def main():
    rw = TspRW()
    A = Nearest_Neighbour(['1', '2'], [(1, 0), (0, 1)])

    print ('Testing read_file in TspRW class..')
    test(rw.header == ['NAME: tsp-test.tsp\n',
                       'COMMENT: agarwali and ramax. 6 vertices. Note that vertex 1 is at (1, 5); vertex 2 is at (3, 7), etc.\n',
                       'TYPE: TSP\n', 'DIMENSION: 6\n', 'EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE: EUC_2D\n', 'NODE_COORD_SECTION\n'])
    test(rw.coordinates == [(1, 0), (0, 1)])
    test(rw.labels == ['1', '2'])

    print('Testing mark_unvisited_cities ..')
    test(A.coordinates ==  [(1, 0), (0, 1)] )
    test(A.vertices == [Vertex('1'), Vertex('2')])

    print('Testing empty_tour ..')
    test(A.best_tour == Graph(A.vertices))  # resets self.best_tour to an empty graph containing vertices
    test(A.best_label == [])  # empties self.best_label
    test(A.best_coordinates ==[])   # epmties self.best_coordinates
    A.startcity = A.vertices[0]    # set the city to start city
    A.currentcity = A.startcity 
    print('Testing mark_visited ..')    
    test(A.currentcity_coordinate == (1,0))   # gets the coordinate for current city before removing it from the list
    test(A.vertices == [Vertex('2')])    # removes the vertex of current city from the self.vertices
    test(A.coordinates == [(0, 1)])# removes the cooordinate of current city from self.coordinates
    test(A.best_label == ['1']) # adds the current cities label to the best_label
    test(A.best_coordinates == [(1,0)])# adds the current city to the list of best_coordinates
    print('Testing calculate_nearneighbor ..')
    test(A.cost_to_nearest_city == 2**0.5)    # if distance is less the update cost 
    test(A.nearestcity == Vertex('2'))     # upade nearest city

    print ('Testing add_currcity_tour..')
    test(A.best_tour.__str__() == "Graph([Vertex('2'), Vertex('1')], set([Edge(Vertex('1'), Vertex('2'))]))")

    print('Testing add_tourCost ..')
    test(A.cost_of_tour == 2**0.5)
def main():
    read_write = TspRW()  # create a read_write object
        raw_input('Enter file to read from: '
                  ))  # reads all the coordinates of citties from an ASCII file
    l = read_write.labels
    c = read_write.coordinates
    handle = Nearest_Neighbour(
        l, c)  # create a Nearest_neigbour class from the given vertices

    # for each vertex
    for i in handle.vertices:
        handle.mark_unvisited_cities()  # mark all the citites unvisited
        handle.empty_tour()  # empties the tour
        handle.startcity = i  # set the city to start city
        handle.currentcity = handle.startcity  # sets the start city to current city
        handle.mark_visited()  # marks the city visited

        # while there is an unvisited city
        while len(handle.coordinates) != 0:
            )  # find the nearest neighbour for the current city
            handle.add_currcity_tour()  # adds the current city to the tour
            handle.add_tourCost()  # adds the cost to the tour
            handle.currentcity = handle.nearestcity  # sets nearest city to current city
            handle.mark_visited()  # marks the current city visited
        e = Edge(handle.currentcity, handle.startcity
                 )  # creates the last edge between the current and start city
        handle.best_tour.add_edge(e)  # add that last edge to best tour

        # updates best_tour_so_far if the last tour was lest costly
        if handle.cost_of_tour < handle.cost_of_best_tour_so_far:
            handle.cost_of_best_tour_so_far = handle.cost_of_tour
            handle.best_tour_so_far = handle.best_tour
            handle.best_label_so_far = handle.best_label
            handle.best_coordinates_so_far = handle.best_coordinates

    # write the coordinates to an ASCII file with .tour extension
    read_write.coordinates = handle.best_coordinates_so_far
    read_write.labels = handle.best_label_so_far

    # print handle.best_tour_so_far
    # print handle.cost_of_best_tour_so_far
    # print handle.best_label_so_far
    # print handle.best_coordinates_so_far

    # for i in range(len(handle.best_label_so_far)):
    #     handle.best_label_so_far[i].pos = handle.best_coordinates_so_far

    # The following two lines allows to swtich the layout of the graph displayed
    layout = CartesianLayout(handle.best_tour_so_far)
    # layout = RandomLayout(handle.best_tour_so_far)

