 def test_dijkstras(self):
     distances = pynet.dijkstras(self.G2, (1, 1))
     distance_values = {
         (5, 5): 1.625,
         (2, 2): 0.125,
         (1, 1): 0,
         (4, 4): 1.125,
         (3, 3): 0.75
     self.assertEqual(distances, distance_values)
 def setUp(self):
     self.population = range(5)
     self.weights = [0.1, 0.25, 0.1, 0.2, 0.35]
     self.network_file = 'streets.shp'
     self.G = pynet.read_network(self.network_file)
     self.references = [[i, [n]] for i, n in enumerate(self.G.keys())]
     self.scale_set = (0, 1500, 500) 
     self.network_distances_cache = {}
     search_radius = self.scale_set[1]
     for i, node in self.references:
         n = node[0]
         self.network_distances_cache[n] = pynet.dijkstras(self.G, n, search_radius) 
     self.snapper = pynet.Snapper(self.G)
     self.events_file = 'crimes.shp' 
     points = self.get_points_from_shapefile(self.events_file)
     self.events = []
     for p in points:
     self.test_node = (724587.78057580709, 877802.4281426128)
 def test_dijkstras(self):
     distances = pynet.dijkstras(self.G2, (1,1))
     distance_values = {(5, 5): 1.625, (2, 2): 0.125, (1, 1): 0, (4, 4): 1.125, (3, 3): 0.75}
     self.assertEqual(distances, distance_values)
def kernel_density(network, events, bandwidth, orig_nodes, kernel='quadratic'):
    This function estimates Kernel densities on a planar undirected network. 
    It implements the equal-split discontinuous Kernel function developed by Okabe et al. (2009).
    Particularly, it computes Kernel densities by using equation 19 and 20 
    in the paper of Okabe et al. (2009). 

    network: A dictionary of dictionaries like {n1:{n2:d12,...},...}
             A planar undirected network
             It is assumed that this network is divided by a certain cell size 
             and is restructured to incorporate the new nodes resulting from the division as well as 
             events. Therefore, nodes in the network can be classified into three groups:
             i) original nodes, 2) event points, and 3) cell points.  
    events: a list of tuples
            a tuple is the network-projected coordinate of an event
            that takes the form of (x,y)
    bandwidth: a float
            Kernel bandwidth
    orig_nodes: a list of tuples
            a tuple is the coordinate of a node that is part of the original base network
            each tuple takes the form of (x,y)
    kernel: string
            the type of Kernel function
            allowed values: 'quadratic', 'gaussian', 'quartic', 'uniform', 'triangular'

    A dictioinary where keys are node and values are their densities
    Example: {n1:d1,n2:d2,...}


    # beginning of step i
    density = {}
    for n in network:
        density[n] = []
    # end of step i

    # beginning of step ii
    def compute_split_multiplier(prev_D, n):
        computes the demoninator of the formula 19

        prev_D: a dictionary storing pathes from n to other nodes in the network
                its form is like: {n1:prev_node_of_n1(=n2), n2:prev_node_of_n2(=n3),...}
        n: a tuple containing the geographic coordinate of a starting point 
           its form is like: (x,y)

        An integer

        split_multiplier = 1
        p = prev_D[n]
        while p != None:
            if len(network[p]) > 1:
                split_multiplier *= (len(network[p]) - 1)
            if p not in prev_D:
                p = None
                p = prev_D[p]
        return split_multiplier

    # end of step ii

    kernel_funcs = {
        'triangular': triangular,
        'uniform': uniform,
        'quadratic': quadratic,
        'quartic': quartic,
        'gaussian': gaussian
    #t1 = time.time()
    # beginning of step iii
    kernel_func = kernel_funcs[kernel]
    for e in events:
        # beginning of step a
        src_D = pynet.dijkstras(network, e, bandwidth, True)
        # end of step a
        # beginning of step b
        # end of step b
        # beginning of step c
        for n in src_D[
                0]:  # src_D[0] - a dictionary of nodes whose distance from e is smaller than e
            if src_D[0][n] == 0: continue
            # src_D[1] - a dictionary from which a path from e to n can be traced
            d = src_D[0][n]
            if d <= bandwidth:
                n_degree = 2.0
                if n in events and n in orig_nodes and len(network[n]) > 0:
                    n_degree = len(network[n])
                unsplit_density = kernel_func(d * 1.0 / bandwidth * 1.0)
                # src_D[1] - a dictionary from which a path from e to n can be traced
                split_multiplier = compute_split_multiplier(src_D[1], n)
                density[n].append((1.0 / split_multiplier) * (2.0 / n_degree) *
                #if str(n[0]) == '724900.335127' and str(n[1]) == '872127.948935':
                #    print 'event', e
                #    print 'distance', d
                #    print 'unsplit_density', unsplit_density
                #    print 'n_degree', n_degree
                #    print 'split_multiplier', split_multiplier
                #    print 'density', (1.0/split_multiplier)*(2.0/n_degree)*unsplit_density
        # end of step c

