append(bias) a.append(abundance) if cat1.comm.rank == 0: print('Bias of N=', nmin1, bias, abundance) basename = ns.output.rsplit('.', 1)[0] if cat1.comm.rank == 0: numpy.savetxt(basename + '-bias.txt', numpy.array([nmin, b, a]).T) if ns.with_plot: if cat1.comm.rank == 0: figure = make_plot(rm, r, nmin) figure.savefig(basename + '.png')
def main(ns, ns1): if ns.verbose: setup_logging('info') cat1 = read_cat(ns1) mesh1 = cat1.to_mesh(interlaced=True, compensated=True, window='tsc', Nmesh=ns.nmesh) if ns.output_dataset is None: ns.output_dataset = 'N%04d' % ns.nmesh, dataset=ns.output_dataset)
def main(ns, ns1, ns2): if ns.output_dataset is None: ns.output_dataset = '%sS-HID-%04d' % (ns2.dataset, ns.haloid) los = dict(x=[1, 0, 0], y=[0, 1, 0], z=[0, 0, 1])[ns.los] if ns.verbose: setup_logging('info') cat1 = read_cat(ns1) cat2 = read_cat(ns2) mask = (cat1.Index == ns.haloid).nonzero()[0] pos = (cat1['Position'][mask]).compute() if len(pos) > 0: pos = pos[0] else: pos = numpy.zeros((3)) BoxSize = cat2.attrs['BoxSize'] pos = cat1.comm.allreduce(pos) % BoxSize if cat1.comm.rank == 0:'Center position for halo %d is at %s' % (ns.haloid, str(pos))) r = (cat2['Position'] - pos) r = r + ((r > BoxSize * 0.5) * -BoxSize + (r < -BoxSize * 0.5) * BoxSize) r = (r * los).sum(axis=-1) ** 2 sel = r < (ns.thickness * 0.5) ** 2 catsel = cat2[sel] if cat2.comm.rank == 0:'Selected %d objects' % catsel.csize) catsel.attrs['BoxCenter'] = pos columns = sorted(set(catsel.columns) - set(['Weight', 'Selection', 'Value'])), columns=columns, dataset=ns.output_dataset) if catsel.comm.rank == 0:'saved to %s : %s' % (ns.output, ns.output_dataset))
def main(ns, ns1, ns2): if ns.verbose: setup_logging('info') cat1 = read_cat(ns1) mesh1 = cat1.to_mesh(interlaced=True, compensated=True, window='tsc', Nmesh=ns.nmesh) if ns1 is not ns2: cat2 = read_cat(ns2) mesh2 = cat2.to_mesh(interlaced=True, compensated=True, window='tsc', Nmesh=ns.nmesh) else: mesh2 = None if ns1.with_rsd != ns2.with_rsd: warnings.warn("Two catalogs have different with-rsd settings, this may not be intended.") if ns.mode is None: if ns1.with_rsd or ns2.with_rsd: ns.mode = '2d' else: ns.mode = '1d' if ns.unique_k: dk = 0 else: dk = None r = FFTPower(mesh1, second=mesh2, mode=ns.mode, dk=dk) basename = ns.output.rsplit('.', 1)[0] if ns.output.endswith('.json'): elif ns.output.endswith('.txt'): if cat1.comm.rank == 0: for var in numpy.savetxt(basename + '-%s.txt' % var, r.power[var].real ) if ns.with_plot: if cat1.comm.rank == 0: figure = make_plot(r) figure.savefig(basename + '.png')
def main(): """ Calculate BOSS window function multipoles. See and eq 22 """ # Parse command line arguments ap = ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('--rmin', default=100.0, type=float, help='Number of bins for separation r between pairs.') ap.add_argument('--rmax', default=500.0, type=float, help='Number of bins for separation r between pairs.') ap.add_argument('--Nr', default=20, type=int, help='Number of bins for separation r between pairs.') ap.add_argument('--Nmu', default=10, type=int, help='Number of bins for angle mu w.r.t. line of sight.') ap.add_argument('--download_dir', default='$SCRATCH/lss/sdss_data/', help='Where to store/read downloaded data.') default_sample = 'DR12v5_CMASSLOWZTOT_South' #default_sample = 'DR12v5_LOWZ_South' ap.add_argument( '--boss_sample', default=default_sample, help= 'Which BOSS sample to use. See' ) ap.add_argument('--out_dir', default='window/', help='Folder where to store measured window function.') ap.add_argument('--out_base', default='paircount', help='Prefix for where to store measured window function.') ap.add_argument('--FKP', default=0, type=int, help='Include FKP weight.') ap.add_argument('--randoms1_catalog_id', default=0, type=int, help='ID for randoms1 catalog') ap.add_argument('--randoms2_catalog_id', default=1, type=int, help='ID for randoms2 catalog') ap.add_argument('--subsample_fraction', default=1e-4, type=float, help='If less than 1, use random subsample of randoms.') cmd_args = ap.parse_args() setup_logging() comm = CurrentMPIComm.get() # download the data to the current directory download_dir = os.path.expandvars(cmd_args.download_dir) if comm.rank == 0: print('download_dir:', download_dir) boss_sample = cmd_args.boss_sample if comm.rank == 0: download_data(download_dir, boss_sample=boss_sample, random_catalog_id=cmd_args.randoms1_catalog_id) download_data(download_dir, boss_sample=boss_sample, random_catalog_id=cmd_args.randoms2_catalog_id) # NOTE: change this path if you downloaded the data somewhere else! randoms1_path = os.path.join( download_dir, 'random%d_%s.fits' % (cmd_args.randoms1_catalog_id, boss_sample)) randoms2_path = os.path.join( download_dir, 'random%d_%s.fits' % (cmd_args.randoms2_catalog_id, boss_sample)) # initialize the FITS catalog objects for data and randoms randoms1 = FITSCatalog(randoms1_path) randoms2 = FITSCatalog(randoms2_path) if comm.rank == 0: print('randoms1 columns = ', randoms1.columns) print('randoms2 columns = ', randoms2.columns) # Select redshift range if boss_sample in ['DR12v5_LOWZ_South', 'DR12v5_LOWZ_North']: ZMIN = 0.15 ZMAX = 0.43 elif boss_sample in ['DR12v5_CMASS_South', 'DR12v5_CMASS_North']: ZMIN = 0.43 ZMAX = 0.7 elif boss_sample in [ 'DR12v5_CMASSLOWZTOT_South', 'DR12v5_CMASSLOWZTOT_North' ]: ZMIN = 0.5 ZMAX = 0.75 else: raise Exception('Must specify ZMIN and ZMAX for boss_sample=%s' % str(boss_sample)) # slice the randoms valid1 = (randoms1['Z'] > ZMIN) & (randoms1['Z'] < ZMAX) randoms1 = randoms1[valid1] valid2 = (randoms2['Z'] > ZMIN) & (randoms2['Z'] < ZMAX) randoms2 = randoms2[valid2] if cmd_args.subsample_fraction < 1.0: # Create random subsamples rng1 = MPIRandomState(randoms1.comm, seed=123, size=randoms1.size) rr1 = rng1.uniform(0.0, 1.0, itemshape=(1, )) randoms1 = randoms1[rr1[:, 0] < cmd_args.subsample_fraction] rng2 = MPIRandomState(randoms2.comm, seed=456, size=randoms2.size) rr2 = rng2.uniform(0.0, 1.0, itemshape=(1, )) randoms2 = randoms2[rr2[:, 0] < cmd_args.subsample_fraction] Nrandoms1 = randoms1.csize Nrandoms2 = randoms2.csize if comm.rank == 0: print('Nrandoms1:', Nrandoms1) print('Nrandoms2:', Nrandoms2) # weights if cmd_args.FKP == 0: randoms1['Weight'] = 1.0 randoms2['Weight'] = 1.0 else: randoms1['Weight'] = randoms1['WEIGHT_FKP'] randoms2['Weight'] = randoms2['WEIGHT_FKP'] # the fiducial BOSS DR12 cosmology cosmo = cosmology.Cosmology(h=0.676).match(Omega0_m=0.31) # bins for separation edges_r = np.logspace(np.log10(cmd_args.rmin), np.log10(cmd_args.rmax), num=cmd_args.Nr + 1) print('edges_r', edges_r) if comm.rank == 0: print("Start pair count...") paircount = SurveyDataPairCount(mode='2d', first=randoms1, second=randoms2, edges=edges_r, cosmo=cosmo, Nmu=cmd_args.Nmu, pimax=None, ra='RA', dec='DEC', redshift='Z', weight='Weight', show_progress=True, domain_factor=4) if comm.rank == 0: print("Done pair count") if comm.rank == 0: print('paircount', paircount) for key in paircount.attrs: print("%s = %s" % (key, str(paircount.attrs[key]))) # save results if comm.rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(cmd_args.out_dir): os.makedirs(cmd_args.out_dir) # save window to file, in nbodykit format out_file_base = os.path.join( cmd_args.out_dir, '%s_%s_rmin%.1f_rmax%.1f_Nr%d_Nmu%d_randID1%d_randID2%d_SUB%g_FKP%d' % (cmd_args.out_base, boss_sample, cmd_args.rmin, cmd_args.rmax, cmd_args.Nr, cmd_args.Nmu, cmd_args.randoms1_catalog_id, cmd_args.randoms2_catalog_id, cmd_args.subsample_fraction, cmd_args.FKP)) fname = '%s.nbk.dat' % out_file_base print('Wrote %s' % fname)
