def test_dead_bypass():

    # run mod_boruvka on graph with dead node and make sure
    # all connected components are NOT within their respective mvMax
    # of eachother (otherwise they should be connected)
    g = graph_with_dead_node()

    subgraphs = UnionFind()
    rtree = Rtree()

    # build min span forest via mod_boruvka
    msf_g = mod_boruvka(g, subgraphs=subgraphs, rtree=rtree)

    # calculate all min distances between components
    # distances between all nodes (euclidean for now)
    coord_list = msf_g.coords.values()
    c = np.array(coord_list)
    all_dists = np.sqrt(((c[np.newaxis, :, :] - c[:, np.newaxis, :]) ** 2)

    # now get the component distances (min dist between components)
    components = subgraphs.connected_components()
    component_dists = {}

    # set init dists to inf
    for pair in itertools.product(components, components):
        component_dists[pair] = np.inf

    # keep the min distance between components
    for node_pair_dist in np.ndenumerate(all_dists):
        comp1 = subgraphs[node_pair_dist[0][0]]
        comp2 = subgraphs[node_pair_dist[0][1]]
        dist = node_pair_dist[1]
        if dist < component_dists[(comp1, comp2)]:
            component_dists[(comp1, comp2)] = dist

    # now check whether components are within
    # their respective mvmax of eachother
    # (if so, we've got a problem)
    missed_connections = []
    for pair in itertools.product(components, components):

        if pair[0] != pair[1] and \
           subgraphs.budget[pair[0]] >= component_dists[pair] and \
           subgraphs.budget[pair[1]] >= component_dists[pair]:

    assert len(missed_connections) == 0, "missed connections: " + \
def test_dead_bypass():

    # run mod_boruvka on graph with dead node and make sure
    # all connected components are NOT within their respective mvMax
    # of eachother (otherwise they should be connected)
    g = graph_with_dead_node()

    subgraphs = UnionFind()
    rtree = Rtree()

    # build min span forest via mod_boruvka
    msf_g = mod_boruvka(g, subgraphs=subgraphs, rtree=rtree)

    # calculate all min distances between components
    # distances between all nodes (euclidean for now)
    coord_list = msf_g.coords.values()
    c = np.array(coord_list)
    all_dists = np.sqrt(((c[np.newaxis, :, :] - c[:, np.newaxis, :]) ** 2)

    # now get the component distances (min dist between components)
    components = subgraphs.connected_components()
    component_dists = {}

    # set init dists to inf
    for pair in itertools.product(components, components):
        component_dists[pair] = np.inf

    # keep the min distance between components
    for node_pair_dist in np.ndenumerate(all_dists):
        comp1 = subgraphs[node_pair_dist[0][0]]
        comp2 = subgraphs[node_pair_dist[0][1]]
        dist = node_pair_dist[1]
        if dist < component_dists[(comp1, comp2)]:
            component_dists[(comp1, comp2)] = dist

    # now check whether components are within
    # their respective mvmax of eachother
    # (if so, we've got a problem)
    missed_connections = []
    for pair in itertools.product(components, components):

        if pair[0] != pair[1] and \
           subgraphs.budget[pair[0]] >= component_dists[pair] and \
           subgraphs.budget[pair[1]] >= component_dists[pair]:

    assert len(missed_connections) == 0, "missed connections: " + \
def test_min_edges():

    # run mod_boruvka on graph with high mv max and long edge and make sure
    # that the result is an MST
    # of eachother (otherwise they should be connected)
    g = graph_high_mvmax_long_edge()

    subgraphs = UnionFind()
    rtree = Rtree()

    # build min span forest via mod_boruvka
    msf_g = mod_boruvka(g, subgraphs=subgraphs, rtree=rtree)

    # use networkx to build mst and compare
    coord_list = msf_g.coords.values()
    c = np.array(coord_list)
    all_dists = np.sqrt(((c[np.newaxis, :, :] - c[:, np.newaxis, :]) ** 2).

    complete_g = nx.Graph(all_dists)
    mst_g = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(complete_g)

    mst_edge_set = set([frozenset(e) for e in mst_g.edges()])
    msf_edge_set = set([frozenset(e) for e in msf_g.edges()])
    assert msf_edge_set == mst_edge_set
def test_union_budget():

    net = init_network(5000)
    subgraphs = UnionFind()
    nodes = net.nodes(data=True)
    pairs = zip(nodes[:-1], nodes[1:])

    mv = None
    for ((n1, d1), (n2, d2)) in pairs:
        if mv is None:
            mv = d1['budget']
        mv = (mv + d2['budget']) - \
            spherical_distance([d1['coords'], d2['coords']])

        subgraphs.add_component(n1, budget=d1['budget'])
        subgraphs.add_component(n2, budget=d2['budget'])
        d = spherical_distance([d1['coords'], d2['coords']])
        subgraphs.union(n1, n2, d)

    eq_(np.allclose(subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[1]], mv), True)
def test_line_subgraph_intersection():
    Test case where precision and odd geometry issues occur
    # initialize network, nodes
    existing_net_file = os.path.join("data", "katsina", "existing.shp")
    demand_nodes_file = os.path.join("data", "katsina", "metrics.csv")
    network = nio.read_shp_geograph(existing_net_file, simplify=False)
    network.coords = {
        "g-" + str(n): network.coords[n]
        for n in network.nodes()
    new_labels = ["g-" + str(n) for n in network.nodes()]
                     dict(zip(network.nodes(), new_labels)),
    nodes = nio.read_csv_geograph(demand_nodes_file, "x", "y")

