class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.tcp_client = PyClient(port=8620, name='DExTer', pause=1) self.tcp_client.start() self.setWindowTitle("Fake DExTer") self.setFixedWidth(400) self.setFixedHeight(100) self.text = QLabel() self.text.setWordWrap(True) self.setCentralWidget(self.text) self.tcp_client.textin.connect(self.display_msg) self.display_msg() def display_msg(self, msg=''): msg = msg.split('00000000000')[0] self.text.setText('Last TCP message received: ' + msg)
class awg_window(QMainWindow): """A basic GUI to take in commands from the user. Initiates the AWG and a TCP server and client for communication. Keyword arguments: config_file -- path to the file that saved the previous settings. """ def __init__( self, config_file='.\\state', AWG_channels=[0], default_seq=r'Z:\Tweezer\Code\Python 3.5\PyDex\awg\AWG template sequences\single_static.txt', rearr_base_path=r'Z:\Tweezer\Code\Python 3.5\PyDex\awg\AWG template sequences\rearr_base.txt', server_port=8626, clientIP='', client_port=8623): super().__init__() # self.types = OrderedDict([('FileName',str), ('segment',int)]) self.stats = OrderedDict([('FileName', 0), ('segment', 0)]) self.rearr_base_path = rearr_base_path self.t_load = 0 # time taken to transfer data onto card self.init_UI() self.server = PyServer(host='', port=server_port) # TCP server to message PyDex self.server.start() self.client = PyClient(host=clientIP, port=client_port) # TCP client to message PyDex self.client.textin[str].connect( self.respond) # carry out the command in the msg self.client.start() self.rr = rearrHandler.rearrange( AWG_channels) # opens AWG card via rearr class and initiates self.rr.awg.load(default_seq) # load basic data self.auto_plot = False # whether to automatically display the new sequence self.idle_state() def init_UI(self): """Create all of the widget objects to display on the interface.""" self.centre_widget = QWidget() self.centre_widget.layout = QGridLayout() self.centre_widget.setLayout(self.centre_widget.layout) self.setCentralWidget(self.centre_widget) cmd_info = QLabel( 'Type the command into the line edit then press enter. Available commands:\n' + 'load=file_path --- load segment metadata, steps, and parameters from the json file file_path.\n' + 'save=file_path --- save segment metadata, steps, and parameters to json in directory file_path.\n' + 'set_data=[[...]] --- set segment data: [channel, segment, parameter name, value].\n' + 'set_step=[...] --- set step data: [step, segment, # loops, next step, condition].\n' + 'reset_server --- check the TCP server and client status. If the server has stopped, then restart it.\n' + 'send_trigger --- manually send a TCP message to trigger DExTer.\n' + 'auto_plot=0/1 --- if True, automatically plot the sequence when it\'s loaded.\n' + 'start_awg --- manually start the AWG.\nstop_awg --- manually stop the AWG.\n' + 'reset_awg=[...] --- create a new AWG instance with channels [ch1, ch2, ...] activated. \n\n' + '~~~ Rearrangement Commands ~~~\n' + 'rearr_on= config_path --- activate rearrangment. To refresh rearrangement, do rearr_on again \n' + 'rearr_off --- deactivate rearrangment \n' + 'rload=file_path --- set the default segment data when in rearrangement mode.\n' + 'rearrange=01110##..## --- binary string triggers rearr step calculation' ) self.centre_widget.layout.addWidget(cmd_info, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.status_label = QTextBrowser() #QLabel('Initiating...', self) self.centre_widget.layout.addWidget(self.status_label, 1, 0, 1, 1) # The user types the command into the line edit, then presses enter: self.edit = QLineEdit('', self) self.edit.returnPressed.connect(self.respond) self.centre_widget.layout.addWidget(self.edit, 2, 0, 1, 1) def idle_state(self): """When the master thread is not responding user events.""" self.set_status('Idle.') def reset_tcp(self, force=False): """Check if the TCP threads are running. If not, reset them.""" for tcp in [self.client, self.server]: # if tcp.isRunning(): if force: tcp.close() tcp.clear_queue() time.sleep(0.1) # give time for it to close tcp.start() else: tcp.start() def set_status(self, txt): """Set the first 100 characters of a message returned to the TCP server.""" self.status_label.append( time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") + '>> \t ' + txt[:100]) def respond(self, cmd=None): """Respond the command requested by the user. Command can also be sent by TCP message to the client.""" if cmd == None: cmd = self.edit.text() else: pass # self.set_status('Received string = '+cmd.replace('#','').split('=')[1]) # print what occupancy string is received if 'load' in cmd and 'rload' not