def translate_single_stack_using_imglib2(imp, dx, dy, dz): # wrap into a float imglib2 and translate # conversion into float is necessary due to "overflow of n-linear interpolation due to accuracy limits of unsigned bytes" # see: img = ImagePlusImgs.from(imp.duplicate()) extended = Views.extendBorder(img) converted = Converters.convert(extended, RealFloatSamplerConverter()) interpolant = Views.interpolate(converted, NLinearInterpolatorFactory()) # translate if imp.getNDimensions()==3: transformed = RealViews.affine(interpolant, Translation3D(dx, dy, dz)) elif imp.getNDimensions()==2: transformed = RealViews.affine(interpolant, Translation2D(dx, dy)) else: IJ.log("Can only work on 2D or 3D stacks") return None cropped = Views.interval(transformed, img) # wrap back into bit depth of input image and return bd = imp.getBitDepth() if bd==8: return(ImageJFunctions.wrapUnsignedByte(cropped,"imglib2")) elif bd == 16: return(ImageJFunctions.wrapUnsignedShort(cropped,"imglib2")) elif bd == 32: return(ImageJFunctions.wrapFloat(cropped,"imglib2")) else: return None
def test(iraf): # Test dimensions: should be the same as the one input image print "Dimensions:", Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(iraf) # Test Cursor c = iraf.cursor() pos = zeros(2, 'l') while c.hasNext(): c.fwd() c.localize(pos) print "Cursor:", pos, "::", c.get() # Test RandomAccess ra = iraf.randomAccess() c = iraf.cursor() while c.hasNext(): c.fwd() ra.setPosition(c) c.localize(pos) print "RandomAccess:", pos, "::", ra.get() # Test source img: should be untouched c = img.cursor() while c.hasNext(): print "source:", # Test interval view: the middle 2x2 square v = Views.interval(iraf, [1, 1], [2, 2]) IL.wrap(v, "+2 view").show()
def translate_single_stack_using_imglib2(imp, dx, dy, dz): # wrap into a float imglib2 and translate # conversion into float is necessary due to "overflow of n-linear interpolation due to accuracy limits of unsigned bytes" # see: img = ImagePlusImgs.from(imp.duplicate()) extended = Views.extendZero(img) converted = Converters.convert(extended, RealFloatSamplerConverter()) interpolant = Views.interpolate(converted, NLinearInterpolatorFactory()) # translate if imp.getNDimensions()==3: transformed = RealViews.affine(interpolant, Translation3D(dx, dy, dz)) elif imp.getNDimensions()==2: transformed = RealViews.affine(interpolant, Translation2D(dx, dy)) else: IJ.log("Can only work on 2D or 3D stacks") return None cropped = Views.interval(transformed, img) # wrap back into bit depth of input image and return bd = imp.getBitDepth() if bd==8: return(ImageJFunctions.wrapUnsignedByte(cropped,"imglib2")) elif bd == 16: return(ImageJFunctions.wrapUnsignedShort(cropped,"imglib2")) elif bd == 32: return(ImageJFunctions.wrapFloat(cropped,"imglib2")) else: return None
def find_peaks(imp1, imp2, sigmaSmaller, sigmaLarger, minPeakValue): # FIND PEAKS # sigmaSmaller ==> Size of the smaller dots (in pixels) # sigmaLarger ==> Size of the bigger dots (in pixels) # minPeakValue ==> Intensity above which to look for dots # Preparation Neuron channel ip1_1 = IL.wrapReal(imp1) ip1E = Views.extendMirrorSingle(ip1_1) #Preparation Glioma channel ip2_1 = IL.wrapReal(imp2) ip2E = Views.extendMirrorSingle(ip2_1) calibration = [1.0 for i in range(ip1_1.numDimensions())] extremaType = DogDetection.ExtremaType.MINIMA normalizedMinPeakValue = False dog_1 = DogDetection(ip1E, ip1_1, calibration, sigmaSmaller, sigmaLarger, extremaType, minPeakValue, normalizedMinPeakValue) dog_2 = DogDetection(ip2E, ip2_1, calibration, sigmaSmaller, sigmaLarger, extremaType, minPeakValue, normalizedMinPeakValue) peaks_1 = dog_1.getPeaks() peaks_2 = dog_2.getPeaks() return ip1_1, ip2_1, peaks_1, peaks_2
def run(): # Ask for a folder containing all the time points, one per folder #dc = DirectoryChooser("Choose folder") #folder = dc.getDirectory() #folder = '/run/user/52828/gvfs/smb-share:server=keller-s7,share=microscopy1/SV3/RC_17-10-31/GCaMP6s_2_20171031_145624.corrected/SPM00' #folder = "/home/albert/shares/zlaticlab/Nadine/Raghav/2017-05-10/GCaMP6s_1_20170510_115003.corrected/dff_on_fused/from_Raghav/MVD_Results/" folder = "/home/albert/shares/zlaticlab/Nadine/Raghav/2017-05-10/GCaMP6s_1_20170510_115003.corrected/tests/dff_on_4view_fused/from_Raghav/MVD_Results/" print folder if not folder: return # Find the list of directories in that folder, and pick # one single file inside each, ending in: ending = "CM00_CHN00.klb" #DEBUGGING num_timepoints = 100 java = Weaver.method( """ static public final void maxer(final KLB klb, final ImgPlus target, final String path) throws { Cursor c1 = target.cursor(); Cursor c2 = klb.readFull(path).cursor(); while (c1.hasNext()) {;; UnsignedShortType s1 = (UnsignedShortType) c1.get(); UnsignedShortType s2 = (UnsignedShortType) c2.get(); s1.set( (short) Math.max( s1.get(), s2.get() ) ); } } """, [KLB, ImgPlus, Cursor, UnsignedShortType]) max_img = None klb = KLB.newInstance() counter = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder): for filename in files: if filename.endswith(ending): counter += 1 path = os.path.join(root, filename) print counter, path # Use the first opened stack as the image stack into which to accumulate max values if max_img is None: max_img = klb.readFull(path) else: java.maxer(klb, max_img, path) num_timepoints -= 1 if num_timepoints < 0: break # DONE
def openImage(): print rel_path if rel_path.endswith(".klb"): try: klb = KLB.newInstance() img = klb.readFull(os.path.join(base_path, rel_path)) IL.wrap(img, rel_path).show() except: print sys.exc_info() else: print "via", rel_path))
def openImage(): print rel_path if rel_path.endswith(".klb"): if (KLB == None): print "Cannot open KLB due to missing module" try: klb = KLB.newInstance() img = klb.readFull(os.path.join(base_path, rel_path)) IL.wrap(img, rel_path).show() except: print sys.exc_info() else: print "via", rel_path))
def getFFTParamsFromImps(imp1, imp2, r1=None, r2=None): if r1: v1 = getViewFromImp(imp1, r1) else: v1 = IL.wrapByte(imp1) if r2: v2 = getViewFromImp(imp2, r2) else: v2 = IL.wrapByte(imp2) extension = array(v1.numDimensions() * [10], 'i') extSize = PhaseCorrelation2Util.getExtendedSize(v1, v2, extension) paddedDimensions = array(extSize.numDimensions() * [0], 'l') fftSize = array(extSize.numDimensions() * [0], 'l') return extension, extSize, paddedDimensions, fftSize
def run(): result = LoadParseQueryXML() result.addButton("Define a new dataset", Listener(result)) if not result.queryXML("XML Explorer", query, False, False, False, False): print "Cancelled dialog" return print "Resume" data = result.getData() xml = result.getXMLFileName() io = result.getIO() explorer = ViewSetupExplorer(data, xml, io) explorer.getFrame().toFront() # A handle into the data spimdata2 = explorer.getSpimData() # # A map of ViewId vs ViewRegistration (which extends ViewId, so likely are the same) # ViewId: # ViewRegistration: viewregs = spimdata2.getViewRegistrations().getViewRegistrations() #for k, v in viewregs.iteritems(): # print "timepointId:", k.getTimePointId(), "viewSetupId:", k.getViewSetupId(), "value: ", v # Shows that there are 4 views per timepoint: not fused! # And: each ViewRegistration holds only the transforms of each view of the timepoint, not the 3D pixels. # # seqdescr = spimdata2.getSequenceDescription() imgloader = seqdescr.getImgLoader() for view, viewreg in viewregs.iteritems(): # Each entry has its own TimePointId and ViewId viewID = view.getViewSetupId() timepointID = view.getTimePointId() # Instance of: org.janelia.simview.klb.bdv.KlbImgLoader$KlbSetupImgLoader loader = imgloader.getSetupImgLoader(viewID) # Dimensions instance dim = loader.getImageSize(timepointID) # VoxelDimensions instance voxelDim = loader.getVoxelSize(timepointID) # RandomAccessibleInterval instance rai = loader.getImage(timepointID, 0, [ImgLoaderHints.LOAD_COMPLETELY]) # The transforms transformList = viewreg.getTransformList() # TODO: register, the transform is in the viewreg print map(dim.dimension, [0, 1, 2]) # [576L, 896L, 65L] print voxelDim.unit(), voxelDim.numDimensions(), map( voxelDim.dimension, [0, 1, 2]) # um 3 [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] break