    # populate disjoint set of subgraphs
    subgraphs = UnionFind()
    # only one connected component, so just add all nodes associated
    # with first node
    net_nodes = network.nodes()
    parent = net_nodes[0]
    subgraphs.add_component(parent, budget=0)
    for node in net_nodes[1:]:
        subgraphs.add_component(node, budget=0)
        subgraphs.union(parent, node, 0)

    # now find projections onto grid
    rtree = network.get_rtree_index()
    projected = network.project_onto(nodes, rtree_index=rtree)

    assert len(projected.edges()) == 1, "should only be 1 projected edge"

    edge = projected.edges()[0]
    p1, p2 = projected.coords[edge[0]], projected.coords[edge[1]]

    invalid, subgraphs = gm.line_subgraph_intersection(subgraphs, rtree, p1,

    assert not invalid, "edge should intersect network only once"
def test_line_subgraph_intersection():
    Test case where precision and odd geometry issues occur
    # initialize network, nodes
    existing_net_file = os.path.join("data", "katsina", "existing.shp")
    demand_nodes_file = os.path.join("data", "katsina", "metrics.csv")
    network = nio.read_shp_geograph(existing_net_file, simplify=False)
    network.coords = {"g-" + str(n): network.coords[n] for n in network.nodes()}
    new_labels = ["g-" + str(n) for n in network.nodes()]
                     dict(zip(network.nodes(), new_labels)),
    nodes = nio.read_csv_geograph(demand_nodes_file, "x", "y")

    # populate disjoint set of subgraphs
    subgraphs = UnionFind()
    # only one connected component, so just add all nodes associated
    # with first node
    net_nodes = network.nodes()
    parent = net_nodes[0]
    subgraphs.add_component(parent, budget=0)
    for node in net_nodes[1:]:
        subgraphs.add_component(node, budget=0)
        subgraphs.union(parent, node, 0)

    # now find projections onto grid
    rtree = network.get_rtree_index()
    projected = network.project_onto(nodes, rtree_index=rtree)

    assert len(projected.edges()) == 1, "should only be 1 projected edge"

    edge = projected.edges()[0]
    p1, p2 = projected.coords[edge[0]], projected.coords[edge[1]]

    invalid, subgraphs = gm.line_subgraph_intersection(subgraphs,
                                                    p1, p2)

    assert not invalid, "edge should intersect network only once"
def test_union_budget():

    net = init_network(5000)
    subgraphs = UnionFind()
    nodes = net.nodes(data=True)
    pairs = zip(nodes[:-1], nodes[1:])

    mv = None
    for ((n1, d1), (n2, d2)) in pairs:
        if mv is None:
            mv = d1['budget']
        mv = (mv + d2['budget']) - \
            spherical_distance([d1['coords'], d2['coords']])

        subgraphs.add_component(n1, budget=d1['budget'])
        subgraphs.add_component(n2, budget=d2['budget'])
        d = spherical_distance([d1['coords'], d2['coords']])
        subgraphs.union(n1, n2, d)

    eq_(np.allclose(subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[1]], mv), True)
def merge_network_and_nodes(network, demand_nodes, single_network=True):
    merge the network and nodes GeoGraphs to set up the Graph, UnionFind
    (DisjoinSet), and RTree datastructures for use in network algorithms

        network:  graph representing existing network
            (assumes node ids don't conflict with net (demand) nodes)
        demand_nodes:  graph of nodes representing demand
        single_network:  whether subgraphs of network are unioned into
            a single network 

        graph:  graph with demand nodes and their nearest nodes to the
            existing network (i.e. 'fake' nodes)
        subgraphs:  UnionFind datastructure populated with fake nodes and
            associated with the appropriate connected component or the entire
            subgraph (depending on ``single_subgraph`` param)
        rtree:  spatial index populated with the edges from the
            existing network

    # project demand nodes onto network
    rtree = network.get_rtree_index()
    grid_with_fakes = network.project_onto(demand_nodes, rtree_index=rtree)

    # get only the fake nodes and the associated network edges
    demand_node_set = set(demand_nodes.nodes())
    net_plus_demand = set(network.nodes()).union(demand_node_set)
    fakes = set(grid_with_fakes.nodes()) - net_plus_demand
    # fake node should only have 2 neighbors from the existing network
    # that is the nearest edge
    def get_fake_edge(node): return tuple(set(
        grid_with_fakes.neighbors(node)) - demand_node_set)

    edge_fakes = [(get_fake_edge(fake), fake) for fake in fakes]

    # Init the DisjointSet
    subgraphs = UnionFind()

    assert len(network.nodes()) > 1, \
        "network must have more than 1 node"
    if single_network:
        # just union all nodes to a single parent
        nodes = network.nodes()
        # add parent
        parent = nodes[0]
        subgraphs.add_component(parent, budget=network.node[parent]['budget'])
        for node in nodes[1:]:
            subgraphs.add_component(node, budget=network.node[node]['budget'])
            # The existing grid nodes are on the grid (so distance is 0)
            subgraphs.union(parent, node, 0)
        # Build the subnet components
        # Get the network components to init budget centers
        subnets = nx.connected_components(network)

        for sub in subnets:
            # union all nodes to parent of subnet 
            parent = sub[0]
            # Merge remaining nodes with component
            for node in sub[1:]:
                # The existing grid nodes are on the grid (so distance is 0)
                subgraphs.union(parent, node, 0)

