def show_network_dialog(self, parent): from network_dialog import NetworkDialog if not parent.show_warning(_('You are using Electrum in offline mode; restart Electrum if you want to get connected'), title=_('Offline')) return if self.nd: self.nd.on_update() self.nd.raise_() return self.nd = NetworkDialog(, self.config)
def network_dialog(self): grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(5) label = QLabel(_("Electrum communicates with remote servers to get information about your transactions and addresses. The servers all fulfil the same purpose only differing in hardware. In most cases you simply want to let Electrum pick one at random if you have a preference though feel free to select a server manually.") + "\n\n" \ + _("How do you want to connect to a server:")+" ") label.setWordWrap(True) grid.addWidget(label, 0, 0) gb = QGroupBox() b1 = QRadioButton(gb) b1.setText(_("Auto connect")) b1.setChecked(True) b2 = QRadioButton(gb) b2.setText(_("Select server manually")) grid.addWidget(b1, 1, 0) grid.addWidget(b2, 2, 0) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addLayout(grid) vbox.addStretch(1) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(self), OkButton(self, _('Next')))) self.set_layout(vbox) if not self.exec_(): return if b2.isChecked(): return NetworkDialog(, self.config, None).do_exec() else: self.config.set_key('auto_connect', True, True) return
def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: an interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time (QgsInterface) """ # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = QDir().cleanPath(QFileInfo(__file__).absolutePath()) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] print locale locale_path = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir.separator() + 'i18n' + QDir.separator() + '{}.qm'.format(locale)) print locale_path if QFileInfo(locale_path).exists(): print "exists" self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # init result log log_path_2 = QSettings().value("SurveyingCalculation/log_path", config.log_path) if len(log_path_2) > 0: log_path = log_path_2 else: log_path = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir.separator() + 'log' + QDir.separator() + 'log.txt') self.log = ResultLog(log_path) self.newp_dlg = NewPointDialog() self.single_dlg = SingleDialog(self.log) self.traverse_dlg = TraverseDialog(self.log) self.network_dlg = NetworkDialog(self.log) self.transformation_dlg = TransformationDialog(self.log) self.plotbytemplate_dlg = BatchPlottingDialog(self.iface, False) self.batchplotting_dlg = BatchPlottingDialog(self.iface, True)
def network_dialog(self): d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(5) label = QLabel(_("Network") + ":") grid.addWidget(label, 0, 0) gb = QGroupBox() b1 = QRadioButton(gb) b1.setText(_("Auto connect")) b1.setChecked(True) b2 = QRadioButton(gb) b2.setText(_("Select server manually")) b3 = QRadioButton(gb) b3.setText(_("Stay offline")) grid.addWidget(b1, 1, 0) grid.addWidget(b2, 2, 0) grid.addWidget(b3, 3, 0) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addLayout(grid) vbox.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(d, _('Next'))) d.setLayout(vbox) if not d.exec_(): return if b2.isChecked(): return NetworkDialog(, self.config, None).do_exec() elif b1.isChecked(): self.config.set_key('auto_cycle', True, True) return else: self.config.set_key("server", None, True) self.config.set_key('auto_cycle', False, True) return
def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: an interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time (QgsInterface) """ # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = QDir().cleanPath( QFileInfo(__file__).absolutePath() ) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir.separator() + 'i18n' + QDir.separator() + '{}.qm'.format(locale)) print locale_path if QFileInfo(locale_path).exists(): print "exists" self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # init result log log_path_2 = QSettings().value("SurveyingCalculation/log_path",config.log_path) if len(log_path_2) > 0: log_path = log_path_2 else: log_path = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir.separator() + 'log' + QDir.separator() + 'log.txt') self.log = ResultLog(log_path) self.newp_dlg = NewPointDialog() self.single_dlg = SingleDialog(self.log) self.traverse_dlg = TraverseDialog(self.log) self.network_dlg = NetworkDialog(self.log) self.transformation_dlg = TransformationDialog(self.log) self.plotbytemplate_dlg = BatchPlottingDialog(self.iface, False) self.batchplotting_dlg = BatchPlottingDialog(self.iface, True)
class ElectrumGui: def __init__(self, config, daemon, plugins): set_language(config.get('language')) # Uncomment this call to verify objects are being properly # GC-ed when windows are closed #network.add_jobs([DebugMem([Abstract_Wallet, SPV, Synchronizer, # ElectrumWindow], interval=5)]) self.config = config self.daemon = daemon self.plugins = plugins = [] self.efilter = OpenFileEventFilter( = QApplication(sys.argv) self.timer = Timer() self.nd = None # init tray self.dark_icon = self.config.get("dark_icon", False) self.tray = QSystemTrayIcon(self.tray_icon(), None) self.tray.setToolTip('Electrum-PAC') self.tray.activated.connect(self.tray_activated) self.build_tray_menu(), QtCore.SIGNAL('new_window'), self.start_new_window) run_hook('init_qt', self) def build_tray_menu(self): # Avoid immediate GC of old menu when window closed via its action self.old_menu = self.tray.contextMenu() m = QMenu() for window in submenu = m.addMenu(window.wallet.basename()) submenu.addAction(_("Show/Hide"), window.show_or_hide) submenu.addAction(_("Close"), window.close) #m.addAction(_("Dark/Light"), self.toggle_tray_icon) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(_("Exit Electrum-PAC"), self.close) self.tray.setContextMenu(m) def