def create(self, index): cell_dimensions = [ self.grid.cellDimension(0), self.grid.cellDimension(1) ] n_cols = grid.imgDimension(0) / cell_dimensions[0] x0 = (index % n_cols) * cell_dimensions[0] y0 = (index / n_cols) * cell_dimensions[1] index += 1 # 1-based slice indices in ij.ImageStack if index < 1 or index > self.stack.size(): # Return blank image: a ByteAccess that always returns 255 return Cell( cell_dimensions, [x0, y0], type('ConstantValue', (ByteAccess, ), { 'getValue': lambda self, index: 255 })()) else: # ImageJ stack slice indices are 1-based img = IL.wrap(ImagePlus("", self.stack.getProcessor(index))) # Create extended image with the padding color value imgE = Views.extendValue(img, self.t.copy()) # A view that includes the padding between slices minC = [-self.cell_padding for d in xrange(img.numDimensions())] maxC = [ img.dimension(d) - 1 + self.cell_padding for d in xrange(img.numDimensions()) ] imgP = Views.interval(imgE, minC, maxC) return Cell(cell_dimensions, [x0, y0], ProxyByteAccess(imgP, self.grid))
def showAsComposite(images, title="Composite", show=True): imps = [] # Collect all images as ImagePlus, checking that they have the same XY dimensions. # (Z doesn't matter) dimensions = None for img in images: if isinstance(img, ImagePlus): imps.append(img) else: imps.append(IL.wrap(img, "")) if not dimensions: dimensions = [imps[-1].getWidth(), imps[-1].getHeight()] else: if imps[-1].width != dimensions[0] or imps[-1].getHeight( ) != dimensions[1]: print "asComposite: dimensions mistach." return imp = ImagePlus(title, StacksAsChannels([imp.getStack() for imp in imps])) imp.setDimensions(len(imps), max(imp.getStack().getSize() for imp in imps), 1) comp = CompositeImage(imp, CompositeImage.COMPOSITE) if show: print imp.getNChannels(), imp.getNSlices(), imp.getNFrames( ), "but imps: ", len(imps) return comp
def __init__(self, imp, cell_padding, padding_color_value, grid): self.stack = imp.getStack() self.grid = grid self.cell_padding = cell_padding self.t = IL.wrap(imp).randomAccess().get().createVariable() self.t.setReal(padding_color_value) self.cache = {}
def combine(op, title, *ops): edges_img = img.factory().imgFactory(FloatType()).create(img) compute(op(*ops)).into(edges_img) imp = IL.wrap(edges_img, title) imp.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax() return imp
def getViewFromImp(imp, r=None): # r is a java.awt.rectangle im = IL.wrapByte(imp) if r is None: r = Rectangle(0, 0, imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()) v = Views.zeroMin( Views.interval(im, [r.x, r.y], [r.x + r.width - 1, r.y + r.height - 1])) return v
def main(): img = IJF.wrap(imp) img_out = smooth_temporal_gradient(ops, img, sigma_xy, sigma_t, frame_start, frame_end, normalize_output) img_out.setCalibration(imp.getCalibration().copy()) comp = CompositeImage(img_out, CompositeImage.COMPOSITE)
def twoStep(index=0): # The current way: img = klb.readFull(filepaths[index]) # klb_loader.get(filepaths[index]) imgE = Views.extendZero(img) imgI = Views.interpolate(imgE, NLinearInterpolatorFactory()) imgT = RealViews.transform(imgI, cmIsotropicTransforms[index]) imgB = Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(imgT, roi[0], roi[1])) # bounded: crop with ROI imgBA = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(imgB)) ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgB, imgBA.factory()), imgBA) imgP = prepareImgForDeconvolution( imgBA, affine3D(fineTransformsPostROICrop[index]).inverse(), FinalInterval([0, 0, 0], [imgB.dimension(d) - 1 for d in xrange(3)])) # Copy transformed view into ArrayImg for best performance in deconvolution imgA = ArrayImgs.floats(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(imgP)) ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgP, imgA.factory()), imgA) IL.wrap(imgA, "two step").show()
def SpotDetectionGray(gray, data, display, ops, invert): # get the dimensions dimensions2D = array([gray.dimension(0), gray.dimension(1)], 'l') factory = gray.getImg().factory() # wrap as ImagePlus imp = ImageJFunctions.wrap(gray, "wrapped") # create and call background subtractor bgs = BackgroundSubtracter() bgs.rollingBallBackground(imp.getProcessor(), 50.0, False, False, True, True, True) # wrap the result of background subtraction as Img and display it iplus = ImagePlus("bgs", imp.getProcessor()) # if (invert==True): # iplus.getProcessor().invert() imgBgs = ImageJFunctions.wrapByte(iplus) display.createDisplay("back_sub", data.create(ImgPlus(imgBgs))) # convert the background subtracted image to 32 bit temp ="createimg", factory, FloatType(), dimensions2D) imgBgs32 = ImgPlus(temp) ops.convert(imgBgs32, imgBgs, ConvertPixCopy()) #display.createDisplay("back_sub 32", data.create(ImgPlus(imgBgs32))) # create the Laplacian of Gaussian filter kernel = DetectionUtils.createLoGKernel(3.0, 2, array([1.0, 1.0], 'd')) # apply the log filter and display the result log = ImgPlus("createimg", factory, FloatType(), dimensions2D)) ops.convolve(log, imgBgs32, kernel) #display.createDisplay("log", data.create(ImgPlus(log))) # apply the threshold operation"threshold", ops.create( dimensions2D, BitType()), log, Triangle()) thresholded ="triangle", log) return ImgPlus(thresholded)
def oneStep(index=0): # Combining transforms into one, via a translation to account of the ROI crop img = klb.readFull(filepaths[index]) # klb_loader.get(filepaths[index]) t1 = cmIsotropicTransforms[index] t2 = affine3D( [1, 0, 0, -roi[0][0], 0, 1, 0, -roi[0][1], 0, 0, 1, -roi[0][2]]) t3 = affine3D(fineTransformsPostROICrop[index]).inverse() aff = AffineTransform3D() aff.set(t1) aff.preConcatenate(t2) aff.preConcatenate(t3) # Final interval is now rooted at 0,0,0 given that the transform includes the translation imgP = prepareImgForDeconvolution( img, aff, FinalInterval([0, 0, 0], [maxC - minC for minC, maxC in izip(roi[0], roi[1])])) # Copy transformed view into ArrayImg for best performance in deconvolution imgA = ArrayImgs.floats(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(imgP)) ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgP, imgA.factory()), imgA) IL.wrap(imgA, "one step index %i" % index).show()