    # draw the graph
    gw = GraphWorld()
    gw.show_graph(handle.best_tour_so_far, layout)
def main():
    rw = TspRW()
    A = Nearest_Neighbour(['1', '2'], [(1, 0), (0, 1)])

    print('Testing read_file in TspRW class..')
    test(rw.header == [
        'NAME: tsp-test.tsp\n',
        'COMMENT: agarwali and ramax. 6 vertices. Note that vertex 1 is at (1, 5); vertex 2 is at (3, 7), etc.\n',
        'TYPE: TSP\n', 'DIMENSION: 6\n', 'EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE: EUC_2D\n',
    test(rw.coordinates == [(1, 0), (0, 1)])
    test(rw.labels == ['1', '2'])

    print('Testing mark_unvisited_cities ..')
    test(A.coordinates == [(1, 0), (0, 1)])
    test(A.vertices == [Vertex('1'), Vertex('2')])

    print('Testing empty_tour ..')
    test(A.best_tour == Graph(A.vertices)
         )  # resets self.best_tour to an empty graph containing vertices
    test(A.best_label == [])  # empties self.best_label
    test(A.best_coordinates == [])  # epmties self.best_coordinates

    A.startcity = A.vertices[0]  # set the city to start city
    A.currentcity = A.startcity

    print('Testing mark_visited ..')
    test(A.currentcity_coordinate == (
        1, 0
    ))  # gets the coordinate for current city before removing it from the list
    test(A.vertices == [
    ])  # removes the vertex of current city from the self.vertices
    test(A.coordinates == [
        (0, 1)
    ])  # removes the cooordinate of current city from self.coordinates
    test(A.best_label == ['1'
                          ])  # adds the current cities label to the best_label
    test(A.best_coordinates == [
        (1, 0)
    ])  # adds the current city to the list of best_coordinates

    print('Testing calculate_nearneighbor ..')
    test(A.cost_to_nearest_city == 2**
         0.5)  # if distance is less the update cost
    test(A.nearestcity == Vertex('2'))  # upade nearest city

    print('Testing add_currcity_tour..')
        A.best_tour.__str__() ==
        "Graph([Vertex('2'), Vertex('1')], set([Edge(Vertex('1'), Vertex('2'))]))"

    print('Testing add_tourCost ..')
    test(A.cost_of_tour == 2**0.5)
文件: 项目: ozanbahadir/TSP-1
def main():
    read_write = TspRW()    # create a read_write object
    read_write.read_file(raw_input('Enter file to read from: '))    # reads all the coordinates of citties from an ASCII file
    l = read_write.labels   
    c = read_write.coordinates
    handle = Nearest_Neighbour(l, c)    # create a Nearest_neigbour class from the given vertices
    # for each vertex
    for i in handle.vertices:
        handle.mark_unvisited_cities()  # mark all the citites unvisited
        handle.empty_tour() # empties the tour
        handle.startcity = i    # set the city to start city
        handle.currentcity = handle.startcity   # sets the start city to current city
        handle.mark_visited()   # marks the city visited
        # while there is an unvisited city
        while len(handle.coordinates)!= 0:  
            handle.calculate_nearneighbor() # find the nearest neighbour for the current city
            handle.add_currcity_tour()  # adds the current city to the tour
            handle.add_tourCost()   # adds the cost to the tour
            handle.currentcity = handle.nearestcity # sets nearest city to current city
            handle.mark_visited()   # marks the current city visited
        e = Edge(handle.currentcity, handle.startcity)  # creates the last edge between the current and start city
        handle.best_tour.add_edge(e)    # add that last edge to best tour
        # updates best_tour_so_far if the last tour was lest costly
        if handle.cost_of_tour < handle.cost_of_best_tour_so_far :  
            handle.cost_of_best_tour_so_far = handle.cost_of_tour
            handle.best_tour_so_far = handle.best_tour
            handle.best_label_so_far = handle.best_label
            handle.best_coordinates_so_far = handle.best_coordinates

    # write the coordinates to an ASCII file with .tour extension
    read_write.coordinates = handle.best_coordinates_so_far
    read_write.labels = handle.best_label_so_far

    # print handle.best_tour_so_far
    # print handle.cost_of_best_tour_so_far
    # print handle.best_label_so_far
    # print handle.best_coordinates_so_far

    # for i in range(len(handle.best_label_so_far)):
    #     handle.best_label_so_far[i].pos = handle.best_coordinates_so_far

    # The following two lines allows to swtich the layout of the graph displayed
    layout = CartesianLayout(handle.best_tour_so_far)
    # layout = RandomLayout(handle.best_tour_so_far)

    # draw the graph
    gw = GraphWorld()
    gw.show_graph(handle.best_tour_so_far, layout)