tray_icon(self): #if self.dark_icon: # return QIcon(':icons/electrum_dark_icon.png') #else: return QIcon(':icons/electrum_light_icon.png') def toggle_tray_icon(self): self.dark_icon = not self.dark_icon self.config.set_key("dark_icon", self.dark_icon, True) self.tray.setIcon(self.tray_icon()) def tray_activated(self, reason): if reason == QSystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick: if all([w.is_hidden() for w in]): for w in w.bring_to_top() else: for w in w.hide() def close(self): for window in window.close() def new_window(self, path, uri=None): # Use a signal as can be called from daemon thread'new_window'), path, uri) def show_network_dialog(self, parent): from network_dialog import NetworkDialog if not parent.show_warning(_( 'You are using Electrum in offline mode; restart Electrum if you want to get connected' ), title=_('Offline')) return if self.nd: self.nd.on_update() self.nd.raise_() return self.nd = NetworkDialog(, self.config) def create_window_for_wallet(self, wallet): w = ElectrumWindow(self, wallet) self.build_tray_menu() # FIXME: Remove in favour of the load_wallet hook run_hook('on_new_window', w) return w def start_new_window(self, path, uri): '''Raises the window for the wallet if it is open. Otherwise opens the wallet and creates a new window for it.''' for w in if == path: w.bring_to_top() break else: try: wallet = self.daemon.load_wallet(path, None) except BaseException as e: d = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, _('Error'), 'Cannot load wallet:\n' + str(e)) d.exec_() return if not wallet: storage = WalletStorage(path) wizard = InstallWizard(self.config,, self.plugins, storage) wallet = wizard.run_and_get_wallet() wizard.terminate() if not wallet: return wallet.start_threads( self.daemon.add_wallet(wallet) w = self.create_window_for_wallet(wallet) if uri: w.pay_to_URI(uri) return w def close_window(self, window): self.build_tray_menu() # save wallet path of last open window if not self.config.save_last_wallet(window.wallet) run_hook('on_close_window', window) def init_network(self): # Show network dialog if config does not exist if if self.config.get('auto_connect') is None: wizard = InstallWizard(self.config,, self.plugins, None) wizard.init_network( wizard.terminate() def main(self): try: self.init_network() except UserCancelled: return except GoBack: return except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) return self.timer.start() self.config.open_last_wallet() path = self.config.get_wallet_path() if not self.start_new_window(path, self.config.get('url')): return signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda *args: # main loop # Shut down the timer cleanly self.timer.stop() # clipboard persistence. see[email protected]/msg17328.html event = QtCore.QEvent(QtCore.QEvent.Clipboard), event) self.tray.hide()
class SurveyingCalculation: """SurveyingCalculation QGIS Plugin Implementation.""" def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: an interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time (QgsInterface) """ # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = QDir().cleanPath(QFileInfo(__file__).absolutePath()) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] print locale locale_path = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir.separator() + 'i18n' + QDir.separator() + '{}.qm'.format(locale)) print locale_path if QFileInfo(locale_path).exists(): print "exists" self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # init result log log_path_2 = QSettings().value("SurveyingCalculation/log_path", config.log_path) if len(log_path_2) > 0: log_path = log_path_2 else: log_path = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir.separator() + 'log' + QDir.separator() + 'log.txt') self.log = ResultLog(log_path) self.newp_dlg = NewPointDialog() self.single_dlg = SingleDialog(self.log) self.traverse_dlg = TraverseDialog(self.log) self.network_dlg = NetworkDialog(self.log) self.transformation_dlg = TransformationDialog(self.log) self.plotbytemplate_dlg = BatchPlottingDialog(self.iface, False) self.batchplotting_dlg = BatchPlottingDialog(self.iface, True) # Declare instance attributes # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic #def tr(self, message): # """Get the translation for a string using Qt translation API. We implement this ourselves since we do not inherit QObject. # :param message: string for translation (str, QString) # :returns: translated version of message (QString) # """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass #return QCoreApplication.translate('SurveyingCalculation', message) # return tr(message) def add_action(self, icon_path, text, callback, enabled_flag=True, add_to_menu=True, add_to_toolbar=True, status_tip=None, whats_this=None, parent=None): """Add a toolbar icon to the InaSAFE toolbar. :param icon_path: path to the icon for this action. Can be a resource path (e.g. ':/plugins/foo/bar.png') or a normal file system path (str) :param text: text that should be shown in menu items for this action (str) :param callback: function to be called when the action is triggered (function) :param enabled_flag: a flag indicating if the action should be enabled by default (bool). Defaults to True. :param add_to_menu: flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the menu (bool). Defaults to True. :param add_to_toolbar: flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the toolbar (bool). Defaults to True. :param status_tip: optional text to show in a popup when mouse pointer hovers over the action (str) :param parent: parent widget for the new action (QWidget). Defaults None. :param whats_this: optional text to show in the status bar when the mouse pointer hovers over the action (str) :returns: the action that was created (Qaction). Note that the action is also added to self.actions list. """ icon = QIcon(icon_path) action = QAction(icon, text, parent) action.triggered.connect(callback) action.setEnabled(enabled_flag) if status_tip is not None: action.setStatusTip(status_tip) if whats_this is not None: action.setWhatsThis(whats_this) if add_to_toolbar: self.toolbar.addAction(action) if add_to_menu: self.iface.addPluginToMenu(, action) self.actions.append(action) return action def initGui(self): """Create the menu entries and toolbar icons inside the QGIS GUI.""" icon_path = ':/plugins/SurveyingCalculation/icon.png' icon_dir = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir.separator() + 'icons') # build menu self.actions = [] = QMenu()'&SurveyingCalculation')) self.sc_coord = QAction( QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('new_coord.png')), tr("New coordinate list ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_fb = QAction( QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('new_fb.png')), tr("New fieldbook ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_load = QAction( QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('import_fieldbook.png')), tr("Import fieldbook ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_addp = QAction( QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('addp.png')), tr("Add new point ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_calc = QAction( QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('single_calc.png')), tr("Single point calculations ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_trav = QAction( QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('traverse_calc.png')), tr("Traverse calculations ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_netw = QAction( QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('network_calc.png')), tr("Network adjustment ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_tran = QAction( QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('coord_calc.png')), tr("Coordinate transformation ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_pdiv = QAction( QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('poly_div.png')), tr("Polygon division ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_plot = QAction( QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('plot.png')), tr("Plot by template ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_batchplot = QAction( QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('batch_plot.png')), tr("Batch plotting ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_settings = QAction(tr("Settings ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_help = QAction(tr("Help"), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_about = QAction(tr("About"), self.iface.mainWindow())[ self.sc_coord, self.sc_fb, self.sc_load, self.sc_addp, self.sc_calc, self.sc_trav, self.sc_netw, self.sc_tran, self.sc_plot, self.sc_batchplot, self.sc_settings, self.sc_help, self.sc_about ]) menu_bar = self.iface.mainWindow().menuBar() actions = menu_bar.actions() lastAction = actions[len(actions) - 1] menu_bar.insertMenu(lastAction, self.sc_coord.triggered.connect(self.create_coordlist) self.sc_fb.triggered.connect(self.create_fb) self.sc_load.triggered.connect(self.load_fieldbook) self.sc_addp.triggered.connect(self.addp) self.sc_calc.triggered.connect(self.calculations) self.sc_trav.triggered.connect(self.traverses) self.sc_netw.triggered.connect(self.networks) self.sc_tran.triggered.connect(self.transformation) self.sc_pdiv.setCheckable(True) self.tool_pdiv = LineMapTool(self.iface) self.tool_pdiv.setAction(self.sc_pdiv) self.sc_pdiv.triggered.connect(self.polygon_division) self.sc_plot.triggered.connect(self.plot_by_temp) self.sc_batchplot.triggered.connect(self.batch_plotting) self.sc_settings.triggered.connect(self.settings) self.sc_about.triggered.connect(self.about) self.sc_help.triggered.connect( # add icons to toolbar self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'SurveyingCalculation') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'SurveyingCalculation') self.toolbar.addActions([ self.sc_load, self.sc_addp, self.sc_calc, self.sc_trav, self.sc_netw, self.sc_tran, self.sc_pdiv, self.sc_plot, self.sc_batchplot ]) self.toolbar.insertSeparator(self.sc_calc) self.toolbar.insertSeparator(self.sc_plot) def unload(self): """ Removes the plugin menu item and icon from QGIS GUI. """ for action in self.actions: self.iface.removePluginMenu(tr(u'&SurveyingCalculation'), action) self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(action) del del self.toolbar def create_coordlist(self): """ Create a new coordinate list from template and add to layer list. Layer/file name changed to start with 'coord\_' if neccessary. """ ofname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr('QGIS co-ordinate list'), filter=tr('Shape file (*.shp)')) if not ofname: return if QRegExp('coord_').indexIn(QFileInfo(ofname).baseName()): ofname = QDir.cleanPath( QFileInfo(ofname).absolutePath() + QDir().separator() + 'coord_' + QFileInfo(ofname).fileName()) ofbase = QDir.cleanPath( QFileInfo(ofname).absolutePath() + QDir().separator() + QFileInfo(ofname).baseName()) tempbase = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir().separator() + 'template' + QDir().separator() + 'coord_template') for ext in ['.shp', '.shx', '.dbf']: QFile(tempbase + ext).copy(ofbase + ext) coord = QgsVectorLayer(ofbase + '.shp', QFileInfo(ofbase).baseName(), "ogr") if coord.isValid(): QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(coord) def create_fb(self): """ Create a new empty fieldbook from template and add to layer list. Layer/file name changed to start with 'fb\_' if neccessary. """ ofname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self.iface.mainWindow(), tr('New fieldbook'), filter=tr('Fieldbook file (*.dbf)')) if not ofname: return if