class ExecutionEngine(): _Table = None _Service = None _ScriptContainer = None _Crypto = None _VMState = VMState.BREAK _InvocationStack = None _EvaluationStack = None _AltStack = None @property def ScriptContainer(self): return self._ScriptContainer @property def Crypto(self): return self._Crypto @property def State(self): return self._VMState @property def InvocationStack(self): return self._InvocationStack @property def EvaluationStack(self): return self._EvaluationStack @property def AltStack(self): return self._AltStack @property def CurrentContext(self): return self._InvocationStack.Peek() @property def CallingContext(self): if self._InvocationStack.Count > 1: return self.InvocationStack.Peek(1) return None @property def EntryContext(self): return self.InvocationStack.Peek(self.InvocationStack.Count - 1) def __init__(self, container=None, crypto=None, table=None, service=None): self._ScriptContainer = container self._Crypto = crypto self._Table = table self._Service = service self._InvocationStack = RandomAccessStack(name='Invocation') self._EvaluationStack = RandomAccessStack(name='Evaluation') self._AltStack = RandomAccessStack(name='Alt') def AddBreakPoint(self, position): self.CurrentContext.Breakpoints.add(position) def Dispose(self): while self._InvocationStack.Count > 0: self._InvocationStack.Pop().Dispose() def Execute(self): self._VMState &= ~VMState.BREAK # while (!State.HasFlag(VMState.HALT) & & !State.HasFlag(VMState.FAULT) & & !State.HasFlag(VMState.BREAK)) # StepInto(); while self._VMState & VMState.HALT == 0 and self._VMState & VMState.FAULT == 0 and self._VMState & VMState.BREAK == 0: self.StepInto() def ExecuteOp(self, opcode, context): estack = self._EvaluationStack istack = self._InvocationStack astack = self._AltStack if opcode > PUSH16 and opcode != RET and context.PushOnly: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT if opcode >= PUSHBYTES1 and opcode <= PUSHBYTES75: estack.PushT( context.OpReader.ReadBytes(int.from_bytes(opcode, 'little'))) else: # push values pushops = [ PUSHM1, PUSH1, PUSH2, PUSH3, PUSH4, PUSH5, PUSH6, PUSH7, PUSH8, PUSH9, PUSH10, PUSH11, PUSH12, PUSH13, PUSH14, PUSH15, PUSH16 ] if opcode == PUSH0: estack.PushT(bytearray([0])) elif opcode == PUSHDATA1: lenngth = context.OpReader.ReadByte() estack.PushT(bytearray(context.OpReader.ReadBytes(lenngth))) elif opcode == PUSHDATA2: estack.PushT( context.OpReader.ReadBytes(context.OpReader.ReadUInt16())) elif opcode == PUSHDATA4: estack.PushT( context.OpReader.ReadBytes(context.OpReader.ReadUInt32())) elif opcode in pushops: # EvaluationStack.Push((int)opcode - (int)OpCode.PUSH1 + 1); topush = int.from_bytes(opcode, 'little') - int.from_bytes( PUSH1, 'little') + 1 estack.PushT(topush) #control elif opcode == NOP: pass elif opcode in [JMP, JMPIF, JMPIFNOT]: offset = context.OpReader.ReadInt16() offset = context.InstructionPointer + offset - 3 if offset < 0 or offset > len(context.Script): self._VMSTATE |= VMState.FAULT return fValue = True if opcode > JMP: fValue = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() if opcode == JMPIFNOT: fValue = not fValue if fValue: context.SetInstructionPointer(offset) elif opcode == CALL: istack.PushT(context.Clone()) context.SetInstructionPointer(context.InstructionPointer + 2) self.ExecuteOp(JMP, self.CurrentContext) elif opcode == RET: istack.Pop().Dispose() if istack.Count == 0: self._VMState |= VMState.HALT elif opcode == APPCALL or opcode == TAILCALL: if self._Table == None: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return script_hash = UInt160( data=context.OpReader.ReadBytes(20)).ToBytes() script = self._Table.GetScript(script_hash) if script == None: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return if opcode == TAILCALL: istack.Pop().Dispose() self.LoadScript(script) elif opcode == SYSCALL: if not self._Service.Invoke( context.OpReader.ReadVarBytes(252).decode('ascii'), self): self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT #stack operations elif opcode == DUPFROMALTSTACK: estack.PushT(astack.Peek()) elif opcode == TOALTSTACK: astack.PushT(estack.Pop()) elif opcode == FROMALTSTACK: estack.PushT(astack.Pop()) elif opcode == XDROP: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return estack.Remove(n) elif opcode == XSWAP: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return #if n == 0 break, same as do x if n > 0 if n > 0: item = estack.Peek(n) estack.Set(n, estack.Peek()) estack.Set(0, item) elif opcode == XTUCK: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n <= 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return estack.Insert(n, estack.Peek()) elif opcode == DEPTH: estack.PushT(estack.Count) elif opcode == DROP: estack.Pop() elif opcode == DUP: estack.PushT(estack.Peek()) elif opcode == NIP: x2 = estack.Pop() estack.Pop() estack.PushT(x2) elif opcode == OVER: x2 = estack.Pop() x1 = estack.Peek() estack.PushT(x2) estack.PushT(x1) elif opcode == PICK: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return estack.PushT(estack.Peek(n)) elif opcode == ROLL: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return if n > 0: estack.PushT(estack.Remove(n)) elif opcode == ROT: x3 = estack.Pop() x2 = estack.Pop() x1 = estack.Pop() estack.PushT(x2) estack.PushT(x3) estack.PushT(x1) elif opcode == SWAP: x2 = estack.Pop() x1 = estack.Pop() estack.PushT(x2) estack.PushT(x1) elif opcode == TUCK: x2 = estack.Pop() x1 = estack.Pop() estack.PushT(x2) estack.PushT(x1) estack.PushT(x2) elif opcode == CAT: x2 = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() x1 = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() estack.PushT(x1 + x2) elif opcode == SUBSTR: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if count < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return index = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if index < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return x = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() estack.PushT(x[index:count]) elif opcode == LEFT: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if count < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return x = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() estack.PushT(x[:count]) elif opcode == RIGHT: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if count < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return x = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() if len(x) < count: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return estack.PushT(x[-count:]) elif opcode == SIZE: x = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() estack.PushT(len(x)) elif opcode == INVERT: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(~x) elif opcode == AND: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 & x2) elif opcode == OR: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 | x2) elif opcode == XOR: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 ^ x2) elif opcode == EQUAL: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() res = x1.Equals(x2) estack.PushT(x1.Equals(x2)) #numeric elif opcode == INC: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x + 1) elif opcode == DEC: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x - 1) elif opcode == SIGN: ##### Make sure to implement sign for big integer x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x.Sign) elif opcode == NEGATE: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(-x) elif opcode == ABS: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(abs(x)) elif opcode == NOT: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(not x) elif opcode == NZ: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x is not 0) elif opcode == ADD: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 + x2) elif opcode == SUB: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() # print("x2, x1 %s .. %s " % (x2, x1)) estack.PushT(x1 - x2) elif opcode == MUL: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 * x2) elif opcode == DIV: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 / x2) elif opcode == MOD: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 % x2) elif opcode == SHL: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x << n) elif opcode == SHR: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x >> n) elif opcode == BOOLAND: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() estack.PushT(x1 and x2) elif opcode == BOOLOR: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() estack.PushT(x1 or x2) elif opcode == NUMEQUAL: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 == x2) elif opcode == NUMNOTEQUAL: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 != x2) elif opcode == LT: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 < x2) elif opcode == GT: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 > x2) elif opcode == LTE: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 <= x2) elif opcode == GTE: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 >= x2) elif opcode == MIN: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(min(x1, x2)) elif opcode == MAX: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(max(x1, x2)) elif opcode == WITHIN: b = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() a = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(a <= x and x < b) #CRyPTO elif opcode == SHA1: h = hashlib.sha1(estack.Pop().GetByteArray()) estack.PushT(h.digest()) elif opcode == SHA256: h = hashlib.sha256(estack.Pop().GetByteArray()) estack.PushT(h.digest()) elif opcode == HASH160: estack.PushT(self.Crypto.Hash160(estack.Pop().GetByteArray())) elif opcode == HASH256: estack.PushT(self.Crypto.Hash256(estack.Pop().GetByteArray())) elif opcode == CHECKSIG: pubkey = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() sig = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() try: self.Crypto.VerifySignature( self.ScriptContainer.GetMessage(), pubkey, sig) except Exception as e: estack.PushT(False) elif opcode == CHECKMULTISIG: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 1: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return pubkeys = [] for i in range(0, n): pubkeys[i] = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() m = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if m < 1 or m > n: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return sigs = [] for i in range(0, m): m[i] = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() message = self.ScriptContainer.GetMessage() fSuccess = True try: i = 0 j = 0 while fSuccess and i < m and j < n: if self.Crypto.VerifySignature(message, sigs[i], pubkeys[j]): i += 1 j += 1 if m - i > j - n: fSuccess = False except Exception as e: fSuccess = False estack.PushT(fSuccess) #lists elif opcode == ARRAYSIZE: item = estack.Pop() if not item.IsArray: estack.PushT(len(item.GetByteArray())) else: estack.PushT(len(item.GetArray())) elif opcode == PACK: size = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if size < 0 or size > estack.Count: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return items = [] for i in range(0, size): items.append(estack.Pop()) estack.PushT(items) elif opcode == UNPACK: item = estack.Pop() if not item.IsArray: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return items = item.GetArray() items.reverse() [estack.PushT(i) for i in items] estack.PushT(len(items)) elif opcode == PICKITEM: index = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if index < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return item = estack.Pop() if not item.IsArray: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return items = item.GetArray() if index >= len(items): self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return estack.PushT(items[index]) elif opcode == SETITEM: newItem = estack.Pop() if newItem.IsStruct: newItem = newItem.Clone() index = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() arrItem = estack.Pop() if not arrItem.IsArray: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return items = arrItem.GetArray() if index < 0 or index >= len(items): self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return items[index] = newItem elif opcode == NEWARRAY: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() items = [None for i in range(0, count)] estack.PushT(Array(items)) elif opcode == NEWSTRUCT: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() items = [None for i in range(0, count)] estack.PushT(Struct(items)) else: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return if self._VMState & VMState.FAULT == 0 and self.InvocationStack.Count > 0: if self.CurrentContext.InstructionPointer in self.CurrentContext.Breakpoints: self._VMState |= VMState.BREAK def LoadScript(self, script, push_only=False): context = ExecutionContext(self, script, push_only) self._InvocationStack.PushT(context) def RemoveBreakPoint(self, position): if self._InvocationStack.Count == 0: return False return self.CurrentContext.Breakpoints.remove(position) def StepInto(self): if self._InvocationStack.Count == 0: self._VMState |= VMState.HALT if self._VMState & VMState.HALT > 0 or self._VMState & VMState.FAULT > 0: self.__log.debug("stopping because vm state is %s " % self._VMState) op = None if self.CurrentContext.InstructionPointer >= len( self.CurrentContext.Script): op = RET else: op = self.CurrentContext.OpReader.ReadByte(do_ord=False) opname = ToName(op) # print("____________________________________________________") # print("%s -> %s" % (op, opname)) # print("-----------------------------------") try: self.ExecuteOp(op, self.CurrentContext) except Exception as e: print("could not execute op %s " % e) traceback.print_stack() traceback.print_exc() raise e def StepOut(self): self._VMState &= ~VMState.BREAK count = self._InvocationStack.Count while self._VMState & VMState.HALT == 0 and \ self._VMState & VMState.FAULT == 0 and \ self._VMState & VMState.BREAK == 0 and \ self._InvocationStack.Count > count: self.StepInto() def StepOver(self): if self._VMState & VMState.HALT > 0 or self._VMState & VMState.FAULT > 0: return self._VMState &= ~VMState.BREAK count = self._InvocationStack.Count while self._VMState & VMState.HALT == 0 and \ self._VMState & VMState.FAULT == 0 and \ self._VMState & VMState.BREAK == 0 and \ self._InvocationStack.Count > count: self.StepInto()
