def test_refresh_cookie():

    # Invalid expires format, sent to us by Reddit.
    c = "rfoo=bar; Domain=reddit.com; expires=Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:59:59 GMT; Path=/"
    assert cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 60)

    c = "MOO=BAR; Expires=Tue, 08-Mar-2011 00:20:38 GMT; Path=foo.com; Secure"
    assert "00:21:38" in cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 60)

    # https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/773
    c = ">=A"
    with raises(ValueError):
        cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 60)
    def refresh(self, now=None):
        This fairly complex and heuristic function refreshes a server
        response for replay.

            - It adjusts date, expires and last-modified headers.
            - It adjusts cookie expiration.
        if not now:
            now = time.time()
        delta = now - self.timestamp_start
        refresh_headers = [
        for i in refresh_headers:
            if i in self.headers:
                d = parsedate_tz(self.headers[i])
                if d:
                    new = mktime_tz(d) + delta
                    self.headers[i] = formatdate(new)
        c = []
        for set_cookie_header in self.headers.get_all("set-cookie"):
                refreshed = cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(set_cookie_header, delta)
            except ValueError:
                refreshed = set_cookie_header
        if c:
            self.headers.set_all("set-cookie", c)
    def refresh(self, now=None):
        This fairly complex and heuristic function refreshes a server
        response for replay.

            - It adjusts date, expires and last-modified headers.
            - It adjusts cookie expiration.
        if not now:
            now = time.time()
        delta = now - self.timestamp_start
        refresh_headers = [
        for i in refresh_headers:
            if i in self.headers:
                d = parsedate_tz(self.headers[i])
                if d:
                    new = mktime_tz(d) + delta
                    self.headers[i] = formatdate(new)
        c = []
        for set_cookie_header in self.headers.get_all("set-cookie"):
                refreshed = cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(
                    set_cookie_header, delta)
            except ValueError:
                refreshed = set_cookie_header
        if c:
            self.headers.set_all("set-cookie", c)
def test_refresh_cookie():

    # Invalid expires format, sent to us by Reddit.
    c = "rfoo=bar; Domain=reddit.com; expires=Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:59:59 GMT; Path=/"
    assert cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 60)

    c = "MOO=BAR; Expires=Tue, 08-Mar-2011 00:20:38 GMT; Path=foo.com; Secure"
    assert "00:21:38" in cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 60)

    c = "foo,bar"
    with raises(ValueError):
        cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 60)

    # https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/773
    c = ">=A"
    assert cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 60)

    # https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/1118
    c = "foo:bar=bla"
    assert cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 0)
    c = "foo/bar=bla"
    assert cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 0)