    # setup merged graph to be populated with fake nodes
    merged = GeoGraph(demand_nodes.srs, demand_nodes.coords, data=demand_nodes)
    # merge fakes in
    for ((u, v), fake) in edge_fakes:

        # Make sure something wonky isn't going on
        assert(subgraphs[u] == subgraphs[v])

        # Add the fake node to the big net
        merged.add_node(fake, budget=np.inf)
        merged.coords[fake] = grid_with_fakes.coords[fake]

        # Merge the fake node with the grid subgraph
        subgraphs.add_component(fake, budget=np.inf)
        subgraphs.union(fake, u, 0)

    return merged, subgraphs, rtree
def p_mod_boruvka(G, subgraphs=None, rtree=None):

    V = set(T.nodes(data=False))
    coords = np.row_stack(nx.get_node_attributes(T, 'coords').values())
    projcoords = ang_to_vec_coords(coords)

    kdtree = KDTree(projcoords)

    if subgraphs is None:
        if rtree is not None: raise ValueError('RTree passed without UnionFind')

        rtree = Rtree()
        # modified to handle queues, children, mv
        subgraphs = UnionFind()

    # Tests whether the node is a projection on the existing grid, using its MV
    is_fake = lambda n: subgraphs.budget[n] == np.inf

    def find_nn(node_tuple):
        u, up = node_tuple
        v, _ = kdtree.query_subset(up, list(V - {u}))
        return u, v, spherical_distance([coords[u], coords[v]])

    # find the nearest neigbor of all nodes
    p = mp.Pool(processes=6)
    neighbors = p.map(find_nn, enumerate(projcoords))

    # push the results into their respective queues
    for u, v, d in neighbors:
        subgraphs.add_component(u, budget=T.node[u]['budget'])
        subgraphs.queues[u].push((u, v), d)

    # list to hold mst edges
    Et = []
    last_state = None

    while Et != last_state:

        # consolidates top candidate edges from each subgraph
        Ep = PriorityQueue()

        def update_queues(component):

            q_top = subgraphs.queues[component].top()
                (u, v) = q_top
                return (None, None, None), np.inf

            component_set = subgraphs.component_set(u)
            disjointVC = list(V - set(component_set))

            if not disjointVC:
                return (None, None, None), np.inf

            while v in component_set:
                vprime, _ = kdtree.query_subset(projcoords[u], disjointVC)
                dm = spherical_distance([coords[u], coords[vprime]])
                subgraphs.queues[component].push((u, vprime), dm)
                (u, v) = subgraphs.queues[component].top()
                dm = spherical_distance([coords[u], coords[v]])

            return (u, v, dm), dm

        p = mp.Pool(processes=6)
        foreign_neighbors = map(update_queues,

        for neighbor in foreign_neighbors:
            obj, priority = neighbor
            if priority != np.inf:

        last_state = deepcopy(Et)
        # add all the edges in E' to Et so long as no cycles are created
        while Ep._queue:
            (um, vm, dm) = Ep.pop()
            # if doesn't create cycle and subgraph has enough MV
            if subgraphs[um] != subgraphs[vm] and \
                (subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[um]] >= dm or is_fake(um)):
                # test that the connecting subgraph can receive the MV
                if subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[vm]] >= dm or is_fake(vm):

                    # doesn't create cycles from line segment intersection
                    invalid_edge, intersections =\
                        line_subgraph_intersection(subgraphs, rtree,
                            coords[um], coords[vm])

                    if not invalid_edge:
                        # edges should not intersect a subgraph more than once
                        assert(filter(lambda n: n > 1,
                            intersections.values()) == [])

                        # merge the subgraphs
                        subgraphs.union(um, vm, dm)

                        # Union all intersecting subgraphs
                        # and update budgets (happens within union)
                        map(lambda (n, _): subgraphs.union(um, n, 0),
                                filter(lambda (n, i): i == 1 and
                                        subgraphs[n] != subgraphs[um],

                        # index the newly added edge
                        box = make_bounding_box(coords[um], coords[vm])

                        # Object is (u.label, v.label), (u.coord, v.coord)
                        rtree.insert(hash((um, vm)), box,
                            obj=((um, vm), (coords[um], coords[vm])))
                        Et += [(um, vm)]

    return T
def mod_boruvka(G, subgraphs=None, rtree=None):

    algorithm to calculate the minimum spanning forest of nodes in GeoGraph G
    with 'budget' based restrictions on edges.

    Uses a modified version of Boruvka's algorithm

    NOTE:  subgraphs is modified as a side-effect...may remove in future
        (useful for testing right now)

        G:  GeoGraph of nodes to be connected if appropriate
            Nodes should have 'budget' attribute
        subgraphs:  UnionFind data structure representing existing network's
            connected components AND the 'fake' nodes projected onto it.  This
            is the basis for the agglomerative nearest neighbor approach in
            this algorithm.
        rtree:  RTree based index of existing network

        GeoGraph: representing minimum spanning forest of G subject to the
            budget based restrictions

    # special case (already MST)
    if G.number_of_nodes() < 2:
        return G

    V = set(G.nodes())
    coords = np.row_stack(G.coords.values())
    projcoords = ang_to_vec_coords(coords) if G.is_geographic() else coords
    kdtree = KDTree(projcoords)

    # Handle "dead" components
    D = set()

    if subgraphs is None:
        if rtree is not None: raise ValueError('RTree passed without UnionFind')

        rtree = Rtree()
        # modified to handle queues, children, mv
        subgraphs = UnionFind()

    # <helper_functions>
    def candidate_components(C):
        return the set of candidate nearest components for the connected
        component containing C.  Do not consider those in C's connected
        component or those that are 'dead'.
        component_set = subgraphs.component_set(C)
        return list((V - set(component_set)) - D)

    def update_nn_component(C, candidates):
        find the nearest neighbor pair for the connected component
        represented by c.  candidates represents the list of
        components from which to select.