class ExecutionEngine(): _Table = None _Service = None _ScriptContainer = None _Crypto = None _VMState = VMState.BREAK _InvocationStack = None _EvaluationStack = None _AltStack = None _ExecutedScriptHashes = None ops_processed = 0 @property def ScriptContainer(self): return self._ScriptContainer @property def Crypto(self): return self._Crypto @property def State(self): return self._VMState @property def InvocationStack(self): return self._InvocationStack @property def EvaluationStack(self): return self._EvaluationStack @property def AltStack(self): return self._AltStack @property def CurrentContext(self): return self._InvocationStack.Peek() @property def CallingContext(self): if self._InvocationStack.Count > 1: return self.InvocationStack.Peek(1) return None @property def EntryContext(self): return self.InvocationStack.Peek(self.InvocationStack.Count - 1) @property def ExecutedScriptHashes(self): return self._ExecutedScriptHashes def __init__(self, container=None, crypto=None, table=None, service=None): self._ScriptContainer = container self._Crypto = crypto self._Table = table self._Service = service self._InvocationStack = RandomAccessStack(name='Invocation') self._EvaluationStack = RandomAccessStack(name='Evaluation') self._AltStack = RandomAccessStack(name='Alt') self._ExecutedScriptHashes = [] self.ops_processed = 0 def AddBreakPoint(self, position): self.CurrentContext.Breakpoints.add(position) def ResultsForCode(self, contract): try: return_type = ContractParameterType(contract.ReturnType) item = self.EvaluationStack.Items[0] if return_type == ContractParameterType.Integer: return item.GetBigInteger() elif return_type == ContractParameterType.Boolean: return item.GetBoolean() elif return_type == ContractParameterType.ByteArray: return item.GetByteArray() elif return_type == ContractParameterType.String: return item.GetString() elif return_type == ContractParameterType.Array: return item.GetArray() else: logger.error("Could not format results for return type %s " % return_type) return item except Exception as e: pass return self.EvaluationStack.Items def Dispose(self): while self._InvocationStack.Count > 0: self._InvocationStack.Pop().Dispose() def Execute(self): self._VMState &= ~VMState.BREAK while self._VMState & VMState.HALT == 0 and self._VMState & VMState.FAULT == 0 and self._VMState & VMState.BREAK == 0: self.StepInto() def ExecuteOp(self, opcode, context): estack = self._EvaluationStack istack = self._InvocationStack astack = self._AltStack if opcode > PUSH16 and opcode != RET and context.PushOnly: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT if opcode >= PUSHBYTES1 and opcode <= PUSHBYTES75: bytestoread = context.OpReader.ReadBytes( int.from_bytes(opcode, 'little')) estack.PushT(bytestoread) else: # push values pushops = [ PUSHM1, PUSH1, PUSH2, PUSH3, PUSH4, PUSH5, PUSH6, PUSH7, PUSH8, PUSH9, PUSH10, PUSH11, PUSH12, PUSH13, PUSH14, PUSH15, PUSH16 ] if opcode == PUSH0: estack.PushT(bytearray([0])) elif opcode == PUSHDATA1: lenngth = context.OpReader.ReadByte() estack.PushT(bytearray(context.OpReader.ReadBytes(lenngth))) elif opcode == PUSHDATA2: estack.PushT( context.OpReader.ReadBytes(context.OpReader.ReadUInt16())) elif opcode == PUSHDATA4: estack.PushT( context.OpReader.ReadBytes(context.OpReader.ReadUInt32())) elif opcode in pushops: # EvaluationStack.Push((int)opcode - (int)OpCode.PUSH1 + 1); topush = int.from_bytes(opcode, 'little') - int.from_bytes( PUSH1, 'little') + 1 estack.PushT(topush) # control elif opcode == NOP: pass elif opcode in [JMP, JMPIF, JMPIFNOT]: offset_b = context.OpReader.ReadInt16() offset = context.InstructionPointer + offset_b - 3 if offset < 0 or offset > len(context.Script): self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return fValue = True if opcode > JMP: fValue = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() if opcode == JMPIFNOT: fValue = not fValue if fValue: context.SetInstructionPointer(offset) elif opcode == CALL: istack.PushT(context.Clone()) context.SetInstructionPointer(context.InstructionPointer + 2) self.ExecuteOp(JMP, self.CurrentContext) elif opcode == RET: istack.Pop().Dispose() if istack.Count == 0: self._VMState |= VMState.HALT elif opcode == APPCALL or opcode == TAILCALL: if self._Table is None: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return script_hash = context.OpReader.ReadBytes(20) is_normal_call = False for b in script_hash: if b > 0: is_normal_call = True if not is_normal_call: script_hash = self.EvaluationStack.Pop().GetByteArray() script = self._Table.GetScript( UInt160(data=script_hash).ToBytes()) if script is None: logger.error( "Could not find script from script table: %s " % script_hash) self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return if opcode == TAILCALL: istack.Pop().Dispose() self.LoadScript(script) elif opcode == SYSCALL: call = context.OpReader.ReadVarBytes(252).decode('ascii') if not self._Service.Invoke(call, self): self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT # stack operations elif opcode == DUPFROMALTSTACK: estack.PushT(astack.Peek()) elif opcode == TOALTSTACK: astack.PushT(estack.Pop()) elif opcode == FROMALTSTACK: estack.PushT(astack.Pop()) elif opcode == XDROP: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return estack.Remove(n) elif opcode == XSWAP: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return # if n == 0 break, same as do x if n > 0 if n > 0: item = estack.Peek(n) estack.Set(n, estack.Peek()) estack.Set(0, item) elif opcode == XTUCK: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n <= 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return estack.Insert(n, estack.Peek()) elif opcode == DEPTH: estack.PushT(estack.Count) elif opcode == DROP: estack.Pop() elif opcode == DUP: estack.PushT(estack.Peek()) elif opcode == NIP: x2 = estack.Pop() estack.Pop() estack.PushT(x2) elif