def main(): """ Measure BOSS power spectrum. Based on """ # Parse command line arguments ap = ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('--Nmesh', default=64, type=int, help='Nmesh used to compute power spectrum.') ap.add_argument('--download_dir', default='$SCRATCH/lss/sdss_data/', help='Where to store/read downloaded data.') default_sample = 'DR12v5_CMASSLOWZTOT_South' #default_sample = 'DR12v5_LOWZ_South' ap.add_argument('--boss_sample', default=default_sample, help='Which BOSS sample to use. See') ap.add_argument('--out_dir', default='power/', help='Folder where to store measured power spectrum.') ap.add_argument('--out_base', default='power', help='Prefix for where to store measured power spectrum.') ap.add_argument('--plot', dest='plot', action='store_true', help='Plot power spectra.') ap.add_argument('--subtract_shot', dest='subtract_shot', action='store_true', help='Subtract shot noise from monopole power spectrum.') ap.add_argument('--random_catalog_id', default=0, type=int, help='Which random catalog to use.') cmd_args = ap.parse_args() # Setup things if cmd_args.plot: from nbodykit import style import matplotlib.pyplot as plt setup_logging() comm = CurrentMPIComm.get() # download the data to the current directory download_dir = os.path.expandvars(cmd_args.download_dir) print('download_dir:', download_dir) boss_sample = cmd_args.boss_sample if comm.rank == 0: download_data(download_dir, boss_sample=boss_sample, random_catalog_id=cmd_args.random_catalog_id) # NOTE: change this path if you downloaded the data somewhere else! data_path = os.path.join(download_dir, 'galaxy_%s.fits' % boss_sample) randoms_path = os.path.join(download_dir, 'random%d_%s.fits' % ( cmd_args.random_catalog_id, boss_sample)) # initialize the FITS catalog objects for data and randoms data = FITSCatalog(data_path) randoms = FITSCatalog(randoms_path) print('data columns = ', data.columns) print('randoms columns = ', randoms.columns) # Select redshift range if boss_sample in ['DR12v5_LOWZ_South', 'DR12v5_LOWZ_North']: ZMIN = 0.15 ZMAX = 0.43 elif boss_sample in ['DR12v5_CMASS_South', 'DR12v5_CMASS_North']: ZMIN = 0.43 ZMAX = 0.7 elif boss_sample in ['DR12v5_CMASSLOWZTOT_South', 'DR12v5_CMASSLOWZTOT_North']: ZMIN = 0.5 ZMAX = 0.75 else: raise Exception('Must specify ZMIN and ZMAX for boss_sample=%s' % str(boss_sample)) # slice the randoms valid = (randoms['Z'] > ZMIN)&(randoms['Z'] < ZMAX) randoms = randoms[valid] # slice the data valid = (data['Z'] > ZMIN)&(data['Z'] < ZMAX) data = data[valid] Ngalaxies = data.csize print('Ngalaxies:', Ngalaxies) Nrandoms = randoms.csize print('Nrandoms:', Nrandoms) # the fiducial BOSS DR12 cosmology cosmo = cosmology.Cosmology(h=0.676).match(Omega0_m=0.31) # add Cartesian position column data['Position'] = transform.SkyToCartesian(data['RA'], data['DEC'], data['Z'], cosmo=cosmo) randoms['Position'] = transform.SkyToCartesian(randoms['RA'], randoms['DEC'], randoms['Z'], cosmo=cosmo) randoms['WEIGHT'] = 1.0 data['WEIGHT'] = data['WEIGHT_SYSTOT'] * (data['WEIGHT_NOZ'] + data['WEIGHT_CP'] - 1.0) # combine the data and randoms into a single catalog fkp = FKPCatalog(data, randoms) mesh = fkp.to_mesh(Nmesh=cmd_args.Nmesh, nbar='NZ', fkp_weight='WEIGHT_FKP', comp_weight='WEIGHT', window='tsc') # compute the multipoles r = ConvolvedFFTPower(mesh, poles=[0,2,4], dk=0.005, kmin=0.) for key in r.attrs: print("%s = %s" % (key, str(r.attrs[key]))) # save results if not os.path.exists(cmd_args.out_dir): os.makedirs(cmd_args.out_dir) # save power to file, in nbodykit format fname = os.path.join(cmd_args.out_dir, '%s_%s_Nmesh%d.nbk.dat' % (cmd_args.out_base, boss_sample, cmd_args.Nmesh)) print('Wrote %s' % fname) # Also save plain txt file poles = r.poles Nk = poles['k'].shape[0] mat = np.zeros((Nk, 4)) + np.nan header = 'boss_sample=%s\n' % boss_sample header += 'ZMIN=%g\n' % ZMIN header += 'ZMAX=%g\n' % ZMAX header += 'Nmesh=%d\n' % cmd_args.Nmesh header += 'Ngalaxies=%d\n' % Ngalaxies if cmd_args.subtract_shot: header += 'subtract_shot=True\n' else: header += 'subtract_shot=False\n' header += 'random_catalog_id=%d\n' % cmd_args.random_catalog_id header += 'Columns: k, P_0, P_2, P_4' mat[:,0] = poles['k'] if cmd_args.subtract_shot: mat[:,1] = poles['power_0'].real - r.attrs['shotnoise'] else: mat[:,1] = poles['power_0'].real mat[:,2] = poles['power_2'].real mat[:,3] = poles['power_4'].real # save out_file_base = os.path.join(cmd_args.out_dir, '%s_%s_Nmesh%d_subtrShot%d_randID%d' % ( cmd_args.out_base, boss_sample, cmd_args.Nmesh, int(cmd_args.subtract_shot==True), cmd_args.random_catalog_id )) fname = out_file_base + '.txt' np.savetxt(fname, mat, header=header) print('Wrote %s' % fname) if cmd_args.plot: # run code with --plot to plot for ell in [0, 2, 4]: label = r'$\ell=%d$' % (ell) P = poles['power_%d' %ell].real if cmd_args.subtract_shot: if ell == 0: P = P - r.attrs['shotnoise'] plt.plot(poles['k'], poles['k']*P, label=label) # format the axes plt.legend(loc=0) plt.xlabel(r"$k$ [$h \ \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$]") plt.ylabel(r"$k \ P_\ell$ [$h^{-2} \ \mathrm{Mpc}^2$]") plt.xlim(0.01, 0.25) fname = out_file_base + '.pdf' plt.savefig(fname) print('Made %s' % fname)
def main(): """ Combine source fields to get proxy of a target field. This is stage 0 of reconstruction, and can be used to quantify Perror of a bias model. For example: - Combine delta_m, delta_m^2, s^2 to get proxy of target=delta_halo. - Combine different mass-weighted delta_h fields to get proxy of target=delta_m. Usage examples: ./ python or ./ mpiexec -n 4 python --SimSeed 403 """ ##################################### # PARSE COMMAND LINE ARGS ##################################### ap = ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('--SimSeed', type=int, default=403, help='Simulation seed to load.') ap.add_argument('--HaloMassString', default='13.8_15.1', help="Halo mass string, for example '13.8_15.1'.") cmd_args = ap.parse_args() ##################################### # OPTIONS ##################################### opts = OrderedDict() # Bump this when changing code without changing options. Otherwise pickle # loading might wrongly read old pickles. opts['main_calc_Perr_test_version'] = '1.5' # Simulation options. Will be used by path_utils to get input path, and # to compute deltalin at the right redshift. seed = cmd_args.SimSeed opts['sim_opts'] = parameters_ms_gadget.MSGadgetSimOpts.load_default_opts( sim_name='ms_gadget_test_data', sim_seed=seed, halo_mass_string=cmd_args.HaloMassString) # Grid options. Ngrid = 64 opts['grid_opts'] = parameters.GridOpts( Ngrid=Ngrid, kmax=2.0*np.pi/opts['sim_opts'].boxsize * float(Ngrid)/2.0, grid_ptcle2grid_deconvolution=None ) # Options for measuring power spectrum. Use defaults. opts['power_opts'] = parameters.PowerOpts() # Transfer function options. See for details. opts['trf_fcn_opts'] = parameters.TrfFcnOpts( Rsmooth_for_quadratic_sources=0.1, Rsmooth_for_quadratic_sources2=0.1, N_ortho_iter=1, orth_method='CholeskyDecomp', interp_kind='manual_Pk_k_bins' ) # External grids to load: deltalin, delta_m, shifted grids opts['ext_grids_to_load'] = opts['sim_opts'].get_default_ext_grids_to_load( Ngrid=opts['grid_opts'].Ngrid) # Catalogs