文件: waveglow.py 项目: NVIDIA/NeMo
    def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: 'Trainer' = None):
        # Convert to Hydra 1.0 compatible DictConfig
        cfg = model_utils.convert_model_config_to_dict_config(cfg)
        cfg = model_utils.maybe_update_config_version(cfg)

        super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer)

        self.sigma = self._cfg.sigma
        self.audio_to_melspec_precessor = instantiate(self._cfg.preprocessor)
        self.waveglow = instantiate(self._cfg.waveglow)
        self.loss = WaveGlowLoss()
    def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: 'Trainer' = None):
        if isinstance(cfg, dict):
            cfg = OmegaConf.create(cfg)
        super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer)

        schema = OmegaConf.structured(WaveglowConfig)
        # ModelPT ensures that cfg is a DictConfig, but do this second check in case ModelPT changes
        if isinstance(cfg, dict):
            cfg = OmegaConf.create(cfg)
        elif not isinstance(cfg, DictConfig):
            raise ValueError(f"cfg was type: {type(cfg)}. Expected either a dict or a DictConfig")
        # Ensure passed cfg is compliant with schema
        OmegaConf.merge(cfg, schema)

        self.sigma = self._cfg.sigma
        self.audio_to_melspec_precessor = instantiate(self._cfg.preprocessor)
        self.waveglow = instantiate(self._cfg.waveglow)
        self.loss = WaveGlowLoss()