in cmd: self.set_status('Loading AWG data...') try: path = cmd.split('=')[1].strip('file:///') if self.rr.rearrToggle == False: self.rr.awg.load( path ) # NB load is defined differently in rearrHandler, depending if rearrToggle is true/false elif self.rr.rearrToggle == True: self.rr.rearr_load(path) if self.auto_plot: plot_playback(self.rr.awg.filedata) self.set_status('File loaded from ' + path) except Exception as e: self.set_status('Failed to load AWG data from ' + cmd.split('=')[1]) logger.error('Failed to load AWG data from ' + cmd.split('=')[1] + '\n' + str(e)) elif 'save' in cmd: try: path = cmd.split('=')[1] if self.rr.rearrToggle == False: self.rr.awg.saveData(path) elif self.rr.rearrToggle == True: self.rr.rearr_saveData(path) self.set_status('File saved to ' + path) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to save AWG data to ' + cmd.split('=')[1] + '\n' + str(e)) elif 'reset_server' in cmd: self.reset_tcp() if self.server.isRunning(): status = 'Server running.' else: status = 'Server stopped.' if self.client.isRunning(): status = 'Client running.' else: status = 'Client stopped.' self.set_status(status) elif 'send_trigger' in cmd: # self.server.add_message(0, 'Trigger sent to DExTer.\n'+'0'*1600) self.set_status('Triggering DExTer not yet supported.') elif 'auto_plot' in cmd: try: self.auto_plot = eval(cmd.split('=')[1]) plot_playback(self.rr.awg.filedata) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to evaluate command:\t%s\n' % cmd + str(e)) elif 'start_awg' in cmd: self.rr.awg.start() if spcm_dwGetParam_i32(AWG.hCard, AWG.registers[3], byref(int32(0))) == 0: self.set_status('AWG started.') else: self.set_status('AWG crashed. Use the reset_awg coommand.') print( spcm_dwGetParam_i32(AWG.hCard, AWG.registers[3], byref(int32(0)))) elif 'stop_awg' in cmd: self.rr.awg.stop() self.set_status('AWG stopped.') elif 'set_data' in cmd: # self.set_status('Received string = '+cmd.replace('#','').split('=')[1]) # print what occupancy string is received #try: t = time.time() if self.rr.rearrToggle == False: self.rr.awg.loadSeg( eval(cmd.split('=')[1]) ) # NB loadSeg defined differently in rearrHandler if rearrToggle = true/false elif self.rr.rearrToggle == True: self.rr.rearr_loadSeg(eval(cmd.split('=')[1])) self.set_status('Set data: ' + cmd.split('=')[1]) self.t_load = time.time() - t # except Exception as e: #logger.error('Failed to set AWG data: '+cmd.split('=')[1]+'\n'+str(e)) self.server.add_message(1, 'go' * 1000) elif 'set_step' in cmd: try: self.rr.awg.setStep(*eval(cmd.split('=')[1])) self.set_status('Set step: ' + cmd.split('=')[1]) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to set AWG step: ' + cmd.split('=')[1] + '\n' + str(e)) elif 'reset_awg' in cmd: self.renewAWG(cmd) # elif 'get_times' in cmd:"Data transfer time: %.4g s" % self.t_load) elif 'rearrange' in cmd: # recevive occupancy string from Pydex if self.rr.rearrToggle == True: try: self.rr.setRearrSeg(cmd.replace('#', '').split('=')[1]) # self.set_status('Received string = '+cmd.replace('#','').split('=')[1]) # print what occupancy string is received except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to calculate steps: ' + cmd.replace('#', '').split('=')[1] + '\n' + str(e)) elif self.rr.rearrToggle == False: pass # If rearr mode is off, ignore rearr TCP strings from AWG elif 'rearr_on' in cmd: # try: self.renewAWG('chans=%s' % list(self.rr.awg.channel_enable)) self.rr.awg.load(self.rearr_base_path) # load basic data self.rr.activate_rearr(toggle=True) if '=' in cmd: # if equals, then load in the specified rearragement config file. self.rr.rr_config = cmd.partition('=')[2].strip('file:///') self.set_status('Calculating moves...') self.rr.calculateAllMoves() self.set_status('Moves uploaded') #self.rr.awg.start(). if spcm_dwGetParam_i32(AWG.hCard, AWG.registers[3], byref(int32(0))) == 0: self.set_status('AWG started.') else: self.set_status('AWG crashed. Use the reset_awg coommand.') print( spcm_dwGetParam_i32(AWG.hCard, AWG.registers[3], byref(int32(0)))) # except Exception as e: # logger.error('Failed to calculate all rearrangement segments: '+cmd.split('=')[1]+'\n'+str(e)) elif 'rearr_off' in cmd: self.rr.activate_rearr(toggle=False) self.set_status('Rearrangement is now off.') if self.rr.OGfile is not None: self.rr.awg.load(self.rr.OGfile) self.set_status('Loaded: ' + self.rr.OGfile) elif cmd.split( '=' )[0] == 'rload': # required in order to overwrite the original file saved in rearrHandler. try: path = cmd.split('=')[1].strip('file:///') self.rr.OGfile = None self.rr.rearr_load(path) except Exception as e: self.set_status('Failed to load AWG data from ' + cmd.split('=')[1]) logger.error('Failed to load AWG data from ' + cmd.split('=')[1] + '\n' + str(e)) else: self.set_status('Command not recognised:\t %s' % cmd) self.edit.setText('') # reset cmd edit # self.set_status(cmd) def renewAWG(self, cmd="chans=[0]"): try: eval(cmd.split('=')[1]) except Exception as e: self.set_status('Invalid renew command: ' + cmd) logger.error('Could not renew AWG.