QRegExp('fb_').indexIn(QFileInfo(ofname).baseName()): ofname = QDir.cleanPath( QFileInfo(ofname).absolutePath() + QDir().separator() + 'fb_' + QFileInfo(ofname).fileName()) ofbase = QDir.cleanPath( QFileInfo(ofname).absolutePath() + QDir().separator() + QFileInfo(ofname).baseName()) tempbase = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir().separator() + 'template' + QDir().separator() + 'fb_template') for ext in ['.dbf']: QFile(tempbase + ext).copy(ofbase + ext) fb = QgsVectorLayer(ofbase + '.dbf', QFileInfo(ofbase).baseName(), "ogr") if fb.isValid(): QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(fb) def load_fieldbook(self): """ Import an electric fieldbook from file (GSI, JOB/ARE, ...) """ if get_coordlist() is None: QMessageBox.warning( self.iface.mainWindow(), tr("Warning"), tr("No coordinate list is opened, coordinates will be lost from the fieldbook" )) homedir = QSettings().value("SurveyingCalculation/homedir", config.homedir) fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.iface.mainWindow(), \ tr('Electric fieldbook'), homedir, \ filter = tr('Leica GSI (*.gsi);;Geodimeter JOB/ARE (*.job *.are);;Sokkia CRD (*.crd);;SurvCE RW5 (*.rw5);;STONEX DAT (*.dat)')) if fname: # file selected # make a copy of dbf template if not are is loaded if QRegExp('\.are$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) == -1: # ask for table name ofname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self.iface.mainWindow(), tr('QGIS fieldbook'), QFileInfo(fname).absolutePath(), filter=tr('DBF file (*.dbf)')) if not ofname: return # remember last input dir QSettings().setValue("SurveyingCalculation/homedir", QFileInfo(fname).absolutePath()) QSettings().sync() if QRegExp('fb_').indexIn(QFileInfo(ofname).baseName()): ofname = QDir.cleanPath( QFileInfo(ofname).absolutePath() + QDir().separator() + 'fb_' + QFileInfo(ofname).fileName()) tempname = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir().separator() + 'template' + QDir().separator() + 'fb_template.dbf') QFile(tempname).copy(ofname) fb_dbf = QgsVectorLayer(ofname, QFileInfo(ofname).baseName(), "ogr") QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(fb_dbf) if QRegExp('\.gsi$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) > -1: fb = LeicaGsi(fname) elif QRegExp('\.job$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) > -1 or \ QRegExp('\.are$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) > -1: fb = JobAre(fname) elif QRegExp('\.crd$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) > -1: fb = Sdr(fname) elif QRegExp('\.rw5$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) > -1: fb = SurvCE(fname) elif QRegExp('\.dat$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) > -1: fb = Stonex(fname) else: QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr('File warning'), tr('Unknown fieldbook type'), tr('OK')) return i = 10 # ordinal number for fieldbook records #fb_dbf.startEditing() n_fb = 0 # fieldbook records stored n_co = 0 # points stored in coordinate list while True: # get next observation/station data from fieldbook r = fb.parse_next() if r is None: break # end of file if 'station' in r: # add row to fieldbook table record = QgsFeature() # add & initialize attributes record.setFields(fb_dbf.pendingFields(), True) j = fb_dbf.dataProvider().fieldNameIndex('id') if j != -1: record.setAttribute(j, i) for key in r: j = fb_dbf.dataProvider().fieldNameIndex(key) if j != -1: record.setAttribute(j, r[key]) fb_dbf.dataProvider().addFeatures([record]) n_fb += 1 if 'station_e' in r or 'station_z' in r: # store station coordinates too dimension = 0 if 'station_z' in r: dimension += 1 else: r['station_z'] = None if 'station_e' in r and 'station_n' in r: dimension += 2 else: r['station_e'] = None r['station_n'] = None if not 'pc' in r: r['pc'] = None p = Point(r['point_id'], r['station_e'], r['station_n'], r['station_z'], r['pc']) qp = ScPoint(p) qp.store_coord(dimension) n_co += 1 if 'e' in r or 'z' in r: # store coordinates too dimension = 0 if 'z' in r: dimension += 1 else: r['z'] = None if 'e' in r and 'n' in r: dimension += 2 else: r['e'] = None r['n'] = None if not 'pc' in r: r['pc'] = None p = Point(r['point_id'], r['e'], r['n'], r['z'], r['pc']) qp = ScPoint(p) qp.store_coord(dimension) n_co += 1 i += 10 #fb_dbf.commitChanges() if QRegExp('\.are$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) == -1: if n_fb == 0: # no observations QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().removeMapLayer( # remove empty file QFile(ofname).remove() if n_co == 0: # no coordinates QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr("Warning"),\ tr("Neither coordinates nor observations found")) else: QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr("Warning"),\ tr("No observations found")) self.log.write() self.log.write_log(tr("Fieldbook loaded: ") + fname) self.log.write(" %d observations, %d coordinates" % (n_fb, n_co)) return def addp(self): """ Add point(s) to coordinate list entering coordinates """ if get_coordlist() is None: QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr("Warning"), tr("A coordinate list must be opened!")) return # show the dialog self.newp_dlg.activateWindow() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.newp_dlg.exec_() def calculations(self): """ Single point calculations (orientation, intersection, resection, freestation) """ # show the dialog self.single_dlg.activateWindow() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.single_dlg.exec_() def traverses(self): """ Various traverse claculations """ # show the dialog self.traverse_dlg.activateWindow() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.traverse_dlg.exec_() def networks(self): """ Various network adjustments (1D/2D/3D) """ # show the dialog self.network_dlg.activateWindow() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.network_dlg.exec_() def