to read opts['cats'] = opts['sim_opts'].get_default_catalogs() # Specify bias expansions to test opts['trf_specs'] = [] # Quadratic Lagrangian bias: delta_Z + b1 deltalin(q+Psi) + b2 # [deltalin^2-<deltalin^2>](q+Psi) + bG2 [G2](q+Psi) opts['trf_specs'].append( TrfSpec(linear_sources=[ 'deltalin_SHIFTEDBY_deltalin', 'deltalin_growth-mean_SHIFTEDBY_deltalin', 'deltalin_G2_SHIFTEDBY_deltalin' ], fixed_linear_sources=['1_SHIFTEDBY_deltalin'], field_to_smoothen_and_square=None, quadratic_sources=[], target_field='delta_h', save_bestfit_field= 'hat_delta_h_from_1_Tdeltalin2G2_SHIFTEDBY_PsiZ')) # Save results opts['keep_pickle'] = False opts['pickle_file_format'] = 'dill' opts['pickle_path'] = '$SCRATCH/perr/pickle/' # Save some additional power spectra that are useful for plotting later opts['Pkmeas_helper_columns'] = [ 'delta_h', 'delta_m', '1_SHIFTEDBY_deltalin', 'deltalin' ] # Save grids for 2d slice plots and histograms opts['save_grids4plots'] = False opts['grids4plots_base_path'] = '$SCRATCH/perr/grids4plots/' opts['grids4plots_R'] = 0.0 # Gaussian smoothing applied to grids4plots # Cache path opts['cache_base_path'] = '$SCRATCH/perr/cache/' # Run the program given the above opts. outdict = model_error.calculate_model_error(opts) # Compare vs expected result. residual_key = '[hat_delta_h_from_1_Tdeltalin2G2_SHIFTEDBY_PsiZ]_MINUS_[delta_h]' Perr = outdict['Pkmeas'][(residual_key, residual_key)].P Perr_expected = np.array([ 9965.6, 17175.8, 22744.4, 19472.3, 19081.2, 19503.4, 19564.9, 18582.9, 19200.1, 16911.3, 16587.4, 16931.9, 15051.0, 13835.1, 13683.8, 13109.9, 12353.5, 11900.2, 11085.1, 11018.4, 10154.0, 9840.7, 8960.6, 8484.1, 7942.2, 7426.7, 6987.8, 6578.1, 6269.1, 5810.7, 5511.7 ]) setup_logging() comm = CurrentMPIComm.get() logger = logging.getLogger('TestPerrCalc') if comm.rank == 0: Perr_lst = ['%.1f' % a for a in list(Perr)] Perr_expected_lst = ['%.1f' % a for a in list(Perr)]'Perr:\n%s' % str(','.join(Perr_lst)))'Expected Perr:\n%s' % str(','.join(Perr_expected_lst))) if np.allclose(Perr, Perr_expected, rtol=1e-3):'TEST Perr: OK') else:'TEST Perr: FAILED') raise Exception('Test failed')
from nbodykit.transform import SkyToCartesian from nbodykit.cosmology import Cosmology import nbodykit.lab as nb from nbodykit import setup_logging, style setup_logging() # turn on logging to screen #from mpi4py import MPI #comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD #size = comm.Get_size() #rank = comm.Get_rank() from nbodykit import CurrentMPIComm comm = CurrentMPIComm.get() rank = comm.rank size = comm.size if rank ==0: import os from argparse import ArgumentParser ap = ArgumentParser(description='Power Spectrum (NBODYKIT)') ap.add_argument('--galaxy_path', default='/Volumes/TimeMachine/data/eboss/v6/eBOSS_QSO_clustering_NGC_v6.dat.fits') ap.add_argument('--random_path', default='/Volumes/TimeMachine/data/eboss/v6/eBOSS_QSO_clustering_NGC_v6.ran.fits') ap.add_argument('--output_path', default='/Volumes/TimeMachine/data/eboss/v6/results_ngc/clustering/pk_256_p8_2p2.json') ap.add_argument('--nmesh', default=256, type=int) ap.add_argument('--zlim', nargs='*', type=float, default=[0.8, 2.2]) ap.add_argument('--sys_tot', action='store_true') ns = ap.parse_args()
from runtests.mpi import MPITest from nbodykit.lab import * from nbodykit.tutorials import DemoHaloCatalog from nbodykit import setup_logging import shutil import pytest setup_logging() @MPITest([1, 4]) def test_no_seed(comm): halos = DemoHaloCatalog('bolshoi', 'rockstar', 0.5, comm=comm) hod = halos.populate(Zheng07Model) # seed is set randomly assert hod.attrs['seed'] is not None @MPITest([1, 4]) def test_bad_model(comm): halos = DemoHaloCatalog('bolshoi', 'rockstar', 0.5, comm=comm) with pytest.raises(TypeError): hod = halos.populate('Zheng07Model') @MPITest([1, 4]) def test_failed_populate(comm): # the demo halos
import numpy as np import re, os, sys, yaml from import ParticleMesh from nbodykit.lab import BigFileCatalog, BigFileMesh, MultipleSpeciesCatalog, FFTPower, FieldMesh from nbodykit import setup_logging from mpi4py import MPI sys.path.append('../utils/') import HImodels # enable logging, we have some clue what's going on. setup_logging('info') #Get parameter file cfname = sys.argv[1] with open(cfname, 'r') as ymlfile: args = yaml.load(ymlfile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # nc = args['nc'] bs = args['bs'] alist = args['alist'] # # #Global, fixed things cosmodef = {'omegam': 0.309167, 'h': 0.677, 'omegab': 0.048} pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=bs, Nmesh=[nc, nc, nc]) rank = pm.comm.rank comm = pm.comm if rank == 0: print(args)
def main(argv): """ Calc cumulants of simulated density. Run using ./ python or ./ mpiexec -n 2 python """ ##################################### # OPTIONS ##################################### opts = OrderedDict() ## ANALYSIS opts['Ngrid'] = 64 # k bin width for power spectra, in units of k_f=2pi/L. Must be >=1.0. Choose 1.,2.,3. usually. opts['k_bin_width'] = 1.0 if True: # L=500 ms_gadget sims produced with MP-Gadget, 1536^3 particles opts['sim_name'] = 'ms_gadget' opts['sim_irun'] = 4 # use value from cmd line b/c later options depend on this opts['sim_seed'] = 403 opts['ssseed'] = 40000 + opts[ 'sim_seed'] # seed used to draw subsample opts['sim_Ntimesteps'] = None # Nbody, so used thousands of time steps opts['sim_Nptcles'] = 1536 opts['sim_boxsize'] = 500.0 opts['boxsize'] = opts['sim_boxsize'] opts['sim_wig_now_string'] = 'wig' # scale factor of simulation snapshot (only used to rescale deltalin -- do not change via arg!) opts['sim_scale_factor'] = 0.6250 # halo mass opts['halo_mass_string'] = '13.8_15.1' # linear density (ICs of the sims) opts['ext_grids_to_load'] = OrderedDict() if False: # deltanonl painted from all 1536^3 DM particles (includes CIC artifacts, small shot noise) opts['ext_grids_to_load']['delta_m'] = { 'dir': 'snap_%.4f_PtcleDensity_Ng%d' % (opts['sim_scale_factor'], opts['Ngrid']), 'file_format': 'nbkit_BigFileGrid', 'dataset_name': 'Field', 'scale_factor': opts['sim_scale_factor'], 'nbkit_normalize': True, 'nbkit_setMean': 0.0 } # ###################################################################### # Catalogs to read # ###################################################################### opts['cats'] = OrderedDict() if opts['sim_name'] == 'ms_gadget': tmp_halo_dir = 'nbkit_fof_%.4f/ll_0.200_nmin25' % opts[ 'sim_scale_factor'] ## nonuniform catalogs without ptcle masses if True: # halos without mass weight, narrow mass cuts: 10.8..11.8..12.8..13.8..15.1 opts['cats']['delta_h'] = { 'in_fname': "%s/fof_nbkfmt.hdf5_BOUNDS_log10M_%s.hdf5" % (tmp_halo_dir, opts['halo_mass_string']), 'weight_ptcles_by': None } if False: # halos not weighted by mass but including mass info in file, broad mass cut opts['cats']['delta_h'] = { 'in_fname': "%s/fof_nbkfmt.hdf5_WithMassCols.hdf5_BOUNDS_log10M_%s.hdf5" % (tmp_halo_dir, opts['halo_mass_string']), 'weight_ptcles_by': None } if False: # halos in narrow mass bins, no mass weights opts['cats']['delta_h_M10.8-11.8'] = { 'in_fname': "%s/fof_nbkfmt.hdf5_WithMassCols_BOUNDS_log10M_10.8_11.8.hdf5" % tmp_halo_dir, 'weight_ptcles_by': None } opts['cats']['delta_h_M11.8-12.8'] = { 'in_fname': "%s/fof_nbkfmt.hdf5_WithMassCols_BOUNDS_log10M_11.8_12.8.hdf5" % tmp_halo_dir, 'weight_ptcles_by': None } opts['cats']['delta_h_M12.8-13.8'] = { 