def SpotDetectionGray(gray, data, display, ops, invert): # get the dimensions dimensions2D=array( [gray.dimension(0), gray.dimension(1)], 'l') factory=gray.getImg().factory() # wrap as ImagePlus imp=ImageJFunctions.wrap(gray, "wrapped") # create and call background subtractor bgs=BackgroundSubtracter() bgs.rollingBallBackground(imp.getProcessor(), 50.0, False, False, True, True, True) # wrap the result of background subtraction as Img and display it iplus=ImagePlus("bgs", imp.getProcessor()) # if (invert==True): # iplus.getProcessor().invert() imgBgs=ImageJFunctions.wrapByte(iplus) display.createDisplay("back_sub", data.create(ImgPlus(imgBgs))) # convert the background subtracted image to 32 bit "createimg", factory, FloatType(), dimensions2D ) imgBgs32=ImgPlus( temp ) ops.convert(imgBgs32, imgBgs, ConvertPixCopy() ) #display.createDisplay("back_sub 32", data.create(ImgPlus(imgBgs32))) # create the Laplacian of Gaussian filter kernel = DetectionUtils.createLoGKernel( 3.0, 2, array([1.0, 1.0], 'd' ) ) # apply the log filter and display the result log=ImgPlus("createimg", factory, FloatType(), dimensions2D) ) ops.convolve(log, imgBgs32, kernel) #display.createDisplay("log", data.create(ImgPlus(log))) # apply the threshold operation"threshold", ops.create( dimensions2D, BitType()), log, Triangle()) thresholded ="triangle", log) return ImgPlus(thresholded)
def writeZip(img, path, title=""): if isinstance(img, RandomAccessibleInterval): imp = IL.wrap(img, title) elif isinstance(img, ImagePlus): imp = img if title: imp.setTitle(title) else: syncPrint("Cannot writeZip to %s:\n Unsupported image type %s" % (path, str(type(img)))) return None # FileSaver(imp).saveAsZip(path) return imp
def translate_using_imglib2(imp, dx, dy, dz): print "imp channels",imp.getNChannels() # todo: # if multiple channels use Duplicator to translate each channel individually ## wrap # img = ImagePlusImgs.from(imp.duplicate()) print "dimensions:",img.numDimensions() print img.getChannels() ## prepare image print "img",img ddd extended = Views.extendBorder(img) #print "extended",extended #print "extended",extended.dimension(1) dims = zeros(4, 'l') img.dimensions(dims) print "dims",dims converted = Converters.convert(extended, RealFloatSamplerConverter()) composite = Views.collapseReal(converted, imp.getNChannels()) print "composite",composite interpolant = Views.interpolate(composite, NLinearInterpolatorFactory()) #print "interpolant",interpolant transformed = RealViews.affine(interpolant, Translation3D(dx, dy, dz)) print "transformed", transformed cropped = Views.interval(transformed, img) print "cropped.numDimensions()", cropped.numDimensions() print "cropped",cropped ## wrap back and return bd = imp.getBitDepth() # maybe simply wrap works? if bd==8: return(ImageJFunctions.wrapUnsignedByte(cropped,"imglib2")) elif bd == 16: return(ImageJFunctions.wrapUnsignedShort(cropped,"imglib2")) elif bd == 32: return(ImageJFunctions.wrapFloat(cropped,"imglib2")) else: return None
def showStack(img, title="", proper=True, n_channels=1): # IL.wrap fails: shows slices as channels, and channels as frames if not proper: imp = IL.wrap(img, title) return imp # Proper sorting of slices, channels and frames imp = wrap(img, title=title, n_channels=n_channels) comp = CompositeImage( imp, CompositeImage.GRAYSCALE if 1 == n_channels else CompositeImage.COLOR) return comp
def getMIP(imp): if isinstance(imp,ImagePlus): im = ImageJFunctions.wrap(imp) else: im = imp projected = ops.create().img([ im.dimension(d) for d in [0,1] ]) # Create the op and run it proj_op = ops.op(getattr(Ops.Stats, "Max"), im) ops.transform().project(projected, im, proj_op, 2) return projected
def maskFromOverlay(imp): ''' TODO Documentation ''' overlay = imp.getOverlay(); img = ImageJFunctions.wrap(imp); emptyImg = ops.create().img(img); if overlay is None: return emptyImg; emptyImp = ImageJFunctions.wrap(emptyImg, "mask"); for roi in overlay.toArray(): imp.setRoi(roi);, "Create Mask", ""); manualMaskImp = IJ.getImage(); ic = ImageCalculator();"OR", emptyImp, manualMaskImp); manualMask = ImageJFunctions.wrap(manualMaskImp); manualMaskImp.close(); #imp.setRoi(None); return manualMask;
def viewTransformed(image, transformation, title=None, interval=None, show=True): if isinstance(image, ImagePlus): img = IL.wrap( image ) # ImagePlus to ImgLib2 RandomAccessibleInterva & IterableInterval aka Img elif isinstance(image, RandomAccessibleInterval): img = image else: return None # Make the image be defined anywhere by infinitely padding with zeros. imgInfinite = Views.extendZero(img) # Make the image be defined at arbitrarily precise subpixel coordinates # by using n-dimensional linear interpolation imgInterpolated = Views.interpolate(imgInfinite, NLinearInterpolatorFactory()) # Make the image be seen as a transformed view of the source image imgTransformed = RealViews.transform(imgInterpolated, transformation) # Define an interval within which we want the transformed image to be defined # (such as that of the source img itself; an img in ImgLib2 also happens to be an Interval # and can therefore be used as an interval, which is convenient here because we # expect the original field of view--the interval--to be where image data can still be found) interval = interval if interval else img # every Img is also an Interval because each Img is bounded # Make the image finite by defining it as the content within the interval imgBounded = Views.interval(imgTransformed, interval) # same as original # Optionally show the transformed, bounded image in an ImageJ VirtualStack # (Note that anytime one of the VirtualStack's ImageProcessor will have to # update its pixel data, it will incur in executing the transformation again; # no pixel data is cached or copied anywhere other than for display purposes) if show: title = title if title else imp.getTitle() imp = IL.wrap(imgBounded, title) # as an ImagePlus # in an ImageJ ImageWindow return imgBounded
def main(): files = [] for filt in img_extensions.split(";"): if len(filt.strip()) > 0: files += glob.glob(os.path.join(str(input_dir), filt.strip())) else: files += glob.glob(os.path.join(str(input_dir), "*.*")) break if len(files) == 0: IJ.showMessage("No files found in '{}'\nfor extensions '{}'".format( str(input_dir), img_extensions)) else: for fn in files: try: imp = BF.openImagePlus(fn)[0] except: IJ.showMessage( "Could not open file '{}' (skipping).\nUse extension filter to filter non-image files..." .format(str(fn))) continue img = IJF.wrap(imp) cali = imp.getCalibration().copy() if pixel_width > 0: cali.pixelWidth = pixel_width cali.pixelHeight = pixel_width cali.setUnit("micron") if frame_interval > 0: cali.frameInterval = frame_interval cali.setTimeUnit("sec.") imp_out = smooth_temporal_gradient(ops, img, sigma_xy, sigma_t, frame_start, frame_end, normalize_output) imp_out.setCalibration(cali) channels = ChannelSplitter.split(imp_out) fn_basename = os.path.splitext(fn)[0][0], "{}_shrinkage.tiff".format(fn_basename))[1], "{}_growth.tiff".format(fn_basename)) print("{} processed".format(fn_basename)) IJ.showMessage( "Growth/shrinkage extraction of {} inputs finsihed.".format( len(files)))
def wrap(img, title="", n_channels=1): """ Like ImageJFunctions.wrap but, when n_channels=1 (the default), then a new dimension of size 1 is inserted at position 2 to prevent the Z axis from showing as the channels axis. To enable ImageJFunctions.wrap default behavior, set n_channels to a value other than 1. """ if 1 == n_channels: # Append a dimension of size 1 at the end # and permute it iteratively so that it becomes the channels dimension (d=2) img = Views.addDimension(img, 1, 1) d = img.numDimensions( ) - 1 # starts with the last: the new one of size 1 while d > 2: img = Views.permute(img, d, d - 1) d -= 1 # return IL.wrap(img, title)
