 def egress_src_dest_pairs_policy(self):
     policies = []
     for src_dest_pair in self.nib.get_egress_src_dest_pairs():
         (src_ip, dst_ip) = src_dest_pair
         # Convert dst_ip to its real form.  First find out what the egress switch actually is:
         for ap in self.nib.alternate_paths():
             if NetUtils.ip_in_network(dst_ip, ap["ithaca"]):
                 switch = "ithaca"
                 imaginary_net = ap["ithaca"]
             elif NetUtils.ip_in_network(dst_ip, ap["nyc"]):
                 switch = "nyc"
                 imaginary_net = ap["nyc"]
         real_net = self.nib.actual_net_for(switch)
         dst_host = NetUtils.host_of_ip(dst_ip, imaginary_net)
         new_dest_ip = NetUtils.ip_for_network(real_net, dst_host)
         # If it's not in the ARP cache, it already has an ARP request on the way so ignore it for now.
         if self.nib.learned_ip(new_dest_ip):
             direct_net_port = self.nib.port_for_ip(new_dest_ip)
             new_src_ip = self.nib.translate_alternate_net(src_ip)
             output_actions = SetIP4Src(new_src_ip) >> SetIP4Dst(new_dest_ip) >> Send(direct_net_port)
                 Filter(SwitchEq(self.nib.switch_to_dpid(switch)) & Policies.is_ip_from_to(src_ip, dst_ip))
                 >> output_actions
     return Union(policies)
    def send_along_preferred_path(self, switch, src_ip, dst_ip, payload):
        # Get host from src_ip
        src_pref_net = self.nib.preferred_net(switch)
        src_host = NetUtils.host_of_ip(src_ip, self.nib.actual_net_for(switch))
        # Translate this to the preferred path IP
        new_src = NetUtils.ip_for_network(src_pref_net, src_host)
        # And do the same for the destination
        opposite_switch = self.nib.opposite_switch(switch)
        dest_host = NetUtils.host_of_ip(dst_ip, self.nib.actual_net_for(opposite_switch))
        new_dest = NetUtils.ip_for_network(self.nib.preferred_net(opposite_switch), dest_host)

        output_actions = [
        dpid = self.nib.switch_to_dpid(switch)
        self.main_app.pkt_out(dpid, payload, output_actions)
    def send_along_direct_path(self, switch, src_ip, dst_ip, payload):
        opposite_switch = self.nib.opposite_switch(switch)
        for ap in self.nib.alternate_paths():
            if NetUtils.ip_in_network(dst_ip, ap[opposite_switch]):
                src_net = ap[switch]

        src_host = NetUtils.host_of_ip(src_ip, self.nib.actual_net_for(switch))
        # Translate this to the direct path IP
        new_src = NetUtils.ip_for_network(src_net, src_host)

        output_actions = [SetIP4Src(new_src), Output(Physical(self.nib.router_port_for_switch(switch)))]
        dpid = self.nib.switch_to_dpid(switch)
        self.main_app.pkt_out(dpid, payload, output_actions)
    def ingress_src_dest_pairs_policy(self):
        policies = []
        for src_dest_pair in self.nib.get_ingress_src_dest_pairs():
            (src_ip, dst_ip) = src_dest_pair
            switch = self.nib.switch_for_ip(src_ip)
            dpid = self.nib.switch_to_dpid(switch)
            port = self.nib.port_for_ip(src_ip)
            src_host = NetUtils.host_of_ip(src_ip, self.nib.actual_net_for(switch))
            # If this is going to the preferred network, write a rule choosing the
            # correct route here.
            opposite_switch = self.nib.opposite_switch(switch)
            if NetUtils.ip_in_network(dst_ip, self.nib.actual_net_for(opposite_switch)):
                # Get host from src_ip
                src_pref_net = self.nib.preferred_net(switch)
                new_src = NetUtils.ip_for_network(src_pref_net, src_host)
                dest_host = NetUtils.host_of_ip(dst_ip, self.nib.actual_net_for(opposite_switch))
                new_dest = NetUtils.ip_for_network(self.nib.preferred_net(opposite_switch), dest_host)

                router_port = self.nib.router_port_for_switch(switch)
                output_actions = SetIP4Src(new_src) >> SetIP4Dst(new_dest) >> Send(router_port)
                    Filter(Policies.at_switch_port(dpid, port) & Policies.is_ip_from_to(src_ip, dst_ip))
                    >> output_actions