\n' + str(e)) return 0 self.rr.awg.restart() self.rr.awg.newCard() self.rr.awg = None self.rr.awg = AWG(eval(cmd.split('=')[1])) # self.rr.awg.setNumSegments(8) # self.awg.setTrigger(0) # 0 software, 1 ext0 self.rr.awg.setSegDur(0.005) self.set_status('New instance of AWG created.') def closeEvent(self, event): """Safely shut down when the user closes the window.""" self.rr.awg.restart() self.client.close() self.server.close() event.accept()
class daq_window(QMainWindow): """Window to control and visualise DAQ measurements. Set up the desired channels with a given sampling rate. Start an acquisition after a trigger. Display the acquired data on a trace, and accumulated data on a graph. Arguments: n -- run number for synchronisation rate -- max sample rate in samples / second dt -- desired acquisition period in seconds config_file -- path to file storing default settings port -- the port number to open for TCP connections """ def __init__(self, n=0, rate=250, dt=500, config_file='monitor\\daqconfig.dat', port=8622): super().__init__() self.types = OrderedDict([('n', int), ('config_file', str), ('trace_file', str), ('graph_file', str), ('save_dir', str), ('Sample Rate (kS/s)',float), ('Duration (ms)', float), ('Trigger Channel', str), ('Trigger Level (V)', float), ('Trigger Edge', str), ('channels',channel_stats)]) self.stats = OrderedDict([('n', n), ('config_file', config_file), ('trace_file', 'DAQtrace.csv'), ('graph_file', 'DAQgraph.csv'),('save_dir', '.'), ('Sample Rate (kS/s)', rate), ('Duration (ms)', dt), ('Trigger Channel', 'Dev2/ai1'), # /Dev2/PFI0 ('Trigger Level (V)', 1.0), ('Trigger Edge', 'rising'), ('channels', channel_stats("[['Dev2/ai0', '0', '1.0', '0.0', '5', '1', '1']]"))]) self.trigger_toggle = True # whether to trigger acquisition or just take a measurement self.slave = worker(rate*1e3, dt/1e3, self.stats['Trigger Channel'], self.stats['Trigger Level (V)'], self.stats['Trigger Edge'], list(self.stats['channels'].keys()), [ch['range'] for ch in self.stats['channels'].values()]) # this controls the DAQ self.dc = daqCollection(param=[], channels=list(self.stats['channels'].keys())) self.init_UI() self.load_config(config_file) # load default settings self.n_samples = int(self.stats['Duration (ms)'] * self.stats['Sample Rate (kS/s)']) # number of samples per acquisition self.last_path = './' self.x = [] # run numbers for graphing collections of acquired data self.y = [] # average voltages in slice of acquired trace self.slave.acquired.connect(self.update_graph) # take average of slices self.slave.acquired.connect(self.update_trace) # plot new data when it arrives self.tcp = PyClient(port=port) remove_slot(self.tcp.dxnum, self.set_n, True) remove_slot(self.tcp.textin, self.respond, True) self.tcp.start() def init_UI(self): """Produce the widgets and buttons.""" self.centre_widget = QWidget() self.tabs = QTabWidget() # make tabs for each main display self.centre_widget.layout = QVBoxLayout() self.centre_widget.layout.addWidget(self.tabs) self.centre_widget.setLayout(self.centre_widget.layout) self.setCentralWidget(self.centre_widget) # change font size font = QFont() font.setPixelSize(18) #### menubar at top gives options #### menubar = self.menuBar() # file menubar allows you to save/load data file_menu = menubar.addMenu('File') for label, function in [['Load Config', self.load_config], ['Save Config', self.save_config], ['Load Trace', self.load_trace], ['Save Trace', self.save_trace], ['Save Graph', self.save_graph]]: action = QAction(label, self) action.triggered.connect(function) file_menu.addAction(action) #### tab for settings #### settings_tab = QWidget() settings_grid = QGridLayout() settings_tab.setLayout(settings_grid) self.tabs.addTab(settings_tab, "Settings") self.settings = QTableWidget(1, 6) self.settings.