 def create_record(self, context, record, zone_id):
     # insert operation history type with Creating in DB
     input_str = json.dumps(record)
     input_operation_history = {}
     input_operation_history['input'] = input_str
     input_operation_history['method'] = 'CREATE'
     input_operation_history['status'] = 'FAILED'
     history = self.db_common.insert_operation_history(
                     context, **input_operation_history)
     # check zone_record  is or not exsit
     target_record = self.is_exist_zone_record(context, record)
     if target_record is not None:
         LOG.warning(_LW("the record object with name = %(record)s"
                         " already exists in DB"),
                     {"record": record['name']})
         raise exception.HaveSameObject(object_name=record['name'])
     # check zone is or not exsit
     target_zone = self.is_exist_zone(context, zone_id)
     # dev_zone_id is zone_id of device
     if target_zone is None:
         raise exception.IsNotExistError(param_name=zone_id)
     dev_zone_id = target_zone["zone_id"]
     LOG.info(_LI("the zone object with id=%(zone_id)s is existed"),
              {"zone_id": zone_id})
     json_name = record['name']
     zones = self.get_zone_name_bytenant_id(context, record['tenant_id'])
     if len(zones) == 0:
         raise exception.IsNotExistError(param_name="tenant_id")
     flag = True
     for zone in zones:
         dev_zone_name = zone["zone_name"]
         dev_zone_name = '%s%s' % ('.', dev_zone_name)
         if json_name.endswith(dev_zone_name):
             flag = False
     if flag:
         raise exception.ZoneOfRecordIsError(json_name=json_name)
     record_values = self._make_dns_record_object(record, zone_id)
     record_obj = objects.DnsZoneRrs(context, **record_values)
     # return response from DB
     response = self._create_in_storage(context, record_obj)
     new_name = tools.clean_end_str(dev_zone_name, record['name'])
     record['name'] = new_name
         response_dev = self.rpc_api.create_record(context, record,
     except Exception as e:
         LOG.error(_LE("Create response on device failed"))
         # since create failed in device, so delete object in DB
         self.delete_rrs_info(context, response["id"])
         raise e
     # update dns_rrs_info table, since record id would be changed
     response = self.update_rrs_info(context, response["id"],
                                     None, response_dev)
     # update operation history type with Failed in DB
     input_operation_history['status'] = 'SUCCESS'
         context, history.id, **input_operation_history)
     return response
 def get_all_db_zone(self, context):
     """Todo call DB to get all zones"""
     # init the DB operations object
     zone_obj = objects.DnsZone(context)
     # Filter the data that has been disabled
     zone_name_dic = {}
     zone_name_dic['deleted'] = False
     # Todo call DB to get all zones
     zone_objs = zone_obj.get_objects(context, **zone_name_dic)
     if zone_objs is None:
         LOG.warning(_LW("There is no data in the DNS_ZONE_INFO"))
         raise exception.IsNotExistError(param_name="Zone with id=" + id)
     return zone_objs
 def get_zone_db_details(self, context, id):
     """Todo call DB to get one zone"""
     # init the DB operations object
     zone_obj = objects.DnsZone(context)
     zone_name_dic = {}
     zone_name_dic['id'] = id
     zone_name_dic['deleted'] = False
     # try/catch the no one get
         # Todo call DB to get one zone by id
         zone_obj = zone_obj.get_object(context, **zone_name_dic)
     except Exception:
         LOG.warning(_LW("No zone with id=%(id)s in DB"), {"id": id})
         raise exception.IsNotExistError(param_name="Zone with id=" + id)
     return zone_obj
文件: utils.py 项目: willowd878/nca47
def safe_rstrip(value, chars=None):
    """Removes trailing characters from a string if that does not make it empty

    :param value: A string value that will be stripped.
    :param chars: Characters to remove.
    :return: Stripped value.