transformation(self): """ Various coordinate transformations (orthogonal, affine, polynomial) """ # show the dialog self.transformation_dlg.activateWindow() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.transformation_dlg.exec_() def polygon_division(self): """ accept a line from the user to divide the selected polygon on active layer """ al = self.iface.activeLayer() if al is None or al.type() != QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer or \ al.geometryType() != QGis.Polygon: QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr("Warning"), tr("Actual layer contains no polygons")) return if len(al.selectedFeatures()) != 1: QMessageBox.warning( self.iface.mainWindow(), tr("Warning"), tr("Not a single polygon is selected in active layer")) return self.iface.mapCanvas().setMapTool(self.tool_pdiv) def plot_by_temp(self): # show the dialog self.plotbytemplate_dlg.activateWindow() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.plotbytemplate_dlg.exec_() def batch_plotting(self): """ Batch plots selected geometry items using the selected template and scale. """ #check if there are polygon layers in the project polygon_layers = get_vector_layers_by_type(QGis.Polygon) if polygon_layers is None: QMessageBox.warning( self.iface.mainWindow(), tr("Warning"), tr("This utility needs at least one polygon type layer!")) return # show the dialog self.batchplotting_dlg.activateWindow() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.batchplotting_dlg.exec_() def settings(self): """ Setting of the plugin. """ settings_dlg = PluginSettingsDialog() result = settings_dlg.exec_() if result == QDialog.Accepted: log_path = QSettings().value("SurveyingCalculation/log_path", config.log_path) self.log.set_log_path(log_path) def about(self): """ About box of the plugin """ QMessageBox.information( self.iface.mainWindow(), tr('About'), tr('Surveying Calculation Plugin\n\n (c) DigiKom Ltd 2014-, mail (at)\nVersion 0.2' )) def help(self): """ Open user's guide of the plugin in the default web browser. """ "")
class ElectrumGui: def __init__(self, config, daemon, plugins): set_language(config.get('language')) # Uncomment this call to verify objects are being properly # GC-ed when windows are closed #network.add_jobs([DebugMem([Abstract_Wallet, SPV, Synchronizer, # ElectrumWindow], interval=5)]) self.config = config self.daemon = daemon self.plugins = plugins = [] self.efilter = OpenFileEventFilter( = QApplication(sys.argv) self.timer = Timer() self.nd = None # init tray self.dark_icon = self.config.get("dark_icon", False) self.tray = QSystemTrayIcon(self.tray_icon(), None) self.tray.setToolTip('Electrum') self.tray.activated.connect(self.tray_activated) self.build_tray_menu(), QtCore.SIGNAL('new_window'), self.start_new_window) run_hook('init_qt', self) def build_tray_menu(self): # Avoid immediate GC of old menu when window closed via its action self.old_menu = self.tray.contextMenu() m = QMenu() for window in submenu = m.addMenu(window.wallet.basename()) submenu.addAction(_("Show/Hide"), window.show_or_hide) submenu.addAction(_("Close"), window.close) m.addAction(_("Dark/Light"), self.toggle_tray_icon) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(_("Exit Electrum"), self.close) self.tray.setContextMenu(m) def tray_icon(self): if self.dark_icon: return QIcon(':icons/electrum_dark_icon.png') else: return QIcon(':icons/electrum_light_icon.png') def toggle_tray_icon(self): self.dark_icon = not self.dark_icon self.config.set_key("dark_icon", self.dark_icon, True) self.tray.setIcon(self.tray_icon()) def tray_activated(self, reason): if reason == QSystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick: if all([w.is_hidden() for w in]): for w in w.bring_to_top() else: for w in w.hide() def close(self): for window in window.close() def new_window(self, path, uri=None): # Use a signal as can be called from daemon thread'new_window'), path, uri) def show_network_dialog(self, parent): from network_dialog import NetworkDialog if not parent.show_warning(_('You are using Electrum in offline mode; restart Electrum if you want to get connected'), title=_('Offline')) return if self.nd: self.nd.on_update() self.nd.raise_() return self.nd = NetworkDialog(, self.config) def create_window_for_wallet(self, wallet): w = ElectrumWindow(self, wallet) self.build_tray_menu() # FIXME: Remove in favour of the load_wallet hook run_hook('on_new_window', w) return w def start_new_window(self, path, uri): '''Raises the window for the wallet if it is open. Otherwise opens the wallet and creates a new window for it.''' for w in if == path: w.bring_to_top() break else: wallet = self.daemon.load_wallet(path, None) if not wallet: storage = WalletStorage(path) wizard = InstallWizard(self.config,, self.plugins, storage) wallet = wizard.run_and_get_wallet() if not wallet: return wallet.start_threads( self.daemon.add_wallet(wallet) w = self.create_window_for_wallet(wallet) if uri: w.pay_to_URI(uri) return w def close_window(self, window): self.build_tray_menu() # save wallet path of last open window if not self.config.save_last_wallet(window.wallet) run_hook('on_close_window', window) def init_network(self): # Show network dialog if config does not exist if if self.config.get('auto_connect') is None: wizard = InstallWizard(self.config,, self.plugins, None) wizard.init_network( wizard.terminate() def main(self): try: self.init_network() except UserCancelled: return except GoBack: return except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) return self.timer.start() self.config.open_last_wallet() path = self.config.get_wallet_path() if not self.start_new_window(path, self.config.get('url')): return signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda *args: # main loop # Shut down the timer cleanly self.timer.stop() # clipboard persistence. see[email protected]/msg17328.html event = QtCore.QEvent(QtCore.QEvent.Clipboard), event) self.tray.hide()