opcode == OVER: x2 = estack.Pop() x1 = estack.Peek() estack.PushT(x2) estack.PushT(x1) elif opcode == PICK: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return estack.PushT(estack.Peek(n)) elif opcode == ROLL: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return if n > 0: estack.PushT(estack.Remove(n)) elif opcode == ROT: x3 = estack.Pop() x2 = estack.Pop() x1 = estack.Pop() estack.PushT(x2) estack.PushT(x3) estack.PushT(x1) elif opcode == SWAP: x2 = estack.Pop() x1 = estack.Pop() estack.PushT(x2) estack.PushT(x1) elif opcode == TUCK: x2 = estack.Pop() x1 = estack.Pop() estack.PushT(x2) estack.PushT(x1) estack.PushT(x2) elif opcode == CAT: x2 = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() x1 = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() estack.PushT(x1 + x2) elif opcode == SUBSTR: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if count < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return index = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if index < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return x = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() estack.PushT(x[index:count + index]) elif opcode == LEFT: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if count < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return x = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() estack.PushT(x[:count]) elif opcode == RIGHT: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if count < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return x = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() if len(x) < count: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return estack.PushT(x[-count:]) elif opcode == SIZE: x = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() estack.PushT(len(x)) elif opcode == INVERT: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(~x) elif opcode == AND: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 & x2) elif opcode == OR: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 | x2) elif opcode == XOR: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 ^ x2) elif opcode == EQUAL: x2 = estack.Pop() x1 = estack.Pop() estack.PushT(x1.Equals(x2)) # numeric elif opcode == INC: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x + 1) elif opcode == DEC: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x - 1) elif opcode == SIGN: # Make sure to implement sign for big integer x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x.Sign) elif opcode == NEGATE: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(-x) elif opcode == ABS: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(abs(x)) elif opcode == NOT: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(not x) elif opcode == NZ: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x is not 0) elif opcode == ADD: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 + x2) elif opcode == SUB: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 - x2) elif opcode == MUL: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 * x2) elif opcode == DIV: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 / x2) elif opcode == MOD: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 % x2) elif opcode == SHL: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x << n) elif opcode == SHR: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x >> n) elif opcode == BOOLAND: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() estack.PushT(x1 and x2) elif opcode == BOOLOR: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() estack.PushT(x1 or x2) elif opcode == NUMEQUAL: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x2 == x1) elif opcode == NUMNOTEQUAL: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 != x2) elif opcode == LT: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 < x2) elif opcode == GT: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 > x2) elif opcode == LTE: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 <= x2) elif opcode == GTE: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 >= x2) elif opcode == MIN: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(min(x1, x2)) elif opcode == MAX: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(max(x1, x2)) elif opcode == WITHIN: b = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() a = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(a <= x and x < b) # CRyPTO elif opcode == SHA1: h = hashlib.sha1(estack.Pop().GetByteArray()) estack.PushT(h.digest()) elif opcode == SHA256: h = hashlib.sha256(estack.Pop().GetByteArray()) estack.PushT(h.digest()) elif opcode == HASH160: estack.PushT(self.Crypto.Hash160(estack.Pop().GetByteArray())) elif opcode == HASH256: estack.PushT(self.Crypto.Hash256(estack.Pop().GetByteArray())) elif opcode == CHECKSIG: pubkey = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() sig = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() try: res = self.Crypto.VerifySignature( self.ScriptContainer.GetMessage(), sig, pubkey) estack.PushT(res) except Exception as e: estack.PushT(False) logger.error("Could not checksig: %s " % e) elif opcode == CHECKMULTISIG: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 1: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return pubkeys = [] for i in range(0, n): pubkeys.append(estack.Pop().GetByteArray()) m = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if m < 1 or m > n: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return sigs = [] for i in range(0, m): sigs.append(estack.Pop().GetByteArray()) message = self.ScriptContainer.GetMessage( ) if self.ScriptContainer else '' fSuccess = True try: i = 0 j = 0 while fSuccess and i < m and j < n: if self.Crypto.VerifySignature(message, sigs[i], pubkeys[j]): i += 1 j += 1 if m - i > n - j: fSuccess = False except Exception as e: fSuccess = False estack.PushT(fSuccess) # lists elif opcode == ARRAYSIZE: item = estack.Pop() if not item: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return if not item.IsArray: estack.PushT(len(item.GetByteArray())) else: estack.PushT(len(item.GetArray())) elif opcode == PACK: size = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if size < 0 or size > estack.Count: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return items = [] for i in range(0, size): topack = estack.Pop() items.append(topack) estack.PushT(items) elif opcode == UNPACK: item = estack.Pop() if not item.IsArray: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return items = item.GetArray() items.reverse() [estack.PushT(i) for i in items] estack.PushT(len(items)) elif opcode == PICKITEM: index = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if index < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return item = estack.Pop() if not item.IsArray: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return items = item.GetArray() if index >= len(items): self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return to_pick = items[index] estack.PushT(to_pick) elif opcode == SETITEM: newItem = estack.Pop() if issubclass(type(newItem), StackItem) and newItem.IsStruct: newItem = newItem.Clone() index = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() arrItem = estack.Pop() if not issubclass(type(arrItem), StackItem) or not arrItem.IsArray: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return items = arrItem.GetArray() if index < 0 or index >= len(items): self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return items[index] = newItem elif opcode == NEWARRAY: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() items = [None for i in range(0, count)] estack.PushT(Array(items)) elif opcode == NEWSTRUCT: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() items = [None for i in range(0, count)] estack.PushT(Struct(items)) elif opcode == APPEND: newItem = estack.Pop() if type(newItem) is Struct: newItem = newItem.Clone() arrItem = estack.Pop() if not arrItem.IsArray: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return arr = arrItem.GetArray() arr.append(newItem) elif opcode == REVERSE: arrItem = estack.Pop() if not arrItem.IsArray: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return arrItem.GetArray().reverse() elif opcode == REMOVE: index = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() arrItem = estack.Pop() if not arrItem.IsArray: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return items = arrItem.GetArray() if index < 0 or index >= len(items): self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return del items[index] elif opcode == THROW: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return elif opcode == THROWIFNOT: if not estack.Pop().GetBoolean(): self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return elif opcode == DEBUG: pdb.set_trace() return else: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return if self._VMState & VMState.FAULT == 0 and self.InvocationStack.Count > 0: if self.CurrentContext.InstructionPointer in self.CurrentContext.Breakpoints: self._VMState |= VMState.BREAK def LoadScript(self, script, push_only=False): context = ExecutionContext(self, script, push_only) self._InvocationStack.PushT(context) self._ExecutedScriptHashes.append(context.ScriptHash()) def RemoveBreakPoint(self, position): if self._InvocationStack.Count == 0: return False return self.CurrentContext.Breakpoints.remove(position) def StepInto(self): if self._InvocationStack.Count == 0:"INVOCATION COUNT IS 0, HALT") self._VMState |= VMState.HALT if self._VMState & VMState.HALT > 0 or self._VMState & VMState.FAULT > 0:"stopping because vm state is %s " % self._VMState) return op = None if self.CurrentContext.InstructionPointer >= len( self.CurrentContext.Script): op = RET else: op = self.CurrentContext.OpReader.ReadByte(do_ord=False) # opname = ToName(op) #"____________________________________________________") #"[%s] %02x -> %s" % (self.ops_processed,int.from_bytes(op,byteorder='little'), opname)) #"-----------------------------------") self.ops_processed += 1 try: self.ExecuteOp(op, self.CurrentContext) except Exception as e: logger.error("COULD NOT EXECUTE OP: %s %s %s" % (e, op, ToName(op))) logger.exception(e) def StepOut(self): self._VMState &= ~VMState.BREAK count = self._InvocationStack.Count while self._VMState & VMState.HALT == 0 and \ self._VMState & VMState.FAULT == 0 and \ self._VMState & VMState.BREAK == 0 and \ self._InvocationStack.Count > count: self.StepInto() def StepOver(self): if self._VMState & VMState.HALT > 0 or self._VMState & VMState.FAULT > 0: return self._VMState &= ~VMState.BREAK count = self._InvocationStack.Count while self._VMState & VMState.HALT == 0 and \ self._VMState & VMState.FAULT == 0 and \ self._VMState & VMState.BREAK == 0 and \ self._InvocationStack.Count > count: self.StepInto()
class ExecutionEngine(): _Table = None _Service = None _ScriptContainer = None _Crypto = None _VMState = None _InvocationStack = None _EvaluationStack = None _AltStack = None _ExecutedScriptHashes = None ops_processed = 0 _exit_on_error = False log_file_name = 'vm_instructions.log' # file descriptor log_file = None _is_write_log = False _debug_map = None _vm_debugger = None def write_log(self, message): """ Write a line to the VM instruction log file. Args: message (str): string message to write to file. """ if self._is_write_log and self.log_file and not self.log_file.closed: self.log_file.write(message + '\n') @property def ScriptContainer(self): return self._ScriptContainer @property def Crypto(self): return self._Crypto @property def State(self): return self._VMState @property def InvocationStack(self): return self._InvocationStack @property def EvaluationStack(self): return self._EvaluationStack @property def AltStack(self): return self._AltStack @property def CurrentContext(self): return self._InvocationStack.Peek() @property def CallingContext(self): if self._InvocationStack.Count > 1: return self.InvocationStack.Peek(1) return None @property def ExitOnError(self): return self._exit_on_error @property def EntryContext(self): return self.InvocationStack.Peek(self.InvocationStack.Count - 1) @property def ExecutedScriptHashes(self): return self._ExecutedScriptHashes def __init__(self, container=None, crypto=None, table=None, service=None, exit_on_error=False): self._VMState = VMState.BREAK self._ScriptContainer = container self._Crypto = crypto self._Table = table self._Service = service self._exit_on_error = exit_on_error self._InvocationStack = RandomAccessStack(name='Invocation') self._EvaluationStack = RandomAccessStack(name='Evaluation') self._AltStack = RandomAccessStack(name='Alt') self._ExecutedScriptHashes = [] self.ops_processed = 0 self._debug_map = None self._is_write_log = settings.log_vm_instructions def AddBreakPoint(self, position): self.CurrentContext.Breakpoints.add(position) def LoadDebugInfoForScriptHash(self, debug_map, script_hash): if debug_map and script_hash: self._debug_map = debug_map self._debug_map['script_hash'] = script_hash def Dispose(self): while self._InvocationStack.Count > 0: self._InvocationStack.Pop().Dispose() def Execute(self): self._VMState &= ~VMState.BREAK def loop_stepinto(): while self._VMState & VMState.HALT == 0 and self._VMState & VMState.FAULT == 0 and self._VMState & VMState.BREAK == 0: self.StepInto() if settings.log_vm_instructions: with open(self.log_file_name, 'w') as self.log_file: self.write_log(str( loop_stepinto() else: loop_stepinto() def