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Duration (ms)', 'Sample Rate (kS/s)', 'Trigger Channel', 'Trigger Level (V)', 'Trigger Edge', 'Use Trigger?']) settings_grid.addWidget(self.settings, 0,0, 1,1) defaults = [str(self.stats['Duration (ms)']), str(self.stats['Sample Rate (kS/s)']), self.stats['Trigger Channel'], str(self.stats['Trigger Level (V)']), self.stats['Trigger Edge'], '1'] validators = [double_validator, double_validator, None, double_validator, None, bool_validator] for i in range(6): table_item = QLineEdit(defaults[i]) # user can edit text to change the setting if defaults[i] == 'Sample Rate (kS/s)': table_item.setEnabled(False) table_item.setValidator(validators[i]) # validator limits the values that can be entered self.settings.setCellWidget(0,i, table_item) self.settings.resizeColumnToContents(1) self.settings.setFixedHeight(70) # make it take up less space self.settings.cellWidget(0,0).textChanged.connect(self.check_slice_duration) # start/stop: start waiting for a trigger or taking an acquisition self.toggle = QPushButton('Start', self) self.toggle.setCheckable(True) self.toggle.clicked.connect(self.activate) settings_grid.addWidget(self.toggle, 1,0, 1,1) # channels self.channels = QTableWidget(8, 7) # make table self.channels.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Channel', 'Label', 'Scale (X/V)', 'Offset (V)', 'Range', 'Acquire?', 'Plot?']) settings_grid.addWidget(self.channels, 2,0, 1,1) validators = [None, double_validator, double_validator, None, bool_validator, bool_validator] for i in range(8): chan = 'Dev2/ai'+str(i) # name of virtual channel table_item = QLabel(chan) self.channels.setCellWidget(i,0, table_item) if chan in self.stats['channels']: # load values from previous defaults = self.stats['channels'][chan] else: # default values when none are loaded defaults = channel_stats("[dummy, "+str(i)+", 1.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0, 0]")['dummy'] for j, key in zip([0,1,2,4,5], ['label', 'scale', 'offset', 'acquire', 'plot']): table_item = QLineEdit(str(defaults[key])) if 'acquire' in key: table_item.textChanged.connect(self.check_slice_channels) elif 'plot' in key: table_item.textChanged.connect(self.set_acquire) table_item.setValidator(validators[j]) self.channels.setCellWidget(i,j+1, table_item) vrange = QComboBox() # only allow certain values for voltage range vrange.text = vrange.currentText # overload function so it's same as QLabel vrange.addItems(['%.1f'%x for x in self.slave.vrs]) try: vrange.setCurrentIndex(self.slave.vrs.index(defaults['range'])) except Exception as e: logger.error('Invalid channel voltage range\n'+str(e)) self.channels.setCellWidget(i,4, vrange) #### Plot for most recently acquired trace #### trace_tab = QWidget() trace_grid = QGridLayout() trace_tab.setLayout(trace_grid) self.tabs.addTab(trace_tab, "Trace") # button activates horizontal line self.hline_toggle = QPushButton('Horizontal line', self, checkable=True) self.hline_toggle.clicked.connect(self.add_horizontal) trace_grid.addWidget(self.hline_toggle, 0,0, 1,1) self.hline_label = QLabel() trace_grid.addWidget(self.hline_label, 0,1, 1,1) fadeline_button = QPushButton('Persist', self) fadeline_button.clicked.connect(self.set_fadelines) trace_grid.addWidget(fadeline_button, 0,2, 1,1) # plot the trace self.trace_canvas = pg.PlotWidget() self.trace_legend = self.trace_canvas.addLegend() self.trace_canvas.getAxis('bottom').tickFont = font self.trace_canvas.getAxis('left').tickFont = font self.trace_canvas.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **{'font-size':'18pt'}) self.trace_canvas.setLabel('left', 'Voltage', 'V', **{'font-size':'18pt'}) self.lines = [] # handles for lines plotting the last measurement self.fadelines = [] # handles for previous measurement lines for i in range(8): chan = self.channels.cellWidget(i,1).text() self.lines.append(self.trace_canvas.plot([1], name=chan, pen=pg.mkPen(pg.intColor(i), width=3))) self.lines[i].hide() self.fadelines.append(self.trace_canvas.plot([1], pen=pg.mkPen(pg.intColor(i, alpha=50), width=2))) self.fadelines[i].hide() self.hline = pg.InfiniteLine(1., angle=0, pen='k', movable=True) self.trace_canvas.addItem(self.hline) self.hline.sigPositionChanged.connect(self.update_hline) self.hline.hide() trace_grid.addWidget(self.trace_canvas, 1,0, 1,3) #### Settings for slices of the trace accumulating into the graph #### slice_tab = QWidget() slice_grid = QGridLayout() slice_tab.setLayout(slice_grid) self.tabs.addTab(slice_tab, "Slice") # Buttons to add/remove slices and reset graph for i, (label, func) in enumerate([['Add slice', self.add_slice], ['Remove slice', self.del_slice], ['Reset graph', self.reset_graph]]): button = QPushButton(label, self) button.clicked.connect(func) slice_grid.addWidget(button, 0,i, 1,1) # parameters for slices self.slices = QTableWidget(0, 4) # make table self.slices.