'in_fname': "%s/fof_nbkfmt.hdf5_WithMassCols_BOUNDS_log10M_12.8_13.8.hdf5" % tmp_halo_dir, 'weight_ptcles_by': None } opts['cats']['delta_h_M13.8-15.1'] = { 'in_fname': "%s/fof_nbkfmt.hdf5_WithMassCols_BOUNDS_log10M_13.8_15.1.hdf5" % tmp_halo_dir, 'weight_ptcles_by': None } if False: # halos in broad mass bins, no mass weights opts['cats']['delta_h_M12.8-16.0'] = { 'in_fname': "%s/fof_nbkfmt.hdf5_WithMassCols.hdf5_BOUNDS_log10M_12.8_16.0.hdf5" % tmp_halo_dir, 'weight_ptcles_by': None } else: raise Exception("Invalid sim_name %s" % opts['sim_name']) if False: # halos weighted by exact mass opts['cats']['delta_h_WEIGHT_M1'] = { 'in_fname': "%s/fof_nbkfmt.hdf5_WithMassCols.hdf5_BOUNDS_log10M_%s.hdf5" % (tmp_halo_dir, opts['halo_mass_string']), 'weight_ptcles_by': 'Mass[1e10Msun/h]' } if False: # weighted by exact mass^2 opts['cats']['delta_h_WEIGHT_M2'] = { 'in_fname': opts['cats']['delta_h']['in_fname'], 'weight_ptcles_by': 'Mass[1e10Msun/h]^2' } if False: # halos weighted by noisy mass #for myscatter in ['0.04dex','0.1dex','0.3dex','0.6dex']: for myscatter in ['0.1dex', '0.2dex', '0.4dex']: opts['cats']['delta_h_WEIGHT_M%s' % myscatter] = { 'in_fname': opts['cats']['delta_h']['in_fname'], 'weight_ptcles_by': 'MassWith%sScatter[1e10Msun/h]' % myscatter } ## Smoothing types and smoothing scales in Mpc/h smoothing_lst = [] if True: # apply Gaussian smoothing #for R in [160.,80.,40.,20.,10.,5.,2.5]: for R in [20.]: #for R in [160.,40.,10.]: smoothing_lst.append(dict(type='Gaussian', R=R)) print("smoothing_lst:", smoothing_lst) #### Output pickles and cache opts['pickle_path'] = '$SCRATCH/lssbisp2013/BenLT/pickle/' opts['cache_base_path'] = '$SCRATCH/lssbisp2013/BenLT/cache/' ## ANTI-ALIASING OPTIONS (do not change unless you know what you do) # Kmax above which to 0-pad. Should use kmax<=2pi/L*N/2 to avoid # unwanted Dirac delta images/foldings when multipling fields. opts['kmax'] = 2.0 * np.pi / opts['sim_boxsize'] * float( opts['Ngrid']) / 2.0 #opts['kmax'] = None # CIC deconvolution of grid: None or 'grid_non_isotropic' opts[ 'grid_ptcle2grid_deconvolution'] = None # 'grid_non_isotropic' #'grid_non_isotropic' # CIC deconvolution of power: None or 'power_isotropic_and_aliasing' opts['Pk_ptcle2grid_deconvolution'] = None ##################################### # START PROGRAM ##################################### ### derived options (do not move above b/c command line args might ### overwrite some options!) opts['in_path'] = path_utils.get_in_path(opts) # for output densities opts['out_rho_path'] = os.path.join(opts['in_path'], 'out_rho_Ng%d' % opts['Ngrid']) # expand environment names in paths paths = {} for key in [ 'in_path', 'in_fname', 'in_fname_PTsim_psi_calibration', 'in_fname_halos_to_displace_by_mchi', 'pickle_path', 'cache_base_path', 'grids4plots_base_path', 'out_rho_path' ]: if opts.has_key(key): if opts[key] is None: paths[key] = None else: paths[key] = os.path.expandvars(opts[key]) #mslogging.setup_logging(use_mpi=opts['use_mpi']) # unique id for cached files so we can run multiple instances at the same time file_exists = True while file_exists: cacheid = ('CACHE%06x' % random.randrange(16**6)).upper() paths['cache_path'] = os.path.join(paths['cache_base_path'], cacheid) file_exists = (len(glob.glob(paths['cache_path'])) > 0) # create cache path if not os.path.exists(paths['cache_path']): #os.system('mkdir -p %s' % paths['cache_path']) os.makedirs(paths['cache_path']) # Check some params if ((opts['grid_ptcle2grid_deconvolution'] is not None) and (opts['Pk_ptcle2grid_deconvolution'] is not None)): raise Exception( "Must not simultaneously apply ptcle2grid deconvolution to grid and Pk." ) # ################################################################################# # Init some thnigs # ################################################################################# Nsmoothings = len(smoothing_lst) fig_hist, axlst_hist = plt.subplots(Nsmoothings, 1, sharex=False, figsize=(6, 4 * Nsmoothings)) pickle_dicts = OrderedDict() pickle_dicts['opts'] = opts.copy() # init some things cache_fnames = [] gridx = None gridk = None gridk_cache_fname = os.path.join(paths['cache_path'], 'gridk_qPk_my_cache.hdf5') cache_fnames.append(gridk_cache_fname) cached_columns = [] if os.path.exists(gridk_cache_fname): os.remove(gridk_cache_fname) from nbodykit import setup_logging setup_logging() # ################################################################################ # Compute density of all input catalogs # ################################################################################ cat_infos = OrderedDict() for cat_id, cat_opts in opts['cats'].items(): # default args for painting default_paint_kwargs = { 'gridx': gridx, 'gridk': gridk, 'cache_path': paths['cache_path'], 'Ngrid': opts['Ngrid'], 'boxsize': opts['boxsize'], 'grid_ptcle2grid_deconvolution': opts['grid_ptcle2grid_deconvolution'], 'kmax': opts['kmax'] } # nbodykit config config_dict = { 'Nmesh': opts['Ngrid'], 'output': os.path.join(paths['cache_path'], 'test_paint_baoshift'), 'DataSource': { 'plugin': 'Subsample', 'path': get_full_fname(paths['in_path'], cat_opts['in_fname'], opts['ssseed']) }, 'Painter': { 'plugin': 'DefaultPainter', 'normalize': True, 'setMean': 0.0 } } if cat_opts['weight_ptcles_by'] is not None: config_dict['Painter']['weight'] = cat_opts['weight_ptcles_by'] # paint deltanonl and save it in gridk.G[cat_id] if gridx is None and gridk is None: # return gridx and gridk gridx, gridk = paint_utils.paint_cat_to_gridk( config_dict, column=cat_id, **default_paint_kwargs) else: # modify existing gridx and gridk paint_utils.paint_cat_to_gridk(config_dict, column=cat_id, **default_paint_kwargs) print("\n\nINFO %s:\n" % cat_id) print(gridk.column_infos[cat_id]) # save info in a more accessible way cat_infos[cat_id] = { 'simple': simplify_cat_info(gridk.column_infos[cat_id], weight_ptcles_by=cat_opts['weight_ptcles_by']), 'full': gridk.column_infos[cat_id] } print("\n\nsimple cat info:") print(cat_infos[cat_id]['simple']) print("") # apply smoothing #gridk.apply_smoothing(cat_id, mode='Gaussian', R=20.0) # fft to x space gridx.append_column(cat_id, gridk.fft_k2x(cat_id, drop_column=False)) if False: # test kappa2 gridk.append_column('kappa2', gridk.calc_kappa2(cat_id, gridx=gridx)) gridx.append_column('kappa2', gridk.fft_k2x('kappa2', drop_column=True)) # test quadratic fields for quadfield in ['shift']: gridx.append_column( quadfield, gridk.calc_quadratic_field(basefield=cat_id, quadfield=quadfield)) gridk.append_column(quadfield, gridx.fft_x2k(quadfield, drop_column=True)) # test compute_orthogonalized_fields # modifies gridk, Pkmeas gridk.rename_column('delta_h', 'ORTH s^0_0') gridk.rename_column('shift', 'ORTH s^0_1') osources, Pkmeas, ortho_rot_matrix_sources, orth_internals_sources = gridk.compute_orthogonalized_fields( N_ortho_iter=1, orth_method='CholeskyDecomp', all_in_fields=['ORTH s^0_0', 'ORTH s^0_1'], orth_prefix='ORTH s', non_orth_prefix='NON_ORTH s', Pkmeas=None, Pk_ptcle2grid_deconvolution=None, k_bin_width=1.0, delete_original_fields=True) for osource in osources: gridx.append_column(osource, gridk.fft_k2x(osource, drop_column=True)) # ################################################################################ # Empty cache # ################################################################################ from shutil import rmtree rmtree(paths['cache_path']) raise Exception("continue here")