from org.python.core import codecs codecs.setDefaultEncoding('utf-8') import os from import File from ij import ImageJ, ImagePlus from import Opener from net.imglib2.img import Img, ImgFactory from net.imglib2.img.cell import CellImgFactory from net.imglib2.img.display.imagej import ImageJFunctions from net.imglib2.type.numeric.real import FloatType gitDir = os.environ['GIT_HOME'] relImg = "/OSImageAnalysis/images" # strImg = gitDir + relImg + "/bridge.gif" strImg = gitDir + relImg + "/latex.tif" fi = File(strImg) imp = Opener().openImage( fi.getAbsolutePath() ) imgFactory = CellImgFactory(5 ) img1 = imgFactory.create( (20, 30, 40), FloatType() ) img1 ) img2 = imgFactory.create( img1, img1.firstElement() ) img2 )
# @DisplayService display # @OpService ops # @net.imagej.Dataset inputData from net.imglib2.meta import ImgPlus from net.imglib2.img.display.imagej import ImageJFunctions from jarray import array from ij import IJ # create a log kernel logKernel=ops.logKernel(inputData.numDimensions(), 1.0); # convolve with log kernel logFiltered=ops.convolve(inputData, logKernel); # display log filter result display.createDisplay("log", ImgPlus(logFiltered)); # otsu threshold and display thresholded ="threshold.otsu",logFiltered) display.createDisplay("thresholded", ImgPlus(thresholded)); # convert to imagej1 imageplus so we can run analyze particles impThresholded=ImageJFunctions.wrap(thresholded, "wrapped") # convert to mask and analyze particles, "Convert to Mask", ""), "Analyze Particles...", "display add");"Close");
from mpicbg.models import Point, PointMatch, InterpolatedAffineModel3D, AffineModel3D, RigidModel3D, NotEnoughDataPointsException from collections import defaultdict from operator import sub from itertools import imap, izip, product, combinations from jarray import array, zeros import os, csv from java.util.concurrent import Executors, Callable from java.util import ArrayList from ij import IJ from net.imglib2.algorithm.math import ImgMath, ImgSource from net.imglib2.img.array import ArrayImgs from net.imglib2.realtransform import RealViews, AffineTransform3D from net.imglib2.interpolation.randomaccess import NLinearInterpolatorFactory from net.imglib2.util import Intervals img = IL.wrap(IJ.getImage()) # Cut out a cube img1 = Views.zeroMin( Views.interval(img, [39, 49, 0], [39 + 378 - 1, 49 + 378 - 1, 378 - 1])) print[img1.dimension(d) for d in xrange(img1.numDimensions())] # Rotate the cube on the Y axis to the left img2 = Views.rotate(img1, 2, 0) # copy into ArrayImg img1a = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts([378, 378, 378]) ImgMath.compute(ImgSource(img1)).into(img1a) img2a = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts([378, 378, 378]) ImgMath.compute(ImgSource(img2)).into(img2a)
from net.imglib2.view import Views from net.imglib2.img.array import ArrayImgs from net.imglib2.util import Intervals, ImgUtil from net.imglib2.algorithm.math.ImgMath import compute, maximum from java.lang import Math imp = IJ.getImage() stack = imp.getStack() # Grab the underlying ImgLib2 object, or wrap into one if isinstance(stack, ImageJVirtualStack): srcF = ImageJVirtualStack.getDeclaredField("source") srcF.setAccessible(True) img4D = srcF.get(stack) else: img4D = IL.wrap(imp) def projectLastDimension(img, showEarly=False): """ Project the last dimension, e.g. a 4D image becomes a 3D image, using the provided reducing function (e.g. min, max, sum). """ last_dimension = img.numDimensions() - 1 # The collapsed image imgC = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts( [img.dimension(d) for d in xrange(last_dimension)]) if showEarly: showStack( imgC,
def poreDetectionUV(inputImp, inputDataset, inputRoi, ops, data, display, detectionParameters): title = inputImp.getTitle() title=title.replace('UV', 'SD') print title #trueColorImp= WindowManager.getImage(title) #print type( trueColorImp) # calculate are of roi stats=inputImp.getStatistics() inputRoiArea=stats.area print inputRoi # get the bounding box of the active roi inputRec = inputRoi.getBounds() x1=long(inputRec.getX()) y1=long(inputRec.getY()) x2=x1+long(inputRec.getWidth())-1 y2=y1+long(inputRec.getHeight())-1 print x1 print y1 print x2 print y2 # crop the roi interval=FinalInterval( array([x1, y1 ,0], 'l'), array([x2, y2, 2], 'l') ) cropped=ops.crop(interval, None, inputDataset.getImgPlus() ) datacropped=data.create(cropped) display.createDisplay("cropped", datacropped) croppedPlus=IJ.getImage() duplicator=Duplicator() substackMaker=SubstackMaker() # duplicate the roi # convert duplicate of roi to HSB and get brightness, "HSB Stack", ""); brightnessPlus=substackMaker.makeSubstack(duplicate, "3-3") brightness=ImgPlus(ImageJFunctions.wrapByte(brightnessPlus)) brightnessPlus.setTitle("Brightness") # make another duplicate, split channels and get red channels=ChannelSplitter().split(duplicate) redPlus=channels[0] red=ImgPlus(ImageJFunctions.wrapByte(redPlus)) # convert to lab, "Color Transformer", "colour=Lab") IJ.selectWindow('Lab') labPlus=IJ.getImage() # get the A channel APlus=substackMaker.makeSubstack(labPlus, "2-2") APlus.setTitle('A') APlus.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax() APlus.updateAndDraw() AThresholded=threshold(APlus, -10, 50) # get the B channel BPlus=substackMaker.makeSubstack(labPlus, "3-3") BPlus.setTitle('B') BPlus.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax() BPlus.updateAndDraw() BThresholded=threshold(BPlus, -10, 50) # AND the Athreshold and Bthreshold to get a map of the red pixels ic = ImageCalculator(); redMask ="AND create", AThresholded, BThresholded);, "Divide...", "value=255"); labPlus.close() # threshold the spots from the red channel thresholdedred=SpotDetectionGray(red, data, display, ops, False) display.createDisplay("thresholdedred", data.create(thresholdedred)) impthresholdedred = ImageJFunctions.wrap(thresholdedred, "wrapped") # threshold the spots from the brightness channel thresholded=SpotDetectionGray(brightness, data, display, ops, False) display.createDisplay("thresholded", data.create(thresholded)) impthresholded=ImageJFunctions.wrap(thresholded, "wrapped") # or the thresholding results from red and brightness channel impthresholded ="OR create", impthresholded, impthresholdedred); # convert to mask Prefs.blackBackground = True, "Convert to Mask", "") # clear the region outside the roi clone=inputRoi.clone() clone.setLocation(0,0) Utility.clearOutsideRoi(impthresholded, clone) # create a hidden roi manager roim = RoiManager(True) # count the particlesimp.getProcessor().setColor( countParticles(impthresholded, roim, detectionParameters.minSize, detectionParameters.maxSize, detectionParameters.minCircularity, detectionParameters.maxCircularity) # define a function to determine the percentage of pixels that are foreground in a binary image # inputs: # imp: binary image, 0=background, 1=foreground # roi: an roi def isRed(imp, roi): stats = imp.getStatistics() if (stats.mean>detectionParameters.redPercentage): return True else: return False def notRed(imp, roi): stats = imp.getStatistics() if (stats.mean>detectionParameters.redPercentage): return False else: return True allList=[] for roi in roim.getRoisAsArray(): allList.append(roi.clone()) # count particles that are red redList=CountParticles.filterParticlesWithFunction(redMask, allList, isRed) # count particles that are red blueList=CountParticles.filterParticlesWithFunction(redMask, allList, notRed) print "Total particles: "+str(len(allList)) print "Filtered particles: "+str(len(redList)) # for each roi add the offset such that the roi is positioned in the correct location for the # original image [roi.setLocation(roi.getXBase()+x1, roi.getYBase()+y1) for roi in allList] # create an overlay and add the rois overlay1=Overlay() inputRoi.setStrokeColor( overlay1.add(inputRoi) [CountParticles.addParticleToOverlay(roi, overlay1, for