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Slice name', 'Start (ms)', 'End (ms)', 'Channels']) slice_grid.addWidget(self.slices, 1,0, 1,3) #### Plot for graph of accumulated data #### graph_tab = QWidget() graph_grid = QGridLayout() graph_tab.setLayout(graph_grid) self.tabs.addTab(graph_tab, "Graph") self.mean_graph = pg.PlotWidget() # for plotting means self.stdv_graph = pg.PlotWidget() # for plotting standard deviations self.graph_legends = [] for i, g in enumerate([self.mean_graph, self.stdv_graph]): g.getAxis('bottom').tickFont = font g.getAxis('bottom').setFont(font) g.getAxis('left').tickFont = font g.getAxis('left').setFont(font) graph_grid.addWidget(g, i,0, 1,1) self.reset_lines() # make a line for every slice channel self.stdv_graph.setLabel('bottom', 'Shot', '', **{'font-size':'18pt'}) self.stdv_graph.setLabel('left', 'Standard Deviation', 'V', **{'font-size':'18pt'}) self.mean_graph.setLabel('left', 'Mean', 'V', **{'font-size':'18pt'}) #### tab for TCP message settings #### tcp_tab = QWidget() tcp_grid = QGridLayout() tcp_tab.setLayout(tcp_grid) self.tabs.addTab(tcp_tab, "Sync") label = QLabel('Run number: ') tcp_grid.addWidget(label, 0,0, 1,1) self.n_edit = QLineEdit(str(self.stats['n'])) self.n_edit.setValidator(int_validator) self.n_edit.textEdited[str].connect(self.set_n) tcp_grid.addWidget(self.n_edit, 0,1, 1,1) label = QLabel('Save directory: ') tcp_grid.addWidget(label, 1,0, 1,1) self.save_edit = QLineEdit(self.stats['save_dir']) self.save_edit.textEdited[str].connect(self.set_save_dir) tcp_grid.addWidget(self.save_edit, 1,1, 1,1) label = QLabel('Trace file name: ') tcp_grid.addWidget(label, 2,0, 1,1) self.trace_edit = QLineEdit(self.stats['trace_file']) self.trace_edit.textEdited[str].connect(self.set_trace_file) tcp_grid.addWidget(self.trace_edit, 2,1, 1,1) label = QLabel('Graph file name: ') tcp_grid.addWidget(label, 3,0, 1,1) self.graph_edit = QLineEdit(self.stats['graph_file']) self.graph_edit.textEdited[str].connect(self.set_graph_file) tcp_grid.addWidget(self.graph_edit, 3,1, 1,1) reset = QPushButton('Reset TCP client', self) reset.clicked.connect(self.reset_client) tcp_grid.addWidget(reset, 4,0, 1,1) #### Title and icon #### self.setWindowTitle('- NI DAQ Controller -') self.setWindowIcon(QIcon('docs/daqicon.png')) self.setGeometry(200, 200, 800, 600) #### user input functions #### def set_acquire(self): """If the user chooses to plot, set the same channel to acquire.""" for i in range(self.channels.rowCount()): if BOOL(self.channels.cellWidget(i,6).text()): # plot self.channels.cellWidget(i,5).setText('1') # only plot if acquiring def check_settings(self): """Coerce the settings into allowed values.""" statstr = "[[" # dictionary of channel names and properties for i in range(self.channels.rowCount()): self.trace_legend.items[i][1].setText(self.channels.cellWidget(i,1).text()) # label if BOOL(self.channels.cellWidget(i,5).text()): # acquire statstr += ', '.join([self.channels.cellWidget(i,j).text() for j in range(self.channels.columnCount())]) + '],[' self.stats['channels'] = channel_stats(statstr[:-2] + ']') self.dc.channels = self.stats['channels'].keys() # acquisition settings self.stats['Duration (ms)'] = float(self.settings.cellWidget(0,0).text()) # check that the requested rate is valid rate = float(self.settings.cellWidget(0,1).text()) if len(self.stats['channels']) > 1 and rate > 245 / len(self.stats['channels']): rate = 245 / len(self.stats['channels']) elif len(self.stats['channels']) < 2 and rate > 250: rate = 250 self.stats['Sample Rate (kS/s)'] = rate self.settings.cellWidget(0,1).setText('%.2f'%(rate)) self.n_samples = int(self.stats['Duration (ms)'] * self.stats['Sample Rate (kS/s)']) # check the trigger channel is valid trig_chan = self.settings.cellWidget(0,2).text() if 'Dev2/PFI' in trig_chan or 'Dev2/ai' in trig_chan: self.stats['Trigger Channel'] = trig_chan else: self.stats['Trigger Channel'] = 'Dev2/ai0' self.settings.cellWidget(0,2).setText(str(self.stats['Trigger Channel'])) self.stats['Trigger Level (V)'] = float(self.settings.cellWidget(0,3).text()) self.stats['Trigger Edge'] = self.settings.cellWidget(0,4).text() self.trigger_toggle = BOOL(self.settings.cellWidget(0,5).text()) def set_table(self): """Display the acquisition and channel settings in the table.""" x = self.stats.copy() # prevent it getting overwritten for i in range(5): self.settings.cellWidget(0,i).setText(str(x[ self.settings.horizontalHeaderItem(i).text()])) for i in range(8): ch = self.channels.cellWidget(i,0).text() if ch in x['channels']: for j, key in zip([0,1,2,4,5], ['label', 'scale', 'offset', 'acquire', 'plot']): self.channels.cellWidget(i,j+1).setText(str(x['channels'][ch][key])) self.channels.cellWidget(i,4).setCurrentText('%.1f'%x['channels'][ch]['range']) else: self.channels.cellWidget(i,5).setText('0') # don't acquire self.channels.cellWidget(i,6).setText('0') # don't plot #### slice settings functions #### def