class SurveyingCalculation: """SurveyingCalculation QGIS Plugin Implementation.""" def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: an interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time (QgsInterface) """ # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = QDir().cleanPath( QFileInfo(__file__).absolutePath() ) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir.separator() + 'i18n' + QDir.separator() + '{}.qm'.format(locale)) print locale_path if QFileInfo(locale_path).exists(): print "exists" self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # init result log log_path_2 = QSettings().value("SurveyingCalculation/log_path",config.log_path) if len(log_path_2) > 0: log_path = log_path_2 else: log_path = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir.separator() + 'log' + QDir.separator() + 'log.txt') self.log = ResultLog(log_path) self.newp_dlg = NewPointDialog() self.single_dlg = SingleDialog(self.log) self.traverse_dlg = TraverseDialog(self.log) self.network_dlg = NetworkDialog(self.log) self.transformation_dlg = TransformationDialog(self.log) self.plotbytemplate_dlg = BatchPlottingDialog(self.iface, False) self.batchplotting_dlg = BatchPlottingDialog(self.iface, True) # Declare instance attributes # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic #def tr(self, message): # """Get the translation for a string using Qt translation API. We implement this ourselves since we do not inherit QObject. # :param message: string for translation (str, QString) # :returns: translated version of message (QString) # """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass #return QCoreApplication.translate('SurveyingCalculation', message) # return tr(message) def add_action(self, icon_path, text, callback, enabled_flag=True, add_to_menu=True, add_to_toolbar=True, status_tip=None, whats_this=None, parent=None): """Add a toolbar icon to the InaSAFE toolbar. :param icon_path: path to the icon for this action. Can be a resource path (e.g. ':/plugins/foo/bar.png') or a normal file system path (str) :param text: text that should be shown in menu items for this action (str) :param callback: function to be called when the action is triggered (function) :param enabled_flag: a flag indicating if the action should be enabled by default (bool). Defaults to True. :param add_to_menu: flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the menu (bool). Defaults to True. :param add_to_toolbar: flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the toolbar (bool). Defaults to True. :param status_tip: optional text to show in a popup when mouse pointer hovers over the action (str) :param parent: parent widget for the new action (QWidget). Defaults None. :param whats_this: optional text to show in the status bar when the mouse pointer hovers over the action (str) :returns: the action that was created (Qaction). Note that the action is also added to self.actions list. """ icon = QIcon(icon_path) action = QAction(icon, text, parent) action.triggered.connect(callback) action.setEnabled(enabled_flag) if status_tip is not None: action.setStatusTip(status_tip) if whats_this is not None: action.setWhatsThis(whats_this) if add_to_toolbar: self.toolbar.addAction(action) if add_to_menu: self.iface.addPluginToMenu(, action) self.actions.append(action) return action def initGui(self): """Create the menu entries and toolbar icons inside the QGIS GUI.""" icon_path = ':/plugins/SurveyingCalculation/icon.png' icon_dir = QDir.cleanPath( self.plugin_dir + QDir.separator() + 'icons') # build menu self.actions = [] = QMenu()'&SurveyingCalculation')) self.sc_coord = QAction(QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('new_coord.png')), tr("New coordinate list ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_fb = QAction(QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('new_fb.png')),tr("New fieldbook ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_load = QAction(QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('import_fieldbook.png')), tr("Import fieldbook ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_addp = QAction(QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('addp.png')), tr("Add new point ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_calc = QAction(QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('single_calc.png')), tr("Single point calculations ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_trav = QAction(QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('traverse_calc.png')), tr("Traverse calculations ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_netw = QAction(QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('network_calc.png')), tr("Network adjustment ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_tran = QAction(QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('coord_calc.png')), tr("Coordinate transformation ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_pdiv = QAction(QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('poly_div.png')), tr("Polygon division ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_plot = QAction(QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('plot.png')), tr("Plot by template ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_batchplot = QAction(QIcon(QDir(icon_dir).absoluteFilePath('batch_plot.png')), tr("Batch plotting ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_settings = QAction(tr("Settings ..