roi in redList] [CountParticles.addParticleToOverlay(roi, overlay1, Color.cyan) for roi in blueList] def drawAllRoisOnImage(imp, mainRoi, redList, blueList): imp.getProcessor().setColor(, "Line Width...", "line=3"); imp.getProcessor().draw(inputRoi) imp.updateAndDraw(), "Line Width...", "line=1"); [CountParticles.drawParticleOnImage(imp, roi, Color.magenta) for roi in redList] [CountParticles.drawParticleOnImage(imp, roi, for roi in blueList] imp.updateAndDraw() drawAllRoisOnImage(inputImp, inputRoi, redList, blueList) #drawAllRoisOnImage(trueColorImp, inputRoi, redList, blueList) # draw overlay #inputImp.setOverlay(overlay1) #inputImp.updateAndDraw() statsdict=CountParticles.calculateParticleStats(APlus, BPlus, redMask, roim.getRoisAsArray()) print inputRoiArea areas=statsdict['Areas'] poreArea=0 for area in areas: poreArea=poreArea+area ATotal=0 ALevels=statsdict['ALevel'] for A in ALevels: ATotal=ATotal+A AAverage=ATotal/len(ALevels) BTotal=0 BLevels=statsdict['BLevel'] for B in BLevels: BTotal=BTotal+B BAverage=BTotal/len(BLevels) redTotal=0 redPercentages=statsdict['redPercentage'] for red in redPercentages: redTotal=redTotal+red redAverage=redTotal/len(redPercentages) pixwidth=inputImp.getCalibration().pixelWidth inputRoiArea=inputRoiArea/(pixwidth*pixwidth) print str(len(allList))+" "+str(len(redList))+" "+str(len(blueList))+" "+str(poreArea/inputRoiArea)+" "+str(redAverage)
#@ OpService ops #@ ImgPlus inputData #@ Double sigma #@OUTPUT ImgPlus logFiltered #@OUTPUT ImgPlus thresholded # Run this tutorial using the C0Z12 image generated in the 'Crop Confocal Series' tutorial. # To generate the C0Z12 image, do the following: # Go to 'file>Open Samples>Confocal Series' and make sure confocal-series.tif is the active image and # run the Crop Confocal Series tutorial. from net.imglib2.img.display.imagej import ImageJFunctions from ij import IJ # create a log kernel logKernel = ops.create().kernelLog(inputData.numDimensions(), sigma) logFiltered = ops.filter().convolve(inputData, logKernel) # otsu threshold and display thresholded = ops.threshold().otsu(logFiltered) # convert to imagej1 imageplus so we can run analyze particles impThresholded = ImageJFunctions.wrap(thresholded, "wrapped") # convert to mask and analyze particles, "Convert to Mask", ""), "Analyze Particles...", "display add")
from ij import ImagePlus from ij.plugin.filter import BackgroundSubtracter from jarray import array from fiji.plugin.trackmate.detection import DetectionUtils from net.imagej.ops.convert import ConvertPixCopy ############################################################### # Step 1: Rolling ball background subtraction (still uses IJ1) ############################################################### # wrap as ImagePlus imp=ImageJFunctions.wrap(inputData, "wrapped") # create and call background subtractor bgs=BackgroundSubtracter() bgs.rollingBallBackground(imp.getProcessor(), 50.0, False, False, True, True, True) # wrap the result of background subtraction as Img iplus=ImagePlus("bgs", imp.getProcessor()) imgBgs=ImageJFunctions.wrapShort(iplus) ############################################################### # Step 2: Laplacian of Gaussian Filtering ############################################################### # convert to 32 bit
def run(imp, preprocessor_path, postprocessor_path, threshold_method, user_comment): output_parameters = {"image title" : "", "preprocessor path" : float, "post processor path" : float, "thresholding op" : float, "use ridge detection" : bool, "high contrast" : int, "low contrast" : int, "line width" : int, "minimum line length" : int, "mitochondrial footprint" : float, "branch length mean" : float, "branch length median" : float, "branch length stdevp" : float, "summed branch lengths mean" : float, "summed branch lengths median" : float, "summed branch lengths stdevp" : float, "network branches mean" : float, "network branches median" : float, "network branches stdevp" : float} output_order = ["image title", "preprocessor path", "post processor path", "thresholding op", "use ridge detection", "high contrast", "low contrast", "line width", "minimum line length", "mitochondrial footprint", "branch length mean", "branch length median", "branch length stdevp", "summed branch lengths mean", "summed branch lengths median", "summed branch lengths stdevp", "network branches mean", "network branches median", "network branches stdevp"] # Perform any preprocessing steps... status.showStatus("Preprocessing image...") if preprocessor_path != None: if preprocessor_path.exists(): preprocessor_thread =, True) preprocessor_thread.get() imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage() else: pass # Store all of the analysis parameters in the table if preprocessor_path == None: preprocessor_str = "" else: preprocessor_str = preprocessor_path.getCanonicalPath() if postprocessor_path == None: postprocessor_str = "" else: postprocessor_str = preprocessor_path.getCanonicalPath() output_parameters["preprocessor path"] = preprocessor_str output_parameters["post processor path"] = postprocessor_str output_parameters["thresholding op"] = threshold_method output_parameters["use ridge detection"] = str(use_ridge_detection) output_parameters["high contrast"] = rd_max output_parameters["low contrast"] = rd_min output_parameters["line width"] = rd_width output_parameters["minimum line length"] = rd_length # Create and ImgPlus copy of the ImagePlus for thresholding with ops... status.showStatus("Determining threshold level...") imp_title = imp.getTitle() slices = imp.getNSlices() frames = imp.getNFrames() output_parameters["image title"] = imp_title imp_calibration = imp.getCalibration() imp_channel = Duplicator().run(imp, imp.getChannel(), imp.getChannel(), 1, slices, 1, frames) img = ImageJFunctions.wrap(imp_channel) # Determine the threshold value if not manual... binary_img ="threshold.%s"%threshold_method, img) binary = ImageJFunctions.wrap(binary_img, 'binary') binary.setCalibration(imp_calibration) binary.setDimensions(1, slices, 1) # Get the total_area if binary.getNSlices() == 1: area = binary.getStatistics(Measurements.AREA).area area_fraction = binary.getStatistics(Measurements.AREA_FRACTION).areaFraction output_parameters["mitochondrial footprint"] = area * area_fraction / 100.0 else: mito_footprint = 0.0 for slice in range(binary.getNSlices()): binary.setSliceWithoutUpdate(slice) area = binary.getStatistics(Measurements.AREA).area area_fraction = binary.getStatistics(Measurements.AREA_FRACTION).areaFraction mito_footprint += area * area_fraction / 100.0 output_parameters["mitochondrial footprint"] = mito_footprint * imp_calibration.pixelDepth # Generate skeleton from masked binary ... # Generate ridges first if using Ridge Detection if use_ridge_detection and (imp.getNSlices() == 1): skeleton = ridge_detect(imp, rd_max, rd_min, rd_width, rd_length) else: skeleton = Duplicator().run(binary), "Skeletonize (2D/3D)", "") # Analyze the skeleton... status.showStatus("Setting up skeleton analysis...") skel = AnalyzeSkeleton_() skel.setup("", skeleton) status.showStatus("Analyzing skeleton...") skel_result = status.showStatus("Computing graph based parameters...") branch_lengths = [] summed_lengths = [] graphs = skel_result.getGraph() for graph in graphs: summed_length = 0.0 edges = graph.getEdges() for edge in edges: length = edge.getLength() branch_lengths.append(length) summed_length += length