ExecuteOp(self, opcode, context): estack = self._EvaluationStack istack = self._InvocationStack astack = self._AltStack if opcode > PUSH16 and opcode != RET and context.PushOnly: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.UNKNOWN1) if opcode >= PUSHBYTES1 and opcode <= PUSHBYTES75: bytestoread = context.OpReader.ReadBytes( int.from_bytes(opcode, 'little')) estack.PushT(bytestoread) else: # push values pushops = [ PUSHM1, PUSH1, PUSH2, PUSH3, PUSH4, PUSH5, PUSH6, PUSH7, PUSH8, PUSH9, PUSH10, PUSH11, PUSH12, PUSH13, PUSH14, PUSH15, PUSH16 ] if opcode == PUSH0: estack.PushT(bytearray(0)) elif opcode == PUSHDATA1: lenngth = context.OpReader.ReadByte() estack.PushT(bytearray(context.OpReader.ReadBytes(lenngth))) elif opcode == PUSHDATA2: estack.PushT( context.OpReader.ReadBytes(context.OpReader.ReadUInt16())) elif opcode == PUSHDATA4: estack.PushT( context.OpReader.ReadBytes(context.OpReader.ReadUInt32())) elif opcode in pushops: # EvaluationStack.Push((int)opcode - (int)OpCode.PUSH1 + 1); topush = int.from_bytes(opcode, 'little') - int.from_bytes( PUSH1, 'little') + 1 estack.PushT(topush) # control elif opcode == NOP: pass elif opcode in [JMP, JMPIF, JMPIFNOT]: offset_b = context.OpReader.ReadInt16() offset = context.InstructionPointer + offset_b - 3 if offset < 0 or offset > len(context.Script): return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.INVALID_JUMP) fValue = True if opcode > JMP: fValue = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() if opcode == JMPIFNOT: fValue = not fValue if fValue: context.SetInstructionPointer(offset) elif opcode == CALL: istack.PushT(context.Clone()) context.SetInstructionPointer(context.InstructionPointer + 2) self.ExecuteOp(JMP, self.CurrentContext) elif opcode == RET: istack.Pop().Dispose() if istack.Count == 0: self._VMState |= VMState.HALT elif opcode == APPCALL or opcode == TAILCALL: if self._Table is None: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.UNKNOWN2) script_hash = context.OpReader.ReadBytes(20) is_normal_call = False for b in script_hash: if b > 0: is_normal_call = True if not is_normal_call: script_hash = self.EvaluationStack.Pop().GetByteArray() script = self._Table.GetScript( UInt160(data=script_hash).ToBytes()) if script is None: logger.error( "Could not find script from script table: %s " % script_hash) return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.INVALID_CONTRACT, script_hash) if opcode == TAILCALL: istack.Pop().Dispose() self.LoadScript(script) elif opcode == SYSCALL: call = context.OpReader.ReadVarBytes(252).decode('ascii') self.write_log(call) if not self._Service.Invoke(call, self): return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.SYSCALL_ERROR, call) # stack operations elif opcode == DUPFROMALTSTACK: estack.PushT(astack.Peek()) elif opcode == TOALTSTACK: astack.PushT(estack.Pop()) elif opcode == FROMALTSTACK: estack.PushT(astack.Pop()) elif opcode == XDROP: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 0: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT return estack.Remove(n) elif opcode == XSWAP: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 0: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.UNKNOWN3) # if n == 0 break, same as do x if n > 0 if n > 0: item = estack.Peek(n) estack.Set(n, estack.Peek()) estack.Set(0, item) elif opcode == XTUCK: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n <= 0: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.UNKNOWN4) estack.Insert(n, estack.Peek()) elif opcode == DEPTH: estack.PushT(estack.Count) elif opcode == DROP: estack.Pop() elif opcode == DUP: estack.PushT(estack.Peek()) elif opcode == NIP: x2 = estack.Pop() estack.Pop() estack.PushT(x2) elif opcode == OVER: x2 = estack.Pop() x1 = estack.Peek() estack.PushT(x2) estack.PushT(x1) elif opcode == PICK: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 0: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.UNKNOWN5) estack.PushT(estack.Peek(n)) elif opcode == ROLL: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 0: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.UNKNOWN6) if n > 0: estack.PushT(estack.Remove(n)) elif opcode == ROT: x3 = estack.Pop() x2 = estack.Pop() x1 = estack.Pop() estack.PushT(x2) estack.PushT(x3) estack.PushT(x1) elif opcode == SWAP: x2 = estack.Pop() x1 = estack.Pop() estack.PushT(x2) estack.PushT(x1) elif opcode == TUCK: x2 = estack.Pop() x1 = estack.Pop() estack.PushT(x2) estack.PushT(x1) estack.PushT(x2) elif opcode == CAT: x2 = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() x1 = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() estack.PushT(x1 + x2) elif opcode == SUBSTR: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if count < 0: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.SUBSTR_INVALID_LENGTH) index = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if index < 0: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.SUBSTR_INVALID_INDEX) x = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() estack.PushT(x[index:count + index]) elif opcode == LEFT: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if count < 0: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.LEFT_INVALID_COUNT) x = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() estack.PushT(x[:count]) elif opcode == RIGHT: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if count < 0: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.RIGHT_INVALID_COUNT) x = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() if len(x) < count: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.RIGHT_UNKNOWN) estack.PushT(x[-count:]) elif opcode == SIZE: x = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() estack.PushT(len(x)) elif opcode == INVERT: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(~x) elif opcode == AND: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 & x2) elif opcode == OR: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 | x2) elif opcode == XOR: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 ^ x2) elif opcode == EQUAL: x2 = estack.Pop() x1 = estack.Pop() estack.PushT(x1.Equals(x2)) # numeric elif opcode == INC: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x + 1) elif opcode == DEC: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x - 1) elif opcode == SIGN: # Make sure to implement sign for big integer x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x.Sign) elif opcode == NEGATE: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(-x) elif opcode == ABS: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(abs(x)) elif opcode == NOT: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(not x) elif opcode == NZ: x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x is