def main(): """ Script to compute HOD galaxies from FOF halo catalog with mvir. For batch runs, use e.g. for SEED in {0..4}; do python --fof_halos_mvir "/data/mschmittfull/lss/ms_gadget/run4/0000040${SEED}-01536-500.0-wig/nbkit_fof_0.6250/ll_0.200_nmin25_mvir/" --RSD 0; done """ setup_logging() ap = ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument( '--fof_halos_mvir', help= ('Directory of halo catalog with mvir Mass, e.g.' '/data/mschmittfull/lss/ms_gadget/run4/00000400-01536-500.0-wig/nbkit_fof_0.6250/ll_0.200_nmin25_mvir/' ), #default='/data/mschmittfull/lss/ms_gadget/run4/00000400-01536-500.0-wig/nbkit_fof_0.6250/ll_0.200_nmin25_mvir/' default= '/Users/mschmittfull/scratch_data/lss/ms_gadget/run4/00000400-01536-500.0-wig/nbkit_fof_0.6250/ll_0.200_nmin25_mvir' ) ap.add_argument('--RSD', help='Add RSD to positions if not 0', type=int, default=0) ap.add_argument('--HOD_model_name', help='Name of HOD model', default='Zheng07_HandSeljak17_v2') args = ap.parse_args() RSD_LOS = np.array([0, 0, 1]) # load input halo catalog print('Read halos from %s' % args.fof_halos_mvir) cat = BigFileCatalog(args.fof_halos_mvir) # run hod to get galaxy catalog galcat = run_hod(cat, add_RSD=args.RSD, RSD_LOS=RSD_LOS, HOD_model_name=args.HOD_model_name) if True: # save to hdf5 out_fname = os.path.join(args.fof_halos_mvir, '/HOD_%s' % args.HOD_model_name) if args.RSD: assert np.all(RSD_LOS == np.array([0, 0, 1])) out_fname += '_RSD001' out_fname += '.hdf5' save_galcat_to_hdf5(galcat, out_fname=out_fname) print('Wrote %s' % out_fname) # save to bigfile out_fname = '%s_HOD_%s' % (args.fof_halos_mvir, args.HOD_model_name) if args.RSD: assert np.all(RSD_LOS == np.array([0, 0, 1])) out_fname += '_RSD001' out_fname += '.bigfile', columns=galcat.columns) print('Wrote %s' % out_fname)
def calculate_model_error(sim_opts=None, grid_opts=None, power_opts=None, trf_fcn_opts=None, ext_grids_to_load=None, xgrids_in_memory=None, kgrids_in_memory=None, cats=None, trf_specs=None, keep_pickle=False, pickle_file_format='dill', pickle_path='$SCRATCH/perr/pickle/', Pkmeas_helper_columns=None, Pkmeas_helper_columns_calc_crosses=False, store_Pkmeas_in_trf_results=False, save_grids4plots=False, grids4plots_base_path=None, grids4plots_R=None, cache_base_path=None, RSDstrings=None, code_version_for_pickles=None, return_fields=None, shifted_fields_Np=None, shifted_fields_Nmesh=None, shifted_fields_RPsi=None): """ Calculate the model error for all models specified by trf_specs. Use return_fields=['bestfit'] or ['residual'] or ['bestfit','residual'] to return the fields as well, as lists in same order as trf_specs. """ # store opts in dict so we can save in pickle later opts = dict( sim_opts=sim_opts, grid_opts=grid_opts, power_opts=power_opts, trf_fcn_opts=trf_fcn_opts, ext_grids_to_load=ext_grids_to_load, #xgrids_in_memory=xgrids_in_memory, #kgrids_in_memory=kgrids_in_memory, cats=cats, trf_specs=trf_specs, keep_pickle=keep_pickle, pickle_file_format=pickle_file_format, pickle_path=pickle_path, Pkmeas_helper_columns=Pkmeas_helper_columns, Pkmeas_helper_columns_calc_crosses=Pkmeas_helper_columns_calc_crosses, store_Pkmeas_in_trf_results=store_Pkmeas_in_trf_results, save_grids4plots=save_grids4plots, grids4plots_base_path=grids4plots_base_path, grids4plots_R=grids4plots_R, cache_base_path=cache_base_path, code_version_for_pickles=code_version_for_pickles) ##################################### # Initialize ##################################### # make sure we keep the pickle if it is a big run and do not plot if grid_opts.Ngrid > 256: keep_pickle = True # load defaults if not set if ext_grids_to_load is None: ext_grids_to_load = sim_opts.get_default_ext_grids_to_load( Ngrid=grid_opts.Ngrid) if cats is None: cats = sim_opts.get_default_catalogs() ### derived options (do not move above b/c command line args might ### overwrite some options!) opts['in_path'] = path_utils.get_in_path(opts) # for output densities opts['out_rho_path'] = os.path.join(opts['in_path'], 'out_rho_Ng%d' % grid_opts.Ngrid) # expand environment names in paths paths = {} for key in [ 'in_path', 'in_fname', 'in_fname_PTsim_psi_calibration', 'in_fname_halos_to_displace_by_mchi', 'pickle_path', 'cache_base_path', 'grids4plots_base_path', 'out_rho_path' ]: if opts.has_key(key): if opts[key] is None: paths[key] = None else: paths[key] = os.path.expandvars(opts[key]) setup_logging() comm = CurrentMPIComm.get() logger = logging.getLogger('PerrCalc') model_spec.check_trf_specs_consistency(trf_specs) # Init Pickler instance to save pickle later (this will init pickle fname) pickler = None if comm.rank == 0: pickler = Pickler(path=paths['pickle_path'], base_fname='main_calc_Perr', file_format=pickle_file_format, rand_sleep=(grid_opts.Ngrid > 128)) print("Pickler: ", pickler.full_fname) pickler = comm.bcast(pickler, root=0) # where to save grids for slice and scatter plots if save_grids4plots: paths['grids4plots_path'] = os.path.join( paths['grids4plots_base_path'], os.path.basename(pickler.full_fname)) if comm.rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(paths['grids4plots_path']): os.makedirs(paths['grids4plots_path']) print("grids4plots_path:", paths['grids4plots_path']) paths['cache_path'] = utils.make_cache_path(paths['cache_base_path'], comm) # Get list of all densities actually needed for trf fcns. densities_needed_for_trf_fcns = utils.get_densities_needed_for_trf_fcns( trf_specs) #opts['densities_needed_for_trf_fcns'] = densities_needed_for_trf_fcns # ########################################################################## # Run program. # ########################################################################## #if opts.get('RSDstrings', ['']) != ['']: if True or RSDstrings not in [None, ['']]: # calculate D and f cosmo = CosmoModel(**sim_opts.cosmo_params) calc_Da = generate_calc_Da(cosmo=cosmo) f_log_growth = calc_f_log_growth_rate(a=sim_opts.sim_scale_factor, calc_Da=calc_Da, cosmo=cosmo, do_test=True) # save in opts so we can easily access it throughout code (although strictly # speaking it is not a free option but derived from cosmo_params) opts['f_log_growth'] = f_log_growth else: opts['f_log_growth'] = None # Compute best-fit model and power spectra # TODO: maybe split into method computing field and separate method to compute power spectra. # For now, load fields from cache as workaround (see below) pickle_dict = combine_fields.paint_combine_and_calc_power( trf_specs=trf_specs, paths=paths, catalogs=cats, needed_densities=densities_needed_for_trf_fcns, ext_grids_to_load=ext_grids_to_load, xgrids_in_memory=xgrids_in_memory, kgrids_in_memory=kgrids_in_memory, trf_fcn_opts=trf_fcn_opts, grid_opts=grid_opts, sim_opts=sim_opts, power_opts=power_opts, save_grids4plots=save_grids4plots, grids4plots_R=grids4plots_R, Pkmeas_helper_columns=Pkmeas_helper_columns, Pkmeas_helper_columns_calc_crosses=Pkmeas_helper_columns_calc_crosses, store_Pkmeas_in_trf_results=store_Pkmeas_in_trf_results, f_log_growth=opts['f_log_growth']) # Load fields from cache if they shall be returned # (actually not used anywhere, could delete) if return_fields is not None: if 'bestfit' in return_fields: bestfit_fields = [] for trf_spec in trf_specs: # load bestfit fields from cache gridk = ComplexGrid(fname=pickle_dict['gridk_cache_fname'], read_columns=[trf_spec.save_bestfit_field]) bestfit_fields.append(gridk.G[trf_spec.save_bestfit_field]) del