        (v, vm) = subgraphs.queues[C].top()

        # vm ∈ C {not a foreign nearest neighbor}
        # go through the queue until an edge is found between this node
        # and the set of candidates, updating the neighbors in the connected
        # components queue in the process.
        while vm not in candidates:
            um, _ = kdtree.query_subset(projcoords[v], candidates)
            dm = square_distance(projcoords[v], projcoords[um])
            subgraphs.push(subgraphs.queues[C], (v, um), dm)
            # Note:  v will always be a vertex in this connected component
            #        vm *may* be external
            (v, vm) = subgraphs.queues[C].top()

        return (v, vm)

    # Tests whether the node is a projection on the existing grid, using its MV
    is_fake = lambda n: subgraphs.budget[n] == np.inf

    # Test whether the component is dead
    # i.e. can never connect to another node
    def is_dead(c, nn_dist):
        return not is_fake(c) and subgraphs.budget[c] < nn_dist

    # "true" distance between components
    def component_dist(c1, c2):
        dist = 0
        if G.is_geographic():
            dist = spherical_distance([coords[c1], coords[c2]])
            dist = euclidean_distance([coords[c1], coords[c2]])
        return dist

    # </helper_functions>

    # Initialize the connected components holding a single node
    # and push the nearest neighbor into its queue
    for v in V:
        vm, _ = kdtree.query_subset(projcoords[v], list(V - {v}))
        dm = square_distance(projcoords[v], projcoords[vm])
        subgraphs.add_component(v, budget=G.node[v]['budget'])
        subgraphs.push(subgraphs.queues[v], (v, vm), dm)

        # Add to dead set if warranted
        nn_dist = component_dist(v, vm)

        if is_dead(v, nn_dist):
            # here components are single nodes
            # so no need to worry about adding children to dead set
            if v not in D: D.add(v)

    Et = []  # Initialize MST edges to empty list
    last_state = None

    # MST is complete when no progress was made in the prior iteration
    while Et != last_state:

        # This is a candidate list of edges that might be added to the MST
        Ep = PriorityQueue()

        # ∀ C of G; where c <- connected component
        for C in subgraphs.connected_components(component_subset=V):

            candidates = candidate_components(C)

            # Skip if no valid candidates
            if not candidates:

            (v, vm) = update_nn_component(C, candidates)

            # Add to dead set if warranted
            nn_dist = component_dist(v, vm)

            if is_dead(C, nn_dist):
                # add all dead components to the dead set D
                # (note that fake nodes can never be dead)
                for c in subgraphs.component_set(C):
                    if c not in D and not is_fake(c):  D.add(c)

        # One more round to root out connections to dead components
        # found in above iteration.
        # Need to do this BEFORE pushing candidate edges into Ep.
        # Otherwise we might be testing only 'dead' candidates
        # and therefore mistakenly think we were done (since
        # no new edges would have been added)
        for C in subgraphs.connected_components(component_subset=V):

            candidates = candidate_components(C)

            # Skip if no valid candidates
            if not candidates:

            (v, vm) = update_nn_component(C, candidates)

            # Calculate nn_dist for comparison to mv later
            nn_dist = component_dist(v, vm)

            # Append the top priority edge from the subgraph to the candidate
            # edge set
            Ep.push((v, vm, nn_dist), nn_dist)

        last_state = deepcopy(Et)

        # Candidate Test
        # At this point we have all of our nearest neighbor component edge
        # candidates defined for this "round"
        # Now test all candidate edges in Ep for cycles and satisfaction of
        # custom criteria
        while Ep._queue:
            (um, vm, dm) = Ep.pop()

            # if doesn't create cycle 
            # and subgraphs have enough MV
            # and we're not connecting 2 fake nodes 
            # then allow the connection
            if subgraphs[um] != subgraphs[vm] and \
                (subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[um]] >= dm or is_fake(um)) and \
                (subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[vm]] >= dm or is_fake(vm)) and \
                not (is_fake(um) and is_fake(vm)):

                # doesn't create cycles from line segment intersection
                invalid_edge, intersections = \
                    line_subgraph_intersection(subgraphs, rtree,
                        coords[um], coords[vm])

                if not invalid_edge:
                    # edges should not intersect a subgraph more than once
                    assert(filter(lambda n: n > 1,
                        intersections.values()) == [])

                    # merge the subgraphs
                    subgraphs.union(um, vm, dm)

                    # For all intersected subgraphs update the mv to that
                    # created by the edge intersecting them,
                    # TODO: This should be updated in not such a naive method
                    map(lambda (n, _): subgraphs.union(um, n, 0),
                            filter(lambda (n, i): i == 1 and
                                    subgraphs[n] != subgraphs[um],