add_slice(self, param=[]): """Add a row to the slice table and append it to the daqCollection instance for analysis. param -- [name, start (ms), end (ms), channels]""" try: name, start, end, channels = param except TypeError: name = 'Slice' + str(self.slices.rowCount()) start = 0 end = self.stats['Duration (ms)'] channels = list(self.stats['channels'].keys()) i = self.slices.rowCount() # index to add row at self.slices.insertRow(i) # add row to table validator = QDoubleValidator(0.,float(self.stats['Duration (ms)']),3) for j, text in enumerate([name, str(start), str(end)]): item = QLineEdit(text) item.pos = (i, j) if j > 0: item.setValidator(validator) item.textChanged.connect(self.update_slices) self.slices.setCellWidget(i, j, item) chanbox = QListWidget(self) chanbox.setSelectionMode(3) # extended selection, allows multiple selection chanbox.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.update_slices) chanbox.pos = (i, 3) chanbox.text = chanbox.objectName chanlist = list(self.stats['channels'].keys()) chanbox.addItems(chanlist) self.slices.setCellWidget(i, j+1, chanbox) self.slices.resizeRowToContents(i) # add to the dc list of slices t = np.linspace(0, self.stats['Duration (ms)']/1000, self.n_samples) self.dc.add_slice(name, np.argmin(np.abs(t-start)), np.argmin(np.abs(t-end)), OrderedDict([(chan, chanlist.index(chan)) for chan in channels])) self.reset_lines() def del_slice(self, toggle=True): """Remove the slice at the selected row of the slice table.""" index = self.slices.currentRow() self.slices.removeRow(index) if index >= 0: self.dc.slices.pop(index) def check_slice_duration(self, newtxt): """If the acquisition duration is changed, make sure the slices can't use times beyond this.""" self.check_settings() # update DAQ acquisition settings first for i in range(self.slices.rowCount()): for j in [1,2]: # force slice to be within max duration validator = QDoubleValidator(0.,float(self.stats['Duration (ms)']),3) self.slices.cellWidget(i, j).setValidator(validator) def check_slice_channels(self, newtxt): """If the channels that can be used for the acquisition are changed, change the list widgets in the slice settings to match.""" self.check_settings() # update DAQ acquisition settings first for i in range(self.slices.rowCount()): w = self.slices.cellWidget(i, 3) # widget shorthand selected = [w.row(x) for x in w.selectedItems()] # make record of selected channels w.clear() w.addItems(list(self.stats['channels'].keys())) for r in selected: try: w.setCurrentRow(r, QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) except Exception as e: pass def update_slices(self, newtxt=''): """Use the current item from the table to update the parameter for the slices.""" try: w = self.sender() i, j = w.pos t = np.linspace(0, self.stats['Duration (ms)'], self.n_samples) x = self.dc.slices[i] # shorthand if j == 0: # name = w.text() elif j == 1: # start (ms) x.i0 = np.argmin(np.abs(t-float(w.text()))) elif j == 2: # end (ms) x.i1 = np.argmin(np.abs(t-float(w.text()))) elif j == 3: x.channels = OrderedDict([(x.text(), w.row(x)) for x in w.selectedItems()]) x.stats = OrderedDict([(chan, OrderedDict([ ('mean',[]), ('stdv',[])])) for chan in x.channels.keys()]) self.reset_lines() self.reset_graph() x.inds = slice(x.i0, x.i1+1) x.size = x.i1 - x.i0 except IndexError as e: pass # logger.error("Couldn't update slice.\n"+str(e)) #### TCP functions #### def set_n(self, num): """Receive the new run number to update to""" self.stats['n'] = int(num) self.n_edit.setText(str(num)) def set_save_dir(self, directory): """Set the directory to save results to""" self.stats['save_dir'] = directory self.save_edit.setText(directory) def set_trace_file(self, fname): """Set the default name for trace files when they're saved.""" self.stats['trace_file'] = fname self.trace_edit.setText(fname) def set_graph_file(self, fname): """Set the default name for graph files when they're saved.""" self.stats['graph_file'] = fname self.graph_edit.setText(fname) def reset_client(self, toggle=True): """Stop the TCP client thread then restart it.""" self.tcp.stop = True for i in range(100): # wait til it's stopped if not self.tcp.isRunning(): break else: time.sleep(0.001) self.tcp.start() # restart def respond(self, msg=''): """Interpret a TCP message. For setting properties, the syntax is: value=property. E.g. 