    # beginning of step iv
    #t1 = time.time()
    no_events = len(events)
    for node in density:
        if len(density[node]) > 0:
            #if str(node[0]) == '724900.335127' and str(node[1]) == '872127.948935':
            #    print density[node]
            density[node] = sum(density[node]) / no_events
            #density[node] = sum(density[node])*1.0/len(density[node])
            density[node] = 0.0
    # end of step iv

    #for node in events:
    #    del density[node]

    #print 'normalizing density: %s' % (str(time.time() - t1))

    return density
文件: kernel.py 项目: CartoDB/pysal
def kernel_density(network, events, bandwidth, orig_nodes, kernel='quadratic'):
    This function estimates Kernel densities on a planar undirected network. 
    It implements the equal-split discontinuous Kernel function developed by Okabe et al. (2009).
    Particularly, it computes Kernel densities by using equation 19 and 20 
    in the paper of Okabe et al. (2009). 

    network: A dictionary of dictionaries like {n1:{n2:d12,...},...}
             A planar undirected network
             It is assumed that this network is divided by a certain cell size 
             and is restructured to incorporate the new nodes resulting from the division as well as 
             events. Therefore, nodes in the network can be classified into three groups:
             i) original nodes, 2) event points, and 3) cell points.  
    events: a list of tuples
            a tuple is the network-projected coordinate of an event
            that takes the form of (x,y)
    bandwidth: a float
            Kernel bandwidth
    orig_nodes: a list of tuples
            a tuple is the coordinate of a node that is part of the original base network
            each tuple takes the form of (x,y)
    kernel: string
            the type of Kernel function
            allowed values: 'quadratic', 'gaussian', 'quartic', 'uniform', 'triangular'

    A dictioinary where keys are node and values are their densities
    Example: {n1:d1,n2:d2,...}


    # beginning of step i
    density = {}
    for n in network:
        density[n] = []
    # end of step i

    # beginning of step ii
    def compute_split_multiplier(prev_D, n):
        computes the demoninator of the formula 19

        prev_D: a dictionary storing pathes from n to other nodes in the network
                its form is like: {n1:prev_node_of_n1(=n2), n2:prev_node_of_n2(=n3),...}
        n: a tuple containing the geographic coordinate of a starting point 
           its form is like: (x,y)

        An integer

        split_multiplier = 1 
        p = prev_D[n] 
        while p != None:
            if len(network[p]) > 1:
                split_multiplier *= (len(network[p]) - 1)
            if p not in prev_D: 
                p = None
                p = prev_D[p]
        return split_multiplier
    # end of step ii

    kernel_funcs = {'triangular':triangular, 'uniform': uniform, 
                    'quadratic': quadratic, 'quartic':quartic, 'gaussian':gaussian}
    #t1 = time.time()
    # beginning of step iii
    kernel_func = kernel_funcs[kernel]
    for e in events:
        # beginning of step a
        src_D = pynet.dijkstras(network, e, bandwidth, True)
        # end of step a
        # beginning of step b
        # end of step b
        # beginning of step c
        for n in src_D[0]: # src_D[0] - a dictionary of nodes whose distance from e is smaller than e 
            if src_D[0][n] == 0: continue
            # src_D[1] - a dictionary from which a path from e to n can be traced
            d = src_D[0][n]
            if d <= bandwidth:
                n_degree = 2.0
                if n in events and n in orig_nodes and len(network[n]) > 0:
                    n_degree = len(network[n])
                unsplit_density = kernel_func(d*1.0/bandwidth*1.0) 
                # src_D[1] - a dictionary from which a path from e to n can be traced
                split_multiplier = compute_split_multiplier(src_D[1], n) 
                #if str(n[0]) == '724900.335127' and str(n[1]) == '872127.948935':
                #    print 'event', e
                #    print 'distance', d
                #    print 'unsplit_density', unsplit_density
                #    print 'n_degree', n_degree
                #    print 'split_multiplier', split_multiplier
                #    print 'density', (1.0/split_multiplier)*(2.0/n_degree)*unsplit_density
        # end of step c

    # beginning of step iv 
    #t1 = time.time()
    no_events = len(events)
    for node in density:
        if len(density[node]) > 0:
            #if str(node[0]) == '724900.335127' and str(node[1]) == '872127.948935':
            #    print density[node]
            density[node] = sum(density[node])/no_events
            #density[node] = sum(density[node])*1.0/len(density[node])
            density[node] = 0.0
    # end of step iv

    #for node in events:
    #    del density[node]

    #print 'normalizing density: %s' % (str(time.time() - t1))

    return density