summed_lengths.append(summed_length) output_parameters["branch length mean"] = eztables.statistical.average(branch_lengths) output_parameters["branch length median"] = eztables.statistical.median(branch_lengths) output_parameters["branch length stdevp"] = eztables.statistical.stdevp(branch_lengths) output_parameters["summed branch lengths mean"] = eztables.statistical.average(summed_lengths) output_parameters["summed branch lengths median"] = eztables.statistical.median(summed_lengths) output_parameters["summed branch lengths stdevp"] = eztables.statistical.stdevp(summed_lengths) branches = list(skel_result.getBranches()) output_parameters["network branches mean"] = eztables.statistical.average(branches) output_parameters["network branches median"] = eztables.statistical.median(branches) output_parameters["network branches stdevp"] = eztables.statistical.stdevp(branches) # Create/append results to a ResultsTable... status.showStatus("Display results...") if "Mito Morphology" in list(WindowManager.getNonImageTitles()): rt = WindowManager.getWindow("Mito Morphology").getTextPanel().getOrCreateResultsTable() else: rt = ResultsTable() rt.incrementCounter() for key in output_order: rt.addValue(key, str(output_parameters[key])) # Add user comments intelligently if user_comment != None and user_comment != "": if "=" in user_comment: comments = user_comment.split(",") for comment in comments: rt.addValue(comment.split("=")[0], comment.split("=")[1]) else: rt.addValue("Comment", user_comment)"Mito Morphology") # Create overlays on the original ImagePlus and display them if 2D... if imp.getNSlices() == 1: status.showStatus("Generate overlays..."), "Green", ""), "Magenta", "") skeleton_ROI = ImageRoi(0,0,skeleton.getProcessor()) skeleton_ROI.setZeroTransparent(True) skeleton_ROI.setOpacity(1.0) binary_ROI = ImageRoi(0,0,binary.getProcessor()) binary_ROI.setZeroTransparent(True) binary_ROI.setOpacity(0.25) overlay = Overlay() overlay.add(binary_ROI) overlay.add(skeleton_ROI) imp.setOverlay(overlay) imp.updateAndDraw() # Generate a 3D model if a stack if imp.getNSlices() > 1: univ = Image3DUniverse() pixelWidth = imp_calibration.pixelWidth pixelHeight = imp_calibration.pixelHeight pixelDepth = imp_calibration.pixelDepth # Add end points in yellow end_points = skel_result.getListOfEndPoints() end_point_list = [] for p in end_points: end_point_list.append(Point3f(p.x * pixelWidth, p.y * pixelHeight, p.z * pixelDepth)) univ.addIcospheres(end_point_list, Color3f(255.0, 255.0, 0.0), 2, 1*pixelDepth, "endpoints") # Add junctions in magenta junctions = skel_result.getListOfJunctionVoxels() junction_list = [] for p in junctions: junction_list.append(Point3f(p.x * pixelWidth, p.y * pixelHeight, p.z * pixelDepth)) univ.addIcospheres(junction_list, Color3f(255.0, 0.0, 255.0), 2, 1*pixelDepth, "junctions") # Add the lines in green graphs = skel_result.getGraph() for graph in range(len(graphs)): edges = graphs[graph].getEdges() for edge in range(len(edges)): branch_points = [] for p in edges[edge].getSlabs(): branch_points.append(Point3f(p.x * pixelWidth, p.y * pixelHeight, p.z * pixelDepth)) univ.addLineMesh(branch_points, Color3f(0.0, 255.0, 0.0), "branch-%s-%s"%(graph, edge), True) # Add the surface univ.addMesh(binary) univ.getContent("binary").setTransparency(0.5) # Perform any postprocessing steps... status.showStatus("Running postprocessing...") if postprocessor_path != None: if postprocessor_path.exists(): postprocessor_thread =, True) postprocessor_thread.get() else: pass status.showStatus("Done analysis!")
categorizer = CategorizerWithState.generateFixedRange( ranges ) categorizer = RangedCategorizer( nImages ) matrices = DenseCorrelationMatricesWithRadius( wrappedImage, radii[0], c, DoubleType() ) result = MultiScaleEstimation.estimateZCoordinates( matrices, startingCoordinates, c, radii, steps, visitor, categorizer, opt ) IJ.log("done") resultFileName = '%s/result.tif' % home.rstrip('/') imp = ImageJFunctions.wrap( result, 'result' ) IJ.saveAsTiff(imp.duplicate(), resultFileName) relativeResult = result.copy() c = relativeResult.cursor() while c.hasNext(): c.fwd() cur = c.get() val = cur.get() cur.set( val - c.getDoublePosition( 2 ) ) relativeResultFileName = '%s/relativeResult.tif' % home.rstrip('/') imp = ImageJFunctions.wrap( relativeResult, 'relative result' ) IJ.saveAsTiff(imp.duplicate(), relativeResultFileName) ratio = [ wrappedImage.dimension( 0 )*1.0/result.dimension( 0 ), wrappedImage.dimension( 1 )*1.0/result.dimension( 1 ) ]
if title.startswith("Energy"): # Keep "Energy" energyImp = impOpened; ### Remove holes from image ### # Selection mask from overlay manualMask = maskFromOverlay(imp); # Invert invertedManualMask = invertImg(manualMask); if IJ.debugMode: displays.createDisplay("manual-mask", ImgPlus(invertedManualMask)); # Threshold energyImp wrappedImg = ImageJFunctions.wrap(energyImp); if useEnergy: energyMask = ops.create().img(wrappedImg, BitType()); ops.threshold().apply(energyMask, wrappedImg, FloatType(0.20)); # Invert, b/c we want to have lower energy regions #invertedOutput = invertImg(output); if IJ.debugMode: displays.createDisplay("energy-mask", ImgPlus(energyMask)); # Convert mask to binary image wrappedManualMask = ImageJFunctions.wrap(maskImp); coherencyMask = ops.create().img(wrappedImg, BitType()); ops.convert().bit(coherencyMask, wrappedManualMask);
def poreDetectionTrueColor(inputImp, inputDataset, inputRoi, ops, data, display, detectionParameters): detectionParameters.setCalibration(inputImp); # calculate area of roi stats=inputImp.getStatistics() inputRoiArea=stats.area # get the bounding box of the active roi inputRec = inputRoi.getBounds() x1=long(inputRec.getX()) y1=long(inputRec.getY()) x2=x1+long(inputRec.getWidth())-1 y2=y1+long(inputRec.getHeight())-1 # crop the roi interval=FinalInterval( array([x1, y1 ,0], 'l'), array([x2, y2, 2], 'l') ) cropped=ops.image().crop(inputDataset.getImgPlus(), interval ) datacropped=data.create(cropped) display.createDisplay("cropped", datacropped) croppedPlus=IJ.getImage() # instantiate the duplicator and the substackmaker classes duplicator=Duplicator() substackMaker=SubstackMaker() # duplicate the roi # separate into RGB and get the blue channel, "RGB Stack", "") bluePlus=substackMaker.makeSubstack(duplicate, "3-3") blue=ImgPlus(ImageJFunctions.wrapByte(bluePlus)) bluePlus.setTitle("Blue") # duplicate and look for bright spots thresholdedLight=SpotDetection2(bluePlus) # duplicate and look for dark spots thresholdedDark=SpotDetection3(bluePlus, True) # convert to mask Prefs.blackBackground = True, "Convert to Mask", "")substackMaker # clear the region outside the roi clone=inputRoi.clone() clone.setLocation(0,0) Utility.clearOutsideRoi(thresholdedLight, clone) Utility.clearOutsideRoi(thresholdedDark, clone) roimClosedPores = RoiManager(True) detectionParameters.setCalibration(thresholdedDark) countParticles(thresholdedDark, roimClosedPores, detectionParameters.closedPoresMinSize, detectionParameters.closedPoresMaxSize, \ detectionParameters.closedPoresMinCircularity, detectionParameters.closedPoresMaxCircularity) # count number of open pores roimOpenPores = RoiManager(True) detectionParameters.setCalibration(thresholdedDark) countParticles(thresholdedDark, roimOpenPores, detectionParameters.openPoresMinSize, detectionParameters.openPoresMaxSize, \ detectionParameters.openPoresMinCircularity, detectionParameters.openPoresMaxCircularity) # count number of sebum roimSebum = RoiManager(True) detectionParameters.setCalibration(thresholdedLight) countParticles(thresholdedLight, roimSebum, detectionParameters.sebumMinSize, detectionParameters.sebumMaxSize, \ detectionParameters.sebumMinCircularity, detectionParameters.sebumMaxCircularity) # create lists for open and closed pores closedPoresList=[] for roi in roimClosedPores.getRoisAsArray(): closedPoresList.append(roi.clone()) openPoresList=[] for roi in roimOpenPores.getRoisAsArray(): openPoresList.append(roi.clone()) # create lists for sebum sebumsList=[] for roi in roimSebum.getRoisAsArray(): sebumsList.append(roi.clone()) # a list of all pores allList=closedPoresList+openPoresList+sebumsList # calculate the stats for all pores detectionParameters.setCalibration(bluePlus) statsDict=CountParticles.calculateParticleStats(bluePlus, allList) poresTotalArea=0 for area in statsDict['Areas']: poresTotalArea=poresTotalArea+area print area poresAverageArea=poresTotalArea/len(statsDict['Areas']) # for each roi add the offset such that the roi is positioned in the correct location for the # original image [roi.setLocation(roi.getXBase()+x1, roi.getYBase()+y1) for roi in allList] # draw the rois on the image inputImp.getProcessor().setColor(, "Line Width...", "line=3"); inputImp.getProcessor().draw(inputRoi), "Line Width...", "line=1"); [CountParticles.drawParticleOnImage(inputImp, roi, for roi in closedPoresList] [CountParticles.drawParticleOnImage(inputImp, roi, Color.magenta) for roi in openPoresList] [CountParticles.drawParticleOnImage(inputImp, roi, for roi in sebumsList] inputImp.updateAndDraw() # close images that represent intermediate steps croppedPlus.changes=False croppedPlus.close() bluePlus.changes=False bluePlus.close() print "Total ROI Area: "+str(inputRoiArea) print "Num closed pores: "+str(len(closedPoresList)) print "Num open pores: "+str(len(openPoresList)) print "Num sebums: "+str(len(sebumsList)) print "Total particles: "+str(len(allList))+ " total area: "+str(poresTotalArea) statslist=[inputRoiArea, len(allList), len(closedPoresList), len(openPoresList), len(sebumsList), poresAverageArea, 100*poresTotalArea/inputRoiArea] header=[Messages.TotalAreaMask, Messages.TotalDetectedPores, Messages.ClosedPores, Messages.OpenPores, Messages.Sebum, Messages.PoresAverageArea, Messages.PoresFractionalArea] return header,statslist
from net.imglib2.img.display.imagej import ImageJFunctions; from net.imglib2.type.numeric.complex import ComplexFloatType; from net.imglib2.outofbounds import OutOfBoundsMirrorExpWindowingFactory; from jarray import array # perform fft of the template # basic fft call with no parameters #templateFFT=ops.fft(template.getImgPlus()) # alternatively to pass an outofbounds factory we have to pass every parameter. We want: # output='None', input=template, borderSize=10 by 10, fast='True', outOfBoundsFactor=OutOfBoundsMirrorExpWindowingFactory templateFFT=ops.fft(None, template.getImgPlus(), array([10, 10], 'l'), True, OutOfBoundsMirrorExpWindowingFactory(0.25));"fft power spectrum"); # complex invert the fft of the template c = ComplexFloatType(); for t in templateFFT: c.set(t); t.complexConjugate(); c.mul(t); t.div(c); # create Img memory for inverse FFT and compute inverse templateInverse=ops.createimg(array([template.dimension(0), template.dimension(1)], 'l')) ops.ifft(templateInverse, templateFFT) display.createDisplay("template inverse", templateInverse)
display.createDisplay("red", data.create(red)) display.createDisplay("green", data.create(green)) red32=ImgPlus( ops.create( dimensions2D, FloatType()) ) ops.convert(red32, red, ConvertPixCopy() ) green32=ImgPlus( ops.create( dimensions2D, FloatType()) ) ops.convert(green32, green, ConvertPixCopy() ) redgreen= ops.add(red32,green32) display.createDisplay("redgreen", data.create(redgreen)) # make a copy of the red + green image copy=redgreen.copy() # wrap as ImagePlus imp=ImageJFunctions.wrap(copy, "wrapped") # create and call background subtractor bgs=BackgroundSubtracter() bgs.rollingBallBackground(imp.getProcessor(), 50.0, False, False, True, True, True) # wrap as Img and display iplus=ImagePlus("bgs", imp.getProcessor()) print type(imp) imgBgs=ImageJFunctions.wrapFloat(iplus) display.createDisplay("back_sub", data.create(ImgPlus(imgBgs))) kernel = DetectionUtils.createLoGKernel( 3.0, 2, array([1.0, 1.0], 'd' ) ) print type(kernel) print type(imgBgs)
from net.imglib2.converter import ComplexPhaseFloatConverter from net.imglib2.converter import ComplexRealFloatConverter from jarray import array # perform fft of the template # basic fft call with no parameters templateFFT = ops.filter().fft(template.getImgPlus()) # alternatively to pass an outofbounds factory we have to pass every parameter. We want: # output='None', input=template, borderSize=10 by 10, fast='True', outOfBoundsFactor=OutOfBoundsMirrorExpWindowingFactory # templateFFT=ops.fft(None, template.getImgPlus(), array([10, 10], 'l'), True, OutOfBoundsMirrorExpWindowingFactory(0.25)); # display fft (by default in generalized log power spectrum)"fft power spectrum") # display fft phase spectrum, ComplexPhaseFloatConverter()).setTitle("fft phase spectrum") # display fft real values, ComplexRealFloatConverter()).setTitle("fft real values") # display fft imaginary values, ComplexImaginaryFloatConverter()).setTitle("fft imaginary values") # complex invert the fft of the template c = ComplexFloatType() for t in templateFFT: c.set(t) t.complexConjugate()
def poreDetectionUV(inputImp, inputDataset, inputRoi, ops, data, display, detectionParameters): # set calibration detectionParameters.setCalibration(inputImp); # calculate area of roi stats=inputImp.getStatistics() inputRoiArea=stats.area # get the bounding box of the active roi inputRec = inputRoi.getBounds() x1=long(inputRec.getX()) y1=long(inputRec.getY()) x2=x1+long(inputRec.getWidth())-1 y2=y1+long(inputRec.getHeight())-1 # crop the roi interval=FinalInterval( array([x1, y1 ,0], 'l'), array([x2, y2, 2], 'l') ) #cropped=ops.image().crop(interval, None, inputDataset.getImgPlus() ) cropped=ops.image().crop(inputDataset.getImgPlus() , interval) datacropped=data.create(cropped) display.createDisplay("cropped", datacropped) croppedPlus=IJ.getImage() # instantiate the duplicator and the substackmaker classes duplicator=Duplicator() substackMaker=SubstackMaker() # duplicate the roi # convert duplicate of roi to HSB and get brightness, "HSB Stack", ""); brightnessPlus=substackMaker.makeSubstack(duplicate, "3-3") brightness=ImgPlus(ImageJFunctions.wrapByte(brightnessPlus)) brightnessPlus.setTitle("Brightness") # make another duplicate, split channels and get red channels=ChannelSplitter().split(duplicate) redPlus=channels[0] red=ImgPlus(ImageJFunctions.wrapByte(redPlus)) # convert to lab, "Color Transformer", "colour=Lab") IJ.selectWindow('Lab') labPlus=IJ.getImage() croppedPlus.changes=False croppedPlus.close() # get the A channel APlus=substackMaker.makeSubstack(labPlus, "2-2") APlus.setTitle('A') APlus.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax() #APlus.updateAndDraw() AThresholded=threshold(APlus, -10, 50) # get the B channel BPlus=substackMaker.makeSubstack(labPlus, "3-3") BPlus.setTitle('B') BPlus.