                    # index the newly added edge
                    box = make_bounding_box(coords[um], coords[vm])

                    # Object is (u.label, v.label), (u.coord, v.coord)
                    rtree.insert(hash((um, vm)), box,
                        obj=((um, vm), (coords[um], coords[vm])))
                    Et += [(um, vm, {'weight': dm})]

    # create new GeoGraph with results
    result = G.copy()
    result.coords = G.coords
    return result
def merge_network_and_nodes(network, demand_nodes,
                            single_network=True, spherical_accuracy=False):
    merge the network and nodes GeoGraphs to set up the Graph, UnionFind
    (DisjoinSet), and RTree datastructures for use in network algorithms

        network:  graph representing existing network
            (assumes node ids don't conflict with net (demand) nodes)
        demand_nodes:  graph of nodes representing demand
        single_network:  whether subgraphs of network are unioned into
            a single network
        spherical_accuracy:  Whether to connect nodes to network on a sphere

        graph:  graph with demand nodes and their nearest nodes to the
            existing network (i.e. 'fake' nodes)
        subgraphs:  UnionFind datastructure populated with fake nodes and
            associated with the appropriate connected component or the entire
            subgraph (depending on ``single_subgraph`` param)
        rtree:  spatial index populated with the edges from the
            existing network

    # project demand nodes onto network
    rtree = network.get_rtree_index()
    grid_with_fakes = network.project_onto(demand_nodes, rtree_index=rtree,

    # get only the fake nodes and the associated network edges
    demand_node_set = set(demand_nodes.nodes())
    net_plus_demand = set(network.nodes()).union(demand_node_set)
    fakes = set(grid_with_fakes.nodes()) - net_plus_demand

    def get_fake_edge(node):
        fake node should only have 2 neighbors from the existing network
        that is the nearest edge
        return tuple(set(grid_with_fakes.neighbors(node)) - demand_node_set)

    edge_fakes = [(get_fake_edge(fake), fake) for fake in fakes]

    # Init the DisjointSet
    subgraphs = UnionFind()

    assert len(network.nodes()) > 1, \
        "network must have more than 1 node"

    if single_network:
        # just union all nodes to a single parent
        nodes = network.nodes()
        # add parent
        parent = nodes[0]
        subgraphs.add_component(parent, budget=network.node[parent]['budget'])
        for node in nodes[1:]:
            subgraphs.add_component(node, budget=network.node[node]['budget'])
            # The existing grid nodes are on the grid (so distance is 0)
            subgraphs.union(parent, node, 0)
        # Build the subnet components
        # Get the network components to init budget centers
        subnets = nx.connected_components(network)

        for sub in subnets:
            # union all nodes to parent of subnet
            sub_list = list(sub)
            parent = sub_list[0]
            # Merge remaining nodes with component
            for node in sub_list[1:]:
                # The existing grid nodes are on the grid (so distance is 0)
                subgraphs.union(parent, node, 0)

    # setup merged graph to be populated with fake nodes
    merged = GeoGraph(demand_nodes.srs, demand_nodes.coords, data=demand_nodes)
    # merge fakes in
    for ((u, v), fake) in edge_fakes:

        # Make sure something wonky isn't going on
        assert(subgraphs[u] == subgraphs[v])

        # Add the fake node to the big net
        # NOTE:  fake nodes always have np.inf budget
        merged.add_node(fake, budget=np.inf)
        merged.coords[fake] = grid_with_fakes.coords[fake]

        # Merge the fake node with the grid subgraph
        subgraphs.add_component(fake, budget=np.inf)
        subgraphs.union(fake, u, 0)

    return merged, subgraphs, rtree
def mod_kruskal(G, subgraphs=None, rtree=None):

    algorithm to compute the euclidean minimum spanning forest of nodes in
    GeoGraph G with 'budget' based restrictions on edges

    Uses a modified version of Kruskal's algorithm

    NOTE:  subgraphs is modified as a side-effect...may remove in future
        (useful for testing right now)

        G:  GeoGraph of nodes to be connected if appropriate
            Nodes should have 'budget' attribute

        subgraphs:  UnionFind data structure representing existing network's
            connected components AND the 'fake' nodes projected onto it.  This
            is the basis for the agglomerative nearest neighbor approach in
            this algorithm.

            NOTE:  ONLY the existing networks components are represented in
            the subgraphs argument.  The nodes in G will be added within
            this function

        rtree:  RTree based index of existing network

        GeoGraph: representing minimum spanning forest of G subject to the
            budget based restrictions

    # special case (already MST)
    if G.number_of_nodes() < 2:
        return G

    def is_fake(node):
        Tests whether the node is a projection on the existing grid,
        using its MV
        return subgraphs.budget[node] == np.inf

    # handy to have coords array
    coords = np.row_stack(G.coords.values())

    if subgraphs is None:
        assert rtree is not None, \
            "subgraphs (disjoint set) required when rtree is passed"

        rtree = Rtree()

        # modified to handle queues, children, mv
        subgraphs = UnionFind()

    # add nodes and budgets from G to subgraphs as components
    for node in G.nodes():
        subgraphs.add_component(node, budget=G.node[node]['budget'])