gridk if 'residual' in return_fields: residual_fields = [] for trf_spec in trf_specs: # load residual field from cache residual_key = '[%s]_MINUS_[%s]' % ( trf_spec.save_bestfit_field, trf_spec.target_field) gridk = ComplexGrid(fname=pickle_dict['gridk_cache_fname'], read_columns=[residual_key]) residual_fields.append(gridk.G[residual_key]) del gridk # copy over opts so they are saved assert not pickle_dict.has_key('opts') pickle_dict['opts'] = opts.copy() # save all resutls to pickle if comm.rank == 0: pickler.write_pickle(pickle_dict) # print path with grids for slice and scatter plotting if save_grids4plots: print("grids4plots_path: %s" % paths['grids4plots_path']) # print save_bestfit_fields save_bestfit_fields = [t.save_bestfit_field for t in opts['trf_specs']] print('\nsave_bestfit_fields:\n' + '\n'.join(save_bestfit_fields)) # delete pickle if not wanted any more if comm.rank == 0: if keep_pickle: print("Pickle: %s" % pickler.full_fname) else: pickler.delete_pickle_file() # delete cache dir from shutil import rmtree rmtree(paths['cache_path']) if return_fields in [False, None]: return pickle_dict elif return_fields == ['bestfit']: return bestfit_fields, pickle_dict elif return_fields == ['residual']: return residual_fields, pickle_dict elif return_fields == ['bestfit', 'residual']: return bestfit_fields, residual_fields, pickle_dict
def main(): ns = ap.parse_args() if ns.verbose: setup_logging('info') cat = BigFileCatalog(ns.catalog, dataset="1") params = FastPMParams(''.join(cat.attrs['ParamFile']), cwd=ns.cwd) if params['sigma8'] != 0: raise ValueError("overriding sigma8 is not supported") nmesh = ns.nmesh or params['nc'] if cat.comm.rank == 0:"Nmesh = %d", nmesh) strides = cat.attrs["q.strides"] scale = cat.attrs["q.scale"] shift = cat.attrs["q.shift"] pm = ParticleMesh([nmesh] * 3, cat.attrs['BoxSize'], comm=cat.comm) k, Pk = params.read_powerspectrum() def pklin(k_): return numpy.interp(k_, k, Pk) def tf(k_): return (pklin(k_.normp(2, zeromode=1.0)**0.5) /**0.5) dlin = pm.generate_whitenoise(params['random_seed'], unitary=params['remove_cosmic_variance'], type='untransposedcomplex') dlin = dlin.apply(lambda k, v: tf(k) * v).c2r() if cat.comm.rank == 0:"linear field generated.") Nchunks = max(cat.comm.allgather(cat.size)) // (4 * 1024 * 1024) Nchunks = max(1, Nchunks) if cat.comm.rank == 0:"Nchunks = %d", Nchunks) ID = cat['ID'] delta = numpy.empty(len(ID), dtype='f4') if cat.comm.rank == 0:"delta allocated for %d particles.", cat.csize) def work(ID, i): if cat.comm.rank == 0:"%d / %d", i, Nchunks) Q = id2q(ID, strides=strides, scale=scale, shift=shift) csize = cat.comm.allreduce(ID.size) if csize == 0: return numpy.zeros(len(Q), dtype='f4') cmin = numpy.min(cat.comm.allgather(Q.min(axis=0)), axis=0) cmax = numpy.max(cat.comm.allgather(Q.max(axis=0)), axis=0) if cat.comm.rank == 0:"Q = [ %s ] - [ %s ], len(Q) = %d", cmin, cmax, csize) layout = pm.decompose(Q) if cat.comm.rank == 0:"decompose finished.") delta = dlin.readout(Q, layout=layout) if cat.comm.rank == 0:"readout done.") csum1 = cat.comm.allreduce(delta.sum()) csum2 = cat.comm.allreduce((delta**2).sum()) cmean = csum1 / csize cstd = (csum2 / csize - (csum1 / csize)**2)**0.5 if cat.comm.rank == 0:"On rank0, <delta> = %g, std(delta) = %g", cmean, cstd) return delta for i in range(Nchunks): chunk = slice(i * len(ID) // Nchunks, (i + 1) * len(ID) // Nchunks) delta[chunk] = work(ID[chunk].compute(), i) cat[ns.ocolumn] = delta if ns.ocatalog is None: ns.ocatalog = ns.catalog, columns=[ns.ocolumn], header=None, dataset=ns.dataset) cat.comm.barrier() if cat.comm.rank == 0:"done")
def main(ns, ns1, ns2): if ns.verbose: setup_logging('info') if ns.unique_k: dk = 0 else: dk = None cat1 = read_cat(ns1) cat2 = read_cat(ns2) nmin = numpy.unique( numpy.int32( numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(ns.nmin), numpy.log10(ns.nmax), ns.nn, endpoint=True))) if 'Length' in cat1.columns: nmin0 = cat1.comm.allreduce( cat1['Length'].min().compute() if cat1.size > 0 else 10000000, MPI.MIN) nmax0 = cat1.comm.allreduce( cat1['Length'].max().compute() if cat1.size > 0 else 0, MPI.MAX) nmin = nmin[nmin >= nmin0] nmin = nmin[nmin < nmax0] else: nmin = [0] if 'Length' in cat2.columns: nmin2 = cat2.comm.allreduce( cat2['Length'].min().compute() if cat2.size > 0 else 10000000, MPI.MIN) nmax2 = cat2.comm.allreduce( cat2['Length'].max().compute() if cat2.size > 0 else 0, MPI.MAX) else: nmin2 = 0 nmax2 = 1 if cat1.comm.rank == 0: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(ns.output), exist_ok=True) for nmin1 in nmin: cat1 = read_cat(ns1, nmin1) nsel = cat1.comm.allreduce(cat1['Selection'].sum().compute()) cat2 = read_cat_nsel(ns2, nsel, nmin2, nmax2) mesh1 = cat1.to_mesh(interlaced=True, compensated=True, window='tsc', Nmesh=ns.nmesh, position='RSDPosition') mesh2 = cat2.to_mesh(interlaced=True, compensated=True, window='tsc', Nmesh=ns.nmesh, position='RSDPosition') r1 = FFTPower(mesh1, second=mesh1, mode='2d', dk=dk, Nmu=10, kmax=ns.kmax) r2 = FFTPower(mesh2, second=mesh2, mode='2d', dk=dk, Nmu=10, kmax=ns.kmax) rx = FFTPower(mesh1, second=mesh2, mode='2d', dk=dk, Nmu=10, kmax=ns.kmax) save_bs(ns.output, 'nmin-%05d-r1' % nmin1, r1) save_bs(ns.output, 'nmin-%05d-r2' % nmin1, r2) save_bs(ns.output, 'nmin-%05d-rx' % nmin1, rx) if cat1.comm.rank == 0: print("nmin = ", nmin1, "finished")
The xy plane is set to the galactic plane; such that any anomaly due to this pasting is obscured by the galaxy. FIXME: the conversion between redshift of source plane and comoving distance of source plane uses a hardcoded Planck15 cosmology. Since we never talk about redshift in an accurate way for wlen, this is probably OK for now. """ import nbodykit from nbodykit.lab import BigFileCatalog from nbodykit.transform import ConcatenateSources, CartesianToEquatorial from nbodykit.cosmology import Planck15 import numpy import bigfile from mpi4py import MPI nbodykit.setup_logging() nbodykit.set_options(dask_chunk_size=1024 * 1024) nbodykit.set_options(global_cache_size=0) from nbodykit.utils import DistributedArray, GatherArray #nbodykit.set_options(global_cache_size=128) import dask.array as da # formula (from Sukhdeep Singh) # int dss Ps(zs) [ int dxl omega_m / sigma(zs, zl) delta_m(t, zl)] # sukhdeep swapped the integral order
