 def save(self, overwriteAll=False, overwriteIncomplete=True):
     Splits the data in blocks of 1 month and stores them in NetCDF files
     tmpDates = np.array(self.loaded['dates'])
     monthIdxs = np.array(self._splitByMonth(self.loaded['dates']))
     uniqueMonthIdxs = np.unique(monthIdxs)
     print('Saving NetCDFs:')
     tmpPeriods = len(uniqueMonthIdxs)
     for c0, i0 in enumerate(uniqueMonthIdxs):
         self._printProgress(c0, tmpPeriods, prefix = 'Progress:', suffix = 'Complete', barLength = 50)
         tmp = np.where(monthIdxs==i0)[0]
         monthDates = tmpDates[tmp]
         if not overwriteAll:
             if monthDates[0].year in self.netCDFDict.keys() and monthDates[0].month in self.netCDFDict[ monthDates[0].year].keys():
                 if self.netCDFDict[monthDates[0].year][monthDates[0].month][1]==True:
                     # prevents complete files from being overwritten
                     # incomplete file
                     if not overwriteIncomplete:
                         # prevents overwriting
         monthData = self.loaded['data'][tmp, :, :]
         monthMissing = self.loaded['missing'][tmp]
         rootgrp = Dataset(os.path.join(self.dataFolder, self.filePrefix + '_%04d.%02d.nc' % (monthDates[0].year, monthDates[0].month)), 'w', format='NETCDF4', clobber=True)
         time = rootgrp.createDimension('time', None)
         lat = rootgrp.createDimension('lat', monthData.shape[1])
         lon = rootgrp.createDimension('lon', monthData.shape[2])
         times = rootgrp.createVariable('time', np.double, dimensions=('time',), zlib=True)
         lats = rootgrp.createVariable('lat', np.double, dimensions=('lat',), zlib=True)
         lons = rootgrp.createVariable('lon', np.double, dimensions=('lon',), zlib=True)
         precips = rootgrp.createVariable('precipitation', self.precision, dimensions=('time', 'lat', 'lon'), zlib=True, least_significant_digit=self.significantDigits)  
         missing = rootgrp.createVariable('missing', np.int8, dimensions=('time'), zlib=True)          
         rootgrp.description = 'Rainfall data (' + self.filePrefix + ')'
         rootgrp.history = 'Created the ' + str(dt.datetime.now())
         lats.units = 'degrees of the center of the pixel (WGS84)'
         lons.units = 'degrees of the center of the pixel (WGS84)'
         times.units = "hours since 0001-01-01 00:00:00.0"
         times.calendar = 'standard'
         precips.units = 'mm of rain accumulated over a 3-hour interval centered on the time reference [-1.5, +1.5]'
         # Check completeness
         monthDates[0] + relativedelta(months=1)
         tmp = self._filePeriod(dateIni=monthDates[-1] - relativedelta(months=1), dateEnd=monthDates[0] + relativedelta(months=1))
         tmp = [dt0 for dt0 in tmp if dt0.month==monthDates[0].month and dt0.year==monthDates[0].year]
         if len(self._ismember(tmp, monthDates)) == len(tmp):
             # The month is complete
             if np.all(np.logical_not(monthMissing)):
                 rootgrp.complete = 1
                 rootgrp.complete = 0
             # The month is not complete
             rootgrp.complete = 0
         if rootgrp.complete==0:
             warnings.warn('    netCDF not complete (' + self.filePrefix + '_%04d.%02d.nc' % (monthDates[0].year, monthDates[0].month) + ').', UserWarning)
         lats[:] = self.loaded['lat']   
         lons[:] = self.loaded['lon']
         times[:] = date2num(monthDates, units=times.units, calendar=times.calendar)
         precips[:, :, :] = monthData
         missing[:] = monthMissing
     self._printProgress(tmpPeriods, tmpPeriods, prefix = 'Progress:', suffix = 'Complete', barLength = 50)