def _add_resized(self, image, bbox): h0, w0 = image_helper.image_h_w(image) image = image_helper.resize_if_larger(image, self._dim) h1, w1 = image_helper.image_h_w(image) self._ratio_h = h0 / h1 self._ratio_w = w0 / w1 tracker = self._create_tracker(self._tracker_algorithm) x1, y1, w, h = bbox bbox = (int(x1 / self._ratio_w), int(y1 / self._ratio_h), int(w / self._ratio_w), int(h / self._ratio_h)) tracker.init(image, bbox) self._cv_trackers.append(tracker)
def yolo_label_maker(frame, rects, class_id, save_dir): lines = [] for rect in rects: y1, x1, y2, x2 = rect h, w = image_helper.image_h_w(frame) cx = ((x1 + x2) * 0.5) / w cy = ((y1 + y2) * 0.5) / h w = (x2 - x1) / w h = (y2 - y1) / h line = "{} {} {} {} {}".format(class_id, cx, cy, w, h) lines.append(line) name = str(uuid.uuid4().hex) image_fn = file_helper.path_join(save_dir, name + ".jpg") label_fn = file_helper.path_join(save_dir, name + ".txt") cv2.imwrite(image_fn, frame) file_helper.write_lines(label_fn, lines)
def process_frame(self, frame, extra_data=None): super().process_frame(frame) items_of_groups = {} results = extra_data.get(constants.EXTRA_DATA_KEY_RESULTS, None) if results is not None: h0, w0 = image_helper.image_h_w(frame) max_x = w0 - 1 max_y = h0 - 1 for runner_name, result in results.items(): remove_indexes = [] for result_index, item in enumerate(result): rect = item.get(constants.RESULT_KEY_RECT, None) if rect is not None: class_name = item.get(constants.RESULT_KEY_CLASS_NAME, None) group_name = self._get_group_name(class_name) if group_name is not None: if group_name not in items_of_groups: items_of_groups[group_name] = [] items = items_of_groups[group_name] bbox = self._rect_to_bbox(rect, max_x, max_y) if bbox is not None: item["tr_bbox"] = bbox item["tr_group_name"] = group_name remove_indexes.append(result_index) handled = False for i, item0 in enumerate(items): rect0 = item0[constants.RESULT_KEY_RECT] if geometry_helper.rects_overlap( rect, rect0, 0.75): handled = True if item.get( constants.RESULT_KEY_SCORE, 0.9) > item0.get( constants.RESULT_KEY_SCORE, 0.9): items[i] = item break if not handled: items.append(item) remove_indexes.sort(reverse=True) for i in remove_indexes: del result[i] res = [] for group_name, items in items_of_groups.items(): if len(items) > 0: self._cv_tracker[group_name] = CvTracker( self._tracker_algorithm) self._last_items[group_name] = items for item in items: bbox = item["tr_bbox"] self._cv_tracker[group_name].add(frame, bbox) else: if group_name not in self._last_items[group_name]: self._last_items[group_name] = [] items = self._last_items[group_name] items_ok = [] for i, (ok, bbox) in enumerate( self._cv_tracker[group_name].update(frame)): if ok: item = items[i] item["tr_bbox"] = bbox item[constants.RESULT_KEY_RECT] = self._bbox_to_rect( bbox) items_ok.append(item) items = items_ok center_item_index = [] active_counts = {} class_dets = {} for i, item in enumerate(items): if "tr_bbox" in item: rect = item.get(constants.RESULT_KEY_RECT, None) group_name1 = item["tr_group_name"] if group_name1 not in class_dets: class_dets[group_name1] = [] score = item.get(constants.RESULT_KEY_SCORE, 0.9) det = [rect[1], rect[0], rect[3], rect[2], score] if not self._det_exists(class_dets[group_name1], det): class_dets[group_name1].append(det) center_item_index.append( (self._get_box_center(det), item, i)) if group_name not in self._g: self._g[group_name] = {} g = self._g[group_name] g_sorts = g.get("sorts", {}) g_memory = g.get("memory", {}) previous = g_memory.copy() g_memory = {} for name, dets in class_dets.items(): if name not in g_sorts: g_sorts[name] = Sort(max_age=10, min_hits=1, iou_threshold=0.001) # g_sorts[name] = Sort(max_age=1, min_hits=3, iou_threshold=0.3) # g_sorts[name] = Sort() # g_sorts[name] = Sort(max_age=1, min_hits=1, iou_threshold=0.03) # g_sorts[name] = Sort(max_age=10, min_hits=0, iou_threshold=0.000001) # g_sorts[name] = Sort(max_age=30, min_hits=1, iou_threshold=0.001) sort = g_sorts[ name] # ref: dets1 = np.array(dets) tracks = sort.update(dets1) active_counts[name] = len(tracks) boxes = [] track_ids = [] for track in tracks: boxes.append( [track[0], track[1], track[2], track[3], track[4]]) track_id = int(track[4]) track_ids.append(track_id) if track_id in previous: track0 = previous[track_id] dist = (math.fabs(track[0] - track0[0]) + math.fabs(track[1] - track0[1]) + math.fabs(track[2] - track0[2]) + math.fabs(track[3] - track0[3])) / 