                # It's a direct path.  Find the path first.
                for ap in self.nib.alternate_paths():
                    if NetUtils.ip_in_network(dst_ip, ap[opposite_switch]):
                        alternate_path = ap
                new_src = NetUtils.ip_for_network(alternate_path[switch], src_host)
                router_port = self.nib.router_port_for_switch(switch)
                output_actions = SetIP4Src(new_src) >> Send(router_port)
                    Filter(Policies.at_switch_port(dpid, port) & Policies.is_ip_from_to(src_ip, dst_ip))
                    >> output_actions
        return Union(policies)
  def translate_alternate_net(self, dst_ip):
    # First find out which side (ithaca or nyc) it's on
    found_side = None
    for ap in self.alternate_paths():
      for side in ["ithaca", "nyc"]:
        if NetUtils.ip_in_network(dst_ip, ap[side]):
          found_side = side
          imaginary_net = ap[side]

    if side == None:
      logging.error("Ooops.  Got an ARP request for a net we don't know about.  Oh well.")
      return False
      host = NetUtils.host_of_ip(dst_ip, imaginary_net)
      return NetUtils.ip_for_network(self.actual_net_for(found_side), host)
  def learn(self, switch, port_type, port, mac, src_ip):
    if self.learned(switch, port):
      return False

    logging.info("Learning: "+mac+"/"+src_ip+" attached to ( "+switch+", "+str(port)+" )")
    self.hosts[mac] = (switch, port)
    self.arp_cache[src_ip] = (switch, port, mac)
    if port_type == self.ENDHOST_PORT:
      host_portion = NetUtils.host_of_ip(src_ip, self.coscin_config[switch]["network"])
      self.endhosts[switch].append( (host_portion, port, mac, src_ip) )
      # We also add entries for this host on all its imaginary paths
      for ap in self.coscin_config["alternate_paths"]:
        virtual_ip = NetUtils.ip_for_network(ap[switch], host_portion)
        self.arp_cache[virtual_ip] = (switch, port, mac)
    elif port_type == self.ROUTER_PORT:
      self.router_port[switch] = port
      logging.error("Unknown port type: "+str(port_type))
      return False
    return True
 def send_to_host(self, switch, src_ip, dst_ip, payload):
     # Convert dst_ip to its real form.  First find out what the egress switch actually is:
     for ap in self.nib.alternate_paths():
         if NetUtils.ip_in_network(dst_ip, ap[switch]):
             imaginary_net = ap[switch]
     real_net = self.nib.actual_net_for(switch)
     dst_host = NetUtils.host_of_ip(dst_ip, imaginary_net)
     new_dest_ip = NetUtils.ip_for_network(real_net, dst_host)
     # If we don't know the port for this address (which might happen if the
     # IP is on this network, but the host isn't up or doesn't exist) there's not
     # much we can do with this packet.  Send an ARP request and hope the
     # original packet gets retransmitted (which is normally the case)
     if not self.nib.learned_ip(new_dest_ip):
         src_ip = NetUtils.ip_for_network(real_net, 250)
         self.main_app.send_arp_request(switch, src_ip, new_dest_ip)
         direct_net_port = self.nib.port_for_ip(new_dest_ip)
         # We also need to translate the alternately-numbered net to a real one.  Otherwise the
         # host (which only knows real networks) may not know what to do with it.
         new_src_ip = self.nib.translate_alternate_net(src_ip)
         output_actions = [SetIP4Src(new_src_ip), SetIP4Dst(new_dest_ip), Output(Physical(direct_net_port))]
         dpid = self.nib.switch_to_dpid(switch)
         self.main_app.pkt_out(dpid, payload, output_actions)
 def translate_ip(self, src_ip, new_net):
   current_net = self.coscin_net_for(src_ip)
   if current_net == None:
     return None
   src_host = NetUtils.host_of_ip(src_ip, current_net)
   return NetUtils.ip_for_network(new_net, src_host)
 def translate_ip(self, src_ip, new_net):
     current_net = self.coscin_net_for(src_ip)
     if current_net == None:
         return None
     src_host = NetUtils.host_of_ip(src_ip, current_net)
     return NetUtils.ip_for_network(new_net, src_host)