def main(): """ Script to convert Rockstar halo catalog to bigfile catalog. Login to a single node on helios and run there on command line. For batch runs, use e.g. for SEED in {0..1}; do python --rockstar_halos "/scratch/mschmittfull/lss/ms_gadget/run4/0000040${SEED}-01536-1500.0-wig/snap_0.6250.gadget3/rockstar_out_0.list" --max_rows 5 --include_parent_ID; done """ setup_logging() ap = ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument( '--rockstar_halos', help= ('File name of Rockstar halo catalog, e.g.' '/data/mschmittfull/lss/ms_gadget/run4/00000400-01536-500.0-wig/snap_0.6250.gadget3/rockstar_out_0.list' ), default= '/scratch/mschmittfull/lss/ms_gadget/run4/00000400-01536-500.0-wig/snap_0.6250.gadget3/rockstar_out_0.list.parents' ) ap.add_argument('--add_RSD', dest='RSD', action='store_true', help='Add RSD to position') ap.add_argument('--include_parent_ID', dest='include_parent_ID', action='store_true', help='Include ID and parent ID in bigfile.') # ap.add_argument( # '--RSD', help='Add RSD to positions if not 0', # type=int, # default=0) ap.add_argument('--max_rows', help='Max number of rows to read. Read all if 0.', type=int, default=0) ap.set_defaults(RSD=False, include_parent_ID=False) args = ap.parse_args() RSD_LOS = np.array([0, 0, 1]) # load input halo catalog print('Read halos from %s' % args.rockstar_halos) # read header with open(args.rockstar_halos) as myfile: header = [next(myfile) for x in xrange(16)] header = ''.join(header) print('Header:') print(header) # get names of columns np_cat1 = np.genfromtxt(args.rockstar_halos, names=True, max_rows=1) names = np_cat1.dtype.names # keep only a subset usecol_names = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'VX', 'VY', 'VZ', 'Mvir'] if args.include_parent_ID: usecol_names += ['ID', 'PID'] usecols = [] for column_number, name in enumerate(names): if name in usecol_names: usecols.append(column_number) print('usecols:', usecols) print([names[usecol] for usecol in usecols]) # read data. print('Reading data') if args.max_rows == 0: max_rows = None else: max_rows = args.max_rows # TODO: np.loadtxt should be faster, but now take 5 minutes so probably ok. np_cat = np.genfromtxt(args.rockstar_halos, names=True, max_rows=max_rows, usecols=usecols) print('Read data:') print(np_cat[:5]) # convert to arraycatalog cat = ArrayCatalog(np_cat) # fill position and velocity pos = np.empty(cat.csize, dtype=[('Position', ('f8', 3))]) pos['Position'][:, 0] = cat['X'] pos['Position'][:, 1] = cat['Y'] pos['Position'][:, 2] = cat['Z'] cat['Position'] = pos['Position'] del pos vel = np.empty(cat.csize, dtype=[('Velocity', ('f8', 3))]) vel['Velocity'][:, 0] = cat['VX'] vel['Velocity'][:, 1] = cat['VY'] vel['Velocity'][:, 2] = cat['VZ'] # todo: what units? cat['Velocity'] = vel['Velocity'] del vel cat['log10Mvir'] = np.log10(cat['Mvir']) # Keep only some columns keep_columns = ['Position', 'Velocity', 'log10Mvir'] if args.include_parent_ID: # also keep halo ID and parent ID keep_columns += ['ID', 'PID'] cat = catalog_persist(cat, keep_columns) cat.attrs['rockstar_header'] = header if args.RSD: raise Exception('RSD not implemented') print('Will write data:') for c in keep_columns: print('%s:' % c, cat[c]) # save to bigfile if max_rows is None: out_fname = '%s.bigfile' % args.rockstar_halos else: out_fname = '%s_max_rows%d.bigfile' % (args.rockstar_halos, max_rows) if os.path.exists(out_fname): rmtree(out_fname) if cat.comm.rank == 0: print('Writing to %s' % out_fname), columns=keep_columns) if cat.comm.rank == 0: print('Wrote %s' % out_fname)
def calc_and_save_model_errors_at_cat_pos( sim_opts=None, grid_opts=None, power_opts=None, trf_fcn_opts=None, ext_grids_to_load=None, cat_specs=None, trf_specs=None, keep_pickle=False, pickle_file_format='dill', pickle_path='$SCRATCH/perr/pickle/', Pkmeas_helper_columns=None, Pkmeas_helper_columns_calc_crosses=False, cache_base_path=None, code_version_for_pickles=None, shifted_fields_Np=None, shifted_fields_Nmesh=None): """ Calculate the model error for all models specified by trf_specs. Do this by reading out the model at the positions of objects in the catalog. """ # store opts in dict so we can save in pickle later opts = dict( sim_opts=sim_opts, grid_opts=grid_opts, power_opts=power_opts, trf_fcn_opts=trf_fcn_opts, ext_grids_to_load=ext_grids_to_load, #xgrids_in_memory=xgrids_in_memory, #kgrids_in_memory=kgrids_in_memory, cat_specs=cat_specs, trf_specs=trf_specs, keep_pickle=keep_pickle, pickle_file_format=pickle_file_format, pickle_path=pickle_path, Pkmeas_helper_columns=Pkmeas_helper_columns, cache_base_path=cache_base_path, code_version_for_pickles=code_version_for_pickles, shifted_fields_Np=shifted_fields_Np, shifted_fields_Nmesh=shifted_fields_Nmesh) ##################################### # Initialize ##################################### # make sure we keep the pickle if it is a big run and do not plot if grid_opts.Ngrid > 256: keep_pickle = True # load defaults if not set if ext_grids_to_load is None: ext_grids_to_load = sim_opts.get_default_ext_grids_to_load( Ngrid=grid_opts.Ngrid) if cat_specs is None: cat_specs = {} ### derived options (do not move above b/c command line args might ### overwrite some options!) opts['in_path'] = path_utils.get_in_path(opts) # for output densities opts['out_rho_path'] = os.path.join(opts['in_path'], 'out_rho_Ng%d' % grid_opts.Ngrid) # expand environment names in paths paths = {} for key in [ 'in_path', 'in_fname', 'in_fname_PTsim_psi_calibration', 'in_fname_halos_to_displace_by_mchi', 'pickle_path', 'cache_base_path', 'grids4plots_base_path', 'out_rho_path' ]: if opts.has_key(key): if opts[key] is None: paths[key] = None else: paths[key] = os.path.expandvars(opts[key]) setup_logging() comm = CurrentMPIComm.get() logger = logging.getLogger('PerrCalc') # make sure there are no duplicate save_bestfit_field entries model_spec.check_trf_specs_consistency(trf_specs) # Init Pickler instance to save pickle later (this will init pickle fname) pickler = None if comm.rank == 0: pickler = Pickler(path=paths['pickle_path'], base_fname='main_calc_vel_at_halopos_Perr', file_format=pickle_file_format, rand_sleep=(grid_opts.Ngrid > 128)) print("Pickler: ", pickler.full_fname) pickler = comm.bcast(pickler, root=0) paths['cache_path'] = utils.make_cache_path(paths['cache_base_path'], comm) # Get list of all densities actually needed for trf fcns. #densities_needed_for_trf_fcns = utils.get_densities_needed_for_trf_fcns( # trf_specs) # ########################################################################## # Run program. # ########################################################################## # calculate D and f cosmo = CosmoModel(**sim_opts.cosmo_params) calc_Da = generate_calc_Da(cosmo=cosmo) f_log_growth = calc_f_log_growth_rate(a=sim_opts.sim_scale_factor, calc_Da=calc_Da, cosmo=cosmo, do_test=True) # save in opts so we can easily access it throughout code (although strictly # speaking it is not a free option but derived from cosmo_params) opts['f_log_growth'] = f_log_growth # Compute model at catalog positions, and residual to target. pickle_dict = calc_model_errors_at_cat_pos( trf_specs=trf_specs, paths=paths, cat_specs=cat_specs, ext_grids_to_load=ext_grids_to_load, trf_fcn_opts=trf_fcn_opts, grid_opts=grid_opts, sim_opts=sim_opts, power_opts=power_opts, Pkmeas_helper_columns=Pkmeas_helper_columns, Pkmeas_helper_columns_calc_crosses=Pkmeas_helper_columns_calc_crosses, f_log_growth=opts['f_log_growth']) # copy over opts so they are saved assert not pickle_dict.has_key('opts') pickle_dict['opts'] = opts.copy() # save all resutls to pickle if comm.rank == 0: pickler.write_pickle(pickle_dict) # print save_bestfit_fields save_bestfit_fields = [t.save_bestfit_field for t in opts['trf_specs']] print('\nsave_bestfit_fields:\n' + '\n'.join(save_bestfit_fields)) # delete pickle if not wanted any more if comm.rank == 0: if keep_pickle: print("Pickle: %s" % pickler.full_fname) else: pickler.delete_pickle_file() # delete cache dir from shutil import rmtree rmtree(paths['cache_path']) return pickle_dict