not 0) elif opcode == ADD: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 + x2) elif opcode == SUB: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 - x2) elif opcode == MUL: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 * x2) elif opcode == DIV: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 / x2) elif opcode == MOD: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 % x2) elif opcode == SHL: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x << n) elif opcode == SHR: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x >> n) elif opcode == BOOLAND: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() estack.PushT(x1 and x2) elif opcode == BOOLOR: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBoolean() estack.PushT(x1 or x2) elif opcode == NUMEQUAL: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x2 == x1) elif opcode == NUMNOTEQUAL: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 != x2) elif opcode == LT: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 < x2) elif opcode == GT: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 > x2) elif opcode == LTE: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 <= x2) elif opcode == GTE: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(x1 >= x2) elif opcode == MIN: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(min(x1, x2)) elif opcode == MAX: x2 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x1 = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(max(x1, x2)) elif opcode == WITHIN: b = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() a = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() x = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() estack.PushT(a <= x and x < b) # CRyPTO elif opcode == SHA1: h = hashlib.sha1(estack.Pop().GetByteArray()) estack.PushT(h.digest()) elif opcode == SHA256: h = hashlib.sha256(estack.Pop().GetByteArray()) estack.PushT(h.digest()) elif opcode == HASH160: estack.PushT(self.Crypto.Hash160(estack.Pop().GetByteArray())) elif opcode == HASH256: estack.PushT(self.Crypto.Hash256(estack.Pop().GetByteArray())) elif opcode == CHECKSIG: pubkey = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() sig = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() try: res = self.Crypto.VerifySignature( self.ScriptContainer.GetMessage(), sig, pubkey) estack.PushT(res) except Exception as e: estack.PushT(False) logger.error("Could not checksig: %s " % e) elif opcode == VERIFY: pubkey = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() sig = estack.Pop().GetByteArray() message = estack.Pop().GetString() try: res = self.Crypto.VerifySignature(message, sig, pubkey) estack.PushT(res) except Exception as e: estack.PushT(False) logger.error("Could not checksig: %s " % e) elif opcode == CHECKMULTISIG: n = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if n < 1: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.CHECKMULTISIG_INVALID_PUBLICKEY_COUNT) pubkeys = [] for i in range(0, n): pubkeys.append(estack.Pop().GetByteArray()) m = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if m < 1 or m > n: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.CHECKMULTISIG_SIGNATURE_ERROR, m, n) sigs = [] for i in range(0, m): sigs.append(estack.Pop().GetByteArray()) message = self.ScriptContainer.GetMessage( ) if self.ScriptContainer else '' fSuccess = True try: i = 0 j = 0 while fSuccess and i < m and j < n: if self.Crypto.VerifySignature(message, sigs[i], pubkeys[j]): i += 1 j += 1 if m - i > n - j: fSuccess = False except Exception as e: fSuccess = False estack.PushT(fSuccess) # lists elif opcode == ARRAYSIZE: item = estack.Pop() if not item: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.UNKNOWN7) if isinstance(item, CollectionMixin): estack.PushT(item.Count) else: estack.PushT(len(item.GetByteArray())) elif opcode == PACK: size = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() if size < 0 or size > estack.Count: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.UNKNOWN8) items = [] for i in range(0, size): topack = estack.Pop() items.append(topack) estack.PushT(items) elif opcode == UNPACK: item = estack.Pop() if not isinstance(item, Array): return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.UNPACK_INVALID_TYPE, item) items = item.GetArray() items.reverse() [estack.PushT(i) for i in items] estack.PushT(len(items)) elif opcode == PICKITEM: key = estack.Pop() if isinstance(key, CollectionMixin): # key must be an array index or dictionary key, but not a collection return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.KEY_IS_COLLECTION, key) collection = estack.Pop() if isinstance(collection, Array): index = key.GetBigInteger() if index < 0 or index >= collection.Count: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.PICKITEM_INVALID_INDEX, index, collection.Count) items = collection.GetArray() to_pick = items[index] estack.PushT(to_pick) elif isinstance(collection, Map): success, value = collection.TryGetValue(key) if success: estack.PushT(value) else: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.DICT_KEY_NOT_FOUND, key, collection.Keys) else: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.PICKITEM_INVALID_TYPE, key, collection) elif opcode == SETITEM: value = estack.Pop() if isinstance(value, Struct): value = value.Clone() key = estack.Pop() if isinstance(key, CollectionMixin): return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.KEY_IS_COLLECTION) collection = estack.Pop() if isinstance(collection, Array): index = key.GetBigInteger() if index < 0 or index >= collection.Count: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.SETITEM_INVALID_INDEX) items = collection.GetArray() items[index] = value elif isinstance(collection, Map): collection.SetItem(key, value) else: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.SETITEM_INVALID_TYPE, key, collection) elif opcode == NEWARRAY: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() items = [Boolean(False) for i in range(0, count)] estack.PushT(Array(items)) elif opcode == NEWSTRUCT: count = estack.Pop().GetBigInteger() items = [Boolean(False) for i in range(0, count)] estack.PushT(Struct(items)) elif opcode == NEWMAP: estack.PushT(Map()) elif opcode == APPEND: newItem = estack.Pop() if isinstance(newItem, Struct): newItem = newItem.Clone() arrItem = estack.Pop() if not isinstance(arrItem, Array): return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.APPEND_INVALID_TYPE, arrItem) arr = arrItem.GetArray() arr.append(newItem) elif opcode == REVERSE: arrItem = estack.Pop() if not isinstance(arrItem, Array): return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.REVERSE_INVALID_TYPE, arrItem) arrItem.Reverse() elif opcode == REMOVE: key = estack.Pop() if isinstance(key, CollectionMixin): return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.UNKNOWN1) collection = estack.Pop() if isinstance(collection, Array): index = key.GetBigInteger() if index < 0 or index >= collection.Count: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.REMOVE_INVALID_INDEX, index, collection.Count) collection.RemoveAt(index) elif isinstance(collection, Map): collection.Remove(key) else: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report( VMFault.REMOVE_INVALID_TYPE, key, collection) elif opcode == HASKEY: key = estack.Pop() if isinstance(key, CollectionMixin): return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.DICT_KEY_ERROR) collection = estack.Pop() if isinstance(collection, Array): index = key.GetBigInteger() if index < 0: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.DICT_KEY_ERROR) estack.PushT(index < collection.Count) elif isinstance(collection, Map): estack.PushT(collection.ContainsKey(key)) else: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.DICT_KEY_ERROR) elif opcode == KEYS: collection = estack.Pop() if isinstance(collection, Map): estack.PushT(Array(collection.Keys)) else: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.DICT_KEY_ERROR) elif opcode == VALUES: collection = estack.Pop() values = [] if isinstance(collection, Map): values = collection.Values elif isinstance(collection, Array): values = collection else: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.DICT_KEY_ERROR) newArray = Array() for item in values: if isinstance(item, Struct): newArray.Add(item.Clone()) else: newArray.Add(item) estack.PushT(newArray) elif opcode == THROW: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.THROW) elif opcode == THROWIFNOT: if not estack.Pop().GetBoolean(): return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.THROWIFNOT) else: return self.VM_FAULT_and_report(VMFault.UNKNOWN_OPCODE, opcode) if self._VMState & VMState.FAULT == 0 and self.InvocationStack.Count > 0: if len(self.CurrentContext.Breakpoints): if self.CurrentContext.InstructionPointer in self.CurrentContext.Breakpoints: self._vm_debugger = VMDebugger(self) self._vm_debugger.start() def LoadScript(self, script, push_only=False): context = ExecutionContext(self, script, push_only) if self._debug_map and context.ScriptHash( ) == self._debug_map['script_hash']: context.Breakpoints = set(self._debug_map['breakpoints']) self._InvocationStack.PushT(context) self._ExecutedScriptHashes.append(context.ScriptHash()) def RemoveBreakPoint(self, position): if self._InvocationStack.Count == 0: return False return self.CurrentContext.Breakpoints.remove(position) def StepInto(self): if self._InvocationStack.Count == 0: self._VMState |= VMState.HALT if self._VMState & VMState.HALT > 0 or self._VMState & VMState.FAULT > 0:"stopping because vm state is %s " % self._VMState) return op = None if self.CurrentContext.InstructionPointer >= len( self.CurrentContext.Script): op = RET else: op = self.CurrentContext.OpReader.ReadByte(do_ord=False) self.ops_processed += 1 try: if self._is_write_log: self.write_log("{} {}".format(self.ops_processed, ToName(op))) self.ExecuteOp(op, self.CurrentContext) except Exception as e: error_msg = "COULD NOT EXECUTE OP (%s): %s %s %s" % ( self.ops_processed, e, op, ToName(op)) self.write_log(error_msg) if self._exit_on_error: self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT else: logger.error(error_msg) logger.exception(e) def StepOut(self): self._VMState &= ~VMState.BREAK count = self._InvocationStack.Count while self._VMState & VMState.HALT == 0 and \ self._VMState & VMState.FAULT == 0 and \ self._VMState & VMState.BREAK == 0 and \ self._InvocationStack.Count > count: self.StepInto() def StepOver(self): if self._VMState & VMState.HALT > 0 or self._VMState & VMState.FAULT > 0: return self._VMState &= ~VMState.BREAK count = self._InvocationStack.Count while self._VMState & VMState.HALT == 0 and \ self._VMState & VMState.FAULT == 0 and \ self._VMState & VMState.BREAK == 0 and \ self._InvocationStack.Count > count: self.StepInto() def VM_FAULT_and_report(self, id, *args): self._VMState |= VMState.FAULT if settings.log_level != LOGGING_LEVEL_DEBUG: return if id == VMFault.INVALID_JUMP: error_msg = "Attemping to JMP/JMPIF/JMPIFNOT to an invalid location." elif id == VMFault.INVALID_CONTRACT: script_hash = args[0] error_msg = "Trying to call an unknown contract with script_hash {}\nMake sure the contract exists on the blockchain".format( script_hash) elif id == VMFault.CHECKMULTISIG_INVALID_PUBLICKEY_COUNT: error_msg = "CHECKMULTISIG - provided public key count is less than 1." elif id == VMFault.CHECKMULTISIG_SIGNATURE_ERROR: if args[0] < 1: error_msg = "CHECKMULTISIG - Minimum required signature count cannot be less than 1." else: # m > n m = args[0] n = args[1] error_msg = "CHECKMULTISIG - Insufficient signatures provided ({}). Minimum required is {}".format( m, n) elif id == VMFault.UNPACK_INVALID_TYPE: item = args[0] error_msg = "Failed to UNPACK item. Item is not an array but of type: {}".format( type(item)) elif id == VMFault.PICKITEM_INVALID_TYPE: index = args[0] item = args[1] error_msg = "Cannot access item at index {}. Item is not an array or dict but of type: {}".format( index, type(item)) elif id == VMFault.PICKITEM_NEGATIVE_INDEX: error_msg = "Attempting to access an array using a negative index" elif id == VMFault.PICKITEM_INVALID_INDEX: index = args[0] length = args[1] error_msg = "Array index is less than zero or {} exceeds list length {}".format( index, length) elif id == VMFault.APPEND_INVALID_TYPE: item = args[0] error_msg = "Cannot append to item. Item is not an array but of type: {}".format( type(item)) elif id == VMFault.REVERSE_INVALID_TYPE: item = args[0] error_msg = "Cannot REVERSE item. Item is not an array but of type: {}".format( type(item)) elif id == VMFault.REMOVE_INVALID_TYPE: item = args[0] index = args[1] error_msg = "Cannot REMOVE item at index {}. Item is not an array but of type: {}".format( index, type(item)) elif id == VMFault.REMOVE_INVALID_INDEX: index = args[0] length = args[1] if index < 0: error_msg = "Cannot REMOVE item at index {}. Index < 0".format( index) else: # index >= len(items): error_msg = "Cannot REMOVE item at index {}. Index exceeds array length {}".format( index, length) elif id == VMFault.POP_ITEM_NOT_ARRAY: error_msg = "Items(s) not array: %s" % [item for item in args] elif id == VMFault.UNKNOWN_OPCODE: opcode = args[0] error_msg = "Unknown opcode found: {}".format(opcode) else: error_msg = id if id in [VMFault.THROW, VMFault.THROWIFNOT]: logger.debug("({}) {}".format(self.ops_processed, id)) else: logger.error("({}) {}".format(self.ops_processed, error_msg)) return