4.0 if dist > 30: g_memory[track_id] = boxes[-1] else: g_memory[track_id] = track0 else: g_memory[track_id] = boxes[-1] if len(boxes) > 0: for i, box in enumerate(boxes): track_id = track_ids[i] if track_id in previous: previous_box = previous.get(track_id, None) if previous_box is not None: c = self._get_box_center(box) min_dist = sys.maxsize result_item = None for center, item, i0 in center_item_index: dist = geometry_helper.distance(c, center) if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist result_item = item if result_item is not None: result_item[constants. RESULT_KEY_TRACK_ID] = track_id result_item[ constants. RESULT_KEY_PREVIEW_KEY] = track_id else: result_item = items[i] result_item[ constants.RESULT_KEY_TRACK_ID] = track_id result_item[ constants.RESULT_KEY_PREVIEW_KEY] = track_id else: for i in range(len(items)): result_item = items[i] result_item[constants.RESULT_KEY_TRACK_ID] = -1 result_item[constants.RESULT_KEY_PREVIEW_KEY] = -1 g["sorts"] = g_sorts g["memory"] = g_memory res.extend(items) return res
def _get_preview(self, image, results): def get_color(obj, class_preview_key_, color=None): if color is None: color = [255, 255, 255] if class_preview_key_ is not None: if not hasattr(obj, "__colors"): setattr(obj, "__colors", {}) dic = getattr(obj, "__colors") if class_preview_key_ in dic: color = dic[class_preview_key_] else: color = dic[class_preview_key_] = self._new_color() return color def draw_rect(obj, img, c1_, c2_, class_preview_key_, color=None): if color is None: color = get_color(obj, class_preview_key_, color) cv2.rectangle(img, (c1_[0], c1_[1]), (c2_[0], c2_[1]), color=[1, 1, 1], thickness=3) cv2.rectangle(img, (c1_[0], c1_[1]), (c2_[0], c2_[1]), color=color, thickness=2) show_debug_texts = self.__preview_show_debug_texts show_runner_info = self.__preview_show_runner_info show_score = self.__preview_show_score rect_filters = self.__preview_show_rect_filters show_rect_name = self.__preview_show_rect_name show_track_id = self.__preview_show_track_id show_track_pnt = self.__preview_show_track_pnt h, w, *_ = image.shape line_height = 20 font_scale = 0.4 current_line = [20, 0] current_line_bottom = [20, h] data_added = [] if results is not None: for result in results: debug_texts = [] text_type = "" has_data = False if show_runner_info: total_elapsed_time = result.get("total_elapsed_time", None) if total_elapsed_time is not None: image_helper.put_text(image, total_elapsed_time, [w - 150, h - 30], color=[200, 200, 128], font_scale=0.4) continue values = {} elapsed_time = values["elapsed_time"] = result.get("elapsed_time", None) class_name = values[constants.RESULT_KEY_CLASS_NAME] = result.get(constants.RESULT_KEY_CLASS_NAME, None) class_preview_key = values[constants.RESULT_KEY_PREVIEW_KEY] = result.get( constants.RESULT_KEY_PREVIEW_KEY, class_name) score = values[constants.RESULT_KEY_SCORE] = result.get(constants.RESULT_KEY_SCORE, None) rect = values[constants.RESULT_KEY_RECT] = result.get(constants.RESULT_KEY_RECT, None) rect_debug_text = values[constants.RESULT_KEY_RECT_DEBUG_TEXT] = result.get( constants.RESULT_KEY_RECT_DEBUG_TEXT, None) data = values[constants.RESULT_KEY_DATA] = result.get(constants.RESULT_KEY_DATA, None) debug_text = values[constants.RESULT_KEY_DEBUG] = result.get(constants.RESULT_KEY_DEBUG, None) if debug_text is not None: debug_texts.append(debug_text) def _get_score_txt(text_, score_): res = "%{:.2f} ".format(score_ * 100) if isinstance(score_, float) else score_ if text_ is not None and len(text_) > 0: return "{}- {} ".format(text_, res) else: return res text = "" if class_name is not None: text = NDUUtility.debug_conv_turkish(class_name) + " " if show_score and score is not None: text = _get_score_txt(text, score) elif show_score and score is not None: text = _get_score_txt(None, score) if data is not None: add_txt = " data: " + str(data) data_added.append(add_txt) text = text + add_txt has_data = True if rect is not None: c = np.array(rect[:4], dtype=np.int32) c1, c2 = [c[1], c[0]], (c[3], c[2]) color_rect = get_color(self, class_preview_key, result.get(constants.RESULT_KEY_RECT_COLOR, None)) show_rect = True if rect_filters is not None: show_rect = False for rect_filter in rect_filters: if string_helper.wildcard(class_name, rect_filter): show_rect = True break if show_rect: draw_rect(self, image, c1, c2, class_preview_key, color_rect) else: text = "" if show_rect and show_rect_name and len(text) > 0: # c1[1] = c1[1] + line_height c1[1] -= 10 if rect_debug_text is not None: text += " - " + rect_debug_text image_helper.put_text(image, text, c1) text = "" if show_rect and show_track_id: track_id = result.get(constants.RESULT_KEY_TRACK_ID, None) if track_id is not None: # c1[1] -= line_height * 1.5 c1[1] -= 15 image_helper.put_text(image, "{}".format(track_id), c1) if show_track_pnt: track_id = result.get(constants.RESULT_KEY_TRACK_ID, None) if track_id is not None: if self._track_pnt_layer is None: h, w = image_helper.image_h_w(image) self._track_pnt_layer = np.zeros((h, w, 3), np.uint8) self._track_pnt_layer = image_helper.change_brightness(self._track_pnt_layer, -1) y1, x1, y2, x2 = tuple(rect) pnt = (int(x1 + (x2 - x1) * 0.5), int(y2)) pnts_key = str(track_id) pnts = self._track_pnts.get(pnts_key, []) pnts.append(pnt) self._track_pnts[pnts_key] = pnts if len(pnts) > 1: pts = np.array(pnts, np.int32) # cv2.polylines(self._track_pnt_layer, [pts], False, color, 5) # cv2.polylines(image, [pts], False, color_rect, 5) thickness = 10 for i in range(len(pnts) - 1, 0, -1): p0 = pnts[i] p1 = pnts[i - 1] cv2.line(image, p0, p1, color_rect, thickness) if i % 10 == 0: thickness -= 1 if thickness < 1: # pnts = pnts[i: len(pnts)] break # color = [255,255,255] #, pnt, 1, color, 8) # image = cv2.addWeighted(image, 1, self._track_pnt_layer, 1,) # ret, mask = cv2.threshold(self._track_pnt_layer, 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # mask = cv2.bitwise_not(mask) # mask = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # image = cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=mask) # image = cv2.addWeighted(image, 1, self._track_pnt_layer, 0.1, 1) # image += self._track_pnt_layer # image = self._track_pnt_layer.copy() if elapsed_time is not None: text_type = elapsed_time + " " + text_type if len(text) > 0: text_type = text_type + text + " " if show_runner_info and len(text_type) > 0: current_line[1] += line_height if show_runner_info: if not has_data: image_helper.put_text(image, text_type, current_line, font_scale=font_scale) else: image_helper.put_text(image, text_type, current_line, color=[0, 0, 255], font_scale=font_scale) if show_debug_texts and len(debug_texts) > 0: for debug_text in debug_texts: current_line_bottom[1] -= line_height * 2 image_helper.put_text(image, debug_text, current_line_bottom, color=[255, 250, 99], font_scale=font_scale * 2.75, thickness=2, back_color=[1, 1, 1]) if show_runner_info: if len(data_added) > 0: show_last_data_frame_time = time.time() for data in data_added: if data not in self.__preview_last_data: self.__preview_last_data.append(data) self.__preview_last_data_show_times.append(show_last_data_frame_time) else: self.__preview_last_data_show_times[ self.__preview_last_data.index(data)] = show_last_data_frame_time for i in reversed(range(len(self.__preview_last_data))): elapsed = time.time() - self.__preview_last_data_show_times[i] if elapsed > 5: del self.__preview_last_data_show_times[i] del self.__preview_last_data[i] for last_data in self.__preview_last_data: current_line[1] += line_height image_helper.put_text(image, last_data, current_line, color=[0, 255, 255]) return image
def process_frame(self, frame, extra_data=None): def to_bbox(coordinates, rect_, rh_, rw_): x1 = coordinates[0]["x"] * rw_ y1 = coordinates[0]["y"] * rh_ x2 = coordinates[2]["x"] * rw_ y2 = coordinates[2]["y"] * rh_ if rect_ is not None: x1 += rect_[1] y1 += rect_[0] x2 += rect_[1] y2 += rect_[0] return [y1, x1, y2, x2] def enumerate_images(frame_): result = yolo_helper.predict_v4(self.sess_tuple, self.input_size, self.class_names, frame) for _class_name, _score, rect0, item_ in NDUUtility.enumerate_result_items( result, return_item=True): rect1 = geometry_helper.add_padding_rect(rect0, 0.5) yield image_helper.crop(frame, rect1), rect0, item_ res = [] for image, rect, item in enumerate_images(frame): h0, w0 = image_helper.image_h_w(image) # def order_points(pts): # # initialzie a list of coordinates that will be ordered # # such that the first entry in the list is the top-left, # # the second entry is the top-right, the third is the # # bottom-right, and the fourth is the bottom-left # rect = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype="float32") # # # the top-left