    def apply_fields(cls, query_set, _fields):
        """ Apply fields' restrictions to `query_set`.

        First, fields are split to fields that should only be included and
        fields that should be excluded. Then excluded fields are removed
        from included fields.
        fields_only, fields_exclude = process_fields(_fields)
        if not (fields_only or fields_exclude):
            return query_set
            fields_only = fields_only or cls.native_fields()
            fields_exclude = fields_exclude or []
            if fields_exclude:
                # Remove fields_exclude from fields_only
                fields_only = [
                    f for f in fields_only if f not in fields_exclude
            if fields_only:
                # Add PK field
                fields_only = [
                    getattr(cls, f) for f in sorted(set(fields_only))
                query_set = query_set.with_entities(*fields_only)

        except InvalidRequestError as e:
            raise JHTTPBadRequest('Bad _fields param: %s ' % e)

        return query_set
    def apply_fields(cls, query_set, _fields):
        """ Apply fields' restrictions to `query_set`.

        First, fields are split to fields that should only be included and
        fields that should be excluded. Then excluded fields are removed
        from included fields.
        fields_only, fields_exclude = process_fields(_fields)
        if not (fields_only or fields_exclude):
            return query_set
            fields_only = fields_only or cls.native_fields()
            fields_exclude = fields_exclude or []
            if fields_exclude:
                # Remove fields_exclude from fields_only
                fields_only = [
                    f for f in fields_only if f not in fields_exclude]
            if fields_only:
                # Add PK field
                fields_only = [
                    getattr(cls, f) for f in sorted(set(fields_only))]
                query_set = query_set.with_entities(*fields_only)

        except InvalidRequestError as e:
            raise JHTTPBadRequest('Bad _fields param: %s ' % e)

        return query_set
    def apply_fields(cls, query_set, _fields):
        fields_only, fields_exclude = process_fields(_fields)

            if fields_only:
                query_set = query_set.only(*fields_only)

            if fields_exclude:
                query_set = query_set.exclude(*fields_exclude)

        except mongo.InvalidQueryError as e:
            raise JHTTPBadRequest('Bad _fields param: %s ' % e)

        return query_set
    def apply_fields(cls, query_set, _fields):
        fields_only, fields_exclude = process_fields(_fields)

            if fields_only:
                query_set = query_set.only(*fields_only)

            if fields_exclude:
                query_set = query_set.exclude(*fields_exclude)

        except mongo.InvalidQueryError as e:
            raise JHTTPBadRequest('Bad _fields param: %s ' % e)

        return query_set
    def get_collection(cls, _count=False, _strict=True, _sort=None,
                       _fields=None, _limit=None, _page=None, _start=None,
                       _query_set=None, _item_request=False, _explain=None,
                       _search_fields=None, q=None, **params):
        """ Query collection and return results.

        *   Before validating that only model fields are present in params,
            reserved params, query params and all params starting with
            double underscore are dropped.
        *   Params which have value "_all" are dropped.
        *   When ``_count`` param is used, objects count is returned
            before applying offset and limit.

        :param bool _strict: If True ``params`` are validated to contain
            only fields defined on model, exception is raised if invalid
            fields are present. When False - invalid fields are dropped.
            Defaults to ``True``.
        :param list _sort: Field names to sort results by. If field name
            is prefixed with "-" it is used for "descending" sorting.
            Otherwise "ascending" sorting is performed by that field.
            Defaults to an empty list in which case sorting is not
        :param list _fields: Names of fields which should be included
            or excluded from results. Fields to excluded should be
            prefixed with "-". Defaults to an empty list in which
            case all fields are returned.
        :param int _limit: Number of results per page. Defaults
            to None in which case all results are returned.
        :param int _page: Number of page. In conjunction with
            ``_limit`` is used to calculate results offset. Defaults to
            None in which case it is ignored. Params ``_page`` and
            ``_start` are mutually exclusive.
        :param int _start: Results offset. If provided ``_limit`` and
            ``_page`` params are ignored when calculating offset. Defaults
            to None. Params ``_page`` and ``_start`` are mutually
            exclusive. If not offset-related params are provided, offset
            equals to 0.
        :param Query _query_set: Existing queryset. If provided, all queries
            are applied to it instead of creating new queryset. Defaults
            to None.
        :param bool _item_request: Indicates whether it is a single item
            request or not. When True and DataError happens on DB request,
            JHTTPNotFound is raised. JHTTPBadRequest is raised when False.
            Defaults to ``False``.
        :param _count: When provided, only results number is returned as
        :param _explain: When provided, query performed(SQL) is returned
            as a string instead of query results.
        :param bool _raise_on_empty: When True JHTTPNotFound is raised
            if query returned no results. Defaults to False in which case
            error is just logged and empty query results are returned.
        :param q: Query string to perform full-text search with.
        :param _search_fields: Coma-separated list of field names to use
            with full-text search(q param) to limit fields which are

        :returns: Query results as ``elasticsearch_dsl.XXX`` instance.
            May be sorted, offset, limited.
        :returns: Dict of {'field_name': fieldval}, when ``_fields`` param
            is provided.
        :returns: Number of query results as an int when ``_count`` param
            is provided.

        :raises JHTTPNotFound: When ``_raise_on_empty=True`` and no
            results found.
        :raises JHTTPNotFound: When ``_item_request=True`` and
            ``sqlalchemy.exc.DataError`` exception is raised during DB
            query. Latter exception is raised when querying DB with
            an identifier of a wrong type. E.g. when querying Int field
            with a string.
        :raises JHTTPBadRequest: When ``_item_request=False`` and
            ``sqlalchemy.exc.DataError`` exception is raised during DB
        :raises JHTTPBadRequest: When ``sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError``
            or ``sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError`` errors happen during DB
        # see if the items are cached
        pk_field = cls.pk_field()
        if (list(params.keys()) == [pk_field] and _count==False
            and _strict==True and _sort==None and _fields==None
            and _limit==None and _page==None and _start==None
            and _query_set==None and _item_request==False and _explain==None
            and _search_fields==None and q==None):
            ids = params[pk_field]
            if not isinstance(ids, (list, tuple)):
                ids = [ids]
            results = []
            for id in ids:
                if not id in cls._cache:
                return results

        search_obj = cls.search()

        if _limit is not None:
            _start, limit = process_limit(_start, _page, _limit)
            search_obj = search_obj.extra(from_=_start, size=limit)

        if _fields:
            include, exclude = process_fields(_fields)
            if _strict:
                _validate_fields(cls, include + exclude)
            # XXX partial fields support isn't yet released. for now
            # we just use fields, later we'll add support for excluded fields
            search_obj = search_obj.fields(include)

        if params:
            params = _cleaned_query_params(cls, params, _strict)
            params = _restructure_params(cls, params)
            if params:
                search_obj = search_obj.filter('terms', **params)

        if q is not None:
            query_kw = {'query': q}
            if _search_fields is not None:
                query_kw['fields'] = _search_fields.split(',')
            search_obj = search_obj.query('query_string', **query_kw)

        if _count:
            return search_obj.count()

        if _explain:
            return search_obj.to_dict()

        if _sort:
            sort_fields = split_strip(_sort)
            if _strict:
                    [f[1:] if f.startswith('-') else f for f in sort_fields]
            search_obj = search_obj.sort(*sort_fields)

        hits = search_obj.execute().hits
        hits._nefertari_meta = dict(
        return hits