def run_meta_analyses(database, features, use_features=None, outdir=None): """ Runs NS-style meta-analysis based on `database` and `features` Parameters ---------- database, features : str or os.PathLike Path to NS-style database.txt and features.txt files use_features : list, optional List of features on which to run NS meta-analyses; if not supplied all terms in `features` will be used outdir : str or os.PathLike Path to output directory where derived files should be saved Returns ------- generated : list of str List of filepaths to generated term meta-analysis directories """ # check outdir if outdir is None: outdir = NSDIR outdir = Path(outdir) # make database and load feature names; annoyingly slow dataset = ns.Dataset(str(database)) dataset.add_features(str(features)) features = set(dataset.get_feature_names()) # if we only want a subset of the features take the set intersection if use_features is not None: features = set(features) & set(use_features) pad = max([len(f) for f in features]) generated = [] for word in sorted(features): msg = f'Running meta-analysis for term: {word:<{pad}}' print(msg, end='\r', flush=True) # run meta-analysis + save specified outputs (only if they don't exist) path = outdir / word.replace(' ', '_') path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if not all((path / f'{f}.nii.gz').exists() for f in IMAGES): ma = ns.MetaAnalysis(dataset, dataset.get_studies(features=word)) ma.save_results(path, image_list=IMAGES) # project data to fsaverage5 surface and save mgh for each hemisphere for hemi in ['lh', 'rh']: fname = path / 'association-test_z.nii.gz' outname = path / f'{hemi}.association-test_z.mgh' run(VOL2SURF.format(fname, outname, hemi), quiet=True) # store MA path generated.append(path) print(' ' * len(msg) + '\b' * len(msg), end='', flush=True) return generated
def create_surface_grf(noise=None, alpha=3.0, normalize=True, seed=None, medial_val=None): """ Generates GRF on surface (fsaverage5) Uses gaussian_random_field() and mri_vol2surf to generate GRF Parameters ---------- noise : (x, y, z) array_like, optional Noise array to which gaussian smoothing is added. If not provided an array will be created by drawing from the standard normal distribution. Default: None alpha : float (positive), optional Power (exponent) of the power-law distribution. Default: 3.0 normalize : bool, optional Normalize the returned field to unit variance. Default: True seed : None, int, default_rng, optional Random state to seed GRF. Default: None Returns ------- data : (20484,) np.ndarray Surface representation of GRF """ affine = np.eye(4) * 2 affine[:, -1] = [-90, -90, -72, 1] gfield = gaussian_random_field(91, 109, 91, noise=noise, alpha=alpha, normalize=normalize, seed=seed) fn = make_tmpname(suffix='.nii.gz'), affine), fn) data = np.zeros((20484, )) for n, hemi in enumerate(('lh', 'rh')): outname = make_tmpname(suffix='.mgh') run(VOL2SURF.format(fn, outname, hemi), quiet=True) sl = slice(len(data) // 2 * n, len(data) // 2 * (n + 1)) data[sl] = nib.load(outname).get_fdata().squeeze() os.remove(outname) os.remove(fn) if medial_val is not None: data = _mod_medial(_mod_medial(data, True), False, medial_val) return data
fname.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) data.to_csv(fname, sep=',') return fname if __name__ == "__main__": stds = nndata.fetch_hcp_standards(data_dir=ROIDIR) fsaverage = nndata.fetch_fsaverage('fsaverage5', data_dir=ROIDIR)['sphere'] # separate cifti into hemispheres (and convert to gifti) cifti = HCPDIR / 'S1200.MyelinMap_BC_MSMAll.32k_fs_LR.dscalar.nii' lhout = HCPDIR / 'S1200.L.MyelinMap_BC_MSMSAll.32k_fs_LR.func.gii' rhout = HCPDIR / 'S1200.R.MyelinMap_BC_MSMSAll.32k_fs_LR.func.gii' run(CIFTISEP.format(cifti=cifti, lhout=lhout, rhout=rhout), quiet=True) # for each hemisphere, resample to FreeSurfer fsaverage5 space and convert # the resulting GII file to MGH (for consistency with NeuroSynth data) for gii, hemi, surf in zip((lhout, rhout), ('L', 'R'), fsaverage): out = HCPDIR / f'fsaverage5.MyelinMap.{hemi}.10k_fsavg_{hemi}.func.gii' mgh = HCPDIR / f'{hemi.lower()}h.myelin.mgh' run(HCP2FS.format(gii=gii, path=stds, hemi=hemi, out=out), quiet=True) run(GIITOMGH.format(gii=out, surf=surf, out=mgh), quiet=True) # remove intermediate file if out.exists(): out.unlink() # remove intermediate files for fn in [lhout, rhout]:
def combine_cammoun_500(lhannot, rhannot, subject_id, annot=None, subjects_dir=None, use_cache=True, quiet=False): """ Combines finest parcellation from Cammoun et al., 2012 for `subject_id` The parcellations from Cammoun et al., 2012 have five distinct scales; the highest resolution parcellation (scale 500) is split into three GCS files for historical FreeSurfer purposes. This is a bit annoying for calculating statistics, plotting, etc., so this function can be run once all the GCS files have been used to produce annotations files for `subject_id` (using :py:func:`netneurotools.freesurfer.apply_prob_atlas`). This function will combine the three .annot files that correspond to the highest resolution into a single .annot file for a given subject Parameters ---------- {lh,rh}files : (3,) list of str List of filepaths to {left, right} hemisphere annotation files for Cammoun et al., 2012 scale500 parcellation subject_id : str FreeSurfer subject ID annot : str, optional Path to output annotation file to generate. If set to None, the name is created from the provided `?hannot` files. If provided as a relative path, it is assumed to stem from `subjects_dir`/`subject_id`. Default: None subjects_dir : str, optional Path to FreeSurfer subject directory. If not set, will inherit from the environmental variable `$SUBJECTS_DIR`. Default: None use_cache : bool, optional Whether to check for existence of relevant statistics file in directory specified by `{subjects_dir}/{subject_id}/stats' and use, if it exists. If False, will create a new stats file. Default: True quiet : bool, optional Whether to restrict status messages. Default: False Returns ------- cammoun500 : list List of created annotation files """ from netneurotools.utils import check_fs_subjid, run tolabel = 'mri_annotation2label --subject {subject_id} --hemi {hemi} ' \ '--outdir {label_dir} --annotation {annot} --sd {subjects_dir}' toannot = 'mris_label2annot --sd {subjects_dir} --s {subject_id} ' \ '--ldir {label_dir} --hemi {hemi} --annot-path {annot} ' \ '--ctab {ctab} {label}' subject_id, subjects_dir = check_fs_subjid(subject_id, subjects_dir) created = [] for hemi, annotfiles in zip(['lh', 'rh'], [lhannot, rhannot]): # generate output name based on hemisphere out = annot.format(hemi[0].upper()) if not out.startswith(os.path.abspath(os.sep)): out = os.path.join(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'label', out) if os.path.isfile(out) and use_cache: created.append(out) continue # make directory to temporarily store labels label_dir = os.path.join(subjects_dir, subject_id, '{}.cammoun500.labels'.format(hemi)) os.makedirs(label_dir, exist_ok=True) ctab = pd.DataFrame(columns=range(5)) for fn in annotfiles: run(tolabel.format(subject_id=subject_id, hemi=hemi, label_dir=label_dir, annot=fn, subjects_dir=subjects_dir), quiet=quiet) # save ctab information from annotation file vtx, ct, names = nib.freesurfer.read_annot(fn) data = np.column_stack([[f.decode() for f in names], ct[:, :-1]]) ctab = ctab.append(pd.DataFrame(data), ignore_index=True) # get rid of duplicate entries and add back in unknown/corpuscallosum ctab = ctab.drop_duplicates(subset=[0], keep=False) add_back = pd.DataFrame( [['unknown', 25, 5, 25, 0], ['corpuscallosum', 120, 70, 50, 0]], index=[0, 4]) ctab = ctab.append(add_back).sort_index().reset_index(drop=True) # save ctab to temporary file for creation of annotation file ctab_fname = os.path.join(label_dir, '{}.cammoun500.ctab'.format(hemi)) ctab.to_csv(ctab_fname, header=False, sep='\t', index=True) # get all labels EXCEPT FOR UNKNOWN to combine into annotation # unknown will be regenerated as all the unmapped vertices label = ' '.join([ '--l {}'.format( os.path.join(label_dir, '{hemi}.{lab}.label'.format(hemi=hemi, lab=lab))) for lab in ctab.iloc[1:, 0] ]) # combine labels into annotation file run(toannot.format(subjects_dir=subjects_dir, subject_id=subject_id, label_dir=label_dir, hemi=hemi, ctab=ctab_fname, annot=out, label=label), quiet=quiet) created.append(out) # remove temporary label directory shutil.rmtree(label_dir) return created