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax() #BPlus.updateAndDraw() BThresholded=threshold(BPlus, -10, 50) # AND the Athreshold and Bthreshold to get a map of the red pixels ic = ImageCalculator(); redMask ="AND create", AThresholded, BThresholded);, "Divide...", "value=255"); labPlus.close() fast=True # threshold the spots from the red channel if (fast==False): thresholdedred=SpotDetectionGray(red, data, display, ops, "triangle") impthresholdedred = ImageJFunctions.wrap(thresholdedred, "wrapped") else: impthresholdedred=SpotDetection2(redPlus) # threshold the spots from the brightness channel if (fast==False): thresholded=SpotDetectionGray(brightness, data, display, ops, "triangle") impthresholded=ImageJFunctions.wrap(thresholded, "wrapped") else: impthresholded=SpotDetection2(brightnessPlus) # or the thresholding results from red and brightness channel impthresholded ="OR create", impthresholded, impthresholdedred); roim=RoiManager(True) # convert to mask Prefs.blackBackground = True, "Convert to Mask", "") def isRed(imp, roi): stats = imp.getStatistics() if (stats.mean>detectionParameters.porphyrinRedPercentage): return True else: return False def notRed(imp, roi): stats = imp.getStatistics() if (stats.mean>detectionParameters.porphyrinRedPercentage): return False else: return True roiClone=inputRoi.clone() roiClone.setLocation(0,0) Utility.clearOutsideRoi(impthresholded, roiClone) countParticles(impthresholded, roim, detectionParameters.porphyrinMinSize, detectionParameters.porphyrinMaxSize, \ detectionParameters.porphyrinMinCircularity, detectionParameters.porphyrinMaxCircularity) uvPoreList=[] for roi in roim.getRoisAsArray(): uvPoreList.append(roi.clone()) #allList=uvPoreList+closedPoresList+openPoresList # count particles that are porphyrins (red) porphyrinList=CountParticles.filterParticlesWithFunction(redMask, uvPoreList, isRed) # count particles that are visible on uv but not porphyrins sebumList=CountParticles.filterParticlesWithFunction(redMask, uvPoreList, notRed) # for each roi add the offset such that the roi is positioned in the correct location for the # original image [roi.setLocation(roi.getXBase()+x1, roi.getYBase()+y1) for roi in uvPoreList] # draw the ROIs on to the image inputImp.getProcessor().setColor(, "Line Width...", "line=3"); inputImp.getProcessor().draw(inputRoi), "Line Width...", "line=1"); [CountParticles.drawParticleOnImage(inputImp, roi, Color.magenta) for roi in porphyrinList] [CountParticles.drawParticleOnImage(inputImp, roi, for roi in sebumList] inputImp.updateAndDraw() # calculate stats for the UV visible particles detectionParameters.setCalibration(APlus) statsDictUV=CountParticles.calculateParticleStatsUV(APlus, BPlus, redMask, roim.getRoisAsArray()) totalUVPoreArea=0 for area in statsDictUV['Areas']: totalUVPoreArea=totalUVPoreArea+area averageUVPoreArea=totalUVPoreArea/len(statsDictUV['Areas']) poreDiameter=0 for diameter in statsDictUV['Diameters']: poreDiameter=poreDiameter+diameter poreDiameter=poreDiameter/len(statsDictUV['Diameters']) redTotal=0 for red in statsDictUV['redPercentage']: redTotal=redTotal+red redAverage=redTotal/len(statsDictUV['redPercentage']) statslist=[len(porphyrinList), 100*redAverage]; statsheader=[Messages.Porphyrins, Messages.PercentageRedPixels] print("Roi Area: "+str(inputRoiArea)) print("Total Pore Area: "+str(totalUVPoreArea)) print("Average Pore Area: "+str(averageUVPoreArea)) print str(len(uvPoreList))+" "+str(len(porphyrinList))+" "+str(len(sebumList))+" "+str(100*totalUVPoreArea/inputRoiArea)+" "+str(100*redAverage) print "cp min circularity"+str(detectionParameters.closedPoresMinCircularity)+":"+str(detectionParameters.closedPoresMinSize) # close the thresholded image impthresholded.changes=False impthresholded.close() return uvPoreList, statslist, statsheader
from ij import IJ from ij.gui import PointRoi from ij.measure import ResultsTable from net.imglib2.img.display.imagej import ImageJFunctions as IL from net.imglib2.view import Views from import DogDetection from jarray import zeros # Load a greyscale single-channel image: the "Embryos" sample image imp = IJ.openImage("") # Convert it to 8-bit, "8-bit", "") # Access its pixel data from an ImgLib2 data structure: a RandomAccessibleInterval img = IL.wrapReal(imp) # View as an infinite image, mirrored at the edges which is ideal for Gaussians imgE = Views.extendMirrorSingle(img) # Parameters for a Difference of Gaussian to detect embryo positions calibration = [1.0 for i in range(img.numDimensions())] # no calibration: identity sigmaSmaller = 15 # in pixels: a quarter of the radius of an embryo sigmaLarger = 30 # pixels: half the radius of an embryo extremaType = DogDetection.ExtremaType.MAXIMA minPeakValue = 10 normalizedMinPeakValue = False # In the differece of gaussian peak detection, the img acts as the interval # within which to look for peaks. The processing is done on the infinite imgE.
imgSource.getProcessor().multiply( 1.0 / normalizeBy ) nThreads = 1 serializeCorrelations = True deserializeCorrelations = not serializeCorrelations options = Options.generateDefaultOptions() options.shiftProportion = 0.6 options.nIterations = 30 options.withRegularization = True options.minimumSectionThickness = 0.0001 options.multiplierGenerationRegularizerWeight = 0.1 options.multiplierEstimationIterations = 10 options.withReorder = False options.coordinateUpdateRegularizerWeight = 0.0 thickness_estimation_repo_dir = '/groups/saalfeld/home/hanslovskyp/workspace/em-thickness-estimation' wholeStrip = ImageJFunctions.wrap( imgSource ) timestamp = str( ) threads = [] upper = start while upper < stop: correlationRange = int(c) lower = max( 0, upper - overlap ) upper = lower + interval if upper + step >= stop: upper = min( stop, upper + step ) home = root.rstrip('/') + '/range=%d_%s/lower=%d_upper=%d' home = home % ( correlationRange, timestamp, lower, upper ) make_sure_path_exists( home.rstrip('/') + '/' )
from net.imglib2.realtransform import RealViews as RV from net.imglib2.realtransform import AffineTransform3D from net.imglib2.img.display.imagej import ImageJFunctions as IL from ij import IJ from net.imglib2.view import Views from net.imglib2.interpolation.randomaccess import NLinearInterpolatorFactory from net.imglib2.util import Intervals from math import radians, floor, ceil from jarray import zeros from pprint import pprint # Load an image (of any dimensions) imp = IJ.getImage() # Access its pixel data as an ImgLib2 RandomAccessibleInterval img = IL.wrapReal(imp) # View as an infinite image, with value zero beyond the image edges imgE = Views.extendZero(img) # View the pixel data as a RealRandomAccessible # (that is, accessible with sub-pixel precision) # by using an interpolator imgR = Views.interpolate(imgE, NLinearInterpolatorFactory()) # Define a rotation by +30 degrees relative to the image center in the XY axes angle = radians(30) toCenter = AffineTransform3D() cx = img.dimension(0) / 2.0 # X axis cy = img.dimension(1) / 2.0 # Y axis toCenter.setTranslation(-cx, -cy, 0.0) # no translation in the Z axis
# wrap as ImagePlus imp=IJ.getImage() #imp=ImageJFunctions.wrap(blue, "wrapped") # create and call background subtractor bgs=BackgroundSubtracter() bgs.rollingBallBackground(imp.getProcessor(), 20.0, False, True, True, True, True) imp.getProcessor().invert() print imp # wrap as Img and display iplus=ImagePlus("bgs", imp.getProcessor()) imgBgs=ImageJFunctions.wrapByte(iplus) print iplus print imgBgs display.createDisplay("back_sub", data.create(ImgPlus(imgBgs))) ''' kernel = DetectionUtils.createLoGKernel( 2.0, 2, array([1.0, 1.0], 'd' ) ) print type(kernel) print type(imgBgs) bgs32=ImgPlus( ops.create( dimensions2D, FloatType()) ) ops.convert(bgs32, imgBgs, ConvertPixCopy() ) log = ops.convolve(ops.create( dimensions2D, FloatType()), bgs32, kernel)