    # get fully connected graph
    g = G.get_connected_weighted_graph()

    # edges in MSF
    Et = []
    # connect the shortest safe edge until all edges have been tested
    # at which point, we have made all possible connections
    for u, v, w in sorted(g.edges(data=True), key=lambda x: x[2]['weight']):
        # if doesn't create cycle
        # and subgraphs have enough MV
        # and we're not connecting 2 fake nodes
        # then allow the connection
        w = w['weight']
        if subgraphs[u] != subgraphs[v] and \
           (subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[u]] >= w or is_fake(u)) and \
           (subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[v]] >= w or is_fake(v)) and \
           not (is_fake(u) and is_fake(v)):

            # doesn't create cycles from line segment intersection
            invalid_edge, intersections = \
                line_subgraph_intersection(subgraphs, rtree,
                                           coords[u], coords[v])

            if not invalid_edge:
                # edges should not intersect a subgraph more than once
                assert(filter(lambda n: n > 1,
                       intersections.values()) == [])

                # merge the subgraphs
                subgraphs.union(u, v, w)

                # For all intersected subgraphs update the mv to that
                # created by the edge intersecting them
                map(lambda (n, _): subgraphs.union(u, n, 0),
                    filter(lambda (n, i): i == 1 and
                    subgraphs[n] != subgraphs[u],

                # index the newly added edge
                box = make_bounding_box(coords[u], coords[v])

                # Object is (u.label, v.label), (u.coord, v.coord)
                rtree.insert(hash((u, v)), box,
                             obj=((u, v), (coords[u], coords[v])))
                Et += [(u, v, {'weight': w})]

    # create new GeoGraph with results
    result = G.copy()
    result.coords = G.coords
    return result
def nodes_plus_grid():
    Return:  nodes as graph and grid as UnionFind/Rtree combo

    This example input demonstrates the "more" optimal nature
    of mod_boruvka vs mod_kruskal.

            1(4)           |
  sqrt(5){ /|              |
          / |              |
         /  | }3           | } 5
     (2)0   |              |
      1{|   |              |
    +-+-3-+-4-+-+-+-+-+-+-+5-+-+-+  <-- existing grid

    In this case, all nodes will be connected via either algorithm,
    but the graph produced by mod_kruskal will have edge (4,1) whereas
    mod_boruvka will produce a graph with edge (0,1).

    Therefore, the mod_boruvka graph is more optimal.

    mv_max_values = [2, 4, 10]
    coords = np.array([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 3.0], [10.0, 5.0]])
    coords_dict = dict(enumerate(coords))
    nodes = GeoGraph(gm.PROJ4_FLAT_EARTH, coords=coords_dict)

    nx.set_node_attributes(nodes, 'budget', dict(enumerate(mv_max_values)))

    grid_coords = np.array([[-5.0, 0.0], [15.0, 0.0]])
    grid = GeoGraph(gm.PROJ4_FLAT_EARTH,
                    {'grid-' + str(n): c
                     for n, c in enumerate(grid_coords)})
    nx.set_node_attributes(grid, 'budget', {n: 0 for n in grid.nodes()})
    grid.add_edges_from([('grid-0', 'grid-1')])

    # now find projections onto grid
    rtree = grid.get_rtree_index()
    projected = grid.project_onto(nodes, rtree_index=rtree)

    # populate disjoint set of subgraphs
    subgraphs = UnionFind()
    # only one connected component, so just associate all nodes
    # with first node of grid
    parent = grid.nodes()[0]
    subgraphs.add_component(parent, budget=grid.node[parent]['budget'])
    for node in grid.nodes()[1:]:
        subgraphs.add_component(node, budget=grid.node[node]['budget'])
        subgraphs.union(parent, node, 0)

    # and the projected "fake" nodes
    for node in projected.nodes():
        subgraphs.add_component(node, budget=np.inf)
        subgraphs.union(parent, node, 0)

    # add projected nodes to node set
    nodes.add_nodes_from(projected, budget=np.inf)
    # merge coords
    nodes.coords = dict(nodes.coords, **projected.coords)

    return nodes, subgraphs, rtree
def test_component_functions():
    Tests whether UnionFind component/connected_component methods
    work as expected


    # demand nodes are 0-3 plus a 'fake node' at 4
    demand_components = set(range(5))
    # existing grid nodes
    external_components = set(['grid-0', 'grid-1', 'grid-2'])

    subgraphs = UnionFind()
    for i in demand_components:  subgraphs.add_component(i)
    for g in external_components:  subgraphs.add_component(g)

    # assign weights to eventual connected component roots
    subgraphs.weights[4] = np.inf
    subgraphs.weights[2] = np.inf
    subgraphs.weights['grid-1'] = np.inf

    # first connect the grid nodes and the fake node
    grid_union_pairs = [(4, 'grid-0'), ('grid-1', 'grid-2')]
    for g1, g2 in grid_union_pairs:
        subgraphs.union(g1, g2, 1)

    # should be 3 components at this point (2 within demand set)
    eq_(subgraphs.connected_components(), set(range(5) + ['grid-1']))

    # connect others (including a connection to the grid via fake node 4)
    union_pairs = [(0, 1), (2, 3), (0, 4)]
    for u1, u2 in union_pairs:
        subgraphs.union(u1, u2, 1)

    # test component sets
    eq_(set(subgraphs.component_set(0)), set([0, 1, 4, 'grid-0']))
    eq_(set(subgraphs.component_set(2)), set([2, 3]))