'Z:\Tweezer=save_dir'.""" if 'save_dir' in msg: self.set_save_dir(msg.split('=')[0]) elif 'trace_file' in msg: self.set_trace_file(msg.split('=')[0]) elif 'graph_file' in msg: self.set_graph_file(msg.split('=')[0]) elif 'start' in msg and not self.toggle.isChecked(): self.toggle.setChecked(True) self.activate() elif 'stop' in msg and self.toggle.isChecked(): self.toggle.setChecked(False) self.activate() elif 'save trace' in msg: self.save_trace(os.path.join(self.stats['save_dir'], self.stats['trace_file'])) elif 'save graph' in msg: self.save_graph(os.path.join(self.stats['save_dir'], self.stats['graph_file'])) elif 'set fadelines' in msg: self.set_fadelines() #### acquisition functions #### def activate(self, toggle=0): """Prime the DAQ task for acquisition if it isn't already running. Otherwise, stop the task running.""" if self.toggle.isChecked(): self.check_settings() self.slave = worker(self.stats['Sample Rate (kS/s)']*1e3, self.stats['Duration (ms)']/1e3, self.stats['Trigger Channel'], self.stats['Trigger Level (V)'], self.stats['Trigger Edge'], list(self.stats['channels'].keys()), [ch['range'] for ch in self.stats['channels'].values()]) remove_slot(self.slave.acquired, self.update_trace, True) remove_slot(self.slave.acquired, self.update_graph, True) if self.trigger_toggle: # remove_slot(self.slave.finished, self.activate, True) self.slave.start() self.toggle.setText('Stop') else: self.toggle.setChecked(False) self.slave.analogue_acquisition() else: # remove_slot(self.slave.finished, self.activate, False) self.slave.stop = True self.slave.quit() self.toggle.setText('Start') #### plotting functions #### def update_trace(self, data): """Plot the supplied data with labels on the trace canvas.""" t = np.linspace(0, self.stats['Duration (ms)']/1000, self.n_samples) i = 0 # index to keep track of which channels have been plotted for j in range(8): ch = self.channels.cellWidget(j,0).text() l = self.lines[j] # shorthand if ch in self.stats['channels'] and self.stats['channels'][ch]['plot']: try: l.setData(t, data[i]) except Exception as e: logger.error('DAQ trace could not be plotted.\n'+str(e)) self.fadelines[j].show() self.trace_legend.items[j][0].show() self.trace_legend.items[j][1].show() i += 1 else: l.hide() self.fadelines[j].hide() self.trace_legend.items[j][0].hide() self.trace_legend.items[j][1].hide() self.trace_legend.resize(0,0) def set_fadelines(self): """Take the data from the current lines and sets it to the fadelines.""" for j in range(8): ch = self.channels.cellWidget(j,0).text() l = self.lines[j] # shorthand if ch in self.stats['channels'] and self.stats['channels'][ch]['plot']: try: self.fadelines[j].setData(l.xData, l.yData) except Exception as e: logger.error('DAQ trace could not be plotted.\n'+str(e)) self.fadelines[j].show() else: self.fadelines[j].hide() def reset_lines(self): """Clear the mean and stdv graphs, reset the legends, then make new lines for each of the slice channels.""" for legend in self.graph_legends: # reset the legends try: legend.scene().removeItem(legend) except AttributeError: pass for g in [self.mean_graph, self.stdv_graph]: g.clear() g.lines = OrderedDict([]) self.graph_legends.append(g.addLegend()) i = 0 for s in self.dc.slices: for chan, val in s.stats.items(): g.lines['/'+chan] = g.plot([1],'/'+chan, pen=None, symbol='o', symbolPen=pg.mkPen(pg.intColor(i)), symbolBrush=pg.intColor(i)) i += 1 def reset_graph(self): """Reset the collection of slice data, then replot the graph.""" self.dc.reset_arrays() self.update_graph() def update_graph(self, data=[]): """Extract averages from slices of the data. Replot the stored data accumulated from averages in slices of the measurements.""" if np.size(data): self.dc.process(data, self.stats['n']) for s in self.dc.slices: for chan, val in s.stats.items(): self.mean_graph.lines['/'+chan].setData(self.dc.runs, val['mean']) self.stdv_graph.lines['/'+chan].setData(self.dc.runs, val['stdv']) def add_horizontal(self, toggle=True): """Display a horizontal line on the trace""" if toggle: else: self.hline.hide() self.hline_label.setText('') def update_hline(self): """Display the value of the horizontal line in the label""" self.hline_label.setText(str(self.hline.value())) #### save/load functions #### def try_browse(self, title='Select a File', file_type='all (*)', open_func=QFileDialog.getOpenFileName, default_path=''): """Open a file dialog and retrieve a file name from the browser. title: String to display at the top of the file browser window default_path: directory to open first file_type: types of files that can be selected open_func: the function to use to open the file browser""" default_path = default_path if default_path else os.path.dirname(self.last_path) try: if 'PyQt4' in sys.modules: file_name = open_func(self, title, default_path, file_type) elif 'PyQt5' in sys.modules: file_name, _ = open_func(self, title, default_path, file_type) if type(file_name) == str: self.last_path = file_name return file_name except OSError: return '' # probably user cancelled def save_config(self, file_name='daqconfig.dat'): """Save the current acquisition settings to the config file.""" self.stats['config_file'] = file_name if file_name else self.try_browse( 'Save Config File', 'dat (*.dat);;all (*)', QFileDialog.getSaveFileName) try: with open(self.stats['config_file'], 'w+') as f: for key, val in self.stats.items(): if key == 'channels': f.write(key+'='+channel_str(val)+'\n') else: f.write(key+'='+str(val)+'\n')'DAQ config saved to '+self.stats['config_file']) except Exception as e: logger.error('DAQ settings could not be saved to config file.