#### produces an nbodykit catalog from websky or some other (on dev) #### contact: [email protected] ##### Project the field onto a healpix map: 'maps_field'. from nbodykit.lab import * from nbodykit import setup_logging setup_logging() # log output to stdout import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy from scipy.interpolate import * import sys, platform, os from numpy import genfromtxt import healpy as hp from IPython.display import display import six import warnings import fitsio from nbodykit.source.catalog import FITSCatalog import random ## \user selections size = 10000000 # size of the catalog chi_bins = np.linspace(0,5000, 10) # equal-chi bins (where chi is the comoving distance). # if know, the size of the intendend healpix map that will be used for redshift # binned velocity or density maps. each halo maps on to a single pixel in total. # (many halos can map onto the same pixel, of course) NSIDE = 2**6 ## \user selections NPIX = 12*NSIDE**2 # initialize the map maps_overdensity = dict() maps_numbercount = dict()
Updates: Sep 3, 2019: modify ``/home/mehdi/miniconda3/envs/\ py3p6/lib/python3.7/site-packages/\ nbodykit/algorithms/pair_counters/'' to include self pairs ''' import sys import numpy as np import nbodykit.lab as nb # Import Nbodykit #from nbodykit.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmo from nbodykit.cosmology import Cosmology from nbodykit import setup_logging from time import time setup_logging("info") # Info from nbodykit import CurrentMPIComm comm = CurrentMPIComm.get() rank = comm.rank size = comm.size # I/O if rank == 0: space = sys.argv[1] zmin = float(sys.argv[2]) zmax = float(sys.argv[3]) print(space, zmin, zmax) else: space = None zmin = None
from runtests.mpi import MPITest from nbodykit.lab import * from nbodykit import setup_logging from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_array_equal import os setup_logging("debug") # The test result data (threeptcf_sim_result.dat) is computed with # Daniel Eisenstein's # C++ implementation on the same input data set for poles up to l=11; # We shall agree with it to high precision. # # If we need to reproduced these files: # Nick Hand sent the code and instructions to Yu Feng on Aug-20-2018. data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0], 'data') @MPITest([4]) def test_sim_threeptcf(comm): import tempfile BoxSize = 400.0 # load the test data filename = os.path.join(data_dir, 'threeptcf_sim_data.dat') cat = CSVCatalog(filename, names=['x', 'y', 'z', 'w'], comm=comm) cat['Position'] = transform.StackColumns(cat['x'], cat['y'], cat['z']) cat['Position'] *= BoxSize
from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as pycosmo from import fits from sys import argv from logmocks import assign_randzs, getopts from math import pi from scipy.constants import speed_of_light as lightspeed from Corrfunc.mocks import DDrppi_mocks import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pylab as pl import numpy as np import healpy as hp import dask.array as da import dask import os ''' setup_logging() args = getopts(argv) try: seed =['-i']) except: seed = 1 ## Default argument redshift = 0.3 home_dir = os.environ['HOME'] scratch_dir = os.environ['SCRATCH']
from __future__ import print_function from runtests.mpi import MPITest from numpy.testing import assert_allclose from numpy.testing.decorators import skipif import fastpm try: import nbodykit nbodykit.setup_logging('debug') except ImportError: nbodykit = None @MPITest([1, 4]) @skipif(True or nbodykit is None, "nbodykit test doesn't work on travis; is not installed") def test_nbkit(comm): from fastpm.nbkit import FastPMCatalogSource from nbodykit.lab import cosmology, FOF, LinearMesh cosmo = cosmology.Planck15 power = cosmology.LinearPower(cosmo, 0) linear = LinearMesh(power, 256., 64, seed=400, comm=comm) sim = FastPMCatalogSource(linear, boost=2, Nsteps=5, cosmo=cosmo) fof = FOF(sim, 0.2, 8) sim['Labels'] = fof.labels'nbkit-%d' % comm.size, ['Position', 'InitialPosition', 'Displacement', 'Labels']) features = fof.find_features()'nbkit-fof-%d' % comm.size, ['CMPosition', 'Length']) #print(features._size, features._csize) assert_allclose(features.csize, 719, rtol=0.01)
def main(ns, ns1, ns2): if ns.verbose: setup_logging('info') cat1 = read_cat1(ns, ns1) mesh1 = cat1.paint(mode='complex') cat2 = read_cat2(ns, ns2) if ns.unique_k: dk = 0 else: dk = None rm = FFTPower(mesh1, second=mesh1, mode='2d', dk=dk, Nmu=10, kmax=ns.kmax * 10) nmin = numpy.unique( numpy.int32( numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(ns.nmin), numpy.log10(ns.nmax), ns.nn, endpoint=True))) if 'Length' in cat2.columns: nmin0 = cat1.comm.allreduce( cat2['Length'].min().compute() if cat2.size > 0 else 10000000, MPI.MIN) nmax0 = cat1.comm.allreduce( cat2['Length'].max().compute() if cat2.size > 0 else 0, MPI.MAX) nmin = nmin[nmin >= nmin0] nmin = nmin[nmin < nmax0] else: nmin = [0] Nmodes = (rm.power['modes'] * (rm.power['k'] < ns.kmax)).sum() if cat1.comm.rank == 0: print('Using %d modes to estimate bias and growth rate' % Nmodes) dirname = os.path.dirname(ns.output) if len(dirname) > 0: os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) save_bs(ns.output, 'a-matter', rm) r = [] b = [] a = [] f = [] if cat1.comm.rank == 0: print('# Nmin bias growthrate abundance') for nmin1 in nmin: cat2 = read_cat2(ns, ns2, nmin1) mesh2 = cat2.to_mesh(interlaced=True, compensated=True, window='tsc', Nmesh=ns.nmesh, position='RSDPosition') mesh3 = cat2.to_mesh(interlaced=True, compensated=True, window='tsc', Nmesh=ns.nmesh, position='Position') r_rsd = FFTPower(mesh1, second=mesh2, mode='2d', dk=dk, Nmu=10, kmax=ns.kmax * 10) r_real = FFTPower(mesh1, second=mesh3, mode='2d', dk=dk, Nmu=10, kmax=ns.kmax * 10) r.append(r_rsd) save_bs(ns.output, 'x-nmin-%05d' % nmin1, r[-1]) bias, gr = fit_bias(r_rsd, r_real, rm, ns.kmax) abundance = r[-1].attrs['N2'] / cat2.attrs['BoxSize'][0]**3 b.append(bias) a.append(abundance) f.append(gr) if cat1.comm.rank == 0: print(nmin1, bias, gr, abundance) basename = ns.output.rsplit('.', 1)[0] if cat1.comm.rank == 0: numpy.savetxt(basename + '-bias.txt', numpy.array([nmin, b, f, a]).T) if ns.with_plot: if cat1.comm.rank == 0: figure = make_plot(rm, r, nmin, b, f, ns.kmax) figure.savefig(basename + '.png')
from runtests.mpi import MPITest from nbodykit.lab import * from nbodykit import setup_logging # debug logging setup_logging("debug") @MPITest([1, 4]) def test_fibercolls(comm): from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform from nbodykit.utils import ScatterArray, GatherArray CurrentMPIComm.set(comm) N = 10000 # generate the initial data numpy.random.seed(42) if comm.rank == 0: ra = 10. * numpy.random.random(size=N) dec = 5. * numpy.random.random(size=N) - 5.0 else: ra = None dec = None ra = ScatterArray(ra, comm) dec = ScatterArray(dec, comm) # compute the fiber collisions r = FiberCollisions(ra, dec, degrees=True, seed=42)
Use Nbodykit to compute P0 - Jan 16: add nmodes to output - Nov 28: The functionality for reading multiple randoms does not work ''' import sys import nbodykit.lab as nb import numpy as np from nbodykit.transform import SkyToCartesian from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline from nbodykit.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmo from nbodykit import setup_logging setup_logging("info") from nbodykit import CurrentMPIComm comm = CurrentMPIComm.get() rank = comm.rank size = comm.size # I/O if rank == 0: from argparse import ArgumentParser ap = ArgumentParser(description='Power Spectrum') ap.add_argument( '--data', default='/B/Shared/Shadab/FA_LSS/FA_EZmock_desi_ELG_v0_15.fits') #ap.add_argument('--randoms', nargs='*', type=str, default='/B/Shared/Shadab/FA_LSS/FA_EZmock_desi_ELG_v0_rand_0*.fits') ap.add_argument(