    # test connected components
    eq_(subgraphs.connected_components(), set([4, 2, 'grid-1']))
    # connected component with ('grid-1', 'grid-2') should be filtered out
        set([4, 2]))
def test_component_functions():
    Tests whether UnionFind component/connected_component methods
    work as expected


    # demand nodes are 0-3 plus a 'fake node' at 4
    demand_components = set(range(5))
    # existing grid nodes
    external_components = set(['grid-0', 'grid-1', 'grid-2'])

    subgraphs = UnionFind()
    for i in demand_components:
    for g in external_components:

    # assign weights to eventual connected component roots
    subgraphs.weights[4] = np.inf
    subgraphs.weights[2] = np.inf
    subgraphs.weights['grid-1'] = np.inf

    # first connect the grid nodes and the fake node
    grid_union_pairs = [(4, 'grid-0'), ('grid-1', 'grid-2')]
    for g1, g2 in grid_union_pairs:
        subgraphs.union(g1, g2, 1)

    # should be 3 components at this point (2 within demand set)
    eq_(subgraphs.connected_components(), set(range(5) + ['grid-1']))

    # connect others (including a connection to the grid via fake node 4)
    union_pairs = [(0, 1), (2, 3), (0, 4)]
    for u1, u2 in union_pairs:
        subgraphs.union(u1, u2, 1)

    # test component sets
    eq_(set(subgraphs.component_set(0)), set([0, 1, 4, 'grid-0']))
    eq_(set(subgraphs.component_set(2)), set([2, 3]))

    # test connected components
    eq_(subgraphs.connected_components(), set([4, 2, 'grid-1']))
    # connected component with ('grid-1', 'grid-2') should be filtered out
        set([4, 2]))
def nodes_plus_grid():
    Return:  nodes as graph and grid as UnionFind/Rtree combo

    This example input demonstrates the "more" optimal nature
    of mod_boruvka vs mod_kruskal.

            1(4)           |
  sqrt(5){ /|              |
          / |              |
         /  | }3           | } 5
     (2)0   |              |
      1{|   |              |
    +-+-3-+-4-+-+-+-+-+-+-+5-+-+-+  <-- existing grid

    In this case, all nodes will be connected via either algorithm,
    but the graph produced by mod_kruskal will have edge (4,1) whereas
    mod_boruvka will produce a graph with edge (0,1).

    Therefore, the mod_boruvka graph is more optimal.

    mv_max_values = [2, 4, 10]
    coords = np.array([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 3.0], [10.0, 5.0]])
    coords_dict = dict(enumerate(coords))
    nodes = GeoGraph(gm.PROJ4_FLAT_EARTH, coords=coords_dict)

    nx.set_node_attributes(nodes, 'budget', dict(enumerate(mv_max_values)))

    grid_coords = np.array([[-5.0, 0.0], [15.0, 0.0]])
    grid = GeoGraph(gm.PROJ4_FLAT_EARTH, {'grid-' + str(n): c for n, c in
    nx.set_node_attributes(grid, 'budget', {n: 0 for n in grid.nodes()})
    grid.add_edges_from([('grid-0', 'grid-1')])

    # now find projections onto grid
    rtree = grid.get_rtree_index()
    projected = grid.project_onto(nodes, rtree_index=rtree)

    # populate disjoint set of subgraphs
    subgraphs = UnionFind()
    # only one connected component, so just associate all nodes
    # with first node of grid
    parent = grid.nodes()[0]
    subgraphs.add_component(parent, budget=grid.node[parent]['budget'])
    for node in grid.nodes()[1:]:
        subgraphs.add_component(node, budget=grid.node[node]['budget'])
        subgraphs.union(parent, node, 0)

    # and the projected "fake" nodes
    for node in projected.nodes():
        subgraphs.add_component(node, budget=np.inf)
        subgraphs.union(parent, node, 0)

    # add projected nodes to node set
    nodes.add_nodes_from(projected, budget=np.inf)
    # merge coords
    nodes.coords = dict(nodes.coords, **projected.coords)

    return nodes, subgraphs, rtree
def mod_boruvka(G, subgraphs=None, rtree=None):

    algorithm to calculate the minimum spanning forest of nodes in GeoGraph G
    with 'budget' based restrictions on edges.

    Uses a modified version of Boruvka's algorithm

    NOTE:  subgraphs is modified as a side-effect...may remove in future
        (useful for testing right now)

        G:  GeoGraph of nodes to be connected if appropriate
            Nodes should have 'budget' attribute
        subgraphs:  UnionFind data structure representing existing network's
            connected components AND the 'fake' nodes projected onto it.  This
            is the basis for the agglomerative nearest neighbor approach in
            this algorithm.
        rtree:  RTree based index of existing network

        GeoGraph: representing minimum spanning forest of G subject to the
            budget based restrictions

    # special case (already MST)
    if G.number_of_nodes() < 2:
        return G

    V = set(G.nodes())

    # GeoGraph coords may be ndarray or dict
    if isinstance(G.coords, np.ndarray):
        coords = G.coords
        coords = np.row_stack(G.coords.values())

    projcoords = ang_to_vec_coords(coords) if G.is_geographic() else coords
    kdtree = KDTree(projcoords)

    # Handle "dead" components
    D = set()

    if subgraphs is None:
        if rtree is not None:
            raise ValueError('RTree passed without UnionFind')

        rtree = Rtree()
        # modified to handle queues, children, mv
        subgraphs = UnionFind()

    # <helper_functions>
    def candidate_components(C):
        return the set of candidate nearest components for the connected
        component containing C.  Do not consider those in C's connected
        component or those that are 'dead'.
        component_set = subgraphs.component_set(C)
        return list((V - set(component_set)) - D)

    def update_nn_component(C, candidates):
        find the nearest neighbor pair for the connected component
        represented by c.  candidates represents the list of
        components from which to select.

