def installPackage( self, package, hostId ): # hostId can be either numeric (the actual id) or it can be # the name. In the latter case, try to find the host by its # name host = None try: if hostId.isdigit(): host = self.hosts[ int( hostId )] else: for next in self.hosts.values(): if hostId == next.hostname: host = next break if not host: raise Exception('Host not found') except: raise Exception( 'Host %s not found' % hostId )'Installing package %s on host %s' %( package, host.hostname )) command = 'screen -S "install" sudo apt-get -y install "%s"\r\nexit\r\n' % package channel = host.invokeShell() screenReader = ScreenReader(, channel, self.log) screenReader.start() channel.send( command ) screenReader.join( 60.0 ) log = screenReader.getBuffer() 'Package %s installed' % package ) escapedPackageName = package.replace( "'", "\'" ) startScript = '/opt/webportal/%s/' % escapedPackageName stopScript = '/opt/webportal/%s/' % escapedPackageName command = 'screen -S installer\r\n[ -e \'%s\' ]; echo "Start$?"\r\n \ [ -e \'%s\' ]; echo "Stop$?"\r\nexit\r\nexit\r\n' % ( startScript, stopScript ) channel = host.invokeShell() screenReader = ScreenReader(, channel, self.log) screenReader.start() channel.send( command ) screenReader.join( 30.0 ) output = screenReader.getBuffer() startCommand = startScript if output.find( 'Start0' ) >= 0 else '' stopCommand = stopScript if output.find( 'Stop0' ) >= 0 else '' 'StartScript found: %s, StopScript found: %s' % ( startCommand, \ stopCommand )) output ) return log, startCommand, stopCommand
def loadParameters( self, component, action ): host = channel = host.invokeShell() channel.send( 'screen -S load_parameters\r\n' ) screenReader = ScreenReader( 'load_parameters', channel, self.log ) screenReader.start() channel.send( action.parameterFile + ' load\r\n' ) channel.send( 'exit\r\n' ) screenReader.join( 15.0 ) rawData = screenReader.getBuffer() try: start = rawData.lower().index( '<configuration>' ) end = rawData.lower().index( '</configuration>' ) + len( '</configuration>' ) return rawData[ start:end ] except ValueError,e: raise ValueError( 'Invalid xml format' )
def saveParameters( self, component, action, data ): host = channel = host.invokeShell() channel.send( 'screen -S save_parameters\r\n' ) screenReader = ScreenReader( 'save_parameters', channel, self.log ) screenReader.start() xml = '<configuration>' nodes = [] for key,value in data.iteritems(): nodes.append( '<param name=\\"%s\\" value=\\"%s\\" />' % ( self.escapeXMLValue( key ), self.escapeXMLValue( value ))) xml += ''.join( nodes ) xml += '</configuration>' command = action.parameterFile + ' save "%s"\r\n' % xml self.log.debug( 'Sending command %s' % command ) channel.send( command ) channel.send( 'exit\r\n' ) screenReader.join( 10.0 ) rawData = screenReader.getBuffer() return True