def terminateThese( authToken, inRecs ): 'to terminate %d instances', len(inRecs) ) iids = [inRec['instanceId'] for inRec in inRecs] ncs.terminateInstances( authToken, iids )
else: iidsToTerminate.extend( badIids ) forwarders = findForwarders() forwardersByPort = { fw['port']: fw for fw in forwarders } for port in sorted( forwardersByPort.keys() ): forwarder = forwardersByPort[port] logger.debug( 'forwarding port %d to %s', forwarder['port'], forwarder['host'] ) badIids = checkForwarders( liveInstances, forwarders ) if badIids: logger.warning( '%d not-forwarded instance(s)', len( badIids ) ) #ncs.terminateInstances( authToken, badIids ) iidsToTerminate.extend( badIids ) iidsToTerminate = set( iidsToTerminate ) terminatedIids = [] if args.terminateBad and iidsToTerminate: 'terminating %d bad instances', len(iidsToTerminate) ) ncs.terminateInstances( authToken, list( iidsToTerminate ) ) terminatedIids = list( iidsToTerminate ) toPurge = [inst for inst in startedInstances if inst['instanceId'] in iidsToTerminate] purgeHostKeys( toPurge ) stillLive = [inst for inst in liveInstances if inst['instanceId'] not in terminatedIids] '%d instances are still live', len(stillLive) ) with open( dataDirPath + '/liveAgents.json','w' ) as outFile: json.dump( stillLive, outFile, indent=2 ) 'finished' )
# terminate bad instances, deauthorizing any that are also authorized for iid in badIids: wasSigner = (iid in savedSigners) or (iid in historicSigners) 'saved signer? %s', wasSigner ) if wasSigner: 'will deauthorize %s', iid[0:16]) # victim is first account in savedSigners list for this instance 'sleeping for 90 seconds' ) time.sleep( 90 ) victimAccount = historicSigners[iid][0] 'deauthorizing %s account %s', iid[0:16], victimAccount ) results = ncsgeth.authorizeSigner( authorizers, configName, victimAccount, False ) 'authorizeSigner returned: %s', results ) waitForAuth( victimAccount, False, authorizers, configName, timeLimit=15*60 ) 'terminating %s', iid) ncs.terminateInstances( authToken, [iid] ) terminatedIids.append( iid ) # authorize good instances that have been up for long enough #TODO skip this if maxNewAuths <= 0 trustedThresh = 12 # hours nNewAuths = 0 sleepAmt = 15 if badIids: sleepAmt = 90 # longer to avoid possible trouble authorizers = findAuthorizers( anchorInstances+liveInstances, savedSigners, badIids ) now = datetime.timezone.utc ) for inst in goodInstances: # limit the loop to <= maxNewAuths auths per run iid = inst['instanceId'] abbrevIid = iid[0:16]
rc2 = [scriptDirPath()+'/', '--dataDirPath', outDataDir], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL ) if rc2: logger.warning( 'plotAgentMap exited with returnCode %d', rc2 ) # start the ssh port-forwarding 'would forward ports for %d instances', len(goodInstances) ) forwarders = startForwarders.startForwarders( goodInstances, forwarderHost=forwarderHost, portMap=portMap, portRangeStart=portRangeStart, maxPort=portRangeStart+100, forwardingCsvFilePath=outDataDir+'/agentForwarding.csv' ) if len( forwarders ) < len( goodInstances ): logger.warning( 'some instances could not be forwarded to' ) logger.debug( 'forwarders: %s', forwarders ) #TODO get iids only for successfully forwarded agents forwardedIids = [inst['instanceId'] for inst in goodInstances ] unusableIids = list( set(launchedIids) - set( forwardedIids) ) if unusableIids: logger.debug( 'terminating %d unusable instances', len(unusableIids) ) ncs.terminateInstances( authToken, unusableIids ) unusableInstances = [inst for inst in launchedInstances \ if inst['instanceId'] in unusableIids] purgeHostKeys( unusableInstances ) if launchedInstances: print( 'when you want to terminate these instances, use %s %s "%s"' % (sys.executable, scriptDirPath()+'/', outDataDir)) sys.exit( rc ) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warning( 'an interuption occurred')