        (v, vm) = subgraphs.queues[C].top()

        # vm ∈ C {not a foreign nearest neighbor}
        # go through the queue until an edge is found between this node
        # and the set of candidates, updating the neighbors in the connected
        # components queue in the process.
        while vm not in candidates:
            um, _ = kdtree.query_subset(projcoords[v], candidates)
            dm = square_distance(projcoords[v], projcoords[um])
            subgraphs.push(subgraphs.queues[C], (v, um), dm)
            # Note:  v will always be a vertex in this connected component
            #        vm *may* be external
            (v, vm) = subgraphs.queues[C].top()

        return (v, vm)

    def is_fake(node):
        Tests whether the node is a projection on the existing grid
        return subgraphs.budget[node] == np.inf

    # Test whether the component is dead
    # i.e. can never connect to another node
    def is_dead(c, nn_dist):
        return not is_fake(c) and subgraphs.budget[c] < nn_dist

    # "true" distance between components
    def component_dist(c1, c2):
        dist = 0
        if G.is_geographic():
            dist = spherical_distance([coords[c1], coords[c2]])
            dist = euclidean_distance([coords[c1], coords[c2]])
        return dist

    # </helper_functions>

    # Initialize the connected components holding a single node
    # and push the nearest neighbor into its queue
    for v in V:
        vm, _ = kdtree.query_subset(projcoords[v], list(V - {v}))
        dm = square_distance(projcoords[v], projcoords[vm])
        subgraphs.add_component(v, budget=G.node[v]['budget'])
        subgraphs.push(subgraphs.queues[v], (v, vm), dm)

        # Add to dead set if warranted
        nn_dist = component_dist(v, vm)

        if is_dead(v, nn_dist):
            # here components are single nodes
            # so no need to worry about adding children to dead set
            if v not in D:

    Et = []  # Initialize MST edges to empty list
    last_state = None

    # MST is complete when no progress was made in the prior iteration
    while Et != last_state:

        # This is a candidate list of edges that might be added to the MST
        Ep = PriorityQueue()

        # ∀ C of G; where c <- connected component
        for C in subgraphs.connected_components(component_subset=V):

            candidates = candidate_components(C)

            # Skip if no valid candidates
            if not candidates:

            (v, vm) = update_nn_component(C, candidates)

            # Add to dead set if warranted
            nn_dist = component_dist(v, vm)

            if is_dead(C, nn_dist):
                # add all dead components to the dead set D
                # (note that fake nodes can never be dead)
                for c in subgraphs.component_set(C):
                    if c not in D and not is_fake(c):

        # One more round to root out connections to dead components
        # found in above iteration.
        # Need to do this BEFORE pushing candidate edges into Ep.
        # Otherwise we might be testing only 'dead' candidates
        # and therefore mistakenly think we were done (since
        # no new edges would have been added)
        for C in subgraphs.connected_components(component_subset=V):

            candidates = candidate_components(C)

            # Skip if no valid candidates
            if not candidates:

            (v, vm) = update_nn_component(C, candidates)

            # Calculate nn_dist for comparison to mv later
            nn_dist = component_dist(v, vm)

            # Append the top priority edge from the subgraph to the candidate
            # edge set
            Ep.push((v, vm, nn_dist), nn_dist)

        last_state = deepcopy(Et)

        # Candidate Test
        # At this point we have all of our nearest neighbor component edge
        # candidates defined for this "round"
        # Now test all candidate edges in Ep for cycles and satisfaction of
        # custom criteria
        while Ep._queue:
            (um, vm, dm) = Ep.pop()

            # if doesn't create cycle
            # and subgraphs have enough MV
            # and we're not connecting 2 fake nodes
            # then allow the connection
            if subgraphs[um] != subgraphs[vm] and \
               (subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[um]] >= dm or is_fake(um)) and \
               (subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[vm]] >= dm or is_fake(vm)) and \
               not (is_fake(um) and is_fake(vm)):

                # doesn't create cycles from line segment intersection
                invalid_edge, intersections = \
                    line_subgraph_intersection(subgraphs, rtree,
                                               coords[um], coords[vm])

                if not invalid_edge:
                    # edges should not intersect a subgraph more than once
                    assert(filter(lambda n: n > 1,
                                  intersections.values()) == [])

                    # merge the subgraphs
                    subgraphs.union(um, vm, dm)

                    # For all intersected subgraphs update the mv to that
                    # created by the edge intersecting them,
                    # TODO: This should be updated in not such a naive method
                    map(lambda (n, _): subgraphs.union(um, n, 0),
                        filter(lambda (n, i): i == 1 and
                        subgraphs[n] != subgraphs[um],

                    # index the newly added edge
                    box = make_bounding_box(coords[um], coords[vm])

                    # Object is (u.label, v.label), (u.coord, v.coord)
                    rtree.insert(hash((um, vm)), box,
                                 obj=((um, vm), (coords[um], coords[vm])))
                    Et += [(um, vm, {'weight': dm})]

    # create new GeoGraph with results
    result = G.copy()
    result.coords = G.coords
    return result