\n'+str(e)) def load_config(self, file_name='daqconfig.dat'): """Load the acquisition settings from the config file.""" self.stats['config_file'] = file_name if file_name else self.try_browse(file_type='dat (*.dat);;all (*)') try: with open(self.stats['config_file'], 'r') as f: for line in f: if len(line.split('=')) == 2: key, val = line.replace('\n','').split('=') # there should only be one = per line try: self.stats[key] = self.types[key](val) except KeyError as e: logger.warning('Failed to load DAQ default config line: '+line+'\n'+str(e)) self.set_table() # make sure the updates are displayed self.set_n(self.stats['n']) self.set_save_dir(self.stats['save_dir']) self.set_trace_file(self.stats['trace_file']) self.set_graph_file(self.stats['graph_file']) self.dc.channels = list(self.stats['channels'].keys())'DAQ config loaded from '+self.stats['config_file']) except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.warning('DAQ settings could not find the config file.\n'+str(e)) def save_trace(self, file_name=''): """Save the data currently displayed on the trace to a csv file.""" file_name = file_name if file_name else self.try_browse( 'Save File', 'csv (*.csv);;all (*)', QFileDialog.getSaveFileName) if file_name: # metadata header = ', '.join(list(self.stats.keys())) + '\n' header += ', '.join(list(map(str, self.stats.values()))[:-1] ) + ', ' + channel_str(self.stats['channels']) + '\n' # determine which channels are in the plot header += 'Time (s)' data = [] for key, d in self.stats['channels'].items(): if d['plot']: header += ', ' + key # column headings if len(data) == 0: # time (s) data.append(self.lines[int(key[-1])].xData) data.append(self.lines[int(key[-1])].yData) # voltage # data converted to the correct type out_arr = np.array(data).T try: np.savetxt(file_name, out_arr, fmt='%s', delimiter=',', header=header)'DAQ trace saved to '+file_name) except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError) as e: logger.error('DAQ controller denied permission to save file: \n'+str(e)) def load_trace(self, file_name=''): """Load data for the current trace from a csv file.""" file_name = file_name if file_name else self.try_browse(file_type='csv(*.csv);;all (*)') if file_name: head = [[],[],[]] # get metadata with open(file_name, 'r') as f: for i in range(3): row = f.readline() if row[:2] == '# ': head[i] = row[2:].replace('\n','').split(', ') # apply the acquisition settings from the file labels = [self.settings.horizontalHeaderItem(i).text() for i in range(self.settings.columnCount())] for i in range(len(head[0])): try: j = labels.index(head[0][i]) self.settings.cellWidget(0,j).setText(head[1][i]) except ValueError: pass self.stats['channels'] = channel_stats(', '.join(head[1][7:])) for i in range(8): # whether to plot or not ch = self.channels.cellWidget(i,0).text() if ch in head[2]: self.channels.cellWidget(i,6).setText('1') self.channels.cellWidget(i,1).setText(self.stats['channels'][ch]['label']) else: self.channels.cellWidget(i,6).setText('0') self.check_settings() # plot the data data = np.genfromtxt(file_name, delimiter=',', dtype=float) if np.size(data) < 2: return 0 # insufficient data to load self.update_trace(data.T[1:]) def save_graph(self, file_name=''): """Save the data accumulated from several runs that's displayed in the graph into a csv file.""" file_name = file_name if file_name else self.try_browse( 'Save File', 'csv (*.csv);;all (*)', QFileDialog.getSaveFileName) if file_name:, list(self.stats.keys()), list(map(str, self.stats.values()))[:-1] + [channel_str(self.stats['channels'])])'DAQ graph saved to '+file_name) def closeEvent(self, event): """Before closing, try to save the config settings to file.""" statstr = "[[" # dictionary of channel names and properties for i in range(self.channels.rowCount()): statstr += ', '.join([self.channels.cellWidget(i,j).text() for j in range(self.channels.columnCount())]) + '],[' self.stats['channels'] = channel_stats(statstr[:-2] + ']') # add all channels to stats self.save_config(self.stats['config_file']) event.accept()