##### # this should work now! annotations = datasets.fetch_cammoun2012('fsaverage') # map (via surf2surf) fsaverage to fsaverage5/6 so we can provide those for trg in ['fsaverage5', 'fsaverage6']: for scale, (lh, rh) in annotations.items(): for annot, hemi in [(lh, 'lh'), (rh, 'rh')]: tval = annot.replace('space-fsaverage', 'space-{}'.format(trg)) tval = tval.replace('/fsaverage/', '/{}/'.format(trg)) msg = f'Generating annotation file: {tval}' print(msg, end='\r', flush=True) run(SURFCMD.format(trgsubject=trg, annot=annot, tval=tval, hemi=hemi), quiet=True) print(' ' * len(msg) + '\b' * len(msg), end='', flush=True) hcp = datasets.fetch_hcp_standards() fsaverage = datasets.fetch_fsaverage() for scale, (lh, rh) in annotations.items(): for annot, hemi in [(lh, 'lh'), (rh, 'rh')]: outdir = op.join(op.dirname(op.dirname(annot)), 'fslr32k') gii = annot.replace('.annot', '.label.gii') white = fsaverage['white'][0 if hemi == 'lh' else 1] fname = op.basename(gii).replace('fsaverage', 'fslr32k') msg = f'Generating fslr32k file: {fname}' print(msg, end='\r', flush=True)
def warp_to_subject(infile, warpfile, outfile=None, template=None, interpolation='NearestNeighbor', verbose=False, use_cache=True): """ Applys `warpfile` to `infile` Just a wrapper around antsApplyTransforms to be called from within Python; literally opens a subprocess to run the command Parameters ---------- infile : str Image to be warped warpfile : str ANTs-generated warp file to apply to `infile` outfile : str, optional Name of output file. If not specified, will be determined from provided `warpfile` and `infile`. Default: None template : str, optional Reference image that specifies shape, dimensions, etc to be generated when appling `warpfile` to `infile`. If not specified the defaults embedded in `warpfile` will be used. Default: None interpolation : str, optional Type of interpolation to use during warping. Default: 'NearestNeighbor' verbose : bool, optional Whether to print status messages as transformation is applied. Default: False use_cache : bool, optional Whether to check for existence of `outfile` and use that, if it exists. If False, will create a new `outfile` regardless of existence. Default: True Returns ------- outfile : str Path to warped parcellation """ warpcmd = 'antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -e {imagetype} {opts} -v {verbose} ' \ '-n {interpolation} -i {input} -o {output} -t {warpfile}' # scalar or timeseries, depending on the dimensionality of image (3 vs 4) imagetype = [0, 3][nib.load(infile).ndim > 3] opts = '' if template is not None: opts += f'-r {template}' if outfile is None: outfile = op.join(op.dirname(warpfile), op.basename(infile)) if not op.isfile(outfile) or not use_cache:, opts=opts, verbose=int(verbose), interpolation=interpolation, input=infile, output=outfile, warpfile=warpfile), quiet=not verbose) return outfile
for i in idx: inds = np.insert(inds, i, i) names = [n.encode() for n in np.array(names)[inds]] ctab = ctab[inds] src, tar = np.array(inds), np.arange(len(names)) sidx = src.argsort() src, tar = src[sidx], tar[sidx] labels = tar[np.searchsorted(src, labels)] nib.freesurfer.write_annot(annot, labels, ctab, names) ##### # this should work now! annotations = datasets.fetch_cammoun2012('surface') # map (via surf2surf) fsaverage to fsaverage5/6 so we can provide those for trg in ['fsaverage5', 'fsaverage6']: for scale, (lh, rh) in annotations.items(): for annot, hemi in [(lh, 'lh'), (rh, 'rh')]: tval = annot.replace('space-fsaverage', 'space-{}'.format(trg)) msg = f'Generating annotation file: {tval}' print(msg, end='\r', flush=True) run(cmd.format(trgsubject=trg, annot=annot, tval=tval, hemi=hemi), quiet=True) print(' ' * len(msg) + '\b' * len(msg), end='', flush=True)