point will have the smallest sum, whereas # # the bottom-right point will have the largest sum # s = pts.sum(axis=1) # rect[0] = pts[np.argmin(s)] # rect[2] = pts[np.argmax(s)] # # # now, compute the difference between the points, the # # top-right point will have the smallest difference, # # whereas the bottom-left will have the largest difference # diff = np.diff(pts, axis=1) # rect[1] = pts[np.argmin(diff)] # rect[3] = pts[np.argmax(diff)] # # # return the ordered coordinates # return rect # # def four_point_transform(image, pts): # # obtain a consistent order of the points and unpack them # # individually # rect = order_points(pts) # (tl, tr, br, bl) = rect # # # compute the width of the new image, which will be the # # maximum distance between bottom-right and bottom-left # # x-coordiates or the top-right and top-left x-coordinates # widthA = np.sqrt(((br[0] - bl[0]) ** 2) + ((br[1] - bl[1]) ** 2)) # widthB = np.sqrt(((tr[0] - tl[0]) ** 2) + ((tr[1] - tl[1]) ** 2)) # maxWidth = max(int(widthA), int(widthB)) # # # compute the height of the new image, which will be the # # maximum distance between the top-right and bottom-right # # y-coordinates or the top-left and bottom-left y-coordinates # heightA = np.sqrt(((tr[0] - br[0]) ** 2) + ((tr[1] - br[1]) ** 2)) # heightB = np.sqrt(((tl[0] - bl[0]) ** 2) + ((tl[1] - bl[1]) ** 2)) # maxHeight = max(int(heightA), int(heightB)) # # # now that we have the dimensions of the new image, construct # # the set of destination points to obtain a "birds eye view", # # (i.e. top-down view) of the image, again specifying points # # in the top-left, top-right, bottom-right, and bottom-left # # order # dst = np.array([ # [0, 0], # [maxWidth - 1, 0], # [maxWidth - 1, maxHeight - 1], # [0, maxHeight - 1]], dtype="float32") # # # compute the perspective transform matrix and then apply it # M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(rect, dst) # warped = cv2.warpPerspective(image, M, (maxWidth, maxHeight)) # return warped # # def deskew(image): # gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # gray = cv2.bitwise_not(gray) # thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1] # coords = np.column_stack(np.where(thresh > 0)) # angle = cv2.minAreaRect(coords)[-1] # if angle < -45: # angle = -(90 + angle) # else: # angle = -angle # (h, w) = image.shape[:2] # center = (w // 2, h // 2) # M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0) # return cv2.warpAffine(image, M, (w, h), flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) # # # def remove_noise_and_smooth(file_name): # # img = cv2.imread(file_name, 0) # # filtered = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img.astype(np.uint8), 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 9, 41) # # kernel = np.ones((1, 1), np.uint8) # # opening = cv2.morphologyEx(filtered, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) # # closing = cv2.morphologyEx(opening, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) # # img = image_smoothening(img) # # or_image = cv2.bitwise_or(img, closing) # # return or_image # # # image = deskew(image) # # image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) h1, w1 = image_helper.image_h_w(image) while w1 < 400: image = cv2.pyrUp(image) h1, w1 = image_helper.image_h_w(image) # cv2.imshow("lpr", image) # cv2.waitKey(500) success, encoded_image = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image) content2 = encoded_image.tobytes() results = self._alpr.recognize_array(content2) added = False #print("LPR: ", item.get(constants.RESULT_KEY_RECT)) for plate in results['results']: txt = plate["plate"] if len(txt) > 2: score = plate["confidence"] / 100.0 if score > 0.01: city_code = txt[0:2] city_name = None if city_code in self._cities: city_name = self._cities[city_code] if city_name is None: class_name = "PL: {}".format(txt) else: class_name = "PL: {} {}".format(city_name, txt) val = { constants.RESULT_KEY_RECT: rect, constants.RESULT_KEY_SCORE: score, constants.RESULT_KEY_CLASS_NAME: class_name } if self._send_data: if city_name is None: val[constants.RESULT_KEY_DATA] = {"pl": txt} else: val[constants.RESULT_KEY_DATA] = { "pl": txt, "city": city_name } res.append(val) added = True if not added: val = { constants.RESULT_KEY_RECT: rect, constants.RESULT_KEY_SCORE: 0, constants.RESULT_KEY_CLASS_NAME: "PL: " } res.append(val) return res