    if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
                "Failed to remove trailing character. Returning "
                "original object. Supplied object is not a string: "
        return value

    return value.rstrip(chars) or value
文件: exception.py 项目: q-o-ap/nca47
    def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        if 'code' not in self.kwargs:
                self.kwargs['code'] = self.code
            except AttributeError:

        if not message:
            # Check if class is using deprecated 'message' attribute.
            if (hasattr(self, 'message') and self.message):
                    _LW("Exception class: %s Using the 'message' "
                        "attribute in an exception has been "
                        "deprecated. The exception class should be "
                        "modified to use the '_msg_fmt' "
                        "attribute."), self.__class__.__name__)
                self._msg_fmt = self.message

                message = self._msg_fmt % kwargs

            except Exception as e:
                # kwargs doesn't match a variable in self._msg_fmt
                # log the issue and the kwargs
                LOG.exception(_LE('Exception in string format operation'))
                for name, value in kwargs.items():
                    LOG.error("%s: %s" % (name, value))

                if CONF.fatal_exception_format_errors:
                    raise e
                    # at least get the core self._msg_fmt out if something
                    # happened
                    message = self._msg_fmt

        super(Nca47Exception, self).__init__(message)
    def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        if 'code' not in self.kwargs:
                self.kwargs['code'] = self.code
            except AttributeError:

        if not message:
            # Check if class is using deprecated 'message' attribute.
            if (hasattr(self, 'message') and self.message):
                LOG.warning(_LW("Exception class: %s Using the 'message' "
                                "attribute in an exception has been "
                                "deprecated. The exception class should be "
                                "modified to use the '_msg_fmt' "
                                "attribute."), self.__class__.__name__)
                self._msg_fmt = self.message

                message = self._msg_fmt % kwargs

            except Exception as e:
                # kwargs doesn't match a variable in self._msg_fmt
                # log the issue and the kwargs
                LOG.exception(_LE('Exception in string format operation'))
                for name, value in kwargs.items():
                    LOG.error("%s: %s" % (name, value))

                if CONF.fatal_exception_format_errors:
                    raise e
                    # at least get the core self._msg_fmt out if something
                    # happened
                    message = self._msg_fmt

        super(Nca47Exception, self).__init__(message)
 def create_zone(self, context, zone):
     create zone handling DB operations and  calling rpc client's
     corresponding method to send messaging to agent endpoints
     # change the zone values with dic format
     target_values = self._make_dns_zone_object(zone)
     # init the DB operations object
     zone_obj = objects.DnsZone(context, **target_values)
     # Check the zone which have same name if is exist in DB
     target_zone = self._valid_if_zone_exist(context, zone_obj)
     if target_zone is not None:
         LOG.warning(_LW("Have same zone id/name in DB"))
         raise exception.HaveSameObject(object_name=target_zone.zone_name)
     # insert operation history type with Creating in DB
     input_str = json.dumps(zone)
     input_operation_history = {}
     input_operation_history['input'] = input_str
     input_operation_history['method'] = 'CREATE'
     input_operation_history['status'] = 'FAILED'
     history = self.db_common.insert_operation_history(
                     context, **input_operation_history)
     # create the zone info in db
     db_zone_obj = self._create_in_storage(context, zone_obj)
         # handling create zone method in RPC
         response = self.rpc_api.create_zone(context, zone)
         # get the default zone records
         zone_id = target_values['zone_id']
         rrs_results = self.rpc_api.get_records(context, zone_id)
         for resourc in rrs_results['resources']:
             records = {}
             records['rrs_id'] = resourc['id']
             records['zone_id'] = db_zone_obj['id']
             records['rrs_name'] = resourc['name']
             records['type'] = resourc['type']
             records['ttl'] = resourc['ttl']
             records['klass'] = resourc['klass']
             records['rdata'] = resourc['rdata']
             # init the DB operations objec with zone_record
             zone_rrs_obj = objects.DnsZoneRrs(context, **records)
             # create the zone info in db
             self._create_in_storage(context, zone_rrs_obj)
     except Exception as e:
         LOG.error(_LE("Create corresponding response on device failed"))
         # get the default zone records from db
         rrs_dic = {}
         rrs_dic['zone_id'] = db_zone_obj['id']
         rrs_dic['deleted'] = False
         rrs_obj = objects.DnsZoneRrs(context, **rrs_dic)
         zone_records = rrs_obj.get_objects(context, **rrs_dic)
         if zone_records is not None:
             # get the all id of the zone_records
             del_rrs_obj = objects.DnsZoneRrs(context)
             for record in zone_records:
                 # delete the DB operations objec with zone_record
                 del_rrs_obj.delete(context, record['id'])
             # DB rollback since create zone failed in Device
             zone_obj.delete(context, db_zone_obj['id'])
         # handling delete zone method in RPC
         response = self.rpc_api.delete_zone(context, zone, zone_id)
         raise e
     # update operation history type with Failed in DB
     input_operation_history['status'] = 'SUCCESS'
         context, history.id, **input_operation_history)
     return db_zone_obj