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_help = QAction(tr("Help"), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sc_about = QAction(tr("About"), self.iface.mainWindow())[self.sc_coord, self.sc_fb, self.sc_load, self.sc_addp, self.sc_calc, self.sc_trav, self.sc_netw, self.sc_tran, self.sc_plot, self.sc_batchplot, self.sc_settings, self.sc_help, self.sc_about]) menu_bar = self.iface.mainWindow().menuBar() actions = menu_bar.actions() lastAction = actions[len(actions) - 1] menu_bar.insertMenu(lastAction, self.sc_coord.triggered.connect(self.create_coordlist) self.sc_fb.triggered.connect(self.create_fb) self.sc_load.triggered.connect(self.load_fieldbook) self.sc_addp.triggered.connect(self.addp) self.sc_calc.triggered.connect(self.calculations) self.sc_trav.triggered.connect(self.traverses) self.sc_netw.triggered.connect(self.networks) self.sc_tran.triggered.connect(self.transformation) self.sc_pdiv.setCheckable(True) self.tool_pdiv = LineMapTool(self.iface) self.tool_pdiv.setAction(self.sc_pdiv) self.sc_pdiv.triggered.connect(self.polygon_division) self.sc_plot.triggered.connect(self.plot_by_temp) self.sc_batchplot.triggered.connect(self.batch_plotting) self.sc_settings.triggered.connect(self.settings) self.sc_about.triggered.connect(self.about) self.sc_help.triggered.connect( # add icons to toolbar self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'SurveyingCalculation') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'SurveyingCalculation') self.toolbar.addActions([self.sc_load, self.sc_addp, self.sc_calc, self.sc_trav, self.sc_netw, self.sc_tran, self.sc_pdiv, self.sc_plot, self.sc_batchplot]) self.toolbar.insertSeparator(self.sc_calc) self.toolbar.insertSeparator(self.sc_plot) def unload(self): """ Removes the plugin menu item and icon from QGIS GUI. """ for action in self.actions: self.iface.removePluginMenu( tr(u'&SurveyingCalculation'), action) self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(action) del del self.toolbar def create_coordlist(self): """ Create a new coordinate list from template and add to layer list. Layer/file name changed to start with 'coord\_' if neccessary. """ ofname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr('QGIS co-ordinate list'), filter = tr('Shape file (*.shp)')) if not ofname: return if QRegExp('coord_').indexIn(QFileInfo(ofname).baseName()): ofname = QDir.cleanPath(QFileInfo(ofname).absolutePath() + QDir().separator() + 'coord_' + QFileInfo(ofname).fileName()) ofbase = QDir.cleanPath(QFileInfo(ofname).absolutePath() + QDir().separator() + QFileInfo(ofname).baseName()) tempbase = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir().separator() + 'template' + QDir().separator() + 'coord_template') for ext in ['.shp', '.shx', '.dbf']: QFile(tempbase+ext).copy(ofbase+ext) coord = QgsVectorLayer(ofbase+'.shp', QFileInfo(ofbase).baseName(), "ogr") if coord.isValid(): QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(coord) def create_fb(self): """ Create a new empty fieldbook from template and add to layer list. Layer/file name changed to start with 'fb\_' if neccessary. """ ofname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr('New fieldbook'), filter = tr('Fieldbook file (*.dbf)')) if not ofname: return if QRegExp('fb_').indexIn(QFileInfo(ofname).baseName()): ofname = QDir.cleanPath(QFileInfo(ofname).absolutePath() + QDir().separator() + 'fb_' + QFileInfo(ofname).fileName()) ofbase = QDir.cleanPath(QFileInfo(ofname).absolutePath() + QDir().separator() + QFileInfo(ofname).baseName()) tempbase = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir().separator() + 'template' + QDir().separator() + 'fb_template') for ext in ['.dbf']: QFile(tempbase+ext).copy(ofbase+ext) fb = QgsVectorLayer(ofbase+'.dbf', QFileInfo(ofbase).baseName(), "ogr") if fb.isValid(): QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(fb) def load_fieldbook(self): """ Import an electric fieldbook from file (GSI, JOB/ARE, ...) """ if get_coordlist() is None: QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr("Warning"), tr("No coordinate list is opened, coordinates will be lost from the fieldbook")) homedir = QSettings().value("SurveyingCalculation/homedir",config.homedir) fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.iface.mainWindow(), \ tr('Electric fieldbook'), homedir, \ filter = tr('Leica GSI (*.gsi);;Leica IDX (*.idx);;Geodimeter JOB/ARE (*.job *.are);;Sokkia CRD (*.crd);;SurvCE RW5 (*.rw5);;STONEX DAT (*.dat);;Text dump (*.dmp)')) if fname: # file selected # make a copy of dbf template if not are is loaded if QRegExp('\.are$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) == -1: # ask for table name ofname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr('QGIS fieldbook'), QFileInfo(fname).absolutePath(), filter = tr('DBF file (*.dbf)')) if not ofname: return # remember last input dir QSettings().setValue("SurveyingCalculation/homedir",QFileInfo(fname).absolutePath()) QSettings().sync() # start with 'fb_'? if QRegExp('fb_').indexIn(QFileInfo(ofname).baseName()): ofname = QDir.cleanPath(QFileInfo(ofname).absolutePath() + QDir().separator() + 'fb_' + QFileInfo(ofname).fileName()) # extension is .dbf? if QRegExp('\.dbf$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(ofname) == -1: ofname += '.dbf' tempname = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir().separator() + 'template' + QDir().separator() + 'fb_template.dbf') if not QFile(tempname).copy(ofname): QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr('File warning'), tr('Error copying fieldbook template, target file exists?'), tr('OK')) return fb_dbf = QgsVectorLayer(ofname, QFileInfo(ofname).baseName(), "ogr") if not fb_dbf or not fb_dbf.isValid(): QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr('File warning'), tr('Fieldbook loading error'), tr('OK')) return QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(fb_dbf) if QRegExp('\.gsi$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) > -1: fb = LeicaGsi(fname) elif QRegExp('\.job$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) > -1 or \ QRegExp('\.are$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) > -1: fb = JobAre(fname) elif QRegExp('\.crd$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) > -1: fb = Sdr(fname) elif QRegExp('\.rw5$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) > -1: fb = SurvCE(fname) elif QRegExp('\.dat$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) > -1: fb = Stonex(fname) elif QRegExp('\.dmp$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) > -1: fb = Dump(fname) elif QRegExp('\.idx$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) > -1: fb = Idex(fname) else: QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr('File warning'), tr('Unknown fieldbook type'), tr('OK')) return i = 10 # ordinal number for fieldbook records #fb_dbf.startEditing() n_fb = 0 # fieldbook records stored n_co = 0 # points stored in coordinate list while True: # get next observation/station data from fieldbook r = fb.parse_next() if r is None: break # end of file if 'station' in r: # add row to fieldbook table record = QgsFeature() # add & initialize attributes record.setFields(fb_dbf.pendingFields(), True) j = fb_dbf.dataProvider().fieldNameIndex('id') if j != -1: record.setAttribute(j, i) for key in r: j = fb_dbf.dataProvider().fieldNameIndex(key) if j != -1: record.setAttribute(j, r[key]) (xxx, yyy) = fb_dbf.dataProvider().addFeatures([record]) if not xxx: QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr('File warning'), tr('Fieldbook record creation error'), tr('OK')) return n_fb += 1 if 'station_e' in r or 'station_z' in r: # store station coordinates too dimension = 0 if 'station_z' in r: dimension += 1 else: r['station_z'] = None if 'station_e' in r and 'station_n' in r: dimension += 2 else: r['station_e'] = None r['station_n'] = None if not 'pc' in r: r['pc'] = None p = Point(r['point_id'], r['station_e'], r['station_n'], r['station_z'], r['pc']) qp = ScPoint(p) qp.store_coord(dimension) n_co += 1 if 'e' in r or 'z' in r: # store coordinates too dimension = 0 if 'z' in r: dimension += 1 else: r['z'] = None if 'e' in r and 'n' in r: dimension += 2 else: r['e'] = None r['n'] = None if not 'pc' in r: r['pc'] = None p = Point(r['point_id'], r['e'], r['n'], r['z'], r['pc']) qp = ScPoint(p) qp.store_coord(dimension) n_co += 1 i += 10 #fb_dbf.commitChanges() if QRegExp('\.are$', Qt.CaseInsensitive).indexIn(fname) == -1: if n_fb == 0: # no observations QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().removeMapLayer( # remove empty file QFile(ofname).remove() if n_co == 0: # no coordinates QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr("Warning"),\ tr("Neither coordinates nor observations found")) else: QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr("Warning"),\ tr("No observations found")) self.log.write() self.log.write_log(tr("Fieldbook loaded: ") + fname) self.log.write(" %d observations, %d coordinates" % (n_fb, n_co)) return def addp(self): """ Add point(s) to coordinate list entering coordinates """ if get_coordlist() is None: QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr("Warning"), tr("A coordinate list must be opened!")) return # show the dialog self.newp_dlg.activateWindow() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.newp_dlg.exec_() def calculations(self): """ Single point calculations (orientation, intersection, resection, freestation) """ # show the dialog self.single_dlg.activateWindow() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.single_dlg.exec_() def traverses(self): """ Various traverse claculations """ # show the dialog self.traverse_dlg.activateWindow() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.traverse_dlg.exec_() def networks(self): """ Various network adjustments (1D/2D/3D) """ # show the dialog self.network_dlg.activateWindow() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.network_dlg.exec_() def transformation(self): """ Various coordinate transformations (orthogonal, affine, polynomial) """ # show the dialog self.transformation_dlg.activateWindow() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.transformation_dlg.exec_() def polygon_division(self): """ accept a line from the user to divide the selected polygon on active layer """ al = self.iface.activeLayer() if al is None or al.type() != QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer or \ al.geometryType() != QGis.Polygon: QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr("Warning"), tr("Actual layer contains no polygons")) return if len(al.selectedFeatures()) != 1: QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr("Warning"), tr("Not a single polygon is selected in active layer")) return self.iface.mapCanvas().setMapTool(self.tool_pdiv) def plot_by_temp(self): # show the dialog self.plotbytemplate_dlg.activateWindow() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.plotbytemplate_dlg.exec_() def batch_plotting(self): """ Batch plots selected geometry items using the selected template and scale. """ #check if there are polygon layers in the project polygon_layers = get_vector_layers_by_type(QGis.Polygon) if polygon_layers is None: QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr("Warning"), tr("This utility needs at least one polygon type layer!")) return # show the dialog self.batchplotting_dlg.activateWindow() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.batchplotting_dlg.exec_() def settings(self): """ Setting of the plugin. """ settings_dlg = PluginSettingsDialog() result = settings_dlg.exec_() if result == QDialog.Accepted: log_path = QSettings().value("SurveyingCalculation/log_path",config.log_path) self.log.set_log_path(log_path) def about(self): """ About box of the plugin """ QMessageBox.information(self.iface.mainWindow(), tr('About'), tr('Surveying Calculation Plugin\n\n (c) DigiKom Ltd 2014-, mail (at)\nVersion 0.2')) def help(self): """ Open user's guide of the plugin in the default web browser. """"")